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Automated En Route Air Traffic Control (AERA)

Key Documents

The AERA Concept
Applying Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Air Traffic Control Automation
Scenarios For Evolution Of Air Traffic Control
Technology And The Future Evolution Of The ATC System (OTA)
OTA Library

NAS Plan Description

PDF Extract 1989

Purpose: This project will provide interactive software for use by the area control facility to plan and monitor the 4-dimensional flow of air traffic. Specifically, AERA will: (1) permit most aircraft on IFR flight plans to fly fuel-efficient profiles, (2) increase safety of the system by reducing the potential for operational errors, (3) increase system capacity by integrating en route metering with local and national flow control, and (4) increase controller productivity by increasing the number of aircraft and volume of airspace that a control team can safely manage.

Approach: AERA will be developed in three implementation packages -- AERA 1, AERA 2, and AERA 3.

AERA 1, designed primarily to provide user benefits, will be delivered with the area control computer complex (ACCC) software and will be used operationally approximately six months after ACCC implementation. AERA 1 is based on developing a 4- D flight path trajectory estimation model to support such features as:

* Flight plan conflict probe which will predict potential violations of separation standards between aircraft and between aircraft and special use (e.g., restricted) airspace.

* Sector workload analysis which will calculate and display personnel workload measures to supervisors and specialists to assist them in balancing sector staffing levels,

* Trial flight plan function which will allow controllers to evaluate alternative clearances prior to issuing them to aircraft.

* Reconformance aid which will assist controllers in reestablishing aircraft conformance with their flight plan positions.

* Reminder function which will assist controllers reminding them of planned actions.

AERA 2 will be the first enhancement to the ACCC and is aimed primarily at increasing controller productivity. It will extend the AERA 1 functions from detecting potential conflicts to providing the controller with resolutions. It will also extend the planned action advisory function to include all planned actions, such as planned conflict resolutions, metering actions, etc., and introduce the concept of computer-generated data link clearances.

AERA 3 represents the final AERA development step and is intended to extend the AERA capability from automatic clearance generation to automatic clearance delivery via data link.

Each AERA development package will undergo a series of rigorous engineering and validation steps consisting of algorithmic development, operational suitability evaluations, computer performance functional specification development, and field Implementation.

Products: Functional specifications for the AERA 1 functions were completed in FY 84. AERA I research and development was completed in early FY 85 and operational development will be accomplished as part of the advanced automation system. AERA 2 functional specifications were completed in FY 86. The next step in AERA 2 will be to develop performance and detailed algorithmic specifications. Then software will be prepared for ATC laboratory simulations to evaluate operational suitability. AERA 2 operational software will be finalized after operational suitability has been demonstrated. The AERA 3 concept was refined in FY 89 and the development of AERA 3 algorithms has been initiated. The contract to develop prototype versions of AERA 3 is scheduled to be awarded in FY 94. The prototype software will be evaluated at FAATC and this will lead to the development of production level specifications in FY 97.

Related Projects/Activities:

* Advanced Automation System (AAS) - The AAS will include AERA 1 functions and facilitate later implementation of AERA 2 and AERA 3 functions.

* Traffic Management System - AERA will provide key En route traffic conditions and prediction data to the traffic management system. The upgraded traffic management system will be integrated with AERA to keep both short and long-term traffic planning coordinated.

* Data Link - Interfaced through AAS, will provide automated controller/ pilot data and advisory interchange.

* Weather projects - Products provided by the Central Weather Processor (CWP) will be utilized by AERA. More accurate wind data than is currently available, provided by the weather projects, will improve AERA performance.
