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FAA History Analysis

This template performs detailed analysis of the FAA history using search criteria defined, saved, and exchanged by you. Think of it as a search engine on steroids that analyzes any document so it can be clearly written, read, and understood. The FAA history document came from the FAA external website and was converted to a single text document. It is located in the directory structure of this tool at C:\z-cassbeth\gda\documents. Enjoy...

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This tool is a broad document mining tool.
It can be used on any document

1. select browse, go to z-cassbeth/gda/documents
2. pick any.txt document
3. select a service and a rule, press submit
4. go thru each service and rule one at a time
5. select browse, pick another document
6. compare the results
7. update and create new rules and templates

. . . These template instructions are user defined.

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Services and Rules

Template Comments FAA History Analysis

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Topics of Interest Show Search Show Simple Rules Show Complex Rules
. . .
Automation Computer Install SAGE STARS
Software NAFEC Research AAS Beacon RADAR
Hijack Restricted Areas ADIZ Air Defense Terrorist
NAS Stage A Curtis Report Design Competition Startup Shutdown

Overall Reaction
FAA Systems Services Show Search Show Simple Rules Show Complex Rules
. . .
Terminal TRACON En Route Tower RADIO
Navigation RADAR ADS Satellite Multilateration
Oceanic Voice Communications Flow Control Early Automation
Advanced Automation Flight Service Weather Simulation Training Manual System


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Processing previously uploaded file in all-history.txt

1. GDA-513 Dec 20, 1950: Executive Order No. 10197, prepared and issued this date at the request of the Department of Defense, directed the Secretary of Commerce to exercise security control over aircraft in flight. Subsequent regulations promulgated by the CAA Administrator under delegation from the Secretary of Commerce made mandatory the filing of flight plans for aircraft entering or flying within designated air defense identification zones (ADIZs) over and adjoining the continental United States. A system for voluntary filing of plans for flights within ADIZs had been in effect previously. (See Sep 9, 1950, and Jun 1952.) .

2. GDA-546 Jun 1952: The U.S. Air Force and the Civil Aeronautics Administration worked out an agreement under which 11 CAA air route traffic control centers would furnish appropriate air defense units with flight movement data on aircraft penetrating or operating within air defense identification zones (ADIZs). This agreement followed tests conducted by experimental aircraft movement identification sections (AMIS) established at the Boston and Seattle ARTCC centers. (See Dec 20, 1950, and Dec 1, 1955.) .

3. GDA-599 Dec 1, 1955: Major changes in the structure of the U.S. air defense identification zones (ADIZs) became effective, superseding substantial changes already established on Jan 15, 1953. Increased military capability made it possible to revise the structure in such a way as to exempt a substantial volume of flying from ADIZ requirements. Rules governing the security of air traffic were eased further on Jan 1, 1957. (See Jun 1952 and Apr 1, 1959.) .

4. GDA-688 Apr 1, 1959: Three air defense identification zones (ADIZs) were eliminated and flight requirements within the remaining zones were relaxed effective this date. Elimination of the Western, Eastern, and Presque Isle Identification Zones became possible by the complete encirclement of the United States following establishment of an ADIZ in the Gulf of Mexico on Feb l. (See Dec 1, 1955.) .

5. GDA-1804 Apr 22, 1982: Tighter rules for aircraft entering the south Florida area through off-shore Air Defense Identification Zones (ADIZs) became effective. Previously, aircraft flying at less than 180 knots had not been required to file flight plans and make regular position reports in any ADIZ off the coast of the continental U.S. Now all aircraft entering an ADIZ south of the 30th parallel and east of the 86th meridian had to comply with these requirements, regardless of their airspeed. In addition, FAA now required pilots flying into any ADIZ to report if their aircraft carried a transponder--and if so, what kind. The agency mandated changes in response to increased flights by drug smugglers. (See Sep 1, 1987.) .

6. GDA-2008 Sep 1, 1987: AN FAA rule issued this date required: that 12-inch high nationality and registration marks be displayed on all aircraft that penetrate and Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) or Defense Early Warning Identification Zone (DEWIZ); that an identification data plate be displayed on the exterior of each U.S.-registered civil aircraft; and that operators of aircraft modified to carry fuel tanks within the passenger or baggage compartment keep a copy of the form authorizing that modification on board. A related rule, issued Oct 5, 1988, required transponder-equipped aircraft to have their transponders turned on during flights into or out of the United States penetrating an ADIZ. The rule also established flight plan and position report requirements for operations penetrating the ADIZ around the contiguous 48 states. Both rules were a response to concerns raised by the U.S. Customs Service in 1985, and FAA stated that they were actions to combat hazards resulting from airborne drug smuggling. (See Apr 22, 1982, and Mar 6, 1990.) .

7. GDA-2116 Mar 5, 1990: FAA’s Administrator Busey announced a new policy on fostering compliance with FAA regulations by private pilots. He described a series of changes emphasizing communication and education rather than sanctions. Also in March, and as part of that program, Busey revoked the enforcement bulletin implementing a 60-day suspension of the certificate of any pilot who violated a Terminal Control Area (see Oct 10, 1986). Instead, inspectors were allowed to recommend lesser penalities and remedial training for the infraction. Mar 6, 1990: FAA issued a rule requiring private aircraft flying into or out of the country through an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) to be equipped with altitude-reporting (Mode C) transponders by Dec 30. (See Sep 1, 1987.) .

Processed Entire File

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Filter Noise Words

No results to report.

Accessed Patterns Found Hide

Number Sort
202 training 163 radar 156 tower 132 research 130 weather 125 terminal
122 navigation 106 radio 101 computer 86 installation 73 installed 72 Terminal
69 Research 67 en route 57 satellite 47 voice 46 Radar 44 TRACON
39 software 38 Weather 37 Automation 33 Training 27 ads 27 ADS
26 En Route 25 Ocean 25 Navigation 24 ADS-B 21 flight service stations 21 hijacking
21 automation 19 ocean 19 navigation aids 17 Curtis 17 air defense 17 Air Defense
16 STARS 16 oceanic 15 data link 15 FSS 15 Radio 14 navigational
13 WAAS 13 Oceanic 13 Stage A 13 Voice 12 Computer 11 Installation
10 installations 9 Tower 9 hijacked 8 installing 8 SAGE 8 NAFEC
7 navigational aids 7 FAA Technical Center 7 ADIZ 7 navaid 7 sequestration 6 hijackers
6 Flight Service Stations 6 hijackings 6 ATCRBS 5 design competition 5 conflict alert 5 simulation
5 terrorists 4 Flow Control 4 navigator 4 MSAW 4 ADs 4 AAS
4 privatization 3 Minimum Safe Altitude Warning 3 navigate 3 multilateration 3 restricted airspace 3 DABS
3 hijacker 3 Satellite 3 VSCS 2 Multilateration 2 Installing 2 Curtis report
2 NADIN 2 World Trade Center 2 minimum safe altitude warning 2 navigable 2 ADSB 2 Hijacking
2 restricted areas 2 datalink 2 Datalink 2 flow control 1 oceans 1 Aug 22, 1938:
1 shrimp boats 1 Ocean21 1 Jul 7, 1964: 1 privatize 1 May 21, 1958: 1 Flight service stations
1 navigational aide 1 Oct 1, 1958: 1 Navigating 1 manual radar 1 Aug 23, 1958: 1 BRITE
1 navigators 1 AERA 1 May 20, 1926: 1 Data Link 1 metering 1 manually operated
1 enroute 1 NAVAID 1 TBFM 1 Apr 1, 1964: 1 Navigator 1 TFDM
1 conflict probe 1 installer 1 February 3, 2016: 1 May 20, 1964:

Alpha Sort
7 ADIZ 26 En Route 11 Installation 2 Installing 2 NADIN 3 VSCS
67 en route 1 enroute 86 installation 10 installations 73 installed 1 installer
8 installing 4 AAS 1 Apr 1, 1964: 1 Aug 22, 1938: 1 Aug 23, 1958: 15 FSS
1 February 3, 2016: 6 Flight Service Stations 1 Flight service stations 1 Jul 7, 1964: 1 May 20, 1926: 1 May 20, 1964:
1 May 21, 1958: 1 Oct 1, 1958: 13 Stage A 21 flight service stations 3 Satellite 13 WAAS
57 satellite 2 Curtis report 17 Curtis 7 FAA Technical Center 4 MSAW 3 Minimum Safe Altitude Warning
8 NAFEC 46 Radar 5 conflict alert 2 minimum safe altitude warning 163 radar 12 Computer
44 TRACON 13 Voice 101 computer 1 manual radar 1 manually operated 3 restricted airspace
2 restricted areas 1 shrimp boats 47 voice 39 software 4 Flow Control 1 NAVAID
1 Navigating 25 Navigation 1 Navigator 2 flow control 7 navaid 2 navigable
3 navigate 19 navigation aids 122 navigation 1 navigational aide 7 navigational aids 14 navigational
4 navigator 1 navigators 15 Radio 16 STARS 2 World Trade Center 106 radio
5 terrorists 1 AERA 1 Data Link 2 Datalink 69 Research 1 TBFM
1 TFDM 1 conflict probe 15 data link 2 datalink 5 design competition 1 metering
132 research 6 ATCRBS 3 DABS 2 Multilateration 38 Weather 3 multilateration
4 privatization 1 privatize 7 sequestration 130 weather 24 ADS-B 27 ADS
2 ADSB 4 ADs 27 ads 17 Air Defense 1 BRITE 8 SAGE
9 Tower 17 air defense 156 tower 37 Automation 2 Hijacking 1 Ocean21
25 Ocean 13 Oceanic 72 Terminal 33 Training 21 automation 9 hijacked
3 hijacker 6 hijackers 21 hijacking 6 hijackings 19 ocean 16 oceanic
1 oceans 5 simulation 125 terminal 202 training

Accessed Patterns Not Found

FAATC Mode-s
privatiz\w+terminal MLAT SBS clearance delivery TSAS

Metrics Hide

Save Metrics with analysis run all-history.txt 05/28/017 10:27:11 Appended Metrics File

Total Lines: 4123
Blank Lines: 3
Non Blank Lines: 4120
Imperatives: 71
Shalls: 8
Wills: 69

Message: These metrics are what allow you to compare different documents and different analysis runs. Consider moving the numbers into a spreadsheet for visualization. Counts of Shalls, Wills, IsReq, and Imperatives are hardcoded into the tool. You have the ability to enter a Norm value, which can be surfaced after multiple analysis sessions.

Item Risk Count Children % lines % imperative % shall % will % isreq % Norm
AAS s4s

ADIZ s4s






ADS s9s

Advanced Automation s9s

Air Defense s4s

Automation s4s

Beacon RADAR s4s

Communications s9s

Computer s4s

Curtis Report s4s

Design Competition s4s

Early Automation s9s

En Route s9s

Flight Service s9s

Flow Control s9s

Hijack s4s

Install s4s

Manual System s9s

Multilateration s9s


NAS Stage A s4s

Navigation s9s

Oceanic s9s



Research s4s

Restricted Areas s4s

SAGE s4s


Satellite s9s

Shutdown s4s

Simulation Training s9s

Software s4s

Startup s4s


Terminal s9s

Terrorist s4s

Tower s9s

Voice s9s

Weather s9s

z Mined Objects






Rules Total 41
Rules Triggered 2
Rules Not Triggered 39
Percent of Rules Triggered 4%

Reading Level Hide

Disabling the noise filter may reduce the reading level. Re-run the report to capture metrics for both instances.

Accessed Unique Words:
Accessed Unique Syllables:
Words with 3+ Syllables:
Polysyllabic Count: 0
Reading Level: No reading level is available. Select any rule option and check: Count Accessed Words or use a Reading Level Service which has checked: Count Accessed Words.

Document Shape Hide

The number of children at a particular level translate to a document shape. There are diffrent document shapes and each have implications. The document shapes are: random, rectangle, pyramid, inverted pyramid, trapazoid and diamond.

There are no child counts. Try disabling all services except for the service that has checked: Count Accessed Words.

Services and Triggered Rule Comments Hide

Topics of Interest: Think of this as your highlighter pen or a really advanced search engine option.

. . . 1. AAS No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: AAS Color: BROWN Access Object: \bAAS\b Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 2. ADIZ No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: ADIZ Color: BLUE Access Object: ADIZ Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 3. Air Defense No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Air Defense Color: PURPLE Access Object: Air Defense Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 4. Automation No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Automation Color: RED Access Object: automation Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 5. Beacon RADAR No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Beacon RADAR Color: ORANGE Access Object: ATCRBS|Mode-s|DABS Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 6. Computer No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Computer Color: GREEN Access Object: computer Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 7. Curtis Report No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Curtis Report Color: FUCSHIA Access Object: Curtis report|Curtis Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 8. Design Competition No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Design Competition Color: OLIVE Access Object: Design Competition Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 9. Hijack No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Hijack Color: RED Access Object: Hijack\w+ Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 10. Install No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Install Color: BLUE Access Object: install\w+ Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 11. NAFEC No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: NAFEC Color: FUCSHIA Access Object: NAFEC|FAATC|FAA Technical Center Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 12. NAS Stage A No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: NAS Stage A Color: BROWN Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: Stage.A Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 13. Research No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Research Color: OLIVE Access Object: research Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 14. Restricted Areas No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Restricted Areas Color: GREEN Access Object: Restricted Area\w+|Restricted air\w+ Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 15. SAGE No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: SAGE Color: PURPLE Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: SAGE Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 16. STARS No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: STARS Color: NAVY Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: STARS Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 17. Shutdown No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Shutdown Color: ORANGE Access Object: Seques\w+|privatiz\w+ Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 18. Software No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Software Color: MAROON Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: software Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 19. Startup No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Startup Color: BROWN Access Object: May 20, 1926:|Aug 22, 1938:|May 21, 1958:|Aug 23, 1958:|Oct 1, 1958:|Apr 1, 1964:|May 20, 1964:|Jul 7, 1964:|Feb\w+ 3, 2016: Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 20. Terrorist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Terrorist Color: NAVY Access Object: terrorist\w+|world trade center Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

FAA Systems Services:

. . . 1. ADS No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: ADS Color: Olive Access Object: ADS|ADSB|ADS-B Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 2. Advanced Automation No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Advanced Automation Color: OLIVE Access Object: conflict probe|metering|clearance delivery|AERA|TBFM|TFDM|TSAS|datalink|data link Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 3. Communications No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Communications Color: BLUE Access Object: VSCS|NADIN|SBS Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 4. Early Automation No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Early Automation Color: FUCSHIA Access Object: conflict alert|minimum safe altitude warning|MSAW Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 5. En Route No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: En Route Color: BLUE Access Object: EnRoute|En Route Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 6. Flight Service No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Flight Service Color: BROWN Access Object: flight service stations|FSS Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 7. Flow Control No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Flow Control Color: Maroon Access Object: flow control Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 8. Manual System No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Manual System Color: GREEN Access Object: manually operated|manual RADAR|shrimp boat\w* Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 9. Multilateration No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Multilateration Color: ORANGE Access Object: MLAT|multilateration Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 10. Navigation No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Navigation Color: Maroon Access Object: navig\w+|navaid|nav\w+ aid\w Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 11. Oceanic No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Oceanic Color: RED Access Object: ocean\w+|ocean Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 12. RADAR No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: RADAR Color: FUCSHIA Access Object: RADAR Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 13. RADIO No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: RADIO Color: NAVY Access Object: radio Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 14. Satellite No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Satellite Color: Brown Access Object: Satellite|WAAS Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 15. Simulation Training No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Simulation Training Color: RED Access Object: simulation|training Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 16. TRACON No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: TRACON Color: GREEN Access Object: TRACON Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 17. Terminal No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Terminal Color: RED Access Object: terminal Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 18. Tower No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Tower Color: PURPLE Access Object: Tower|BRITE Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 19. Voice No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Voice Color: GREEN Access Object: voice Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 20. Weather No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Weather Color: ORANGE Access Object: weather Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

original processing URL http://localhost:4444/~gda/satpro.cgi v 1.6 p

10:27:11 Start Time
10:27:21 End Time
10 Seconds

5.008006 satpro pid: 1456 C:/Windows httpd pid:2096 error pid: 4036