GDA-25 . Accelerated Degree Programs
GDA-79 . The College of Engineering curriculum is designed to provide students
GDA-80 . a thorough understanding of scientific, mathematical, and engineering
GDA-81 . fundamentals, as well as the ability to apply these areas of knowledge
GDA-82 . creatively to a wide variety of engineering problems.
GDA-86 . • Architectural Engineering (BSAE) (p. 6)
GDA-89 . • Chemical Engineering (BSCHE) (p. 17)
GDA-92 . • Civil Engineering (BSCIV) (p. 23)
GDA-95 . • Computer Engineering (BSCE) (p. 30)
GDA-98 . • Construction Management (BSCMGT) (p. 40)
GDA-99 . • Real Estate Concentration (p. 44)
GDA-107 . • Electrical Engineering (BSEE) (p. 48)
GDA-110 . • Engineering (BSE) (p. 58)
GDA-113 . • Engineering Technology (BSET) (p. 62)
GDA-114 . • Computer Engineering Technology Concentration (p. 65)
GDA-117 . • Electrical Engineering Technology Concentration (p. 69)
GDA-120 . • Healthcare Engineering Technology Concentration (http://
GDA-121 .
GDA-122 . healthcareengineeringtechnology/)
GDA-125 . • Industrial Engineering Technology Concentration (p. 77)
GDA-128 . • Mechanical and Manufacturing Concentration (p. 81)
GDA-131 . • Robotics and Automation Concentration (p. 85)
GDA-139 . • Environmental Engineering (BSENE) (p. 90)
GDA-142 . • Materials Science and Engineering (BSMSE) (p. 96)
GDA-145 . • Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics (BSME) (p. 104)
GDA-152 . • Engineering Undeclared (p. 113)
GDA-157 . Accelerated Degree Programs
GDA-159 . • Architectural Engineering - Building Systems Concentration (BSAE) /
GDA-160 . Architectural Engineering (MS (p. 115))
GDA-163 . • Architectural Engineering - Structural Concentration (BSAE) / Civil
GDA-164 . Engineering - Structural Track (MS (p. 119))
GDA-167 . • Chemical Engineering (BSCHE) / Chemical Engineering (MSCHE)
GDA-171 . • Civil Engineering (BSCIV) / Civil Engineering (MSCIV) (p. 128)
GDA-174 . • Civil Engineering (BSCIV) / Environmental Engineering (MSENE)
GDA-178 . • Computer Engineering (BSCE) / Computer Engineering (MSCE)
GDA-182 . • NEW: Computer Engineering (BSCE) / Cybersecurity (MS)
GDA-185 . • NEW: Computer Engineering (BSCE) / Electrical Engineering (MSEE)
GDA-188 . • NEW: Computer Engineering (BSCE) / Machine Learning Engineering
GDA-192 . • Computer Engineering (BSCE) / Project Management (MS) (p. 160)
GDA-195 . • NEW: Computer Engineering (BSCE) / Robotics & Autonomy (MSRA)
GDA-198 . • NEW: Computer Engineering (BSCE) / Telecommunications
GDA-202 . • NEW: Electrical Engineering (BSEE) / Computer Engineering
GDA-206 . • NEW: Electrical Engineering (BSEE) / Cybersecurity (MS)
GDA-209 . • Electrical Engineering (BSEE) / Electrical Engineering (MS) (p. 178)
GDA-212 . • NEW: Electrical Engineering (BSEE) / Machine Learning Engineering
GDA-216 . • NEW: Electrical Engineering (BSEE) / Robotics & Autonomy (MSRA)
GDA-219 . • NEW: Electrical Engineering (BSEE) / Telecommunications
GDA-223 . • Environmental Engineering (BSENE) / Environmental Engineering
GDA-227 . • NEW: Environmental Engineering (BSENE) / Peace Engineering (MS)
GDA-230 . • Materials Science & Engineering (BS) / Materials Science &
GDA-231 . Engineering (MSMSE) (p. 202)
GDA-234 . • NEW: Mechanical Engineering (BSME) / Materials Science &
GDA-238 . • Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics (BSME) / Mechanical
GDA-239 . Engineering & Mechanics (MSME) (p. 212)
GDA-242 . • NEW: Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics (BSME) / Peace
GDA-250 . • Architectural Engineering (p. 223)
GDA-253 . • Chemical Engineering (p. 223)
GDA-256 . • Computer Engineering (p. 224)
GDA-259 . • Construction Management (p. 224)
GDA-262 . • Electrical Engineering (p. 225)
GDA-265 . • Engineering Leadership (p. 226)
GDA-268 . • Engineering Management (p. 227)
GDA-271 . • Engineering Policy Analysis (p. 227)
GDA-274 . • Engineering Product Development (p. 228)
GDA-277 . • Entertainment Engineering (p. 229)
GDA-280 . • Environmental Engineering (p. 229)
GDA-283 . • Global Engineering (p. 230)
GDA-286 . • Green Energy and Sustainability (p. 231)
GDA-289 . • Materials Science and Engineering (p. 231)
GDA-292 . • Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (p. 232)
GDA-295 . • Nuclear Engineering (p. 233)
GDA-298 . • Robotics and Automation (p. 234)
GDA-301 . • Systems Engineering (p. 234)
GDA-304 . • Technology (p. 235)
GDA-311 . • Construction Management Concepts (p. 236)
GDA-314 . • Construction Science (p. 236)
GDA-317 . • Fundamentals of Construction Management (p. 237)
GDA-320 . • NAE Grand Challenge Scholars Program (p. 238)
GDA-327 . Drexel University’s College of Engineering has emphasized its strengths
GDA-328 . in engineering, science and technology to train students to become
GDA-329 . the leaders of the future. In little over a century, Drexel University has
GDA-330 . transformed itself into a large, comprehensive institution committed to
GDA-331 . excellence in education, research and service to the engineering society
GDA-334 . 4 The College of Engineering
GDA-335 . and to the broader community. Although much has changed, the original
GDA-336 . mission of the University still rings true today.
GDA-337 . The College of Engineering offers students a diverse academic learning
GDA-338 . and research environment embodying the highest standards of knowledge
GDA-339 . and preparing them to impact society's greatest challenges. Through
GDA-340 . entrepreneurial risk-taking and exploration, students are encouraged to
GDA-341 . find innovative solutions that promote economic development and improve
GDA-344 . In addition to the traditional engineering curriculum, the college offers
GDA-345 . Engineering Technology (p. 62) and Construction Management
GDA-348 . Objectives of the traditional Undergraduate
GDA-351 . The profession of engineering is concerned with turning the natural
GDA-352 . elements and energies to the service of mankind. The objectives
GDA-353 . of the undergraduate program in the College of Engineering (http://
GDA-354 . are:
GDA-356 . • To offer an education that will give graduates the flexibility to adjust to
GDA-357 . future changes in technology
GDA-360 . • To develop a sense of professionalism and entrepreneurship
GDA-363 . • To provide a framework for concentrated study in a professional area
GDA-368 . To implement those objectives the curricula of the College of Engineering
GDA-369 . are designed to provide a firm grounding in basic science and liberal
GDA-370 . arts, along with broad-based engineering sciences and professional
GDA-371 . engineering subjects.
GDA-373 . Cooperative Education
GDA-375 . In five-year cooperative programs, engineering majors spend a total of
GDA-376 . 12 terms in school and six terms on co-op assignment. Freshmen attend
GDA-377 . classes for three terms. During their sophomore, pre-junior, and junior
GDA-378 . years, students generally attend class for two terms and are assigned a
GDA-379 . cooperative employment position for two terms each year.
GDA-380 . Visit the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center (http://
GDA-381 . page for more detailed information on co-op and
GDA-382 . post-graduate opportunities.
GDA-384 . About the Traditional Engineering
GDA-389 . The degree of Bachelor of Science in the engineering specialities is
GDA-390 . comprised of academic work and six terms of co-op or engineering
GDA-391 . experience for the five-year program. For the four-year program, only
GDA-392 . two terms of co-op are required. Transfer students must complete a
GDA-393 . minimum of two terms of co-op or engineering experience in order to
GDA-394 . earn a cooperative engineering degree accredited by ABET (http://
GDA-397 . Engineering student must maintain an overall grade point average of 2.0
GDA-398 . in all required courses in their major.
GDA-400 . The Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) program is a customizable
GDA-401 . undergraduate engineering degree program offered in the College of
GDA-402 . Engineering to students in their second year and beyond. The program
GDA-403 . is designed for students who are seeking an interdisciplinary education
GDA-404 . rooted in engineering. The degree is structured so students achieve
GDA-405 . a strong foundation in science, math and engineering. Upper level
GDA-406 . engineering electives can be chosen to fit the student’s individual interests
GDA-407 . and career objectives. To learn more about the Bachelor of Science in
GDA-408 . Engineering program, please visit the (
GDA-409 . areas-of-study/engineering/BSE/)Program Overview webpage (http://
GDA-410 . (http://
GDA-411 .
GDA-413 . Curricular Organization
GDA-415 . Students in the traditional engineering programs study many of the same
GDA-416 . subjects during the three terms in the first year. During the two terms
GDA-417 . of the sophomore year, students begin taking much more departmentspecific
GDA-420 . The first five terms are devoted to those subjects that form the foundation
GDA-421 . of the engineering curriculum. Courses in the core engineering curriculum
GDA-422 . are organized and taught to provide an integrated view of the basic
GDA-423 . sciences and an introduction to the art of engineering through group
GDA-424 . projects that deal with open-ended problems characteristic of the practice
GDA-425 . of engineering. Students also learn to use the modern tools of engineering
GDA-426 . both on the computer and in the laboratory.
GDA-428 . The College considers it essential that students entering the Drexel
GDA-429 . Engineering Curriculum be placed in courses that take advantage of
GDA-430 . their abilities and prior training. Student preparation level is determined
GDA-431 . by a review committee that evaluates the student’s high school record,
GDA-432 . standardized test scores, advanced placement and/or transfer credit, and
GDA-433 . placement exams administered during the summer before Fall enrollment.
GDA-435 . Engineering students will take placement exams which will determine
GDA-436 . their readiness in calculus, physics, and chemistry. Students who
GDA-437 . demonstrate the preparation and skills to succeed in our core math and
GDA-438 . science courses will immediately be placed into the courses starting in
GDA-439 . the fall term. Students that may need additional preparation are strongly
GDA-440 . encouraged to participate in the online prep courses the summer before
GDA-443 . In the second year, professional subjects are introduced, and all the
GDA-444 . first-level professional courses are completed by the junior year. The
GDA-445 . senior year in all curricula contains at least one elective sequence so
GDA-446 . that students can study some aspect of engineering more deeply. In
GDA-447 . addition, all curricula provide a design experience in the senior year.
GDA-448 . Recognizing the importance of general education studies in the education
GDA-449 . of an engineer, all curricula require that courses be taken in this area.
GDA-450 . These requirements are described in more detail in the General Education
GDA-451 . Requirements (
GDA-452 . current-students/electives/general-ed-electives/).
GDA-454 . The Common Curriculum
GDA-456 . While some programs vary in detail, the following courses are common to
GDA-457 . most engineering curricula. See each program for specifics.
GDA-459 . University Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 2.0
GDA-462 . Foundation Requirements
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-483 . In addition, engineering students complete a minimum of 30.0 General
GDA-484 . Education Credits (p. 5).
GDA-488 . In addition to the electives in the General Education electives there
GDA-489 . are two types of elective sequences in the engineering curricula:
GDA-490 . technical electives and free electives. Technical electives are courses
GDA-491 . in engineering, science, or management that build on the required
GDA-492 . professional courses and lead to a specific technical specialization.
GDA-493 . Possible elective sequences should be discussed with and approved by
GDA-494 . advisors before the end of the junior year. Free electives are generally
GDA-495 . any course but should be discussed with and approved by advisors before
GDA-498 . General Education Requirements
GDA-500 . The General Education Program is designed to give engineering
GDA-501 . students an opportunity to take a set of courses that complement their
GDA-502 . technical studies and satisfy their intellectual and/or career interests. All
GDA-503 . engineering majors must take thirty (30.0) credits. Nine (9.0) of the thirty
GDA-504 . credits are designated as follows and must be completed by all majors:
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and
GDA-509 . Evidence-Based Writing
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
GDA-515 . General Education requirements for specific majors can be found in the
GDA-516 . degree requirements for each major. The remaining credits can be chosen
GDA-517 . from the disciplines listed below.
GDA-521 . This following list is a sampling of subject codes for courses that can be
GDA-522 . taken to fulfill General Education requirements; other courses may be
GDA-523 . accepted upon advisor approval.
GDA-525 . Accounting (ACCT), Africana Studies (AFAS), Anthropology (ANTH),
GDA-526 . Arabic (ARBC), Architecture (ARCH), Art History (ARTH), Business Law
GDA-527 . (BLAW), Chinese (CHIN), Communication (COM), Criminology & Justice
GDA-528 . Studies (CJS), Culinary Arts (CULA), Dance (DANC), Economics (ECON),
GDA-529 . Education (EDUC), English (ENGL, except ENGL 101, ENGL 102,
ENGL 103 . & ENGL 105), Entertainment & Arts Management (EAM),
GDA-531 . Entrepreneurship (ENTP), Environmental Studies & Sustainability
GDA-532 . (ENSS), Film Studies (FMST), Finance (FIN), French (FREN), General
GDA-533 . Business (BUSN), German (GER), Global Studies (GST), Hebrew
GDA-534 . (HBRW), History (HIST), Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM),
HUM 107 . & HUM 108), Interior Design (INTR),
GDA-536 . International Business (INTB), Italian (ITAL), Japanese (JAPN), Jewish
GDA-537 . Studies (JWST), Korean (KOR), Language (LANG), Management
GDA-538 . (MGMT), Marketing (MKTG), Military Science (MLSC, except lab
GDA-539 . courses), Music (MUSC), Music Industry Program (MIP), Operations
GDA-540 . Management (OPM), Operations Research (OPR), Organizational
GDA-541 . Behavior (ORGB), Philosophy (PHIL), Photography (PHTO), Product
GDA-542 . Design (PROD) Project Management (PROJ), Political Science (PSCI),
GDA-543 . Psychology (PSY), Public Health (PBHL), Real Estate (REAL), Science
GDA-544 . Technology & Society (SCTS), Screenwriting & Playwriting (SCRP),
GDA-545 . Sociology (SOC), Spanish (SPAN), Special Education (EDEX), Sports
GDA-546 . Management (SMT), STEM Teacher Education (ESTM), Taxation (TAX),
GDA-547 . Theatre (THTR), TV Studies (TVST), Visual Studies (VSST), WEST
GDA-548 . Studies (WEST), Women's and Gender Studies (WGST), and Writing
GDA-551 . Non-lab ROTC courses taken at the University of Pennsylvania in Naval
GDA-552 . Science (NSCI) and at St. Joseph's University in Aerospace (AER) may
GDA-553 . be transferred to fulfill general education requirements.
GDA-555 . General Education electives must be non-technical. All Computer, Math,
GDA-556 . Engineering & Science related courses will NOT count as General
GDA-557 . Education electives.
GDA-561 . Accelerated Programs/ Bachelor’s/Master’s
GDA-564 . The Accelerated Program of the College of Engineering provides
GDA-565 . opportunities for highly talented and strongly motivated students to
GDA-566 . progress toward their educational goals more quickly by completing a
GDA-567 . Bachelor's degree and Master's degree in the same five years it generally
GDA-568 . takes to complete the BS only.
GDA-572 . Core Engineering Facilities
GDA-574 . The Freshman Engineering Design Laboratories are located in the
GDA-575 . Innovation Studio. The Studio hosts activities for all class levels from
GDA-576 . Freshman Design at one end through Senior Design at the other. It
udes 3D . printers, multiple sensor suites and the college machine
GDA-578 . shop representing the flow of freshman initial ideas through complex
GDA-581 . A team of Drexel faculty and staff designed the studio to allow activities of
GDA-582 . many scales as well as to promote open communication within and across
GDA-583 . groups of students. The lab tables accommodate work in small and larger
GDA-586 . The Innovation Studio is an example of Drexel's commitment to
GDA-587 . undergraduate education by providing up-to-date, high-quality technology
GDA-588 . to facilitate the kind of experiential learning that keeps Drexel at the
GDA-591 . Department Facilities
GDA-593 . Departments within the College of Engineering have laboratory equipment
GDA-594 . appropriate for required lab coursework within their respective curricula.
GDA-595 . Most engineering department webpages describe their specialized
GDA-596 . facilities in detail.
GDA-599 . 6 Architectural Engineering
GDA-600 . Architectural Engineering
GDA-602 . Major: Architectural Engineering
GDA-603 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering (BSAE)
GDA-604 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-605 . Total Credit Hours: 190.0
GDA-606 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years)
GDA-607 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0401
GDA-608 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2199
GDA-612 . The architectural engineering major prepares graduates for professional work in the analysis, design, construction, and operation of residential,
GDA-613 . commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings. The program develops engineers familiar with all aspects of safe and economical construction.
GDA-614 . Students study the principles of structural support and external cladding, building environmental systems, and project management and develop depth in
GDA-617 . The program integrates building disciplines, including coordination with architects, construction managers, civil, mechanical, and electrical engineers,
GDA-618 . and others. Students use computer-aided design tools to understand system interactions, perform analysis, design, scheduling, and cost analysis, and
GDA-621 . The first two years of the curriculum cover fundamentals necessary for all engineers. The pre-junior and junior years emphasize building systems and
GDA-622 . the principles governing their performance. In addition to the core engineering and science, students learn architectural approaches through studio
GDA-623 . design. Seniors focus on either structural or building environmental systems design, or develop skills in digital building and construction management, as
GDA-624 . well as a full-year realistic design project. The academic program is complemented by exposure to professional practice in the co-op experience.
GDA-626 . A special feature of the major is senior design. A group of students works with a faculty advisor to develop a significant design project selected by the
GDA-627 . group. All architectural engineering students participate in a design project.
GDA-631 . The civil and architectural engineering faculty are responsible for delivering an outstanding curriculum that equips our graduates with the broad technical
GDA-632 . knowledge, design proficiency, professionalism, and communications skills required for them to make substantial contributions to society and to enjoy
GDA-635 . Program Educational Objectives
GDA-637 . Architectural engineering graduates will become responsible professionals who analyze, design, construct, manage, or operate various types of
GDA-638 . buildings and their systems, and/or advance knowledge of the field.
GDA-642 . The department’s student outcomes reflect the skills and abilities that the curriculum is designed to provide to students by the time they graduate. These
GDA-645 . 1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
GDA-648 . 2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well
GDA-649 . as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
GDA-652 . 3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
GDA-655 . 4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the
GDA-656 . impact of the engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
GDA-659 . 5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish
GDA-660 . goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
GDA-663 . 6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
GDA-666 . 7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
GDA-671 . Concentration Options
GDA-673 . Mechanical Concentration (HVAC)
GDA-675 . Students who choose the mechanical concentration (HVAC) prepare for careers dealing with the building environment. As co-ops and graduates, they
GDA-676 . will be involved in the many design aspects of building environmental control, including:
GDA-680 . • building load definitions
GDA-683 . • equipment selection and design
GDA-686 . • distribution system design
GDA-689 . • control systems design
GDA-692 . • energy analysis and system optimization
GDA-695 . • building operation for safety, economy and maximum performance
GDA-700 . Structural Concentration
GDA-702 . Students who choose the structural concentration prepare for careers dealing with the building structure. As co-ops and graduates, they will be involved
GDA-703 . in the design of the many aspects of building structure including:
GDA-705 . • building load definitions
GDA-708 . • structural system design
GDA-711 . • foundation system design
GDA-716 . Digital Building Concentration
GDA-718 . Students who choose the digital building concentration prepare for careers dealing with the role of computer technology in building design, construction
GDA-719 . and operation. As co-ops and graduates, they will be involved in:
GDA-721 . • development and use of Building Information Models (BIM) and databases
GDA-724 . • configuration and operation of building sensor and actuator networks and monitoring systems
GDA-727 . • developing and maintaining construction schedules, databases and monitoring systems
GDA-732 . Additional Information
GDA-734 . The Architectural Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, (
GDA-736 . For more information about this major, contact the program head:
GDA-739 . Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering
GDA-744 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-754 . General Education requirements * 12.0
GDA-756 . Foundation Requirements
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
GDA-758 . Chemistry Requirements ** 3.5-7.5
GDA-762 . and General Chemistry I
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
GDA-766 . Engineering (ENGR) Requirements
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
GDA-774 . 8 Architectural Engineering
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
GDA-778 . Math Requirements *** 4.0-10.0
GDA-781 . Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
GDA-786 . Calculus and Functions I
GDA-787 . and Calculus and Functions II
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
GDA-792 . Physics Requirements *** 4.0-8.0
GDA-795 . Preparation for Engineering Studies
GDA-796 . and Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
AE 220 . Introduction to HVAC 3.5
AE 340 . Architectural Illumination and Electrical Systems 3.0
AE 390 . Architectural Engineering Design I 4.0
AE 391 . Architectural Engineering Design II 4.0
AE 544 . Building Envelope Systems 3.0
ARCH 141 . Architecture and Society I 3.0
ARCH 142 . Architecture and Society II 3.0
ARCH 143 . Architecture and Society III 3.0
CAE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
CAE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
CAE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
CAEE 202 . Introduction to Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering 3.0
CAEE 203 . System Balances and Design in CAEE 3.0
CAEE 212 . Geologic Principles for Infrastructure & Environmental Engineering 4.0
CAEE 361 . Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems 3.0
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
CIVE 250 . Construction Materials 4.0
CIVE 320 . Introduction to Fluid Flow 3.0
MEM 230 . Mechanics of Materials I 4.0
GDA-825 . Concentration Courses 29.0-34.0
GDA-826 . Students select one of the following concentrations for a total of 29.0-34.0 credits:
GDA-827 . Building Systems Concentration
AE 430 . Control Systems for HVAC
CIVE 302 . Structural Analysis I
CIVE 303 . Structural Design I
GDA-834 . Three professional electives
GDA-835 . Structural Concentration
CIVE 302 . Structural Analysis I
CIVE 303 . Structural Design I
CIVE 400 . First Principles of Structural Design
CIVE 401 . Structural Design II
CIVE 402 . Structural Design III
GDA-847 . Two professional electives
GDA-848 . Digital Building Concentration
AE 510 . Intelligent Buildings
CIVE 302 . Structural Analysis I
CIVE 303 . Structural Design I
CMGT 361 . Contracts And Specifications I
CMGT 467 . Techniques of Project Control
INFO 210 . Database Management Systems
INFO 203 . Information Technology for Engineers
GDA-856 . Three professional electives
GDA-857 . Total Credits 190.0-209.0
GDA-859 . * General Education Requirements. (p. 5)
GDA-861 . ** CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-862 . available based on that score.
GDA-864 . *** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-865 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-869 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-871 . BS Architectural Engineering, Building Systems Concentration
GDA-876 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
CIVC 101 . 1.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-885 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CAEE 202 . 3.0 ARCH 191 3.0 AE 340 3.0 AE 220 3.5
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 CAEE 203 3.0 ARCH 141 3.0 ARCH 142 3.0
ENGR 220 . 4.0 CIVE 240 3.0 ARCH 192 3.0 CIVE 250 4.0
ENGR 231 . 3.0 ENGR 210 3.0 CAEE 212 4.0 CIVE 330 4.0
PHYS 201 . 4.0 ENGR 232 3.0 CIVE 320 3.0 MEM 230 4.0
GDA-894 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVE 302 . 4.0 General Education
MEM 345 . 4.0 Professional elective† 3.0
GDA-904 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
AE 544 . 3.0 CAE 492 3.0 AE 430 3.0
CAE 491 . 3.0 MEM 414 3.0 CAE 493 3.0
CAEE 361 . 3.0 Professional elective† 3.0 Professional elective† 3.0
MEM 413 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-910 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-915 . 10 Architectural Engineering
GDA-922 . * CHEM Sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-923 . available based on that score.
GDA-925 . ** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-931 . *** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-932 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-934 . † See degree requirements (p. 7).
GDA-938 . BS Architectural Engineering, Building Systems Concentration
GDA-943 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
CIVC 101 . 1.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-952 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 CAEE 203 3.0
GDA-961 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-969 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVE 302 . 4.0 General Education
MEM 345 . 4.0 Professional elective† 3.0
GDA-979 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
AE 544 . 3.0 CAE 492 3.0 AE 430 3.0
CAE 491 . 3.0 MEM 414 3.0 CAE 493 3.0
CAEE 361 . 3.0 Professional elective† 3.0 Professional elective† 3.0
MEM 413 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-985 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-997 . * CHEM Sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-998 . available based on that score.
GDA-1000 . ** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year,
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 101 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-1006 . *** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-1007 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-1009 . † See degree requirements (p. 7).
GDA-1013 . BS Architectural Engineering, Structural Concentration
GDA-1018 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
CIVC 101 . 1.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-1027 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CAEE 202 . 3.0 ARCH 191 3.0 AE 340 3.0 AE 220 3.5
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 CAEE 203 3.0 ARCH 141 3.0 ARCH 142 3.0
ENGR 220 . 4.0 CIVE 240 3.0 ARCH 192 3.0 CIVE 250 4.0
ENGR 231 . 3.0 ENGR 210 3.0 CAEE 212 4.0 CIVE 330 4.0
PHYS 201 . 4.0 ENGR 232 3.0 CIVE 320 3.0 MEM 230 4.0
GDA-1036 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVE 302 . 4.0 General Education
MEM 345 . 4.0 Professional elective† 3.0
GDA-1046 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
AE 544 . 3.0 CAE 492 3.0 AE 430 3.0
CAE 491 . 3.0 MEM 414 3.0 CAE 493 3.0
CAEE 361 . 3.0 Professional elective† 3.0 Professional elective† 3.0
MEM 413 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-1052 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-1061 . * CHEM Sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-1062 . available based on that score.
GDA-1067 . 12 Architectural Engineering
GDA-1068 . ** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-1074 . *** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-1075 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-1077 . † See degree requirements (p. 7).
GDA-1081 . BS Architectural Engineering, Structural Concentration
GDA-1086 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
CIVC 101 . 1.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-1095 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 CAEE 203 3.0
GDA-1104 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-1112 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVE 302 . 4.0 Professional elective† 3.0
CIVE 312 . 4.0 General Education
MEM 238 . 4.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-1122 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
AE 544 . 3.0 CAE 492 3.0 CAE 493 3.0
CAE 491 . 3.0 CIVE 315 4.0 CIVE 402 3.0
CAEE 361 . 3.0 CIVE 401 3.0 Professional elective†
CIVE 400 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-1128 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-1136 . * CHEM Sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-1137 . available based on that score.
GDA-1143 . ** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-1149 . *** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-1150 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-1152 . † See degree requirements (p. 7).
GDA-1156 . BS Architectural Engineering, Digital Building Concentration
GDA-1161 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
CIVC 101 . 1.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-1170 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CAEE 202 . 3.0 ARCH 191 3.0 AE 340 3.0 AE 220 3.5
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 CAEE 203 3.0 ARCH 141 3.0 ARCH 142 3.0
ENGR 220 . 4.0 CIVE 240 3.0 ARCH 192 3.0 CIVE 250 4.0
ENGR 231 . 3.0 ENGR 210 3.0 CIVE 320 3.0 CIVE 330 4.0
PHYS 201 . 4.0 ENGR 232 3.0 CAEE 212 4.0 MEM 230 4.0
GDA-1179 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-1183 . Free elective 3.0 General Education
GDA-1186 . Professional elective† 3.0 Professional Elective† 3.0
GDA-1189 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
AE 544 . 3.0 AE 510 3.0 CAE 493 3.0
CAE 491 . 3.0 CAE 492 3.0 CMGT 361 3.0
CAEE 361 . 3.0 CMGT 467 4.0 General Education
GDA-1195 . INFO 203‡ 3.0 General Education
GDA-1197 . 3.0 Professional elective† 3.0
GDA-1204 . * CHEM Sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-1205 . available based on that score.
GDA-1207 . ** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-1213 . *** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-1214 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-1219 . 14 Architectural Engineering
GDA-1220 . † See degree requirements (p. 7).
GDA-1222 . ‡ Students are asked to speak with their program advisor before registering for the INFO elective.
GDA-1226 . 5 YR UG Co-op Digital Building Concentration
GDA-1231 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
CIVC 101 . 1.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-1240 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 CAEE 203 3.0
GDA-1249 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-1257 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-1261 . Free elective 3.0 General Education
GDA-1264 . Professional elective† 3.0 Professional elective† 3.0
GDA-1267 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
AE 544 . 3.0 AE 510 3.0 CAE 493 3.0
CAE 491 . 3.0 CAE 492 3.0 CMGT 361 3.0
CAEE 361 . 3.0 CMGT 467 4.0 General Education
GDA-1273 . INFO 203‡ 3.0 General Education
GDA-1275 . 3.0 Professional Elective† 3.0
GDA-1282 . * CHEM Sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-1283 . available based on that score.
GDA-1285 . ** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-1295 . *** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-1296 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-1298 . † See degree requirements (p. 7).
GDA-1300 . ‡ Students are asked to speak with their program advisor before registering for the INFO elective.
GDA-1304 . Co-op/Career Opportunities
GDA-1306 . The major in architectural engineering prepares students for professional work in residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial building systems, in
GDA-1307 . cooperation with architects and other engineers.
GDA-1309 . Sample Co-op Experiences
GDA-1311 . When students complete their co-op jobs, they are asked to write an overview of their experiences. These brief quotes are taken from some recent
GDA-1314 . Project technician, major university: “Studied and surveyed existing buildings and facilities for: their compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,
GDA-1315 . heating and air conditioning equipment sizing, electrical loads, and their planning and usage of space. Designed improvements from the field surveys
GDA-1316 . taken, and developed construction drawings. Worked closely with the workforce in implementing these changes.”
GDA-1318 . CAD technician, private engineering firm: “Prepared computer generated construction plans for various water and sewer reconstruction projects...Was
GDA-1319 . able to expand my knowledge of Auto CAD to include Advanced Design Modules."
GDA-1321 . Visit the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center ( page for more detailed information on co-op and post-graduate
GDA-1324 . Dual/Accelerated Degree
GDA-1326 . The Accelerated Programs of the College of Engineering provides opportunities for highly talented and strongly motivated students to progress toward
GDA-1327 . their educational goals essentially at their own pace. Primarily through advanced placement, credit by examination, flexibility of scheduling, and
GDA-1328 . independent study, the program makes it possible to complete the undergraduate curriculum and initiate graduate study in less than the five years
GDA-1329 . required by the standard curriculum. Programs include: Architectural Engineering BS - Building Systems Concentration / Architectural Engineering MS
GDA-1330 . (p. 115) and Architectural Engineering BS - Structural Concentration / Civil Engineering MS -Structural Track (p. 119).
GDA-1332 . Dual Degree Bachelor’s Programs
GDA-1334 . A student completing the Bachelor of Science degree program in architectural engineering may complete additional courses (specified by the
GDA-1335 . department) to earn the Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering. (The reverse is difficult because of prerequisites in the sequence of architectural
GDA-1336 . studio design courses, which begins in the sophomore year.)
GDA-1338 . Bachelor's/Master's Accelerated Degree Program
GDA-1340 . Exceptional students can also pursue a Master of Science degree in the same period as the Bachelor of Science. For more information about this
GDA-1341 . program, visit the Department's BS/MS Dual Degree Program ( page.
GDA-1345 . The Department is well equipped with state-of-the-art facilities:
GDA-1347 . • The department computer labs are in operation: a computer-assisted design (CAD) and computerized instructional lab; and a graduate-level lab
GDA-1348 . (advanced undergraduates can become involved in graduate-level work).
GDA-1351 . • External labs are used for surveying, building diagnostics, and surface and ground-water measurements.
GDA-1356 . Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Faculty
GDA-1358 . Abieyuwa Aghayere, PhD (University of Alberta). Professor. Structural design - concrete, steel and wood; structural failure analysis; retrofitting of
GDA-1359 . existing structures; new structural systems and materials; engineering education.
GDA-1360 . Ivan Bartoli, PhD (University of California, San Diego). Associate Professor. Non-destructive evaluation and structural health monitoring; dynamic
GDA-1361 . identification, stress wave propagation modeling.
GDA-1362 . Shannon Capps, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Atmospheric chemistry; data assimilation; advanced sensitivity analysis;
GDA-1364 . S.C. Jonathan Cheng, PhD (West Virginia University). Associate Professor. Soil mechanics; geosynthetics; geotechnical engineering; probabilistic
GDA-1365 . design; landfill containments; engineering education.
GDA-1366 . 16 Architectural Engineering
GDA-1367 . Yaghoob (Amir) Farnam, PhD (Purdue University). Associate Professor. Advanced and sustainable infrastructure materials; multifunctional, selfresponsive
GDA-1368 . and bioinspired construction materials; advanced multiscale manufacturing; characterization, and evaluation of construction materials;
GDA-1369 . durability of cement-based materials.
GDA-1370 . Patricia Gallagher, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; soil
GDA-1371 . improvement; soil improvement; recycled materials in geotechnics.
GDA-1372 . Patrick Gurian, PhD (Carnegie-Mellon University). Professor. Risk analysis of environmental and infrastructure systems; novel adsorbent materials;
GDA-1373 . environmental standard setting; Bayesian statistical modeling; community outreach and environmental health.
GDA-1374 . Charles N. Haas, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Program Head for Environmental Engineering; L. D. Betz Professor of Environmental
GDA-1375 . Engineering. Water treatment; risk assessment; bioterrorism; environmental modeling and statistics; microbiology; environmental health.
GDA-1376 . Simi Hoque, PhD (University of California - Berkeley) Program Head for Architectural Engineering. Professor. Computational methods to reduce building
GDA-1377 . energy and environmental impacts, urban metabolism, thermal comfort, climate resilience.
GDA-1378 . Y. Grace Hsuan, PhD (Imperial College). Professor. Durability of polymeric construction materials; advanced construction materials; and performance of
GDA-1380 . Joseph B. Hughes, PhD (University of Iowa). Distinguished University Professor. Biological processes and applications of nanotechnology in
GDA-1381 . environmental systems.
GDA-1382 . L. James Lo, PhD (University of Texas at Austin). Associate Professor. Architectural fluid mechanics; building automation and autonomy; implementation
GDA-1383 . of natural and hybrid ventilation in buildings; airflow distribution in buildings; large-scale air movement in an urban built environment; building and urban
GDA-1384 . informatics; data-enhanced sensing and control for optimal building operation and management; novel data gathering methods for building/urban
GDA-1385 . problem solving; interdisciplinary research on occupant behaviors in the built environment.
GDA-1386 . Franco Montalto, PhD (Cornell University). Professor. Effects of built infrastructure on societal water needs, ecohydrologic patterns and processes,
GDA-1387 . ecological restoration, green design, and water interventions.
GDA-1388 . Mira S. Olson, PhD (University of Virginia). Associate Professor. Peace engineering; source water quality protection and management; contaminant and
GDA-1389 . bacterial fate and transport; community engagement.
GDA-1390 . Miguel A. Pando, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Associate Professor. Laboratory testing of geomaterials; geotechnical
GDA-1391 . aspects of natural hazards; soil-structure-interaction; geotechnical engineering.
GDA-1392 . Matthew Reichenbach, PhD (University of Austin at Texas). Assistant Teaching Professor. Design and behavior of steel structures, bridge engineering,
GDA-1393 . structural stability
GDA-1394 . Michael Ryan, PhD (Drexel University) Associate Department Head of Graduate Studies. Associate Teaching Professor. Microbial Source Tracking
GDA-1395 . (MST); Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA); dynamic engineering systems modeling; molecular microbial biology; phylogenetics;
GDA-1396 . metagenomics; bioinformatics; environmental statistics; engineering economics; microbiology; potable and wastewater quality; environmental
GDA-1397 . management systems.
GDA-1398 . Christopher Sales, PhD (University of California, Berkeley). Associate Professor. Environmental microbiology and biotechnology; biodegradation of
GDA-1399 . environmental contaminants; microbial processes for energy and resource recovery from waste; application of molecular biology, analytical chemistry
GDA-1400 . and bioinformatic techniques to study environmental biological systems.
GDA-1401 . Robert Swan Teaching Professor. Geotechnical and geosynthetic engineering; soil/geosynthetic interaction and performance; laboratory and field
GDA-1402 . geotechnical/geosynthetic testing.
GDA-1403 . Sharon Walker, PhD (Yale University) Dean, College of Engineering. Distinguished Professor. Water quality systems engineering
GDA-1404 . Michael Waring, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) Department Head, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering. Associate Professor. Indoor
GDA-1405 . air quality and building sustainability; indoor particulate matter fate and transport; indoor chemistry and particle formation; secondary impacts of control
GDA-1406 . technologies and strategies.
GDA-1407 . Jin Wen, PhD (University of Iowa). Professor. Architectural engineering; Building Energy Efficiency; Intelligent Building; Net-zero Building; and Indoor Air
GDA-1409 . Aspasia Zerva, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor. Earthquake engineering; mechanics; seismology; structural reliability; system
GDA-1410 . identification; advanced computational methods in structural analysis.
GDA-1414 . A. Emin Aktan, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor Emeritus. Health monitoring and management of large infrastructures with
GDA-1415 . emphasis on health monitoring.
GDA-1416 . Eugenia Ellis, PhD, AIA (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor Emerita. Natural and electrical light sources and effects on
GDA-1417 . biological rhythms and health outcomes; ecological strategies for smart, sustainable buildings of the nexus of health, energy, and technology.
GDA-1418 . Ahmad Hamid, PhD (McMaster University). Professor Emeritus. Engineered masonry; seismic behavior, design and retrofit of masonry structures;
GDA-1419 . development of new materials and building systems.
GDA-1420 . Harry G. Harris, PhD (Cornell University). Professor Emeritus. Structural models; dynamics of structures, plates and shells; industrialized building
GDA-1422 . Joseph P. Martin, PhD (Colorado State University). Professor Emeritus. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; hydrology; transportation;
GDA-1424 . James E. Mitchell, MArch (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emeritus. Architectural engineering design; building systems; engineering education.
GDA-1425 . Joseph V. Mullin, PhD (Pennsylvania State University). Teaching Professor Emeritus. Structural engineering; failure analysis; experimental stress
GDA-1426 . analysis; construction materials; marine structures.
GDA-1427 . Chemical Engineering
GDA-1429 . Major: Chemical Engineering
GDA-1430 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (BSCHE)
GDA-1431 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-1432 . Total Credit Hours: 181.5
GDA-1433 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years)
GDA-1434 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0701
GDA-1435 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2041
GDA-1439 . The department of Chemical and Biological Engineering offers a rigorous curriculum grounded in the fundamental physical sciences, integrating practical
GDA-1440 . engineering design and modern computational techniques throughout, and including expansive opportunities to explore the humanities. An extensive,
GDA-1441 . hands-on laboratory experience rounds out a dynamic program that prepares our graduates for rewarding careers in chemical engineering as well as
GDA-1442 . other quantitative disciplines.
GDA-1444 . Chemical engineers are dedicated to designing devices and processes that convert input materials into more valuable products and to the design
GDA-1445 . of those products. Such end products include pharmaceuticals, plastics and other materials, fine chemicals, integrated circuits, electrical energy,
GDA-1446 . petrochemicals, biologically derived fuels, and much more. Chemical engineering often begins with small laboratory scale processes that must be scaled
GDA-1447 . up to production levels through carefully integrated design, optimization, economic, environmental and safety analyses.
GDA-1449 . The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering is responsible for equipping our graduates with the broad technical knowledge and teamwork
GDA-1450 . skills required to make substantial contributions to society.
GDA-1452 . Sample Senior Design Projects
GDA-1454 . A special feature of the major is senior design. Teams of chemical engineering seniors work with a faculty or industrial advisor over an entire academic
GDA-1455 . year to develop a realistic, practical industrial design project of their choosing. Some recent examples include the start-to-finish design of production
GDA-1458 . • Low-cost solar cells, manufactured by printing
GDA-1461 . • Scaled-up synthesis of MXene, a novel nanomaterial for energy storage discovered at Drexel
GDA-1464 . • Biotechnologically derived antibiotic medicine
GDA-1467 . • Jet fuel derived from bioethanol
GDA-1472 . Program Educational Objectives
GDA-1474 . The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering has four goals pertaining to student outcomes within a few years of graduation:
GDA-1476 . • Our graduates will succeed in careers requiring strong skills in engineering, science, creative problem solving, communication, teamwork, and
GDA-1477 . appropriate leadership.
GDA-1480 . • Our graduates will continue their professional development through life-long learning involving self- or group-study and on-the-job training.
GDA-1486 . 18 Chemical Engineering
GDA-1487 . • Our graduates will hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public. They will conduct their work ethically and understand its global
GDA-1488 . impact and sustainability.
GDA-1491 . • Our graduates will be thought leaders in their area of expertise who are prepared to contribute to research, development, and industrial innovation at
GDA-1492 . the forefront of chemical engineering and related fields.
GDA-1499 . 1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
GDA-1502 . 2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well
GDA-1503 . as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
GDA-1506 . 3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
GDA-1509 . 4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the
GDA-1510 . impact of the engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
GDA-1513 . 5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish
GDA-1514 . goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
GDA-1517 . 6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
GDA-1520 . 7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
GDA-1525 . Additional Information
GDA-1527 . *Adapted from The Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, (
GDA-1529 . For more information about this program, visit Drexel University's Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (
GDA-1530 . academics/departments/chemical-biological-engineering/) webpage.
GDA-1532 . Degree Requirements
GDA-1534 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-1544 . General Education Requirements * 18.0
GDA-1545 . Foundation Requirements
GDA-1546 . BIO Elective ** 3.0
GDA-1547 . Chemistry Requirements *** 3.5-7.5
GDA-1550 . General Chemistry I
GDA-1551 . and General Chemistry I
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
GDA-1555 . Engineering (ENGR) Requirements
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
GDA-1561 . Math Requirements † 4.0-10.0
GDA-1564 . Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
GDA-1569 . Calculus and Functions I
GDA-1570 . and Calculus and Functions II
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 210 . Differential Equations 4.0
GDA-1580 . Physics Requirements † 4.0-8.0
GDA-1583 . Preparation for Engineering Studies
GDA-1584 . and Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
GDA-1588 . Professional Requirements
CHE 211 . Material and Energy Balances I 4.0
CHE 212 . Material and Energy Balances II 4.0
CHE 220 . Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering I 3.0
CHE 230 . Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I 4.0
CHE 320 . Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering II 3.0
CHE 330 . Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II 4.0
CHE 331 . Separation Processes 3.0
CHE 350 . Statistics and Design of Experiments 3.0
CHE 351 . [WI] Chemical Engineering Laboratory I 2.5
CHE 352 . [WI] Chemical Engineering Laboratory II 2.5
CHE 362 . Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design 4.0
CHE 371 . Engineering Economics and Professional Practice 3.0
CHE 372 . Integrated Case Studies in Chemical Engineering 3.0
CHE 453 . [WI] Chemical Engineering Laboratory III 2.5
CHE 464 . Process Dynamics and Control 3.0
CHE 466 . Chemical Process Safety 3.0
CHE 471 . Process Design I 4.0
CHE 472 . [WI] Process Design II 3.0
CHE 473 . [WI] Process Design III 3.0
CHEC 353 . Physical Chemistry and Applications III 4.0
CHEM 241 . Organic Chemistry I 4.0
CHEM 242 . Organic Chemistry II 4.0
CHEM 356 . Physical Chemistry Laboratory 2.0
GDA-1615 . Technical Electives 12.0
GDA-1616 . Total Credits 181.5-195.5
GDA-1618 . * General Education Requirements (p. 5).
GDA-1620 . ** Select from BIO 100, BIO 101, BIO 122, or BIO 141.
GDA-1622 . *** CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-1623 . available based on that score.
GDA-1625 . † MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-1626 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-1630 . Graduate-Level Electives
CHE 502 . Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering 3.0
CHE 513 . Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I 3.0
CHE 525 . Transport Phenomena I 3.0
CHE 543 . Kinetics & Catalysis I 3.0
CHE 554 . Process Systems Engineering 3.0
CHE 562 . Bioreactor Engineering 3.0
CHE 564 . Unit Operations in Bioprocess Systems 3.0
CHE 614 . Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II 3.0
GDA-1641 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-1646 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 VACATION
GDA-1651 . 20 Chemical Engineering
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 MATH 200 4.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
GDA-1654 . MATH 121*** 4.0 PHYS 101*** 4.0 General Education
GDA-1660 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHE 211 . 4.0 CHE 212 4.0 CHE 330 4.0 CHE 320 3.0
CHE 220 . 3.0 CHE 230 4.0 CHE 341 4.0 CHE 342 4.0
CHEM 241 . 4.0 CHEM 242 4.0 CHE 350 3.0 CHE 343 4.0
MATH 201 . 4.0 MATH 210 4.0 ENGR 220 4.0 CHE 351 2.5
GDA-1668 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 356 . 2.0 CHE Technical elective 3.0
GDA-1673 . BIO elective†† 3.0 General Education
GDA-1678 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CHE 453 . 2.5 CHE 472 3.0 CHE 466 3.0
CHE 464 . 3.0 CHE Technical elective 3.0 CHE 473 3.0
CHE 471 . 4.0 General Education
GDA-1683 . 6.0 CHE Technical elective 3.0
GDA-1684 . CHE Technical elective 3.0 General Education
GDA-1691 . Total Credits 181.5
GDA-1693 . * CHEM Sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-1694 . available based on that score.
GDA-1696 . ** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-1702 . *** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-1703 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-1705 . † See degree requirements (p. 18)
GDA-1714 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 MATH 200 4.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
GDA-1719 . MATH 121*** 4.0 PHYS 101*** 4.0 General Education
GDA-1725 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-1735 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-1743 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 356 . 2.0 CHE Technical elective 3.0
GDA-1748 . BIO elective†† 3.0 General Education
GDA-1753 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CHE 453 . 2.5 CHE 472 3.0 CHE 466 3.0
CHE 464 . 3.0 CHE Technical elective 3.0 CHE 473 3.0
CHE 471 . 4.0 General Education
GDA-1758 . 6.0 CHE Technical elective 3.0
GDA-1759 . CHE Technical elective 3.0 General Education
GDA-1766 . Total Credits 181.5
GDA-1768 . * CHEM Sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-1769 . available based on that score.
GDA-1771 . ** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-1777 . *** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-1778 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-1780 . † See degree requirements (p. 18).
GDA-1786 . Co-op/Career Opportunities
GDA-1788 . Chemical engineers tend to work for large corporations with such job assignments as process engineering, design engineering, plant operation, research
GDA-1789 . and development, sales, and management. They also work for federal and state government agencies on projects related to environmental problems,
GDA-1790 . defense, energy, and health-related research.
GDA-1792 . Some major employers of Drexel’s chemical engineering graduates are DuPont, Merck, BASF, ExxonMobil, Dow Chemical, and Air Products. A number
GDA-1793 . of graduates go on to pursue master’s and/or doctoral degrees. Graduate schools that Drexel’s chemical engineers have attended include the University
GDA-1794 . of California at Berkeley and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, among others.
GDA-1798 . Drexel is located in downtown Philadelphia with easy access to major pharmaceutical, chemical, and petroleum companies. When students complete
GDA-1799 . their co-op jobs, they are asked to write an overview of their experiences. These brief quotes are taken from some recent student reports:
GDA-1801 . Research assistant, chemicals manufacturer: “Conducted research in a developmental polyamide process. Aspects included scale-up from benchscale
GDA-1802 . to batch demonstration, installation and calibration of on-line composition sensors, off-line analytical techniques to assess product quality,
GDA-1805 . 22 Chemical Engineering
GDA-1806 . and interfacing with plant sites to define and standardize a critical quality lab procedure. Documented results in technical memos and in a plant
GDA-1807 . presentation . . .I had a lot of freedom and responsibility. It was great interacting with other researchers and technicians. Everyone was so helpful. ”
GDA-1809 . Co-op engineer, chemicals manufacturer: “Created material safety data sheets, which involved chemical composition, hazard communication,
GDA-1810 . occupational safety and health, emergency response, and regulatory issues for numerous products and wastes. Handled domestic and international
GDA-1811 . regulatory reviews. Determined hazardous waste reporting requirements, handling and disposal procedures. Evaluated toxicological and ecological data
GDA-1812 . for assessment of hazard ratings. Provided input on product safety technical reports.”
GDA-1814 . Visit the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center ( page for more detailed information on co-op and post-graduate
GDA-1817 . Dual/Accelerated Degree
GDA-1819 . Accelerated Program
GDA-1821 . The accelerated program of the College of Engineering provides opportunities for highly-talented and strongly-motivated students to progress toward
GDA-1822 . their educational goals essentially at their own pace. Through advanced placement, credit by examination, flexibility of scheduling, and independent
GDA-1823 . study, the program makes it possible to complete the undergraduate curriculum and initiate graduate study in less than the five years required by the
GDA-1824 . standard curriculum.
GDA-1826 . Bachelor’s/Master’s Accelerated Degree Program
GDA-1828 . Drexel offers a combined BS/MS degree program for our top engineering students who want to obtain both degrees in the same time period as most
GDA-1829 . students obtain a bachelor's degree. In Chemical Engineering, the course sequence for BS/MS students involves additional graduate courses and
GDA-1834 . The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering occupies the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors of the Center for Automation Technology. Approximately
GDA-1835 . 35,000 square feet (gross) are available for the department.
GDA-1837 . Two thousand square feet of laboratory facilities are designed for the pre-junior and junior year laboratory courses. Experiments in these laboratory
GDA-1838 . courses focus on applying concepts in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, separations, and reaction engineering. Laboratory
GDA-1841 . The department has two computer laboratories:
GDA-1843 . • The senior design laboratory features nine booths designed for team projects. Each booth contains a work station loaded with the latest process
GDA-1844 . simulation software produced by Aspen, Simulation Sciences and HYSIS. Seniors use the room heavily during their Capstone design experience,
GDA-1845 . although pre-junior courses in separations and transport also include projects requiring use of the process simulation software.
over 30 . individual work stations with general and engineering-specific software.
GDA-1853 . Many undergraduate students participate in research projects in faculty laboratories as part of independent study coursework or BS/MS thesis work.
GDA-1854 . Chemical engineering faculty are engaged in a wide range of research activities in areas including energy and the environment, polymer science and
GDA-1855 . engineering, biological engineering, and multi-scale modeling and process systems engineering. Further details can be found on the Department of
GDA-1856 . Chemical and Biological Engineering's Research Group (
GDA-1857 . department-research/research-groups/) web page.
GDA-1859 . Chemical Engineering Faculty
GDA-1861 . Cameron F. Abrams, PhD (University of California, Berkeley). Professor. Molecular simulations in biophysics and materials; receptors for insulin and
GDA-1862 . growth factors; and HIV-1 envelope structure and function.
GDA-1863 . Nicolas Alvarez, PhD (Carnegie Mellon University). Assistant Professor. Phototonic crystal defect chromatography; extensional rheology of polymer/
GDA-1864 . polymer composites; surfactant/polymer transport to fluid and solid interfaces; aqueous lubrication; interfacial instabilities.
GDA-1865 . Jason Baxter, PhD (University of California, Santa Barbara). Professor. Solar cells, semiconductor nanomaterials, ultrafast spectroscopy.
GDA-1866 . Richard A. Cairncross, PhD (University of Minnesota). Associate Professor. Effects of microstructure on transport and properties of polymers; moisture
GDA-1867 . transport and degradation on biodegradation on biodegradable polymers; production of biofuel.
GDA-1868 . Aaron Fafarman, PhD (Stanford University). Associate Professor. Photovoltaic energy conversion; solution-based synthesis of semiconductor thin films;
GDA-1869 . colloidal nanocrystals; electromodulation and photomodulation spectroscopy.
GDA-1870 . Vibha Kalra, PhD (Cornell University). Associate Professor. Electrodes for energy storage and conversion; supercapacitors; Li-S batteries; fuel cells; flow
GDA-1871 . batteries; electrospinning for nanofibers; molecular dynamics simulations; Nanotechnology, polymer nanocomposites.
GDA-1873 . Kenneth K.S. Lau, PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Associate Department Head. Professor. Surface science; nanotechnology; polymer thin
GDA-1874 . films and coatings; chemical vapor deposition.
GDA-1875 . Raj Mutharasan, PhD (Drexel University) Frank A, Fletcher Professor. Biochemical engineering; cellular metabolism in bioreactors; biosensors.
GDA-1876 . Giuseppe R. Palmese, PhD (University of Delaware). George B Francis Professor. Reacting polymer systems; nanostructured polymers; radiation
GDA-1877 . processing of materials; composites and interfaces.
GDA-1878 . Joshua Snyder, PhD (Johns Hopkins University). Assistant Professor. Electrocatalysis (energy conversion/storage); hetergeneous catalysis corrosion
GDA-1879 . (dealloying nanoporous metals); interfacial electrochemical phenomena in nanostructured materials; colloidal synthesis.
GDA-1880 . Masoud Soroush, PhD (University of Michigan). Professor. Process systems engineering; polymer engineering.
GDA-1881 . John H. Speidel, BSHE, MCHE (University of Delaware; Illinois Institute of Technology). Teaching Professor. Chemical process safety; process design
GDA-1883 . Maureen Tang, PhD (University of California, Berkeley). Assistant Professor. Batteries and fuel cells; nonaqueous electrochemistry; charge transport at
GDA-1885 . Michael Walters, PhD (Drexel University). Assistant Teaching Professor. Undergraduate laboratory.
GDA-1886 . Stephen P. Wrenn, PhD (University of Delaware). Professor. Biomedical engineering; biological colloids; membrane phase behavior and cholesterol
GDA-1890 . Charles B. Weinberger, PhD (University of Michigan). Professor Emeritus. Suspension rheology; fluid mechanics of multi-phase systems.
GDA-1893 . Major: Civil Engineering
GDA-1894 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCIV)
GDA-1895 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-1896 . Total Credit Hours: 189.5
GDA-1897 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years)
GDA-1898 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0801
GDA-1899 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2051
GDA-1903 . The civil engineering major prepares students in the fundamental principles necessary to practice this profession in any of its branches, including
GDA-1904 . construction management, water resources, structural, transportation, environmental, geotechnical, and public facilities engineering.
GDA-1906 . Civil engineers are active in the planning, design, construction, research and development, operation, maintenance, and rehabilitation of large
GDA-1907 . engineering systems. A particular focus is the reconstruction of the nation’s infrastructure through solutions that minimize the disruption of social and
GDA-1908 . natural environments.
GDA-1910 . Civil engineering graduates are grounded in the fundamental principles necessary for the practice of this profession in any of its modern branches,
GDA-1911 . including construction management, water resources engineering, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, and
GDA-1912 . environmental engineering.
GDA-1914 . Seven of the required courses in the discipline include integral laboratories or field projects for both educational illustration and professional practice
GDA-1917 . Careful selection of the electives specified in the curriculum can lead to a wide variety of career objectives. For instance, students with an interest in
GDA-1918 . water resources engineering may elect advanced courses in hydrology, ecology, and chemistry; select senior professional electives in the geotechnical
GDA-1919 . and water resources areas; and choose appropriate topics for senior design and senior seminar. Seniors, with the approval of the department head, can
GDA-1920 . elect certain graduate courses.
GDA-1922 . A special feature of the major is senior design. A group of students works with a faculty advisor to develop a significant design project selected by the
GDA-1923 . group. All civil engineering students participate in a design project.
GDA-1926 . 24 Civil Engineering
GDA-1929 . The civil and architectural engineering faculty are responsible for delivering an outstanding curriculum that equips our graduates with the broad technical
GDA-1930 . knowledge, design proficiency, professionalism, and communications skills required for them to make substantial contributions to society and to enjoy
GDA-1933 . Program Educational Objectives
GDA-1935 . Civil engineering graduates will become responsible professionals who analyze, design, construct, manage or operate built and natural infrastructure
GDA-1936 . and systems, and/or will have advance knowledge of the field.
GDA-1940 . The department’s student outcomes reflect the skills and abilities that the curriculum is designed to provide to students by the time they graduate. These
GDA-1943 . 1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
GDA-1946 . 2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well
GDA-1947 . as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
GDA-1950 . 3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
GDA-1953 . 4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the
GDA-1954 . impact of the engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
GDA-1957 . 5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish
GDA-1958 . goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
GDA-1961 . 6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
GDA-1964 . 7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
GDA-1969 . Additional Information
GDA-1971 . The Civil Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, (
GDA-1973 . For more information about this major, contact the program head:
GDA-1975 . Associate Professor
GDA-1976 . Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
GDA-1979 . You can also view webpage of the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering. (
GDA-1980 . study-programs/cvil-engineering/)
GDA-1982 . Degree Requirements
GDA-1984 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-1994 . General Education Requirements * 21.0
GDA-1996 . Foundation Requirements
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
GDA-1998 . Chemistry Requirements ** 3.5-7.5
GDA-2001 . General Chemistry I
GDA-2002 . and General Chemistry I
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
GDA-2006 . Engineering (ENGR) Requirements
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
GDA-2018 . Mathematics Requirements *** 4.0-10.0
GDA-2021 . Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
GDA-2026 . Calculus and Functions I
GDA-2027 . and Calculus and Functions II
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
GDA-2032 . Physics Requirements *** 4.0-8.0
GDA-2035 . Preparation for Engineering Studies
GDA-2036 . and Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
CAE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
CAE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
CAE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
CAEE 202 . Introduction to Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering 3.0
CAEE 203 . System Balances and Design in CAEE 3.0
CAEE 212 . Geologic Principles for Infrastructure & Environmental Engineering 4.0
CAEE 361 . Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems 3.0
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
CIVE 250 . Construction Materials 4.0
CIVE 302 . Structural Analysis I 4.0
CIVE 303 . Structural Design I 3.0
CIVE 312 . Soil Mechanics I 4.0
CIVE 315 . Soil Mechanics II 4.0
CIVE 320 . Introduction to Fluid Flow 3.0
CIVE 375 . Structural Material Behavior 3.0
ENVE 300 . Introduction to Environmental Engineering 3.0
MEM 230 . Mechanics of Materials I 4.0
GDA-2065 . Senior Professional Electives † 18.0
GDA-2066 . Total Credits 189.5-203.5
GDA-2068 . * General Education Requirements (p. 5).
GDA-2070 . ** CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-2071 . available based on that score.
GDA-2073 . *** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-2074 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-2076 . † A sequence of three courses in a major area of study is required, with a total of six 3-credit professional electives.
GDA-2081 . 26 Civil Engineering
GDA-2082 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-2087 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
CIVC 101 . 1.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-2096 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CAEE 202 . 3.0 CAEE 203 3.0 CAEE 212 4.0 CIVE 250 4.0
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 CIVE 240 3.0 CIVE 320 3.0 CIVE 330 4.0
ENGR 220 . 4.0 ENGR 210 3.0 ENVE 300 3.0 MEM 238 4.0
ENGR 231 . 3.0 ENGR 232 3.0 MEM 230 4.0 Free elective 3.0
PHYS 201 . 4.0 MEM 202 3.0 General Education
GDA-2103 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-2108 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVE 430 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-2120 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CAE 491 . 3.0 CAE 492 3.0 CAE 493 3.0
CIVE 477 . 2.0 CIVE 478 1.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-2123 . Professional elective† 6.0 Professional elective† 6.0 Professional elective† 6.0
GDA-2126 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-2128 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-2132 . Total Credits 189.5
GDA-2134 . * CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-2135 . available based on that score.
GDA-2137 . ** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-2143 . *** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-2144 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-2146 . † See degree requirements (p. 24).
GDA-2153 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
CIVC 101 . 1.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-2165 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 CIVE 240 3.0
GDA-2173 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
MEM 230 . 4.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-2180 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-2185 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVE 430 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-2197 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CAE 491 . 3.0 CAE 492 3.0 CAE 493 3.0
CIVE 477 . 2.0 CIVE 478 1.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-2200 . Professional elective† 6.0 Professional elective† 6.0 Professional elective† 6.0
GDA-2203 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-2205 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-2209 . Total Credits 189.5
GDA-2211 . * CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-2212 . available based on that score.
GDA-2214 . ** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-2220 . *** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-2221 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-2223 . † See degree requirements (p. 24).
GDA-2227 . Co-op/Career Opportunities
GDA-2229 . When students complete their co-op jobs, they are asked to write an overview of their experiences. These brief quotes are taken from some recent
GDA-2232 . Engineering construction inspector, state department of transportation: Supervised daily activities involved in the roadway construction of the [interstate]
GDA-2233 . bypass. Recorded daily visual inspection reports for soil sub-base and materials placed on site. Aided senior roadway engineers in approving grade prior
GDA-2234 . to asphalt placement. Used various instruments to check temperature and depths for asphalt placement. Took part in on-site discussions with contractor
GDA-2235 . to clear up any daily construction problems that would hinder quality of construction. ”
GDA-2237 . Construction inspector, municipal department of public property: “Inspected work performed by private contractors on city public works construction
GDA-2238 . and rehabilitation projects for adherence to contract plans and specifications. Projects included health centers, police and fire stations, libraries, city
GDA-2239 . hall, transit concourses, and prisons. Responsible for daily inspection reports and overall coordination for each respective project. Also responsible for
GDA-2240 . reviewing bills and writing contract modifications and amendments...the variety of work was excellent. ”
GDA-2243 . 28 Civil Engineering
GDA-2244 . Environmental co-op, chemicals manufacturer: “Compiled data and wrote monthly regulatory reports, in charge of hazardous waste management and
GDA-2245 . small projects as needed...I had my own responsibilities that had an impact on the entire company. Employer was really interested in my opinion and
GDA-2246 . gave me a chance to demonstrate my abilities, but also knew when to step in. Everybody was willing to answer any questions I may have had."
GDA-2248 . Visit the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center ( page for more detailed information on co-op and post-graduate
GDA-2253 . The Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering Department laboratories provide students with fully equipped space for education and research
GDA-2256 . Structural and Geotechnical Research Laboratory Facilities and Equipment
GDA-2258 . The geotechnical and structural engineering research labs at Drexel University provide a forum to perform large-scale experimentation across a broad
GDA-2259 . range of areas including infrastructure preservation and renewal, structural health monitoring, geosynthetics, nondestructive evaluation, earthquake
GDA-2260 . engineering, and novel ground modification approaches among others.
GDA-2262 . The laboratory is equipped with different data acquisition systems (MTS, Campbell Scientific, and National Instruments) capable of recording strain,
GDA-2263 . displacement, tilt, load and acceleration time histories. An array of sensors including LVDTs, wire potentiometers, linear and rotational accelerometers,
MTS 311 . and Tinius Olsen), in addition to
tron 1331 . and 567 and MTS 370 testing frames), two 5-kips MTS actuators for dynamic testing and one
GDA-2266 . degree of freedom 22kips ANCO shake table. The laboratory also features a phenomenological physical model which resembles the dynamic features of
GDA-2267 . common highway bridges and is used for field testing preparation and for testing different measurement devices.
GDA-2269 . The Woodring Laboratory hosts a wide variety of geotechnical, geosynthetics, and materials engineering testing equipment. The geotechnical
GDA-2270 . engineering testing equipment includes Geotac unconfined compression and a triaxial compression testing device, ring shear apparatus, constant
GDA-2271 . rate of strain consolidometer, an automated incremental consolidometer, an automated Geotac direct shear device and a large-scale consolidometer
GDA-2272 . (12” by 12” sample size). Other equipment includes a Fisher pH and conductivity meter as well as a Brookfield rotating viscometer. Electronic and
SC 325 . infrared camera for thermal measurements, NI Function generators, acoustic emission sensors and ultrasonic
GDA-2274 . transducers, signal conditioners, and impulse hammers for nondestructive testing.
GDA-2276 . The geosynthetics testing equipment in the Woodring lab includes pressure cells for incubation and a new differential scanning calorimetry device
GDA-2277 . including the standard-OIT. Materials testing equipment that is available through the materials and chemical engineering departments includes a
GDA-2278 . scanning electron microscope, liquid chromatography, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.
GDA-2280 . The Building Science and Engineering Group (BSEG) research space is also located in the Woodring Laboratory. This is a collaborative research
GDA-2281 . unit working at Drexel University with the objective of achieving more comprehensive and innovative approaches to sustainable building design and
GDA-2282 . operation through the promotion of greater collaboration between diverse sets of research expertise. Much of the BSEG work is simulation or model
GDA-2283 . based. Researchers in this lab also share some instrumentation with the DARRL lab (see below).
GDA-2285 . Environmental Engineering Laboratory Facilities and Equipment
GDA-2287 . The environmental engineering laboratories at Drexel University allow faculty and student researchers access to state-of-the-art equipment needed to
GDA-2289 . laboratory space, and a 400 SF clean room for cell culture and PCR.
GDA-2291 . The major equipment used in this laboratory space consists of: Roche Applied Science LightCyclerÔ 480 Real-time PCR System, Leica fluorescence
GDA-2292 . microscope with phase contrast and video camera, Spectrophotometer, Zeiss stereo microscope with heavy duty boom stand, fluorescence capability,
GDA-2293 . and a SPOT cooled color camera, BIORAD iCycler thermocycler for PCR, gel readers, transilluminator and electrophoresis setups, temperature
to 2 . L per reactor, BSL level 2 fume hood, laminar hood, soil
GDA-2295 . sampling equipment, Percival Scientific environmental chamber (model 1-35LLVL), custom-built rainfall simulator.
GDA-2297 . The Drexel Air Resources Research Laboratory (DARRL) is located in the Alumni Engineering Laboratory Building and contains state-of-the-art
GDA-2298 . aerosol measurement instrumentation including a Soot Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (Aerodyne Research Inc.), mini-Aerosol Mass Spectrometer,
GDA-2299 . (Aerodyne Research Inc.), Scanning Electrical Mobility Sizer (Brechtel Manufacturing), Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (TSI Inc.), Fast Mobility Particle
GDA-2300 . Sizer (TSI Inc.), Centrifugal Particle Mass Analyzer (Cambustion Ltd.), GC-FID, ozone monitors, and other instrumentation. These instruments are used
than 1 . micrometer in diameter including: chemical composition, size, density, and
GDA-2302 . shape or morphology.
GDA-2304 . In addition to the analytical instrumentation in DARRL, the laboratory houses several reaction chambers. These chambers are used for controlled
GDA-2306 . m3, and allow for a range of experimental conditions to be conducted in the laboratory.
GDA-2310 . Computer Equipment and Software
GDA-2312 . The Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering (CAEE) Department at Drexel University has hardware and software capabilities for students
GDA-2313 . to conduct research. The CAEE department operates a computer lab that is divided into two sections; one open access room, and a section dedicated
has 25 . desktop computers that are recently updated to handle resource intensive GIS (Geographic Information
GDA-2315 . Systems) and image processing software. There are a sufficient number of B&W and color laser printers that can be utilized for basic printing purposes.
GDA-2317 . Drexel University has site-licenses for a number of software, such as ESRITM ArcGIS 10, Visual Studio, SAP 2000, STAAD, Abaqus and MathworksTM
GDA-2318 . Matlab. The Information Resources & Technology (IRT) department at Drexel University provides support (e.g., installation, maintenance and
GDA-2319 . troubleshooting) to the above-mentioned software. It is currently supporting the lab by hosting a software image configuration that provides a series of
GDA-2320 . commonly used software packages, such as MS Office and ADOBE Acrobat among others. As a part of ESRI campus license (the primary maker of
GDA-2321 . GIS applications, i.e. ArcGIS) the department has access to a suite of seated licenses for GIS software with necessary extensions (e.g., LIDAR Analyst)
GDA-2322 . required for conducting research.
GDA-2324 . Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Faculty
GDA-2326 . Abieyuwa Aghayere, PhD (University of Alberta). Professor. Structural design - concrete, steel and wood; structural failure analysis; retrofitting of
GDA-2327 . existing structures; new structural systems and materials; engineering education.
GDA-2328 . Ivan Bartoli, PhD (University of California, San Diego). Associate Professor. Non-destructive evaluation and structural health monitoring; dynamic
GDA-2329 . identification, stress wave propagation modeling.
GDA-2330 . Shannon Capps, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Atmospheric chemistry; data assimilation; advanced sensitivity analysis;
GDA-2332 . S.C. Jonathan Cheng, PhD (West Virginia University). Associate Professor. Soil mechanics; geosynthetics; geotechnical engineering; probabilistic
GDA-2333 . design; landfill containments; engineering education.
GDA-2334 . Yaghoob (Amir) Farnam, PhD (Purdue University). Associate Professor. Advanced and sustainable infrastructure materials; multifunctional, selfresponsive
GDA-2335 . and bioinspired construction materials; advanced multiscale manufacturing; characterization, and evaluation of construction materials;
GDA-2336 . durability of cement-based materials.
GDA-2337 . Patricia Gallagher, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; soil
GDA-2338 . improvement; soil improvement; recycled materials in geotechnics.
GDA-2339 . Patrick Gurian, PhD (Carnegie-Mellon University). Professor. Risk analysis of environmental and infrastructure systems; novel adsorbent materials;
GDA-2340 . environmental standard setting; Bayesian statistical modeling; community outreach and environmental health.
GDA-2341 . Charles N. Haas, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Program Head for Environmental Engineering; L. D. Betz Professor of Environmental
GDA-2342 . Engineering. Water treatment; risk assessment; bioterrorism; environmental modeling and statistics; microbiology; environmental health.
GDA-2343 . Simi Hoque, PhD (University of California - Berkeley) Program Head for Architectural Engineering. Professor. Computational methods to reduce building
GDA-2344 . energy and environmental impacts, urban metabolism, thermal comfort, climate resilience.
GDA-2345 . Y. Grace Hsuan, PhD (Imperial College). Professor. Durability of polymeric construction materials; advanced construction materials; and performance of
GDA-2347 . Joseph B. Hughes, PhD (University of Iowa). Distinguished University Professor. Biological processes and applications of nanotechnology in
GDA-2348 . environmental systems.
GDA-2349 . L. James Lo, PhD (University of Texas at Austin). Associate Professor. Architectural fluid mechanics; building automation and autonomy; implementation
GDA-2350 . of natural and hybrid ventilation in buildings; airflow distribution in buildings; large-scale air movement in an urban built environment; building and urban
GDA-2351 . informatics; data-enhanced sensing and control for optimal building operation and management; novel data gathering methods for building/urban
GDA-2352 . problem solving; interdisciplinary research on occupant behaviors in the built environment.
GDA-2353 . Franco Montalto, PhD (Cornell University). Professor. Effects of built infrastructure on societal water needs, ecohydrologic patterns and processes,
GDA-2354 . ecological restoration, green design, and water interventions.
GDA-2355 . Mira S. Olson, PhD (University of Virginia). Associate Professor. Peace engineering; source water quality protection and management; contaminant and
GDA-2356 . bacterial fate and transport; community engagement.
GDA-2357 . Miguel A. Pando, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Associate Professor. Laboratory testing of geomaterials; geotechnical
GDA-2358 . aspects of natural hazards; soil-structure-interaction; geotechnical engineering.
GDA-2359 . Matthew Reichenbach, PhD (University of Austin at Texas). Assistant Teaching Professor. Design and behavior of steel structures, bridge engineering,
GDA-2360 . structural stability
GDA-2361 . 30 Computer Engineering
GDA-2362 . Michael Ryan, PhD (Drexel University) Associate Department Head of Graduate Studies. Associate Teaching Professor. Microbial Source Tracking
GDA-2363 . (MST); Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA); dynamic engineering systems modeling; molecular microbial biology; phylogenetics;
GDA-2364 . metagenomics; bioinformatics; environmental statistics; engineering economics; microbiology; potable and wastewater quality; environmental
GDA-2365 . management systems.
GDA-2366 . Christopher Sales, PhD (University of California, Berkeley). Associate Professor. Environmental microbiology and biotechnology; biodegradation of
GDA-2367 . environmental contaminants; microbial processes for energy and resource recovery from waste; application of molecular biology, analytical chemistry
GDA-2368 . and bioinformatic techniques to study environmental biological systems.
GDA-2369 . Robert Swan Teaching Professor. Geotechnical and geosynthetic engineering; soil/geosynthetic interaction and performance; laboratory and field
GDA-2370 . geotechnical/geosynthetic testing.
GDA-2371 . Sharon Walker, PhD (Yale University) Dean, College of Engineering. Distinguished Professor. Water quality systems engineering
GDA-2372 . Michael Waring, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) Department Head, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering. Associate Professor. Indoor
GDA-2373 . air quality and building sustainability; indoor particulate matter fate and transport; indoor chemistry and particle formation; secondary impacts of control
GDA-2374 . technologies and strategies.
GDA-2375 . Jin Wen, PhD (University of Iowa). Professor. Architectural engineering; Building Energy Efficiency; Intelligent Building; Net-zero Building; and Indoor Air
GDA-2377 . Aspasia Zerva, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor. Earthquake engineering; mechanics; seismology; structural reliability; system
GDA-2378 . identification; advanced computational methods in structural analysis.
GDA-2381 . A. Emin Aktan, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor Emeritus. Health monitoring and management of large infrastructures with
GDA-2382 . emphasis on health monitoring.
GDA-2383 . Eugenia Ellis, PhD, AIA (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor Emerita. Natural and electrical light sources and effects on
GDA-2384 . biological rhythms and health outcomes; ecological strategies for smart, sustainable buildings of the nexus of health, energy, and technology.
GDA-2385 . Ahmad Hamid, PhD (McMaster University). Professor Emeritus. Engineered masonry; seismic behavior, design and retrofit of masonry structures;
GDA-2386 . development of new materials and building systems.
GDA-2387 . Harry G. Harris, PhD (Cornell University). Professor Emeritus. Structural models; dynamics of structures, plates and shells; industrialized building
GDA-2389 . Joseph P. Martin, PhD (Colorado State University). Professor Emeritus. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; hydrology; transportation;
GDA-2391 . James E. Mitchell, MArch (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emeritus. Architectural engineering design; building systems; engineering education.
GDA-2392 . Joseph V. Mullin, PhD (Pennsylvania State University). Teaching Professor Emeritus. Structural engineering; failure analysis; experimental stress
GDA-2393 . analysis; construction materials; marine structures.
GDA-2394 . Computer Engineering
GDA-2396 . Major: Computer Engineering
GDA-2397 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCE)
GDA-2398 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-2399 . Total Credit Hours: 181.5
GDA-2400 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years)
GDA-2401 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0901
GDA-2402 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 15-1132; 15-1133; 15-1143; 17-2031
GDA-2406 . The major provides a broad focus on electronic circuits and systems, computer architecture, computer networking, embedded systems, programming
GDA-2407 . and system software, algorithms, and computer security.
GDA-2409 . Computer engineers design smaller, faster, and more reliable computers and digital systems, build computer networks to transfer data, embed
GDA-2410 . microprocessors in larger physical systems such as cars and planes, work on theoretical issues in computing, and design large-scale software systems.
GDA-2411 . Computer engineers may work in positions that apply computers in control systems, digital signal processing, telecommunications, and power systems,
GDA-2412 . and may design very large-scale integration (VLSI) integrated circuits and systems.
GDA-2416 . The computer engineering degree program is designed to provide our students with breadth in engineering, the sciences, mathematics, and the
GDA-2417 . humanities, as well as depth in both software and hardware disciplines appropriate for a computer engineer. It embodies the philosophy and style of
GDA-2418 . the Drexel Engineering Curriculum, and will develop the student's design and analytical skills. In combination with the co-op experience, it opens to the
GDA-2419 . student opportunities in engineering practice, advanced training in engineering or in other professions, and an entry to business and administration.
GDA-2421 . The computer engineering program's courses in ECE are supplemented with courses from the departments of Mathematics and Computer Science.
GDA-2422 . Students gain the depth of knowledge of computer hardware and software essential for the computer engineer.
GDA-2426 . The ECE Department at Drexel University ( serves the public and the university community by providing superior career-integrated
GDA-2427 . education in electrical and computer engineering; by conducting research in these fields, to generate new knowledge and technologies; and by
GDA-2428 . promoting among all its constituents professionalism, social responsibility, civic engagement and leadership.
GDA-2430 . Program Educational Objectives
GDA-2432 . The Electrical and Computer Engineering Program Educational Objectives are such that its alumni, in their early years after graduation can:
GDA-2434 . • Secure positions and continue as valued, creative, dependable, and proficient employees in a wide variety of fields and industries, in particular as
GDA-2435 . computer engineers.
GDA-2438 . • Succeed in graduate and professional studies if pursued, such as engineering, science, law, medicine and business.
GDA-2441 . • Embrace and pursue lifelong learning for a successful and rewarding career.
GDA-2444 . • Act as an ambassador for the field of engineering through clear, professional communication with technical and non-technical audiences, including
GDA-2445 . the general public.
GDA-2448 . • Accept responsibility for leadership roles in their profession, in their communities, and in the global society.
GDA-2451 . • Contribute to their professional discipline's body of knowledge.
GDA-2454 . • Function as responsible members of society with an awareness of the social and ethical ramifications of their work.
GDA-2461 . • An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
GDA-2464 . • An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well
GDA-2465 . as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
GDA-2468 . • An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
GDA-2471 . • An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the
GDA-2472 . impact of the engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
GDA-2475 . • An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish
GDA-2476 . goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
GDA-2479 . • An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
GDA-2482 . • An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
GDA-2487 . Additional Information
GDA-2489 . The Computer Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, (
GDA-2491 . Additional information about the major is available on the ECE Department website (
GDA-2494 . For advising questions, please contact the ECE advisor (
GDA-2495 . resources/current-undergrad/).
GDA-2496 . Degree Requirements
GDA-2498 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-2511 . 32 Computer Engineering
GDA-2512 . Communications Elective
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking 3.0
COM 310 . Technical Communication
GDA-2515 . General Education Requirements ** 15.0
GDA-2516 . Foundation Requirements
GDA-2517 . Chemistry Requirements *** 3.5-7.5
GDA-2520 . General Chemistry I
GDA-2521 . and General Chemistry I
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I
GDA-2524 . Computer Science (CS) Requirements
CS 265 . Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques 3.0
GDA-2527 . Engineering (ENGR) Requirements
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
GDA-2534 . Mathematics Requirements † 4.0-10.0
GDA-2537 . Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
GDA-2542 . Calculus and Functions I
GDA-2543 . and Calculus and Functions II
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 221 . Discrete Mathematics 3.0
MATH 291 . Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers 4.0
GDA-2550 . Physics Requirements † 4.0-8.0
GDA-2553 . Preparation for Engineering Studies
GDA-2554 . and Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-2559 . Science Elective 3.0
GDA-2560 . Choose any BIO, CHEM, or PHYS
GDA-2561 . Professional Requirements
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 105 . Programming for Engineers II 3.0
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECE 301 . Foundations of Electric Circuits II 4.0
ECE 350 . Introduction to Computer Organization 3.0
ECE 361 . Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers 4.0
ECE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
ECE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ECE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
GDA-2577 . CE Core Elective (Choose one of the following): 3.0
ECE 371 . Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems
ECE 380 . Fundamentals of Power and Energy
GDA-2581 . ECE Electives †† 6.0
GDA-2585 . ECE 400+ Electives ‡ 9.0
GDA-2586 . Free Electives 27.0
GDA-2587 . Total Credits 181.5-195.5
GDA-2589 . Note: Students majoring in Computer Engineering must have a 2.0 cumulative overall GPA and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their professional
GDA-2590 . requirements courses.
GDA-2592 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-2598 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-2600 . *** CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-2601 . available based on that score.
GDA-2603 . † MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-2604 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-2606 . †† 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-2607 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE or ECEC. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-2613 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-2618 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
GDA-2627 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 201 . 4.0 COM 230 or 310 3.0 CS 260 3.0 ECE 361 4.0
ECEC 201 . 3.0 CS 265 3.0 ECE 301 4.0 PHIL 315 3.0
ENGL 103 . 3.0 ECEC 204 3.0 ECE 350 3.0 CE Core elective 3.0
ENGR 231 . 3.0 ENGR 232 3.0 ECES 301 4.0 Free elective 3.0
MATH 221 . 3.0 PHYS 201 4.0 Science elective 3.0
GDA-2635 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 303 . 3.0 ECE Elective†† 3.0
MATH 291 . 4.0 Free electives 9.0
GDA-2638 . Free electives 6.0 General Education
GDA-2646 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-2648 . ECE 400+ Elective‡ 3.0 ECE 400+ Elective‡ 3.0 ECE 400+ Elective‡ 3.0
GDA-2649 . ECE Elective†† 3.0 Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-2650 . Free elective 3.0 General Education
GDA-2652 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-2659 . Total Credits 181.5
GDA-2662 . 34 Computer Engineering
GDA-2663 . * CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-2664 . available based on that score.
GDA-2666 . ** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-2667 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-2669 . *** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-2675 . † General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-2677 . †† 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-2678 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE or ECEC. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-2687 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
GDA-2696 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 201 . 4.0 COM 230 or 310 3.0
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ECEC 204 3.0
GDA-2704 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 350 . 3.0 CE Core elective 3.0
ECES 301 . 4.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-2709 . Science elective 3.0
GDA-2712 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 303 . 3.0 ECE Elective†† 3.0
MATH 291 . 4.0 Free electives 9.0
GDA-2715 . Free electives 6.0 General Education
GDA-2723 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-2725 . ECE 400+ Elective‡ 3.0 ECE 400+ Elective‡ 3.0 ECE 400+ Elective‡ 3.0
GDA-2726 . ECE Elective†† 3.0 Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-2727 . Free elective 3.0 General Education
GDA-2729 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-2736 . Total Credits 181.5
GDA-2740 . * CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-2741 . available based on that score.
GDA-2743 . ** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online
GDA-2744 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-2746 . *** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-2752 . † General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-2754 . †† 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-2755 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE or ECEC. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-2761 . Co-op/Career Opportunities
an 80 . year history and is one of the oldest and largest co-op programs in the world. Students graduate with 6-18
GDA-2764 . months of full time employment experience, depending on their choice of a 4-year or 5-year program. The majority of Computer Engineering students in
with 18 . months of full-time work experience, and often receive a job offer from their third co-op employer
GDA-2766 . or from a connection made from one of their co-op experiences.
GDA-2768 . Computer engineers work for computer and microprocessor manufacturers; manufacturers of digital devices for telecommunications, peripherals,
GDA-2769 . electronics, control, and robotics; software engineering; the computer network industry; and related fields. A degree in computer engineering can also
GDA-2770 . serve as an excellent foundation to pursue graduate professional careers in medicine, law, business, and government.
GDA-2772 . Graduates are also pursuing advanced studies in electrical and computer engineering, aerospace engineering, and mechanical engineering at such
GDA-2773 . schools as MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of California at Berkeley, University of Pennsylvania, and University of
GDA-2776 . The Steinbright Career Development Center had a co-op placement rate of approximately 99% for electrical and computer engineering majors.
GDA-2778 . Co-op employers for computer engineering majors include:
GDA-2783 . • Comcast Corporation
GDA-2789 . • Susquehanna International Group LLC
GDA-2792 . • PJM Interconnection, LLC
GDA-2798 . • National Board of Medical Examiners
GDA-2801 . • UNISYS Corporation
GDA-2804 . • Woodward McCoach, Inc.
GDA-2810 . • ClarivateAnalytics (Thomson Reuters)
GDA-2816 . • Excelon Corporation
GDA-2821 . Additional Information
GDA-2823 . For more information about the co-op process, please contact the Steinbright Career Development Center (
GDA-2825 . Dual Degree Bachelor's Program
GDA-2827 . With careful planning, students can complete both a Computer Engineering and an Electrical Engineering degree in the time usually required to
GDA-2828 . complete one degree. For detailed information the student should contact the ECE advisor (
GDA-2829 . electrical-computer-engineering/resources/current-undergrad/).
GDA-2831 . Bachelor's/Master's Accelerated Degree Program
GDA-2833 . Exceptional students can also pursue a Master of Science degree in the same period as a Bachelor of Science.
GDA-2835 . For more information on these and other options, visit the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering BS/MS (
GDA-2836 . undergrad/bs-ms/) page.
GDA-2839 . 36 Computer Engineering
GDA-2842 . Drexel University and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department are nationally recognized for a strong history of developing innovative
GDA-2843 . research. Research programs in the ECE Department prepare students for careers in research and development, and aim to endow graduates with the
GDA-2844 . ability to identify, analyze, and address new technical and scientific challenges. The ECE Department is well equipped with state-of-the-art facilities in
GDA-2845 . each of the following ECE Research laboratories:
GDA-2847 . Research Laboratories at the ECE Department
GDA-2849 . Adaptive Signal Processing and Information Theory Research Group
GDA-2851 . The Adaptive Signal Processing and Information Theory Research Group ( conducts research in the
GDA-2852 . area of signal processing and information theory. Our main interests are belief/expectation propagation, turbo decoding and composite adaptive system
GDA-2853 . theory. We are currently doing projects on the following topics:
GDA-2854 . i) Delay mitigating codes for network coded systems,
GDA-2855 . ii) Distributed estimation in sensor networks via expectation propagation,
GDA-2856 . iii) Turbo speaker identification,
GDA-2857 . iv) Performance and convergence of expectation propagation,
GDA-2858 . v) Investigating bounds for SINR performance of autocorrelation based channel shorteners.
GDA-2860 . Bioimage Laboratory
GDA-2862 . Uses computer gaming hardware for enhanced and affordable 3-D visualization, along with techniques from information theory and machine learning to
GDA-2863 . combine the exquisite capabilities of the human visual system with computational sensing techniques for analyzing vast quantities of image sequence
GDA-2866 . Data Fusion Laboratory
GDA-2868 . The Data Fusion Laboratory investigates problems in multisensory detection and estimation, with applications in robotics, digital communications, radar,
GDA-2869 . and target tracking. Among the projects in progress: computationally efficient parallel distributed detection architectures, data fusion for robot navigation,
GDA-2870 . modulation recognition and RF scene analysis in time-varying environments, pattern recognition in biological data sequences and large arrays, and
GDA-2871 . hardware realizations of data fusion architectures for target detection and target tracking.
GDA-2873 . Drexel Network Modeling Laboratory
GDA-2875 . The Drexel Network Modeling Laboratory investigates problems in the mathematical modeling of communication networks, with specific focus
GDA-2876 . on wireless ad hoc networks, wireless sensor networks, and supporting guaranteed delivery service models on best effort and multipath routed
GDA-2877 . networks. Typical methodologies employed in our research include mathematical modeling, computer simulation, and performance optimization, often
GDA-2878 . with the end goal of obtaining meaningful insights into network design principles and fundamental performance tradeoffs.
GDA-2880 . Drexel Power-Aware Computing Laboratory
GDA-2882 . The Power-Aware Computing Lab ( investigates methods to increase energy efficiency across the boundaries of circuits,
GDA-2883 . architecture, and systems. Our recent accomplishments include the Sigil profiling tool, scalable modeling infrastructure for accelerator implementations,
GDA-2884 . microarchitecture-aware VDD gating algorithms, an accelerator architecture for ultrasound imaging, evaluation of hardware reference counting,
GDA-2885 . hardware and operating system support for power-agile computing, and memory systems for accelerator-based architectures.
GDA-2887 . Drexel University Nuclear Engineering Education Laboratory
GDA-2889 . The field of nuclear engineering encompasses a wide spectrum of occupations, including nuclear reactor design, medical imaging, homeland security,
GDA-2890 . and oil exploration.The Drexel University Nuclear Engineering Education Laboratory (DUNEEL) provides fundamental hands on understanding for power
GDA-2891 . plant design and radiation detection and analysis.Software based study for power plant design, as well as physical laboratory equipment for radiation
GDA-2892 . detection, strengthen the underlying concepts used in nuclear engineering such that the student will comprehend and appreciate the basic concepts and
GDA-2893 . terminology used in various nuclear engineering professions. Additionally, students use the laboratory to develop methods for delivering remote, live
GDA-2894 . time radiation detection and analysis. The goal of DUNEEL is to prepare students for potential employment in the nuclear engineering arena.
GDA-2896 . Drexel VLSI Laboratory
GDA-2898 . The Drexel VLSI Laboratory investigates problems in the design, analysis, optimization and manufacturing of high performance (low power, high
GDA-2899 . throughput) integrated circuits in contemporary CMOS and emerging technologies. Suited with industrial design tools for integrated circuits, simulation
GDA-2900 . tools and measurement beds, the VLSI group is involved with digital and mixed-signal circuit design to verify the functionality of the discovered novel
GDA-2901 . circuit and physical design principles. The Drexel VLSI laboratory develops design methodologies and automation tools in these areas, particularly in
GDA-2902 . novel clocking techniques, featuring resonant clocking, and interconnects, featuring wireless interconnects.
GDA-2904 . Drexel Wireless Systems Laboratory
GDA-2908 . The Drexel Wireless Systems Laboratory (DWSL) contains an extensive suite of equipment for constructing, debugging, and testing prototype wireless
GDA-2909 . communications systems. Major equipment within DWSL includes:
GDA-2911 . • three software defined radio network testbeds (HYDRA, USRP, and WARP) for rapidly prototyping radio, optical and ultrasonic communications
GDA-2915 . • a TDK RF anechoic chamber and EMSCAN desktop antenna pattern measurement system,
GDA-2918 . • a materials printer and printed circuit board milling machine for fabricating conformal antennas and
GDA-2921 . • wireless protocol conformance testing equipment from Aeroflex.
GDA-2926 . The lab is also equipped with network analyzers, high speed signal generators, oscilloscopes, and spectrum analyzers as well as several Zigbee
GDA-2927 . development platforms for rapidly prototyping sensor networks.
GDA-2929 . DWSL personnel also collaborate to create wearable, fabric based transceivers through collaboration with the Shima Seiki Haute Laboratory in the
GDA-2930 . Drexel ExCITe Center.The knitting equipment at Drexel includes sixteen SDS-ONE APEX3 workstations and four state-of-the-art knitting machines.
GDA-2931 . The workstations accurately simulate fabric construction and provide researchers and designers the opportunity to program, create and simulate textile
GDA-2932 . prototypes, import CAD specifications of final products, and produce made-to-measure or mass-produced pieces on Shima Seiki knitting machines.For
GDA-2933 . testing smart textiles for biomedical, DWSL personnel also have collaborators in the Center for Interdisciplinary Clinical Simulation and Practice (CICSP)
GDA-2934 . in the Drexel College of Medicine which provides access to medical mannequin simulators.
GDA-2936 . Ecological and Evolutionary Signal-processing and Informatics Laboratory
GDA-2938 . The Ecological and Evolutionary Signal-processing and Informatics Laboratory (EESI) seeks to solve problems in high-throughput genomics and
GDA-2939 . engineer better solutions for biochemical applications. The lab's primary thrust is to enhance the use of high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies
GDA-2940 . with pattern recognition and signal processing techniques. Applications include assessing the organism content of an environmental sample,
GDA-2941 . recognizing/classifying potential and functional genes, inferring environmental factors and inter-species relationships, and inferring microbial evolutionary
GDA-2942 . relationships from short-read DNA/RNA fragments. The lab also investigates higher-level biological systems such as modeling and controlling
GDA-2943 . chemotaxis, the movement of cells.
GDA-2945 . Electric Power Engineering Center
GDA-2947 . This newly established facility makes possible state-of-the-art research in a wide variety of areas, ranging from detailed theoretical model study to
GDA-2948 . experimental investigation in its high voltage laboratories. The mission is to advance and apply scientific and engineering knowledge associated with the
GDA-2949 . generation, transmission, distribution, use, and conservation of electric power. In pursuing these goals, this center works with electric utilities, state and
GDA-2950 . federal agencies, private industries, nonprofit organizations and other universities on a wide spectrum of projects. Research efforts, both theoretical and
GDA-2951 . experimental, focus on the solution of those problems currently faced by the electric power industry. Advanced concepts for electric power generation
GDA-2952 . are also under investigation to ensure that electric power needs will be met at the present and in the future.
GDA-2954 . Electronic Design Automation Facility
GDA-2956 . Industrial-grade electronic design automation software suite and intergrated design environment for digital, analog and mixed-signal systems
GDA-2957 . development. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) development hardware. Most up-to-date FPGA/embedded system development hardware kits.
GDA-2958 . Printed circuit board production facility. Also see Drexel VLSI Laboratory.
GDA-2960 . Microwave-Photonics Device Laboratories
GDA-2962 . The laboratory is equipped with test and measurement equipment for high-speed analog and digital electronics and fiber optic systems. The test
and 45 . Mhz-40 GHz), and Anritsu (45 MHz-6 GHz); spectrum analyzers from
to 40 . GHz and up to 90 GHz using external mixers; signal generators and communication
GDA-2965 . channel modulators from HP, Rhode-Schwartz, Systron Donner, and Agilent; microwave power meter and sensor heads, assortment of passive and
to 40 . GHz ; data pattern generator and BER tester up to 3Gb/s; optical spectrum analyzer from Anritsu and power
GDA-2967 . meters from HP; single and multimode fiber optic based optical transmitter and receiver boards covering ITU channels at data rates up to 10Gb/s;
GDA-2968 . passive optical components such as isolator, filter, couplers, optical connectors and fusion splicer; LPKF milling machine for fabrication of printed circuit
GDA-2969 . boards; wire-bonding and Cascade probe stations; Intercontinental test fixtures for testing of MMIC circuits and solid-state transistors; state-of-the-art
GDA-2970 . microwave and electromagnetic CAD packages such as Agilent ADS, ANSYS HFSS, and COMSOL multi-physics module.
GDA-2972 . Music and Entertainment Technology Laboratory
GDA-2974 . The Music and Entertainment Technology Laboratory (MET-lab) is devoted to research in digital media technologies that will shape the future of
GDA-2975 . entertainment, especially in the areas of sound and music. We employ digital signal processing and machine learning to pursue novel applications in
GDA-2976 . music information retrieval, music production and processing technology, and new music interfaces. The MET-lab is also heavily involved in outreach
GDA-2977 . programs for K-12 students and hosts the Summer Music Technology program, a one-week learning experience for high school students. Lab facilities
GDA-2978 . include a sound isolation booth for audio and music recording, a digital audio workstation running ProTools, two large multi-touch display interfaces of
GDA-2979 . our own design, and a small computing cluster for distributed processing.
GDA-2982 . 38 Computer Engineering
GDA-2985 . Our research is primarily in the area of nanophotonics with a focus on the nanoscale interaction of light with matter. Interests include: liquid crystal/
GDA-2986 . polymer composites for gratings, lenses and HOEs; liquid crystal interactions with surfaces and in confined nanospaces; alternative energy generation
GDA-2987 . through novel photon interactions; ink-jet printed conducting materials for RF and photonic applications; and the creation and development of smart
GDA-2988 . textiles technologies including soft interconnects, sensors, and wireless implementations.
GDA-2990 . Opto-Electro-Mechanical Laboratory
GDA-2992 . This lab concentrates on the system integration on optics, electronics, and mechanical components and systems, for applications in imaging,
GDA-2993 . communication, and biomedical research. Research areas include: Programmable Imaging with Optical Micro-electrical-mechanical systems (MEMS), in
GDA-2994 . which microscopic mirrors are used to image light into a single photodetector; Pre-Cancerous Detection using White Light Spectroscopy, which performs
GDA-2995 . a cellular size analysis of nuclei in tissue; Free-space Optical Communication using Space Time Coding, which consists of diffused light for computer-tocomputer
GDA-2996 . communications, and also tiny lasers and detectors for chip-to-chip communication; Magnetic Particle Locomotion, which showed that particles
GDA-2997 . could swim in a uniform field; and Transparent Antennas using Polymer, which enables antennas to be printed through an ink-jet printer.
GDA-2999 . Plasma and Magnetics Laboratory
GDA-3001 . Research is focused on applications of electrical and magnetic technologies to biology and medicine. This includes the subjects of non-thermal
GDA-3002 . atmospheric pressure plasma for medicine, magnetic manipulation of particles for drug delivery and bio-separation, development of miniature NMR
GDA-3003 . sensors for cellular imaging and carbon nanotube cellular probes.
GDA-3005 . Power Electronics Research Laboratory
GDA-3007 . The Power Electronics Research Laboratory (PERL) is involved in circuit and design simulation, device modeling and simulation, and experimental
GDA-3008 . testing and fabrication of power electronic circuits. The research and development activities include electrical terminations, power quality, solar
GDA-3009 . photovoltaic systems, GTO modeling, protection and relay coordination, and solid-state circuit breakers. The analysis tools include EMPT, SPICE, and
GDA-3010 . others, which have been modified to incorporate models of such controllable solid-state switches as SCRs, GTOs, and MOSFETs. These programs
GDA-3011 . have a wide variety and range of modeling capabilities used to model electromagnetics and electromechanical transients ranging from microseconds to
with 42 . kVA AC and 70 kVA DC power sources and data acquisition systems, which have
GDA-3013 . the ability to display and store data for detailed analysis. Some of the equipment available is a distribution and HV transformer and three phase rectifiers
GDA-3014 . for power sources and digital oscilloscopes for data measuring and experimental analysis. Some of the recent studies performed by the PERL include
GDA-3015 . static VAR compensators, power quality of motor controllers, solid-state circuit breakers, and power device modeling which have been supported by
GDA-3016 . PECO, GE, Gould, and EPRI.
GDA-3018 . Testbed for Power-Performance Management of Enterprise Computing Systems
GDA-3020 . This computing testbed is used to validate techniques and algorithms aimed at managing the performance and power consumption of enterprise
Dell 2950 . and Dell 1950 PowerEdge servers, as well as assorted desktop machines, networked
GDA-3022 . via a gigabit switch. Virtualization of this cluster is enabled by VMWare's ESX Server running the Linux RedHat kernel. It also comprises of a rack of ten
GDA-3023 . Apple Xserve machines networked via a gigabit switch. These servers run the OS X Leopard operating systems and have access to a RAID with TBs of
GDA-3024 . total disk capacity.
GDA-3026 . Computer Engineering Faculty
GDA-3028 . Tom Chmielewski, PhD (Drexel University). Teaching Professor. Modeling and simulation of electro-mechanical systems; optimal, adaptive and nonlinear
GDA-3029 . control; DC motor control; system identification; kalman filters (smoothing algorithms, tracking); image processing; robot design; biometric
GDA-3030 . technology and design of embedded systems for control applications utilizing MATLAB and SIMULINK
GDA-3031 . Fernand Cohen, PhD (Brown University). Professor. Surface modeling; tissue characterization and modeling; face modeling; recognition and tracking.
GDA-3032 . Andrew Cohen, PhD (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute). Associate Professor. Image processing; multi-target tracking; statistical pattern recognition and
GDA-3033 . machine learning; algorithmic information theory; 5-D visualization
GDA-3034 . Kapil Dandekar, PhD (University of Texas-Austin) Director of the Drexel Wireless Systems Laboratory (DWSL); Associate Dean of Research, College of
GDA-3035 . Engineering. Professor. Cellular/mobile communications and wireless LAN; smart antenna/MIMO for wireless communications; applied computational
GDA-3036 . electromagnetics; microwave antenna and receiver development; free space optical communication; ultrasonic communication; sensor networks for
GDA-3037 . homeland security; ultrawideband communication.
GDA-3038 . Afshin Daryoush, ScD (Drexel University). Professor. Digital and microwave photonics; nonlinear microwave circuits; RFIC; medical imaging.
GDA-3039 . Anup Das, PhD (Universit of Singapore). Assistant Professor. Design of algorithms for neuromorphic computing, particularly using spiking neural
GDA-3040 . networks, dataflow-based design of neuromorphic computing system, design of scalable computing system; hardware-software co-design and
GDA-3041 . management, and thermal and power management of many-core embedded systems
GDA-3043 . Bruce A. Eisenstein, PhD (University of Pennsylvania). Arthur J. Rowland Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Pattern recognition;
GDA-3044 . estimation; decision theory.
GDA-3045 . Adam K. Fontecchio, PhD (Brown University) Director, Center for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning Excellence (CASTLE). Professor.
GDA-3046 . Electro-optics; remote sensing; active optical elements; liquid crystal devices.
GDA-3047 . Gary Friedman, PhD (University of Maryland-College Park) Associate Department Head for Graduate Affairs. Professor. Biological and biomedical
GDA-3048 . applications of nanoscale magnetic systems.
GDA-3049 . Allon Guez, PhD (University of Florida). Professor. Intelligent control systems; robotics, biomedical, automation and manufacturing; business systems
GDA-3051 . Peter R. Herczfeld, PhD (University of Minnesota). Professor. Lightwave technology; microwaves; millimeter waves; fiberoptic and integrated optic
GDA-3053 . Leonid Hrebien, PhD (Drexel University). Professor. Tissue excitability; acceleration effects on physiology; bioinformatics.
GDA-3054 . Nagarajan Kandasamy, PhD (University of Michigan) Associate Department Head for Undergraduate Affairs. Associate Professor. Embedded systems,
GDA-3055 . self-managing systems, reliable and fault-tolerant computing, distributed systems, computer architecture, and testing and verification of digital systems.
GDA-3056 . Youngmoo Kim, PhD (MIT) Director, Expressive and Creative Interactive Technologies (ExCITe) Center. Professor. Audio and music signal processing,
GDA-3057 . voice analysis and synthesis, music information retrieval, machine learning.
GDA-3058 . Fei Lu, PhD (University of Michigan). Assistant Professor. Power electronics; wireless power transfer technology for the high-power electric vehicles and
GDA-3059 . the low-power electronic devices.
GDA-3060 . Karen Miu, PhD (Cornell University). Professor. Power systems; distribution networks; distribution automation; optimization; system analysis.
GDA-3061 . Bahram Nabet, PhD (University of Washington). Professor. Optoelectronics; fabrication and modeling; fiber optic devices; nanoelectronics; nanowires.
GDA-3062 . Prawat Nagvajara, PhD (Boston University). Associate Professor. System on a chip; embedded systems; power grid computation; testing of computer
GDA-3063 . hardware; fault-tolerant computing; VLSI systems; error control coding.
GDA-3064 . Dagmar Niebur, PhD (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Intelligent systems; dynamical systems; power system monitoring
GDA-3066 . Christopher Peters, PhD (University of Michigan). Teaching Professor. Nuclear reactor design; ionizing radiation detection; nuclear forensics; power
GDA-3067 . plant reliability and risk analysis; naval/marine power and propulsion; directed energy/high power microwaves; nonstationary signal processing; radar;
GDA-3068 . electronic survivability/susceptibility to harsh environments; electronic warfare
GDA-3069 . Karkal Prabhu, PhD (Harvard University). Teaching Professor. Computer engineering education; computer architecture; embedded systems
GDA-3070 . Gail L. Rosen, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Signal processing, signal processing for biological analysis and modeling,
GDA-3071 . bio-inspired designs, source localization and tracking.
GDA-3072 . Ioannis Savidis, PhD (University of Rochester). Associate Professor. Analysis, modeling, and design methodologies for high performance digital and
GDA-3073 . mixed-signal integrated circuits; Emerging integrated circuit technologies; Electrical and thermal modeling and characterization, signal and power
GDA-3074 . integrity, and power and clock delivery for 3-D IC technologies
GDA-3075 . Kevin J. Scoles, PhD (Dartmouth College) Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs. Associate Professor. Microelectronics; electric vehicles; solar
GDA-3076 . energy; biomedical electronics.
GDA-3077 . Harish Sethu, PhD (Lehigh University). Associate Professor. Protocols, architectures and algorithms in computer networks; computer security; mobile ad
GDA-3078 . hoc networks; large-scale complex adaptive networks and systems.
GDA-3079 . James Shackleford, PhD (Drexel University). Associate Professor. Medical image processing, high performance computing, embedded systems,
GDA-3080 . computer vision, machine learning
GDA-3081 . P. Mohana Shankar, PhD (Indian Institute of Technology) Allen Rothwarf Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Professor. Wireless
GDA-3082 . communications; biomedical ultrasonics; fiberoptic bio-sensors.
GDA-3083 . Matthew Stamm, PhD (University of Maryland, College Park). Associate Professor. Information Security; multimedia forensics and anti-forensics;
GDA-3084 . information verification; adversarial dynamics; signal processing
GDA-3085 . Baris Taskin, PhD (University of Pittsburgh). Professor. Very large-scal integration (VLSI) systems, computer architecture, circuits and systems,
GDA-3086 . electronic design automation (EDA), energy efficient computing.
GDA-3087 . 40 Construction Management
GDA-3088 . John Walsh, PhD (Cornell University). Associate Professor. Bounding the region of entropic vectors and its implications for the limits of communication
GDA-3089 . networks, big data distributed storage systems, and graphical model based machine learning; efficient computation and analysis of rate regions for
GDA-3090 . network coding and distributed storage; code construction, polyhedral computation, hierarchy, and symmetry
GDA-3091 . Steven Weber, PhD (University of Texas-Austin) Department Head. Professor. Mathematical modeling of computer and communication networks,
GDA-3092 . specifically streaming multimedia and ad hoc networks.
GDA-3093 . Jaudelice de Oliveira, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Software-defined networking; social and economic networks; network
GDA-3094 . security; design and analysis of protocols, algorithms and architectures in computer networks, particularly solutions for the Internet of Things
GDA-3097 . Suryadevara Basavaiah, PhD (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emeritus. Computer engineering; computer engineering education; custom circuit
GDA-3098 . design; VLSI technology; process and silicon fabrication
GDA-3099 . Eli Fromm, PhD (Jefferson Medical College). Professor Emeritus. Engineering education; academic research policy; bioinstrumentation; physiologic
GDA-3101 . Edwin L. Gerber, PhD (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emeritus. Computerized instruments and measurements; undergraduate engineering
GDA-3103 . Construction Management
GDA-3105 . Major: Construction Management
GDA-3106 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Construction Management (BSCMGT)
GDA-3107 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-3108 . Total Credit Hours: 187.0
GDA-3109 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years)
GDA-3110 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 52.2001
GDA-3111 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 11-9021
GDA-3115 . Construction management is a dynamic profession that is a combination of art and science. While an understanding of the technical aspects of
GDA-3116 . construction is extremely important, it is also essential that construction professionals have knowledge of the business and management aspects of the
GDA-3117 . profession. While construction has traditionally been a very conservative industry, the increasing rate of technological development and competition in
GDA-3118 . the industry serves to accelerate the development of new construction methods, equipment, materials, and management techniques. As a result of these
GDA-3119 . forces, there is an increasing need for innovative and professionally competent construction professionals.
GDA-3121 . The Construction Management major prepares students for all phases of operation and management of the construction organization including cost
GDA-3122 . estimating, project scheduling, and planning, in addition to technology courses, sustainability, BIM and Virtual Design and Construction. Students are
GDA-3123 . able to choose from a wide range of subjects in the social sciences and humanities to satisfy electives in the liberal arts and free elective requirements.
GDA-3124 . Pursuing part-time, degree completion on average takes six years.
GDA-3126 . Students in Drexel's Construction Management program receive broad academic, technical, business, and construction management courses that are
GDA-3127 . designed to produce well-rounded construction professionals. Students interested in extending their construction management studies into real estate
GDA-3128 . development should consider the concentration in real estate. This concentration in real estate is designed for students to attain the knowledge and
GDA-3129 . skills required to create and maintain built environments for living, working and entertainment purposes, as well as to explore issues in the real estate
GDA-3130 . development process and the industry as a whole.
GDA-3132 . Program Delivery Options
GDA-3134 . Program delivery options for the Construction Management program include:
GDA-3136 . • A traditional 5-year with co-op
GDA-3139 . • 4-year with one co-op
GDA-3142 . • A part-time study option
GDA-3147 . Additional Information
GDA-3149 . For additional information, visit the Construction Management (
GDA-3150 . systems-engineering/) website or contact:
GDA-3159 . Degree Requirements
GDA-3161 . English/Communication
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking 3.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
GDA-3169 . Mathematics * 7.0-10.0
GDA-3177 . Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
MATH 121 . Calculus I (and an approved elective)
GEO 101 . Physical Geology 4.0
PHYS 151 . Applied Physics 3.0
GDA-3184 . One Physical Science Elective 3.0
ACCT 110 . Accounting for Professionals 4.0
ECON 201 . Principles of Microeconomics 4.0
ECON 202 . Principles of Macroeconomics 4.0
FIN 301 . Introduction to Finance 4.0
STAT 201 . Introduction to Business Statistics 4.0
GDA-3191 . One Business Elective 4.0
GDA-3192 . Humanities and Social Science
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
GDA-3194 . Three Humanities and Social Science Electives 9.0
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
GDA-3198 . Professional Core - Construction Science
CMGT 161 . Building Materials and Construction Methods I 3.0
CMGT 162 . Building Materials and Construction Methods II 3.0
CMGT 163 . Building Materials and Construction Methods III 3.0
CMGT 251 . Construction Surveying 3.0
CMGT 265 . Information Technologies in Construction 3.0
CMGT 266 . Building Systems I 3.0
CMGT 267 . Building Systems II 3.0
CMGT 270 . Principles of Statics for Construction Management 3.0
CMGT 365 . Soil Mechanics in Construction 4.0
CMGT 371 . Structural Aspects in Construction I 3.0
CMGT 372 . Structural Aspects in Construction II 3.0
GDA-3210 . Professional Core - Construction
CMGT 101 . Introduction to Construction Management 3.0
CMGT 240 . [WI] Economic Planning for Construction 3.0
CMGT 261 . Construction Safety 3.0
CMGT 263 . Understanding Construction Drawings 3.0
CMGT 355 . Introduction to Sustainability in Construction 3.0
CMGT 361 . Contracts And Specifications I 3.0
CMGT 362 . Contracts and Specifications II 3.0
CMGT 375 . Building Information Modeling in Construction 3.0
CMGT 450 . Management of Field Operations 3.0
CMGT 461 . Construction Project & Company Management 3.0
GDA-3225 . 42 Construction Management
CMGT 463 . Value Engineering 3.0
CMGT 467 . Techniques of Project Control 4.0
GDA-3228 . Professional Core - Professional Techniques
CMGT 385 . [WI] Selling and Negotiation Techniques in Construction 3.0
CMGT 485 . Habits of Successful Design and Build Construction 3.0
CMGT 486 . Leading in the Construction Industry 3.0
GDA-3232 . Construction Electives
GDA-3233 . Select three of the following: 9.0
CMGT 451 . Heavy Construction Principles & Practices
CMGT 469 . Construction Seminar: Contemporary Issues
CMGT 470 . Productivity in Construction
CMGT I499 . Independent Study in CMGT
GDA-3240 . Other Approved CMGT Elective *
GDA-3241 . Construction Capstone
CMGT 491 . [WI] Senior Capstone I 3.0
CMGT 492 . [WI] Senior Capstone II 3.0
CMGT 493 . Senior Capstone III 3.0
GDA-3245 . University Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development *** 1.0
UNIV G101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-3250 . Total Credits 187.0-190.0
GDA-3252 . * MATH sequence is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-3253 . available based on that score.
GDA-3255 . ** Students may choose another construction elective but the permission of the Program is required.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-3262 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-3267 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CMGT 161 . 3.0 CIVC 101 1.0 ACCT 110 4.0 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CMGT 101 3.0 CMGT 163 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 CMGT 162 3.0 CMGT 263 3.0
ENGL 102 . or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 MATH 121* 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
GDA-3276 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CMGT 251 . 3.0 CMGT 240 3.0 CMGT 266 3.0 CMGT 265 3.0
CMGT 261 . 3.0 CMGT 270 3.0 CMGT 363 3.0 CMGT 267 3.0
ECON 201 . 4.0 COM 230 3.0 CMGT 371 3.0 CMGT 364 3.0
GEO 101 . 4.0 ECON 202 4.0 COOP 101** 1.0 CMGT 372 3.0
GDA-3281 . Free elective 3.0 Physical Science
GDA-3287 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
FIN 301 . 4.0 Business elective 4.0
GDA-3298 . Management elective
GDA-3302 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CMGT 463 . 3.0 CMGT 450 3.0 CMGT 493 3.0
CMGT 467 . 4.0 CMGT 461 3.0 Construction
GDA-3305 . Management elective
CMGT 491 . 3.0 CMGT 486 3.0 Free electives 6.0
GDA-3309 . Management elective
GDA-3313 . 3.0 Humanities/Social
GDA-3319 . * MATH sequence is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-3320 . available based on that score.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-3330 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CMGT 161 . 3.0 CIVC 101 1.0 ACCT 110 4.0 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CMGT 101 3.0 CMGT 163 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 CMGT 162 3.0 CMGT 263 3.0
MATH 110 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 COOP 101* 1.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 MATH 121 4.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
GDA-3339 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-3344 . Free elective 3.0 Physical Science
GDA-3349 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-3357 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
FIN 301 . 4.0 Business elective 4.0
GDA-3365 . Management elective
GDA-3369 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CMGT 463 . 3.0 CMGT 450 3.0 CMGT 493 3.0
CMGT 467 . 4.0 CMGT 461 3.0 Construction
GDA-3372 . Management elective
GDA-3376 . 44 Construction Management
CMGT 491 . 3.0 CMGT 486 3.0 Free electives 6.0
GDA-3379 . Management elective
GDA-3383 . 3.0 Humanities/Social
GDA-3389 . * MATH sequence is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-3390 . available based on that score.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-3397 . Real Estate Concentration
GDA-3399 . The concentration in real estate provides students with training in issues such as project finance, real estate as investment, design and construction,
GDA-3400 . operations, development law, environmental remediation, public policy, market analysis, and architecture. For this specialization, students take the same
GDA-3401 . Construction Management (CMGT) core requirements, replacing some electives with the concentration-specific courses.
GDA-3403 . Program Requirements
GDA-3405 . English/Communication
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking 3.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
GEO 101 . Physical Geology 4.0
PHYS 151 . Applied Physics 3.0
GDA-3419 . One Physical Science Elective 3.0
ACCT 110 . Accounting for Professionals 4.0
ECON 201 . Principles of Microeconomics 4.0
ECON 202 . Principles of Macroeconomics 4.0
FIN 301 . Introduction to Finance 4.0
STAT 201 . Introduction to Business Statistics 4.0
GDA-3426 . One Business Elective 4.0
GDA-3427 . Humanities and Social Science
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
GDA-3429 . Two Humanities and Social Science Electives 6.0
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
GDA-3433 . Professional Core - Construction Science
CMGT 161 . Building Materials and Construction Methods I 3.0
CMGT 162 . Building Materials and Construction Methods II 3.0
CMGT 163 . Building Materials and Construction Methods III 3.0
CMGT 251 . Construction Surveying 3.0
CMGT 265 . Information Technologies in Construction 3.0
CMGT 266 . Building Systems I 3.0
CMGT 267 . Building Systems II 3.0
CMGT 270 . Principles of Statics for Construction Management 3.0
CMGT 365 . Soil Mechanics in Construction 4.0
CMGT 371 . Structural Aspects in Construction I 3.0
CMGT 372 . Structural Aspects in Construction II 3.0
GDA-3445 . Professional Core - Construction
CMGT 101 . Introduction to Construction Management 3.0
CMGT 240 . [WI] Economic Planning for Construction 3.0
CMGT 261 . Construction Safety 3.0
CMGT 263 . Understanding Construction Drawings 3.0
CMGT 355 . Introduction to Sustainability in Construction 3.0
CMGT 361 . Contracts And Specifications I 3.0
CMGT 362 . Contracts and Specifications II 3.0
CMGT 375 . Building Information Modeling in Construction 3.0
CMGT 450 . Management of Field Operations 3.0
CMGT 461 . Construction Project & Company Management 3.0
CMGT 463 . Value Engineering 3.0
CMGT 467 . Techniques of Project Control 4.0
GDA-3463 . Professional Core - Professional Techniques
CMGT 385 . [WI] Selling and Negotiation Techniques in Construction 3.0
CMGT 485 . Habits of Successful Design and Build Construction 3.0
CMGT 486 . Leading in the Construction Industry 3.0
GDA-3467 . Construction Capstone
CMGT 491 . [WI] Senior Capstone I 3.0
CMGT 492 . [WI] Senior Capstone II 3.0
CMGT 493 . Senior Capstone III 3.0
GDA-3471 . Concentration in Real Estate
ARCH 432 . The Development Process 3.0
REAL 310 . Introduction to Real Estate 3.0
REAL 320 . Real Estate Law - Principle & Practice 3.0
REAL 330 . Facilities Management 3.0
REAL 470 . Real Estate Investments - Market & Feasibility Analysis 3.0
GDA-3478 . University Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development 1.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-3483 . Total Credits 187.0
GDA-3485 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-3490 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CMGT 101 . 3.0 CIVC 101 1.0 ACCT 110 4.0 VACATION
CMGT 161 . 3.0 CMGT 162 3.0 CMGT 163 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 CMGT 263 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 121 4.0 COOP 101* 1.0
MATH 110 . 3.0 PHYS 151 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
GDA-3499 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CMGT 251 . 3.0 CMGT 240 3.0 CMGT 266 3.0 CMGT 265 3.0
CMGT 261 . 3.0 CMGT 270 3.0 CMGT 363 3.0 CMGT 267 3.0
ECON 201 . 4.0 COM 230 3.0 CMGT 371 3.0 CMGT 364 3.0
GEO 101 . 4.0 ECON 202 4.0 PHIL 315 3.0 CMGT 372 3.0
REAL 310 . 3.0 Physical Science
GDA-3509 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-3516 . 46 Construction Management
REAL 320 . 3.0 Business elective 4.0
GDA-3520 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ARCH 432 . 3.0 CMGT 450 3.0 CMGT 493 3.0
CMGT 463 . 3.0 CMGT 461 3.0 REAL 470 3.0
CMGT 467 . 4.0 CMGT 468 3.0 Free elective 3.0
CMGT 491 . 3.0 CMGT 486 3.0 Humanities/Social
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-3541 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CMGT 101 . 3.0 CIVC 101 1.0 ACCT 110 4.0 VACATION
CMGT 161 . 3.0 CMGT 162 3.0 CMGT 163 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 CMGT 263 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 121 4.0 COOP 101* 1.0
MATH 110 . 3.0 PHYS 151 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
GDA-3550 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
REAL 310 . 3.0 Physical Science
GDA-3560 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-3568 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
REAL 320 . 3.0 Business elective 4.0
GDA-3576 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ARCH 432 . 3.0 CMGT 450 3.0 CMGT 493 3.0
CMGT 463 . 3.0 CMGT 461 3.0 REAL 470 3.0
CMGT 467 . 4.0 CMGT 468 3.0 Free elective 3.0
CMGT 491 . 3.0 CMGT 486 3.0 Humanities/Social
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-3597 . Career Opportunities
GDA-3599 . The graduates of the construction management program have secured positions as project managers, estimators, schedulers, and field superintendents
GDA-3600 . for general contractors, subcontractors, and construction managers. Many are employed as owner representatives working for architectural firms,
GDA-3601 . consulting engineering firms, commercial companies and institutions that have needs for building or other construction projects. Some have risen to
GDA-3602 . executive positions within companies while others own their own firms. Graduates have also returned to the program after obtaining positions in the field
GDA-3603 . to teach and share expertise.
GDA-3605 . The College of Engineering offers a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management as well as a Certificate Program in Construction Management.
GDA-3606 . Depending on student goals, each option provides a strong educational foundation for successful performance and/or entrance into the construction
GDA-3611 . Some of the companies that have hired Drexel students as co-op or full-time employees:
GDA-3613 . • Gilbane Building Company
GDA-3616 . • L.F. Driscoll Construction Company
GDA-3622 . • Pennoni Associates
GDA-3625 . • Brandywine Realty Trust
GDA-3628 . • Turner Construction Company
GDA-3631 . • Intech Construction Managers
GDA-3634 . • Urban Engineers, Inc.
GDA-3641 . Construction Manager: Coordinates a venture from its initial development through final construction. Develops a schedule and ensures the project is
GDA-3642 . completed on time and within budget. Obtains necessary licenses and permits and oversees the progress of the project.
GDA-3644 . Cost Estimator: Prepares information about costs that are necessary for a business to bid on a contract or to determine the profitability of a proposed
GDA-3645 . product. Assembles information about factors that can influence costs such as materials, labor, location, and special machinery requirements, including
GDA-3646 . computer hardware and software.
GDA-3648 . Project Manager: Develops requirements, budgets, and timetables for a firm’s construction plans to ensure that the projects are successful. Determines
GDA-3649 . the tasks to complete, assigns responsibilities to team members, and sees the project through from conception to completion.
GDA-3651 . Visit the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center ( page for more information on career opportunities.
GDA-3653 . Construction Management Faculty
GDA-3655 . Jeffrey Beard, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Clinical Professor. Project and Program Management; Entrepreneurship in design and
GDA-3656 . construction; Integrated project delivery systems; History of engineering and construction; Sustainable design and construction.
GDA-3657 . Douglas Carney, MBA, AIA (Eastern University). Clinical Professor. Architecture; Contract management; Master planning; Site analysis; Feasibility and
GDA-3658 . zoning issues; Space needs and program development; Code analysis and compliance studies; project scheduling.
GDA-3659 . Johanna Casale, PhD (Rutgers University). Assistant Teaching Professor. Engineering education, first year design, structural aspects of construction.
GDA-3660 . Charles Cook, PhD (New York University). Assistant Clinical Professor. Construction management; project management; leadership and teambuilding;
GDA-3661 . oral and written communication.
GDA-3662 . Christine M. Fiori, PhD (Drexel University) Program Director. Clinical Professor. Improving the delivery of safety education in construction curriculum;
GDA-3663 . Ancient construction techniques; Design and construction in developing countries; Leadership in construction; Workforce development
GDA-3664 . Kathleen M. Short, PhD (Virginia Tech). Assistant Teaching Professor. Workforce development and women in construction; transformative safety
GDA-3665 . leadership; construction education.
GDA-3666 . 48 Electrical Engineering
GDA-3667 . Electrical Engineering
GDA-3669 . Major: Electrical Engineering
GDA-3670 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE)
GDA-3671 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-3672 . Total Credit Hours: 181.5
GDA-3673 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years)
GDA-3674 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1001
GDA-3675 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2071
GDA-3679 . Electrical engineers contribute to industry and research in diverse areas such as electronic circuits, lasers and photonics, semiconductor devices,
GDA-3680 . computer and communication networks, wireless networks, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, machine learning, automation and control, and
GDA-3681 . power and energy systems. The electrical engineering major emphasizes the fundamentals of electrical engineering, hands-on learning, and flexibility in
GDA-3682 . course selection to satisfy diverse career goals.
GDA-3684 . State-of-the-art interdisciplinary courses have been developed to prepare the Drexel engineer for the technical challenges and the business atmosphere
GDA-3685 . of the 21st century. Strong emphasis is given to the role of the engineer in the global competitive economy, and to the need to work closely with experts
GDA-3686 . and practitioners in many fields.
GDA-3688 . Students can choose courses in various areas of study, including telecommunications, digital signal processing, electronics, automation, and power and
GDA-3689 . systems and control.
GDA-3693 . The ECE Department at Drexel University serves the public and the university community by providing superior career-integrated education in electrical
GDA-3694 . and computer engineering; by conducting research in these fields, to generate new knowledge and technologies; and by promoting among all its
GDA-3695 . constituents professionalism, social responsibility, civic engagement and leadership.
GDA-3697 . Program Educational Objectives
GDA-3699 . The Electrical and Computer Engineering Program Educational Objectives are that its alumni in their early years after graduation:
GDA-3701 . • Secure positions and continue as valued, creative, dependable, and proficient employees in a wide variety of fields and industries, in particular as
GDA-3702 . electrical engineers.
GDA-3705 . • Succeed in graduate and professional studies if pursued, such as engineering, science, law, medicine, and business.
GDA-3708 . • Embrace and pursue lifelong learning for a successful and rewarding career.
GDA-3711 . • Act as an ambassador for the field of engineering through clear, professional communication with technical and non-technical audiences, including
GDA-3712 . the general public.
GDA-3715 . • Accept responsibility for leadership roles in their profession, in their communities, and in the global society.
GDA-3718 . • Contribute to their professional discipline's body of knowledge.
GDA-3721 . • Function as responsible members of society with an awareness of the social and ethical ramifications of their work.
GDA-3728 . The department’s student outcomes reflect the skills and abilities that the curriculum is designed to provide to students by the time they graduate. These
GDA-3731 . 1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
GDA-3734 . 2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well
GDA-3735 . as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
GDA-3738 . 3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
GDA-3741 . 4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the
GDA-3742 . impact of the engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
GDA-3745 . 5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish
GDA-3746 . goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
GDA-3749 . 6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
GDA-3752 . 7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
GDA-3761 . Telecommunications and Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
GDA-3763 . Telecommunications and digital signal processing (DSP) are two of the fastest-growing fields of electrical engineering. The telecommunications and
GDA-3764 . DSP areas of study prepare students for mastery of fundamental and applied knowledge in the theory and the technology of the transmission and
GDA-3765 . processing of information-bearing signals such as voice, audio, data, images, and video. The curriculum includes core courses in electromagnetic
GDA-3766 . propagation, communication devices and media, signal processing, analog and digital communication. Complementary electives can be taken in
GDA-3767 . computers, electronics, control systems, and electric power systems.
GDA-3769 . Career opportunities include design and development of digital communications systems and telephony, speech recognition systems, fiber-optic
GDA-3770 . networks, digital radio, medical diagnostic image processing, high-definition television, cellular and wireless communications, satellite communications,
GDA-3771 . networked multimedia communications, and personal communication systems.
GDA-3775 . The electronics area of study constitutes the study of electronic and optical semiconductor devices; analog and digital electronic circuits; and generation,
GDA-3776 . transmission, and reception of information both in optical and microwave frequency ranges and guided or free-space conditions.
GDA-3778 . Career opportunities include jobs in telecommunications (optical, wireless, wired, satellite, and radar), VLSI (analog and digital), aerospace, remote
GDA-3779 . sensing and instrumentation, computer circuitry interface, biomedical instrumentation, semiconductor device fabrication, and transportation.
GDA-3781 . Power and Systems/Control
GDA-3783 . Power and Systems/Control has at its core the areas of controls engineering and electric power engineering, the classic core of electrical engineering,
GDA-3784 . and exploits the synergies between these two areas. These areas of study explores subjects such as modeling, analysis and control of dynamic systems
GDA-3785 . including power systems, planning and optimization, electromechanical energy conversion, motor operation and control, transformers, power electronics,
GDA-3786 . sensors and actuators, and the electrical and economic structure of the power industry. These areas of study offer access to two state-of-the-art
GDA-3787 . laboratories. In the Interconnected Power System Laboratory, students can operate and control a small power system through the fusing of computer
GDA-3788 . software and hardware technology with high-voltage, high-power technology. The Ortlip Systems Laboratory houses various experiments in sensing,
GDA-3789 . feedback, and control. Both laboratories stress the use of modeling software, especially MATLAB, and the integrated use of computers and hardware.
GDA-3791 . Career opportunities include options ranging from manufacturing, the power industry (generation, transmission, distribution, marketing, and
GDA-3792 . consumption), robotics, and transportation to Wall Street.
GDA-3794 . Additional Information
GDA-3796 . The Electrical Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, (
GDA-3798 . Additional information about the major is available on the ECE Department website (
GDA-3800 . For advising questions, please contact the ECE advisor (
GDA-3801 . resources/current-undergrad/).
GDA-3802 . Degree Requirements
GDA-3804 . In addition to completing 181.5 credits, students majoring in Electrical Engineering student must have a 2.0 cumulative overall GPA and a 2.0 cumulative
GDA-3805 . GPA in their Electrical Engineering courses.
GDA-3807 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-3818 . Communications Elective
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking 3.0
COM 310 . Technical Communication
GDA-3821 . General Education Courses ** 15.0
GDA-3822 . Foundation Requirements
GDA-3825 . 50 Electrical Engineering
GDA-3826 . Chemistry Requirements *** 3.5-7.5
GDA-3829 . General Chemistry I
GDA-3830 . and General Chemistry I
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I
GDA-3833 . Engineering (ENGR) Requirements
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
GDA-3840 . Mathematics Requirements † 4.0-10.0
GDA-3843 . Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
GDA-3848 . Calculus and Functions I
GDA-3849 . and Calculus and Functions II
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 221 . Discrete Mathematics 3.0
MATH 291 . Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers 4.0
GDA-3856 . Physics Requirements † 4.0-8.0
GDA-3859 . Preparation for Engineering Studies
GDA-3860 . and Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-3865 . Science Elective 3.0
GDA-3866 . Choose any BIO, CHEM, or PHYS
GDA-3867 . Professional Requirements
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 105 . Programming for Engineers II 3.0
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECE 301 . Foundations of Electric Circuits II 4.0
ECE 361 . Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers 4.0
ECE 370 . Electronic Devices 3.0
ECE 371 . Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems 3.0
ECE 380 . Fundamentals of Power and Energy 3.0
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
ECE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
ECE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ECE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
GDA-3885 . EE Core Elective (Choose one of the following): 3.0
CS 265 . Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques
ECE 350 . Introduction to Computer Organization
GDA-3889 . ECE Electives ‡ 6.0
GDA-3890 . ECE 400-level Electives § 9.0
GDA-3891 . Free Electives 27.0
GDA-3892 . Total Credits 181.5-195.5
GDA-3896 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-3902 . ** General Education Courses (p. 5)
GDA-3904 . *** CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-3905 . available based on that score.
GDA-3907 . † MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-3908 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
ECE 491 . [WI] , ECE 492 [WI] , ECE 493 [WI] credits with ECE
GDA-3913 . ‡ 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-3914 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE, ECEE, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-3920 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-3924 . Note: An ECE student must have a 2.0 cumulative overall GPA and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their ECE Professional Requirements.
GDA-3927 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
GDA-3936 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 201 . 4.0 COM 230 or 310 3.0 ECE 301 4.0 ECE 361 4.0
ECEC 201 . 3.0 ECEC 204 3.0 ECE 370 3.0 ECE 371 3.0
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ENGR 232 3.0 ECES 301 4.0 ECE 380 3.0
ENGR 231 . 3.0 PHIL 315 3.0 EE Core elective 3.0 Science elective 3.0
MATH 291 . 4.0 PHYS 201 4.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-3944 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 303 . 3.0 ECE elective†† 3.0
MATH 221 . 3.0 Free electives 9.0
GDA-3947 . Free electives 6.0 General Education
GDA-3955 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-3960 . 3.0 ECE, ECEE, ECEP,
GDA-3963 . 3.0 ECE, ECEE, ECEP,
GDA-3967 . ECE elective†† 3.0 Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-3968 . Free elective 3.0 General Education
GDA-3970 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-3977 . Total Credits 181.5
GDA-3980 . 52 Electrical Engineering
GDA-3981 . * CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-3982 . available based on that score.
GDA-3984 . ** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-3985 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-3987 . *** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-3993 . † General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-3995 . †† 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-3996 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE, ECEE, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-4004 . Note: An ECE student must have a 2.0 cumulative overall GPA and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their ECE Professional Requirements.
GDA-4007 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
GDA-4016 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 201 . 4.0 COM 230 or 310 3.0
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ENGR 232 3.0
GDA-4024 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-4028 . EE Core elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-4029 . Science elective 3.0
GDA-4032 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 303 . 3.0 ECE elective†† 3.0
MATH 221 . 3.0 Free electives 9.0
GDA-4035 . Free electives 6.0 General Education
GDA-4043 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-4048 . 3.0 ECE, ECEE, ECEP,
GDA-4051 . 3.0 ECE, ECEE, ECEP,
GDA-4055 . ECE elective†† 3.0 Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-4056 . Free elective 3.0 General Education
GDA-4058 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-4068 . Total Credits 181.5
GDA-4070 . * CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-4071 . available based on that score.
GDA-4073 . ** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-4074 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-4076 . *** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-4082 . † General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-4084 . †† 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-4085 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE, ECEE, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-4091 . Co-op/Career Opportunities
GDA-4093 . Top co-op employers for electrical engineering majors include:
GDA-4095 . • PJM Interconnection LLC
GDA-4098 . • Exelon Corporation (PECO)
GDA-4104 . • Woodward McCoach, Inc.
GDA-4113 . • Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc.
GDA-4122 . • Comcast Corporation
GDA-4125 . • Susquehanna Int'l Group LLP
GDA-4128 . • L-3 Communications
GDA-4131 . • Philadelphia Department of Commerce
GDA-4134 . • Philadelphia Water Department
GDA-4139 . Visit the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center ( for more detailed information on co-op and post-graduate
an 80 . year history and is one of the oldest and largest co-op programs in the world. Students graduate with 6-18
GDA-4143 . months of full time employment experience, depending on their choice of a 4-year or 5-year program. The majority of Computer Engineering students in
with 18 . months of full-time work experience, and often receive a job offer from their third co-op employer
GDA-4145 . or from a connection made from one of their co-op experiences.
GDA-4147 . Electrical engineers are employed in corporations, government agencies, and other organizations. In their work, these engineers are developers of
GDA-4148 . electrical equipment for digital communications (such as satellite communication, fiber-optic networks, and coding and cryptography), mobile radio, radar
GDA-4149 . and surveillance, process control, robotics, speech processing, aerospace circuitry, power generation and distribution, computer hardware and software,
GDA-4150 . computer networks, sensor technology, counter-crime measures, electronic compatibility, consumer electronics, and related fields.
GDA-4151 . Graduates are also pursuing advanced studies in electrical and computer engineering, aerospace engineering, and mechanical engineering at such
GDA-4152 . schools as MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of California at Berkeley, University of Pennsylvania, and University of
GDA-4155 . The Steinbright Career Development Center had a co-op placement rate of approximately 99% for electrical and computer engineering majors.
GDA-4157 . A degree in electrical engineering can also serve as an excellent foundation to pursue graduate professional careers in medicine, law, business, and
GDA-4161 . 54 Electrical Engineering
GDA-4162 . Accelerated/Dual Degrees
GDA-4164 . Dual Degree Bachelor's Program
GDA-4166 . With careful planning, students can complete both an Electrical Engineering degree and a Computer Engineering degree in the time usually required
GDA-4167 . to complete one degree. For detailed information the student should contact the ECE advisor (
GDA-4168 . electrical-computer-engineering/resources/current-undergrad/).
GDA-4170 . Bachelor's/Master's Accelerated Degree Program
GDA-4172 . Exceptional students can also pursue a Master of Science degree in the same period as the Bachelor of Science.
GDA-4174 . For more information on these and other options, visit the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering BS/MS (
GDA-4175 . undergrad/bs-ms/) page.
GDA-4179 . Drexel University and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department are nationally recognized for a strong history of developing innovative
GDA-4180 . research. Research programs in the ECE Department prepare students for careers in research and development, and aim to endow graduates with the
GDA-4181 . ability to identify, analyze, and address new technical and scientific challenges. The ECE Department is well equipped with state-of-the-art facilities in
GDA-4182 . each of the following ECE Research laboratories:
GDA-4184 . Research Laboratories at the ECE Department
GDA-4186 . Adaptive Signal Processing and Information Theory Research Group
GDA-4188 . The Adaptive Signal Processing and Information Theory Research Group ( conducts research in the
GDA-4189 . area of signal processing and information theory. Our main interests are belief/expectation propagation, turbo decoding and composite adaptive system
GDA-4190 . theory. We are currently doing projects on the following topics:
GDA-4191 . i) Delay mitigating codes for network coded systems,
GDA-4192 . ii) Distributed estimation in sensor networks via expectation propagation,
GDA-4193 . iii) Turbo speaker identification,
GDA-4194 . iv) Performance and convergence of expectation propagation,
GDA-4195 . v) Investigating bounds for SINR performance of autocorrelation based channel shorteners.
GDA-4197 . Bioimage Laboratory
GDA-4199 . Uses computer gaming hardware for enhanced and affordable 3-D visualization, along with techniques from information theory and machine learning to
GDA-4200 . combine the exquisite capabilities of the human visual system with computational sensing techniques for analyzing vast quantities of image sequence
GDA-4203 . Data Fusion Laboratory
GDA-4205 . The Data Fusion Laboratory investigates problems in multisensory detection and estimation, with applications in robotics, digital communications, radar,
GDA-4206 . and target tracking. Among the projects in progress: computationally efficient parallel distributed detection architectures, data fusion for robot navigation,
GDA-4207 . modulation recognition and RF scene analysis in time-varying environments, pattern recognition in biological data sequences and large arrays, and
GDA-4208 . hardware realizations of data fusion architectures for target detection and target tracking.
GDA-4210 . Drexel Network Modeling Laboratory
GDA-4212 . The Drexel Network Modeling Laboratory investigates problems in the mathematical modeling of communication networks, with specific focus
GDA-4213 . on wireless ad hoc networks, wireless sensor networks, and supporting guaranteed delivery service models on best effort and multipath routed
GDA-4214 . networks. Typical methodologies employed in our research include mathematical modeling, computer simulation, and performance optimization, often
GDA-4215 . with the end goal of obtaining meaningful insights into network design principles and fundamental performance tradeoffs.
GDA-4217 . Drexel Power-Aware Computing Laboratory
GDA-4219 . The Power-Aware Computing Lab ( investigates methods to increase energy efficiency across the boundaries of circuits,
GDA-4220 . architecture, and systems. Our recent accomplishments include the Sigil profiling tool, scalable modeling infrastructure for accelerator implementations,
GDA-4221 . microarchitecture-aware VDD gating algorithms, an accelerator architecture for ultrasound imaging, evaluation of hardware reference counting,
GDA-4222 . hardware and operating system support for power-agile computing, and memory systems for accelerator-based architectures.
GDA-4224 . Drexel University Nuclear Engineering Education Laboratory
GDA-4226 . The field of nuclear engineering encompasses a wide spectrum of occupations, including nuclear reactor design, medical imaging, homeland security,
GDA-4227 . and oil exploration. The Drexel University Nuclear Engineering Education Laboratory (DUNEEL) provides fundamental hands on understanding for
GDA-4228 . power plant design and radiation detection and analysis. Software based study for power plant design, as well as physical laboratory equipment for
GDA-4232 . radiation detection, strengthen the underlying concepts used in nuclear engineering such that the student will comprehend and appreciate the basic
GDA-4233 . concepts and terminology used in various nuclear engineering professions. Additionally, students use the laboratory to develop methods for delivering
GDA-4234 . remote, live time radiation detection and analysis. The goal of DUNEEL is to prepare students for potential employment in the nuclear engineering
GDA-4237 . Drexel VLSI Laboratory
GDA-4239 . The Drexel VLSI Laboratory ( investigates problems in the design, analysis, optimization and manufacturing
GDA-4240 . of high performance (low power, high throughput) integrated circuits in contemporary CMOS and emerging technologies. Suited with industrial design
GDA-4241 . tools for integrated circuits, simulation tools and measurement beds, the VLSI group is involved with digital and mixed-signal circuit design to verify the
GDA-4242 . functionality of the discovered novel circuit and physical design principles. The Drexel VLSI laboratory develops design methodologies and automation
GDA-4243 . tools in these areas, particularly in novel clocking techniques, featuring resonant clocking, and interconnects, featuring wireless interconnects.
GDA-4245 . Drexel Wireless Systems Laboratory
GDA-4247 . The Drexel Wireless Systems Laboratory (DWSL) contains an extensive suite of equipment for constructing, debugging, and testing prototype wireless
GDA-4248 . communications systems. Major equipment within DWSL includes:
GDA-4250 . • three software defined radio network testbeds (HYDRA, USRP, and WARP) for rapidly prototyping radio, optical and ultrasonic communications
GDA-4254 . • a TDK RF anechoic chamber and EMSCAN desktop antenna pattern measurement system,
GDA-4257 . • a materials printer and printed circuit board milling machine for fabricating conformal antennas and
GDA-4260 . • wireless protocol conformance testing equipment from Aeroflex.
GDA-4265 . The lab is also equipped with network analyzers, high speed signal generators, oscilloscopes, and spectrum analyzers as well as several Zigbee
GDA-4266 . development platforms for rapidly prototyping sensor networks.
GDA-4268 . DWSL personnel also collaborate to create wearable, fabric based transceivers through collaboration with the Shima Seiki Haute Laboratory in the
GDA-4269 . Drexel ExCITe Center.The knitting equipment at Drexel includes sixteen SDS-ONE APEX3 workstations and four state-of-the-art knitting machines.
GDA-4270 . The workstations accurately simulate fabric construction and provide researchers and designers the opportunity to program, create and simulate textile
GDA-4271 . prototypes, import CAD specifications of final products, and produce made-to-measure or mass-produced pieces on Shima Seiki knitting machines.For
GDA-4272 . testing smart textiles for biomedical, DWSL personnel also have collaborators in the Center for Interdisciplinary Clinical Simulation and Practice (CICSP)
GDA-4273 . in the Drexel College of Medicine which provides access to medical mannequin simulators.
GDA-4275 . Ecological and Evolutionary Signal-processing and Informatics Laboratory
GDA-4277 . The Ecological and Evolutionary Signal-processing and Informatics Laboratory (EESI) seeks to solve problems in high-throughput genomics and
GDA-4278 . engineer better solutions for biochemical applications. The lab's primary thrust is to enhance the use of high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies
GDA-4279 . with pattern recognition and signal processing techniques. Applications include assessing the organism content of an environmental sample,
GDA-4280 . recognizing/classifying potential and functional genes, inferring environmental factors and inter-species relationships, and inferring microbial evolutionary
GDA-4281 . relationships from short-read DNA/RNA fragments. The lab also investigates higher-level biological systems such as modeling and controlling
GDA-4282 . chemotaxis, the movement of cells.
GDA-4284 . Electric Power Engineering Center
GDA-4286 . This newly established facility makes possible state-of-the-art research in a wide variety of areas, ranging from detailed theoretical model study to
GDA-4287 . experimental investigation in its high voltage laboratories. The mission is to advance and apply scientific and engineering knowledge associated with the
GDA-4288 . generation, transmission, distribution, use, and conservation of electric power. In pursuing these goals, this center works with electric utilities, state and
GDA-4289 . federal agencies, private industries, nonprofit organizations and other universities on a wide spectrum of projects. Research efforts, both theoretical and
GDA-4290 . experimental, focus on the solution of those problems currently faced by the electric power industry. Advanced concepts for electric power generation
GDA-4291 . are also under investigation to ensure that electric power needs will be met at the present and in the future.
GDA-4293 . Electronic Design Automation Facility
GDA-4295 . Industrial-grade electronic design automation software suite and integrated design environment for digital, analog and mixed-signal systems
GDA-4296 . development. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) development hardware. Most up-to-date FPGA/embedded system development hardware kits.
GDA-4297 . Printed circuit board production facility. Also see Drexel VLSI Laboratory.
GDA-4299 . Microwave-Photonics Device Laboratories
GDA-4301 . The laboratory is equipped with test and measurement equipment for high-speed analog and digital electronics and fiber optic systems. The test
and 45 . Mhz-40 GHz), and Anritsu (45 MHz-6 GHz); spectrum analyzers from
to 40 . GHz and up to 90 GHz using external mixers; signal generators and communication
GDA-4304 . channel modulators from HP, Rhode-Schwartz, Systron Donner, and Agilent; microwave power meter and sensor heads, assortment of passive and
to 40 . GHz ; data pattern generator and BER tester up to 3Gb/s; optical spectrum analyzer from Anritsu and power
GDA-4308 . 56 Electrical Engineering
GDA-4309 . meters from HP; single and multimode fiber optic based optical transmitter and receiver boards covering ITU channels at data rates up to 10Gb/s;
GDA-4310 . passive optical components such as isolator, filter, couplers, optical connectors and fusion splicer; LPKF milling machine for fabrication of printed circuit
GDA-4311 . boards; wire-bonding and Cascade probe stations; Intercontinental test fixtures for testing of MMIC circuits and solid-state transistors; state-of-the-art
GDA-4312 . microwave and electromagnetic CAD packages such as Agilent ADS, ANSYS HFSS, and COMSOL multi-physics module.
GDA-4314 . Music and Entertainment Technology Laboratory
GDA-4316 . The Music and Entertainment Technology Laboratory (MET-lab) is devoted to research in digital media technologies that will shape the future of
GDA-4317 . entertainment, especially in the areas of sound and music. We employ digital signal processing and machine learning to pursue novel applications in
GDA-4318 . music information retrieval, music production and processing technology, and new music interfaces. The MET-lab is also heavily involved in outreach
GDA-4319 . programs for K-12 students and hosts the Summer Music Technology program, a one-week learning experience for high school students. Lab facilities
GDA-4320 . include a sound isolation booth for audio and music recording, a digital audio workstation running ProTools, two large multi-touch display interfaces of
GDA-4321 . our own design, and a small computing cluster for distributed processing.
GDA-4323 . NanoPhotonics Laboratory
GDA-4325 . Our research is primarily in the area of nanophotonics with a focus on the nanoscale interaction of light with matter. Interests include: liquid crystal/
GDA-4326 . polymer composites for gratings, lenses and HOEs; liquid crystal interactions with surfaces and in confined nanospaces; alternative energy generation
GDA-4327 . through novel photon interactions; ink-jet printed conducting materials for RF and photonic applications; and the creation and development of smart
GDA-4328 . textiles technologies including soft interconnects, sensors, and wireless implementations.
GDA-4330 . Opto-Electro-Mechanical Laboratory
GDA-4332 . This lab concentrates on the system integration on optics, electronics, and mechanical components and systems, for applications in imaging,
GDA-4333 . communication, and biomedical research. Research areas include: Programmable Imaging with Optical Micro-electrical-mechanical systems (MEMS), in
GDA-4334 . which microscopic mirrors are used to image light into a single photodetector; Pre-Cancerous Detection using White Light Spectroscopy, which performs
GDA-4335 . a cellular size analysis of nuclei in tissue; Free-space Optical Communication using Space Time Coding, which consists of diffused light for computer-tocomputer
GDA-4336 . communications, and also tiny lasers and detectors for chip-to-chip communication; Magnetic Particle Locomotion, which showed that particles
GDA-4337 . could swim in a uniform field; and Transparent Antennas using Polymer, which enables antennas to be printed through an ink-jet printer.
GDA-4339 . Plasma and Magnetics Laboratory
GDA-4341 . Research is focused on applications of electrical and magnetic technologies to biology and medicine. This includes the subjects of non-thermal
GDA-4342 . atmospheric pressure plasma for medicine, magnetic manipulation of particles for drug delivery and bio-separation, development of miniature NMR
GDA-4343 . sensors for cellular imaging and carbon nanotube cellular probes.
GDA-4345 . Power Electronics Research Laboratory
GDA-4347 . The Power Electronics Research Laboratory (PERL) is involved in circuit and design simulation, device modeling and simulation, and experimental
GDA-4348 . testing and fabrication of power electronic circuits. The research and development activities include electrical terminations, power quality, solar
GDA-4349 . photovoltaic systems, GTO modeling, protection and relay coordination, and solid-state circuit breakers. The analysis tools include EMPT, SPICE, and
GDA-4350 . others, which have been modified to incorporate models of such controllable solid-state switches as SCRs, GTOs, and MOSFETs. These programs
GDA-4351 . have a wide variety and range of modeling capabilities used to model electromagnetics and electromechanical transients ranging from microseconds to
with 42 . kVA AC and 70 kVA DC power sources and data acquisition systems, which have
GDA-4353 . the ability to display and store data for detailed analysis. Some of the equipment available is a distribution and HV transformer and three phase rectifiers
GDA-4354 . for power sources and digital oscilloscopes for data measuring and experimental analysis. Some of the recent studies performed by the PERL include
GDA-4355 . static VAR compensators, power quality of motor controllers, solid-state circuit breakers, and power device modeling which have been supported by
GDA-4356 . PECO, GE, Gould, and EPRI.
GDA-4358 . Testbed for Power-Performance Management of Enterprise Computing Systems
GDA-4360 . This computing testbed is used to validate techniques and algorithms aimed at managing the performance and power consumption of enterprise
Dell 2950 . and Dell 1950 PowerEdge servers, as well as assorted desktop machines, networked
GDA-4362 . via a gigabit switch. Virtualization of this cluster is enabled by VMWare's ESX Server running the Linux RedHat kernel. It also comprises of a rack of ten
GDA-4363 . Apple Xserve machines networked via a gigabit switch. These servers run the OS X Leopard operating systems and have access to a RAID with TBs of
GDA-4364 . total disk capacity.
GDA-4366 . Electrical Engineering Faculty
GDA-4368 . Tom Chmielewski, PhD (Drexel University). Teaching Professor. Modeling and simulation of electro-mechanical systems; optimal, adaptive and nonlinear
GDA-4369 . control; DC motor control; system identification; kalman filters (smoothing algorithms, tracking); image processing; robot design; biometric
GDA-4370 . technology and design of embedded systems for control applications utilizing MATLAB and SIMULINK
GDA-4371 . Fernand Cohen, PhD (Brown University). Professor. Surface modeling; tissue characterization and modeling; face modeling; recognition and tracking.
GDA-4373 . Andrew Cohen, PhD (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute). Associate Professor. Image processing; multi-target tracking; statistical pattern recognition and
GDA-4374 . machine learning; algorithmic information theory; 5-D visualization
GDA-4375 . Kapil Dandekar, PhD (University of Texas-Austin) Director of the Drexel Wireless Systems Laboratory (DWSL); Associate Dean of Research, College of
GDA-4376 . Engineering. Professor. Cellular/mobile communications and wireless LAN; smart antenna/MIMO for wireless communications; applied computational
GDA-4377 . electromagnetics; microwave antenna and receiver development; free space optical communication; ultrasonic communication; sensor networks for
GDA-4378 . homeland security; ultrawideband communication.
GDA-4379 . Afshin Daryoush, ScD (Drexel University). Professor. Digital and microwave photonics; nonlinear microwave circuits; RFIC; medical imaging.
GDA-4380 . Anup Das, PhD (Universit of Singapore). Assistant Professor. Design of algorithms for neuromorphic computing, particularly using spiking neural
GDA-4381 . networks, dataflow-based design of neuromorphic computing system, design of scalable computing system; hardware-software co-design and
GDA-4382 . management, and thermal and power management of many-core embedded systems
GDA-4383 . Bruce A. Eisenstein, PhD (University of Pennsylvania). Arthur J. Rowland Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Pattern recognition;
GDA-4384 . estimation; decision theory.
GDA-4385 . Adam K. Fontecchio, PhD (Brown University) Director, Center for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning Excellence (CASTLE). Professor.
GDA-4386 . Electro-optics; remote sensing; active optical elements; liquid crystal devices.
GDA-4387 . Gary Friedman, PhD (University of Maryland-College Park) Associate Department Head for Graduate Affairs. Professor. Biological and biomedical
GDA-4388 . applications of nanoscale magnetic systems.
GDA-4389 . Allon Guez, PhD (University of Florida). Professor. Intelligent control systems; robotics, biomedical, automation and manufacturing; business systems
GDA-4391 . Leonid Hrebien, PhD (Drexel University). Professor. Tissue excitability; acceleration effects on physiology; bioinformatics.
GDA-4392 . Nagarajan Kandasamy, PhD (University of Michigan) Associate Department Head for Undergraduate Affairs. Associate Professor. Embedded systems,
GDA-4393 . self-managing systems, reliable and fault-tolerant computing, distributed systems, computer architecture, and testing and verification of digital systems.
GDA-4394 . Youngmoo Kim, PhD (MIT) Director, Expressive and Creative Interactive Technologies (ExCITe) Center. Professor. Audio and music signal processing,
GDA-4395 . voice analysis and synthesis, music information retrieval, machine learning.
GDA-4396 . Fei Lu, PhD (University of Michigan). Assistant Professor. Power electronics; wireless power transfer technology for the high-power electric vehicles and
GDA-4397 . the low-power electronic devices.
GDA-4398 . Karen Miu, PhD (Cornell University). Professor. Power systems; distribution networks; distribution automation; optimization; system analysis.
GDA-4399 . Bahram Nabet, PhD (University of Washington). Professor. Optoelectronics; fabrication and modeling; fiber optic devices; nanoelectronics; nanowires.
GDA-4400 . Prawat Nagvajara, PhD (Boston University). Associate Professor. System on a chip; embedded systems; power grid computation; testing of computer
GDA-4401 . hardware; fault-tolerant computing; VLSI systems; error control coding.
GDA-4402 . Dagmar Niebur, PhD (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Intelligent systems; dynamical systems; power system monitoring
GDA-4404 . Christopher Peters, PhD (University of Michigan). Teaching Professor. Nuclear reactor design; ionizing radiation detection; nuclear forensics; power
GDA-4405 . plant reliability and risk analysis; naval/marine power and propulsion; directed energy/high power microwaves; nonstationary signal processing; radar;
GDA-4406 . electronic survivability/susceptibility to harsh environments; electronic warfare
GDA-4407 . Gail L. Rosen, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Signal processing, signal processing for biological analysis and modeling,
GDA-4408 . bio-inspired designs, source localization and tracking.
GDA-4409 . Ioannis Savidis, PhD (University of Rochester). Associate Professor. Analysis, modeling, and design methodologies for high performance digital and
GDA-4410 . mixed-signal integrated circuits; Emerging integrated circuit technologies; Electrical and thermal modeling and characterization, signal and power
GDA-4411 . integrity, and power and clock delivery for 3-D IC technologies
GDA-4412 . Kevin J. Scoles, PhD (Dartmouth College) Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs. Associate Professor. Microelectronics; electric vehicles; solar
GDA-4413 . energy; biomedical electronics.
GDA-4414 . Harish Sethu, PhD (Lehigh University). Associate Professor. Protocols, architectures and algorithms in computer networks; computer security; mobile ad
GDA-4415 . hoc networks; large-scale complex adaptive networks and systems.
GDA-4416 . James Shackleford, PhD (Drexel University). Associate Professor. Medical image processing, high performance computing, embedded systems,
GDA-4417 . computer vision, machine learning
GDA-4419 . P. Mohana Shankar, PhD (Indian Institute of Technology) Allen Rothwarf Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Professor. Wireless
GDA-4420 . communications; biomedical ultrasonics; fiberoptic bio-sensors.
GDA-4421 . Jonathan E. Spanier, PhD (Columbia University) Department Head, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics. Professor. Light-matter interactions in
GDA-4422 . electronic materials, including ferroelectric semiconductors, complex oxide thin film science; laser spectroscopy, including Raman scattering.
GDA-4423 . Matthew Stamm, PhD (University of Maryland, College Park). Associate Professor. Information Security; multimedia forensics and anti-forensics;
GDA-4424 . information verification; adversarial dynamics; signal processing
GDA-4425 . Baris Taskin, PhD (University of Pittsburgh). Professor. Very large-scal integration (VLSI) systems, computer architecture, circuits and systems,
GDA-4426 . electronic design automation (EDA), energy efficient computing.
GDA-4427 . John Walsh, PhD (Cornell University). Associate Professor. Bounding the region of entropic vectors and its implications for the limits of communication
GDA-4428 . networks, big data distributed storage systems, and graphical model based machine learning; efficient computation and analysis of rate regions for
GDA-4429 . network coding and distributed storage; code construction, polyhedral computation, hierarchy, and symmetry
GDA-4430 . Steven Weber, PhD (University of Texas-Austin) Department Head. Professor. Mathematical modeling of computer and communication networks,
GDA-4431 . specifically streaming multimedia and ad hoc networks.
GDA-4432 . Jaudelice de Oliveira, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Software-defined networking; social and economic networks; network
GDA-4433 . security; design and analysis of protocols, algorithms and architectures in computer networks, particularly solutions for the Internet of Things
GDA-4436 . Eli Fromm, PhD (Jefferson Medical College). Professor Emeritus. Engineering education; academic research policy; bioinstrumentation; physiologic
GDA-4438 . Edwin L. Gerber, PhD (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emeritus. Computerized instruments and measurements; undergraduate engineering
GDA-4443 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE)
GDA-4444 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-4445 . Total Credit Hours: 181.5
GDA-4446 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years); No Co-op (Four years)
GDA-4447 . Classification of Instructional (CIP) code: 14.0101
GDA-4448 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2199
GDA-4450 . For students in year two and beyond
GDA-4454 . The Bachelor of Science in Engineering major is an interdisciplinary engineering major for students who do not intend to be practicing engineers.
GDA-4455 . Students in the Bachelor of Science in Engineering major combine a rigorous engineering education in the College of Engineering with interdisciplinary
GDA-4456 . studies in fields outside of engineering such as law, medicine, business, entrepreneurship, teaching, international studies, public policy, music, art,
GDA-4457 . environmental studies, and more. The Bachelor of Science in Engineering major provides a strong grounding in the foundations of engineering, in
GDA-4458 . quantitative skills, and in the analytic processes that engineers use in design of practical technology.
GDA-4460 . Drexel's Bachelor of Science in Engineering major was developed to provide students with educational and professional challenges not available in the
GDA-4461 . traditional engineering curriculum.
GDA-4464 . The key objectives of the Bachelor of Science in Engineering program are to provide the student with:
GDA-4466 . • A strong foundation in science and mathematics
GDA-4469 . • A foundation of the fundamentals of engineering as a discipline
GDA-4472 . • A strong grounding in a second cognate area (either technical, pre-professional, cultural, global, or another area worked out between the student
GDA-4476 . • An integrating experience that ties the technical and the cognate areas together. Examples of such experiences may be, but are not limited to,
GDA-4477 . research projects, capstone designs, a public service assignment, etc.
GDA-4484 . Additional Information
GDA-4486 . More information is available on the College of Engineering academics ( website.
GDA-4487 . Degree Requirements
GDA-4489 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-4499 . General Education Requirements * 24.0
GDA-4500 . Free Electives 24.0
GDA-4501 . Math and Science Requirements
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-4511 . Core Curriculum Requirements
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
GDA-4518 . Engineering Requirements
GDA-4519 . Senior Design Sequence or Research Project 8.0
GDA-4520 . 200+ Level Courses ** 22.0
GDA-4521 . 300+ Level Courses ** 22.0
GDA-4522 . Technical Electives
GDA-4523 . 200+ Level Courses *** 18.0
GDA-4524 . Total Credits 181.5
GDA-4526 . * General Education Requirements. (p. 5)
GDA-4528 . ** Students may choose between AE, BMES, CHE, CAE, CS, ECE, ENGR, ENVE, MATE or MEM.
GDA-4530 . *** Students may choose between BMES, CS, MATH, CHEM, PHYS, BIO or approved College of Engineering courses. Advisor approval is
GDA-4531 . required for technical electives.
GDA-4535 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-4540 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CIVC 101 1.0 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CHEM 102 4.5 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 101 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
GDA-4551 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ENGR 232 3.0 Two Engineering
ENGR 231 . 3.0 Two Engineering
GDA-4557 . 7.0 General Education
PHYS 201 . 4.0 General Education
GDA-4562 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-4565 . 7.0 Free elective* 4.0
GDA-4568 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-4571 . 6.0 Two Engineering
GDA-4573 . 6.0 Two Engineering
GDA-4576 . Technical elective 3.0 Technical elective 3.0 Technical elective 3.0
GDA-4579 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-4581 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-4584 . Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-4587 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
GDA-4588 . Senior Design Project I
GDA-4589 . or Capstone course**
GDA-4590 . 2.0 Senior Design Project II
GDA-4591 . or Capstone course**
GDA-4592 . 2.0 Senior Design Project III
GDA-4593 . or Capstone course**
GDA-4595 . Engineering course** 3.0 Engineering course** 3.0 Technical elective 3.0
GDA-4596 . Technical elective 3.0 Technical elective 3.0 General Education
GDA-4601 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-4603 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-4604 . Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-4606 . Total Credits 181.5
GDA-4608 . * Students not participating in co-op will not take COOP 101; 1 credit of Free Elective will be added in place of COOP 101.
GDA-4610 . ** See degree requirements (p. 59).
GDA-4617 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CIVC 101 1.0 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CHEM 102 4.5 COOP 101* 1.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-4626 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ENGR 232 3.0 Two Engineering
GDA-4629 . 6.0 Two Engineering
ENGR 231 . 3.0 Two Engineering
GDA-4634 . 7.0 General Education
GDA-4636 . 3.0 Technical elective 3.0
PHYS 201 . 4.0 General Education
GDA-4639 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0 General Education
GDA-4644 . 7.0 Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-4647 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-4650 . 6.0 Two Engineering
GDA-4653 . Technical elective 3.0 Technical elective 3.0
GDA-4656 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-4662 . Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-4665 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
GDA-4666 . Senior Design Project I
GDA-4667 . or Capstone course**
GDA-4668 . 2.0 Senior Design Project II
GDA-4669 . or Capstone course**
GDA-4670 . 2.0 Senior Design Project III
GDA-4671 . or Capstone course**
GDA-4673 . Engineering course** 3.0 Engineering course** 3.0 Technical elective 3.0
GDA-4674 . Technical elective 3.0 Technical elective 3.0 General Education
GDA-4679 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-4681 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-4682 . Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-4684 . Total Credits 181.5
GDA-4686 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place ofCOOP 101
GDA-4692 . ** See degree requirements (p. 59).
GDA-4699 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CIVC 101 1.0 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CHEM 102 4.5 COOP 101* 1.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-4708 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ENGR 231 . 3.0 Two Engineering
PHYS 201 . 4.0 General Education
GDA-4718 . 7.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-4721 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-4724 . 6.0 Two Engineering
GDA-4729 . 3.0 Technical elective 3.0
GDA-4730 . Free elective 3.0 General Education
GDA-4736 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-4739 . 6.0 Two Engineering
GDA-4742 . Technical elective 3.0 Technical elective 3.0
GDA-4745 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-4748 . Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-4752 . 62 Engineering Technology
GDA-4754 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
GDA-4755 . Senior Design Project I
GDA-4756 . or Capstone course**
GDA-4757 . 2.0 Senior Design Project II
GDA-4758 . or Capstone course**
GDA-4759 . 2.0 Senior Design Project III
GDA-4760 . or Capstone course**
GDA-4762 . Engineering course** 3.0 Engineering course** 3.0 Technical elective 3.0
GDA-4763 . Technical elective 3.0 Technical elective 3.0 General Education
GDA-4768 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-4770 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-4771 . Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-4773 . Total Credits 181.5
GDA-4775 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place ofCOOP 101
GDA-4781 . ** See degree requirements (p. 59).
GDA-4787 . From the start of their freshman year, students learn to use the equipment they are likely to need in their careers such as oscilloscopes, signal
GDA-4788 . generators, amplifiers, and power supplies. These skills make students more useful as co-op employees and give them a competitive advantage in their
GDA-4789 . engineering careers.
GDA-4791 . Computer/Design Center
GDA-4793 . The Drexel curriculum boasts two types of lab experience: Instrumentation and Computer Design. Instrumentation Labs introduce Engineering majors to
GDA-4794 . the sight, sound, and feel of equipment such as digital multimeters, power supplies, oscilloscopes, and waveform generators. The Computer Labs imbue
GDA-4795 . these pre-engineers with knowledge of software which will be vital in today's work environment.
GDA-4797 . Engineering Technology
GDA-4799 . Major: Engineering Technology
GDA-4800 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology (BSET)
GDA-4801 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-4802 . Total Credit Hours: 186.5
GDA-4803 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years); No Co-op (Four years)
GDA-4804 . Classification of Instructional (CIP) code: 15.0401; 15.9999; 15.1299; 15.0699; 15.0805
GDA-4805 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-3029; 17-3027
GDA-4809 . The degree is Engineering Technology, the career is Engineering.™
GDA-4811 . The BS in Engineering Technology (ET) program at Drexel University is organized around a multidisciplinary, practice- and systems-based learning
GDA-4812 . with extensive use of hands-on laboratory exercises in a majority of the classes. The program prepares graduates for success as future technology
GDA-4813 . innovators and industry leaders, bringing designs from theory into reality. The ET program stresses a multidisciplinary, systems-based approach in
GDA-4814 . solving real-world problems. It promotes student-focused teaching and career-focused education, emphasizing a practical application of theory.
GDA-4816 . Due to its application-oriented, broad focus in different engineering disciplines, the program is suited for students who learn best by seeing concepts
GDA-4817 . put into practice, "Learn by doing." The program is ideal for students who want to pursue careers as engineers and leaders in advanced technology
GDA-4818 . fields. The multidisciplinary nature of ET allows graduates to excel in a range of disciplines, from robotics and smart manufacturing to electronics and
GDA-4819 . renewable energy, and have an immediate impact on the engineering field.
GDA-4821 . Engineering Technology graduates integrate electrical, mechanical, manufacturing, and industrial engineering disciplines to solve problems and meet
GDA-4822 . opportunities and technical challenges in robotics, healthcare, energy, transportation, communications, environmental protection, defense and homeland
GDA-4823 . security, and buildings and infrastructure.
GDA-4825 . The state-of-the-art technology at the heart of the practice-based laboratories allows students to be well-versed in the application of modern technology
GDA-4826 . to production-level engineering problems. Through real world industry-sponsored capstone projects and internships with local and international
GDA-4827 . companies, students in the Engineering Technology program frequently become closely connected to the regional industry and often end up employed
GDA-4828 . with those local industries.
GDA-4832 . The following concentrations are available under the Engineering Technology degree:
GDA-4834 . • Computer Engineering Technology (p. 65)
GDA-4837 . • Electrical Engineering Technology (p. 69)
GDA-4840 . • Healthcare Engineering Technology (
GDA-4843 . • Industrial Engineering Technology (p. 77)
GDA-4846 . • Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology (p. 81)
GDA-4849 . • Robotics and Automation Engineering Technology (p. 85)
GDA-4854 . All students enrolled in the program are required to take general education courses, including mathematics, sciences, and general education
GDA-4855 . electives. All concentrations consist of core fundamental courses, technical electives, free electives, and a three-term senior design project. The senior
GDA-4856 . design project reflects industrial practices and requires working prototype. During pre-junior year, students need to choose one of the four available
GDA-4859 . Full-time students can opt for a four-year program with a six-month co-op or a five-year program with three, six-month co-op cycles.
GDA-4861 . Engineering Technology graduates are uniquely qualified to serve in a variety of functions requiring traditional and nontraditional technological skills.
GDA-4862 . The program also prepares students for graduate study in a variety of fields, including engineering technology, engineering management, business
GDA-4863 . administration, and healthcare.
GDA-4867 . The Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology (ET) educates future engineers to become the next generation of innovators and industry leaders,
GDA-4868 . giving graduates the tools to meet the technological and applied engineering challenges of industry and society for the 21st century.
GDA-4870 . Engineering Technology Program Educational Objectives
GDA-4872 . Produces graduates who:
GDA-4874 . • Apply discipline-specific theory, experiments, and real-world experience to interpret, analyze, and solve current and emerging technical problems
GDA-4877 . • Communicate clearly and persuasively with technical and non-technical people in oral, written, and graphical forms
GDA-4880 . • Function individually or as a member of a team, or as a leader on teams to design quality systems, components, or processes in a timely,
GDA-4881 . responsible, and creative manner
GDA-4884 . • Demonstrate behavior consistent with professional ethics and are cognizant of social concerns as they relate to the practice of engineering
GDA-4888 . • Strive for professional growth and engage in lifelong learning
GDA-4893 . Engineering Technology Student Outcomes
GDA-4895 . The program's outcomes reflect the skills and abilities that the curriculum is designed to provide to students by the time they graduate. These are:
GDA-4897 . • An ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to solve broadly defined
GDA-4898 . engineering problems appropriate to the discipline
GDA-4901 . • An ability to design systems, components, or processes meeting specified needs for broadly defined engineering problems appropriate to the
GDA-4905 . • An ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in broadly defined technical and non-technical environments, and an ability to identify
GDA-4906 . and use appropriate technical literature
GDA-4909 . • An ability to conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments to analyze and interpret the results to improve processes
GDA-4912 . • An ability to function effectively as a member or leader on a technical team
GDA-4917 . Additional Information
GDA-4919 . The Engineering Technology program is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET. (
GDA-4921 . For additional information, please contact Gerry Willis at or 215-895-6253 or visit the Engineering Technology (
GDA-4922 . engineering/academics/departments/engineering-technology/) web page.
GDA-4924 . Career Opportunities
GDA-4926 . The Engineering Technology program is designed to meet employers' growing needs for college-educated problem solvers created by the technology
GDA-4927 . revolution. Career opportunities in engineering technology are virtually limitless with at least 5,500 companies in the region offering jobs for engineering
GDA-4928 . technologists. As a leading urban university in the Greater Philadelphia region, Drexel's location offers access to a vast number of industries including:
GDA-4931 . 64 Engineering Technology
GDA-4967 . With the skills developed in this program, students will be able to integrate academic theory and professional practice in order to communicate effectively
GDA-4968 . with engineers from different fields, scientists, the production workforce, marketing professionals, company management, and ultimately the customer.
GDA-4969 . Students may participate in the design, development, testing, and manufacturing of industrial machinery, electric and electronic equipment, medical
GDA-4970 . devices, consumer products, and other equipment.
GDA-4972 . Engineering technologists can serve in industry in many capacities. Some fields include:
GDA-4974 . • Automation design and process engineering
GDA-4977 . • Mechanical/production engineering
GDA-4980 . • Electrical engineering and electronics
GDA-4983 . • Field engineering
GDA-4986 . • Systems engineering and management
GDA-4989 . • Environmental engineering
GDA-4995 . • Sales and customer service
GDA-4998 . • Systems/programming
GDA-5001 . • Testing engineering
GDA-5006 . Visit the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center ( page for more detailed information on post-graduate opportunities.
GDA-5008 . Engineering Technology Faculty
GDA-5010 . M. Eric Carr, MsCpE (Drexel University). Instructor. Computer Engineering, Digital Design, Programmable Devices, Genetic Algorithms, Programming,
GDA-5011 . Additive Manufacturing, Maker Movement.
GDA-5012 . Richard Chiou, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Green manufacturing, mechatronics, Internet-based robotics and
GDA-5013 . automation, and remote sensors and monitoring.
GDA-5014 . Yalcin Ertekin, PhD (University of Missouri-Rolla). Associate Clinical Professor. High speed machining with micromachining applications, machining
with 3D . solid modeling applications, rapid prototyping and reverse
GDA-5016 . engineering, quality and reliability improvement through statistically designed experiments, neural networks and data mining and Taguchi methods,
GDA-5017 . CNC machine tool calibration characterization of cold fastening, clinching and self-pierced riveting processes, non-invasive surgical tool design, student
GDA-5018 . learning enhancement using online simulation tools.
GDA-5019 . Vladimir Genis, PhD (Kiev State University, Ukraine) Department Head, Engineering Technology. Professor. Ultrasound wave propagation and
GDA-5020 . scattering, ultrasound imaging, electronic instrumentation, piezoelectric transducers, and engineering education. Designed and developed diagnostic
GDA-5021 . and therapeutic equipment for medical applications and electronic systems and techniques for defense-related and industrial applications.
GDA-5022 . Irina Ciobanescu Husanu, PhD (Drexel University). Assistant Clinical Professor. Microgravity combustion, thermal-fluid science with applications in
GDA-5023 . micro-combustion, fuel cells and research of alternative and green fuels, energy conversion and renewable energy, industrial experience in aerospace
GDA-5024 . engineering areas (theoretical analysis, numerical simulations and experimental investigations), design and testing of propulsion systems, mechanical
GDA-5025 . instrumentation, and developing industrial applications of aircraft engines.
GDA-5026 . Lunal Khuon, PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Clinical Associate Professor. Radio frequency, analog, and biomedical integrated circuits,
GDA-5027 . biomedical instrumentation, neural interfaces, wireless systems, and engineering education. Research topics include area-efficient and power-efficient
GDA-5028 . integrated circuits, plasmonics, adiabatic circuits, rotary clocks, and medical cyber-physical systems.
GDA-5029 . Michael Mauk, PhD, PE (University of Delaware). Assistant Clinical Professor. Rapid prototyping, microfluidics, alternative energy including solar energy
GDA-5030 . and photovoltaics, semiconductor materials science, nanotechnology.
GDA-5032 . Engineering Technology
GDA-5034 . Computer Engineering Technology Concentration
GDA-5036 . Effective March 15, 2020, new students are no longer being accepted into this concentration, however similar options are available. Contact
GDA-5037 . Gerry Willis at or 215-895-6253 for additional information.
GDA-5039 . The Computer Engineering Technology concentration provides in-depth knowledge of hardware and software design, development, and maintenance.
GDA-5040 . Through our solid, laboratory-centric curriculum, students gain a strong background in software and hardware development with programming languages
GDA-5041 . and HDLs currently used in industry. In addition, students learn state-of-the-art techniques for developing robust technological solutions, including
GDA-5042 . network- and web-based applications and Internet of Things (IoT) considerations.
GDA-5044 . The focus of the curriculum is on embedded systems design and development. From low-level, gate-based design to the use of high-end
GDA-5045 . microprocessors and current bus standards, students gain a thorough architectural understanding of computer systems. The curriculum includes indepth
GDA-5046 . design and analysis of combinational logic, sequential logic and state machines, microcontroller systems, microprocessor systems, and state-ofthe-
GDA-5047 . art computer technology.
GDA-5049 . Additional Information
GDA-5051 . For more information on the Computer Engineering Technology concentration, please contact Gerry Willis at or 215-895-6253.
GDA-5053 . Degree Requirements
GDA-5055 . General Education Requirements
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking 3.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
HIST 285 . Technology in Historical Perspective 4.0
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
GDA-5065 . General Educational Electives * 10.0
GDA-5066 . Basic Science Requirements
GDA-5067 . Chemistry Requirements ** 3.5-7.0
GDA-5070 . General Chemistry I
GDA-5071 . and General Chemistry I
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I
GDA-5074 . Physics Requirements
PHYS 152 . Introductory Physics I 4.0
PHYS 153 . Introductory Physics II 4.0
PHYS 154 . Introductory Physics III 4.0
GDA-5078 . Mathematics Requirements *** 3.0-6.0
MATH 105 . Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
STAT 201 . Introduction to Business Statistics 4.0
GDA-5085 . Computer Technology Core
EET 102 . Introduction to Engineering Technology 3.0
EET 201 . Circuit Analysis I 4.0
EET 202 . Circuit Analysis II 4.0
EET 205 . Digital Electronics 4.0
EET 206 . Analog Electronics I 4.0
EET 208 . Introduction to Programming for Embedded Systems 3.0
EET 209 . Fundamentals of Virtual Instrumentation 3.0
EET 319 . PLC Fundamentals 4.0
EET 401 . Applied Microcontrollers 4.0
INDE 240 . Technology Economics 3.0
GDA-5099 . 66 Engineering Technology
INDE 370 . Industrial Project Management 3.0
MET 100 . Graphical Communication 3.0
GDA-5102 . Computer Technology Concentration Requirements
CET 201 . Microcomputer Hardware 3.0
CET 301 . Advanced Digital Electronics 4.0
CET 303 . Computer Architecture with Verilog HDL 4.0
CET 401 . Real-Time Operating Systems 4.0
CET 402 . Applied Embedded Systems 4.0
CET 403 . Computer Networking Technologies 4.0
CET 405 . Electronic Device Design 4.0
CS 171 . Computer Programming I 3.0
CS 172 . Computer Programming II 3.0
CS 265 . Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques 3.0
CT 201 . Information Technology Security I 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECEC 302 . Digital Systems Projects 3.0
INFO 151 . Web Systems and Services I 3.0
INFO 152 . Web Systems and Services II 3.0
GDA-5119 . CET Technical Electives † 6.0
GDA-5120 . Capstone Course Requirements
CET 421 . Senior Design Project I 3.0
CET 422 . Senior Design Project II 3.0
CET 423 . Senior Design Project III 3.0
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development †† 1.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-5128 . Free Electives 10.0
GDA-5129 . Total Credits 186.5-193.0
GDA-5131 . * See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-5133 . ** CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-5134 . available based on that score.
GDA-5136 . *** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-5137 . available based on that score.
Any 2 . non-required courses from EET, BET, INDE.
GDA-5141 . †† Students not participating in co-op will not take COOP 101; 1 credit of Free Elective will be added in place of COOP 101.
GDA-5145 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-5150 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 CET 201 3.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 MATH 122 4.0
GDA-5159 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CS 171 . 3.0 CS 172 3.0 CT 201 3.0 CS 260 3.0
EET 201 . 4.0 EET 202 4.0 EET 209 3.0 CS 265 3.0
HIST 285 . 4.0 EET 205 4.0 INFO 151 3.0 INDE 240 3.0
STAT 201 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 Free Elective 4.0
GDA-5172 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CET 401 . 4.0 CET 301 4.0 COM 230 3.0 VACATION
EET 206 . 4.0 EET 401 4.0 EET 325 3.0
EET 319 . 4.0 INFO 152 3.0 PHIL 315 3.0
ECEC 302 . 3.0 INDE 370 3.0 General Education
GDA-5182 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CET 402 . 4.0 CET 303 4.0 CET 423 3.0
CET 405 . 4.0 CET 403 4.0 Technical Elective† 3.0
CET 421 . 3.0 CET 422 3.0 Free Elective 3.0
ECEC 204 . 3.0 Technical Elective† 3.0 General Education
GDA-5190 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-5192 . * CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-5193 . available based on that score.
GDA-5195 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-5196 . available based on that score.
GDA-5198 . *** See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
Any 2 . non-required courses from EET, BET, INDE.
GDA-5207 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 CET 201 3.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 COOP 101*** 1.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 EET 209 3.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 MATH 122 4.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 153 4.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-5216 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CS 171 . 3.0 INFO 151 3.0 COM 230 3.0 INDE 240 3.0
EET 201 . 4.0 CT 201 3.0 PHIL 215 3.0 CS 265 3.0
HIST 285 . 4.0 CS 172 3.0 EET 325 3.0 CS 260 3.0
STAT 201 . 4.0 EET 202 4.0 General Education
GDA-5222 . 3.0 Free Elective 4.0
EET 205 . 4.0 Free Elective 3.0 General Education
GDA-5228 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-5235 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CET 402 . 4.0 CET 303 4.0 CET 423 3.0
CET 405 . 4.0 CET 403 4.0 Technical Elective†† 3.0
CET 421 . 3.0 CET 422 3.0 Free Elective 3.0
GDA-5241 . 68 Engineering Technology
ECEC 204 . 3.0 Technical Elective†† 3.0 General Education
GDA-5246 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-5248 . * CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-5249 . available based on that score.
GDA-5251 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-5252 . available based on that score.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-5257 . † See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
Any 2 . non-required courses from EET, BET, INDE.
GDA-5266 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 CET 201 3.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 COOP 101*** 1.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 EET 209 3.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 MATH 122 4.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 153 4.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-5275 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-5283 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-5293 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-5300 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CET 405 . 4.0 CET 422 3.0 CET 423 3.0
CET 421 . 3.0 Technical Elective†† 3.0 EET 325 3.0
GDA-5303 . Free Elective 3.0 Free Elective 3.0 Technical Elective†† 3.0
GDA-5306 . 4.0 General Education
GDA-5308 . 3.0 Free Elective 3.0
GDA-5310 . Total Credits 185.5
GDA-5312 . * CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-5313 . available based on that score.
GDA-5319 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-5320 . available based on that score.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-5325 . † See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
Any 2 . non-required courses from EET, BET, INDE.
GDA-5331 . Engineering Technology
GDA-5333 . Electrical Engineering Technology Concentration
GDA-5335 . The Electrical Engineering Technology (EET) concentration prepares graduates that can design, develop, test, and supervise the manufacturing,
GDA-5336 . installation, and maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment, components, or systems for commercial, industrial, military, or medical use.
GDA-5337 . EET graduates are experienced, accomplished, and self-motivated problem solvers who can work through technical challenges and present practical
GDA-5338 . solutions to maintain and support industry-leading products and systems. The program prepares students to work across a variety of functional groups
GDA-5339 . that are directly involved in engineering, product development, implementation, and international contract manufacturing.
GDA-5341 . The EET concentration provides an extensive background in electric circuit analysis and electronics. Students are required to study digital and analog
GDA-5342 . electronics, digital computer design, analysis of electric power systems, and renewable energy.
GDA-5344 . During the first three years, students in engineering technology take electrical, mechanical, computer, and industrial courses to get a solid,
GDA-5345 . multidisciplinary, systematic background in different engineering fields. Students are required to complete general and concentration engineering
GDA-5346 . technology courses, technical electives, and free elective courses that permit students great latitude in tailoring the program of study to match their
GDA-5349 . Additional Information
GDA-5351 . For more information, please contact Gerry Willis at or 215-895-6253.
GDA-5353 . Degree Requirements
GDA-5355 . Humanites and Social Sciences Requirements
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking 3.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
HIST 285 . Technology in Historical Perspective 4.0
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
GDA-5365 . General Education Electives * 9.0
GDA-5366 . Basic Science Requirements
GDA-5367 . Chemistry Requirements ** 3.5-7.0
GDA-5370 . General Chemistry I
GDA-5371 . and General Chemistry I
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I
GDA-5374 . Physics Requirements
PHYS 152 . Introductory Physics I 4.0
PHYS 153 . Introductory Physics II 4.0
PHYS 154 . Introductory Physics III 4.0
GDA-5378 . Mathematics Requirements *** 3.0-6.0
MATH 105 . Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
STAT 201 . Introduction to Business Statistics 4.0
GDA-5385 . Engineering Technology Core
EET 102 . Introduction to Engineering Technology 3.0
EET 201 . Circuit Analysis I 4.0
EET 202 . Circuit Analysis II 4.0
GDA-5391 . 70 Engineering Technology
EET 204 . Introduction to Nanotechnology 3.0
EET 205 . Digital Electronics 4.0
EET 208 . Introduction to Programming for Embedded Systems 3.0
EET 209 . Fundamentals of Virtual Instrumentation 3.0
EET 311 . Modeling of Engineering Systems 4.0
EET 319 . PLC Fundamentals 4.0
EET 320 . Renewable Energy Systems 3.0
EET 333 . [WI] Non-Destructive Evaluation of Materials 4.0
EET 401 . Applied Microcontrollers 4.0
INDE 240 . Technology Economics 3.0
INDE 370 . Industrial Project Management 3.0
MET 100 . Graphical Communication 3.0
MET 101 . Engineering Materials 3.0
MET 204 . Applied Quality Control 3.0
MET 205 . Robotics and Mechatronics 3.0
MET 213 . Applied Mechanics 4.0
MHT 205 . Thermodynamics I 3.0
MHT 226 . Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation 3.0
GDA-5411 . Electrical Engineering Technology Concentration Requirements
EET 206 . Analog Electronics I 4.0
EET 313 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
EET 317 . Analog Electronics II 4.0
EET 322 . Energy Conversion 4.0
EET 323 . Electrical Systems Design 3.0
EET 324 . Power Electronics 4.0
GDA-5419 . Electrical Engineering Technology (EET) Electives † 6.0
GDA-5420 . Capstone Course Requirements
MET 421 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
MET 422 . Senior Design Project II 3.0
MET 423 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development †† 1.0
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-5429 . Total Credits 186.5-193.0
GDA-5431 . * See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-5433 . ** CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-5434 . available based on that score.
GDA-5436 . *** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-5437 . available based on that score.
GDA-5439 . † Select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT or INDE courses not already required. See advisor for specific courses.
GDA-5441 . †† Students not participating in co-op will not take COOP 101; 1 credit of Free Elective will be added in place of COOP 101.
GDA-5445 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-5450 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 EET 209 3.0 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 EET 208 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
EET 102 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 MATH 122 4.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-5462 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
EET 201 . 4.0 EET 202 4.0 COM 230 3.0 VACATION
EET 333 . 4.0 EET 204 3.0 EET 311 4.0
MET 209 . 4.0 EET 205 4.0 EET 319 4.0
STAT 201 . 4.0 MET 205 3.0 MET 213 4.0
GDA-5470 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
EET 320 . 3.0 EET 206 4.0 EET 313 4.0 VACATION
EET 401 . 4.0 EET 322 4.0 EET 317 4.0
INDE 240 . 3.0 EET 324 4.0 EET 323 3.0
MET 204 . 3.0 PHIL 315 3.0 INDE 370 3.0
MHT 226 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-5478 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
HIST 285 . 4.0 MET 422 3.0 EET 325 3.0
MET 421 . 3.0 Free elective 4.0 MET 423 3.0
GDA-5483 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-5485 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-5486 . Technical elective† 3.0 Technical elective† 3.0 General Education
GDA-5490 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-5492 . * CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-5493 . available based on that score.
GDA-5495 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-5496 . available based on that score.
GDA-5498 . *** See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-5500 . † Select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT or INDE courses not already required. See advisor for specific courses.
GDA-5507 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 COOP 101*** 1.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 EET 209 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 MET 101 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 153 4.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-5516 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
EET 201 . 4.0 EET 202 4.0 COM 230 3.0 EET 320 3.0
EET 333 . 4.0 EET 204 3.0 EET 311 4.0 EET 401 4.0
MET 209 . 4.0 EET 205 4.0 EET 319 4.0 INDE 240 3.0
STAT 201 . 4.0 MET 205 3.0 MET 213 4.0 MET 204 3.0
GDA-5524 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-5533 . 72 Engineering Technology
GDA-5535 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
MET 421 . 3.0 MET 422 3.0 EET 325 3.0
HIST 285 . 4.0 Free elective 3.0 MET 423 3.0
GDA-5540 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-5542 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-5543 . Technical elective†† 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0 General Education
GDA-5547 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-5549 . * CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-5550 . available based on that score.
GDA-5552 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-5553 . available based on that score.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-5558 . † See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-5560 . †† Select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT or INDE courses not already required. See advisor for specific courses.
GDA-5567 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 COOP 101*** 1.0 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 EET 208 3.0 EET 209 3.0
EET 102 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 MET 101 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 153 4.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-5576 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-5584 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-5592 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-5600 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
HIST 285 . 4.0 MET 422 3.0 EET 325 3.0
MET 421 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0 MET 423 3.0
GDA-5605 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-5607 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-5611 . Technical elective†† 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0 General Education
GDA-5615 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-5617 . * CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-5618 . available based on that score.
GDA-5620 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-5621 . available based on that score.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-5626 . † See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-5628 . †† Select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT or INDE courses not already required. See advisor for specific courses.
GDA-5632 . Engineering Technology
GDA-5634 . Healthcare Engineering Technology Concentration
GDA-5636 . Effective March 15, 2020, new students are no longer being accepted into this concentration, however similar options are available. Contact
GDA-5637 . Gerry Willis at or 215-895-6253 for additional information.
GDA-5639 . The Healthcare Engineering Technology concentration focuses on the practice of medical equipment operation and support in the clinical environment.
GDA-5640 . This concentration provides students with the knowledge they need to work in the medical field, operating complicated diagnostic and patient care
GDA-5643 . During the first three years, students of all concentrations in Engineering Technology take electrical, mechanical, and industrial courses to get a solid,
GDA-5644 . systematic background in different engineering fields. Students are required to complete general and concentration engineering technology courses,
GDA-5645 . technical electives, and free elective courses that permit students great latitude in tailoring the program of study to match their career goals.
GDA-5647 . Additional Information
GDA-5649 . For more information on the Healthcare Engineering Technology concentration, please contact Gerry Willis at or 215-895-6253.
GDA-5651 . Degree Requirements
GDA-5653 . Humanities and Social Sciences Requirements
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking 3.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
HIST 285 . Technology in Historical Perspective 4.0
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
GDA-5663 . General Educational Electives * 9.0
GDA-5664 . Basic Science Requirements
GDA-5665 . Chemistry Requirements ** 3.5-7.5
GDA-5668 . General Chemistry I
GDA-5669 . and General Chemistry I
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I
GDA-5672 . Physics Requirements
PHYS 152 . Introductory Physics I 4.0
PHYS 153 . Introductory Physics II 4.0
PHYS 154 . Introductory Physics III 4.0
GDA-5676 . Mathematics Requirements *** 3.0-6.0
MATH 105 . Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
STAT 201 . Introduction to Business Statistics 4.0
GDA-5685 . 74 Engineering Technology
GDA-5686 . Engineering Technology Core
EET 102 . Introduction to Engineering Technology 3.0
EET 201 . Circuit Analysis I 4.0
EET 202 . Circuit Analysis II 4.0
EET 204 . Introduction to Nanotechnology 3.0
EET 205 . Digital Electronics 4.0
EET 208 . Introduction to Programming for Embedded Systems 3.0
EET 209 . Fundamentals of Virtual Instrumentation 3.0
EET 311 . Modeling of Engineering Systems 4.0
EET 319 . PLC Fundamentals 4.0
EET 320 . Renewable Energy Systems 3.0
EET 333 . [WI] Non-Destructive Evaluation of Materials 4.0
EET 401 . Applied Microcontrollers 4.0
MET 100 . Graphical Communication 3.0
MET 101 . Engineering Materials 3.0
MET 204 . Applied Quality Control 3.0
MET 205 . Robotics and Mechatronics 3.0
MET 213 . Applied Mechanics 4.0
MHT 205 . Thermodynamics I 3.0
MHT 226 . Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation 3.0
INDE 240 . Technology Economics 3.0
INDE 370 . Industrial Project Management 3.0
GDA-5709 . Healthcare Engineering Technology Concentration Requirements
BET 301 . Healthcare Technology 3.0
BET 302 . Biomedical Electronics 4.0
BET 303 . Medical Imaging Systems 3.0
BET 307 . Applied Biomedical Instrumentation 3.0
BIO 107 . Cells, Genetics & Physiology 3.0
BIO 108 . Cells, Genetics and Physiology Laboratory 1.0
BMES 302 . Laboratory II: Biomeasurements 2.0
BMES 391 . Biomedical Instrumentation I 3.0
BMES 488 . Medical Device Development 3.0
GDA-5719 . Technical Electives † 6.0
GDA-5720 . Capstone Course Requirements
MET 421 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
MET 422 . Senior Design Project II 3.0
MET 423 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development †† 1.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-5728 . Free Electives 10.0
GDA-5729 . Total Credits 186.5-193.5
GDA-5731 . * See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-5733 . ** CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-5734 . available based on that score.
GDA-5736 . *** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-5737 . available based on that score.
GDA-5739 . † Students select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT, or INDE courses not already required. See advisor for specific courses.
GDA-5741 . †† Students not participating in co-op will take one additional credit of Free Elective instead of COOP 101.
GDA-5745 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-5750 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 COOP 101*** 1.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 EET 209 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 MET 101 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 153 4.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-5762 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-5770 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-5778 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BMES 302 . 2.0 Free Elective 3.0
GDA-5787 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
BET 307 . 3.0 MET 422 3.0 MET 423 3.0
HIST 285 . 4.0 General Educational
GDA-5791 . 3.0 Free Elective 4.0
MET 421 . 3.0 Free Electives 6.0 General Educational
GDA-5795 . General Educational
GDA-5797 . 3.0 Technical Elective†† 3.0
GDA-5799 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-5801 . * CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-5802 . available based on that score.
GDA-5804 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-5805 . available based on that score.
GDA-5807 . *** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-5813 . † See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-5815 . †† Students select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT, or INDE courses not already required. See advisor for specific courses.
GDA-5822 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 COOP 101*** 1.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 EET 209 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 MET 101 3.0
GDA-5830 . 76 Engineering Technology
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 153 4.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-5834 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
EET 201 . 4.0 EET 202 4.0 COM 230 3.0 EET 401 4.0
EET 333 . 4.0 EET 204 3.0 EET 311 4.0 INDE 240 3.0
MET 209 . 4.0 EET 205 4.0 EET 319 4.0 MET 204 3.0
STAT 201 . 4.0 MET 205 3.0 MET 213 4.0 MHT 226 3.0
GDA-5842 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BMES 302 . 2.0 Free Elective 3.0
GDA-5851 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
BET 307 . 3.0 MET 422 3.0 MET 423 3.0
MET 421 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-5855 . 3.0 Free Elective 4.0
HIST 285 . 4.0 Free Electives 6.0 General Educational
GDA-5859 . General Educational
GDA-5861 . 3.0 Technical Elective†† 3.0
GDA-5863 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-5865 . * CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-5866 . available based on that score.
GDA-5868 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-5869 . available based on that score.
GDA-5871 . *** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-5877 . † See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-5879 . †† Students select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT, or INDE courses not already required. See advisor for specific courses.
GDA-5886 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 EET 209 3.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 MATH 122 4.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-5895 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
EET 201 . 4.0 EET 202 4.0 COM 230 3.0 VACATION
EET 333 . 4.0 EET 204 3.0 EET 311 4.0
MET 209 . 4.0 EET 205 4.0 EET 319 4.0
STAT 201 . 4.0 MET 205 3.0 MET 213 4.0
GDA-5906 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
EET 320 . 3.0 BET 301 3.0 BET 303 3.0 VACATION
EET 401 . 4.0 BET 302 4.0 BMES 391 3.0
INDE 240 . 3.0 BIO 107 3.0 INDE 370 3.0
MET 204 . 3.0 BIO 108 1.0 BMES 488 3.0
MHT 226 . 3.0 BMES 302 2.0 Free Elective 3.0
GDA-5915 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
BET 307 . 3.0 MET 422 3.0 MET 423 3.0
HIST 285 . 4.0 General Educational
GDA-5919 . 3.0 Free Elective 4.0
MET 421 . 3.0 Free Electives 7.0 General Educational
GDA-5923 . General Educational
GDA-5925 . 3.0 Technical Elective† 3.0
GDA-5927 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-5929 . * CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-5930 . available based on that score.
GDA-5932 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-5933 . available based on that score.
GDA-5935 . *** See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-5937 . † Students select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT, or INDE courses not already required. See advisor for specific courses.
GDA-5941 . Engineering Technology
GDA-5943 . Industrial Engineering Technology Concentration
GDA-5945 . Effective March 15, 2020, new students are no longer being accepted into this concentration; however, similar options are available. Contact
GDA-5946 . Gerry Willis at or 215-895-6253 for additional information.
GDA-5948 . The industrial engineering technology concentration provides students with knowledge and skills in management and relevant engineering technology
GDA-5949 . disciplines for manufacturing, service, and healthcare enterprises, including automation, logistics, scheduling, simulation, maintainability, and advanced
GDA-5950 . manufacturing processes. Students learn how to co-ordinate, integrate, and optimize people, machines, materials, and energy to improve efficiency,
GDA-5951 . sustainability, quality, and environment.
GDA-5953 . During the first three years, students of all concentrations in engineering technology take electrical, mechanical, and industrial courses to get a solid,
GDA-5954 . systematic background in different engineering fields. Students are required to complete general and concentration engineering technology courses,
GDA-5955 . technical electives, and free elective courses that permit students great latitude in tailoring the program of study to match their career goals.
GDA-5957 . Additional Information
GDA-5959 . For more information, please contact Gerry Willis at or 215-895-6253.
GDA-5961 . Degree Requirements
GDA-5963 . Humanities and Social Sciences Requirements
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking 3.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
HIST 285 . Technology in Historical Perspective 4.0
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
GDA-5973 . General Educational Electives * 9.0
GDA-5974 . Basic Science Requirements
GDA-5975 . Chemistry Requirements ** 3.5-7.5
GDA-5978 . 78 Engineering Technology
GDA-5981 . General Chemistry I
GDA-5982 . and General Chemistry I
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I
GDA-5985 . Physics Requirements
PHYS 152 . Introductory Physics I 4.0
PHYS 153 . Introductory Physics II 4.0
PHYS 154 . Introductory Physics III 4.0
GDA-5989 . Mathematics Requirements *** 3.0-6.0
MATH 105 . Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
STAT 201 . Introduction to Business Statistics 4.0
GDA-5996 . Engineering Technology Core
EET 102 . Introduction to Engineering Technology 3.0
EET 201 . Circuit Analysis I 4.0
EET 202 . Circuit Analysis II 4.0
EET 204 . Introduction to Nanotechnology 3.0
EET 205 . Digital Electronics 4.0
EET 208 . Introduction to Programming for Embedded Systems 3.0
EET 209 . Fundamentals of Virtual Instrumentation 3.0
EET 311 . Modeling of Engineering Systems 4.0
EET 319 . PLC Fundamentals 4.0
EET 320 . Renewable Energy Systems 3.0
EET 333 . [WI] Non-Destructive Evaluation of Materials 4.0
EET 401 . Applied Microcontrollers 4.0
INDE 240 . Technology Economics 3.0
INDE 370 . Industrial Project Management 3.0
MET 100 . Graphical Communication 3.0
MET 101 . Engineering Materials 3.0
MET 204 . Applied Quality Control 3.0
MET 205 . Robotics and Mechatronics 3.0
MET 213 . Applied Mechanics 4.0
MHT 205 . Thermodynamics I 3.0
MHT 226 . Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation 3.0
GDA-6019 . Industrial Engineering Technology Concentration Requirements
ACCT 110 . Accounting for Professionals 4.0
FIN 301 . Introduction to Finance 4.0
INDE 331 . Lean Manufacturing 3.0
INDE 350 . Industrial Engineering Simulation 3.0
INDE 365 . Systems Analysis Methods I 3.0
INDE 366 . Systems Analysis Methods II 3.0
INDE 420 . Industrial Energy Systems 3.0
MET 408 . MFG Information Management 3.0
GDA-6028 . IET Technical Electives † 6.0
GDA-6029 . Capstone Course Requirements
MET 421 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
MET 422 . Senior Design Project II 3.0
MET 423 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development †† 1.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-6037 . Free Electives ‡ 9.0
GDA-6038 . Total Credits 186.5-193.5
GDA-6040 . * See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-6042 . ** CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-6043 . available based on that score.
GDA-6049 . *** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-6050 . available based on that score.
GDA-6052 . † Students select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT, INDE, OPM, or MKTG courses not already required. See advisor for
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-6058 . ‡ Students not participating in co-op will not take COOP 101; 1 credit of Free Elective will be added in place of COOP 101.
GDA-6062 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-6067 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 EET 209 3.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 MATH 122 4.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-6076 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
EET 201 . 4.0 EET 202 4.0 COM 230 3.0 VACATION
EET 333 . 4.0 EET 204 3.0 EET 311 4.0
MET 209 . 4.0 EET 205 4.0 EET 319 4.0
STAT 201 . 4.0 MET 205 3.0 MET 213 4.0
GDA-6084 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
EET 320 . 3.0 ACCT 110 4.0 FIN 301 4.0 VACATION
EET 401 . 4.0 INDE 331 3.0 INDE 366 3.0
INDE 240 . 3.0 INDE 365 3.0 INDE 370 3.0
MET 204 . 3.0 MET 408 3.0 INDE 420 3.0
MHT 226 . 3.0 PHIL 315 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-6092 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
MET 421 . 3.0 MET 422 3.0 MET 423 3.0
HIST 285 . 4.0 INDE 350 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-6095 . Free elective 4.0 General Education
GDA-6097 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-6102 . 3.0 Technical elective† 3.0 Technical elective† 3.0
GDA-6104 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-6106 . * CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-6107 . available based on that score.
GDA-6109 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-6110 . available based on that score.
GDA-6112 . *** See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-6114 . † Students select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT, INDE, OPM, or MKTG courses not already required. See advisor for
GDA-6122 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 COOP 101*** 1.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 EET 209 3.0
GDA-6127 . 80 Engineering Technology
ENGL 101 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 MET 101 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 153 4.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-6134 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
EET 201 . 4.0 EET 202 4.0 COM 230 3.0 EET 320 3.0
EET 333 . 4.0 EET 204 3.0 EET 311 4.0 EET 401 4.0
MET 209 . 4.0 EET 205 4.0 EET 319 4.0 INDE 240 3.0
STAT 201 . 4.0 MET 205 3.0 MET 213 4.0 MET 204 3.0
GDA-6142 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
PHIL 315 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-6150 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
HIST 285 . 4.0 INDE 350 3.0 MET 423 3.0
MET 421 . 3.0 MET 422 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-6153 . Free electives 3.0 General Education
GDA-6155 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-6160 . 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0
GDA-6162 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-6164 . * CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-6165 . available based on that score.
GDA-6167 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-6168 . available based on that score.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-6173 . † See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-6175 . †† Students select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT, INDE, OPM, or MKTG courses not already required. See advisor for
GDA-6183 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 COOP 101*** 1.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 EET 209 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 MET 101 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 153 4.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-6192 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-6203 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-6211 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-6216 . Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-6219 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
MET 421 . 3.0 INDE 350 3.0 MET 423 3.0
HIST 285 . 4.0 MET 422 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-6222 . Free electives 3.0 General Education
GDA-6224 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-6229 . 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0
GDA-6231 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-6233 . * CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-6234 . available based on that score.
GDA-6236 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-6237 . available based on that score.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-6242 . † See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-6244 . †† Students select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT, INDE, OPM, or MKTG courses not already required. See advisor for
GDA-6249 . Engineering Technology
GDA-6251 . Mechanical and Manufacturing Concentration
GDA-6253 . The Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology concentration stresses on the design, development, testing, manufacturing, and integration
GDA-6254 . of industrial machinery, consumer and biomedical products, CNC (Computer Numerical Control), prototyping machinery, and similar equipment. The
GDA-6255 . concentration includes study in computer graphics, statics, dynamics, stress analysis, thermo-fluid system analysis, industrial robotics and mechatronics,
GDA-6256 . and Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) tools, including instrumentation and testing procedures and integration of various industrial systems.
GDA-6258 . During the first three years, students in engineering technology take electrical, mechanical, computer, and industrial courses to get a solid,
GDA-6259 . multidisciplinary, systematic background in different engineering fields. Students are required to complete general and concentration engineering
GDA-6260 . technology courses, technical electives, and free elective courses that permit students great latitude in tailoring the program of study to match their
GDA-6263 . Additional Information
GDA-6265 . For more information, please contact Gerry Willis at or 215-895-6253.
GDA-6267 . Degree Requirements
GDA-6269 . Humanities and Social Sciences Requirements
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking 3.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
GDA-6277 . 82 Engineering Technology
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
HIST 285 . Technology in Historical Perspective 4.0
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
GDA-6282 . General Educational Electives * 9.0
GDA-6283 . Basic Science Requirements
GDA-6284 . Chemistry Requirements ** 3.5-7.0
GDA-6287 . General Chemistry I
GDA-6288 . and General Chemistry I
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I
GDA-6291 . Physics Requirements
PHYS 152 . Introductory Physics I 4.0
PHYS 153 . Introductory Physics II 4.0
PHYS 154 . Introductory Physics III 4.0
GDA-6295 . Mathematics Requirements *** 3.0-6.0
MATH 105 . Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
STAT 201 . Introduction to Business Statistics 4.0
GDA-6302 . Engineering Technology Core
EET 102 . Introduction to Engineering Technology 3.0
EET 201 . Circuit Analysis I 4.0
EET 202 . Circuit Analysis II 4.0
EET 204 . Introduction to Nanotechnology 3.0
EET 205 . Digital Electronics 4.0
EET 208 . Introduction to Programming for Embedded Systems 3.0
EET 209 . Fundamentals of Virtual Instrumentation 3.0
EET 311 . Modeling of Engineering Systems 4.0
EET 319 . PLC Fundamentals 4.0
EET 320 . Renewable Energy Systems 3.0
EET 333 . [WI] Non-Destructive Evaluation of Materials 4.0
EET 401 . Applied Microcontrollers 4.0
INDE 240 . Technology Economics 3.0
INDE 370 . Industrial Project Management 3.0
MET 100 . Graphical Communication 3.0
MET 101 . Engineering Materials 3.0
MET 204 . Applied Quality Control 3.0
MET 205 . Robotics and Mechatronics 3.0
MET 213 . Applied Mechanics 4.0
MHT 205 . Thermodynamics I 3.0
MHT 226 . Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation 3.0
GDA-6325 . Mechanical Engineering Technology Concentration Requirements
MET 316 . Computer Numerical Control 3.0
MET 407 . Manufacturing Processes 3.0
MET 408 . MFG Information Management 3.0
MHT 206 . Thermodynamics II 3.0
MHT 222 . Applied Dynamics I 4.0
MHT 301 . Fluid Mechanics I 3.0
MHT 314 . Thermo and Heat Transfer Analysis 3.0
MHT 401 . Mechanical Design I 4.0
GDA-6334 . MHT Technical Electives †
GDA-6335 . Capstone Course Requirements
MET 421 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
MET 422 . Senior Design Project II 3.0
MET 423 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development †† 1.0
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-6347 . Total Credits 180.5-187.0
GDA-6349 . * See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-6351 . ** CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-6352 . available based on that score.
GDA-6354 . *** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-6355 . available based on that score.
GDA-6357 . † Students select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT or INDE courses not already required. See advisor for specific courses.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-6362 . Students not participating in co-op will not take COOP 101; 1 credit of Free Elective will be added in place of COOP 101.
GDA-6366 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-6371 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 EET 209 3.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 MATH 122 4.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-6380 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
EET 201 . 4.0 EET 202 4.0 COM 230 3.0 VACATION
EET 333 . 4.0 EET 204 3.0 EET 311 4.0
MET 209 . 4.0 EET 205 4.0 EET 319 4.0
STAT 201 . 4.0 MET 205 3.0 MET 213 4.0
GDA-6388 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
EET 320 . 3.0 MET 316 3.0 INDE 370 3.0 VACATION
EET 401 . 4.0 MHT 206 3.0 MET 407 3.0
INDE 240 . 3.0 MHT 222 4.0 MHT 314 3.0
MET 204 . 3.0 MHT 301 3.0 MHT 401 4.0
MHT 226 . 3.0 PHIL 315 3.0 Free elective*** 4.0
GDA-6396 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
HIST 285 . 4.0 MET 422 3.0 MET 423 3.0
MET 408 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
MET 421 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-6401 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-6406 . 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0
GDA-6408 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-6410 . * CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-6411 . available based on that score.
GDA-6413 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-6414 . available based on that score.
GDA-6416 . *** Students not participating in co-op will not take COOP 101; 1 credit of Free Elective will be added in place of COOP 101.
GDA-6421 . 84 Engineering Technology
GDA-6422 . † See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-6424 . †† Students select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT or INDE courses not already required. See advisor for specific courses.
GDA-6431 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 COOP 101*** 1.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 EET 209 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 MET 101 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 153 4.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-6440 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
EET 201 . 4.0 EET 202 4.0 COM 230 3.0 EET 320 3.0
EET 333 . 4.0 EET 204 3.0 EET 311 4.0 EET 401 4.0
MET 209 . 4.0 EET 205 4.0 EET 319 4.0 INDE 240 3.0
STAT 201 . 4.0 MET 205 3.0 MET 213 4.0 MET 204 3.0
GDA-6448 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
PHIL 315 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-6456 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
HIST 285 . 4.0 MET 422 3.0 MET 423 3.0
MET 408 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
MET 421 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-6461 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-6466 . 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0
GDA-6468 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-6470 . * CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-6471 . available based on that score.
GDA-6473 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-6474 . available based on that score.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-6479 . † See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-6481 . †† Students select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT or INDE courses not already required. See advisor for specific courses.
GDA-6488 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 COOP 101*** 1.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 EET 209 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 MET 101 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 153 4.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-6500 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-6508 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-6516 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
PHIL 315 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-6524 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
HIST 285 . 4.0 MET 422 3.0 MET 423 3.0
MET 408 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0 Free elective 3.0
MET 421 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-6529 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-6534 . 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0
GDA-6536 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-6538 . * CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-6539 . available based on that score.
GDA-6541 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-6542 . available based on that score.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-6547 . † See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-6549 . †† Students select 6.0 additional credits from any BET, EET, MET, MHT or INDE courses not already required. See advisor for specific courses.
GDA-6553 . Engineering Technology
GDA-6555 . Robotics and Automation Technology Concentration
GDA-6557 . The Engineering Technology (ET) concentration in Robotics and Automation (ET-ROBT) will provide engineering students with a pathway to develop
GDA-6558 . industry-relevant skills in robotics, automation, and in their underlying technologies and analytic approaches.
GDA-6560 . New trends in industry, science, and technology are developing and require new engineers to understand how to integrate robotics, automation, and
GDA-6561 . effective human-machine teaming for manufacturing and critical services such as healthcare and infrastructure inspection. Such trends include the digital
GDA-6562 . engineering revolution encompassing autonomous cars and drones, the Internet of Things, 5G mobile communications, digital design, and advanced
GDA-6565 . The core ET-ROBT curriculum combines courses and experiences that provide a strong foundation in the disciplines that comprise robotics and
GDA-6566 . automation. This includes kinematics and design, electronics and instrumentation, fluid power and energy, manufacturing, materials, programming, and
GDA-6567 . control. The ET-ROBT concentration builds on this foundation and provides depth in industrial robotics and mechatronics, automated manufacturing,
GDA-6568 . system dynamics, digital electronics, and signal processing. Students will get knowledge and be trained to support the integration and use of robotics in
GDA-6569 . the industry and society.
GDA-6572 . 86 Engineering Technology
GDA-6573 . Potential career paths include advanced manufacturing and assembly, medical robotics, construction and infrastructure inspection, bio-robotics, knitted
GDA-6574 . robotics for treatment of medical conditions, and robotics for entertainment.
GDA-6576 . Additional Information
GDA-6578 . For more information, please contact Gerry Willis at or 215-895-6253.
GDA-6580 . Degree Requirements
GDA-6582 . Humanities and Social Sciences Requirements
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking 3.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
HIST 285 . Technology in Historical Perspective 4.0
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
GDA-6592 . General Educational Electives * 9.0
GDA-6593 . Basic Science Requirements
GDA-6594 . Chemistry Requirements ** 3.5-7.0
GDA-6597 . General Chemistry I
GDA-6598 . and General Chemistry I
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I
GDA-6601 . Physics Requirements
PHYS 152 . Introductory Physics I 4.0
PHYS 153 . Introductory Physics II 4.0
PHYS 154 . Introductory Physics III 4.0
GDA-6605 . Mathematics Requirements *** 3.0-6.0
MATH 105 . Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
STAT 201 . Introduction to Business Statistics 4.0
GDA-6612 . Engineering Technology Core
EET 102 . Introduction to Engineering Technology 3.0
EET 201 . Circuit Analysis I 4.0
EET 202 . Circuit Analysis II 4.0
EET 204 . Introduction to Nanotechnology 3.0
EET 205 . Digital Electronics 4.0
EET 208 . Introduction to Programming for Embedded Systems 3.0
EET 209 . Fundamentals of Virtual Instrumentation 3.0
EET 311 . Modeling of Engineering Systems 4.0
EET 319 . PLC Fundamentals 4.0
EET 320 . Renewable Energy Systems 3.0
EET 333 . [WI] Non-Destructive Evaluation of Materials 4.0
EET 401 . Applied Microcontrollers 4.0
INDE 240 . Technology Economics 3.0
INDE 370 . Industrial Project Management 3.0
MET 100 . Graphical Communication 3.0
MET 101 . Engineering Materials 3.0
MET 204 . Applied Quality Control 3.0
MET 205 . Robotics and Mechatronics 3.0
MET 213 . Applied Mechanics 4.0
MHT 205 . Thermodynamics I 3.0
MHT 226 . Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation 3.0
GDA-6635 . Robotics and Automation Engineering Technology Concentration Requirements
CET 301 . Advanced Digital Electronics 4.0
EET 313 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
INDE 350 . Industrial Engineering Simulation 3.0
MET 310 . Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics 3.0
MET 316 . Computer Numerical Control 3.0
MET 404 . Digital Instrumentation 3.0
MHT 222 . Applied Dynamics I 4.0
MHT 401 . Mechanical Design I 4.0
GDA-6647 . ROBT Technical Electives † 6.0
GDA-6648 . Capstone Course Requirements
MET 421 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
MET 422 . Senior Design Project II 3.0
MET 423 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development †† 1.0
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-6657 . Total Credits 186.5-193.0
GDA-6659 . * See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-6661 . ** CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-6662 . available based on that score.
GDA-6664 . *** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-6665 . available based on that score.
any 300 . or higher level HET, EET, MET, MHT, INDE, MEM, or ECE courses not already required.
GDA-6668 . See advisor for specific courses.
GDA-6670 . †† Students not participating in co-op will not take COOP 101; 1 credit of Free Elective will be added in place of COOP 101.
GDA-6674 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-6679 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 MATH 122 4.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 MET 101 3.0
GDA-6688 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
COM 230 . 3.0 EET 202 4.0 EET 209 3.0 VACATION
EET 201 . 4.0 EET 204 3.0 PHIL 315 3.0
EET 333 . 4.0 EET 205 4.0 STAT 201 4.0
MET 209 . 4.0 MET 205 3.0 General Educational
GDA-6698 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
EET 311 . 4.0 EET 320 3.0 INDE 240 3.0 VACATION
EET 319 . 4.0 EET 401 4.0 MET 310 3.0
MET 213 . 4.0 INDE 370 3.0 Free Elective† 4.0
MET 316 . 3.0 MET 204 3.0 General Educational
MHT 226 . 3.0 Technical Elective†† 3.0
GDA-6708 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CET 301 . 4.0 EET 313 4.0 MET 423 3.0
HIST 285 . 4.0 INDE 350 3.0 Free Elective† 4.0
GDA-6713 . 88 Engineering Technology
MET 421 . 3.0 MET 404 3.0 General Educational
MHT 222 . 4.0 MET 422 3.0 Technical Elective†† 3.0
GDA-6720 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-6722 . * CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-6723 . available based on that score.
GDA-6725 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-6726 . available based on that score.
GDA-6728 . *** See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-6730 . † Students not participating in co-op will not take COOP 101; 1 credit of Free Elective will be added in place of COOP 101.
any 300 . or higher level HET, EET, MET, MHT, INDE, MEM, or ECE courses not already required.
GDA-6733 . See advisor for specific courses.
GDA-6740 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 COOP 101*** 1.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 EET 209 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 MET 101 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 153 4.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-6749 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
EET 201 . 4.0 EET 202 4.0 COM 230 3.0 EET 320 3.0
EET 333 . 4.0 EET 204 3.0 EET 311 4.0 EET 401 4.0
MET 209 . 4.0 EET 205 4.0 EET 319 4.0 INDE 240 3.0
STAT 201 . 4.0 MET 205 3.0 MET 213 4.0 MET 204 3.0
GDA-6757 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-6765 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
HIST 285 . 4.0 MET 422 3.0 MET 423 3.0
MET 421 . 3.0 INDE 350 3.0 Free elective 4.0
GDA-6770 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-6772 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-6775 . Free elective 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0
GDA-6777 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-6779 . * CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-6780 . available based on that score.
GDA-6782 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-6783 . available based on that score.
GDA-6785 . *** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-6795 . † See General Education Requirements (p. 5).
any 300 . or higher level HET, EET, MET, MHT, INDE, MEM, or ECE courses not already required.
GDA-6798 . See advisor for specific courses.
GDA-6805 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 COOP 101*** 1.0 VACATION
EET 102 . 3.0 EET 208 3.0 EET 209 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
PHYS 152 . 4.0 MET 100 3.0 MET 101 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 153 4.0 PHYS 154 4.0
GDA-6814 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-6822 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-6830 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-6838 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
HIST 285 . 4.0 INDE 350 3.0 MET 423 3.0
MET 421 . 3.0 MET 422 3.0 Free elective 4.0
GDA-6843 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-6845 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-6848 . Free elective 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0 Technical elective†† 3.0
GDA-6850 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-6852 . * CHEM course is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-6853 . available based on that score.
GDA-6855 . ** MATH course is determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online preparatory courses
GDA-6856 . available based on that score.
GDA-6858 . *** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-6864 . † See General Education Requirements (p. 5)
any 300 . or higher level HET, EET, MET, MHT, INDE, MEM, or ECE courses not already required.
GDA-6867 . See advisor for specific courses.
GDA-6872 . 90 Environmental Engineering
GDA-6873 . Environmental Engineering
GDA-6875 . Major: Environmental Engineering
GDA-6876 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (BSENE)
GDA-6877 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-6878 . Total Credit Hours: 191.5
GDA-6879 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years)
GDA-6880 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1401
GDA-6881 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2081
GDA-6885 . Environmental engineering is concerned with the design of systems, policies and processes to protect human, animal, and plant populations from the
GDA-6886 . effects of adverse environmental factors, including toxic chemicals and wastes, pathogenic bacteria, and global warming, and to design systems that
GDA-6887 . enable a more sustainable society.
GDA-6889 . Environmental engineers design systems, processes and policies to minimize the effect of human activities on the physical and living environment
GDA-6890 . so that we can all live more healthy and sustainable lives. Environmental engineers work to meet human needs for resources in ways to minimize
GDA-6891 . impact on the ecosystem and adverse effects on health. This field builds on other branches of engineering, especially civil, chemical, and mechanical
GDA-6892 . engineering. It also builds on information from many of the sciences, such as chemistry, physics, hydrology, geology, atmospheric science, and several
GDA-6893 . specializations of biology (ecology, microbiology, and biochemistry). Students who elect to study environmental engineering will become familiar
GDA-6894 . with many of these areas because maintaining and improving the environment requires that problems be evaluated and solutions found using a
GDA-6895 . multidisciplinary approach.
GDA-6899 . The mission of the undergraduate environmental engineering program at Drexel University is to graduate outstanding engineers who can identify,
GDA-6900 . evaluate and solve complex environmental problems, and who desire to continue their education on a lifelong basis.
GDA-6902 . Program Educational Objectives
GDA-6904 . Environmental engineering graduates will become professionals who analyze, design, construct, manage or operate facilities or systems to protect or
GDA-6905 . enhance the environment of people and other living things, or advance knowledge of the field.
GDA-6909 . The department’s student outcomes reflect the skills and abilities that the curriculum is designed to provide to students by the time they graduate. These
GDA-6912 . 1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
GDA-6915 . 2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well
GDA-6916 . as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
GDA-6919 . 3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
GDA-6922 . 4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the
GDA-6923 . impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
GDA-6926 . 5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish
GDA-6927 . goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
GDA-6930 . 6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
GDA-6933 . 7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
GDA-6938 . Additional Information
GDA-6940 . The Environmental Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, (
GDA-6942 . For more information about this major, contact the program head:
GDA-6944 . LD Betz Professor of Environmental Engineering
GDA-6945 . Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering
GDA-6948 . You can also visit the Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Department (
GDA-6949 . environmental-engineering/) and the BS in Environmental Engineering (
GDA-6950 . environmental-engineering/academic-programs/undergraduate/bs-environmental-engineering/) page.
GDA-6954 . Degree Requirements
GDA-6956 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-6967 . General Education Requirements ** 15.0
GDA-6968 . Engineering Core Courses
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
CAEE 361 . Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems 3.0
GDA-6971 . Chemistry Requirements *** 3.5-7.5
GDA-6974 . General Chemistry I
GDA-6975 . and General Chemistry I
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
GDA-6979 . Engineering (ENGR) Requirements
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
GDA-6988 . Mathematics Requirements † 4.0-10.0
GDA-6991 . Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
GDA-6996 . Calculus and Functions I
GDA-6997 . and Calculus and Functions II
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
GDA-7002 . Physics Requirements †
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-7006 . Environmental Engineering Requirements
CAEE 202 . Introduction to Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering 3.0
CAEE 203 . System Balances and Design in CAEE 3.0
CAEE 212 . Geologic Principles for Infrastructure & Environmental Engineering 4.0
CHE 211 . Material and Energy Balances I 4.0
CHEM 230 . Quantitative Analysis 4.0
CHEM 231 . [WI] Quantitative Analysis Laboratory 2.0
CHEM 241 . Organic Chemistry I 4.0
CHEM 242 . Organic Chemistry II 4.0
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
CIVE 320 . Introduction to Fluid Flow 3.0
CIVE 431 . Hydrology-Ground Water 3.0
ENVE 300 . Introduction to Environmental Engineering 3.0
GDA-7024 . 92 Environmental Engineering
ENVE 302 . Environmental Transport and Kinetics 3.0
ENVE 410 . Solid and Hazardous Waste 3.0
ENVE 421 . Water and Waste Treatment II 3.0
ENVE 422 . Water and Waste Treatment Design 3.0
ENVE 435 . Groundwater Remediation 3.0
ENVE 460 . Fundamentals of Air Pollution Control 3.0
ENVE 485 . Professional Environmental Engineering Practice 1.0
ENVE 486 . Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory I 2.0
ENVE 487 . Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory II 2.0
ENVE 491 . [WI] Senior Project Design I 3.0
ENVE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ENVE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
ENVS 230 . General Ecology 3.0
ENVS 401 . Chemistry of the Environment 3.0
GDA-7040 . Technical Electives 12.0
GDA-7041 . Total Credits 191.5-201.5
GDA-7043 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-7049 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5).
GDA-7051 . *** CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-7052 . available based on that score.
GDA-7054 . † MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-7055 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-7059 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-7064 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
CIVC 101 . 1.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-7073 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CAEE 202 . 3.0 CAEE 203 3.0 CAEE 212 4.0 CHEM 231 2.0
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 CIVE 240 3.0 CHE 211 4.0 CIVE 330 4.0
ENGR 220 . 4.0 ENGR 210 3.0 CHEM 230 4.0 ENVE 302 3.0
ENGR 231 . 3.0 ENGR 232 3.0 CIVE 320 3.0 PHIL 315 3.0
PHYS 201 . 4.0 ENVS 230 3.0 ENVE 300 3.0 General Education
GDA-7083 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVE 430 . 3.0 General Education
ENVS 401 . 3.0 Technical elective 3.0
GDA-7098 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ENVE 465 . or 460 3.0 CIVE 431 3.0 ENVE 422 3.0
ENVE 485 . 1.0 ENVE 410 3.0 ENVE 435 3.0
ENVE 491 . 3.0 ENVE 421 3.0 ENVE 487 2.0
ENVE 492 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-7106 . Technical elective 3.0
GDA-7108 . Total Credits 191.5
GDA-7110 . * CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-7111 . available based on that score.
GDA-7113 . ** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-7119 . *** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-7120 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-7122 . † See degree requirements (p. 91).
GDA-7129 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
CIVC 101 . 1.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-7138 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 CIVE 240 3.0
GDA-7146 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ENVE 300 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-7156 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVE 430 . 3.0 General Education
ENVS 401 . 3.0 Technical elective 3.0
GDA-7169 . 94 Environmental Engineering
GDA-7171 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ENVE 465 . or 460 3.0 CIVE 431 3.0 ENVE 422 3.0
ENVE 485 . 1.0 ENVE 410 3.0 ENVE 435 3.0
ENVE 491 . 3.0 ENVE 421 3.0 ENVE 487 2.0
ENVE 492 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-7179 . Technical elective 3.0
GDA-7181 . Total Credits 191.5
GDA-7183 . * CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-7184 . available based on that score.
GDA-7186 . ** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-7192 . *** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-7193 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-7195 . † See degree requirements (p. 91).
GDA-7199 . Co-op/Career Opportunities
GDA-7201 . Environmental Engineers pursue careers with many different industries, such as chemical, pharmaceutical and manufacturing, in groundwater and
GDA-7202 . hazardous waste remediation, in water or wastewater treatment, in air pollution abatement and control, and in mining. Some also join environmental
GDA-7203 . consulting firms which serve several engineering areas. In addition, some students go to graduate school. The breadth of an environmental engineering
GDA-7204 . education prepares the student to follow many career paths.
GDA-7208 . Past co-op employers of Environmental Engineering majors have included:
GDA-7210 . • Exelon, Philadelphia, PA
GDA-7213 . • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Philadelphia, PA
GDA-7216 . • Philadelphia Water Department, Philadelphia, PA
GDA-7219 . • Sun Co., Philadelphia, PA
GDA-7222 . • Aqua America, Bryn Mawr, PA
GDA-7225 . • Fairmount Park Commission, Philadelphia, PA
GDA-7228 . • Weston Solutions, West Chester, PA
GDA-7231 . • CDM Consultants, Philadelphia PA and other offices
GDA-7238 . The Accelerated Program of the College of Engineering provides opportunities for highly talented and strongly motivated students to progress toward
GDA-7239 . their educational goals essentially at their own pace. Through advanced placement, credit by examination, flexibility of scheduling, and independent
GDA-7240 . study, the program makes it possible to complete the undergraduate curriculum and initiate graduate study in less than the five years required by the
GDA-7241 . standard curriculum.
GDA-7243 . Bachelor’s/Master’s Accelerated Degree Program
GDA-7245 . Drexel offers a combined BS/MS degree program for our top engineering students who want to obtain both degrees in the same time period as most
GDA-7246 . students obtain a bachelor's degree.
GDA-7248 . For more information on this program, visit the Department's BS/MS Accelerated Degree Program (
GDA-7249 . departments/civil-architectural-environmental-engineering/academic-programs/undergraduate/accelerated-and-dual-degree-programs/) page.
GDA-7253 . The Department is well equipped with state-of-the-art facilities:
GDA-7255 . • The department computer labs are in operation: a computer-assisted design (CAD) and computerized instructional lab; and a graduate-level lab
GDA-7256 . (advanced undergraduates can become involved in graduate-level work)
GDA-7263 . • External labs are used for surveying, building diagnostics, and surface and ground-water measurements
GDA-7266 . • Molecular microbiology laboratory to conduct PCR and qPCR analyses, as well as classical measurements
GDA-7269 . • Analytical equipment for chemical contaminants
GDA-7272 . • Instrumentation for characterization of indoor and outdoor atmospheric aerosols
GDA-7277 . Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Faculty
GDA-7279 . Abieyuwa Aghayere, PhD (University of Alberta). Professor. Structural design - concrete, steel and wood; structural failure analysis; retrofitting of
GDA-7280 . existing structures; new structural systems and materials; engineering education.
GDA-7281 . Ivan Bartoli, PhD (University of California, San Diego). Associate Professor. Non-destructive evaluation and structural health monitoring; dynamic
GDA-7282 . identification, stress wave propagation modeling.
GDA-7283 . Shannon Capps, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Atmospheric chemistry; data assimilation; advanced sensitivity analysis;
GDA-7285 . S.C. Jonathan Cheng, PhD (West Virginia University). Associate Professor. Soil mechanics; geosynthetics; geotechnical engineering; probabilistic
GDA-7286 . design; landfill containments; engineering education.
GDA-7287 . Yaghoob (Amir) Farnam, PhD (Purdue University). Associate Professor. Advanced and sustainable infrastructure materials; multifunctional, selfresponsive
GDA-7288 . and bioinspired construction materials; advanced multiscale manufacturing; characterization, and evaluation of construction materials;
GDA-7289 . durability of cement-based materials.
GDA-7290 . Patricia Gallagher, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; soil
GDA-7291 . improvement; soil improvement; recycled materials in geotechnics.
GDA-7292 . Patrick Gurian, PhD (Carnegie-Mellon University). Professor. Risk analysis of environmental and infrastructure systems; novel adsorbent materials;
GDA-7293 . environmental standard setting; Bayesian statistical modeling; community outreach and environmental health.
GDA-7294 . Charles N. Haas, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Program Head for Environmental Engineering; L. D. Betz Professor of Environmental
GDA-7295 . Engineering. Water treatment; risk assessment; bioterrorism; environmental modeling and statistics; microbiology; environmental health.
GDA-7296 . Simi Hoque, PhD (University of California - Berkeley) Program Head for Architectural Engineering. Professor. Computational methods to reduce building
GDA-7297 . energy and environmental impacts, urban metabolism, thermal comfort, climate resilience.
GDA-7298 . Y. Grace Hsuan, PhD (Imperial College). Professor. Durability of polymeric construction materials; advanced construction materials; and performance of
GDA-7300 . Joseph B. Hughes, PhD (University of Iowa). Distinguished University Professor. Biological processes and applications of nanotechnology in
GDA-7301 . environmental systems.
GDA-7302 . L. James Lo, PhD (University of Texas at Austin). Associate Professor. Architectural fluid mechanics; building automation and autonomy; implementation
GDA-7303 . of natural and hybrid ventilation in buildings; airflow distribution in buildings; large-scale air movement in an urban built environment; building and urban
GDA-7304 . informatics; data-enhanced sensing and control for optimal building operation and management; novel data gathering methods for building/urban
GDA-7305 . problem solving; interdisciplinary research on occupant behaviors in the built environment.
GDA-7306 . Franco Montalto, PhD (Cornell University). Professor. Effects of built infrastructure on societal water needs, ecohydrologic patterns and processes,
GDA-7307 . ecological restoration, green design, and water interventions.
GDA-7308 . Mira S. Olson, PhD (University of Virginia). Associate Professor. Peace engineering; source water quality protection and management; contaminant and
GDA-7309 . bacterial fate and transport; community engagement.
GDA-7310 . Miguel A. Pando, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Associate Professor. Laboratory testing of geomaterials; geotechnical
GDA-7311 . aspects of natural hazards; soil-structure-interaction; geotechnical engineering.
GDA-7312 . Matthew Reichenbach, PhD (University of Austin at Texas). Assistant Teaching Professor. Design and behavior of steel structures, bridge engineering,
GDA-7313 . structural stability
GDA-7314 . Michael Ryan, PhD (Drexel University) Associate Department Head of Graduate Studies. Associate Teaching Professor. Microbial Source Tracking
GDA-7315 . (MST); Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA); dynamic engineering systems modeling; molecular microbial biology; phylogenetics;
GDA-7316 . metagenomics; bioinformatics; environmental statistics; engineering economics; microbiology; potable and wastewater quality; environmental
GDA-7317 . management systems.
GDA-7318 . 96 Materials Science and Engineering
GDA-7319 . Christopher Sales, PhD (University of California, Berkeley). Associate Professor. Environmental microbiology and biotechnology; biodegradation of
GDA-7320 . environmental contaminants; microbial processes for energy and resource recovery from waste; application of molecular biology, analytical chemistry
GDA-7321 . and bioinformatic techniques to study environmental biological systems.
GDA-7322 . Robert Swan Teaching Professor. Geotechnical and geosynthetic engineering; soil/geosynthetic interaction and performance; laboratory and field
GDA-7323 . geotechnical/geosynthetic testing.
GDA-7324 . Sharon Walker, PhD (Yale University) Dean, College of Engineering. Distinguished Professor. Water quality systems engineering
GDA-7325 . Michael Waring, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) Department Head, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering. Associate Professor. Indoor
GDA-7326 . air quality and building sustainability; indoor particulate matter fate and transport; indoor chemistry and particle formation; secondary impacts of control
GDA-7327 . technologies and strategies.
GDA-7328 . Jin Wen, PhD (University of Iowa). Professor. Architectural engineering; Building Energy Efficiency; Intelligent Building; Net-zero Building; and Indoor Air
GDA-7330 . Aspasia Zerva, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor. Earthquake engineering; mechanics; seismology; structural reliability; system
GDA-7331 . identification; advanced computational methods in structural analysis.
GDA-7334 . A. Emin Aktan, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor Emeritus. Health monitoring and management of large infrastructures with
GDA-7335 . emphasis on health monitoring.
GDA-7336 . Eugenia Ellis, PhD, AIA (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor Emerita. Natural and electrical light sources and effects on
GDA-7337 . biological rhythms and health outcomes; ecological strategies for smart, sustainable buildings of the nexus of health, energy, and technology.
GDA-7338 . Ahmad Hamid, PhD (McMaster University). Professor Emeritus. Engineered masonry; seismic behavior, design and retrofit of masonry structures;
GDA-7339 . development of new materials and building systems.
GDA-7340 . Harry G. Harris, PhD (Cornell University). Professor Emeritus. Structural models; dynamics of structures, plates and shells; industrialized building
GDA-7342 . Joseph P. Martin, PhD (Colorado State University). Professor Emeritus. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; hydrology; transportation;
GDA-7344 . James E. Mitchell, MArch (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emeritus. Architectural engineering design; building systems; engineering education.
GDA-7345 . Joseph V. Mullin, PhD (Pennsylvania State University). Teaching Professor Emeritus. Structural engineering; failure analysis; experimental stress
GDA-7346 . analysis; construction materials; marine structures.
GDA-7347 . Materials Science and Engineering
GDA-7349 . Major: Materials Science and Engineering
GDA-7350 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering (BSMSE)
GDA-7351 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-7352 . Total Credit Hours: 186.5
GDA-7353 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years)
GDA-7354 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1801
GDA-7355 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2131
GDA-7359 . Materials science and engineering (MSE) is concerned with the production, structure, characterization, properties and utilization of metals, ceramics,
GDA-7360 . polymers, composites, electronic, optical, nano- and bio-compatible materials. Materials scientists and engineers play a key role in our increasingly
GDA-7361 . complex technological society by extending the limited supply of materials, improving existing materials, and developing and designing new and superior
GDA-7362 . materials and processes with an awareness of their cost, reliability, safety, and societal/environmental implications.
GDA-7364 . Students majoring in materials science and engineering (MSE) receive a thorough grounding in the basic sciences and engineering of all materials.
GDA-7365 . All students are required to take course sequences that include materials processing, thermodynamics and kinetics of materials, and their physical
GDA-7366 . and mechanical behavior, plus laboratories designed to familiarize them with the instruments and advanced techniques used to characterize materials
GDA-7367 . and evaluate their structure, properties and performance. A number of tracks allow upper-level students to focus their technical electives in areas
GDA-7368 . of specialization, including nanoscale materials and nanotechnology, biomaterials, electronic and photonic materials, soft materials and polymers,
GDA-7369 . advanced materials design and processing, or in a custom track. In addition, several required senior level courses emphasize the role of materials
GDA-7370 . selection and specification in design.
GDA-7374 . Throughout the senior year, students majoring in materials science and engineering (MSE) work on a capstone senior design project over the course of
GDA-7375 . three terms, with guidance from a faculty advisor and graduate student mentor. Students, generally working in small groups, synthesize information from
GDA-7376 . their courses to arrive at solutions to real-world engineering problems.
GDA-7378 . Some recent senior design project topics include:
GDA-7380 . • Screening of MXenes for Photothermal Therapy
GDA-7383 . • Hybrid Nanovesicles Made of Cell Membranes and Phosphoipids
GDA-7386 . • Sustainable Polymer Nanocomposites
GDA-7389 . • Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium Metal Batteries
GDA-7392 . • Photoluminescent Fibers as Smart Textiles
GDA-7395 . • Materials Discovery Through Machine Learning
GDA-7398 . • Photoluminescent Nanocrystals for Photodetectors
GDA-7401 . • Numerical Modeling of Selective Laser Melting via Finite Element Analysis
GDA-7404 . • Synthesis of MXenes Through Molten Salt Etching of MAX Phases
GDA-7407 . • Analysis of Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile Nanoyarn
GDA-7410 . • MXene-Polymer Nanocomposites via Thiol-Michael "Click" Chemistry
GDA-7419 . The Department of Materials Science and Engineering ( will provide our BS, MS and PhD graduates with the technical
GDA-7420 . and theoretical knowledge, design capabilities, professionalism, and communications skills necessary for them to excel in leadership positions in
GDA-7421 . academia, industry, and government at the national and international levels.
GDA-7425 . Materials science and engineering is a multi-disciplinary field that is at the forefront of all emerging technologies. Advances in the understanding of
GDA-7426 . the process-structure-property-performance relationships of materials will be critical for future developments, including in energy storage and power
GDA-7427 . generation, biomaterials and nanomaterials. The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University is recognized as a leader in
GDA-7428 . these areas through its teaching and scholarly research.
GDA-7430 . Program Educational Objectives
GDA-7432 . The educational objectives of the Materials Science and Engineering BS degree program are:
GDA-7434 . • Materials Science and Engineering program graduates possess the core technical competencies in their field necessary to successfully interface
GDA-7435 . with other engineering disciplines in the workplace.
GDA-7438 . • At least 30% of Materials Science and Engineering program graduates have progressed towards graduate education, to become leaders in industry,
GDA-7442 . • Materials Science and Engineering program graduates are leaders in their chosen fields.
GDA-7445 . • Materials Science and Engineering program graduates are engaged in lifelong learning.
GDA-7448 . • Materials Science and Engineering program graduates possess written and verbal communication skills appropriate for professional materials
GDA-7449 . engineers and/or scientists.
GDA-7456 . The department’s student outcomes reflect the skills and abilities that the curriculum is designed to provide to students by the time they graduate. These
GDA-7459 . 1. An ability to apply, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
GDA-7462 . 2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well
GDA-7463 . as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
GDA-7466 . 3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
GDA-7469 . 4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the
GDA-7470 . impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
GDA-7473 . 5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish
GDA-7474 . goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
GDA-7477 . 6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
GDA-7480 . 7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
GDA-7486 . 98 Materials Science and Engineering
GDA-7487 . Additional Information
GDA-7489 . The Materials Science and Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, (http://
GDA-7492 . For additional information about this major, contact:
GDA-7495 . Academic Program Coordinator
GDA-7497 .
GDA-7499 . Degree Requirements
GDA-7501 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ECON 201 . Principles of Microeconomics 4.0
ECON 202 . Principles of Macroeconomics 4.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-7514 . Technical Electives/Track Courses ** 12.0
GDA-7515 . Non-designated General Education Requirements *** 12.0
GDA-7517 . Foundation Requirements
BIO 107 . Cells, Genetics & Physiology 3.0
BIO 108 . Cells, Genetics and Physiology Laboratory 1.0
CHE 350 . Statistics and Design of Experiments 3.0
CHEC 353 . Physical Chemistry and Applications III 4.0
GDA-7522 . Chemistry Requirements † 3.5-7.5
GDA-7525 . General Chemistry I
GDA-7526 . and General Chemistry I
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
CHEM 241 . Organic Chemistry I 4.0
GDA-7531 . Engineering (ENGR) Requirements
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
GDA-7540 . Mathematics Requirements †† 4.0-10.0
GDA-7543 . Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
GDA-7548 . Calculus and Functions I
GDA-7549 . and Calculus and Functions II
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
GDA-7554 . Physics Requirements †† 4.0-8.0
GDA-7557 . Preparation for Engineering Studies
GDA-7558 . and Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-7566 . Professional Requirements
MATE 214 . Introduction to Polymers 4.0
MATE 230 . Fundamentals of Materials II 4.0
MATE 240 . Thermodynamics of Materials 4.0
MATE 245 . Kinetics of Materials 4.0
MATE 280 . Advanced Materials Laboratory 4.0
MATE 315 . Processing Polymers 4.5
MATE 341 . Defects in Solids 3.0
MATE 345 . Processing of Ceramics 4.5
MATE 351 . Electronic and Photonic Properties of Materials 4.0
MATE 355 . Structure and Characterization of Crystalline Materials 3.0
MATE 366 . [WI] Processing of Metallic Materials 4.5
MATE 370 . Mechanical Behavior of Solids 3.0
MATE 410 . Case Studies in Materials 3.0
MATE 455 . Biomedical Materials 3.0
MATE 460 . Engineering Computational Laboratory 4.0
MATE 491 . [WI] Senior Project Design I 2.0
MATE 492 . Senior Project Design II 3.0
MATE 493 . [WI] Senior Project Design III 3.0
GDA-7585 . Total Credits 186.5-200.5
GDA-7587 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-7593 . ** A “Track” is a sequence of 4-5 technical electives (12.0-18.0 credits) with an underlying connection to a specific area of materials science and
GDA-7594 . engineering. With the rapid expansion of the technical and scientific knowledge in the field of materials science and engineering, organizing
GDA-7595 . technical electives into thematic tracks benefits students. Combined with relevant co-op experiences and senior design, the tracks can provide
GDA-7596 . strong evidence of specialization, which will benefit students in future job searches.
GDA-7598 . Technical electives can be taken during the junior and (mostly during) the senior year. For planning reasons, better coordination with senior
GDA-7599 . design, and to accommodate students with an out-of-cycle schedule (e.g., transfer students), tracks need to be declared by the beginning of the
GDA-7600 . pre-junior year. Students may change their track selection after consulting with their MSE department advisor.
GDA-7602 . *** Non-designated General Education Requirements (p. 5).
GDA-7604 . † CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-7605 . available based on that score.
GDA-7607 . †† MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-7608 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-7612 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-7617 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 COOP 101*** 1.0 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CIVC 101 1.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 101** 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
GDA-7628 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BIO 107 . 3.0 CHEM 241 4.0 ECON 201 4.0 ECON 202 4.0
BIO 108 . 1.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0 Technical elective/Track
GDA-7635 . 100 Materials Science and Engineering
ENGR 220 . 4.0 ENGR 210 3.0 General Education
GDA-7638 . 6.0 Free elective 3.0
ENGR 231 . 3.0 ENGR 232 3.0 Technical elective/Track
GDA-7646 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-7654 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CHE 350 . 3.0 MATE 345 4.5 CHEC 353 4.0
MATE 366 . 4.5 MATE 492 3.0 MATE 410 3.0
MATE 455 . 3.0 Technical elective/Track
MATE 460 . 4.0 General Education
GDA-7662 . 3.0 Technical elective/Track
GDA-7667 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-7669 . * CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-7670 . available based on that score.
GDA-7672 . ** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-7673 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-7675 . *** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-7681 . † See degree requirements (p. 98).
GDA-7683 . †† A “Track” is a sequence of 4-5 technical electives (12.0-18.0 credits) with an underlying connection to a specific area of materials science and
GDA-7684 . engineering. With the rapid expansion of the technical and scientific knowledge in the field of materials science and engineering, organizing
GDA-7685 . technical electives into thematic tracks benefits students. Combined with relevant co-op experiences and senior design, the tracks can provide
GDA-7686 . strong evidence of specialization, which will benefit students in future job searches.
GDA-7688 . Technical electives can be taken during the junior and (mostly during) the senior year. For planning reasons, better coordination with senior
GDA-7689 . design, and to accommodate students with an out-of-cycle schedule (e.g., transfer students), tracks need to be declared by the beginning of the
GDA-7690 . pre-junior year. Students may change their track selection after consulting with their MSE department advisor.
GDA-7697 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 COOP 101*** 1.0 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CIVC 101 1.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 101** 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
GDA-7708 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BIO 108 . 1.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
GDA-7720 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-7728 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEC 353 . 4.0 Technical elective/Track
GDA-7737 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CHE 350 . 3.0 MATE 492 3.0 MATE 410 3.0
MATE 460 . 4.0 Free elective 3.0 MATE 493 3.0
MATE 491 . 2.0 Technical elective/Track
GDA-7742 . 3.0 Technical elective/Track
GDA-7747 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-7749 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-7752 . Technical elective/Track
GDA-7756 . Total Credits 186.5
GDA-7758 . * CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-7759 . available based on that score.
GDA-7761 . ** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-7762 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-7764 . *** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-7770 . † See degree requirements (p. 5).
GDA-7772 . †† A “Track” is a sequence of 4-5 technical electives (12.0-18.0 credits) with an underlying connection to a specific area of materials science and
GDA-7773 . engineering. With the rapid expansion of the technical and scientific knowledge in the field of materials science and engineering, organizing
GDA-7774 . technical electives into thematic tracks benefits students. Combined with relevant co-op experiences and senior design, the tracks can provide
GDA-7775 . strong evidence of specialization, which will benefit students in future job searches.
GDA-7777 . Technical electives can be taken during the junior and (mostly during) the senior year. For planning reasons, better coordination with senior
GDA-7778 . design, and to accommodate students with an out-of-cycle schedule (e.g., transfer students), tracks need to be declared by the beginning of the
GDA-7779 . pre-junior year. Students may change their track selection after consulting with their MSE department advisor.
GDA-7783 . Co-op/Career Opportunities
GDA-7785 . Examples of industries in which materials science and engineering graduates play major roles include: base metals industries; specialist alloys;
GDA-7786 . advanced ceramics; petrochemical; biomaterials and implants; pharmaceuticals; consumer products; electronics and photonics; nanotechnology; power
GDA-7787 . generation; energy conversion, storage and conservation (fuel cells, advanced batteries, supercapacitors and photovoltaics); environmental protection
GDA-7788 . and remediation; information and telecommunications; and transportation (aerospace, automotive, bicycles, railways).
GDA-7790 . Typical job functions include design and development of new materials, materials selection for specific applications, manufacturing, performance and
GDA-7791 . failure analysis, quality control and testing, research and development, technical management, sales and marketing, teaching, technical services, and
GDA-7794 . Please visit the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center ( for more detailed information on co-op and post-graduate
GDA-7798 . 102 Materials Science and Engineering
GDA-7799 . Dual/Accelerated Degree
GDA-7801 . Dual Degree Bachelor’s Programs
GDA-7803 . With careful planning, students can complete two full degrees in the time usually required to complete one. For detailed information, students should
GDA-7804 . contact their advisors.
GDA-7806 . Accelerated Degree Program
GDA-7808 . The Accelerated Degree Program within the College of Engineering provides opportunities for highly talented and motivated students to progress
GDA-7809 . toward their educational goals essentially at their own pace. Primarily through advance placement, credit by examination, flexibility of scheduling, and
GDA-7810 . independent study, this “fast-track” makes it possible to complete both the undergraduate curriculum and master's level graduate studies in the five
GDA-7811 . years required by the standard curriculum.
GDA-7813 . Bachelor’s/Master’s Accelerated Degree Program
GDA-7815 . Exceptional students can also pursue a master of science (MS) degree in the same period as the bachelor of science (BS). The combined BS/MS
GDA-7816 . degree in Materials Science and Engineering differs from the standard BS degree in that there are two six-month Co-op periods instead of three, and in
GDA-7817 . the last two years, the necessary graduate courses are taken.
GDA-7819 . For more information about this program, please visit the Department's BS/MS Degree Program (
GDA-7824 . Biomaterials and Biosurfaces Laboratory
ains 10 . kN biaxial and 5 kN uniaxial servo-hydraulic mechanical testing machines, a Fluoroscan X-ray system, a microscopic
GDA-7826 . imaging system, a spectra-fluorometer, a table autoclave, centrifuge, vacuum oven, CO2 incubators, biological safety cabinet, thermostatic water baths,
GDA-7827 . precision balance and ultrasonic sterilizer.
GDA-7829 . Nanobiomaterials and Cell Engineering Laboratory
GDA-7830 . This laboratory contains a fume hood with vacuum/gas dual manifold, vacuum pump and rotary evaporator for general organic/polymer
GDA-7831 . synthesis; gel electrophoresis and electroblotting for protein characterization; bath sonicator, glass homogenizer and mini-extruder for nanoparticle
GDA-7832 . preparation; centrifuge; ultrapure water conditioning system; precision balance; pH meter and shaker.
GDA-7834 . Ceramics Processing Laboratory
GDA-7835 . This laboratory contains a photo-resist spinner, impedance analyzer, Zeta potential meter, spectrafluorometer, piezoelectric d33 meter, wire-bonder, and
GDA-7836 . laser displacement meter.
GDA-7838 . MAX/MXene Ceramics Laboratory
GDA-7839 . This laboratory contains a vacuum hot-press; a hot isostatic press (HIP) for materials consolidation and synthesis; laser scattering particle size analyzer;
GDA-7840 . creep testers, Ar-filled glove-box, high-speed saw, and assorted high temperature furnaces; metallographic preparation facilities; high temperature
GDA-7841 . closed-loop servo-hydraulic testing machines.
GDA-7843 . Mechanical Testing Laboratory
GDA-7844 . This laboratory contains mechanical and closed-loop servo-hydraulic testing machines, hardness testers, Charpy and Izod impact testers, equipment for
GDA-7845 . fatigue testing, metallographic preparation facilities and a rolling mill with twin 6" diameter rolls.
GDA-7847 . Mesoscale Materials Laboratory
GDA-7848 . This laboratory contains instrumentation for growth, characterization, device fabrication, and design and simulation of electronic, dielectric, ferroelectric
GDA-7849 . and photonic materials. Resources include physical and chemical vapor deposition and thermal and plasma processing of thin films, including oxides
GDA-7850 . and metals, and semiconductor nanowire growth. Facilities include pulsed laser deposition, atomic layer deposition, chemical vapor deposition,
GDA-7851 . sublimation growth, and resistive thermal evaporation. Variable-temperature high-vacuum probe station and optical cryostats including high magnetic
GDA-7852 . field, fixed and tunable-wavelength laser sources, several monochromators for luminescence and Raman scattering spectroscopy, scanning electron
GDA-7853 . microscopy with electron beam lithography, and a scanning probe microscope.
GDA-7855 . Nanomaterials Laboratory
GDA-7856 . This laboratory contains instrumentation for synthesizing, testing and manipulation of nanomaterials carbon and two dimensional carbides under
GDA-7857 . microscope, high-temperature autoclaves, Sievert’s apparatus; glove-boxes; high-temperature vacuum and other furnaces for the synthesis of nanocarbon
GDA-7858 . coatings and nanotubes; tube furnaces for synthesis of carbides and nitrides; potentiostat/galvanostat for electrochemical testings; ultravioletvisible
GDA-7860 . °C with mass spectrometer, Zeta potential analyzer; attrition mill, bath and probe sonicators, centrifuges; electro-spinning system for producing nanofibers.
GDA-7863 . Oxide Films and Interfaces Laboratory
GDA-7867 . This laboratory contains an oxide molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) thin film deposition system; physical properties measurement system (PPMS) for
from 2 . – 400K, up to 9 T fields; 2 tube furnaces.
GDA-7870 . Powder Processing Laboratory
GDA-7871 . This laboratory contains vee blenders, ball-mills, sieve shaker + sieves for powder classification, several furnaces (including one with controlled
GDA-7872 . atmosphere capability); and a 60-ton Baldwin cold press for powder compaction.
GDA-7874 . Soft Matter Research and Polymer Processing Laboratories
GDA-7875 . These laboratories contain computerized thermal analysis facilities including differential scanning calorimeters (DSC), dynamic mechanical analyzer
GDA-7876 . (DMA) and thermo-gravimetric analyzer (TGA); tabletop tensile tester; strip biaxial tensile tester; vacuum evaporator; spin coater; centrifuge; optical
GDA-7877 . microscope with hot stage; liquid crystal tester; microbalance; ultrasonic cleaner; laser holographic fabrication system; polymer injection molder and
GDA-7878 . single screw extruder.
GDA-7880 . Natural Polymers and Photonics Laboratory
GDA-7881 . This laboratory contains a spectroscopic ellipsometer for film characterization; high purity liquid chromatography (HPLC) system; refractometer; electrospinning
GDA-7882 . systems for producing nano-fibers.
GDA-7884 . X-ray Tomography Laboratory
for 3D . microstructure reconstruction;
GDA-7886 . mechanical stage, a positioning stage and a cryostage for in-situ testing. For more information on departmental facilities, please visit the Department’s
GDA-7887 . Facilities webpage (
GDA-7889 . Materials Characterization Core (MCC)
GDA-7890 . The Department of Materials Science & Engineering relies on the Materials Characterization Core facilities within the University for materials
GDA-7891 . characterization and micro- and nano-fabrication. These facilities contain a number of state-of-the-art materials characterization instruments, including
GDA-7892 . environmental and variable pressure field-emission scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) for elemental
GDA-7893 . analysis, and Orientation Image Microscopy (OIM) for texture analysis; a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) with STEM capability and TEM
GDA-7894 . sample preparation equipment; a dual-beam focused ion beam (FIB) system for nano-characterization and nano fabrication; a femtosecond/ terahertz
of 7 . excitation wavelengths for non-destructive chemical
GDA-7896 . and structural analysis and Surface Enhanced Raman (SERS); a Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer with a microscope and full array of
GDA-7897 . accessories; a Nanoindenter; an X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS)/Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA) system; and X-Ray
GDA-7898 . Diffractometers (XRD), including small angle/wide angle X-Ray scattering (SAX/WAX).
GDA-7900 . More details of these instruments, information on how to access them, and instrument usage rates can be found at Drexel University’s Centralized
GDA-7901 . Research Facilities ( webpage.
GDA-7903 . Materials Science and Engineering Faculty
GDA-7905 . Michel Barsoum, PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Distinguished Professor. Processing and characterization of novel ceramics and ternary
GDA-7906 . compounds, especially the MAX and 2-D MXene phases.
GDA-7907 . Hao Cheng, PhD (Northwestern University). Associate Professor. Drug delivery, molecular self-assembly, cell-nanomaterial interactions, regenerative
GDA-7908 . medicine and cell membrane engineering.
GDA-7909 . Yury Gogotsi, PhD (Kiev Polytechnic Institute) Director, A. J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute. Distinguished University & Charles T. and Ruth M. Bach
GDA-7910 . Professor. Nanomaterials; carbon nanotubes; nanodiamond; graphene; MXene; materials for energy storage, supercapacitors, and batteries.
GDA-7911 . Yong-Jie Hu, PhD (Penn State University). Assistant Professor. Computational design and evaluation of mechanical, thermodynamic, and electronic
GDA-7912 . properties using first-principles calculations, molecular dynamic simulations, the CALPHAD approach, multiscale modeling, and machine learning
GDA-7914 . Richard Knight, PhD (Loughborough University) Associate Department Head and Undergraduate Advisor. Teaching Professor. Thermal plasma
GDA-7915 . technology; thermal spray coatings and education; plasma chemistry and synthesis.
GDA-7916 . Christopher Y. Li, PhD (University of Akron) Graduate Advisor. Professor. Soft and hybrid materials for optical, energy, and bio applications; polymeric
GDA-7917 . materials, nanocomposites, structure and properties.
GDA-7918 . Andrew Magenau, PhD (University of Southern Mississippi). Assistant Professor. Structurally complex materials exhibiting unique physical properties
GDA-7919 . designed and fabricated using an assortment of methodologies involving directed self-assembly, externally applied stimuli, structure-function correlation,
GDA-7920 . and applied engineering principles suited for technologies in regenerative medicine, biological interfacing, catalytic, electronic, and optical applications
GDA-7921 . Michele Marcolongo, PhD, PE (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emerita. Orthopedic biomaterials; acellular regenerative medicine, biomimetic
GDA-7922 . proteoglycans; hydrogels.
GDA-7923 . 104 Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics
GDA-7924 . Steven May, PhD (Northwestern University) Department Head. Professor. Synthesis of complex oxide films, superlattices, and devices; magnetic,
GDA-7925 . electronic, and quantum materials; x-ray and neutron scattering.
GDA-7926 . Ekaterina Pomerantseva, PhD (Moscow State University, Russia). Associate Professor. Solid state chemistry; electrochemical characterization, lithiumion
GDA-7927 . batteries, energy generation and storage; development and characterization of novel nanostructured materials, systems and architectures for
GDA-7928 . batteries, supercapacitors and fuel cells.
GDA-7929 . Caroline L. Schauer, PhD (SUNY Stony Brook) Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs College of Engineering. Professor. Polysaccharide thin films and
GDA-7931 . Wei-Heng Shih, PhD (Ohio State University). Professor. Colloidal ceramics and sol-gel processing; piezoelectric biosensors, optoelectronics, and energy
GDA-7932 . harvesting devices; nanocrystalline quantum dots for bioimaging, lighting, and solar cells.
GDA-7933 . Jonathan E. Spanier, PhD (Columbia University) Department Head, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics. Professor. Light-matter interactions in
GDA-7934 . electronic materials, including ferroelectric semiconductors, complex oxide thin film science; laser spectroscopy, including Raman scattering.
GDA-7935 . Jörn Venderbos, PhD (Leiden University). Assistant Professor. Theory of quantum materials: topological Insulators, topological semimetals, materials
GDA-7936 . prediction and design, strongly correlated electron materials, complex electronic ordering phenomena, unconventional superconductors
GDA-7937 . Christopher Weyant, PhD (Northwestern University). Teaching Professor. Engineering education
GDA-7938 . Antonios Zavaliangos, PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) A.W. Grosvenor Professor. Professor. Constitutive modeling; powder compaction
GDA-7939 . and sintering; pharmaceutical tableting, X-ray tomography.
GDA-7942 . Roger D. Corneliussen, PhD (University of Chicago). Professor Emeritus. Fracture, blends and alloys, as well as compounding.
GDA-7943 . Roger D. Doherty, PhD (Oxford University). Professor Emeritus. Metallurgical processing; thermo-mechanical treatment.
GDA-7944 . Ihab L. Kamel, PhD (University of Maryland). Professor Emeritus. Nanotechnology, polymers, composites, biomedical applications, and materialsinduced
GDA-7945 . changes through plasma and high energy radiation.
GDA-7946 . Jack Keverian, PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Professor Emeritus. Rapid parts manufacturing, computer integrated manufacturing
GDA-7947 . systems, strip production systems, technical and/or economic modeling, melting and casting systems, recycling systems.
GDA-7948 . Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics
GDA-7950 . Major: Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics
GDA-7951 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME)
GDA-7952 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-7953 . Total Credit Hours: 189.5
GDA-7954 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years)
GDA-7955 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1901
GDA-7956 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2141
GDA-7960 . The role of the mechanical engineer in today’s society is rapidly changing. Advances in manufacturing, transportation, infrastructure systems, materials,
GDA-7961 . communications, and high-performance computing have introduced new demands, opportunities, and challenges for mechanical engineers. What was
GDA-7962 . once an individual endeavor has now become a team activity. Today’s industries require that mechanical engineers possess diverse interdisciplinary
GDA-7963 . skills, a global viewpoint, entrepreneurial and managerial abilities, and an understanding of the forces governing the marketplace.
GDA-7965 . Traditionally, mechanical engineers have been associated with industries like automotive, transportation, and power generation, and with activities
GDA-7966 . involving the design, analysis, and manufacturing of products useful to society. While today such activities are still dominated by mechanical engineers,
GDA-7967 . the spectrum of opportunities for these professionals has expanded tremendously. For example, mechanical engineers are involved in the design and
GDA-7968 . analysis of biomedical instrumentation, electronic components, smart structures, and advanced materials; they are involved in sophisticated studies of
GDA-7969 . human motion, control of satellites, and the development of more efficient energy-transfer techniques.
GDA-7971 . Drexel’s Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (
GDA-7972 . (MEM) prides itself on providing its students with a comprehensive program of courses, laboratories, design projects, and co-op experiences. The MEM
GDA-7973 . curriculum is designed to balance technical breadth (provided by a set of fundamental required core courses) with technical depth (provided by optional
GDA-7974 . concentrations that emphasize particular fields within the profession). Thus, the MEM program not only prepares its graduates to become successful
GDA-7975 . mechanical engineers needed in industry and government, but also provides an excellent springboard to pursue graduate studies in medical sciences,
GDA-7976 . law, business, information technology, and any other disciplines where technological and analytical skills play an important role.
GDA-7982 . The mission of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics of Drexel University is to transfer and acquire knowledge through: (a) the
GDA-7983 . education of engineers for leadership in industry, business, academia, and government; and (b) the establishment of internationally recognized research
GDA-7984 . programs. This mission is accomplished by the delivery of an outstanding curriculum by the participation of our students in one of the nation’s most
GDA-7985 . prestigious co-operative educational programs and by the scholarly activities of the faculty.
GDA-7987 . Program Educational Objectives
GDA-7989 . • Our graduates will be successful in careers that deal with the design, simulation, and analysis of engineering systems, experimentation and testing,
GDA-7990 . manufacturing, technical services, and research.
GDA-7993 . • Our graduates will enter and complete academic and professional programs in engineering, business, management, law, and medicine.
GDA-7996 . • Our graduates will communicate effectively with peers and be successful working with and leading multidisciplinary and multicultural teams.
GDA-7999 . • Our graduates will recognize the global, legal, societal, and ethical contexts of their work.
GDA-8002 . • Our graduates will advance in their careers; for example, assuming increasing levels of responsibility and acquiring professional licensure.
GDA-8009 . The Department’s student outcomes reflect the skills and abilities that the curriculum is designed to provide to students by the time they graduate. These
GDA-8012 . • An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
GDA-8015 . • An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well
GDA-8016 . as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
GDA-8019 . • An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
GDA-8022 . • An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
GDA-8025 . • An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish
GDA-8026 . goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
GDA-8029 . • An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
GDA-8032 . • An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed using appropriate learning strategies
GDA-8037 . Additional Information
GDA-8039 . The Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET (
GDA-8041 . For additional information about this major, contact the MEM Department (
GDA-8044 . Degree Requirements
GDA-8046 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
HIST 285 . Technology in Historical Perspective 4.0
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-8058 . General Education Requirements ** 12.0
GDA-8059 . Mathematics Requirements *** 4.0-10.0
GDA-8062 . Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
GDA-8067 . Calculus and Functions I
GDA-8068 . and Calculus and Functions II
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
GDA-8075 . 106 Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics
MATH 210 . Differential Equations 4.0
GDA-8078 . Physics Requirements *** 4.0-8.0
GDA-8081 . Preparation for Engineering Studies
GDA-8082 . and Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-8087 . Chemistry/Biology Requirements † 3.5-7.5
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
GDA-8091 . General Chemistry I
GDA-8092 . and General Chemistry I
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
GDA-8096 . Engineering Design Requirements
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
GDA-8101 . Engineering Requirements
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
GDA-8103 . Engineering Economics Requirements
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
GDA-8105 . Materials Requirements
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
GDA-8107 . Mechanical Requirements
MEM 201 . Foundations of Computer Aided Design 3.0
MEM 220 . Fluid Mechanics I 4.0
MEM 230 . Mechanics of Materials I 4.0
MEM 255 . Introduction to Controls 4.0
MEM 310 . Thermodynamic Analysis I 4.0
MEM 311 . Thermal Fluid Science Laboratory 2.0
MEM 331 . Experimental Mechanics I 2.0
MEM 351 . Dynamic Systems Laboratory I 2.0
MEM 333 . Mechanical Behavior of Materials 3.0
MEM 355 . Performance Enhancement of Dynamic Systems 4.0
MEM 361 . Engineering Reliability 3.0
MEM 391 . Introduction to Engineering Design Methods 1.0
MEM 435 . Introduction to Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing 4.0
MEM 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 2.0
MEM 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
MEM 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
GDA-8127 . MEM Fundamental Courses. Select four of the following: 12.0-16.0
MEM 330 . Mechanics of Materials II
MEM 410 . Thermodynamic Analysis II
MEM 417 . Introduction to Microfabrication
MEM 423 . Mechanics of Vibration
MEM 437 . Manufacturing Process I
MEM 440 . Thermal Systems Design
MEM 458 . Micro-Based Control Systems I
MEM 459 . Control Applications of DSP Microprocessors
rses 300 . level or higher.) 6.0-8.0
Any 2 . College of Engineering courses, including MEM courses, 300 level or higher.) 6.0-8.0
GDA-8140 . Math/Science Electives (300+ level MATH, PHYS, BIO, CHEM, CHEC, and ENVS.) 6.0-8.0
GDA-8141 . Free Electives 6.0-8.0
GDA-8145 . Electives or Optional Concentration ††
GDA-8146 . Aerospace Concentration
GDA-8147 . Select five courses (15.0 credits) from the list below:
MEM 330 . Mechanics of Materials II
MEM 373 . Space Systems Engineering I
MEM 374 . Space Systems Engineering II
MEM 403 . Gas Turbines & Jet Propulsion
MEM 405 . Principles of Combustion I
MEM 406 . Principles of Combustion II
MEM 423 . Mechanics of Vibration
MEM 425 . Aircraft Design & Performance
MEM 426 . Aerospace Structures
MEM 427 . Finite Element Methods
MEM 428 . Introduction to Composites I
MEM 429 . Introduction to Composites II
MEM 453 . Aircraft Flight Dynamics & Control I
MEM 454 . Aircarft Flight Dynamics & Control II
MEM 455 . Introduction to Robotics
MEM 459 . Control Applications of DSP Microprocessors
GDA-8167 . Energy Concentration
GDA-8168 . Select five courses (15.0 credits) from the list below:
AE 430 . Control Systems for HVAC
CHE 431 . Fundamentals of Solar Cells
ECEP 354 . Energy Management Principles
ECEP 371 . Introduction to Nuclear Engineering
ECEP 380 . Introduction to Renewable Energy
ECEP 402 . Theory of Nuclear Reactors
ECEP 403 . Nuclear Power Plant Design & Operation
ECEP 406 . Introduction to Radiation Health Principles
ECEP 422 . Power Distribution Automation and Control
ECEP 480 . Solar Energy Engineering
MEM 330 . Mechanics of Materials II
MEM 371 . Introduction to Nuclear Engineering I
MEM 400 . Internal Combustion Engines
MEM 403 . Gas Turbines & Jet Propulsion
GDA-8188 . Principles of Combustion I
GDA-8189 . and Principles of Combustion II
MEM 410 . Thermodynamic Analysis II
MEM 445 . Solar Energy Fundamentals
GDA-8199 . Fundamentals of Plasmas I
GDA-8200 . and Fundamentals of Plasmas II
MEM 448 . Applications of Thermal Plasmas
MEM 449 . Applications of Non-Thermal Plasmas
GDA-8203 . Total Credits 189.5-215.5
GDA-8205 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-8211 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5).
GDA-8213 . *** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-8214 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-8219 . 108 Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics
GDA-8220 . † CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-8221 . available based on that score.
GDA-8223 . †† Students may choose to do a concentration in either Aerospace or Energy. Concentrations consist of 15.0 concentration credits.
GDA-8227 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-8232 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 COOP 101*** 1.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
ENGR 131 . or 132 3.0 MATH 200 4.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
GDA-8241 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 ENGR 210 3.0 CIVE 240 3.0 MEM 220 4.0
ENGR 220 . 4.0 MATH 210 4.0 HIST 285 4.0 MEM 255 4.0
MATH 201 . 4.0 MEM 201 3.0 MEM 230 4.0 MEM 331 2.0
MEM 202 . 3.0 MEM 238 4.0 MEM 310 4.0 MEM 333 3.0
PHYS 201 . 4.0 General Education
GDA-8251 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-8255 . Fundamentals courses†
MEM 391 . 1.0 General Education
GDA-8266 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
MEM 491 . 2.0 MEM 492 3.0 MEM 493 3.0
GDA-8270 . 3.0 MEM elective (300+ or
GDA-8272 . 3.0 MEM Elective (300+
GDA-8276 . Engineering elective
GDA-8278 . 3.0 MEM or College of
GDA-8279 . Engineering elective
GDA-8281 . 3.0 General Education
GDA-8286 . 3.0 Math/Science course† 3.0 Free electives 3.0
GDA-8287 . Math/Science course† 3.0
GDA-8289 . Total Credits 189.5
GDA-8291 . * CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-8292 . available based on that score.
GDA-8294 . ** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-8295 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-8297 . *** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-8303 . † See degree requirements (p. 105).
GDA-8312 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 102 . 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 COOP 101*** 1.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
ENGR 131 . or 132 3.0 MATH 200 4.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
GDA-8321 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
PHYS 201 . 4.0 General Education
GDA-8331 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-8339 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-8343 . Fundamentals courses†
MEM 391 . 1.0 General Education
GDA-8354 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
MEM 491 . 2.0 MEM 492 3.0 MEM 493 3.0
GDA-8358 . 3.0 MEM elective (300+ or
GDA-8360 . 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-8362 . Engineering elective
GDA-8364 . 3.0 MEM or College of
GDA-8365 . Engineering elective
GDA-8367 . 3.0 MEM Elective (300+ or
GDA-8372 . 3.0 Math/Science course† 3.0 General Education
GDA-8375 . Math/Science course† 3.0
GDA-8377 . Total Credits 189.5
GDA-8379 . * CHEM sequence is determined by the student's Chemistry Placement Exam score and the completion of a summer online preparatory course
GDA-8380 . available based on that score.
GDA-8382 . ** MATH and PHYS sequences are determined by the student's Calculus Placement Exam score and the completion of any summer online
GDA-8383 . preparatory courses available based on that score.
GDA-8388 . 110 Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics
GDA-8389 . *** Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-8395 . † See degree requirements (p. 105).
GDA-8399 . Co-op/Career Opportunities
GDA-8401 . Mechanical engineers are employed in a growing number of areas, including aerospace, automotive, biomechanics, computer systems, electronic
GDA-8402 . entertainment, energy, environmental, health care, manufacturing, nuclear technology, and utilities.
GDA-8403 . Most mechanical engineering graduates begin full-time employment immediately upon graduation. However, there are a number of graduates who go on
GDA-8404 . to pursue master’s and/or doctoral degrees in mechanical engineering. The graduate schools that Drexel’s mechanical engineers have attended include
GDA-8405 . Harvard, UC Berkeley, and the University of Pennsylvania.
GDA-8406 . Visit the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center ( for more detailed information on co-op and post-graduate
GDA-8411 . Instructional Laboratories
GDA-8413 . Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM) supports instructional laboratories to provide hands-on experience with engineering measurements and
GDA-8414 . to augment classroom instruction in the areas of mechanics, systems and controls, thermal fluid sciences and design and manufacturing along with a
GDA-8415 . college-supported machine shop to aid senior design.
GDA-8417 . Specialized Laboratories
GDA-8419 . BIOMEMS Lab and Lab-on-a-Chip
GDA-8421 . Develops miniature devices for biological and medical applications using microfabrication and microfluidics technologies. Our research projects are
GDA-8422 . highly multidisciplinary in nature and thus require the integration of engineering, science, biology, and medicine. Projects are conducted in close
GDA-8423 . collaboration with biologists and medical doctors. Our research methodology includes design and fabrication of miniature devices, experimental
GDA-8424 . characterization, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation.
GDA-8426 . Computer-aided Design Lab (CAD)
the 42 . workstation lab which is available by card
GDA-8429 . access 24/7, or over any network connection using our CITRIX server. Computations are performed on a virtual pc running at the server, and students
GDA-8430 . can use any smart device for input and display.
GDA-8432 . Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Group Laboratory (TAMG)
GDA-8434 . Through experimental, analytical, and computational investigations, TAMG develops insights into the deformation and failure of materials, components
GDA-8435 . and structures in a broad range of time and length scales. To accomplish this goal, TAMG develops procedures that include mechanical behavior
GDA-8436 . characterization coupled with non-destructive testing and modern computational tools. This information is used both for understanding the role of
GDA-8437 . important material scales in the observed bulk behavior and for the formation of laws that can model the response to prescribed loading conditions.
GDA-8439 . Electrochemical Energy Systems Laboratory (ECSL)
GDA-8441 . Addresses the research and development needs of emerging alternative energy technologies. ECSL specializes in the design, diagnostics, and
GDA-8442 . characterization of next-generation electrochemical energy conversion and storage systems; particularly fuel cell and battery technology. Current
GDA-8443 . areas of research include polymer electrolyte fuel cells for stationary, portable, and transportation areas of next-generation flow battery technology for
GDA-8444 . intermittent energy storage, load leveling and smart-grid applications. ECSL uses a comprehensive approach, including advanced diagnostics, system
GDA-8445 . design, materials characterization, and computational modeling of electrochemical energy systems.
GDA-8447 . Multiscale Thermofluidics Lab
GDA-8449 . Develops novel scalable nanomanufacturing techniques using biological templates to manipulate micro- and nano-scale thermal and fluidic phenomena.
GDA-8450 . Current work includes enhancing phase-change heat transfer with super-wetting nanostructured coatings and transport and separation through
GDA-8451 . nanoporous membrances.
GDA-8453 . Biofabrication Laboratory
GDA-8455 . Utilizes cells or biologics as basic building blocks in which biological models, systems devices and products are manufactured. Biofabrication techniques
GDA-8456 . encompass a broad range of physical, chemical, biological, and/or engineering process, with various applications in tissue science and engineering,
GDA-8460 . regenerative medicine, disease pathogeneses and drug testing studies, biochips and biosensors, cell printing, patterning and assembly, and organ
GDA-8463 . The Program for Biofabrication at Drexel integrates computer-aided tissue engineering, modern design and manufacturing, biomaterials and biology
GDA-8464 . in modeling, design, and biofabrication of tissue scaffolds, tissue constructs, micro-organ, tissue models. The ongoing research focuses on bio-tissue
GDA-8465 . modeling, bio-blueprint modeling, scaffold informatics modeling, biometric design of tissue scaffold, additive manufacturing of tissue scaffolds, cell
GDA-8466 . printing and organ printing.
GDA-8468 . The facilities at the Biofabrication Laboratory include:
GDA-8471 . software, and in-house developed heterogeneous modeling and homogenization software
GDA-8474 . • proprietary multi-nozzle cell deposition system for direct cell writing and construction of tissue precursors and micro-organs
of 3D . bipolymer tissue scaffolds
GDA-8480 . • commercial available 3DP free-form fabrication system for bio-physical modeling
GDA-8483 . • plasma instrument for surface treatment and surface functionalization
GDA-8486 . • MTS universal testing system
GDA-8489 . • laboratory for cell and tissue culture study
GDA-8494 . Complex Fluids and Multiphase Transport Lab
GDA-8496 . Conducts both experimental and modeling studies on heat/mass transfer and multi-phase flows, as well as transport phenomena in additive
GDA-8497 . manufacturing and energy systems. Current projects range from basic studies in interfacial transport in directed-assembly of functional materials and
GDA-8498 . nanostructure-enhanced two-phase heat transfer to design of innovative dry cooling power plants and electrochemical energy storage systems.
GDA-8500 . Laboratory for Biological Systems Analysis
GDA-8502 . Applies system level engineering techniques to biological systems with emphasis on:
GDA-8504 . • The development of bio-robotic models as tools for investigating hypotheses about biological systems
GDA-8507 . • The use of system identification techniques to evaluate the functional performance of physiological systems under natural behavioral conditions
GDA-8510 . • The design of systems that are derived from nature and use novel techniques, such as electro-active polymers, to achieve superior performance and
GDA-8516 . Advanced Design and Manufacturing Laboratory (
GDA-8517 . This laboratory provides research opportunities in design methodology, computer-aided design, analysis and manufacturing, and materials processing
GDA-8518 . and manufacturing. Facilities include various computers and software, I-DEAS, Pro/E,ANSYS, MasterCAM, Mechanical DeskTop, SurfCAM, Euclid,
GDA-8519 . Strim, ABQUS, and more. The machines include two Sanders Model Maker rapid prototyping machines, a BridgePort CNC Machining Center, a BOY
GDA-8520 . 220 injection molding machine, an Electra high-temperature furnace for metal sintering, infiltration, and other heat treatment.
GDA-8522 . Biomechanics Laboratory (
GDA-8523 . Emphasis in this laboratory is placed on experimental modelling studies of the mechanical properties of human joints, characterization of the mechanical
GDA-8524 . properties of biological materials, studies of human movements, and design and development of joint replacements with particular emphasis on total
GDA-8525 . ankle replacement. Facilities include a 3-D kinematic measuring system, Tensile testing machine, joint flexibility testers, and microcomputers for data
GDA-8526 . acquisition and processing.
GDA-8528 . Combustion and Fuels Chemistry Laboratory (
GDA-8529 . Investigate chemical and physical factors that control and, hence, can be used to tailor combustion processes for engineering applications. Facilities
GDA-8530 . include continuous spectroscopic reaction monitoring systems, static reactors, combustion bombs, flat flame burner systems, flow reactors, and
GDA-8531 . complete analytical and monitoring instrumentation.
GDA-8533 . Research is conducted in the areas of (1) low temperature hydrocarbon oxidation, (2) cool flames, (3) auto-ignition, (4) flame instabilities, (5) flame
GDA-8534 . structure, (6) flame ignition, and (7) flame extinction (quelching). New ways to improve fuel efficiency in practical combustors and recover waste energy
GDA-8535 . in the transportation sector are also being explored.
GDA-8537 . Composite Mechanics Laboratory
GDA-8538 . Emphasis in this laboratory is placed on the characterization of performance of composite materials. Current interest includes damage mechanisms,
GDA-8539 . failure processes, and time-dependent behavior in resin-, metal-, and ceramic-matrix composites. Major equipment includes servo-hydraulic and
GDA-8540 . electromechanical Instron testing machines, strain/displacement monitoring systems, environmental chambers, microcomputers for data acquisition and
GDA-8541 . processing, composites fabrication facility, interferometric displacement gauge, X-radiography, and acoustic emission systems.
GDA-8543 . Nyheim Plasma Institute (Formerly A.J. Drexel Plasma Institute) (
GDA-8546 . 112 Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics
in 2002 . to stimulate and coordinate research projects related to plasma and other modern high energy
ving 23 . faculty members from 6 engineering departments
GDA-8549 . working in close collaboration with School of Biomedical Engineering, College of Arts and Sciences and College of Nursing and Health Professions.
GDA-8551 . Heat Transfer Laboratory
GDA-8552 . The heat transfer laboratory is outfitted with an array of instrumentation and equipment for conducting single- and multiphase heat transfer experiments
GDA-8553 . in controlled environments. Present efforts are exploring the heat and mass transfer process in super-critical fluids and binary refrigerants.
GDA-8555 . Precision Instrumentation and Metrology Laboratory (
GDA-8556 . This laboratory is focused on activities related to precision measurement, computer-aided inspection, and precision instrument design. Facilities include
GDA-8557 . 3D Coordinate Measuring Machine (Brown & Sharpe) with Micro Measurement and Reverse engineering software, Surface Profilometer, and Laser
GDA-8558 . Displacement Measuring System.
GDA-8560 . Mechanical Engineering Faculty
GDA-8562 . Jennifer Atchison, PhD (Drexel University). Assistant Teaching Professor. Engineering Education, Functional Fabrics, and Nanofibers
GDA-8563 . Jonathan Awerbuch, DSc (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology). Professor. Mechanics of composites; fracture and fatigue; impact and wave
GDA-8564 . propagation; structural dynamics.
GDA-8565 . Nicholas P. Cernansky, PhD (University of California-Berkeley) Hess Chair Professor of Combustion. Professor. Combustion chemistry and kinetics;
GDA-8566 . combustion generated pollution; utilization of alternative and synthetic fuels.
GDA-8567 . Bor-Chin Chang, PhD (Rice University). Professor. Computer-aided design of multivariable control systems; robust and optimal control systems.
GDA-8568 . Richard Chiou, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Green manufacturing, mechatronics, Internet-based robotics and
GDA-8569 . automation, and remote sensors and monitoring.
GDA-8570 . Young I. Cho, PhD (University of Illinois-Chicago). Professor. Heat transfer; fluid mechanics; non-Newtonian flows; biofluid mechanics; rheology.
GDA-8571 . Bakhtier Farouk, PhD (University of Delaware) Billings Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Professor. Heat transfer; combustion; numerical methods;
GDA-8572 . turbulence modeling; materials processing.
GDA-8573 . Alexander Fridman, DSc, PhD (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology) Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, John A. Nyheim Endowed
GDA-8574 . University Chair Professor, Director of the Drexel Plasma Institute. Professor. Plasma science and technology; pollutant mitigation; super-adiabatic
GDA-8575 . combustion; nanotechnology and manufacturing.
GDA-8576 . Li-Hsin Han, PhD (University of Texas at Austin). Assistant Professor. Polymeric, micro/nano-fabrication, biomaterial design, tissue engineering, rapid
GDA-8577 . prototyping, free-form fabrication, polymer micro actuators, photonics
GDA-8578 . Y. Grace Hsuan, PhD (Imperial College). Professor. Durability of polymeric construction materials; advanced construction materials; and performance of
GDA-8580 . Andrei Jablokow, PhD (University of Wisconsin, Madison) Associate Department Head for Undergraduate Affairs, Mechanical Engineering and
GDA-8581 . Mechanics. Associate Teaching Professor. Engineering education; kinematics; geometric modeling.
GDA-8582 . Antonios Kontsos, PhD (Rice University). Associate Professor. Applied mechanics; probabilistic engineering mechanics; modeling of smart
GDA-8583 . multifunctional materials.
GDA-8584 . E. Caglan Kumbur, PhD (Pennsylvania State University). Associate Professor. Next generation energy technologies; fuel cell design and development.
GDA-8585 . Harry G. Kwatny, PhD (University of Pennsylvania) S. Herbert Raynes Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Professor. Dynamic systems analysis;
GDA-8586 . stochastic optimal control; control of electric power plants and systems.
GDA-8587 . Alan Lau, PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Professor. Deformation and fracture of nano-devices and macroscopic structures; damagetolerant
GDA-8588 . structures and microstructures.
GDA-8589 . Michele Marcolongo, PhD, PE (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emerita. Orthopedic biomaterials; acellular regenerative medicine, biomimetic
GDA-8590 . proteoglycans; hydrogels.
GDA-8591 . Roger Marino, PhD (Drexel University). Associate Teaching Professor. Engineering education; land development; product Development
GDA-8592 . Matthew McCarthy, PhD (Columbia University) Associate Department Head for Graduate Affairs, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics. Associate
GDA-8593 . Professor. Micro- and nanoscale thermofluidic systems, bio-inspired cooling, smart materials and structures for self-regulated two-phase cooling, novel
GDA-8594 . architectures for integrated energy conversion and storage.
GDA-8595 . David L. Miller, PhD (Louisiana State University). Professor. Gas-phase reaction kinetics; thermodynamics; biofuels.
GDA-8597 . Moses Noh, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. MEMS; BioMEMS; lab-on-a-chip; microfabrication; microfluidics.
GDA-8598 . Mira S. Olson, PhD (University of Virginia). Associate Professor. Peace engineering; source water quality protection and management; contaminant and
GDA-8599 . bacterial fate and transport; community engagement.
GDA-8600 . Sorin Siegler, PhD (Drexel University). Professor. Orthopedic biomechanics; robotics; dynamics and control of human motion; applied mechanics.
GDA-8601 . Jonathan E. Spanier, PhD (Columbia University) Department Head, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics. Professor. Light-matter interactions in
GDA-8602 . electronic materials, including ferroelectric semiconductors, complex oxide thin film science; laser spectroscopy, including Raman scattering.
GDA-8603 . Wei Sun, PhD (Drexel University) Albert Soffa Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Professor. Computer-aided tissue engineering; solid freeform
GDA-8604 . fabrication; CAD/CAM; design and modeling of nanodevices.
GDA-8605 . Ying Sun, PhD (University of Iowa). Associate Professor. Transport processes in multi-component systems with fluid flow; heat and mass transfer; phase
GDA-8606 . change; pattern formation.
GDA-8607 . Tein-Min Tan, PhD (Purdue University). Associate Professor. Mechanics of composites; computational mechanics and finite-elements methods;
GDA-8608 . structural dynamics.
GDA-8609 . James Tangorra, PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Department Head, Engineering Technology. Associate Professor. Analysis of human and
GDA-8610 . (other) animal physiological systems; head-neck dynamics and control; balance, vision, and the vestibular system; animal swimming and flight; robotics;
GDA-8611 . system identification; bio-inspired design.
GDA-8612 . Ajmal Yousuff, PhD (Purdue University). Associate Professor. Optimal control; flexible structures; model and control simplifications.
GDA-8613 . Jack G. Zhou, PhD (New Jersey Institute of Technology). Professor. CAD/CAM; computer integrated manufacturing systems; rapid prototyping; system
GDA-8614 . dynamics and automatic control.
GDA-8617 . Leon Y. Bahar, PhD (Lehigh University). Professor Emeritus. Analytical methods in engineering, coupled thermoelasticity, interaction between analytical
GDA-8618 . dynamics and control systems.
GDA-8619 . Gordon D. Moskowitz, PhD (Princeton University). Professor Emeritus. Biomechanics, dynamics, design, applied mathematics.
GDA-8620 . Donald H. Thomas, PhD (Case Institute of Technology). Professor Emeritus. Biocontrol theory, biomechanics, fluidics and fluid control, vehicle
GDA-8621 . dynamics, engineering design.
GDA-8622 . Albert S. Wang, PhD (University of Delaware). Professor Emeritus. Treatment of damage evolution processes in multi-phased high-temperature
GDA-8623 . materials, including ceramics and ceramic-matrix composites.
GDA-8624 . Engineering Undeclared
GDA-8628 . The Engineering Undeclared program allows students to explore academic options and stay on track with credits and critical courses within the College
GDA-8629 . of Engineering before declaring a major. With the help of an advisor, students can select courses based on their unique interests and goals. No later
GDA-8630 . than the end of spring term in the first academic year, students are required to select an appropriate major which will lead to a bachelor’s degree.
GDA-8632 . The Engineering Undeclared program empowers students to make well-informed decisions around choosing their engineering major, getting involved on
GDA-8633 . campus, and following their ambitions. Note that this program does not lead to a degree in engineering - all students must change their major into one of
GDA-8634 . the College's degree programs (
GDA-8636 . Admission Requirements
GDA-8638 . See the Drexel Admissions ( website for information about applying to Drexel University.
GDA-8640 . Degree Requirements
GDA-8642 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirement
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
GDA-8652 . 114 Engineering Undeclared
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-8659 . General Education 22.0
GDA-8660 . Math and Science Requirements
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
GDA-8664 . Science Requirement 16.5
GDA-8665 . Math/Science Courses 6.0
GDA-8666 . Engineering Requirements
GDA-8667 . Major Requirement 86.5
GDA-8670 . Total Credits 181.5
GDA-8672 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-8675 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0 VACATION
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 MATH 122 4.0 Science Requirement 4.5
CHEM 101 . 3.5 PHYS 101 4.0 Major Requirement 8.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 Major Requirement 4.5
GDA-8683 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVC 101 . 1.0 General Education
GDA-8686 . 3.0 Major Requirements 9.0 VACATION
GDA-8687 . Science Requirement 8.0 Science Requirement 4.0 General Education
GDA-8690 . Major Requirement 7.0 Major Requirements 10.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-8693 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
GDA-8694 . Major Requirements 13.0 Major Requirements 12.0 Major Requirements 11.0
GDA-8695 . General Education 3.0 General Education 3.0 General Education
GDA-8700 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
GDA-8701 . Senior Design 3.0 Senior Design 3.0 Senior Design 3.0
GDA-8702 . Math/Science course 3.0 Math/Science course 3.0 General Education
GDA-8707 . 3.0 Major Requirements 6.0 Major Requirement 3.0
GDA-8708 . Major Requirement 3.0 Free elective 3.0
GDA-8710 . Total Credits 181.5
GDA-8714 . Architectural Engineering, Building Systems Concentration BS /
GDA-8715 . Architectural Engineering MS
GDA-8717 . Major: Architectural Engineering
GDA-8718 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering (BSAE) and Master of Science in Architectural Engineering (MSAE)
GDA-8719 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-8720 . Total Credit Hours: 226.0
GDA-8721 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years)
GDA-8722 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0401
GDA-8723 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2199
GDA-8727 . The Architectural Engineering BS/MS allows students to develop technical depth and breadth in their professional and related area, which enhances
GDA-8728 . their professional productivity, whether in industry or as they proceed to the PhD. The undergraduate courses provide the necessary technical
GDA-8729 . prerequisite understanding and skills for the graduate studies, a natural progression. Because the technical concepts of engineering are common, the
GDA-8730 . MS in a related discipline is readily achieved.
GDA-8732 . Additional Information
GDA-8734 . For more information, visit the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (
GDA-8735 . civil-architectural-environmental-engineering/) webpage.
GDA-8737 . Admission Requirements
GDA-8739 . Students must have a GPA of at least 3.2 and have taken coursework sufficient to demonstrate a readiness to take graduate coursework.
GDA-8741 . Degree Requirements
GDA-8743 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-8753 . General Education Requirements ** 12.0
GDA-8755 . Foundation Requirements
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
AE 220 . Introduction to HVAC 3.5
AE 340 . Architectural Illumination and Electrical Systems 3.0
AE 390 . Architectural Engineering Design I 4.0
GDA-8779 . 116 Architectural Engineering, Building Systems Concentration BS / Architectural Engineering MS
AE 391 . Architectural Engineering Design II 4.0
ARCH 141 . Architecture and Society I 3.0
ARCH 142 . Architecture and Society II 3.0
ARCH 143 . Architecture and Society III 3.0
CAE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
CAE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
CAE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
CAEE 202 . Introduction to Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering 3.0
CAEE 203 . System Balances and Design in CAEE 3.0
CAEE 212 . Geologic Principles for Infrastructure & Environmental Engineering 4.0
CAEE 361 . Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems 3.0
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
CIVE 250 . Construction Materials 4.0
CIVE 320 . Introduction to Fluid Flow 3.0
MEM 230 . Mechanics of Materials I 4.0
GDA-8799 . Building Systems Concentration
AE 430 . Control Systems for HVAC 3.0
CIVE 302 . Structural Analysis I 4.0
CIVE 303 . Structural Design I 3.0
GDA-8806 . Professional Elective 3.0
CMGT 361 . Contracts And Specifications I
CMGT 362 . Contracts and Specifications II
AE 510 . Intelligent Buildings 3.0
AE 544 . Building Envelope Systems 3.0
AE 550 . Comfort Analysis and Indoor Air Quality 3.0
AE 551 . Building Energy Systems I 3.0
MEM 591 . Applied Engr Analy Methods I 3.0
MEM 592 . Applied Engr Analy Methods II 3.0
GDA-8820 . Must complete at least 9.0 credits in one of the two themes below: 9.0
GDA-8821 . Building Energy Theme
AE 552 . Building Energy Systems II
CHE 513 . Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I
CHE 525 . Transport Phenomena I
MEM 611 . Conduction Heat Transfer
MEM 612 . Convection Heat Transfer
MEM 621 . Foundations of Fluid Mechanics
GDA-8828 . Indoor Air Quality Theme
AE 561 . Airflow Simulation in Built Environment
CHE 525 . Transport Phenomena I
ENVE 560 . Fundamentals of Air Pollution Control
ENVE 660 . Chemical Kinetics in Environmental Engineering
ENVS 501 . Chemistry of the Environment
MEM 621 . Foundations of Fluid Mechanics
GDA-8835 . Additional electives from any courses beyond the 9.0 credit theme and any 500+ course in Math, Science or Engineering with Advisor approval. 18.0
GDA-8836 . Total Credits 226.0
GDA-8840 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-8846 . ** General Education Requirements
GDA-8850 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-8855 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CHEM 102 4.5 COOP 101 or CIVC
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CIVC 101 or COOP
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 MATH 200 4.0
UNIV 101 . 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
PHYS 101 . 4.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-8870 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-8876 . (UG) General Education
GDA-8881 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ARCH 192 . 3.0 CIVE 250 4.0 (GR) Graduate Elective 3.0
CIVE 320 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
MEM 591 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate Elective 3.0
GDA-8892 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVE 302 . 4.0 CIVE 303 3.0 (GR) Graduate Elective 3.0
MEM 345 . 4.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
AE 550 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-8900 . (GR) Graduate Elective 3.0
GDA-8903 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ARCH 141 . 3.0 ARCH 142 3.0 AE 430 3.0
CAE 491 . 3.0 CAE 492 3.0 ARCH 143 3.0
CAEE 361 . 3.0 MEM 414 3.0 BIO 141 4.5
MEM 413 . 3.0 (UG) Professional
AE 544 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate Electives 6.0 AE 551 3.0
GDA-8913 . 118 Architectural Engineering, Building Systems Concentration BS / Architectural Engineering MS
GDA-8914 . (GR) Graduate Elective 3.0 (GR) Graduate Elective 3.0
GDA-8918 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-8924 . ** General Education Requirements
GDA-8928 . Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Faculty
GDA-8930 . Abieyuwa Aghayere, PhD (University of Alberta). Professor. Structural design - concrete, steel and wood; structural failure analysis; retrofitting of
GDA-8931 . existing structures; new structural systems and materials; engineering education.
GDA-8932 . Ivan Bartoli, PhD (University of California, San Diego). Associate Professor. Non-destructive evaluation and structural health monitoring; dynamic
GDA-8933 . identification, stress wave propagation modeling.
GDA-8934 . Shannon Capps, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Atmospheric chemistry; data assimilation; advanced sensitivity analysis;
GDA-8936 . S.C. Jonathan Cheng, PhD (West Virginia University). Associate Professor. Soil mechanics; geosynthetics; geotechnical engineering; probabilistic
GDA-8937 . design; landfill containments; engineering education.
GDA-8938 . Yaghoob (Amir) Farnam, PhD (Purdue University). Associate Professor. Advanced and sustainable infrastructure materials; multifunctional, selfresponsive
GDA-8939 . and bioinspired construction materials; advanced multiscale manufacturing; characterization, and evaluation of construction materials;
GDA-8940 . durability of cement-based materials.
GDA-8941 . Patricia Gallagher, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; soil
GDA-8942 . improvement; soil improvement; recycled materials in geotechnics.
GDA-8943 . Patrick Gurian, PhD (Carnegie-Mellon University). Professor. Risk analysis of environmental and infrastructure systems; novel adsorbent materials;
GDA-8944 . environmental standard setting; Bayesian statistical modeling; community outreach and environmental health.
GDA-8945 . Charles N. Haas, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Program Head for Environmental Engineering; L. D. Betz Professor of Environmental
GDA-8946 . Engineering. Water treatment; risk assessment; bioterrorism; environmental modeling and statistics; microbiology; environmental health.
GDA-8947 . Simi Hoque, PhD (University of California - Berkeley) Program Head for Architectural Engineering. Professor. Computational methods to reduce building
GDA-8948 . energy and environmental impacts, urban metabolism, thermal comfort, climate resilience.
GDA-8949 . Y. Grace Hsuan, PhD (Imperial College). Professor. Durability of polymeric construction materials; advanced construction materials; and performance of
GDA-8951 . Joseph B. Hughes, PhD (University of Iowa). Distinguished University Professor. Biological processes and applications of nanotechnology in
GDA-8952 . environmental systems.
GDA-8953 . L. James Lo, PhD (University of Texas at Austin). Associate Professor. Architectural fluid mechanics; building automation and autonomy; implementation
GDA-8954 . of natural and hybrid ventilation in buildings; airflow distribution in buildings; large-scale air movement in an urban built environment; building and urban
GDA-8955 . informatics; data-enhanced sensing and control for optimal building operation and management; novel data gathering methods for building/urban
GDA-8956 . problem solving; interdisciplinary research on occupant behaviors in the built environment.
GDA-8957 . Franco Montalto, PhD (Cornell University). Professor. Effects of built infrastructure on societal water needs, ecohydrologic patterns and processes,
GDA-8958 . ecological restoration, green design, and water interventions.
GDA-8959 . Mira S. Olson, PhD (University of Virginia). Associate Professor. Peace engineering; source water quality protection and management; contaminant and
GDA-8960 . bacterial fate and transport; community engagement.
GDA-8961 . Miguel A. Pando, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Associate Professor. Laboratory testing of geomaterials; geotechnical
GDA-8962 . aspects of natural hazards; soil-structure-interaction; geotechnical engineering.
GDA-8963 . Matthew Reichenbach, PhD (University of Austin at Texas). Assistant Teaching Professor. Design and behavior of steel structures, bridge engineering,
GDA-8964 . structural stability
GDA-8965 . Michael Ryan, PhD (Drexel University) Associate Department Head of Graduate Studies. Associate Teaching Professor. Microbial Source Tracking
GDA-8966 . (MST); Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA); dynamic engineering systems modeling; molecular microbial biology; phylogenetics;
GDA-8968 . metagenomics; bioinformatics; environmental statistics; engineering economics; microbiology; potable and wastewater quality; environmental
GDA-8969 . management systems.
GDA-8970 . Christopher Sales, PhD (University of California, Berkeley). Associate Professor. Environmental microbiology and biotechnology; biodegradation of
GDA-8971 . environmental contaminants; microbial processes for energy and resource recovery from waste; application of molecular biology, analytical chemistry
GDA-8972 . and bioinformatic techniques to study environmental biological systems.
GDA-8973 . Robert Swan Teaching Professor. Geotechnical and geosynthetic engineering; soil/geosynthetic interaction and performance; laboratory and field
GDA-8974 . geotechnical/geosynthetic testing.
GDA-8975 . Sharon Walker, PhD (Yale University) Dean, College of Engineering. Distinguished Professor. Water quality systems engineering
GDA-8976 . Michael Waring, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) Department Head, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering. Associate Professor. Indoor
GDA-8977 . air quality and building sustainability; indoor particulate matter fate and transport; indoor chemistry and particle formation; secondary impacts of control
GDA-8978 . technologies and strategies.
GDA-8979 . Jin Wen, PhD (University of Iowa). Professor. Architectural engineering; Building Energy Efficiency; Intelligent Building; Net-zero Building; and Indoor Air
GDA-8981 . Aspasia Zerva, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor. Earthquake engineering; mechanics; seismology; structural reliability; system
GDA-8982 . identification; advanced computational methods in structural analysis.
GDA-8985 . A. Emin Aktan, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor Emeritus. Health monitoring and management of large infrastructures with
GDA-8986 . emphasis on health monitoring.
GDA-8987 . Eugenia Ellis, PhD, AIA (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor Emerita. Natural and electrical light sources and effects on
GDA-8988 . biological rhythms and health outcomes; ecological strategies for smart, sustainable buildings of the nexus of health, energy, and technology.
GDA-8989 . Ahmad Hamid, PhD (McMaster University). Professor Emeritus. Engineered masonry; seismic behavior, design and retrofit of masonry structures;
GDA-8990 . development of new materials and building systems.
GDA-8991 . Harry G. Harris, PhD (Cornell University). Professor Emeritus. Structural models; dynamics of structures, plates and shells; industrialized building
GDA-8993 . Joseph P. Martin, PhD (Colorado State University). Professor Emeritus. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; hydrology; transportation;
GDA-8995 . James E. Mitchell, MArch (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emeritus. Architectural engineering design; building systems; engineering education.
GDA-8996 . Joseph V. Mullin, PhD (Pennsylvania State University). Teaching Professor Emeritus. Structural engineering; failure analysis; experimental stress
GDA-8997 . analysis; construction materials; marine structures.
GDA-8998 . Architectural Engineering, Structural Concentration BSAE / Civil
GDA-8999 . Engineering, Structural Track MS
GDA-9001 . Major: Architectural Engineering and Civil Engineering
GDA-9002 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering (BSAE) and Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSAE)
GDA-9003 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-9004 . Total Credit Hours: 228.0
GDA-9005 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years)
GDA-9006 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0401
GDA-9007 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2199
GDA-9011 . The program Architectural Engineering/Civil Engineering BSMS program allows students to develop technical depth and breadth in their professional
GDA-9012 . and related area, which enhances their professional productivity, whether in industry or as they proceed to the PhD. The undergraduate courses
GDA-9013 . provide the necessary technical prerequisite understanding and skills for the graduate studies, a natural progression. Because the technical concepts of
GDA-9014 . engineering are common, the MS in a related discipline is readily achieved.
GDA-9017 . 120 Architectural Engineering, Structural Concentration BSAE / Civil Engineering, Structural Track MS
GDA-9018 . Additional Information
GDA-9020 . For more information, visit the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (
GDA-9021 . civil-architectural-environmental-engineering/) webpage.
GDA-9023 . Admission Requirements
GDA-9025 . Students must have a GPA of at least 3.2 and have taken coursework sufficient to demonstrate a readiness to take graduate coursework.
GDA-9027 . Degree Requirements
GDA-9029 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-9039 . General Education Requirements ** 12.0
GDA-9040 . Foundation Requirements
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
AE 220 . Introduction to HVAC 3.5
AE 340 . Architectural Illumination and Electrical Systems 3.0
AE 390 . Architectural Engineering Design I 4.0
AE 391 . Architectural Engineering Design II 4.0
ARCH 141 . Architecture and Society I 3.0
ARCH 142 . Architecture and Society II 3.0
ARCH 143 . Architecture and Society III 3.0
CAE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
CAE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
CAE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
CAEE 202 . Introduction to Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering 3.0
CAEE 203 . System Balances and Design in CAEE 3.0
CAEE 212 . Geologic Principles for Infrastructure & Environmental Engineering 4.0
CAEE 361 . Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems 3.0
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
CIVE 250 . Construction Materials 4.0
CIVE 320 . Introduction to Fluid Flow 3.0
MEM 230 . Mechanics of Materials I 4.0
GDA-9085 . Structural Concentration
CIVE 302 . Structural Analysis I 4.0
CIVE 303 . Structural Design I 3.0
CIVE 312 . Soil Mechanics I 4.0
CIVE 315 . Soil Mechanics II 4.0
CIVE 400 . First Principles of Structural Design 3.0
CIVE 401 . Structural Design II 3.0
CIVE 402 . Structural Design III 3.0
AE 544 . Building Envelope Systems 3.0
CIVE 605 . Advanced Mechanics Of Material 3.0
CIVE 615 . Infrastructure Condition Evaluation 3.0
ENVE 555 . Geographic Information Systems
CIVE 701 . Structural Analysis I 3.0
CIVE 702 . Structural Analysis II 3.0
CIVE 703 . Structural Analysis III 3.0
CIVE T880 . Special Topics in CIVE 3.0
ENVE 571 . Environmental Life Cycle Assessment 3.0
ENVE 727 . Risk Assessment 3.0
GDA-9104 . Graduate Electives 18.0
CIVE 510 . Prestressed Concrete
CIVE 520 . Advanced Concrete Technology
CIVE 615 . Infrastructure Condition Evaluation
CIVE 704 . Behavior and Stability of Structural Members I
CIVE 705 . Behavior and Stability of Structural Members II
CIVE 711 . Engineered Masonry I
CIVE 714 . Behavior of Concrete Structures I
ENVE 555 . Geographic Information Systems
ENVE 750 . Data-based Engineering Modeling
MATH 520 . Numerical Analysis I
MATH 521 . Numerical Analysis II
MEM 591 . Applied Engr Analy Methods I
MEM 592 . Applied Engr Analy Methods II
MEM 660 . Theory of Elasticity I
MEM 664 . Introduction to Plasticity
MEM 681 . Finite Element Methods I
MEM 682 . Finite Element Methods II
GDA-9124 . Other courses as approved by department
GDA-9125 . Total Credits 228.0
GDA-9127 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-9133 . ** General Education Requirements (
GDA-9137 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-9140 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CHEM 102 4.5 COOP 101 or CIVC
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CIVC 101 or COOP
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 MATH 200 4.0
UNIV 101 . 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
GDA-9154 . 122 Architectural Engineering, Structural Concentration BSAE / Civil Engineering, Structural Track MS
GDA-9156 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CAEE 202 . 3.0 CAEE 203 3.0 ENVE 571 3.0
GDA-9165 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ARCH 192 . 3.0 CIVE 250 4.0 (GR) Graduate Elective 3.0
CAEE 361 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
MEM 230 . 4.0 (GR) Graduate Elective 3.0
GDA-9176 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVE 302 . 4.0 ARCH 142 3.0 (GR) Graduate Elective 3.0
CIVE 615 . or ENVE 555 3.0 (GR) Graduate Electives 6.0
GDA-9184 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ARCH 143 . 3.0 CAE 492 3.0 BIO 141 4.5
CAE 491 . 3.0 CIVE 401 3.0 CAE 493 3.0
CIVE 400 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-9190 . (UG) General Education
CIVE 702 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
AE 544 . 3.0 CIVE T880 3.0 CIVE 703 3.0
CIVE 701 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate Elective 3.0
GDA-9200 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-9206 . ** General Education Requirements (
GDA-9210 . Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Faculty
GDA-9212 . Abieyuwa Aghayere, PhD (University of Alberta). Professor. Structural design - concrete, steel and wood; structural failure analysis; retrofitting of
GDA-9213 . existing structures; new structural systems and materials; engineering education.
GDA-9214 . Ivan Bartoli, PhD (University of California, San Diego). Associate Professor. Non-destructive evaluation and structural health monitoring; dynamic
GDA-9215 . identification, stress wave propagation modeling.
GDA-9216 . Shannon Capps, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Atmospheric chemistry; data assimilation; advanced sensitivity analysis;
GDA-9218 . S.C. Jonathan Cheng, PhD (West Virginia University). Associate Professor. Soil mechanics; geosynthetics; geotechnical engineering; probabilistic
GDA-9219 . design; landfill containments; engineering education.
GDA-9220 . Yaghoob (Amir) Farnam, PhD (Purdue University). Associate Professor. Advanced and sustainable infrastructure materials; multifunctional, selfresponsive
GDA-9221 . and bioinspired construction materials; advanced multiscale manufacturing; characterization, and evaluation of construction materials;
GDA-9222 . durability of cement-based materials.
GDA-9224 . Patricia Gallagher, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; soil
GDA-9225 . improvement; soil improvement; recycled materials in geotechnics.
GDA-9226 . Patrick Gurian, PhD (Carnegie-Mellon University). Professor. Risk analysis of environmental and infrastructure systems; novel adsorbent materials;
GDA-9227 . environmental standard setting; Bayesian statistical modeling; community outreach and environmental health.
GDA-9228 . Charles N. Haas, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Program Head for Environmental Engineering; L. D. Betz Professor of Environmental
GDA-9229 . Engineering. Water treatment; risk assessment; bioterrorism; environmental modeling and statistics; microbiology; environmental health.
GDA-9230 . Simi Hoque, PhD (University of California - Berkeley) Program Head for Architectural Engineering. Professor. Computational methods to reduce building
GDA-9231 . energy and environmental impacts, urban metabolism, thermal comfort, climate resilience.
GDA-9232 . Y. Grace Hsuan, PhD (Imperial College). Professor. Durability of polymeric construction materials; advanced construction materials; and performance of
GDA-9234 . Joseph B. Hughes, PhD (University of Iowa). Distinguished University Professor. Biological processes and applications of nanotechnology in
GDA-9235 . environmental systems.
GDA-9236 . L. James Lo, PhD (University of Texas at Austin). Associate Professor. Architectural fluid mechanics; building automation and autonomy; implementation
GDA-9237 . of natural and hybrid ventilation in buildings; airflow distribution in buildings; large-scale air movement in an urban built environment; building and urban
GDA-9238 . informatics; data-enhanced sensing and control for optimal building operation and management; novel data gathering methods for building/urban
GDA-9239 . problem solving; interdisciplinary research on occupant behaviors in the built environment.
GDA-9240 . Franco Montalto, PhD (Cornell University). Professor. Effects of built infrastructure on societal water needs, ecohydrologic patterns and processes,
GDA-9241 . ecological restoration, green design, and water interventions.
GDA-9242 . Mira S. Olson, PhD (University of Virginia). Associate Professor. Peace engineering; source water quality protection and management; contaminant and
GDA-9243 . bacterial fate and transport; community engagement.
GDA-9244 . Miguel A. Pando, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Associate Professor. Laboratory testing of geomaterials; geotechnical
GDA-9245 . aspects of natural hazards; soil-structure-interaction; geotechnical engineering.
GDA-9246 . Matthew Reichenbach, PhD (University of Austin at Texas). Assistant Teaching Professor. Design and behavior of steel structures, bridge engineering,
GDA-9247 . structural stability
GDA-9248 . Michael Ryan, PhD (Drexel University) Associate Department Head of Graduate Studies. Associate Teaching Professor. Microbial Source Tracking
GDA-9249 . (MST); Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA); dynamic engineering systems modeling; molecular microbial biology; phylogenetics;
GDA-9250 . metagenomics; bioinformatics; environmental statistics; engineering economics; microbiology; potable and wastewater quality; environmental
GDA-9251 . management systems.
GDA-9252 . Christopher Sales, PhD (University of California, Berkeley). Associate Professor. Environmental microbiology and biotechnology; biodegradation of
GDA-9253 . environmental contaminants; microbial processes for energy and resource recovery from waste; application of molecular biology, analytical chemistry
GDA-9254 . and bioinformatic techniques to study environmental biological systems.
GDA-9255 . Robert Swan Teaching Professor. Geotechnical and geosynthetic engineering; soil/geosynthetic interaction and performance; laboratory and field
GDA-9256 . geotechnical/geosynthetic testing.
GDA-9257 . Sharon Walker, PhD (Yale University) Dean, College of Engineering. Distinguished Professor. Water quality systems engineering
GDA-9258 . Michael Waring, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) Department Head, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering. Associate Professor. Indoor
GDA-9259 . air quality and building sustainability; indoor particulate matter fate and transport; indoor chemistry and particle formation; secondary impacts of control
GDA-9260 . technologies and strategies.
GDA-9261 . Jin Wen, PhD (University of Iowa). Professor. Architectural engineering; Building Energy Efficiency; Intelligent Building; Net-zero Building; and Indoor Air
GDA-9263 . Aspasia Zerva, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor. Earthquake engineering; mechanics; seismology; structural reliability; system
GDA-9264 . identification; advanced computational methods in structural analysis.
GDA-9267 . A. Emin Aktan, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor Emeritus. Health monitoring and management of large infrastructures with
GDA-9268 . emphasis on health monitoring.
GDA-9269 . Eugenia Ellis, PhD, AIA (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor Emerita. Natural and electrical light sources and effects on
GDA-9270 . biological rhythms and health outcomes; ecological strategies for smart, sustainable buildings of the nexus of health, energy, and technology.
GDA-9271 . 124 Chemical Engineering BSCHE / Chemical Engineering MSCHE
GDA-9272 . Ahmad Hamid, PhD (McMaster University). Professor Emeritus. Engineered masonry; seismic behavior, design and retrofit of masonry structures;
GDA-9273 . development of new materials and building systems.
GDA-9274 . Harry G. Harris, PhD (Cornell University). Professor Emeritus. Structural models; dynamics of structures, plates and shells; industrialized building
GDA-9276 . Joseph P. Martin, PhD (Colorado State University). Professor Emeritus. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; hydrology; transportation;
GDA-9278 . James E. Mitchell, MArch (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emeritus. Architectural engineering design; building systems; engineering education.
GDA-9279 . Joseph V. Mullin, PhD (Pennsylvania State University). Teaching Professor Emeritus. Structural engineering; failure analysis; experimental stress
GDA-9280 . analysis; construction materials; marine structures.
GDA-9281 . Chemical Engineering BSCHE / Chemical Engineering MSCHE
GDA-9283 . Major: Chemical Engineering
GDA-9284 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (BSCHE) and Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (MSCHE)
GDA-9285 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-9286 . Total Credit Hours: 226.5
GDA-9287 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years)
GDA-9288 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0701
GDA-9289 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2041
GDA-9293 . The department of Chemical and Biological Engineering offers a rigorous curriculum grounded in the fundamental physical sciences, integrating practical
GDA-9294 . engineering design and modern computational techniques throughout, and including expansive opportunities to explore the humanities. An extensive,
GDA-9295 . hands-on laboratory experience rounds out a dynamic program that prepares our graduates for rewarding careers in chemical engineering as well as
GDA-9296 . other quantitative disciplines.
GDA-9298 . Chemical engineers are dedicated to designing devices and processes that convert input materials into more valuable products and to the design
GDA-9299 . of those products. Such end products include pharmaceuticals, plastics and other materials, fine chemicals, integrated circuits, electrical energy,
GDA-9300 . petrochemicals, biologically derived fuels, and much more. Chemical engineering often begins with small laboratory scale processes that must be scaled
GDA-9301 . up to production levels through carefully integrated design, optimization, economic, environmental and safety analyses.
GDA-9303 . The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering is responsible for equipping our graduates with the broad technical knowledge and teamwork
GDA-9304 . skills required to make substantial contributions to society.
GDA-9306 . The BS/MS program allows students to develop technical depth and breadth in their professional and related area, which enhances their professional
GDA-9307 . productivity, whether in industry or as they proceed to the PhD. The undergraduate courses provide the necessary, prerequisite understanding and skills
GDA-9308 . for the graduate studies in the later years of the program. BS/MS students take graduate courses that delve deeper into the fundamentals of chemical
GDA-9309 . engineering in the graduate core courses and gain knowledge and exposure to advanced applications through diverse graduate technical electives, all
GDA-9310 . alongside the PhD and MS students participating in our robust research enterprise.
GDA-9312 . Program Educational Objectives
GDA-9314 . The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering has four goals pertaining to student outcomes within a few years of graduation:
GDA-9316 . • Our graduates will succeed in careers requiring strong skills in engineering, science, creative problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and
GDA-9317 . appropriate leadership.
GDA-9320 . • Our graduates will continue their professional development through lifelong learning involving group or self-study and on-the-job training.
GDA-9323 . • Our graduates will hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public. They will conduct their work ethically and understand its global
GDA-9324 . impact and sustainability.
GDA-9327 . • Our graduates will be thought leaders in their area of expertise who are prepared to contribute to research, development, and industrial innovation at
GDA-9328 . the forefront of chemical engineering and related fields.
GDA-9333 . Additional Information
GDA-9335 . For more information on the BS portion of the BS/MS, please visit the Chemical Engineering BSCHE (p. 17) catalog page.
GDA-9337 . Admission Requirements
GDA-9339 . Students must have an overall cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and have taken at least two CHE courses with a cumulative CHE GPA of at least 3.3.
GDA-9343 . Degree Requirements
GDA-9345 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-9355 . General Education Electives * 18.0
GDA-9356 . Foundation Requirements
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 210 . Differential Equations 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
GDA-9371 . Biology Elective 3.0
BIO 100 . Applied Cells, Genetics & Physiology
BIO 101 . Applied Biological Diversity, Ecology & Evolution
GDA-9376 . Professional Requirements
CHE 211 . Material and Energy Balances I 4.0
CHE 212 . Material and Energy Balances II 4.0
CHE 220 . Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering I 3.0
CHE 230 . Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I 4.0
CHE 320 . Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering II 3.0
CHE 330 . Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II 4.0
CHE 331 . Separation Processes 3.0
CHE 350 . Statistics and Design of Experiments 3.0
CHE 351 . [WI] Chemical Engineering Laboratory I 2.5
CHE 352 . [WI] Chemical Engineering Laboratory II 2.5
CHE 362 . Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design 4.0
CHE 371 . Engineering Economics and Professional Practice 3.0
CHE 372 . Integrated Case Studies in Chemical Engineering 3.0
CHE 453 . [WI] Chemical Engineering Laboratory III 2.5
CHE 464 . Process Dynamics and Control 3.0
CHE 466 . Chemical Process Safety 3.0
CHE 471 . Process Design I 4.0
CHE 472 . [WI] Process Design II 3.0
CHE 473 . [WI] Process Design III 3.0
CHEC 353 . Physical Chemistry and Applications III 4.0
CHEM 241 . Organic Chemistry I 4.0
CHEM 242 . Organic Chemistry II 4.0
CHEM 356 . Physical Chemistry Laboratory 2.0
GDA-9403 . Technical Electives ** 12.0
GDA-9404 . Master's Degree Courses
GDA-9407 . 126 Chemical Engineering BSCHE / Chemical Engineering MSCHE
GDA-9408 . Graduate Core Courses
CHE 513 . Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I 3.0
CHE 502 . Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering 3.0
CHE 525 . Transport Phenomena I 3.0
CHE 543 . Kinetics & Catalysis I 3.0
CHE 554 . Process Systems Engineering 3.0
GDA-9414 . Graduate Technical Electives *** 15.0
GDA-9415 . Graduate Thesis/Non-Thesis 9.0
GDA-9417 . Graduate Major Technical Electives ***
GDA-9418 . Graduate Free Electives 6.0
GDA-9419 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-9421 . * General Education Requirements (
GDA-9423 . ** 6.0 credits STEM >=300 level and 6.0 credits STEM OR BUSN >= 200 level
GDA-9427 . • Any graduate course in College of Engineering >= 500 level
GDA-9432 . • Any graduate course in STEM disciplines >= 500 level
GDA-9437 . • Graduate courses in these disciplines, subject to advisor approval: AE, BIO, BMES, CAE, CHE (including CHE I799), CHEM, CIVE, CMGT,
GDA-9448 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-9450 . Co-op cycle for Chemical Engineering is only spring/summer.
GDA-9453 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CHEM 102 4.5 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 VACATION
CIVC 101 . 1.0 COOP 101** 1.0 ENGR 113 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 MATH 200 4.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 PHYS 101 4.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-9462 . (UG) General Education
GDA-9467 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-9472 . (UG) Biology Elective*** 3.0
GDA-9475 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHE 341 . 4.0 CHE 342 4.0 (GR) Graduate
GDA-9478 . Technical Elective†
GDA-9483 . Technical Elective†
GDA-9490 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHE 362 . 4.0 CHE 352 2.5 (GR) Graduate
GDA-9496 . Technical Elective†
GDA-9497 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate Thesis/
GDA-9508 . Technical Elective†
GDA-9510 . Technical Elective†
GDA-9517 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CHE 453 . 2.5 CHE 472 3.0 CHE 466 3.0
CHE 471 . 4.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-9527 . (UG) General Education
CHE 525 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
CHE 502 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate Thesis/
GDA-9535 . (GR) Graduate Thesis/
GDA-9539 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-9541 . * General Education Requirements (
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-9550 . • Any graduate course in College of Engineering >= 500 level
GDA-9555 . • Any graduate course in STEM disciplines >= 500 level
GDA-9560 . • Graduate courses in these disciplines, subject to advisor approval: AE, BIO, BMES, CAE, CHE (including CHE I799), CHEM, CIVE, CMGT,
GDA-9569 . †† 6.0 credits STEM >=300 level and 6.0 credits STEM OR BUSN >= 200 level
GDA-9571 . ††† 9.0 credits in one of:
GDA-9583 . • Graduate Major Technical Electives
GDA-9592 . Chemical Engineering Faculty
GDA-9594 . Cameron F. Abrams, PhD (University of California, Berkeley). Professor. Molecular simulations in biophysics and materials; receptors for insulin and
GDA-9595 . growth factors; and HIV-1 envelope structure and function.
GDA-9596 . Nicolas Alvarez, PhD (Carnegie Mellon University). Assistant Professor. Phototonic crystal defect chromatography; extensional rheology of polymer/
GDA-9597 . polymer composites; surfactant/polymer transport to fluid and solid interfaces; aqueous lubrication; interfacial instabilities.
GDA-9598 . Jason Baxter, PhD (University of California, Santa Barbara). Professor. Solar cells, semiconductor nanomaterials, ultrafast spectroscopy.
GDA-9599 . Richard A. Cairncross, PhD (University of Minnesota). Associate Professor. Effects of microstructure on transport and properties of polymers; moisture
GDA-9600 . transport and degradation on biodegradation on biodegradable polymers; production of biofuel.
GDA-9601 . Aaron Fafarman, PhD (Stanford University). Associate Professor. Photovoltaic energy conversion; solution-based synthesis of semiconductor thin films;
GDA-9602 . colloidal nanocrystals; electromodulation and photomodulation spectroscopy.
GDA-9603 . 128 Civil Engineering BSCIV / Civil Engineering MSCE
GDA-9604 . Vibha Kalra, PhD (Cornell University). Associate Professor. Electrodes for energy storage and conversion; supercapacitors; Li-S batteries; fuel cells; flow
GDA-9605 . batteries; electrospinning for nanofibers; molecular dynamics simulations; Nanotechnology, polymer nanocomposites.
GDA-9606 . Kenneth K.S. Lau, PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Associate Department Head. Professor. Surface science; nanotechnology; polymer thin
GDA-9607 . films and coatings; chemical vapor deposition.
GDA-9608 . Raj Mutharasan, PhD (Drexel University) Frank A, Fletcher Professor. Biochemical engineering; cellular metabolism in bioreactors; biosensors.
GDA-9609 . Giuseppe R. Palmese, PhD (University of Delaware). George B Francis Professor. Reacting polymer systems; nanostructured polymers; radiation
GDA-9610 . processing of materials; composites and interfaces.
GDA-9611 . Joshua Snyder, PhD (Johns Hopkins University). Assistant Professor. Electrocatalysis (energy conversion/storage); hetergeneous catalysis corrosion
GDA-9612 . (dealloying nanoporous metals); interfacial electrochemical phenomena in nanostructured materials; colloidal synthesis.
GDA-9613 . Masoud Soroush, PhD (University of Michigan). Professor. Process systems engineering; polymer engineering.
GDA-9614 . John H. Speidel, BSHE, MCHE (University of Delaware; Illinois Institute of Technology). Teaching Professor. Chemical process safety; process design
GDA-9616 . Maureen Tang, PhD (University of California, Berkeley). Assistant Professor. Batteries and fuel cells; nonaqueous electrochemistry; charge transport at
GDA-9618 . Michael Walters, PhD (Drexel University). Assistant Teaching Professor. Undergraduate laboratory.
GDA-9619 . Stephen P. Wrenn, PhD (University of Delaware). Professor. Biomedical engineering; biological colloids; membrane phase behavior and cholesterol
GDA-9623 . Charles B. Weinberger, PhD (University of Michigan). Professor Emeritus. Suspension rheology; fluid mechanics of multi-phase systems.
GDA-9624 . Civil Engineering BSCIV / Civil Engineering MSCE
GDA-9626 . Major: Civil Engineering
GDA-9627 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCIV) and Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE)
GDA-9628 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-9629 . Total Credit Hours: 225.5
GDA-9630 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-9631 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0801
GDA-9632 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2051
GDA-9636 . The Civil Engineering BSCIV / Civil Engineering MSCE program allows students to develop technical depth and breadth in their professional and
GDA-9637 . related area, which enhances their professional productivity, whether in industry or as they proceed to the PhD. The undergraduate courses provide the
GDA-9638 . necessary technical prerequisite understanding and skills for the graduate studies, a natural progression. Because the technical concepts of engineering
GDA-9639 . are common, the MS in a related discipline is readily achieved.
GDA-9641 . Additional Information
GDA-9643 . For more information, visit the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (
GDA-9644 . civil-architectural-environmental-engineering/) webpage.
GDA-9646 . Admission Requirements
GDA-9648 . Students must have a GPA of at least 3.2 and have taken coursework sufficient to demonstrate a readiness to take graduate coursework.
GDA-9650 . Degree Requirements
GDA-9652 . Geotechnical / Geosynthetics Engineering Graduate Track
GDA-9654 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-9667 . General Education Requirements ** 21.0
GDA-9669 . Foundation Requirements
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
CAE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
CAE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
CAE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
CAEE 202 . Introduction to Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering 3.0
CAEE 203 . System Balances and Design in CAEE 3.0
CAEE 212 . Geologic Principles for Infrastructure & Environmental Engineering 4.0
CAEE 361 . Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems 3.0
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
CIVE 250 . Construction Materials 4.0
CIVE 302 . Structural Analysis I 4.0
CIVE 303 . Structural Design I 3.0
CIVE 312 . Soil Mechanics I 4.0
CIVE 315 . Soil Mechanics II 4.0
CIVE 320 . Introduction to Fluid Flow 3.0
CIVE 375 . Structural Material Behavior 3.0
ENVE 300 . Introduction to Environmental Engineering 3.0
MEM 230 . Mechanics of Materials I 4.0
GDA-9711 . Professional Electives 9.0
CMGT 361 . Contracts And Specifications I
CMGT 362 . Contracts and Specifications II
CMGT 451 . Heavy Construction Principles & Practices
CMGT 461 . Construction Project & Company Management
CMGT 467 . Techniques of Project Control
as 9 . credits of UG Professional Electives
GDA-9722 . Master's Degree Courses
GDA-9723 . Required Cross-Cutting Course (12 credits)
CIVE 605 . Advanced Mechanics Of Material ‡ 3.0
GDA-9727 . 130 Civil Engineering BSCIV / Civil Engineering MSCE
CIVE 615 . Infrastructure Condition Evaluation 3.0
ENVE 555 . Geographic Information Systems
ENVE 571 . Environmental Life Cycle Assessment 3.0
ENVE 727 . Risk Assessment 3.0
ENVE 750 . Data-based Engineering Modeling
GDA-9733 . Required Theme Course (12 credits) ‡
CIVE 632 . Advanced Soil Mechanics 3.0
CIVE 650 . Geosynthetics I 3.0
CIVE 640 . Environmental Geotechnics
CIVE 635 . Slope Stability and Landslides 3.0
CIVE 730 . Experimental Soil Mechanics I 3.0
CIVE 731 . Experimental Soil Mechanics II
GDA-9743 . These courses must be approved by the student's advisor and the graduate advisor.
GDA-9744 . Select from any of the following that were not already counted for credit.
CIVE 530 . Geotechnical Engineering for Highways
CIVE 531 . Advanced Foundation Engineering
CIVE 562 . Introduction to Groundwater Hydrology
CIVE 615 . Infrastructure Condition Evaluation
CIVE 635 . Slope Stability and Landslides
CIVE 636 . Ground Modification
CIVE 640 . Environmental Geotechnics
CIVE 730 . Experimental Soil Mechanics I
CIVE 731 . Experimental Soil Mechanics II
CIVE 737 . Seismic Geotechnics
CIVE 833 . Earth Retaining Structures
CIVE 839 . Geomechanics Modeling
ENVE 555 . Geographic Information Systems
ENVE 750 . Data-based Engineering Modeling
MATH 520 . Numerical Analysis I
MATH 521 . Numerical Analysis II
MEM 591 . Applied Engr Analy Methods I
MEM 592 . Applied Engr Analy Methods II
MEM 660 . Theory of Elasticity I
MEM 664 . Introduction to Plasticity
MEM 681 . Finite Element Methods I
MEM 682 . Finite Element Methods II
GDA-9772 . Electives or Thesis (9 credits) ‡‡ 9.0
GDA-9773 . Total Credits 225.5
GDA-9775 . Structural Engineering Graduate Track
GDA-9777 . General Education / Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-9787 . General Education Requirements ** 21.0
GDA-9789 . Foundation Requirements
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
CAE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
CAE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
CAE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
CAEE 202 . Introduction to Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering 3.0
CAEE 203 . System Balances and Design in CAEE 3.0
CAEE 212 . Geologic Principles for Infrastructure & Environmental Engineering 4.0
CAEE 361 . Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems 3.0
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
CIVE 250 . Construction Materials 4.0
CIVE 302 . Structural Analysis I 4.0
CIVE 303 . Structural Design I 3.0
CIVE 312 . Soil Mechanics I 4.0
CIVE 315 . Soil Mechanics II 4.0
CIVE 320 . Introduction to Fluid Flow 3.0
CIVE 375 . Structural Material Behavior 3.0
ENVE 300 . Introduction to Environmental Engineering 3.0
MEM 230 . Mechanics of Materials I 4.0
GDA-9834 . Professional Electives
CIVE 400 . First Principles of Structural Design 3.0
CIVE 401 . Structural Design II 3.0
CIVE 402 . Structural Design III 3.0
as 9 . credits of UG Professional Electives
GDA-9839 . Master's Degree Courses
GDA-9840 . Required Cross-Cutting Courses (12 credits)
CIVE 605 . Advanced Mechanics Of Material ‡ 3.0
CIVE 615 . Infrastructure Condition Evaluation 3.0
ENVE 555 . Geographic Information Systems
ENVE 571 . Environmental Life Cycle Assessment 3.0
ENVE 727 . Risk Assessment 3.0
ENVE 750 . Data-based Engineering Modeling
GDA-9847 . Required Theme Courses (12 credits) ‡
CIVE 701 . Structural Analysis I 3.0
CIVE 702 . Structural Analysis II 3.0
CIVE 703 . Structural Analysis III 3.0
CIVE 708 . Fundamentals of Structural Dynamics 3.0
GDA-9852 . Graduate Technical Elective Courses (choose from any not already counted for credit) 12.0
GDA-9853 . These courses must be approved by the student's advisor and the graduate advisor.
GDA-9854 . Select from any of the following that were not already counted for credit.
GDA-9857 . 132 Civil Engineering BSCIV / Civil Engineering MSCE
AE 510 . Intelligent Buildings
AE 561 . Airflow Simulation in Built Environment
CIVE 510 . Prestressed Concrete
CIVE 520 . Advanced Concrete Technology
CIVE 531 . Advanced Foundation Engineering
CIVE 540 . Forensic Structural Engineering
CIVE 615 . Infrastructure Condition Evaluation
CIVE 704 . Behavior and Stability of Structural Members I
CIVE 705 . Behavior and Stability of Structural Members II
CIVE 711 . Engineered Masonry I
CIVE 714 . Behavior of Concrete Structures I
ENVE 555 . Geographic Information Systems
ENVE 750 . Data-based Engineering Modeling
MATH 520 . Numerical Analysis I
MATH 521 . Numerical Analysis II
MEM 591 . Applied Engr Analy Methods I
MEM 592 . Applied Engr Analy Methods II
MEM 660 . Theory of Elasticity I
MEM 664 . Introduction to Plasticity
MEM 681 . Finite Element Methods I
MEM 682 . Finite Element Methods II
GDA-9881 . Electives or Thesis (9 credits) ‡‡ 9.0
GDA-9882 . Total Credits 225.5
GDA-9884 . Water Resources Engineering Graduate Track
GDA-9886 . General Education / Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-9896 . General Education Requirements ** 21.0
GDA-9898 . Foundation Requirements
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
CAE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
CAE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
CAE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
CAEE 202 . Introduction to Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering 3.0
CAEE 203 . System Balances and Design in CAEE 3.0
CAEE 212 . Geologic Principles for Infrastructure & Environmental Engineering 4.0
CAEE 361 . Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems 3.0
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
CIVE 250 . Construction Materials 4.0
CIVE 302 . Structural Analysis I 4.0
CIVE 303 . Structural Design I 3.0
CIVE 312 . Soil Mechanics I 4.0
CIVE 315 . Soil Mechanics II 4.0
CIVE 320 . Introduction to Fluid Flow 3.0
CIVE 375 . Structural Material Behavior 3.0
ENVE 300 . Introduction to Environmental Engineering 3.0
MEM 230 . Mechanics of Materials I 4.0
GDA-9943 . Professional Electives 9.0
CMGT 361 . Contracts And Specifications I
CMGT 362 . Contracts and Specifications II
CMGT 451 . Heavy Construction Principles & Practices
CMGT 461 . Construction Project & Company Management
CMGT 467 . Techniques of Project Control
as 9 . credits of UG Professional Electives
GDA-9954 . Master's Degree Courses
GDA-9955 . Required Cross-Cutting Course (12 credits)
CIVE 615 . Infrastructure Condition Evaluation 3.0
ENVE 555 . Geographic Information Systems
CIVE 664 . Open Channel Hydraulics ‡ 3.0
ENVE 571 . Environmental Life Cycle Assessment 3.0
ENVE 727 . Risk Assessment 3.0
ENVE 750 . Data-based Engineering Modeling
GDA-9962 . Required Theme Course (12 credits) ‡
CIVE 565 . Urban Ecohydraulics 3.0
CIVE 567 . Watershed Analysis 3.0
ENVE 681 . Analytical and Numerical Techniques in Hydrology
ENVE 665 . Hazardous Waste & Groundwater Treatment 3.0
CIVE 564 . Sustainable Water Resource Engineering
ENVS 501 . Chemistry of the Environment 3.0
GDA-9970 . These courses must be approved by the student's advisor and the graduate advisor.
GDA-9971 . Select from any of the following that were not already counted for credit.
CIVE 562 . Introduction to Groundwater Hydrology
CIVE 564 . Sustainable Water Resource Engineering
CIVE 615 . Infrastructure Condition Evaluation
ENVE 555 . Geographic Information Systems
ENVE 660 . Chemical Kinetics in Environmental Engineering
ENVE 661 . Env Engr Op-Chem & Phys
ENVE 665 . Hazardous Waste & Groundwater Treatment
ENVE 750 . Data-based Engineering Modeling
GDA-9982 . Electives or Thesis (9 credits) ‡‡ 9.0
GDA-9983 . Total Credits 225.5
GDA-9986 . 134 Civil Engineering BSCIV / Civil Engineering MSCE
GDA-9987 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-9993 . ** General Education Requirements
GDA-9995 . ‡ Must achieve grade of B or better.
GDA-9997 . ‡‡ For students writing an M.S. thesis, these nine credits should consist of six research credits (CIVE 997) and three thesis credits (CIVE 898). Full
GDA-9998 . time Masters students are encouraged to do a thesis. Students opting not to do a thesis will be required to complete an additional 9.0 graduate
GDA-9999 . technical elective credits from the list above, therefore, the total graduate technical elective credits required will be 21.0.
GDA-10003 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-10005 . 5 year, 3 co-op - Geotechnical / Geosynthetic Graduate Track
GDA-10008 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CHEM 102 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CIVC 101 or COOP
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-10021 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
PHYS 201 . 4.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-10031 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CAEE 361 . 3.0 CIVE 330 4.0 ENVE 571 3.0
GDA-10036 . Technical Elective††
GDA-10040 . Technical Elective††
GDA-10044 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVE 312 . 4.0 CIVE 315 4.0 (GR) Graduate
GDA-10047 . Technical Elective††
GDA-10050 . (UG) General Education
GDA-10052 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
CIVE 605 . 3.0 (UG) Professional
GDA-10057 . Graduate Technical
CIVE 615 . or ENVE 555 3.0 (GR) Graduate
GDA-10061 . Technical Electives††
GDA-10065 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CAE 491 . 3.0 CAE 492 3.0 CAE 493 3.0
CIVE 477 . 2.0 CIVE 478 1.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-10075 . 3.0 (UG) Free Electives 6.0 (UG) Professional
GDA-10078 . (UG) General Education
GDA-10080 . 6.0 (UG) Professional
GDA-10082 . 3.0 (UG) Professional
GDA-10084 . Graduate Technical
CIVE 632 . 3.0 CIVE 635 or 838 3.0
CIVE 640 . or 650 3.0 CIVE 730, 731, or 651 3.0
GDA-10090 . Total Credits 225.5
GDA-10092 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-10098 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-10100 . † Professional Electives
GDA-10105 . • CIVE 400+ course
GDA-10108 . • ENVE 400+ course
GDA-10116 . †† Graduate Technical Electives
GDA-10118 . • CIVE 530, CIVE 531, CIVE 562, CIVE 615, CIVE 635, CIVE 636, CIVE 640, CIVE 650, CIVE 651, CIVE 730, CIVE 731, CIVE 737, CIVE 833, CIVE 838,
GDA-10135 . 5 year, 3 co-op - Structural Graduate Track
GDA-10138 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CHEM 102 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CIVC 101 or COOP
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-10151 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
PHYS 201 . 4.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-10161 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CAEE 361 . 3.0 CIVE 330 4.0 ENVE 571 3.0
ENVE 300 . 3.0 ENVE 727 or 750 3.0
GDA-10167 . Technical Elective***
GDA-10170 . Technical Elective***
GDA-10175 . 136 Civil Engineering BSCIV / Civil Engineering MSCE
GDA-10177 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVE 312 . 4.0 CIVE 315 4.0 (GR) Graduate
GDA-10180 . Technical Elective***
GDA-10183 . (UG) General Education
GDA-10185 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
CIVE 605 . 3.0 (UG) Professional
GDA-10190 . Graduate Technical
CIVE 615 . or ENVE 555 3.0 (GR) Graduate
GDA-10194 . Technical Elective***
GDA-10198 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CAE 491 . 3.0 CAE 492 3.0 CAE 493 3.0
CIVE 400 . 3.0 CIVE 401 3.0 CIVE 402 3.0
CIVE 477 . 2.0 CIVE 478 1.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-10204 . (UG) General Education
GDA-10206 . 3.0 (UG) Free Electives 6.0 (UG) Professional
GDA-10208 . Graduate Technical
GDA-10213 . Graduate Technical
GDA-10218 . Total Credits 225.5
GDA-10220 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-10226 . ** General Education Requirements
GDA-10228 . *** Graduate Technical Electives:
GDA-10249 . 5 year, 3 co-op - Water Resources Graduate Track
GDA-10252 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CHEM 102 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CIVC 101 or COOP
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-10265 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
PHYS 201 . 4.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-10278 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CAEE 361 . 3.0 CIVE 330 4.0 ENVE 571 3.0
ENVE 300 . 3.0 ENVE 727 or 750 3.0
GDA-10284 . Technical Elective†
GDA-10287 . Technical Elective†
GDA-10291 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVE 312 . 4.0 CIVE 315 4.0 (UG) Professional
GDA-10295 . Graduate Technical
GDA-10299 . (UG) General Education
GDA-10301 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
CIVE 615 . or ENVE 555 3.0 (UG) Professional
GDA-10306 . Graduate Technical
GDA-10312 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CAE 491 . 3.0 CAE 492 3.0 CAE 493 3.0
CIVE 477 . 2.0 CIVE 478 1.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-10317 . (UG) General Education
GDA-10319 . 6.0 (UG) Free Electives 6.0 (UG) Professional
GDA-10324 . 3.0 (UG) Professional
CIVE 567 . or ENVE 681 3.0 CIVE 565 3.0 (GR) Graduate
GDA-10328 . Technical Elective†
GDA-10331 . Technical Elective†
GDA-10334 . Total Credits 225.5
GDA-10336 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-10342 . ** General Education Requirements
GDA-10344 . *** Professional Electives:
AE 400 . and above (Special Topics on a case by case basis)
GDA-10360 . † Graduate Technical Electives:
GDA-10373 . 138 Civil Engineering BSCIV / Civil Engineering MSCE
GDA-10374 . Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Faculty
GDA-10376 . Abieyuwa Aghayere, PhD (University of Alberta). Professor. Structural design - concrete, steel and wood; structural failure analysis; retrofitting of
GDA-10377 . existing structures; new structural systems and materials; engineering education.
GDA-10378 . Ivan Bartoli, PhD (University of California, San Diego). Associate Professor. Non-destructive evaluation and structural health monitoring; dynamic
GDA-10379 . identification, stress wave propagation modeling.
GDA-10380 . Shannon Capps, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Atmospheric chemistry; data assimilation; advanced sensitivity analysis;
GDA-10382 . S.C. Jonathan Cheng, PhD (West Virginia University). Associate Professor. Soil mechanics; geosynthetics; geotechnical engineering; probabilistic
GDA-10383 . design; landfill containments; engineering education.
GDA-10384 . Yaghoob (Amir) Farnam, PhD (Purdue University). Associate Professor. Advanced and sustainable infrastructure materials; multifunctional, selfresponsive
GDA-10385 . and bioinspired construction materials; advanced multiscale manufacturing; characterization, and evaluation of construction materials;
GDA-10386 . durability of cement-based materials.
GDA-10387 . Patricia Gallagher, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; soil
GDA-10388 . improvement; soil improvement; recycled materials in geotechnics.
GDA-10389 . Patrick Gurian, PhD (Carnegie-Mellon University). Professor. Risk analysis of environmental and infrastructure systems; novel adsorbent materials;
GDA-10390 . environmental standard setting; Bayesian statistical modeling; community outreach and environmental health.
GDA-10391 . Charles N. Haas, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Program Head for Environmental Engineering; L. D. Betz Professor of Environmental
GDA-10392 . Engineering. Water treatment; risk assessment; bioterrorism; environmental modeling and statistics; microbiology; environmental health.
GDA-10393 . Simi Hoque, PhD (University of California - Berkeley) Program Head for Architectural Engineering. Professor. Computational methods to reduce building
GDA-10394 . energy and environmental impacts, urban metabolism, thermal comfort, climate resilience.
GDA-10395 . Y. Grace Hsuan, PhD (Imperial College). Professor. Durability of polymeric construction materials; advanced construction materials; and performance of
GDA-10397 . Joseph B. Hughes, PhD (University of Iowa). Distinguished University Professor. Biological processes and applications of nanotechnology in
GDA-10398 . environmental systems.
GDA-10399 . L. James Lo, PhD (University of Texas at Austin). Associate Professor. Architectural fluid mechanics; building automation and autonomy; implementation
GDA-10400 . of natural and hybrid ventilation in buildings; airflow distribution in buildings; large-scale air movement in an urban built environment; building and urban
GDA-10401 . informatics; data-enhanced sensing and control for optimal building operation and management; novel data gathering methods for building/urban
GDA-10402 . problem solving; interdisciplinary research on occupant behaviors in the built environment.
GDA-10403 . Franco Montalto, PhD (Cornell University). Professor. Effects of built infrastructure on societal water needs, ecohydrologic patterns and processes,
GDA-10404 . ecological restoration, green design, and water interventions.
GDA-10405 . Mira S. Olson, PhD (University of Virginia). Associate Professor. Peace engineering; source water quality protection and management; contaminant and
GDA-10406 . bacterial fate and transport; community engagement.
GDA-10407 . Miguel A. Pando, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Associate Professor. Laboratory testing of geomaterials; geotechnical
GDA-10408 . aspects of natural hazards; soil-structure-interaction; geotechnical engineering.
GDA-10409 . Matthew Reichenbach, PhD (University of Austin at Texas). Assistant Teaching Professor. Design and behavior of steel structures, bridge engineering,
GDA-10410 . structural stability
GDA-10411 . Michael Ryan, PhD (Drexel University) Associate Department Head of Graduate Studies. Associate Teaching Professor. Microbial Source Tracking
GDA-10412 . (MST); Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA); dynamic engineering systems modeling; molecular microbial biology; phylogenetics;
GDA-10413 . metagenomics; bioinformatics; environmental statistics; engineering economics; microbiology; potable and wastewater quality; environmental
GDA-10414 . management systems.
GDA-10415 . Christopher Sales, PhD (University of California, Berkeley). Associate Professor. Environmental microbiology and biotechnology; biodegradation of
GDA-10416 . environmental contaminants; microbial processes for energy and resource recovery from waste; application of molecular biology, analytical chemistry
GDA-10417 . and bioinformatic techniques to study environmental biological systems.
GDA-10418 . Robert Swan Teaching Professor. Geotechnical and geosynthetic engineering; soil/geosynthetic interaction and performance; laboratory and field
GDA-10419 . geotechnical/geosynthetic testing.
GDA-10420 . Sharon Walker, PhD (Yale University) Dean, College of Engineering. Distinguished Professor. Water quality systems engineering
GDA-10422 . Michael Waring, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) Department Head, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering. Associate Professor. Indoor
GDA-10423 . air quality and building sustainability; indoor particulate matter fate and transport; indoor chemistry and particle formation; secondary impacts of control
GDA-10424 . technologies and strategies.
GDA-10425 . Jin Wen, PhD (University of Iowa). Professor. Architectural engineering; Building Energy Efficiency; Intelligent Building; Net-zero Building; and Indoor Air
GDA-10427 . Aspasia Zerva, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor. Earthquake engineering; mechanics; seismology; structural reliability; system
GDA-10428 . identification; advanced computational methods in structural analysis.
GDA-10431 . A. Emin Aktan, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor Emeritus. Health monitoring and management of large infrastructures with
GDA-10432 . emphasis on health monitoring.
GDA-10433 . Eugenia Ellis, PhD, AIA (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor Emerita. Natural and electrical light sources and effects on
GDA-10434 . biological rhythms and health outcomes; ecological strategies for smart, sustainable buildings of the nexus of health, energy, and technology.
GDA-10435 . Ahmad Hamid, PhD (McMaster University). Professor Emeritus. Engineered masonry; seismic behavior, design and retrofit of masonry structures;
GDA-10436 . development of new materials and building systems.
GDA-10437 . Harry G. Harris, PhD (Cornell University). Professor Emeritus. Structural models; dynamics of structures, plates and shells; industrialized building
GDA-10439 . Joseph P. Martin, PhD (Colorado State University). Professor Emeritus. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; hydrology; transportation;
GDA-10441 . James E. Mitchell, MArch (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emeritus. Architectural engineering design; building systems; engineering education.
GDA-10442 . Joseph V. Mullin, PhD (Pennsylvania State University). Teaching Professor Emeritus. Structural engineering; failure analysis; experimental stress
GDA-10443 . analysis; construction materials; marine structures.
GDA-10444 . Civil Engineering BSCIV / Environmental Engineering MSENE
GDA-10446 . Major: Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering
GDA-10447 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCIV) and Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (MSENE)
GDA-10448 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-10449 . Total Credit Hours: 225.5
GDA-10450 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-10451 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0801
GDA-10452 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2051
GDA-10456 . The program allows students to develop technical depth and breadth in their professional and related area, which enhances their professional
GDA-10457 . productivity, whether in industry or as they proceed to the PhD. Their undergraduate courses provide the necessary technical prerequisite understanding
GDA-10458 . and skills for the graduate studies, a natural progression. Because the technical concepts of engineering are common, the MS in a related discipline is
GDA-10459 . readily achieved. The American Society of Civil Engineers publishes the Journal of Environmental Engineering, so these are recognized as connected
GDA-10462 . Additional Information
GDA-10464 . For more information, visit the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (
GDA-10465 . civil-architectural-environmental-engineering/) webpage.
GDA-10467 . Admission Requirements
GDA-10469 . Students must have a GPA of at least 3.2 and have taken coursework sufficient to demonstrate a readiness to take graduate coursework.
GDA-10471 . Degree Requirements
GDA-10473 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
GDA-10480 . 140 Civil Engineering BSCIV / Environmental Engineering MSENE
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-10486 . General Education Requirements ** 21.0
GDA-10487 . Free Electives 6.0
GDA-10488 . Foundation Requirements
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-10506 . Major Requirements
CAE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
CAE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
CAE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
CAEE 202 . Introduction to Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering 3.0
CAEE 203 . System Balances and Design in CAEE 3.0
CAEE 212 . Geologic Principles for Infrastructure & Environmental Engineering 4.0
CAEE 361 . Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems 3.0
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
CIVE 250 . Construction Materials 4.0
CIVE 302 . Structural Analysis I 4.0
CIVE 303 . Structural Design I 3.0
CIVE 312 . Soil Mechanics I 4.0
CIVE 315 . Soil Mechanics II 4.0
CIVE 320 . Introduction to Fluid Flow 3.0
CIVE 375 . Structural Material Behavior 3.0
ENVE 300 . Introduction to Environmental Engineering 3.0
MEM 230 . Mechanics of Materials I 4.0
GDA-10530 . Professional Electives *** 9.0
GDA-10531 . Master's Degree Courses
ENVE 516 . Fundamentals of Environmental Biotechnology 3.0
ENVE 660 . Chemical Kinetics in Environmental Engineering 3.0
ENVE 727 . Risk Assessment 3.0
ENVS 501 . Chemistry of the Environment 3.0
GDA-10536 . Graduate Policy Course 3.0
CIVE 564 . Sustainable Water Resource Engineering
ECON 616 . Public Finance and Cost Benefit Analysis
ENVE 865 . Benefit-Cost Analysis for Infrastructure
PLCY 503 . Theory and Practice of Policy Analysis
PLCY 504 . Methods of Policy Analysis
PBHL 560 . Overview of Issues in Global Health
GDA-10546 . Graduate Electives † 30.0
GDA-10547 . Total Credits 225.5
GDA-10549 . * Co-Op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year,
GDA-10550 . 5-year) and major.
GDA-10552 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5).
GDA-10554 . *** Professional Electives:
GDA-10556 . • AE 400-level and above (Special Topics on a case by case basis)
GDA-10559 . • CIVE 400-level and above
GDA-10562 . • ENVE 400-level and above
GDA-10570 . † Graduate Electives:
GDA-10572 . One Specialization Track:
AE 550 . or PBHL 641, PBHL 640
CIVE 664 . or ENVE 681, CIVE 565, CIVE 567, CIVE 564
ENVE 555 . or ENVE 571, ENVE 750, ENVE 681, one advanced MATH course (MEM 591, CHE 502 or MATE 535)
GDA-10591 . One Cognate Sequence:
GDA-10593 . • 4-course coherent sequence in addition to the specialization, either in environmental engineering, environmental science, or related STEM field. Advisor must
GDA-10594 . approve of courses chosen.
GDA-10601 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-10604 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CHEM 102 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CIVC 101 1.0 COOP 101* 1.0
ENGR 113 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
UNIV 101 . 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-10613 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
PHYS 201 . 4.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-10623 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CAEE 361 . 3.0 CIVE 330 4.0 (GR) Graduate
MEM 230 . 4.0 (GR) Graduate Policy
GDA-10638 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CIVE 312 . 4.0 CIVE 315 4.0 (GR) Graduate
GDA-10646 . 142 Civil Engineering BSCIV / Environmental Engineering MSENE
GDA-10647 . (UG) General Education
GDA-10649 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-10658 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CAE 491 . 3.0 CAE 492 3.0 CAE 493 3.0
CIVE 477 . 2.0 CIVE 478 1.0 (UG) Professional
GDA-10665 . 3.0 (UG) Professional
GDA-10667 . 3.0 (GR) General Education
GDA-10670 . (UG) General Education
GDA-10672 . 6.0 (UG) Free Electives 6.0 (GR) Graduate
GDA-10674 . Professional Elective***
GDA-10678 . Professional Elective***
GDA-10681 . Professional Elective***
GDA-10685 . (GR) Graduate Elective
GDA-10691 . Total Credits 225.5
GDA-10693 . * Co-Op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year,
GDA-10694 . 5-year) and major.
GDA-10696 . ** General Education Requirements (
GDA-10698 . *** Graduate Electives:
GDA-10700 . One Specialization Track:
AE 550 . or PBHL 641, PBHL 640
CIVE 664 . or ENVE 681, CIVE 565, CIVE 567, CIVE 564
ENVE 555 . or ENVE 571, ENVE 750, ENVE 681, one advanced MATH course (MEM 591, CHE 502 or MATE 535)
GDA-10719 . One Cognate Sequence:
GDA-10721 . • 4-course coherent sequence in addition to the specialization, either in environmental engineering, environmental science, or related STEM field. Advisor must
GDA-10722 . approve of courses chosen.
GDA-10732 . †† Professional Electives:
GDA-10734 . • AE 400-level and above (Special Topics on a case by case basis)
GDA-10737 . • CIVE 400-level and above
GDA-10740 . • ENVE 400-level and above
GDA-10750 . Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Faculty
GDA-10752 . Abieyuwa Aghayere, PhD (University of Alberta). Professor. Structural design - concrete, steel and wood; structural failure analysis; retrofitting of
GDA-10753 . existing structures; new structural systems and materials; engineering education.
GDA-10754 . Ivan Bartoli, PhD (University of California, San Diego). Associate Professor. Non-destructive evaluation and structural health monitoring; dynamic
GDA-10755 . identification, stress wave propagation modeling.
GDA-10756 . Shannon Capps, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Atmospheric chemistry; data assimilation; advanced sensitivity analysis;
GDA-10758 . S.C. Jonathan Cheng, PhD (West Virginia University). Associate Professor. Soil mechanics; geosynthetics; geotechnical engineering; probabilistic
GDA-10759 . design; landfill containments; engineering education.
GDA-10760 . Yaghoob (Amir) Farnam, PhD (Purdue University). Associate Professor. Advanced and sustainable infrastructure materials; multifunctional, selfresponsive
GDA-10761 . and bioinspired construction materials; advanced multiscale manufacturing; characterization, and evaluation of construction materials;
GDA-10762 . durability of cement-based materials.
GDA-10764 . Patricia Gallagher, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; soil
GDA-10765 . improvement; soil improvement; recycled materials in geotechnics.
GDA-10766 . Patrick Gurian, PhD (Carnegie-Mellon University). Professor. Risk analysis of environmental and infrastructure systems; novel adsorbent materials;
GDA-10767 . environmental standard setting; Bayesian statistical modeling; community outreach and environmental health.
GDA-10768 . Charles N. Haas, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Program Head for Environmental Engineering; L. D. Betz Professor of Environmental
GDA-10769 . Engineering. Water treatment; risk assessment; bioterrorism; environmental modeling and statistics; microbiology; environmental health.
GDA-10770 . Simi Hoque, PhD (University of California - Berkeley) Program Head for Architectural Engineering. Professor. Computational methods to reduce building
GDA-10771 . energy and environmental impacts, urban metabolism, thermal comfort, climate resilience.
GDA-10772 . Y. Grace Hsuan, PhD (Imperial College). Professor. Durability of polymeric construction materials; advanced construction materials; and performance of
GDA-10774 . Joseph B. Hughes, PhD (University of Iowa). Distinguished University Professor. Biological processes and applications of nanotechnology in
GDA-10775 . environmental systems.
GDA-10776 . L. James Lo, PhD (University of Texas at Austin). Associate Professor. Architectural fluid mechanics; building automation and autonomy; implementation
GDA-10777 . of natural and hybrid ventilation in buildings; airflow distribution in buildings; large-scale air movement in an urban built environment; building and urban
GDA-10778 . informatics; data-enhanced sensing and control for optimal building operation and management; novel data gathering methods for building/urban
GDA-10779 . problem solving; interdisciplinary research on occupant behaviors in the built environment.
GDA-10780 . Franco Montalto, PhD (Cornell University). Professor. Effects of built infrastructure on societal water needs, ecohydrologic patterns and processes,
GDA-10781 . ecological restoration, green design, and water interventions.
GDA-10782 . Mira S. Olson, PhD (University of Virginia). Associate Professor. Peace engineering; source water quality protection and management; contaminant and
GDA-10783 . bacterial fate and transport; community engagement.
GDA-10784 . Miguel A. Pando, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Associate Professor. Laboratory testing of geomaterials; geotechnical
GDA-10785 . aspects of natural hazards; soil-structure-interaction; geotechnical engineering.
GDA-10786 . Matthew Reichenbach, PhD (University of Austin at Texas). Assistant Teaching Professor. Design and behavior of steel structures, bridge engineering,
GDA-10787 . structural stability
GDA-10788 . Michael Ryan, PhD (Drexel University) Associate Department Head of Graduate Studies. Associate Teaching Professor. Microbial Source Tracking
GDA-10789 . (MST); Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA); dynamic engineering systems modeling; molecular microbial biology; phylogenetics;
GDA-10790 . metagenomics; bioinformatics; environmental statistics; engineering economics; microbiology; potable and wastewater quality; environmental
GDA-10791 . management systems.
GDA-10792 . Christopher Sales, PhD (University of California, Berkeley). Associate Professor. Environmental microbiology and biotechnology; biodegradation of
GDA-10793 . environmental contaminants; microbial processes for energy and resource recovery from waste; application of molecular biology, analytical chemistry
GDA-10794 . and bioinformatic techniques to study environmental biological systems.
GDA-10795 . Robert Swan Teaching Professor. Geotechnical and geosynthetic engineering; soil/geosynthetic interaction and performance; laboratory and field
GDA-10796 . geotechnical/geosynthetic testing.
GDA-10797 . Sharon Walker, PhD (Yale University) Dean, College of Engineering. Distinguished Professor. Water quality systems engineering
GDA-10798 . Michael Waring, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) Department Head, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering. Associate Professor. Indoor
GDA-10799 . air quality and building sustainability; indoor particulate matter fate and transport; indoor chemistry and particle formation; secondary impacts of control
GDA-10800 . technologies and strategies.
GDA-10801 . Jin Wen, PhD (University of Iowa). Professor. Architectural engineering; Building Energy Efficiency; Intelligent Building; Net-zero Building; and Indoor Air
GDA-10803 . Aspasia Zerva, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor. Earthquake engineering; mechanics; seismology; structural reliability; system
GDA-10804 . identification; advanced computational methods in structural analysis.
GDA-10807 . A. Emin Aktan, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor Emeritus. Health monitoring and management of large infrastructures with
GDA-10808 . emphasis on health monitoring.
GDA-10809 . Eugenia Ellis, PhD, AIA (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor Emerita. Natural and electrical light sources and effects on
GDA-10810 . biological rhythms and health outcomes; ecological strategies for smart, sustainable buildings of the nexus of health, energy, and technology.
GDA-10811 . 144 Computer Engineering BSCE / Computer Engineering MSCE
GDA-10812 . Ahmad Hamid, PhD (McMaster University). Professor Emeritus. Engineered masonry; seismic behavior, design and retrofit of masonry structures;
GDA-10813 . development of new materials and building systems.
GDA-10814 . Harry G. Harris, PhD (Cornell University). Professor Emeritus. Structural models; dynamics of structures, plates and shells; industrialized building
GDA-10816 . Joseph P. Martin, PhD (Colorado State University). Professor Emeritus. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; hydrology; transportation;
GDA-10818 . James E. Mitchell, MArch (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emeritus. Architectural engineering design; building systems; engineering education.
GDA-10819 . Joseph V. Mullin, PhD (Pennsylvania State University). Teaching Professor Emeritus. Structural engineering; failure analysis; experimental stress
GDA-10820 . analysis; construction materials; marine structures.
GDA-10821 . Computer Engineering BSCE / Computer Engineering MSCE
GDA-10823 . Major: Computer Engineering
GDA-10824 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCE) and Master of Science in Computer Engineering
GDA-10825 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-10826 . Total Credit Hours: 226.5
GDA-10827 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-10828 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0901
GDA-10829 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 15-1132; 15-1133; 15-1143; 17-2031
GDA-10833 . The BS/MS in Computer Engineering is an accelerated degree program that gives academically qualified ECE students the opportunity to receive two
GDA-10834 . diplomas (BS and MS) at the same time in five years, graduating in the same time to earn the bachelor's degree alone. Students can still enjoy the
GDA-10835 . benefits and rewards of the Drexel Co-op experience while gaining research experience by working with research faculty. Typical salaries for students
GDA-10836 . with MS degrees are about 25% higher than those with BS degrees. An additional benefit of pursuing the BS/MS at Drexel's College of Engineering is
GDA-10837 . the possibility of receiving a BS degree in one discipline and a MS degree in the same or related discipline.
GDA-10839 . Admission Requirements
GDA-10841 . Students must have a GPA of at least 3.30 and have taken 300/400-level coursework sufficient to demonstrate a readiness to take graduate coursework.
GDA-10842 . Students are encouraged to review ECE course foundations to identify specific undergraduate courses needed to take the corresponding graduate
GDA-10845 . Degree Requirements
GDA-10847 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-10858 . Communications Elective 3.0
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking
COM 310 . Technical Communication
GDA-10861 . General Education Requirements ** 15.0
GDA-10862 . Foundation Requirements
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CS 265 . Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques 3.0
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 221 . Discrete Mathematics 3.0
MATH 291 . Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-10883 . Science Elective 3.0
GDA-10884 . Any BIO, CHEM or PHYS course
GDA-10885 . Professional Requirements
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 105 . Programming for Engineers II 3.0
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECE 301 . Foundations of Electric Circuits II 4.0
ECE 350 . Introduction to Computer Organization 3.0
ECE 361 . Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers 4.0
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
ECE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
ECE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ECE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
GDA-10901 . CE Core Elective (choose one of the following): 3.0
ECE 371 . Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems
ECE 380 . Fundamentals of Power and Energy
GDA-10905 . ECE Electives † 6.0
GDA-10906 . ECE 400-level Electives †† 9.0
GDA-10907 . Free Electives 27.0
GDA-10908 . Master's Degree Courses
GDA-10909 . ECEC 500+ Courses 21.0
GDA-10910 . General ECE Courses ‡ 9.0
GDA-10911 . Graduate Electives ‡‡ 15.0
GDA-10912 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-10914 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assined and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-10920 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
ECE 491 . [WI] , ECE 492 [WI] , ECE 493 [WI] credits with ECE
GDA-10925 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-10926 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE or ECEC. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-10930 . ‡ 9.0 credits at the 500+ level from subject codes ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, ECE.
GDA-10932 . ‡‡ 500+ courses in the following areas: AE, BIO, BMES, CHE, CHEM, CIVE, CMGT, CS, ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, EGMT,
GDA-10937 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-10939 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-10942 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CIVC 101 or COOP
GDA-10950 . 146 Computer Engineering BSCE / Computer Engineering MSCE
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-10958 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ECEC 204 3.0
GDA-10964 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-10967 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 301 . 4.0 PHIL 315 3.0 (GR) Graduate Elective§ 3.0
ECES 301 . 4.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-10974 . (UG) General Education
GDA-10976 . 3.0 (UG) Science Elective 3.0
GDA-10977 . (GR) Graduate Elective§ 3.0 Any course in BIO,
GDA-10979 . (GR) Graduate Elective§ 3.0
GDA-10982 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
MATH 291 . 4.0 (UG) Free Electives 6.0 (GR) Graduate Elective§ 3.0 (GR) Graduate Elective§ 3.0
GDA-10985 . (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-10988 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (GR) Graduate ECEC
GDA-10991 . (GR) Graduate ECEC
GDA-10996 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-11005 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-11006 . (UG) General Education
GDA-11008 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-11010 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-11013 . (GR) Graduate ECEC
GDA-11015 . 6.0 (GR) Graduate ECEC
GDA-11017 . 3.0 (GR) General ECE
GDA-11024 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-11026 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
GDA-11029 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-11033 . † ECE Electives: 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes
GDA-11034 . Special Topics in each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE or ECEC. Includes Special Topics in each code
GDA-11043 . ‡ 9.0 credits at the 500+ level from subject codes ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, ECE.
GDA-11045 . § Graduate Electives: 500+ courses in the following areas: AE, BIO, BMES, CHE, CHEM, CIVE, CMGT, CS, ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECET,
GDA-11050 . Computer Engineering Faculty
GDA-11052 . Tom Chmielewski, PhD (Drexel University). Teaching Professor. Modeling and simulation of electro-mechanical systems; optimal, adaptive and nonlinear
GDA-11053 . control; DC motor control; system identification; kalman filters (smoothing algorithms, tracking); image processing; robot design; biometric
GDA-11054 . technology and design of embedded systems for control applications utilizing MATLAB and SIMULINK
GDA-11055 . Fernand Cohen, PhD (Brown University). Professor. Surface modeling; tissue characterization and modeling; face modeling; recognition and tracking.
GDA-11056 . Andrew Cohen, PhD (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute). Associate Professor. Image processing; multi-target tracking; statistical pattern recognition and
GDA-11057 . machine learning; algorithmic information theory; 5-D visualization
GDA-11058 . Kapil Dandekar, PhD (University of Texas-Austin) Director of the Drexel Wireless Systems Laboratory (DWSL); Associate Dean of Research, College of
GDA-11059 . Engineering. Professor. Cellular/mobile communications and wireless LAN; smart antenna/MIMO for wireless communications; applied computational
GDA-11060 . electromagnetics; microwave antenna and receiver development; free space optical communication; ultrasonic communication; sensor networks for
GDA-11061 . homeland security; ultrawideband communication.
GDA-11062 . Afshin Daryoush, ScD (Drexel University). Professor. Digital and microwave photonics; nonlinear microwave circuits; RFIC; medical imaging.
GDA-11063 . Anup Das, PhD (Universit of Singapore). Assistant Professor. Design of algorithms for neuromorphic computing, particularly using spiking neural
GDA-11064 . networks, dataflow-based design of neuromorphic computing system, design of scalable computing system; hardware-software co-design and
GDA-11065 . management, and thermal and power management of many-core embedded systems
GDA-11066 . Bruce A. Eisenstein, PhD (University of Pennsylvania). Arthur J. Rowland Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Pattern recognition;
GDA-11067 . estimation; decision theory.
GDA-11068 . Adam K. Fontecchio, PhD (Brown University) Director, Center for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning Excellence (CASTLE). Professor.
GDA-11069 . Electro-optics; remote sensing; active optical elements; liquid crystal devices.
GDA-11070 . Gary Friedman, PhD (University of Maryland-College Park) Associate Department Head for Graduate Affairs. Professor. Biological and biomedical
GDA-11071 . applications of nanoscale magnetic systems.
GDA-11072 . Allon Guez, PhD (University of Florida). Professor. Intelligent control systems; robotics, biomedical, automation and manufacturing; business systems
GDA-11074 . Peter R. Herczfeld, PhD (University of Minnesota). Professor. Lightwave technology; microwaves; millimeter waves; fiberoptic and integrated optic
GDA-11076 . Leonid Hrebien, PhD (Drexel University). Professor. Tissue excitability; acceleration effects on physiology; bioinformatics.
GDA-11077 . Nagarajan Kandasamy, PhD (University of Michigan) Associate Department Head for Undergraduate Affairs. Associate Professor. Embedded systems,
GDA-11078 . self-managing systems, reliable and fault-tolerant computing, distributed systems, computer architecture, and testing and verification of digital systems.
GDA-11079 . Youngmoo Kim, PhD (MIT) Director, Expressive and Creative Interactive Technologies (ExCITe) Center. Professor. Audio and music signal processing,
GDA-11080 . voice analysis and synthesis, music information retrieval, machine learning.
GDA-11081 . Fei Lu, PhD (University of Michigan). Assistant Professor. Power electronics; wireless power transfer technology for the high-power electric vehicles and
GDA-11082 . the low-power electronic devices.
GDA-11083 . Karen Miu, PhD (Cornell University). Professor. Power systems; distribution networks; distribution automation; optimization; system analysis.
GDA-11084 . Bahram Nabet, PhD (University of Washington). Professor. Optoelectronics; fabrication and modeling; fiber optic devices; nanoelectronics; nanowires.
GDA-11085 . Prawat Nagvajara, PhD (Boston University). Associate Professor. System on a chip; embedded systems; power grid computation; testing of computer
GDA-11086 . hardware; fault-tolerant computing; VLSI systems; error control coding.
GDA-11087 . Dagmar Niebur, PhD (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Intelligent systems; dynamical systems; power system monitoring
GDA-11089 . Christopher Peters, PhD (University of Michigan). Teaching Professor. Nuclear reactor design; ionizing radiation detection; nuclear forensics; power
GDA-11090 . plant reliability and risk analysis; naval/marine power and propulsion; directed energy/high power microwaves; nonstationary signal processing; radar;
GDA-11091 . electronic survivability/susceptibility to harsh environments; electronic warfare
GDA-11092 . 148 Computer Engineering BSCE / Cybersecurity MS
GDA-11093 . Karkal Prabhu, PhD (Harvard University). Teaching Professor. Computer engineering education; computer architecture; embedded systems
GDA-11094 . Gail L. Rosen, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Signal processing, signal processing for biological analysis and modeling,
GDA-11095 . bio-inspired designs, source localization and tracking.
GDA-11096 . Ioannis Savidis, PhD (University of Rochester). Associate Professor. Analysis, modeling, and design methodologies for high performance digital and
GDA-11097 . mixed-signal integrated circuits; Emerging integrated circuit technologies; Electrical and thermal modeling and characterization, signal and power
GDA-11098 . integrity, and power and clock delivery for 3-D IC technologies
GDA-11099 . Kevin J. Scoles, PhD (Dartmouth College) Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs. Associate Professor. Microelectronics; electric vehicles; solar
GDA-11100 . energy; biomedical electronics.
GDA-11101 . Harish Sethu, PhD (Lehigh University). Associate Professor. Protocols, architectures and algorithms in computer networks; computer security; mobile ad
GDA-11102 . hoc networks; large-scale complex adaptive networks and systems.
GDA-11103 . James Shackleford, PhD (Drexel University). Associate Professor. Medical image processing, high performance computing, embedded systems,
GDA-11104 . computer vision, machine learning
GDA-11105 . P. Mohana Shankar, PhD (Indian Institute of Technology) Allen Rothwarf Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Professor. Wireless
GDA-11106 . communications; biomedical ultrasonics; fiberoptic bio-sensors.
GDA-11107 . Matthew Stamm, PhD (University of Maryland, College Park). Associate Professor. Information Security; multimedia forensics and anti-forensics;
GDA-11108 . information verification; adversarial dynamics; signal processing
GDA-11109 . Baris Taskin, PhD (University of Pittsburgh). Professor. Very large-scal integration (VLSI) systems, computer architecture, circuits and systems,
GDA-11110 . electronic design automation (EDA), energy efficient computing.
GDA-11111 . John Walsh, PhD (Cornell University). Associate Professor. Bounding the region of entropic vectors and its implications for the limits of communication
GDA-11112 . networks, big data distributed storage systems, and graphical model based machine learning; efficient computation and analysis of rate regions for
GDA-11113 . network coding and distributed storage; code construction, polyhedral computation, hierarchy, and symmetry
GDA-11114 . Steven Weber, PhD (University of Texas-Austin) Department Head. Professor. Mathematical modeling of computer and communication networks,
GDA-11115 . specifically streaming multimedia and ad hoc networks.
GDA-11116 . Jaudelice de Oliveira, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Software-defined networking; social and economic networks; network
GDA-11117 . security; design and analysis of protocols, algorithms and architectures in computer networks, particularly solutions for the Internet of Things
GDA-11120 . Suryadevara Basavaiah, PhD (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emeritus. Computer engineering; computer engineering education; custom circuit
GDA-11121 . design; VLSI technology; process and silicon fabrication
GDA-11122 . Eli Fromm, PhD (Jefferson Medical College). Professor Emeritus. Engineering education; academic research policy; bioinstrumentation; physiologic
GDA-11124 . Edwin L. Gerber, PhD (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emeritus. Computerized instruments and measurements; undergraduate engineering
GDA-11126 . Computer Engineering BSCE / Cybersecurity MS
GDA-11128 . Major: Computer Engineering and Cybersecurity
GDA-11129 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCE) and Master of Science in Cybersecurity (MS)
GDA-11130 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-11131 . Total Credit Hours: 226.5
GDA-11132 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-11133 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0901
GDA-11134 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 15-1132
GDA-11138 . The computer engineering undergraduate degree program is designed to provide our students with breadth in engineering, the sciences, mathematics,
GDA-11139 . and the humanities, as well as depth in both software and hardware disciplines appropriate for a computer engineer. It embodies the philosophy and
GDA-11140 . style of the Drexel Engineering Curriculum, and will develop the student's design and analytical skills. In combination with the co-op experience, it
GDA-11141 . opens to the student opportunities in engineering practice, advanced training in engineering or in other professions, and an entry to business and
GDA-11146 . As a greater percentage of people worldwide use computers, there is a marked increase in cybersecurity concerns. Motivated through discussions with
GDA-11147 . the National Security Agency (NSA), Drexel University's MS in Cybersecurity program prepares students with both academic and practical training to be
GDA-11148 . competitive in today's rapidly changing technical landscape. The program provides deeply technical and specialized training and enables graduates to
GDA-11149 . understand, adapt, and develop new techniques to confront emerging threats in cybersecurity.
GDA-11151 . Admission Requirements
GDA-11153 . Students must demonstrate and readiness for graduate work, both in terms of academic performance and relevant preparatory undergraduate courses.
of 80 . credits; with minimum grade of B in the following courses: ECE 105, ECE 200, ECE 201,
GDA-11157 . Degree Requirements
GDA-11159 . Note: Students majoring in Computer Engineering must have a 2.0 cumulative overall GPA and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their Professional
GDA-11160 . Requirements courses.
GDA-11162 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-11173 . Communications Elective 3.0
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking
COM 310 . Technical Communication
GDA-11176 . General Education Requirements ** 15.0
GDA-11177 . Foundation Requirements
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CS 265 . Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques 3.0
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 221 . Discrete Mathematics 3.0
MATH 291 . Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-11195 . Science Elective 3.0
GDA-11196 . Choose any BIO, CHEM, or PHYS
GDA-11197 . Professional Requirements
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 105 . Programming for Engineers II 3.0
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECE 301 . Foundations of Electric Circuits II 4.0
ECE 350 . Introduction to Computer Organization 3.0
ECE 361 . Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers 4.0
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
GDA-11211 . 150 Computer Engineering BSCE / Cybersecurity MS
ECE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
ECE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ECE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
GDA-11216 . CE Core Elective (select one) 3.0
ECE 371 . Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems
ECE 380 . Fundamentals of Power and Energy
GDA-11220 . ECE Electives † 6.0
GDA-11221 . ECE 400-level Electives †† 9.0
GDA-11222 . Free Electives 27.0
GDA-11223 . Master's Degree Courses
INFO 517 . Principles of Cybersecurity 3.0
INFO 725 . Information Policy and Ethics 3.0
SE 578 . Security Engineering 3.0
GDA-11227 . Cybersecurity Track-Specific Technical Electives 27.0
GDA-11228 . Choose from lists below depending on track
GDA-11229 . Computer Science Track Electives
CS 500 . Fundamentals of Databases
CS 501 . Introduction to Programming
CS 502 . Data Structures and Algorithms
CS 510 . Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS 521 . Data Structures and Algorithms I
CS 522 . Data Structures and Algorithms II
CS 540 . High Performance Computing
CS 550 . Programming Languages
CS 551 . Compiler Construction I
CS 552 . Compiler Construction II
CS 576 . Dependable Software Systems
CS 610 . Advanced Artificial Intelligence
CS 612 . Knowledge-based Agents
CS 620 . Advanced Data Structure and Algorithms
CS 621 . Approximation Algorithms
CS 643 . Advanced Operating Systems
CS 647 . Distributed Systems Software
CS 650 . Program Generation and Optimization
CS 675 . Reverse Software Engineering
CS 695 . Research Rotations in Cybersecurity
CS 770 . Topics in Artificial Intelligence
CS 780 . Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
GDA-11263 . Electrical & Computer Engineering Track Electives
ECE 610 . Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
ECEC 500 . Fundamentals Of Computer Hardware
ECEC 501 . Computational Principles of Representation and Reasoning
ECEC 502 . Principles of Data Analysis
ECEC 503 . Principles of Decision Making
ECEC 511 . Combinational Circuit Design
ECEC 512 . Sequential Circuit Design
ECEC 513 . Design for Testability
ECEC 520 . Dependable Computing
ECEC 531 . Principles of Computer Networking
ECEC 600 . Fundamentals of Computer Networks
ECEC 621 . High Performance Computer Architecture
ECEC 622 . Parallel Programming
ECEC 623 . Advanced Topics in Computer Architecture
ECEC 632 . Performance Analysis of Computer Networks
ECEC 633 . Advanced Topics in Computer Networking
ECEC 661 . Digital Systems Design
ECES 511 . Fundamentals of Systems I
ECES 512 . Fundamentals of Systems II
ECES 513 . Fundamentals of Systems III
ECES 521 . Probability & Random Variables
ECES 522 . Random Process & Spectral Analysis
ECES 523 . Detection & Estimation Theory
ECES 558 . Digital Signal Processing for Sound & Hearing
ECES 559 . Processing of the Human Voice
ECES 604 . Optimal Estimation & Stochastic Control
ECES 620 . Multimedia Forensics and Security
ECES 631 . Fundamentals of Deterministic Digital Signal Processing
ECES 632 . Fundamentals of Statistical Digital Signal Processing
ECES 643 . Digital Control Systems Analysis & Design
ECES 644 . Computer Control Systems
ECES 651 . Intelligent Control
ECES 682 . Fundamentals of Image Processing
ECES 685 . Image Reconstruction Algorithms
ECES 811 . Optimization Methods for Engineering Design
ECES 812 . Mathematical Program Engineering Design
ECES 813 . Computer-Aided Network Design
ECES 818 . Machine Learning & Adaptive Control
ECES 821 . Reliable Communications & Coding I
ECES 822 . Reliable Communications & Coding II
ECES 823 . Reliable Communications & Coding III
ECET 501 . Fundamentals of Communications Engineering
ECET 511 . Physical Foundations of Telecommunications Networks
ECET 602 . Information Theory and Coding
ECET 603 . Optical Communications and Networks
ECET 604 . Internet Laboratory
GDA-11325 . Information Track Electives
INFO 532 . Software Development
INFO 540 . Perspectives on Information Systems
INFO 590 . Foundations of Data and Information
INFO 605 . Database Management Systems
INFO 606 . Advanced Database Management
INFO 607 . Applied Database Technologies
INFO 612 . Knowledge Base Systems
INFO 624 . Information Retrieval Systems
INFO 629 . Applied Artificial Intelligence
INFO 633 . Information Visualization
INFO 646 . Information Systems Management
GDA-11341 . 152 Computer Engineering BSCE / Cybersecurity MS
INFO 655 . Intro to Web Programming
INFO 658 . Information Architecture
INFO 659 . Introduction to Data Analytics
INFO 662 . Metadata and Resource Description
INFO 670 . Cross-platform Mobile Development
INFO 680 . US Government Information
INFO 710 . Information Forensics
INFO 712 . Information Assurance
GDA-11350 . Cybersecurity Non-Track Electives ‡ 9.0
GDA-11351 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-11353 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-11359 . ** General Education Requirements
ECE 491 . [WI] , ECE 492 [WI] , ECE 493 [WI] credits with ECE
GDA-11364 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-11365 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE or ECEC. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
oose 3 . courses (9.0 credits) from either Electrical & Computer Engineering Track or Information
GDA-11370 . Systems Track Technical Electives list.
oose 3 . courses (9.0 credits) from either the Computer Science or Electrical & Computer
GDA-11373 . Engineering Tracks.
oose 3 . courses (9.0 credits) from either the Computer Science or Information
GDA-11380 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-11382 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-11385 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 COOP 101 or CIVC
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-11398 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 201 . 4.0 COM 230 or 310 3.0
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ECEC 204 3.0
GDA-11404 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-11407 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
INFO 725 . (GR) 3.0 ECE 301 4.0 PHIL 315 3.0
ECES 301 . 4.0 (UG) Science elective
GDA-11417 . (UG) General Education
GDA-11419 . 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-11426 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 303 . 3.0 (UG) ECE elective† 3.0
GDA-11429 . Technical Elective
GDA-11430 . 3.0 (GR) Track Technical
MATH 291 . 4.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-11435 . (UG) ECE elective† 3.0 (UG) Free electives 6.0
GDA-11436 . (UG) Free elective 3.0 (GR) Track Technical
GDA-11439 . (GR) Track Technical
GDA-11441 . 6.0 (GR) Non-Track
GDA-11442 . Technical Elective
GDA-11446 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-11448 . (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-11450 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-11452 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-11455 . (UG) General Education
GDA-11457 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-11459 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-11462 . (UG) Free elective 3.0 (UG) Free elective 3.0 (UG) Free elective 3.0
GDA-11463 . (GR) Track Technical
GDA-11465 . 3.0 (GR) Track Technical
GDA-11467 . 6.0 (GR) Track Technical
GDA-11471 . Technical Elective
GDA-11474 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-11476 . Note: Students majoring in Computer Engineering must have a 2.0 cumulative overall GPA and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their professional
GDA-11477 . requirements courses.
GDA-11479 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-11485 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-11489 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-11490 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE or ECEC. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-11496 . Computer Engineering BSCE / Electrical Engineering MSEE
GDA-11498 . Major: Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering
GDA-11499 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCE) and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)
GDA-11500 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-11501 . Total Credit Hours: 226.5
GDA-11502 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-11503 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0901
GDA-11504 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 15-1132
GDA-11508 . The Computer Engineering undergraduate degree program is designed to provide our students with breadth in engineering, the sciences, mathematics,
GDA-11509 . and the humanities, as well as depth in both software and hardware disciplines appropriate for a computer engineer. It embodies the philosophy and
GDA-11510 . style of the Drexel Engineering Curriculum and will develop the student's design and analytical skills. In combination with the co-op experience, it
GDA-11511 . opens to the student opportunities in engineering practice, advanced training in engineering or in other professions, and an entry to business and
GDA-11514 . The MS program in Electrical Engineering prepares students for careers in research and development, and aims to endow graduates with the ability to
GDA-11515 . identify, analyze, and address new technical and scientific challenges. At present, the department offers graduate coursework in six general areas: (1)
GDA-11516 . computer engineering; (2) control, robotics, and intelligent systems; (3) electrophysics; (4) image and signal processing and interpretation; (5) power
GDA-11517 . engineering and energy; and (6) telecommunications and networking.
GDA-11520 . 154 Computer Engineering BSCE / Electrical Engineering MSEE
GDA-11521 . Admission Requirements
GDA-11523 . Students must demonstrate a readiness for graduate work, both in terms of academic performance and relevant preparatory undergraduate courses.
GDA-11524 . Required are a cumulative GPA of 3.3 and completion of 80.0 credits, with a minimum grade of B in the following courses: ECE 105, ECE 200, ECE 201,
GDA-11527 . Degree Requirements
GDA-11529 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-11540 . Communications Elective 3.0
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking
COM 310 . Technical Communication
GDA-11543 . General Education Requirements ** 15.0
GDA-11544 . Foundation Requirements
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CS 265 . Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques 3.0
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 221 . Discrete Mathematics 3.0
MATH 291 . Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-11562 . Science Elective 3.0
GDA-11563 . Choose any BIO, CHEM, or PHYS
GDA-11564 . Professional Requirements
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 105 . Programming for Engineers II 3.0
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECE 301 . Foundations of Electric Circuits II 4.0
ECE 350 . Introduction to Computer Organization 3.0
ECE 361 . Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers 4.0
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
ECE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
ECE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ECE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
GDA-11580 . CE Core Elective (choose one of the following): 3.0
ECE 371 . Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems
ECE 380 . Fundamentals of Power and Energy
GDA-11587 . ECE Electives † 6.0
GDA-11588 . ECE 400-level Electives †† 9.0
GDA-11589 . Free Electives 27.0
GDA-11590 . Master's Degree Courses
GDA-11591 . Electrical Engineering Courses ‡ 21.0
GDA-11592 . General ECE Courses ‡‡ 9.0
GDA-11593 . Graduate Electives § 15.0
GDA-11594 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-11596 . Note: Students majoring in Computer Engineering must have a 2.0 cumulative overall GPA and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their Professional
GDA-11597 . Requirements courses.
GDA-11599 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-11605 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
ECE 491 . [WI] , ECE 492 [WI] , ECE 493 [WI] credits with ECE
GDA-11610 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-11611 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE or ECEC. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-11615 . ‡ 500-level or higher courses in ECEE, ECEP, ECES, and ECET
GDA-11617 . ‡‡ 500-level or higher courses in ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET. Research-intensive courses (ECE 697, ECE 898, ECE 997,
GDA-11618 . and ECE 998) cannot be used to fulfill this requirement.
GDA-11620 . § 500-level or higher courses in the following areas: AE, BIO, BMES, CHE, CHEM, CIVE, CMGT, CS, ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET,
GDA-11625 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-11627 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-11630 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 COOP 101 or CIVC
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-11643 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 201 . 4.0 COM 230 or 310 3.0
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ECEC 204 3.0
GDA-11649 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-11652 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECES 301 . 4.0 (UG) Free elective 3.0
GDA-11659 . (UG) General Education
GDA-11661 . 3.0 (UG) Science elective 3.0
GDA-11662 . (GR) Graduate Elective§ 3.0 Any BIO, CHEM or
GDA-11666 . 156 Computer Engineering BSCE / Machine Learning Engineering MSMLE
GDA-11672 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 303 . 3.0 (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0
MATH 291 . 4.0 (UG) Free Electives 6.0
GDA-11675 . (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-11678 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (GR) Electrical Eng
GDA-11681 . (GR) Electrical Eng
GDA-11683 . 6.0 (GR) General ECE
GDA-11688 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-11690 . (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-11692 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-11694 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-11697 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-11698 . (UG) General Education
GDA-11700 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-11702 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-11705 . (GR) Electrical Eng
GDA-11707 . 6.0 (GR) Electrical Eng
GDA-11709 . 3.0 (GR) Electrical Eng
GDA-11712 . (GR) Graduate Elective§ 3.0 (GR) General ECE
GDA-11716 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-11718 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-11724 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-11728 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-11729 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE or ECEC. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-11733 . ‡ 500-level or higher courses in ECEE, ECEP, ECES, and ECET
GDA-11735 . ‡‡ 500-level or higher courses in ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET. Research-intensive courses (ECE 697, ECE 898, ECE 997,
GDA-11736 . and ECE 998) cannot be used to fulfill this requirement.
GDA-11738 . § 500-level or higher courses in the following areas: AE, BIO, BMES, CHE, CHEM, CIVE, CMGT, CS, ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET,
GDA-11743 . Computer Engineering BSCE / Machine Learning Engineering MSMLE
GDA-11745 . Major: Computer Engineering and Machine Learning Engineering
GDA-11746 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCE) and Master of Science in Machine Learning Engineering (MSMLE)
GDA-11747 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-11748 . Total Credit Hours: 226.5
GDA-11749 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-11750 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0901
GDA-11751 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 15-1132
GDA-11755 . The Computer Engineering undergraduate degree program is designed to provide our students with breadth in engineering, the sciences, mathematics,
GDA-11756 . and the humanities, as well as depth in both software and hardware disciplines appropriate for a computer engineer. It embodies the philosophy and
GDA-11757 . style of the Drexel Engineering Curriculum and will develop the student's design and analytical skills. In combination with the co-op experience, it
GDA-11758 . opens to the student opportunities in engineering practice, advanced training in engineering or in other professions, and an entry to business and
GDA-11763 . The MS in Machine Learning is designed to provide students with a strong academic background in machine learning and prepare them for a career
GDA-11764 . as a machine learning engineer or similar position. Using a curriculum based on core machine learning topics, aligned mathematical theory, and signal
GDA-11765 . processing, this graduate program provides a solid mathematical and theoretical understanding of how machine learning algorithms are designed,
GDA-11766 . implemented, and applied to practical problems. Students will gain the ability to implement machine learning systems using standard programming
GDA-11767 . languages, software frameworks, and systems both as an individual and as a member of a development team.
GDA-11769 . Admission Requirements
GDA-11771 . Students must demonstrate a readiness for graduate work, both in terms of academic performance and relevant preparatory undergraduate courses.
GDA-11772 . Required are a cumulative GPA of 3.3 and completion of 80.0 credits, with minimum grade of B in the following courses: ECE 105, ECE 200, ECE 201,
GDA-11775 . Degree Requirements
GDA-11777 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-11788 . Communications Elective 3.0
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking
COM 310 . Technical Communication
GDA-11791 . General Education Requirements ** 15.0
GDA-11792 . Foundation Requirements
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CS 265 . Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques 3.0
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 221 . Discrete Mathematics 3.0
MATH 291 . Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-11810 . Science Elective 3.0
GDA-11811 . Choose any BIO, CHEM, or PHYS
GDA-11812 . Professional Requirements
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 105 . Programming for Engineers II 3.0
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECE 301 . Foundations of Electric Circuits II 4.0
ECE 350 . Introduction to Computer Organization 3.0
ECE 361 . Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers 4.0
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
ECE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
GDA-11828 . 158 Computer Engineering BSCE / Machine Learning Engineering MSMLE
ECE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ECE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
GDA-11831 . CE Core Elective (choose one of the following): 3.0
ECE 371 . Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems
ECE 380 . Fundamentals of Power and Energy
GDA-11835 . ECE Electives † 6.0
GDA-11836 . ECE 400-level Electives †† 9.0
GDA-11837 . Free Electives 27.0
GDA-11838 . Master's Degree Courses
ECE 610 . Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence 3.0
ECE 612 . Applied Machine Learning Engineering 3.0
ECE 687 . Pattern Recognition 3.0
ECES 521 . Probability & Random Variables 3.0
GDA-11844 . Aligned Mathematical Theory Courses 6.0
GDA-11845 . Choose two of the following:
ECES 522 . Random Process & Spectral Analysis
ECES 523 . Detection & Estimation Theory
ECES 811 . Optimization Methods for Engineering Design
ECET 602 . Information Theory and Coding
MATH 504 . Linear Algebra & Matrix Analysis
MATH 510 . Applied Probability and Statistics I
GDA-11852 . Signal Processing 3.0
GDA-11853 . Choose one of the following:
ECES 631 . Fundamentals of Deterministic Digital Signal Processing
ECES 681 . Fundamentals of Computer Vision
ECES 682 . Fundamentals of Image Processing
GDA-11858 . Choose one of the following:
ECE 686 . Cell & Tissue Image Analysis
ECES 620 . Multimedia Forensics and Security
ECES 650 . Statistical Analysis of Genomics
ECES 660 . Machine Listening and Music IR
GDA-11864 . Transformational Electives 6.0
GDA-11865 . Choose two elective courses that promote the development of leadership, communication, and ethics:
COM 610 . Theories of Communication and Persuasion
EDGI 510 . Culture, Society & Education in Comparative Perspective
EDGI 522 . Education for Global Citizenship, Sustainability, and Social Justice
GDA-11869 . Engineering Electives ‡ 9.0
GDA-11870 . Mastery (Thesis and Non-Thesis Option) ‡‡ 6.0
GDA-11872 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-11874 . Note: Students majoring in Computer Engineering must have a 2.0 cumulative overall GPA and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their Professional
GDA-11875 . Requirements courses.
GDA-11877 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-11883 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
ECE 491 . [WI] , ECE 492 [WI] , ECE 493 [WI] credits with ECE
GDA-11888 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-11889 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE or ECEC. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
oose 3 . classes at the 500 level or higher from: ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, ECE, AE, CHE, CIVE, CMGT, EGMT, ENGR, ENVE, ET,
GDA-11894 . MATE, MEM, PROJ, PRMT, and SYSE.
GDA-11900 . ‡‡ Thesis Option: A minimum of two terms of laboratory-based research that leads to a publicly defended MS thesis. Students will be advised by a
GDA-11901 . faculty member, and when applicable, a representative of industry or government sponsor.
GDA-11903 . Non-Thesis Option: In lieu of research and thesis, students will complete 6.0 additional credits of coursework from the Mathematical Theory,
GDA-11904 . Applications, or Signal Processing areas.
GDA-11908 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-11910 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-11913 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 COOP 101 or CIVC
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-11926 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 201 . 4.0 COM 230 or 310 3.0
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ECEC 204 3.0
GDA-11932 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-11935 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-11937 . (GR) Signal Processing
ECES 301 . 4.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-11944 . (UG) General Education
GDA-11946 . 3.0 (UG) Science Elective 3.0
GDA-11949 . 3.0 Any BIO, CHEM or
GDA-11952 . Mathematical Theory
GDA-11957 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 303 . 3.0 (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0
ECE 610 . 3.0 MATH 291 4.0 (UG) Free Electives 6.0
GDA-11962 . (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-11967 . Mathematical Theory
GDA-11973 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-11975 . (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-11977 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-11979 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-11982 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-11985 . 160 Computer Engineering BS / Project Management MS
GDA-11986 . (UG) General Education
GDA-11988 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-11990 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-11995 . 3.0 (GR) Transformational
GDA-11997 . 3.0 (GR) Engineering
GDA-12000 . (GR) Transformational
GDA-12002 . 3.0 (GR) Thesis or
GDA-12004 . 3.0 (GR) Thesis or
GDA-12008 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-12010 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-12016 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-12020 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-12021 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE or ECEC. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-12027 . Computer Engineering BS / Project Management MS
GDA-12029 . Major: Computer Engineering and Project Management
GDA-12030 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCE) and Master of Science in Project Management (MSPROJ)
GDA-12031 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-12032 . Total Credit Hours: 226.5
GDA-12033 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years)
GDA-12034 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0901
GDA-12035 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 15-1132; 15-1133; 15-1143; 17-2031
GDA-12039 . Although most of the students in the Project Management are mid-level working professionals, many College of Engineering students have completed
east 1 . co-op experience. This will give them sufficient professional background to make meaningful contributions to the courses in our program. The
GDA-12041 . BSCE students students will get to interact with project management professionals who are currently in industry which will serve them well in future coops
GDA-12042 . and when they enter the workplace.
GDA-12044 . Admission Requirements
GDA-12047 . co-op experience or have at least one year of professional experience. We will also require students to submit an essay discussing the following:
GDA-12049 . • Why they are pursuing a BS in Computer Engineering (BSCE) / MS in Project Management (MJPROJ)
GDA-12052 . • How they feel having a BSCE/MSPROJ will set them apart from their peers in future co-ops/career choice
GDA-12057 . Degree Requirements
GDA-12059 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-12070 . COM Elective: ** 3.0
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking
COM 310 . Technical Communication
GDA-12073 . General Education Electives ** 15.0
GDA-12074 . Foundation Requirements
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CS 265 . Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques 3.0
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 221 . Discrete Mathematics 3.0
MATH 291 . Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-12095 . Science Elective: Any BIO, PHYS or CHEM course 3.0
GDA-12096 . Professional Requirements
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 105 . Programming for Engineers II 3.0
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECE 301 . Foundations of Electric Circuits II 4.0
ECE 361 . Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers 4.0
ECE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
ECE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ECE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECEC 355 . Computer Organization & Architecture 3.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
GDA-12111 . CE Core Elective *** 3.0
GDA-12112 . ECE Electives *** 6.0
GDA-12113 . 400+ ECE and/or ECEC Electives 9.0
GDA-12114 . Free Electives 27.0
PROJ 501 . Introduction to Project Management 3.0
PROJ 502 . Project Planning & Scheduling 3.0
PROJ 515 . Project Estimation & Cost Management 3.0
PROJ 510 . Project Quality Management 3.0
PROJ 520 . Project Risk Assessment & Management 3.0
PROJ 530 . Managing Multiple Projects 3.0
PROJ 540 . Project Procurement Management 3.0
PROJ 535 . International Project Management 3.0
PROJ 525 . E-Tools for Project Management 3.0
PROJ 645 . Project Management Tools
PROJ 601 . Project Leadership 1.5
PROJ 602 . Project Teamwork 1.5
PROJ 695 . Capstone Project in Project Management 3.0
GDA-12129 . Graduate Electives † 12.0
GDA-12130 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-12132 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-12138 . ** General Education Requirements (
GDA-12140 . *** Courses to satisfy these electives will be identified by the ECE department.
GDA-12145 . 162 Computer Engineering BS / Project Management MS
GDA-12146 . † Students should use electives to increase project management, creativity, communication, or leadership skills or to develop areas of
GDA-12147 . specialization. Any appropriate graduate course offered in the University can serve as an elective if the student has sufficient background to
GDA-12148 . take the course. In addition, the program will offer its own elective courses including special topics (PROJ T580; PROJ T680; or PROJ T780).
GDA-12149 . Qualified students may also pursue independent study (PROJ I599; PROJ I699; or PROJ I799) for elective credit in special cases.
GDA-12153 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-12156 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CIVC 101 or COOP
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-12169 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ENGR 232 3.0
MATH 221 . 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-12175 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 Communications
GDA-12181 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 301 . 4.0 PHIL 315 3.0 PROJ 515 3.0 PROJ 510 3.0
ECES 301 . 4.0 (UG) Science Elective:
GDA-12191 . (UG) General Education
GDA-12193 . 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-12197 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
MATH 291 . 4.0 (UG) Free Elective 6.0 PROJ 535 3.0 GR Graduate Elective† 3.0
GDA-12200 . ECE Elective6 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-12205 . (GR) Graduate Elective† 3.0
GDA-12208 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-12212 . 3.0 (UG) ECE Elective
GDA-12214 . 3.0 (UG) ECE Elective
GDA-12217 . (UG) General Education
GDA-12219 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-12221 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-12224 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Elective 3.0
PROJ 525 . or 645 3.0 PROJ 602 1.5 PROJ 695 3.0
PROJ 601 . 1.5 (GR) Graduate Elective† 3.0 (GR) Graduate Elective† 3.0
GDA-12231 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-12233 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-12239 . ** General Education Requirements (
GDA-12241 . *** Courses to satisfy these electives will be identified by the ECE department
GDA-12243 . † Students should use graduate electives to increase project management, creativity, communication, or leadership skills or to develop areas of
GDA-12244 . specialization. Any appropriate graduate course offered in the University can serve as an elective if the student has sufficient background to
GDA-12245 . take the course. In addition, the program will offer its own elective courses including special topics (PROJ T580; PROJ T680; or PROJ T780).
GDA-12246 . Qualified students may also pursue independent study (PROJ I599; PROJ I699; or PROJ I799) for elective credit in special cases.
GDA-12248 . †† 400 level courses in ECE and/or ECEC
GDA-12252 . Computer Engineering BSCE / Robotics & Autonomy MSRA
GDA-12254 . Major: Computer Engineering and Robotics & Autonomy
GDA-12255 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCE) and Master of Science in Robotics & Autonomy (MSRA)
GDA-12256 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-12257 . Total Credit Hours: 226.5
GDA-12258 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-12259 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0901
GDA-12260 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 15-1132
GDA-12264 . The computer engineering undergraduate degree program is designed to provide our students with breadth in engineering, the sciences, mathematics,
GDA-12265 . and the humanities, as well as depth in both software and hardware disciplines appropriate for a computer engineer. It embodies the philosophy and
GDA-12266 . style of the Drexel Engineering Curriculum, and will develop the student's design and analytical skills. In combination with the co-op experience, it
GDA-12267 . opens to the student opportunities in engineering practice, advanced training in engineering or in other professions, and an entry to business and
GDA-12270 . The graduate program in Robotics and Autonomy will educate professionals who are prepared to lead and conduct research, development, and
GDA-12271 . design in robotic systems and technologies. This MS degree is built upon four foundational concepts in robotics: perception, cognition, control, and
GDA-12272 . action. Roughly, these four capabilities comprise: 1) obtaining data from the robot’s surroundings (perception); 2) reasoning about how that data yields
GDA-12273 . information about the robot’s environment (cognition); 3) mapping environmental information to a decision about how to react to the environment
GDA-12274 . (control); and 4) translating that reaction decision into movement and an interaction with the physical environment (action).
GDA-12276 . Admission Requirements
GDA-12278 . Students must demonstrate a readiness for graduate work, both in terms of academic performance and relevant preparatory undergraduate courses.
GDA-12279 . Required are a cumulative GPA of 3.3 and completion of 80.0 credits, with a minimum grade of B in the following courses: ECE 200, ECE 201, ECE 105,
GDA-12282 . Degree Requirements
GDA-12284 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-12295 . Communications Elective 3.0
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking
COM 310 . Technical Communication
GDA-12300 . 164 Computer Engineering BSCE / Robotics & Autonomy MSRA
GDA-12301 . General Education Requirements ** 15.0
GDA-12302 . Foundation Requirements
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CS 265 . Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques 3.0
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 221 . Discrete Mathematics 3.0
MATH 291 . Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-12320 . Science Elective 3.0
GDA-12321 . Choose any BIO, CHEM, or PHYS
GDA-12322 . Professional Requirements
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 105 . Programming for Engineers II 3.0
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECE 301 . Foundations of Electric Circuits II 4.0
ECE 350 . Introduction to Computer Organization 3.0
ECE 361 . Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers 4.0
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
ECE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
ECE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ECE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
GDA-12338 . CE Core Elective (choose one of the following): 3.0
ECE 371 . Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems
ECE 380 . Fundamentals of Power and Energy
GDA-12342 . ECE Electives † 6.0
GDA-12343 . ECE 400-level Electives †† 9.0
GDA-12344 . Free Electives 27.0
GDA-12345 . Master's Degree Courses
GDA-12346 . Foundation Courses 6.0
oose 2 . courses in mathematics and/or signal processing
ECES 521 . Probability & Random Variables
MATH 504 . Linear Algebra & Matrix Analysis
MATH 510 . Applied Probability and Statistics I
MATH 623 . Ordinary Differential Equations I
MATH 630 . Complex Variables I
MEM 591 . Applied Engr Analy Methods I
MEM 592 . Applied Engr Analy Methods II
MEM 593 . Applied Engr Analy Methods III
ECES 522 . Random Process & Spectral Analysis
ECES 523 . Detection & Estimation Theory
ECES 604 . Optimal Estimation & Stochastic Control
ECES 631 . Fundamentals of Deterministic Digital Signal Processing
GDA-12362 . Systems Courses 6.0
oose 2 . courses in robotics and autonomy from the perspective of full systems or use
CS 510 . Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
ECE 610 . Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
ECE 612 . Applied Machine Learning Engineering
ECES 511 . Fundamentals of Systems I
ECES 512 . Fundamentals of Systems II
ECES 513 . Fundamentals of Systems III
ECES 562 . Medical Robotics II
MEM 571 . Introduction to Robot Technology
MEM 572 . Mechanics of Robot Manipulators
MEM 573 . Industrial Application of Robots
GDA-12378 . Technical Focus Areas 9.0
GDA-12379 . Choose three courses from a maximum of two Core Component areas: Perception, Cognition and Behavior, Action, Control
Take 1 . course in each of the four disciplines critical to robotics
GDA-12382 . Perception Course 3.0
ECES 681 . Fundamentals of Computer Vision
ECES 682 . Fundamentals of Image Processing
ECET T580 . Special Topics in ECET
MEM 678 . Nondestructive Evaluation Methods
GDA-12389 . Cognition and Behavior Course 3.0
CS 510 . Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS 583 . Introduction to Computer Vision
ECE 610 . Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
ECE 612 . Applied Machine Learning Engineering
ECES 604 . Optimal Estimation & Stochastic Control
ECES 631 . Fundamentals of Deterministic Digital Signal Processing
ECES 511 . Fundamentals of Systems I
ECES 512 . Fundamentals of Systems II
ECES 513 . Fundamentals of Systems III
MEM 530 . Aircraft Flight Dynamics & Control I
MEM 667 . Advanced Dynamics II
MEM 668 . Advanced Dynamics III
GDA-12406 . Control Course 3.0
ECE 612 . Applied Machine Learning Engineering
ECES 604 . Optimal Estimation & Stochastic Control
MEM 633 . Robust Control Systems I
MEM 634 . Robust Control Systems II
MEM 635 . Robust Control Systems III
MEM 636 . Theory of Nonlinear Control I
MEM 637 . Theory of Nonlinear Control II
MEM 638 . Theory of Nonlinear Control III
MEM 733 . Applied Optimal Control I
MEM 734 . Applied Optimal Control II
MEM 735 . Advanced Topics in Optimal Control
GDA-12419 . Transformational Electives 6.0
oose 2 . elective courses that promote the development of leadership, communication, and ethics
COM 610 . Theories of Communication and Persuasion
EDGI 510 . Culture, Society & Education in Comparative Perspective
EDGI 522 . Education for Global Citizenship, Sustainability, and Social Justice
GDA-12424 . Mastery: Thesis or Alternative 6.0
GDA-12425 . Thesis Option: A minimum of two terms of laboratory-based research (ECE 898) that leads to a publicly defended MS thesis. Students will be advised by a faculty member,
GDA-12426 . and when applicable, a representative of industry or government sponsor.
GDA-12429 . 166 Computer Engineering BSCE / Robotics & Autonomy MSRA
GDA-12430 . Non-thesis Option: In lieu of the research and thesis, students will complete 6.0 credits of additional coursework in a Technical Focus Area. Graduate Co-op is encouraged
GDA-12431 . for non-thesis students, but is not required.
GDA-12432 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-12434 . Note: Students majoring in Computer Engineering must have a 2.0 cumulative overall GPA and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their Professional
GDA-12435 . Requirements courses.
GDA-12437 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-12443 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
ECE 491 . [WI] , ECE 492 [WI] , ECE 493 [WI] credits with ECE
GDA-12448 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-12449 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE or ECEC. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-12455 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-12457 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-12460 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 COOP 101 or CIVC
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-12473 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 201 . 4.0 COM 230 or 310 3.0
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ECEC 204 3.0
GDA-12479 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-12482 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECES 301 . 4.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-12489 . (UG) General Education
GDA-12491 . 3.0 (UG) Science Elective 3.0
GDA-12494 . 3.0 Any BIO, CHEM or
GDA-12496 . (GR) Systems Course 3.0
GDA-12499 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 303 . 3.0 (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0
GDA-12501 . (GR) Technical Focus
GDA-12503 . 3.0 (GR) Technical Focus
MATH 291 . 4.0 (UG) Free Electives 6.0
GDA-12506 . (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-12509 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (GR) Core Cognition &
GDA-12515 . (GR) Core Perception
GDA-12517 . 3.0 (GR) Transformational
GDA-12525 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-12527 . (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-12529 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-12531 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-12534 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-12535 . (UG) General Education
GDA-12537 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-12539 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-12544 . 3.0 (GR) Thesis or
GDA-12546 . 3.0 (GR) Technical Focus
GDA-12551 . 3.0 (GR) Transformational
GDA-12553 . 3.0 (GR) Thesis or
GDA-12557 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-12559 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-12565 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-12569 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-12570 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE or ECEC. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-12576 . Computer Engineering BSCE / Telecommunications Engineering
GDA-12579 . Major: Computer Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering
GDA-12580 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCE) and Master of Science in Telecommunications Engineering (MSEET)
GDA-12581 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-12582 . Total Credit Hours: 226.5
GDA-12583 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-12584 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0901
GDA-12585 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 15-1132
GDA-12589 . The Computer Engineering undergraduate degree program is designed to provide our students with breadth in engineering, the sciences, mathematics,
GDA-12590 . and the humanities, as well as depth in both software and hardware disciplines appropriate for a computer engineer. It embodies the philosophy and
GDA-12591 . style of the Drexel Engineering Curriculum, and will develop the student's design and analytical skills. In combination with the co-op experience, it
GDA-12592 . opens to the student opportunities in engineering practice, advanced training in engineering or in other professions, and an entry to business and
GDA-12595 . The MS in Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering combines the expertise of its faculty in electrical and computer engineering, business,
GDA-12596 . information systems, and humanities. Through its interdisciplinary approach, Drexel's Telecommunications Engineering program trains and nurtures the
GDA-12597 . complete telecommunications engineer.
GDA-12599 . Admission Requirements
GDA-12601 . Students must demonstrate a readiness for graduate work, both in terms of academic performance and relevant preparatory undergraduate courses.
GDA-12602 . Required are a cumulative GPA of 3.3 and completion of 80.0 credits, with a minimum grade of B in the following courses: ECE 105, ECE 200, ECE 201,
GDA-12605 . Degree Requirements
GDA-12607 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
GDA-12611 . 168 Computer Engineering BSCE / Telecommunications Engineering MSEET
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-12621 . Communications elective 3.0
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking
COM 310 . Technical Communication
GDA-12624 . General Education Requirements ** 15.0
GDA-12625 . Foundation Requirements
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CS 265 . Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques 3.0
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 221 . Discrete Mathematics 3.0
MATH 291 . Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-12643 . Science Elective 3.0
GDA-12644 . Choose any BIO, CHEM, or PHYS
GDA-12645 . Professional Requirements
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 105 . Programming for Engineers II 3.0
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECE 301 . Foundations of Electric Circuits II 4.0
ECE 350 . Introduction to Computer Organization 3.0
ECE 361 . Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers 4.0
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
ECE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
ECE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ECE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
GDA-12661 . CE Core Elective (choose one of the following): 3.0
ECE 371 . Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems
ECE 380 . Fundamentals of Power and Energy
GDA-12665 . ECE Electives † 6.0
GDA-12666 . ECE 400-level electives †† 9.0
GDA-12667 . Free Electives 27.0
GDA-12668 . Master's Degree Courses
GDA-12669 . Telecommunications Engineering Courses (ECET 500-level or higher) 6.0
GDA-12670 . Telecommunications Electives ‡ 15.0
GDA-12671 . General ECE courses ‡‡ 9.0
GDA-12675 . Graduate Electives § 15.0
GDA-12676 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-12678 . Note: Students majoring in Computer Engineering must have a 2.0 cumulative overall GPA and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their Professional
GDA-12679 . Requirements courses.
GDA-12681 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-12687 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
ECE 491 . [WI] , ECE 492 [WI] , ECE 493 [WI] credits with ECE
GDA-12692 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-12693 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE or ECEC. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-12697 . ‡ 500-level or higher courses from ECEE, ECEC, ECES, and ECET.
GDA-12699 . ‡‡ 500-level or higher courses from ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, and ECE.
GDA-12701 . § 500-level or higher courses from ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, ECE, AE, CHE, CIVE, CMGT, EGMT, ENGR, ENVE, ET, MATE, MEM,
GDA-12706 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-12708 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-12711 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 COOP 101 or CIVC
GDA-12714 . 1.0 CIVC 101* 1.0 VACATION
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-12722 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 201 . 4.0 COM 230 or 310 3.0
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ECEC 204 3.0
GDA-12728 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-12731 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECES 301 . 4.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-12738 . (UG) General Education
GDA-12740 . 3.0 (UG) Science Elective 3.0
GDA-12741 . (GR) Graduate Elective§ 3.0 Any BIO, CHEM or
GDA-12748 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 303 . 3.0 (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0
MATH 291 . 4.0 (UG) Free Electives 6.0
GDA-12753 . 170 Electrical Engineering BSEE / Computer Engineering MSCPE
GDA-12754 . (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-12757 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (GR) ECET Course 3.0
GDA-12758 . (GR) ECET Course 3.0 (GR) General ECE
GDA-12761 . (GR) Telecom Elective
GDA-12766 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-12768 . (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-12770 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-12772 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-12775 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-12776 . (UG) General Education
GDA-12778 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-12780 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-12785 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate Elective§ 3.0 (GR) Telecom Elective
GDA-12788 . (GR) Telecom Elective
GDA-12790 . 3.0 (GR) Telecom Elective
GDA-12794 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-12796 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-12802 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-12806 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-12807 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE or ECEC. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-12811 . ‡ 500-level or higher courses from ECEE, ECEP, ECES, and ECET.
GDA-12813 . ‡‡ 500-level or higher courses from ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, and ECE.
GDA-12815 . § 500-level or higher courses from ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, ECE, AE, CHE, CIVE, CMGT, EGMT, ENGR, ENVE, ET, MATE, MEM,
GDA-12820 . Electrical Engineering BSEE / Computer Engineering MSCPE
GDA-12822 . Major: Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering
GDA-12823 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) and Master of Science in Computer Engineering (MSCPE)
GDA-12824 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-12825 . Total Credit Hours: 226.5
GDA-12826 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-12827 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1001
GDA-12828 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2071
GDA-12832 . Electrical engineers contribute to industry and research in diverse areas such as electronic circuits, lasers and photonics, semiconductor devices,
GDA-12833 . computer and communication networks, wireless networks, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, machine learning, automation and control, and
GDA-12834 . power and energy systems. The Electrical Engineering undergraduate major emphasizes the fundamentals of electrical engineering, hands-on learning,
GDA-12835 . and flexibility in course selection to satisfy diverse career goals. Students choose one or more areas of study beginning in their third year.
GDA-12837 . The graduate Computer Engineering curriculum is designed to: (1) address the needs of students with a variety of different backgrounds; (2) ensure
GDA-12838 . that graduates will have adequate knowledge and skills in at least one area of specialization; (3) meet the immediate needs of working students, as
GDA-12839 . well as adequately prepare full-time students for a real-world technological environment; and (4) equip students with tools to grasp and develop new
GDA-12840 . technologies and trends.
GDA-12844 . Admission Requirements
GDA-12846 . Students must demonstrate a readiness for graduate work, both in terms of academic performance and relevant preparatory undergraduate courses.
GDA-12847 . Required are a cumulative GPA of 3.3 and completion of 80.0 credits, with a minimum grade of B in the following courses: ECE 105, ECE 200, ECE 201,
GDA-12848 . ENGR 231, and ENGR 232.
GDA-12850 . Degree Requirements
GDA-12852 . BSEE Degree Requirements
GDA-12853 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-12864 . Communications Elective 3.0
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking
COM 310 . Technical Communication
GDA-12867 . General Education Courses ** 15.0
GDA-12868 . Foundation Requirements
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 221 . Discrete Mathematics 3.0
MATH 291 . Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-12884 . Science Elective 3.0
GDA-12885 . Any BIO, CHEM, or PHYS course
GDA-12886 . Professional Requirements
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 105 . Programming for Engineers II 3.0
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECE 301 . Foundations of Electric Circuits II 4.0
ECE 361 . Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers 4.0
ECE 370 . Electronic Devices 3.0
ECE 371 . Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems 3.0
ECE 380 . Fundamentals of Power and Energy 3.0
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
ECE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
ECE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ECE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
GDA-12904 . EE Core Elective (Choose one of the following): 3.0
GDA-12908 . 172 Electrical Engineering BSEE / Computer Engineering MSCPE
CS 265 . Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques
ECE 350 . Introduction to Computer Organization
GDA-12911 . ECE Electives † 6.0
GDA-12912 . ECE 400-level Electives †† 9.0
GDA-12913 . Free Electives 27.0
GDA-12914 . Master's Degree Courses
GDA-12915 . Computer Engineering Courses (ECEC 500-900 level) 21.0
GDA-12916 . General Electrical and Computer Engineering Courses ‡ 9.0
GDA-12917 . Mathematical Foundations Requirement
GDA-12918 . 6.0 credits from one of the following courses must be included within (not in addition to) the 45.0 total required MS credits:
CS 525 . Theory of Computation
CS 567 . Applied Symbolic Computation
CS 583 . Introduction to Computer Vision
CS 621 . Approximation Algorithms
CS 623 . Computational Geometry
ECES 511 . Fundamentals of Systems I
ECES 512 . Fundamentals of Systems II
ECES 513 . Fundamentals of Systems III
ECES 521 . Probability & Random Variables
ECES 522 . Random Process & Spectral Analysis
ECES 523 . Detection & Estimation Theory
ECES 811 . Optimization Methods for Engineering Design
ECET 602 . Information Theory and Coding
OPR 624 . Advanced Mathematical Program
OPR 992 . Applied Math Programming
GDA-12935 . MATH 500-900 level
GDA-12936 . Graduate Electives ‡‡ 15.0
GDA-12937 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-12939 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-12945 . ** General Education Courses (p. 5)
ECE 491 . [WI] , ECE 492 [WI] , ECE 493 [WI] credits with ECE
GDA-12950 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-12951 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE, ECEE, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-12955 . ‡ Courses at the 500-900 level from ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, or ECE.
GDA-12957 . ‡‡ 15.0 credits at the 500-900 level from subject codes ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, ECE, AE, CHE, CIVE, CMGT, EGMT, ENGR, ENVE,
GDA-12962 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-12964 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-12967 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 COOP 101* 1.0 CIVC 101 1.0 VACATION
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-12976 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 201 . 4.0 COM 230 or 310 3.0
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ENGR 232 3.0
GDA-12985 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-12988 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-12996 . 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-12997 . (UG) General Education
GDA-12999 . 3.0 (UG) Science Elective 3.0
GDA-13002 . 3.0 Any BIO, CHEM, or
GDA-13009 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 303 . 3.0 (UG) ECE elective† 3.0
MATH 221 . 3.0 (UG) Free Electives 6.0
GDA-13016 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-13019 . (UG) General Education
GDA-13021 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate CPE
GDA-13029 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-13031 . (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-13033 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-13035 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-13038 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-13039 . (UG) General Education
GDA-13041 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-13043 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-13048 . 6.0 (GR) General ECE
GDA-13050 . 3.0 (GR) General ECE
GDA-13057 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-13059 . Note: An ECE student must have a 2.0 cumulative overall GPA and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their ECE Professional Requirements.
GDA-13061 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-13067 . ** General Education Electives (p. 5)
GDA-13071 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-13072 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE, ECEE, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-13076 . ‡ Courses at the 500-999 level from ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, or ECE.
GDA-13078 . ‡‡ 15.0 credits at the 500-900 level from subject codes ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, ECE, AE, CHE, CIVE, CMGT, EGMT, ENGR, ENVE,
GDA-13084 . 174 Electrical Engineering BSEE / Cybersecurity MS
GDA-13085 . Electrical Engineering BSEE / Cybersecurity MS
GDA-13087 . Major: Electrical Engineering and Cybersecurity
GDA-13088 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) and Master of Science in Cybersecurity (MS)
GDA-13089 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-13090 . Total Credit Hours: 226.5
GDA-13091 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-13092 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1001
GDA-13093 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2071
GDA-13097 . Electrical engineers contribute to industry and research in diverse areas such as electronic circuits, lasers and photonics, semiconductor devices,
GDA-13098 . computer and communication networks, wireless networks, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, machine learning, automation and control, and
GDA-13099 . power and energy systems. The electrical engineering undergraduate major emphasizes the fundamentals of electrical engineering, hands-on learning,
GDA-13100 . and flexibility in course selection to satisfy diverse career goals. Students choose one or more areas of study beginning in their third year.
GDA-13102 . Administered by the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department in the College of Engineering, the graduate program in Cybersecurity is
GDA-13103 . interdisciplinary in nature and includes courses from Drexel University's College of Computing & Informatics. Topics covered include computer
GDA-13104 . networking, probability concepts, techniques for analyzing algorithms, dependable software design, reverse software engineering, intrusion detection,
GDA-13105 . ethics, privacy, confidentiality, authenticity, and social networking.
GDA-13107 . Admission Requirements
GDA-13109 . Students must demonstrate a readiness for graduate work, both in terms of academic performance and relevant preparatory undergraduate courses.
GDA-13110 . Required are a cumulative GPA of 3.3 and completion of 80.0 credits, with a minimum grade of B in the following courses: ECE 105, ECE 200, ECE 201,
GDA-13111 . ENGR 231, and ENGR 232.
GDA-13113 . Degree Requirements
GDA-13115 . BSEE Degree Requirements
GDA-13116 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-13127 . Communications Elective 3.0
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking
COM 310 . Technical Communication
GDA-13130 . General Education Courses ** 15.0
GDA-13131 . Foundation Requirements
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 221 . Discrete Mathematics 3.0
MATH 291 . Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-13147 . Science Elective 3.0
GDA-13151 . Choose from BIO, PHYS or CHEM
GDA-13152 . Professional Requirements
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 105 . Programming for Engineers II 3.0
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECE 301 . Foundations of Electric Circuits II 4.0
ECE 361 . Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers 4.0
ECE 370 . Electronic Devices 3.0
ECE 371 . Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems 3.0
ECE 380 . Fundamentals of Power and Energy 3.0
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
ECE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
ECE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ECE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
GDA-13170 . EE Core Elective (Choose one of the following): 3.0
CS 265 . Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques
ECE 350 . Introduction to Computer Organization
GDA-13174 . ECE Electives † 6.0
GDA-13175 . ECE 400-level Electives †† 9.0
GDA-13176 . Free Electives 27.0
GDA-13177 . Master's Degree Courses
INFO 517 . Principles of Cybersecurity 3.0
INFO 725 . Information Policy and Ethics 3.0
SE 578 . Security Engineering 3.0
GDA-13181 . Cybersecurity Track-Specific Technical Electives 27.0
GDA-13182 . Choose from lists below depending on track
GDA-13183 . Computer Science Track Electives
CS 500 . Fundamentals of Databases
CS 501 . Introduction to Programming
CS 502 . Data Structures and Algorithms
CS 510 . Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS 521 . Data Structures and Algorithms I
CS 522 . Data Structures and Algorithms II
CS 540 . High Performance Computing
CS 550 . Programming Languages
CS 551 . Compiler Construction I
CS 552 . Compiler Construction II
CS 576 . Dependable Software Systems
CS 610 . Advanced Artificial Intelligence
CS 612 . Knowledge-based Agents
CS 620 . Advanced Data Structure and Algorithms
CS 621 . Approximation Algorithms
CS 643 . Advanced Operating Systems
CS 647 . Distributed Systems Software
CS 650 . Program Generation and Optimization
CS 675 . Reverse Software Engineering
CS 695 . Research Rotations in Cybersecurity
GDA-13215 . 176 Electrical Engineering BSEE / Cybersecurity MS
CS 770 . Topics in Artificial Intelligence
CS 780 . Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
GDA-13220 . Electrical & Computer Engineering Track Electives
ECE 610 . Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
ECEC 500 . Fundamentals Of Computer Hardware
ECEC 501 . Computational Principles of Representation and Reasoning
ECEC 502 . Principles of Data Analysis
ECEC 503 . Principles of Decision Making
ECEC 511 . Combinational Circuit Design
ECEC 512 . Sequential Circuit Design
ECEC 513 . Design for Testability
ECEC 520 . Dependable Computing
ECEC 531 . Principles of Computer Networking
ECEC 600 . Fundamentals of Computer Networks
ECEC 621 . High Performance Computer Architecture
ECEC 622 . Parallel Programming
ECEC 623 . Advanced Topics in Computer Architecture
ECEC 632 . Performance Analysis of Computer Networks
ECEC 633 . Advanced Topics in Computer Networking
ECEC 661 . Digital Systems Design
ECES 511 . Fundamentals of Systems I
ECES 512 . Fundamentals of Systems II
ECES 513 . Fundamentals of Systems III
ECES 521 . Probability & Random Variables
ECES 522 . Random Process & Spectral Analysis
ECES 523 . Detection & Estimation Theory
ECES 558 . Digital Signal Processing for Sound & Hearing
ECES 559 . Processing of the Human Voice
ECES 604 . Optimal Estimation & Stochastic Control
ECES 620 . Multimedia Forensics and Security
ECES 631 . Fundamentals of Deterministic Digital Signal Processing
ECES 632 . Fundamentals of Statistical Digital Signal Processing
ECES 643 . Digital Control Systems Analysis & Design
ECES 644 . Computer Control Systems
ECES 651 . Intelligent Control
ECES 682 . Fundamentals of Image Processing
ECES 685 . Image Reconstruction Algorithms
ECES 811 . Optimization Methods for Engineering Design
ECES 812 . Mathematical Program Engineering Design
ECES 813 . Computer-Aided Network Design
ECES 818 . Machine Learning & Adaptive Control
ECES 821 . Reliable Communications & Coding I
ECES 822 . Reliable Communications & Coding II
ECES 823 . Reliable Communications & Coding III
ECET 501 . Fundamentals of Communications Engineering
ECET 511 . Physical Foundations of Telecommunications Networks
ECET 602 . Information Theory and Coding
ECET 603 . Optical Communications and Networks
ECET 604 . Internet Laboratory
GDA-13282 . Information Track Electives
INFO 532 . Software Development
INFO 540 . Perspectives on Information Systems
INFO 590 . Foundations of Data and Information
INFO 605 . Database Management Systems
INFO 606 . Advanced Database Management
INFO 607 . Applied Database Technologies
INFO 612 . Knowledge Base Systems
INFO 624 . Information Retrieval Systems
INFO 629 . Applied Artificial Intelligence
INFO 633 . Information Visualization
INFO 646 . Information Systems Management
INFO 655 . Intro to Web Programming
INFO 658 . Information Architecture
INFO 659 . Introduction to Data Analytics
INFO 662 . Metadata and Resource Description
INFO 670 . Cross-platform Mobile Development
INFO 680 . US Government Information
INFO 710 . Information Forensics
INFO 712 . Information Assurance
GDA-13304 . Cybersecurity Non-Track Electives ‡ 9.0
GDA-13305 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-13307 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be able to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-13313 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
ECE 491 . [WI] , ECE 492 [WI] , ECE 493 [WI] credits with ECE
GDA-13318 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-13319 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE, ECEE, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
oose 3 . courses (9.0 credits) from either Electrical & Computer Engineering or Information Tracks.
oose 3 . courses (9.0 credits) from either the Computer Science or Electrical & Computer Engineering
oose 3 . courses (9.0 credits) from either the Computer Science or Information
GDA-13329 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-13331 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-13334 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CIVC 101 or COOP
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-13347 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ENGR 232 3.0
GDA-13354 . 178 Electrical Engineering BS / Electrical Engineering MS
GDA-13356 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-13359 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 370 . 3.0 ECE 371 3.0 INFO 725 3.0
GDA-13365 . 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-13366 . (UG) General Education
GDA-13368 . 3.0 (UG) Science Elective 3.0
INFO 517 . 3.0 Any BIO, CHEM or
GDA-13374 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
MATH 221 . 3.0 (UG) Free Electives 6.0 (GR) Non-Track Tech
GDA-13378 . 3.0 (GR) Track Tech
GDA-13381 . (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-13384 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (GR) Track Tech
GDA-13389 . 6.0 (GR) Non-Track Tech
GDA-13394 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-13396 . (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-13398 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-13400 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-13403 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-13404 . (UG) General Education
GDA-13406 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-13408 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-13413 . 3.0 (GR) Track Tech
GDA-13415 . 6.0 (GR) Track Tech
GDA-13418 . (GR) Non-Track Tech
GDA-13422 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-13424 . Note: An ECE student must have a 2.0 cumulative overall undergraduate GPA and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their undergraduate ECE
GDA-13425 . Professional Requirements.
GDA-13427 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be able to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-13433 . ** General Education Electives (p. 5)
GDA-13437 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-13438 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE, ECEE, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-13444 . Electrical Engineering BS / Electrical Engineering MS
GDA-13446 . Major: Electrical Engineering
GDA-13447 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)
GDA-13448 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-13449 . Total Credit Hours: 226.5
GDA-13450 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-13454 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1001
GDA-13455 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2071
GDA-13459 . The BS/MS in Electrical Engineering is an accelerated degree program that gives academically qualified ECE students the opportunity to receive two
GDA-13460 . diplomas (BS and MS) at the same time in five years, graduating in the same time to earn the bachelor's degree alone. Students can still enjoy the
GDA-13461 . benefits and rewards of the Drexel Co-op experience while gaining research experience by working with research faculty. Typical salaries for students
GDA-13462 . with MS degrees are about 25% higher than those with BS degrees. An additional benefit of pursuing the BS/MS at Drexel's College of Engineering is
GDA-13463 . the possibility of receiving a BS degree in one discipline and a MS degree in the same or related discipline.
GDA-13465 . Admission Requirements
GDA-13467 . Students must have a GPA of at least 3.30 and have taken 300/400-level coursework sufficient to demonstrate a readiness to take graduate coursework.
GDA-13468 . Students are encouraged to review ECE course foundations to identify specific undergraduate courses needed to take the corresponding graduate
GDA-13471 . Degree Requirements
GDA-13473 . BSEE Degree Requirements
GDA-13474 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-13485 . Communications Elective 3.0
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking
COM 310 . Technical Communication
GDA-13488 . General Education Courses ** 15.0
GDA-13489 . Foundation Requirements
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 221 . Discrete Mathematics 3.0
MATH 291 . Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-13505 . Science Elective: Any BIO, PHYS or CHEM course 3.0
GDA-13506 . Professional Requirements
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 105 . Programming for Engineers II 3.0
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECE 301 . Foundations of Electric Circuits II 4.0
ECE 361 . Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers 4.0
ECE 370 . Electronic Devices 3.0
ECE 371 . Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems 3.0
ECE 380 . Fundamentals of Power and Energy 3.0
GDA-13519 . 180 Electrical Engineering BS / Electrical Engineering MS
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
ECE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
ECE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ECE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
GDA-13527 . EE Core Elective 3.0
GDA-13529 . ECE Electives † 6.0
GDA-13530 . ECE 400-level Electives †† 9.0
GDA-13531 . Free Electives 27.0
GDA-13532 . Master's Program Courses
GDA-13533 . Graduate EE Courses ‡ 21.0
GDA-13534 . Graduate Elective Courses ‡‡ 15.0
GDA-13535 . Graduate General ECE Courses § 9.0
GDA-13536 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-13538 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-13544 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
ECE 491 . [WI] , ECE 492 [WI] , ECE 493 [WI] credits with ECE
GDA-13549 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-13550 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE, ECEE, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-13554 . ‡ 500+ level courses in ECEE, ECEP, ECES, and/or ECET
GDA-13556 . ‡‡ 500+ level courses in the following areas: AE, BIO, BMES, CHE, CHEM, CIVE, CMGT, CS, ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, EGMT,
GDA-13559 . § 500+ level courses in ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, and/or ECET
GDA-13563 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-13565 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-13568 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CIVC 101 or COOP
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-13581 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ENGR 232 3.0
GDA-13587 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-13590 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 370 . 3.0 ECE 371 3.0 (GR) Graduate
GDA-13601 . 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-13602 . (UG) General Education
GDA-13604 . 3.0 (UG) Science Elective:
GDA-13610 . 3.0 (GR) General ECE
GDA-13615 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
MATH 221 . 3.0 (UG) Free Electives 6.0 (GR) Graduate
GDA-13622 . (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-13625 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (GR) Graduate EE
GDA-13630 . 6.0 (GR) General ECE
GDA-13635 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-13644 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-13645 . (UG) General Education
GDA-13647 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-13649 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-13654 . 6.0 (GR) Graduate EE
GDA-13656 . 3.0 (GR) General ECE
GDA-13661 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate EE
GDA-13665 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-13667 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-13673 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-13677 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-13678 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE, ECEE, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-13682 . ‡ 500+ level course in ECEE, ECEP, ECES, and/or ECET
GDA-13684 . ‡‡ 500+ courses in the following areas: AE, BIO, BMES, CHE, CHEM, CIVE, CMGT, CS, ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, EGMT,
GDA-13687 . § 500+ level course in ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, and/or ECET
GDA-13691 . Electrical Engineering Faculty
GDA-13693 . Tom Chmielewski, PhD (Drexel University). Teaching Professor. Modeling and simulation of electro-mechanical systems; optimal, adaptive and nonlinear
GDA-13694 . control; DC motor control; system identification; kalman filters (smoothing algorithms, tracking); image processing; robot design; biometric
GDA-13695 . technology and design of embedded systems for control applications utilizing MATLAB and SIMULINK
GDA-13696 . Fernand Cohen, PhD (Brown University). Professor. Surface modeling; tissue characterization and modeling; face modeling; recognition and tracking.
GDA-13697 . Andrew Cohen, PhD (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute). Associate Professor. Image processing; multi-target tracking; statistical pattern recognition and
GDA-13698 . machine learning; algorithmic information theory; 5-D visualization
GDA-13699 . Kapil Dandekar, PhD (University of Texas-Austin) Director of the Drexel Wireless Systems Laboratory (DWSL); Associate Dean of Research, College of
GDA-13700 . Engineering. Professor. Cellular/mobile communications and wireless LAN; smart antenna/MIMO for wireless communications; applied computational
GDA-13701 . 182 Electrical Engineering BS / Electrical Engineering MS
GDA-13702 . electromagnetics; microwave antenna and receiver development; free space optical communication; ultrasonic communication; sensor networks for
GDA-13703 . homeland security; ultrawideband communication.
GDA-13704 . Afshin Daryoush, ScD (Drexel University). Professor. Digital and microwave photonics; nonlinear microwave circuits; RFIC; medical imaging.
GDA-13705 . Anup Das, PhD (Universit of Singapore). Assistant Professor. Design of algorithms for neuromorphic computing, particularly using spiking neural
GDA-13706 . networks, dataflow-based design of neuromorphic computing system, design of scalable computing system; hardware-software co-design and
GDA-13707 . management, and thermal and power management of many-core embedded systems
GDA-13708 . Bruce A. Eisenstein, PhD (University of Pennsylvania). Arthur J. Rowland Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Pattern recognition;
GDA-13709 . estimation; decision theory.
GDA-13710 . Adam K. Fontecchio, PhD (Brown University) Director, Center for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning Excellence (CASTLE). Professor.
GDA-13711 . Electro-optics; remote sensing; active optical elements; liquid crystal devices.
GDA-13712 . Gary Friedman, PhD (University of Maryland-College Park) Associate Department Head for Graduate Affairs. Professor. Biological and biomedical
GDA-13713 . applications of nanoscale magnetic systems.
GDA-13714 . Allon Guez, PhD (University of Florida). Professor. Intelligent control systems; robotics, biomedical, automation and manufacturing; business systems
GDA-13716 . Leonid Hrebien, PhD (Drexel University). Professor. Tissue excitability; acceleration effects on physiology; bioinformatics.
GDA-13717 . Nagarajan Kandasamy, PhD (University of Michigan) Associate Department Head for Undergraduate Affairs. Associate Professor. Embedded systems,
GDA-13718 . self-managing systems, reliable and fault-tolerant computing, distributed systems, computer architecture, and testing and verification of digital systems.
GDA-13719 . Youngmoo Kim, PhD (MIT) Director, Expressive and Creative Interactive Technologies (ExCITe) Center. Professor. Audio and music signal processing,
GDA-13720 . voice analysis and synthesis, music information retrieval, machine learning.
GDA-13721 . Fei Lu, PhD (University of Michigan). Assistant Professor. Power electronics; wireless power transfer technology for the high-power electric vehicles and
GDA-13722 . the low-power electronic devices.
GDA-13723 . Karen Miu, PhD (Cornell University). Professor. Power systems; distribution networks; distribution automation; optimization; system analysis.
GDA-13724 . Bahram Nabet, PhD (University of Washington). Professor. Optoelectronics; fabrication and modeling; fiber optic devices; nanoelectronics; nanowires.
GDA-13725 . Prawat Nagvajara, PhD (Boston University). Associate Professor. System on a chip; embedded systems; power grid computation; testing of computer
GDA-13726 . hardware; fault-tolerant computing; VLSI systems; error control coding.
GDA-13727 . Dagmar Niebur, PhD (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Intelligent systems; dynamical systems; power system monitoring
GDA-13729 . Christopher Peters, PhD (University of Michigan). Teaching Professor. Nuclear reactor design; ionizing radiation detection; nuclear forensics; power
GDA-13730 . plant reliability and risk analysis; naval/marine power and propulsion; directed energy/high power microwaves; nonstationary signal processing; radar;
GDA-13731 . electronic survivability/susceptibility to harsh environments; electronic warfare
GDA-13732 . Gail L. Rosen, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Signal processing, signal processing for biological analysis and modeling,
GDA-13733 . bio-inspired designs, source localization and tracking.
GDA-13734 . Ioannis Savidis, PhD (University of Rochester). Associate Professor. Analysis, modeling, and design methodologies for high performance digital and
GDA-13735 . mixed-signal integrated circuits; Emerging integrated circuit technologies; Electrical and thermal modeling and characterization, signal and power
GDA-13736 . integrity, and power and clock delivery for 3-D IC technologies
GDA-13737 . Kevin J. Scoles, PhD (Dartmouth College) Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs. Associate Professor. Microelectronics; electric vehicles; solar
GDA-13738 . energy; biomedical electronics.
GDA-13739 . Harish Sethu, PhD (Lehigh University). Associate Professor. Protocols, architectures and algorithms in computer networks; computer security; mobile ad
GDA-13740 . hoc networks; large-scale complex adaptive networks and systems.
GDA-13741 . James Shackleford, PhD (Drexel University). Associate Professor. Medical image processing, high performance computing, embedded systems,
GDA-13742 . computer vision, machine learning
GDA-13743 . P. Mohana Shankar, PhD (Indian Institute of Technology) Allen Rothwarf Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Professor. Wireless
GDA-13744 . communications; biomedical ultrasonics; fiberoptic bio-sensors.
GDA-13745 . Jonathan E. Spanier, PhD (Columbia University) Department Head, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics. Professor. Light-matter interactions in
GDA-13746 . electronic materials, including ferroelectric semiconductors, complex oxide thin film science; laser spectroscopy, including Raman scattering.
GDA-13748 . Matthew Stamm, PhD (University of Maryland, College Park). Associate Professor. Information Security; multimedia forensics and anti-forensics;
GDA-13749 . information verification; adversarial dynamics; signal processing
GDA-13750 . Baris Taskin, PhD (University of Pittsburgh). Professor. Very large-scal integration (VLSI) systems, computer architecture, circuits and systems,
GDA-13751 . electronic design automation (EDA), energy efficient computing.
GDA-13752 . John Walsh, PhD (Cornell University). Associate Professor. Bounding the region of entropic vectors and its implications for the limits of communication
GDA-13753 . networks, big data distributed storage systems, and graphical model based machine learning; efficient computation and analysis of rate regions for
GDA-13754 . network coding and distributed storage; code construction, polyhedral computation, hierarchy, and symmetry
GDA-13755 . Steven Weber, PhD (University of Texas-Austin) Department Head. Professor. Mathematical modeling of computer and communication networks,
GDA-13756 . specifically streaming multimedia and ad hoc networks.
GDA-13757 . Jaudelice de Oliveira, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Software-defined networking; social and economic networks; network
GDA-13758 . security; design and analysis of protocols, algorithms and architectures in computer networks, particularly solutions for the Internet of Things
GDA-13761 . Eli Fromm, PhD (Jefferson Medical College). Professor Emeritus. Engineering education; academic research policy; bioinstrumentation; physiologic
GDA-13763 . Edwin L. Gerber, PhD (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emeritus. Computerized instruments and measurements; undergraduate engineering
GDA-13765 . Electrical Engineering BSEE / Machine Learning Engineering MSMLE
GDA-13767 . Major: Electrical Engineering and Machine Learning Engineering
GDA-13768 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) and Master of Science in Machine Learning Engineering (MSMLE)
GDA-13769 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-13770 . Total Credit Hours: 226.5
GDA-13771 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-13772 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1001
GDA-13773 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2071
GDA-13777 . Electrical engineers contribute to industry and research in diverse areas such as electronic circuits, lasers and photonics, semiconductor devices,
GDA-13778 . computer and communication networks, wireless networks, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, machine learning, automation and control, and
GDA-13779 . power and energy systems. The undergraduate electrical engineering major emphasizes the fundamentals of electrical engineering, hands-on learning,
GDA-13780 . and flexibility in course selection to satisfy diverse career goals. Students choose one or more areas of study beginning in their third year.
GDA-13782 . The MS in Machine Learning is designed to provide students with a strong academic background in machine learning and prepare them for a career
GDA-13783 . as a machine learning engineer or similar position. Using a curriculum based on core machine learning topics, aligned mathematical theory, and signal
GDA-13784 . processing, this graduate program provides a solid mathematical and theoretical understanding of how machine learning algorithms are designed,
GDA-13785 . implemented, and applied to practical problems. Students will gain the ability to implement machine learning systems using standard programming
GDA-13786 . languages, software frameworks, and systems both as an individual and as a member of a development team.
GDA-13788 . Admission Requirements
GDA-13790 . Students must demonstrate a readiness for graduate work, both in terms of academic performance and relevant preparatory undergraduate courses.
GDA-13791 . Required are a cumulative GPA of 3.3 and completion of 80.0 credits, with a minimum grade of B in the following courses: ECE 105, ECE 200, ECE 201,
GDA-13792 . ENGR 231, and ENGR 232.
GDA-13794 . Degree Requirements
GDA-13796 . BSEE Degree Requirements
GDA-13797 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
GDA-13808 . 184 Electrical Engineering BSEE / Machine Learning Engineering MSMLE
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-13811 . Communications Elective 3.0
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking
COM 310 . Technical Communication
GDA-13814 . General Education Courses ** 15.0
GDA-13815 . Foundation Requirements
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 221 . Discrete Mathematics 3.0
MATH 291 . Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-13831 . Science Elective 3.0
GDA-13832 . Any BIO, CHEM or PHYS course
GDA-13833 . Professional Requirements
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 105 . Programming for Engineers II 3.0
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECE 301 . Foundations of Electric Circuits II 4.0
ECE 361 . Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers 4.0
ECE 370 . Electronic Devices 3.0
ECE 371 . Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems 3.0
ECE 380 . Fundamentals of Power and Energy 3.0
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
ECE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
ECE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ECE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
GDA-13851 . EE Core Elective (Choose one of the following): 3.0
CS 265 . Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques
ECE 350 . Introduction to Computer Organization
GDA-13855 . ECE Electives † 6.0
GDA-13856 . ECE 400-level Electives †† 9.0
GDA-13857 . Free Electives 27.0
GDA-13858 . Master's Degree Courses
ECE 610 . Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence 3.0
ECE 612 . Applied Machine Learning Engineering 3.0
ECE 687 . Pattern Recognition 3.0
ECES 521 . Probability & Random Variables 3.0
GDA-13864 . Aligned Mathematical Theory 6.0
ECES 522 . Random Process & Spectral Analysis
ECES 523 . Detection & Estimation Theory
ECES 811 . Optimization Methods for Engineering Design
ECET 602 . Information Theory and Coding
MATH 504 . Linear Algebra & Matrix Analysis
MATH 510 . Applied Probability and Statistics I
GDA-13875 . Signal Processing 3.0
ECES 631 . Fundamentals of Deterministic Digital Signal Processing
ECES 681 . Fundamentals of Computer Vision
ECES 682 . Fundamentals of Image Processing
ECE 686 . Cell & Tissue Image Analysis
ECES 620 . Multimedia Forensics and Security
ECES 650 . Statistical Analysis of Genomics
ECES 660 . Machine Listening and Music IR
GDA-13887 . Engineering Electives ‡ 9.0
any 3 . graduate-level courses from the College of Engineering
GDA-13889 . Transformational Electives 6.0
oose 2 . elective courses that promote the development of leadership, communications, and ethics
COM 610 . Theories of Communication and Persuasion
EDGI 510 . Culture, Society & Education in Comparative Perspective
EDGI 522 . Education for Global Citizenship, Sustainability, and Social Justice
GDA-13894 . Mastery (Thesis and Non-Thesis Option) ‡‡ 6.0
GDA-13896 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-13898 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-13904 . ** General Education Courses (p. 5)
ECE 491 . [WI] , ECE 492 [WI] , ECE 493 [WI] credits with ECE
GDA-13909 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-13910 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE, ECEE, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-13914 . ‡ Choose three courses of 500-level or higher from: ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, ECE, AE, CHE, CIVE, CMGT, EGMT, ENGR, ENVE,
GDA-13917 . ‡‡ Thesis Option: A minimum of two terms of laboratory-based research that leads to a publicly defended MS thesis. Students will be advised by a
GDA-13918 . faculty member, and when applicable, a representative of industry or government sponsor.
GDA-13920 . Non-thesis Option: In lieu of research and thesis, students will complete 6.0 additional credits of coursework from the Mathematical Theory,
GDA-13921 . Applications, or Signal Processing area.
GDA-13925 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-13927 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-13930 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 COOP 101 or CIVC
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-13943 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 201 . 4.0 COM 230 or 310 3.0
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ENGR 232 3.0
GDA-13950 . 186 Electrical Engineering BSEE / Robotics & Autonomy MSRA
GDA-13952 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-13955 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-13957 . (GR) Signal Processing
GDA-13963 . 3.0 Science Elective 3.0
GDA-13964 . (UG) General Education
GDA-13966 . 3.0 Any BIO, CHEM or
GDA-13970 . 3.0 (UG) Free elective 3.0
GDA-13972 . Mathematical Theory
GDA-13977 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 303 . 3.0 (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0
ECE 610 . 3.0 MATH 221 3.0 (UG) Free Electives 6.0
GDA-13982 . (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-13987 . Mathematical Theory
GDA-13993 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-13995 . (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-13997 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-13999 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-14002 . (UG) Free elective 3.0 (UG) Free elective 3.0 (UG) Free elective 3.0
GDA-14003 . (UG) General Education
GDA-14005 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-14007 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-14012 . 3.0 (GR) Thesis or
GDA-14014 . 3.0 (GR) Engineering
GDA-14017 . (GR) Transformational
GDA-14019 . 3.0 (GR) Transformational
GDA-14021 . 3.0 (GR) Thesis or
GDA-14025 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-14027 . Note: An ECE student must have a 2.0 cumulative overall GPA and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their ECE Professional Requirements.
GDA-14029 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-14035 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-14039 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-14040 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE, ECEE, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-14046 . Electrical Engineering BSEE / Robotics & Autonomy MSRA
GDA-14048 . Major: Electrical Engineering and Robotics & Autonomy
GDA-14049 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) and Master of Science in Robotics & Autonomy (MSRA)
GDA-14050 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-14054 . Total Credit Hours: 226.5
GDA-14055 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-14056 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1001
GDA-14057 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2071
GDA-14061 . Electrical engineers contribute to industry and research in diverse areas such as electronic circuits, lasers and photonics, semiconductor devices,
GDA-14062 . computer and communication networks, wireless networks, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, machine learning, automation and control, and
GDA-14063 . power and energy systems. The undergraduate electrical engineering major emphasizes the fundamentals of electrical engineering, hands-on learning,
GDA-14064 . and flexibility in course selection to satisfy diverse career goals. Students choose one or more areas of study beginning in their third year.
GDA-14066 . The graduate program in Robotics and Autonomy will educate professionals who are prepared to lead and conduct research, development, and
GDA-14067 . design in robotic systems and technologies. This MS degree is built upon four foundational concepts in robotics: perception, cognition, control, and
GDA-14068 . action. Roughly, these four capabilities comprise: 1) obtaining data from the robot’s surroundings (perception); 2) reasoning about how that data yields
GDA-14069 . information about the robot’s environment (cognition); 3) mapping environmental information to a decision about how to react to the environment
GDA-14070 . (control); and 4) translating that reaction decision into movement and an interaction with the physical environment (action).
GDA-14072 . Admission Requirements
GDA-14074 . Students must demonstrate a readiness for graduate work, both in terms of academic performance and relevant preparatory undergraduate courses.
GDA-14075 . Required are a cumulative GPA of 3.3 and completion of 80.0 credits, with a minimum grade of B in the following courses: ECE 105, ECE 200, ECE 201,
GDA-14076 . ENGR 231, and ENGR 232.
GDA-14078 . Degree Requirements
GDA-14080 . BSEE Degree Requirements
GDA-14081 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-14092 . Communications Elective 3.0
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking
COM 310 . Technical Communication
GDA-14095 . General Education Courses ** 15.0
GDA-14096 . Foundation Requirements
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 221 . Discrete Mathematics 3.0
MATH 291 . Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-14112 . Science Elective 3.0
GDA-14113 . Choose any BIO, CHEM, or PHYS
GDA-14114 . Professional Requirements
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 105 . Programming for Engineers II 3.0
GDA-14119 . 188 Electrical Engineering BSEE / Robotics & Autonomy MSRA
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECE 301 . Foundations of Electric Circuits II 4.0
ECE 361 . Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers 4.0
ECE 370 . Electronic Devices 3.0
ECE 371 . Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems 3.0
ECE 380 . Fundamentals of Power and Energy 3.0
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
ECE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
ECE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ECE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
GDA-14135 . EE Core Elective (Choose one of the following): 3.0
CS 265 . Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques
ECE 350 . Introduction to Computer Organization
GDA-14139 . ECE Electives † 6.0
GDA-14140 . ECE 400-level Electives †† 9.0
GDA-14141 . Free Electives 27.0
GDA-14142 . Master's Degree Courses
GDA-14143 . Foundation Courses 6.0
oose 2 . courses in mathematics and/or signal processing
ECES 521 . Probability & Random Variables
MATH 504 . Linear Algebra & Matrix Analysis
MATH 510 . Applied Probability and Statistics I
MATH 623 . Ordinary Differential Equations I
MATH 630 . Complex Variables I
MEM 591 . Applied Engr Analy Methods I
MEM 592 . Applied Engr Analy Methods II
MEM 593 . Applied Engr Analy Methods III
ECES 522 . Random Process & Spectral Analysis
ECES 523 . Detection & Estimation Theory
ECES 604 . Optimal Estimation & Stochastic Control
ECES 631 . Fundamentals of Deterministic Digital Signal Processing
GDA-14159 . Systems Courses 6.0
oose 2 . courses in robotics and autonomy from the perspective of full systems or use
CS 510 . Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
ECE 610 . Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
ECE 612 . Applied Machine Learning Engineering
ECES 511 . Fundamentals of Systems I
ECES 512 . Fundamentals of Systems II
ECES 513 . Fundamentals of Systems III
ECES 562 . Medical Robotics II
MEM 571 . Introduction to Robot Technology
MEM 572 . Mechanics of Robot Manipulators
MEM 573 . Industrial Application of Robots
Take 1 . course in each of the four disciplines critical to robotics
ECES 681 . Fundamentals of Computer Vision
ECES 682 . Fundamentals of Image Processing
ECET T580 . Special Topics in ECET
MEM 678 . Nondestructive Evaluation Methods
GDA-14181 . Cognition and Behavior 3.0
CS 510 . Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS 583 . Introduction to Computer Vision
ECE 610 . Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
ECE 612 . Applied Machine Learning Engineering
ECES 604 . Optimal Estimation & Stochastic Control
ECES 631 . Fundamentals of Deterministic Digital Signal Processing
ECES 511 . Fundamentals of Systems I
ECES 512 . Fundamentals of Systems II
ECES 513 . Fundamentals of Systems III
MEM 530 . Aircraft Flight Dynamics & Control I
MEM 667 . Advanced Dynamics II
MEM 668 . Advanced Dynamics III
ECE 612 . Applied Machine Learning Engineering
ECES 604 . Optimal Estimation & Stochastic Control
MEM 633 . Robust Control Systems I
MEM 634 . Robust Control Systems II
MEM 635 . Robust Control Systems III
MEM 636 . Theory of Nonlinear Control I
MEM 637 . Theory of Nonlinear Control II
MEM 638 . Theory of Nonlinear Control III
MEM 733 . Applied Optimal Control I
MEM 734 . Applied Optimal Control II
MEM 735 . Advanced Topics in Optimal Control
GDA-14214 . Technical Focus Areas ‡ 9.0
Take 3 . courses in a maximum of two core component areas listed above
GDA-14216 . Transformational Electives 6.0
oose 2 . elective courses that promote the development of leadership, communication, and ethics
COM 610 . Theories of Communication and Persuasion
EDGI 510 . Culture, Society & Education in Comparative Perspective
EDGI 522 . Education for Global Citizenship, Sustainability, and Social Justice
GDA-14222 . Thesis Option: A minimum of two terms of laboratory-based research (ECE 898) that leads to a publicly defended MS thesis. Students will be advised by a faculty member,
GDA-14223 . and when applicable, a representative of industry or government sponsor.
GDA-14224 . Non-thesis Option: In lieu of the research and thesis, students will complete six credits of additional coursework in a Technical Focus Area. Graduate Co-op is encouraged
GDA-14225 . for non-thesis students, but is not required.
GDA-14226 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-14228 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-14234 . ** General Education Courses (p. 5)
ECE 491 . [WI] , ECE 492 [WI] , ECE 493 [WI] credits with ECE
GDA-14239 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-14240 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE, ECEE, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-14244 . ‡ Choose three courses from a maximum of two Core Component areas: Perception, Cognition and Behavior, Action, Control
GDA-14249 . 190 Electrical Engineering BSEE / Robotics & Autonomy MSRA
GDA-14250 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-14252 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-14255 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 COOP 101 or CIVC
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-14268 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 201 . 4.0 COM 230 or 310 3.0
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ENGR 232 3.0
GDA-14274 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-14277 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-14281 . (UG) EE Core Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-14282 . (UG) General Education
GDA-14284 . 3.0 Science Elective 3.0
GDA-14287 . 3.0 Any BIO, CHEM or
GDA-14289 . (GR) Systems Course 3.0
GDA-14292 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 303 . 3.0 (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0
GDA-14294 . (GR) Technical Focus
GDA-14296 . 3.0 (GR) Technical Focus
MATH 221 . 3.0 (UG) Free Electives 6.0
GDA-14299 . (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-14302 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (GR) Core Cognition &
GDA-14305 . (GR) Core Perception
GDA-14307 . 3.0 (GR) Transformational
GDA-14315 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
GDA-14316 . ECE 491*** 3.0 ECE 492*** 3.0 ECE 493*** 3.0
GDA-14324 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-14325 . (UG) General Education
GDA-14327 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-14329 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-14334 . 3.0 (GR) Thesis or
GDA-14336 . 3.0 (GR) Technical Focus
GDA-14341 . 3.0 (GR) Transformational
GDA-14343 . 3.0 (GR) Thesis or
GDA-14347 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-14351 . Note: An ECE student must have a 2.0 cumulative overall GPA and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their ECE Professional Requirements.
GDA-14353 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-14359 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
ECE 491 . [WI], ECE 492 [WI], ECE 493 credits with ECE
GDA-14364 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-14365 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE, ECEE, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-14371 . Electrical Engineering BSEE / Telecommunications Engineering
GDA-14374 . Major: Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering
GDA-14375 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) and Master of Science in Telecommunications Engineering (MSEET)
GDA-14376 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-14377 . Total Credit Hours: 226.5
GDA-14378 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-14379 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1001
GDA-14380 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2071
GDA-14384 . Electrical engineers contribute to industry and research in diverse areas such as electronic circuits, lasers and photonics, semiconductor devices,
GDA-14385 . computer and communication networks, wireless networks, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, machine learning, automation and control, and
GDA-14386 . power and energy systems. The undergraduate electrical engineering major emphasizes the fundamentals of electrical engineering, hands-on learning,
GDA-14387 . and flexibility in course selection to satisfy diverse career goals. Students choose one or more areas of study beginning in their third year.
GDA-14389 . The graduate program in Electrical Engineering / Telecommunications Engineering prepares students to contribute to advances in the rapidly changing
GDA-14390 . field of telecommunications by providing advanced studies. The MS in Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering combines the expertise of
GDA-14391 . its faculty in electrical and computer engineering, business, information systems, and humanities. Through its interdisciplinary approach, Drexel's
GDA-14392 . Telecommunications Engineering program trains and nurtures the complete telecommunications engineer.
GDA-14394 . Admission Requirements
GDA-14396 . Students must demonstrate a readiness for graduate work, both in terms of academic performance and relevant preparatory undergraduate courses.
GDA-14397 . Required are a cumulative GPA of 3.3 and completion of 80.0 credits, with a minimum grade of B in the following courses: ECE 105, ECE 200, ECE 201,
GDA-14398 . ENGR 231, and ENGR 232.
GDA-14400 . Degree Requirements
GDA-14402 . BSEE Degree Requirements
GDA-14403 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-14414 . Communications Elective 3.0
COM 230 . Techniques of Speaking
COM 310 . Technical Communication
GDA-14417 . General Education Courses ** 15.0
GDA-14418 . Foundation Requirements
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
GDA-14422 . 192 Electrical Engineering BSEE / Telecommunications Engineering MSEET
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 221 . Discrete Mathematics 3.0
MATH 291 . Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-14437 . Science Elective 3.0
GDA-14438 . Any BIO, CHEM or PHYS course
GDA-14439 . Professional Requirements
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 105 . Programming for Engineers II 3.0
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECE 301 . Foundations of Electric Circuits II 4.0
ECE 361 . Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers 4.0
ECE 370 . Electronic Devices 3.0
ECE 371 . Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems 3.0
ECE 380 . Fundamentals of Power and Energy 3.0
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
ECE 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
ECE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ECE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
GDA-14457 . EE Core Elective (Choose one of the following): 3.0
CS 265 . Advanced Programming Tools and Techniques
ECE 350 . Introduction to Computer Organization
GDA-14461 . ECE Electives † 6.0
GDA-14462 . ECE 400-level Electives †† 9.0
GDA-14463 . Free Electives 27.0
GDA-14464 . Master's Degree Courses
GDA-14465 . Telecommunications Engineering (500+ level ECET) Courses 6.0
GDA-14466 . Telecommunications Engineering Elective Courses ‡ 15.0
GDA-14467 . General ECE Courses ‡‡ 9.0
GDA-14468 . Graduate Electives § 15.0
GDA-14469 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-14471 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-14477 . ** General Education Courses (p. 5)
ECE 491 . [WI] , ECE 492 [WI] , ECE 493 [WI] credits with ECE
GDA-14482 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-14483 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE, ECEE, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-14487 . ‡ 500-level or higher courses from ECEC, ECEE, ECES, and ECET
GDA-14489 . ‡‡ 500-level or higher courses from ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, and ECE
GDA-14495 . § 500-level or higher courses from ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, ECE, AE, CHE, CIVE, CMGT, EGMT, ENGR, ENVE, ET, MATE, MEM,
GDA-14500 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-14502 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-14505 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 COOP 101* 1.0 CIVC 101 or ECE 200 1.0 VACATION
ECE 101 . 1.0 ECE 200 or CIVC 101 4.0 ECE 105 3.0
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-14514 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 201 . 4.0 COM 230 or 310 3.0
ENGL 103 . or 113 3.0 ENGR 232 3.0
GDA-14520 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-14523 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-14529 . 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-14530 . (UG) General Education
GDA-14532 . 3.0 (UG) Science Elective 3.0
GDA-14533 . (GR) Graduate Elective§ 3.0 Any BIO, CHEM or
GDA-14540 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
ECE 303 . 3.0 (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0
MATH 221 . 3.0 (UG) Free Electives 6.0
GDA-14543 . (UG) ECE Elective† 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-14546 . (UG) Free Electives 3.0 (GR) ECET Course 3.0
GDA-14547 . (GR) ECET Course 3.0 (GR) General ECE
GDA-14551 . Telecommunications
GDA-14556 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ECE 491 . 3.0 ECE 492 3.0 ECE 493 3.0
GDA-14558 . (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-14560 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-14562 . 3.0 (UG) ECE 400-level
GDA-14565 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-14566 . (UG) General Education
GDA-14568 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-14570 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-14574 . Telecommunications
GDA-14576 . 6.0 (GR) Graduate Elective§ 3.0 (GR) General ECE
GDA-14581 . 194 Environmental Engineering BS/MS
GDA-14583 . Telecommunications
GDA-14586 . Telecommunications
GDA-14590 . Total Credits 226.5
GDA-14592 . Note: An ECE student must have a 2.0 cumulative overall GPA and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in their ECE Professional Requirements.
GDA-14594 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-14600 . ** General Education Electives (p. 5)
GDA-14604 . † 2 classes or at least 6.0 credits at the 300-400 level from subject codes ECE, ECEC, ECEE, ECEL, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in
GDA-14605 . each code (T380, T480).
the 400 . level from subject codes ECE, ECEE, ECEP, or ECES. Includes Special Topics in each code (T480).
GDA-14609 . ‡ 500-level or higher courses from ECEC, ECEE, ECES, and ECET
GDA-14611 . ‡‡ 500-level or higher courses from ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, and ECE
GDA-14613 . § 500-level or higher courses from ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES, ECET, ECE, AE, CHE, CIVE, CMGT, EGMT, ENGR, ENVE, ET, MATE, MEM,
GDA-14618 . Environmental Engineering BS/MS
GDA-14620 . Major: Environmental Engineering
GDA-14621 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (BSENE) and Master of Science (MS)
GDA-14622 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-14623 . Total Credit Hours: 225.0
GDA-14624 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years)
GDA-14625 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1401
GDA-14626 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2081
GDA-14630 . The Environmental Engineering BS/MS program allows students to develop technical depth and breadth in their professional and related area, which
GDA-14631 . enhances their professional productivity, whether in industry or as they proceed to the PhD. The undergraduate courses provide the necessary technical
GDA-14632 . prerequisite understanding and skills for the graduate studies—a natural progression. Because the technical concepts of engineering are common, the
GDA-14633 . MS in a related discipline is readily achieved.
GDA-14635 . Additional Information
GDA-14637 . For more information, visit the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (
GDA-14638 . civil-architectural-environmental-engineering/) webpage.
GDA-14640 . Admission Requirements
GDA-14642 . Students must have a GPA of at least 3.2 and have taken coursework sufficient to demonstrate a readiness to take graduate coursework.
GDA-14644 . Degree Requirements
GDA-14646 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-14657 . General Education Requirements ** 15.0
GDA-14658 . Engineering Core Courses
CAEE 361 . Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems 3.0
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-14679 . Environmental Engineering Requirements
BIO 220 . Essential Microbiology 3.0
CAEE 202 . Introduction to Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering 3.0
CAEE 203 . System Balances and Design in CAEE 3.0
CAEE 212 . Geologic Principles for Infrastructure & Environmental Engineering 4.0
CHE 211 . Material and Energy Balances I 4.0
CHEM 230 . Quantitative Analysis 4.0
CHEM 231 . [WI] Quantitative Analysis Laboratory 2.0
CHEM 241 . Organic Chemistry I 4.0
CHEM 242 . Organic Chemistry II 4.0
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
CIVE 320 . Introduction to Fluid Flow 3.0
CIVE 431 . Hydrology-Ground Water 3.0
ENVE 300 . Introduction to Environmental Engineering 3.0
ENVE 302 . Environmental Transport and Kinetics 3.0
ENVE 410 . Solid and Hazardous Waste 3.0
ENVE 421 . Water and Waste Treatment II 3.0
ENVE 422 . Water and Waste Treatment Design 3.0
ENVE 435 . Groundwater Remediation 3.0
ENVE 460 . Fundamentals of Air Pollution Control 3.0
ENVE 485 . Professional Environmental Engineering Practice 1.0
ENVE 486 . Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory I 2.0
ENVE 487 . Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory II 2.0
ENVE 491 . [WI] Senior Project Design I 3.0
ENVE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ENVE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
ENVS 230 . General Ecology 3.0
GDA-14709 . Technical Electives *** 8.0
ENVE 516 . Fundamentals of Environmental Biotechnology 3.0
ENVE 727 . Risk Assessment 3.0
ENVE 660 . Chemical Kinetics in Environmental Engineering 3.0
ENVS 501 . Chemistry of the Environment 3.0
GDA-14715 . Graduate Policy Course 3.0
CIVE 564 . Sustainable Water Resource Engineering
ECON 616 . Public Finance and Cost Benefit Analysis
ENVE 865 . Benefit-Cost Analysis for Infrastructure
PLCY 503 . Theory and Practice of Policy Analysis
PLCY 504 . Methods of Policy Analysis
PBHL 560 . Overview of Issues in Global Health
GDA-14724 . 196 Environmental Engineering BS/MS
GDA-14726 . Total Credits 225.0
GDA-14728 . * Co-Op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year,
GDA-14729 . 5-year) and major.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-14734 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5).
GDA-14736 . *** Technical Electives:
MEM 202 . and CIVE 250 (excluding MEM 361, ECE 361)
GDA-14752 . † Graduate Electives:
GDA-14754 . One Specialization Track:
ENVE 546 . ENVE 661, ENVE 662, ENVE 665
AE 550 . or PBHL 641, PBHL 640
CIVE 664 . or ENVE 681, CIVE 565, CIVE 567, CIVE 564
ENVE 555 . or ENVE 571, ENVE 750, ENVE 681, one advanced MATH course (MEM 591, CHE 502 or MATE 535)
GDA-14774 . One Cognate Sequence:
GDA-14776 . • a 4-course coherent sequence in addition to the specialization, either in environmental engineering, environmental science, or related STEM
GDA-14777 . field. Advisor must approve of courses chosen.
GDA-14786 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-14789 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CHEM 102 4.5 COOP 101 or 101* 1.0 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CIVC 101 or COOP
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 MATH 200 4.0
UNIV 101 . 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
GDA-14800 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-14806 . (UG) General Education
GDA-14811 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CAEE 361 . 3.0 CIVE 330 4.0 (GR) Graduate Elective 3.0
GDA-14817 . (GR) Graduate Elective 3.0 (GR) Graduate Policy
GDA-14822 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 231 . 2.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-14829 . 9.0 (GR) Graduate Elective 3.0
CIVE 430 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate Elective 3.0
GDA-14836 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
BIO 220 . 3.0 ENVE 421 3.0 ENVE 422 3.0
ENVE 460 . or 465 3.0 ENVE 486 2.0 ENVE 435 3.0
ENVE 485 . 1.0 ENVE 492 3.0 ENVE 487 2.0
ENVE 491 . 3.0 (UG) Technical Elective 4.0 ENVE 493 3.0
GDA-14841 . (UG) Technical Elective 4.0 (GR) Graduate Elective 6.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-14844 . (GR) Graduate Elective 6.0 (GR) Graduate Electives 6.0
GDA-14848 . * Co-Op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year,
GDA-14849 . 5-year) and major.
GDA-14851 . ** General Education Requirements (
GDA-14855 . Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Faculty
GDA-14857 . Abieyuwa Aghayere, PhD (University of Alberta). Professor. Structural design - concrete, steel and wood; structural failure analysis; retrofitting of
GDA-14858 . existing structures; new structural systems and materials; engineering education.
GDA-14859 . Ivan Bartoli, PhD (University of California, San Diego). Associate Professor. Non-destructive evaluation and structural health monitoring; dynamic
GDA-14860 . identification, stress wave propagation modeling.
GDA-14861 . Shannon Capps, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Atmospheric chemistry; data assimilation; advanced sensitivity analysis;
GDA-14863 . S.C. Jonathan Cheng, PhD (West Virginia University). Associate Professor. Soil mechanics; geosynthetics; geotechnical engineering; probabilistic
GDA-14864 . design; landfill containments; engineering education.
GDA-14865 . Yaghoob (Amir) Farnam, PhD (Purdue University). Associate Professor. Advanced and sustainable infrastructure materials; multifunctional, selfresponsive
GDA-14866 . and bioinspired construction materials; advanced multiscale manufacturing; characterization, and evaluation of construction materials;
GDA-14867 . durability of cement-based materials.
GDA-14868 . Patricia Gallagher, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; soil
GDA-14869 . improvement; soil improvement; recycled materials in geotechnics.
GDA-14870 . Patrick Gurian, PhD (Carnegie-Mellon University). Professor. Risk analysis of environmental and infrastructure systems; novel adsorbent materials;
GDA-14871 . environmental standard setting; Bayesian statistical modeling; community outreach and environmental health.
GDA-14872 . Charles N. Haas, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Program Head for Environmental Engineering; L. D. Betz Professor of Environmental
GDA-14873 . Engineering. Water treatment; risk assessment; bioterrorism; environmental modeling and statistics; microbiology; environmental health.
GDA-14874 . Simi Hoque, PhD (University of California - Berkeley) Program Head for Architectural Engineering. Professor. Computational methods to reduce building
GDA-14875 . energy and environmental impacts, urban metabolism, thermal comfort, climate resilience.
GDA-14876 . Y. Grace Hsuan, PhD (Imperial College). Professor. Durability of polymeric construction materials; advanced construction materials; and performance of
GDA-14878 . Joseph B. Hughes, PhD (University of Iowa). Distinguished University Professor. Biological processes and applications of nanotechnology in
GDA-14879 . environmental systems.
GDA-14880 . L. James Lo, PhD (University of Texas at Austin). Associate Professor. Architectural fluid mechanics; building automation and autonomy; implementation
GDA-14881 . of natural and hybrid ventilation in buildings; airflow distribution in buildings; large-scale air movement in an urban built environment; building and urban
GDA-14882 . informatics; data-enhanced sensing and control for optimal building operation and management; novel data gathering methods for building/urban
GDA-14883 . problem solving; interdisciplinary research on occupant behaviors in the built environment.
GDA-14884 . 198 Environmental Engineering BSENE / Peace Engineering MS
GDA-14885 . Franco Montalto, PhD (Cornell University). Professor. Effects of built infrastructure on societal water needs, ecohydrologic patterns and processes,
GDA-14886 . ecological restoration, green design, and water interventions.
GDA-14887 . Mira S. Olson, PhD (University of Virginia). Associate Professor. Peace engineering; source water quality protection and management; contaminant and
GDA-14888 . bacterial fate and transport; community engagement.
GDA-14889 . Miguel A. Pando, PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Associate Professor. Laboratory testing of geomaterials; geotechnical
GDA-14890 . aspects of natural hazards; soil-structure-interaction; geotechnical engineering.
GDA-14891 . Matthew Reichenbach, PhD (University of Austin at Texas). Assistant Teaching Professor. Design and behavior of steel structures, bridge engineering,
GDA-14892 . structural stability
GDA-14893 . Michael Ryan, PhD (Drexel University) Associate Department Head of Graduate Studies. Associate Teaching Professor. Microbial Source Tracking
GDA-14894 . (MST); Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA); dynamic engineering systems modeling; molecular microbial biology; phylogenetics;
GDA-14895 . metagenomics; bioinformatics; environmental statistics; engineering economics; microbiology; potable and wastewater quality; environmental
GDA-14896 . management systems.
GDA-14897 . Christopher Sales, PhD (University of California, Berkeley). Associate Professor. Environmental microbiology and biotechnology; biodegradation of
GDA-14898 . environmental contaminants; microbial processes for energy and resource recovery from waste; application of molecular biology, analytical chemistry
GDA-14899 . and bioinformatic techniques to study environmental biological systems.
GDA-14900 . Robert Swan Teaching Professor. Geotechnical and geosynthetic engineering; soil/geosynthetic interaction and performance; laboratory and field
GDA-14901 . geotechnical/geosynthetic testing.
GDA-14902 . Sharon Walker, PhD (Yale University) Dean, College of Engineering. Distinguished Professor. Water quality systems engineering
GDA-14903 . Michael Waring, PhD (University of Texas at Austin) Department Head, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering. Associate Professor. Indoor
GDA-14904 . air quality and building sustainability; indoor particulate matter fate and transport; indoor chemistry and particle formation; secondary impacts of control
GDA-14905 . technologies and strategies.
GDA-14906 . Jin Wen, PhD (University of Iowa). Professor. Architectural engineering; Building Energy Efficiency; Intelligent Building; Net-zero Building; and Indoor Air
GDA-14908 . Aspasia Zerva, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor. Earthquake engineering; mechanics; seismology; structural reliability; system
GDA-14909 . identification; advanced computational methods in structural analysis.
GDA-14912 . A. Emin Aktan, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Professor Emeritus. Health monitoring and management of large infrastructures with
GDA-14913 . emphasis on health monitoring.
GDA-14914 . Eugenia Ellis, PhD, AIA (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Professor Emerita. Natural and electrical light sources and effects on
GDA-14915 . biological rhythms and health outcomes; ecological strategies for smart, sustainable buildings of the nexus of health, energy, and technology.
GDA-14916 . Ahmad Hamid, PhD (McMaster University). Professor Emeritus. Engineered masonry; seismic behavior, design and retrofit of masonry structures;
GDA-14917 . development of new materials and building systems.
GDA-14918 . Harry G. Harris, PhD (Cornell University). Professor Emeritus. Structural models; dynamics of structures, plates and shells; industrialized building
GDA-14920 . Joseph P. Martin, PhD (Colorado State University). Professor Emeritus. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; hydrology; transportation;
GDA-14922 . James E. Mitchell, MArch (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emeritus. Architectural engineering design; building systems; engineering education.
GDA-14923 . Joseph V. Mullin, PhD (Pennsylvania State University). Teaching Professor Emeritus. Structural engineering; failure analysis; experimental stress
GDA-14924 . analysis; construction materials; marine structures.
GDA-14925 . Environmental Engineering BSENE / Peace Engineering MS
GDA-14927 . Major: Environmental Engineering and Peace Engineering
GDA-14928 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (BSENE) and Master of Science in Peace Engineering (MS)
GDA-14929 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-14930 . Total Credit Hours: 230.5
GDA-14931 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-14932 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1401
GDA-14936 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2081
GDA-14940 . This program integrates peacebuilding into standard engineering curricula, expanding the role that engineers may play in addressing complex technical
GDA-14941 . and sociopolitical challenges. It allows environmental engineering students to incorporate conflict sensitivity into their curriculum and gain skills and
GDA-14942 . contextual knowledge necessary to consider the systems-level effects of environmental engineering projects on peace, social justice and equity.
GDA-14944 . Admission Requirements
GDA-14946 . Students must demonstrate a readiness for graduate work, both in terms of academic performance and relevant preparatory undergraduate courses.
GDA-14947 . Required are a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and completion of 90.0 credits.
GDA-14949 . Degree Requirements
GDA-14951 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-14962 . General Education Requirements ** 12.0
GDA-14963 . A Graduate Social Dimension course will count as 3.0 credits of General Education Requirements as shared coursework
GDA-14964 . Engineering Core Courses
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
CAEE 361 . Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems 3.0
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-14983 . Environmental Engineering Requirements
CAEE 202 . Introduction to Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering 3.0
CAEE 203 . System Balances and Design in CAEE 3.0
CAEE 212 . Geologic Principles for Infrastructure & Environmental Engineering 4.0
CHE 211 . Material and Energy Balances I 4.0
CHEM 230 . Quantitative Analysis 4.0
CHEM 231 . [WI] Quantitative Analysis Laboratory 2.0
CHEM 241 . Organic Chemistry I 4.0
CHEM 242 . Organic Chemistry II 4.0
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
CIVE 320 . Introduction to Fluid Flow 3.0
CIVE 431 . Hydrology-Ground Water 3.0
ENVE 300 . Introduction to Environmental Engineering 3.0
GDA-15001 . 200 Environmental Engineering BSENE / Peace Engineering MS
ENVE 302 . Environmental Transport and Kinetics 3.0
ENVE 410 . Solid and Hazardous Waste 3.0
ENVE 421 . Water and Waste Treatment II 3.0
ENVE 422 . Water and Waste Treatment Design 3.0
ENVE 435 . Groundwater Remediation 3.0
ENVE 460 . Fundamentals of Air Pollution Control 3.0
ENVE 485 . Professional Environmental Engineering Practice 1.0
ENVE 486 . Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory I 2.0
ENVE 487 . Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory II 2.0
ENVE 491 . [WI] Senior Project Design I 3.0
ENVE 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0
ENVE 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0
ENVS 230 . General Ecology 3.0
ENVS 401 . Chemistry of the Environment 3.0
GDA-15017 . Technical Electives *** 6.0
ENVE 727 . and ENVE 750 count as 6.0 credits of Technical Electives as shared coursework
GDA-15019 . Master's Degree Courses
GDA-15020 . Core Peacebuilding Requirements
PENG 501 . Peace Engineering Seminar - Fall 1.0
PENG 502 . Peace Engineering Seminar - Winter 1.0
PENG 503 . Peace Engineering Seminar - Spring 1.0
PENG 545 . Introduction to Peacebuilding for Engineers 3.0
PENG 550 . Conflict Management for Engineers 3.0
PENG 560 . Peacebuilding Skills 3.0
GDA-15027 . Core Engineering Requirements
ENVE 727 . Risk Assessment 3.0
PROJ 501 . Introduction to Project Management 3.0
SYSE 540 . Systems Engineering for Peacebuilding 3.0
CAEE 501 . Community-Based Design 3.0
ENVE 750 . Data-based Engineering Modeling 3.0
SCTS 502 . Research Methods 3.0
GDA-15035 . Experiential Learning
PENG 600 . Peace Engineering Experiential Learning 6.0
GDA-15037 . Social Dimensions of Conflict Electives † 6.0
GDA-15038 . Technical Focus Sequences †† 6.0
GDA-15039 . Total Credits 230.5
GDA-15041 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-15047 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5).
GDA-15050 . is also allowed. The following courses duplicate content in required courses and will not be accepted: MATH 310, MATH 311, MATH 410,
GDA-15051 . ECE 361, BMES 310, MEM 361, and CHE 350.
GDA-15053 . † Social Dimensions of Conflict Electives
GDA-15055 . Students must complete a minimum of six credits, at the graduate level, from the following approved courses.
GDA-15057 . • Science, Technology and Society electives: SCTS 501, SCTS 570, SCTS 571, SCTS 615, SCTS 620, SCTS 641, SCTS 645,
GDA-15072 . †† Technical Focus Sequences
east 2 . courses (6 credits) from the following approved sequences.
GDA-15119 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-15121 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-15124 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CHEM 102 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CIVC 101 or COOP
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-15137 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-15146 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHE 211 . 4.0 CHEM 241 4.0 PENG 560 3.0
GDA-15152 . (GR) Social Dimension
GDA-15157 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 242 . 4.0 ENVE 410 3.0 PENG 600 3.0 PENG 600 3.0
CIVE 430 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-15167 . UG Technical elective)
GDA-15169 . UG Technical elective)
PROJ 501 . 3.0 (GR) Technical Focus
GDA-15177 . 202 Materials Science & Engineering BS / Materials Science & Engineering MS
GDA-15179 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
ENVE 465 . or 460 3.0 ENVE 421 3.0 ENVE 422 3.0
ENVE 485 . 1.0 ENVE 486 2.0 ENVE 435 3.0
ENVE 491 . 3.0 ENVE 492 3.0 ENVE 487 2.0
GDA-15183 . (UG) General Education
GDA-15185 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
PENG 502 . 1.0 (UG) General Education
PENG 501 . 1.0 SCTS 502 3.0 CAEE 501 3.0
SYSE 540 . 3.0 (GR) Social Dimension
GDA-15195 . elective (counts as UG
GDA-15199 . (GR) Technical Focus
GDA-15203 . Total Credits 230.5
GDA-15205 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-15211 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-15213 . *** Any 300-499 level courses from AE, BIO, BMES, CHE, CHEM, CIVE, CS, ECE, ENVE, ENVS, MATE, MATH, MEM,
CIVE 250 . is also allowed. The following courses duplicate content in required courses and will not be
GDA-15215 . accepted: MATH 310, MATH 311, MATH 410, ECE 361, BMES 310, MEM 361, and CHE 350.
GDA-15219 . Materials Science & Engineering BS / Materials Science & Engineering
GDA-15222 . Major: Materials Science and Engineering
GDA-15223 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering (BSMSE) and Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering
GDA-15225 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-15226 . Total Credit Hours: 225.5
GDA-15227 . Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years)
GDA-15228 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1801
GDA-15229 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2131
GDA-15233 . The Materials Science and Engineering BS/MS program allows students to develop technical depth and breadth in their professional and related area,
GDA-15234 . which enhances their professional productivity, whether in industry or as they proceed to the PhD. Their undergraduate courses provide the necessary
GDA-15235 . technical prerequisite understanding and skills for the graduate studies, a natural progression. Because the technical concepts of engineering are
GDA-15236 . common, the MS in a related discipline is readily achieved.
GDA-15238 . Admission Requirements
GDA-15240 . Students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.4 and have taken coursework sufficient to demonstrate a readiness to undertake graduate
GDA-15243 . Degree Requirements
GDA-15245 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ECON 201 . Principles of Microeconomics 4.0
ECON 202 . Principles of Macroeconomics 4.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-15261 . General Education Electives ** 12.0
GDA-15262 . Specialization Track Courses *** 6.0
GDA-15263 . Free Electives 6.0
GDA-15264 . Foundation Requirements
BIO 107 . Cells, Genetics & Physiology 3.0
BIO 108 . Cells, Genetics and Physiology Laboratory 1.0
CHE 350 . Statistics and Design of Experiments 3.0
CHEC 353 . Physical Chemistry and Applications III 4.0
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
CHEM 241 . Organic Chemistry I 4.0
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
ENGR 231 . Linear Engineering Systems 3.0
ENGR 232 . Dynamic Engineering Systems 3.0
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-15286 . Professional Requirements
MATE 214 . Introduction to Polymers 4.0
MATE 230 . Fundamentals of Materials II 4.0
MATE 240 . Thermodynamics of Materials 4.0
MATE 245 . Kinetics of Materials 4.0
MATE 280 . Advanced Materials Laboratory 4.0
MATE 315 . Processing Polymers 4.5
MATE 341 . Defects in Solids 3.0
MATE 345 . Processing of Ceramics 4.5
MATE 351 . Electronic and Photonic Properties of Materials 4.0
MATE 355 . Structure and Characterization of Crystalline Materials 3.0
MATE 366 . [WI] Processing of Metallic Materials 4.5
MATE 370 . Mechanical Behavior of Solids 3.0
MATE 410 . Case Studies in Materials 3.0
MATE 455 . Biomedical Materials 3.0
MATE 460 . Engineering Computational Laboratory 4.0
MATE 491 . [WI] Senior Project Design I † 2.0
MATE 492 . Senior Project Design II † 3.0
MATE 493 . [WI] Senior Project Design III † 3.0
GDA-15305 . Master's Degree Courses
GDA-15306 . Required Core Courses:
MATE 510 . Thermodynamics of Solids 3.0
MATE 512 . Introduction to Solid State Materials 3.0
GDA-15309 . Four additional Selected Core (SC) courses from the following: †† 12.0
MATE 501 . Structure and Properties of Polymers
MATE 515 . Experimental Technique in Materials
MATE 535 . Numerical Engineering Methods
MATE 610 . Mechanical Behavior of Solids
MATE 661 . Biomedical Materials I
GDA-15317 . Any additional related courses if approved by the graduate advisor.
GDA-15318 . Technical Electives (TE) ‡ 18.0
GDA-15321 . 204 Materials Science & Engineering BS / Materials Science & Engineering MS
GDA-15322 . Thesis and Alternatives 9.0
MATE 898 . (MS Thesis) or 9.0 credits of Technical Electives (TE).
GDA-15324 . Total Credits 225.5
GDA-15326 . * Co-op cycles for Materials Science & Engineering are only Spring/Summer.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-15331 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-15333 . *** 6.0 credits of undergraduate Specialization Track courses may be shared with MATE graduate courses.
GDA-15335 . Specialization tracks allow upper-class students to focus on a specific area of materials science and engineering. Combining foundational
GDA-15336 . knowledge of materials with a tailored topic gives students a customized educational experience that has relevance for co-op, graduate school
GDA-15337 . and future career opportunities. Students select a track in their third (pre-junior) year, with the option of choosing from five pre-determined tracks
GDA-15338 . or creating their own path. The pre-determined tracks are:
GDA-15340 . • Advanced Materials Design and Processing
GDA-15346 . • Electronic and Photonic Materials
GDA-15349 . • Nanoscale Materials and Nanotechnology
GDA-15352 . • Soft Materials and Polymers
MATE 898 . [WI] (MS Thesis). MSE
MATE 491 . [WI] , MATE 492, MATE 493 [WI] , and are required to complete 9.0
MATE 898 . [WI] (MS thesis). In addition, these students need to complete an additional 8 credits of UG MATE Electives.
GDA-15361 . †† Selected Core Courses: 12.0 credits (4 courses) from the following or other MATE courses as approved by the MSE Graduate Advisor:
GDA-15364 . ‡ Of the 18.0 technical elective credits, which may include up to 6.0 credits of MATE 897, at least 9.0 credits must be taken as Materials Science
GDA-15365 . and Engineering (MATE) courses, while the rest may be taken within the College of Engineering, College of Arts and Sciences, or at other
GDA-15366 . colleges if consistent with the student's plan of study (and given advance written approval by their advisor). At least 9.0 of these 18.0 technical
GDA-15367 . electives must be exclusive of independent study courses or research credits.
GDA-15369 . Any graduate-level course in a STEM field (Engineering, Physical Sciences, or Computing/Data), as approved by the MSE Graduate Advisor,
MATE 536 . (Materials Seminar), MATE 503 (Introduction to Materials Engineering) and MATE 504 (Art of Being a Scientist).
GDA-15374 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-15376 . 5 year, 3 coop: Non-thesis option
GDA-15379 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CHEM 102 4.5 COOP 101* 1.0 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CIVC 101 1.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 101 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
GDA-15385 . (UG) General Education
GDA-15387 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-15392 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BIO 108 . 1.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
GDA-15398 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-15401 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
MATE 214 . 4.0 MATE 245 4.0 (GR) Technical Elective
GDA-15405 . 3.0 (GR) Technical Elective
MATE 370 . 3.0 (GR) MATE Selected
GDA-15418 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
MATE 280 . 4.0 MATE 351 4.0 MATE 897 (or (GR)
GDA-15424 . Technical Elective (TE))
MATE 455 . 3.0 (UG) Track Elective 3.0
GDA-15428 . (GR) Technical Elective
GDA-15433 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CHE 350 . 3.0 MATE 492† 3.0 MATE 410 3.0
MATE 460 . 4.0 (UG) Free Electives 3.0 MATE 493† 3.0
GDA-15436 . MATE 491† 2.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-15438 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-15441 . (GR) MATE Selected
MATE 512 . 3.0 (UG) Track Elective 3.0
GDA-15444 . (GR) Technical Elective
GDA-15446 . 3.0 (GR) MATE Selected
GDA-15448 . 3.0 (GR) MATE Selected
GDA-15451 . (GR) MATE Technical
GDA-15452 . Elective (counts as (UG)
GDA-15453 . Track Elective)***
GDA-15454 . 3.0 (GR) MATE Technical
GDA-15455 . Elective (counts as (UG)
GDA-15456 . Track Elective)***
GDA-15457 . 3.0 (GR) Technical Elective
GDA-15461 . Total Credits 225.5
GDA-15463 . * Co-op cycles for Materials Science & Engineering are only Spring/Summer.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-15468 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-15470 . *** 6.0 credits of undergraduate Specialization Track courses may be shared with MATE graduate courses.
GDA-15472 . Specialization tracks allow upper-class students to focus on a specific area of materials science and engineering. Combining foundational
GDA-15473 . knowledge of materials with a tailored topic gives students a customized educational experience that has relevance for co-op, graduate school
GDA-15474 . and future career opportunities. Students select a track in their third (pre-junior) year, with the option of choosing from five pre-determined tracks
GDA-15475 . or creating their own path. The pre-determined tracks are:
GDA-15477 . • Advanced Materials Design and Processing
GDA-15483 . • Electronic and Photonic Materials
GDA-15486 . • Nanoscale Materials and Nanotechnology
GDA-15489 . • Soft Materials and Polymers
GDA-15496 . †† Selected Core Courses: 12.0 credits (4 courses) from the following or other MATE courses as approved by the MSE Graduate
GDA-15499 . ‡ Of the 18.0 technical elective credits, which may include up to 6.0 credits of MATE 897, at least 9.0 credits must be taken as Materials Science
GDA-15500 . and Engineering (MATE) courses, while the rest may be taken within the College of Engineering, College of Arts and Sciences, or at other
GDA-15501 . colleges if consistent with the student's plan of study (and given advance written approval by their advisor). At least 9.0 of these 18.0 technical
GDA-15502 . electives must be exclusive of independent study courses or research credits.
GDA-15504 . Any graduate-level course in a STEM field (Engineering, Physical Sciences, or Computing/Data), as approved by the MSE Graduate Advisor,
MATE 536 . (Materials Seminar), MATE 503 (Introduction to Materials Engineering) and MATE 504 (Art of Being a Scientist).
GDA-15509 . 5 year, 3 coop: Thesis option
GDA-15512 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CHEM 102 4.5 COOP 101* 1.0 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CIVC 101 1.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-15519 . 206 Materials Science & Engineering BS / Materials Science & Engineering MS
UNIV E101 . 1.0 PHYS 101 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
GDA-15521 . (UG) General Education
GDA-15523 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-15528 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-15534 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-15537 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
MATE 214 . 4.0 MATE 245 4.0 (GR) Technical Elective
GDA-15541 . 3.0 (GR) Technical Elective
MATE 370 . 3.0 (GR) MATE Selected
GDA-15551 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
MATE 280 . 4.0 MATE 351 4.0 MATE 897 3.0 MATE 897 3.0
MATE 455 . 3.0 (UG) Track Elective 3.0
GDA-15556 . (GR) Technical Elective
GDA-15561 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CHE 350 . 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0 MATE 410 3.0
MATE 460 . 4.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-15565 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-15568 . (UG) MSE Elective† 2.0 (UG) MSE Elective† 3.0 (UG) MSE Elective† 3.0
MATE 512 . 3.0 (UG) Track Elective 3.0
GDA-15570 . (GR) MATE Selected
GDA-15572 . 3.0 MATE 898† 3.0 MATE 898† 3.0
GDA-15573 . (GR) MATE Technical
GDA-15574 . Elective (counts as (UG)
GDA-15575 . Track Elective)***
GDA-15576 . 3.0 (GR) MATE Technical
GDA-15577 . Elective (counts as (UG)
GDA-15578 . Track Elective)***
GDA-15579 . 3.0 (GR) MATE Selected
GDA-15583 . Total Credits 225.5
GDA-15585 . * Co-op cycles for Materials Science & Engineering are only Spring/Summer.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-15590 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-15592 . *** 6.0 credits of undergraduate Specialization Track courses may be shared with MATE graduate courses.
GDA-15594 . Specialization tracks allow upper-class students to focus on a specific area of materials science and engineering. Combining foundational
GDA-15595 . knowledge of materials with a tailored topic gives students a customized educational experience that has relevance for co-op, graduate school
GDA-15596 . and future career opportunities. Students select a track in their third (pre-junior) year, with the option of choosing from five pre-determined tracks
GDA-15597 . or creating their own path. The pre-determined tracks are:
GDA-15599 . • Advanced Materials Design and Processing
GDA-15605 . • Electronic and Photonic Materials
GDA-15608 . • Nanoscale Materials and Nanotechnology
GDA-15611 . • Soft Materials and Polymers
MATE 491 . [WI] , MATE 492, MATE 493 [WI] , and are required to complete 9.0
MATE 898 . [WI] (MS thesis). In addition, these students need to complete an additional 8 credits of UG MATE Electives.
GDA-15623 . †† Selected Core Courses: 12.0 credits (4 courses) from the following or other MATE courses as approved by the MSE Graduate
GDA-15626 . ‡ Of the 18.0 technical elective credits, which may include up to 6.0 credits of MATE 897, at least 9.0 credits must be taken as Materials Science
GDA-15627 . and Engineering (MATE) courses, while the rest may be taken within the College of Engineering, College of Arts and Sciences, or at other
GDA-15628 . colleges if consistent with the student's plan of study (and given advance written approval by their advisor). At least 9.0 of these 18.0 technical
GDA-15629 . electives must be exclusive of independent study courses or research credits.
GDA-15631 . Any graduate-level course in a STEM field (Engineering, Physical Sciences, or Computing/Data), as approved by the MSE Graduate Advisor,
MATE 536 . (Materials Seminar), MATE 503 (Introduction to Materials Engineering) and MATE 504 (Art of Being a Scientist).
GDA-15636 . Materials Science and Engineering Faculty
GDA-15638 . Michel Barsoum, PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Distinguished Professor. Processing and characterization of novel ceramics and ternary
GDA-15639 . compounds, especially the MAX and 2-D MXene phases.
GDA-15640 . Hao Cheng, PhD (Northwestern University). Associate Professor. Drug delivery, molecular self-assembly, cell-nanomaterial interactions, regenerative
GDA-15641 . medicine and cell membrane engineering.
GDA-15642 . Yury Gogotsi, PhD (Kiev Polytechnic Institute) Director, A. J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute. Distinguished University & Charles T. and Ruth M. Bach
GDA-15643 . Professor. Nanomaterials; carbon nanotubes; nanodiamond; graphene; MXene; materials for energy storage, supercapacitors, and batteries.
GDA-15644 . Yong-Jie Hu, PhD (Penn State University). Assistant Professor. Computational design and evaluation of mechanical, thermodynamic, and electronic
GDA-15645 . properties using first-principles calculations, molecular dynamic simulations, the CALPHAD approach, multiscale modeling, and machine learning
GDA-15647 . Richard Knight, PhD (Loughborough University) Associate Department Head and Undergraduate Advisor. Teaching Professor. Thermal plasma
GDA-15648 . technology; thermal spray coatings and education; plasma chemistry and synthesis.
GDA-15649 . Christopher Y. Li, PhD (University of Akron) Graduate Advisor. Professor. Soft and hybrid materials for optical, energy, and bio applications; polymeric
GDA-15650 . materials, nanocomposites, structure and properties.
GDA-15651 . Andrew Magenau, PhD (University of Southern Mississippi). Assistant Professor. Structurally complex materials exhibiting unique physical properties
GDA-15652 . designed and fabricated using an assortment of methodologies involving directed self-assembly, externally applied stimuli, structure-function correlation,
GDA-15653 . and applied engineering principles suited for technologies in regenerative medicine, biological interfacing, catalytic, electronic, and optical applications
GDA-15654 . Michele Marcolongo, PhD, PE (University of Pennsylvania). Professor Emerita. Orthopedic biomaterials; acellular regenerative medicine, biomimetic
GDA-15655 . proteoglycans; hydrogels.
GDA-15656 . Steven May, PhD (Northwestern University) Department Head. Professor. Synthesis of complex oxide films, superlattices, and devices; magnetic,
GDA-15657 . electronic, and quantum materials; x-ray and neutron scattering.
GDA-15658 . Ekaterina Pomerantseva, PhD (Moscow State University, Russia). Associate Professor. Solid state chemistry; electrochemical characterization, lithiumion
GDA-15659 . batteries, energy generation and storage; development and characterization of novel nanostructured materials, systems and architectures for
GDA-15660 . batteries, supercapacitors and fuel cells.
GDA-15661 . Caroline L. Schauer, PhD (SUNY Stony Brook) Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs College of Engineering. Professor. Polysaccharide thin films and
GDA-15663 . Wei-Heng Shih, PhD (Ohio State University). Professor. Colloidal ceramics and sol-gel processing; piezoelectric biosensors, optoelectronics, and energy
GDA-15664 . harvesting devices; nanocrystalline quantum dots for bioimaging, lighting, and solar cells.
GDA-15665 . Jonathan E. Spanier, PhD (Columbia University) Department Head, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics. Professor. Light-matter interactions in
GDA-15666 . electronic materials, including ferroelectric semiconductors, complex oxide thin film science; laser spectroscopy, including Raman scattering.
GDA-15667 . Jörn Venderbos, PhD (Leiden University). Assistant Professor. Theory of quantum materials: topological Insulators, topological semimetals, materials
GDA-15668 . prediction and design, strongly correlated electron materials, complex electronic ordering phenomena, unconventional superconductors
GDA-15669 . Christopher Weyant, PhD (Northwestern University). Teaching Professor. Engineering education
GDA-15670 . Antonios Zavaliangos, PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) A.W. Grosvenor Professor. Professor. Constitutive modeling; powder compaction
GDA-15671 . and sintering; pharmaceutical tableting, X-ray tomography.
GDA-15672 . 208 Mechanical Engineering BSME / Materials Science & Engineering MSMSE
GDA-15675 . Roger D. Corneliussen, PhD (University of Chicago). Professor Emeritus. Fracture, blends and alloys, as well as compounding.
GDA-15676 . Roger D. Doherty, PhD (Oxford University). Professor Emeritus. Metallurgical processing; thermo-mechanical treatment.
GDA-15677 . Ihab L. Kamel, PhD (University of Maryland). Professor Emeritus. Nanotechnology, polymers, composites, biomedical applications, and materialsinduced
GDA-15678 . changes through plasma and high energy radiation.
GDA-15679 . Jack Keverian, PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Professor Emeritus. Rapid parts manufacturing, computer integrated manufacturing
GDA-15680 . systems, strip production systems, technical and/or economic modeling, melting and casting systems, recycling systems.
GDA-15681 . Mechanical Engineering BSME / Materials Science & Engineering
GDA-15684 . Major: Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering
GDA-15685 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) and Master of Science in Materials Science & Engineering (MSMSE)
GDA-15686 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-15687 . Total Credit Hours: 228.5
GDA-15688 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-15689 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1901
GDA-15690 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2141
GDA-15694 . Drexel’s Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM) prides itself on providing its undergraduate students with a comprehensive
GDA-15695 . program of courses, laboratories, design projects, and co-op experiences. The curriculum is designed to balance technical breadth (provided by a set of
GDA-15696 . fundamental required core courses) with technical depth (provided by optional concentrations that emphasize particular fields within the profession).
GDA-15698 . The graduate program in Materials Science & Engineering aims to provide an education which encompasses the most recent knowledge base in the
GDA-15699 . materials science and engineering fields in a format suitable for individuals seeking careers in academia and/or industry.
GDA-15701 . Admission Requirements
GDA-15703 . Students must demonstrate a readiness for graduate work, both in terms of academic performance and relevant preparatory undergraduate courses.
GDA-15704 . Required are a cumulative GPA of 3.4 and a completion of 80.0 credits.
GDA-15706 . Degree Requirements
GDA-15708 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
HIST 285 . Technology in Historical Perspective 4.0
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-15720 . General Education Requirements ** 12.0
GDA-15721 . Mathematics Requirements
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 210 . Differential Equations 4.0
GDA-15727 . Physics Requirements
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-15731 . Chemistry/Biology Requirements
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
GDA-15738 . Engineering Design Requirements
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
GDA-15743 . Engineering Requirements
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
GDA-15745 . Engineering Economics Requirements
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
GDA-15747 . Materials Requirements
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
GDA-15749 . Mechanical Requirements
MEM 201 . Foundations of Computer Aided Design 3.0
MEM 220 . Fluid Mechanics I 4.0
MEM 230 . Mechanics of Materials I 4.0
MEM 255 . Introduction to Controls 4.0
MEM 310 . Thermodynamic Analysis I 4.0
MEM 311 . Thermal Fluid Science Laboratory 2.0
MEM 331 . Experimental Mechanics I 2.0
MEM 333 . Mechanical Behavior of Materials 3.0
MEM 351 . Dynamic Systems Laboratory I 2.0
MEM 355 . Performance Enhancement of Dynamic Systems 4.0
MEM 361 . Engineering Reliability 3.0
MEM 391 . Introduction to Engineering Design Methods 1.0
MEM 435 . Introduction to Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing 4.0
MEM 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I *** 2.0
MEM 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II *** 3.0
MEM 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III *** 3.0
GDA-15769 . MEM Fundamental Courses. Select four of the following: 12.0
MEM 330 . Mechanics of Materials II
MEM 410 . Thermodynamic Analysis II
MEM 417 . Introduction to Microfabrication
MEM 423 . Mechanics of Vibration
MEM 437 . Manufacturing Process I
MEM 440 . Thermal Systems Design
MEM 458 . Micro-Based Control Systems I
MEM 459 . Control Applications of DSP Microprocessors
rses 300 . level or higher.) 6.0
Any 2 . College of Engineering courses, including MEM courses, 300 level or higher.)
MATE 510 . and MATE 512 count as 6.0 credits of COE Electives as shared coursework
GDA-15783 . Math/Science Electives (300+ level MATH, PHYS, BIO, CHEM, CHEC, and ENVS.) 6.0
GDA-15784 . Free Electives 6.0
GDA-15785 . Electives or Optional Concentration †
GDA-15786 . Aerospace Concentration
GDA-15787 . Select five courses (15.0 credits) from the list below:
MEM 330 . Mechanics of Materials II
MEM 373 . Space Systems Engineering I
MEM 374 . Space Systems Engineering II
MEM 403 . Gas Turbines & Jet Propulsion
MEM 405 . Principles of Combustion I
MEM 406 . Principles of Combustion II
MEM 423 . Mechanics of Vibration
MEM 425 . Aircraft Design & Performance
GDA-15800 . 210 Mechanical Engineering BSME / Materials Science & Engineering MSMSE
MEM 426 . Aerospace Structures
MEM 427 . Finite Element Methods
MEM 428 . Introduction to Composites I
MEM 429 . Introduction to Composites II
MEM 453 . Aircraft Flight Dynamics & Control I
MEM 454 . Aircarft Flight Dynamics & Control II
MEM 455 . Introduction to Robotics
MEM 459 . Control Applications of DSP Microprocessors
GDA-15810 . Energy Concentration
GDA-15811 . Select five courses (15.0 credits) from the list below:
AE 430 . Control Systems for HVAC
CHE 431 . Fundamentals of Solar Cells
ECEP 354 . Energy Management Principles
ECEP 371 . Introduction to Nuclear Engineering
ECEP 380 . Introduction to Renewable Energy
ECEP 402 . Theory of Nuclear Reactors
ECEP 403 . Nuclear Power Plant Design & Operation
ECEP 406 . Introduction to Radiation Health Principles
ECEP 422 . Power Distribution Automation and Control
ECEP 480 . Solar Energy Engineering
MEM 330 . Mechanics of Materials II
MEM 371 . Introduction to Nuclear Engineering I
MEM 400 . Internal Combustion Engines
MEM 403 . Gas Turbines & Jet Propulsion
GDA-15831 . Principles of Combustion I
GDA-15832 . and Principles of Combustion II
MEM 410 . Thermodynamic Analysis II
GDA-15837 . and HVAC Equipment
MEM 445 . Solar Energy Fundamentals
GDA-15842 . Fundamentals of Plasmas I
GDA-15843 . and Fundamentals of Plasmas II
MEM 448 . Applications of Thermal Plasmas
MEM 449 . Applications of Non-Thermal Plasmas
GDA-15846 . Master's Degree Courses
GDA-15847 . Required Core Courses:
MATE 510 . Thermodynamics of Solids 3.0
MATE 512 . Introduction to Solid State Materials 3.0
GDA-15850 . Four additional Selected Core (SC) courses from the following: 12.0
MATE 501 . Structure and Properties of Polymers
MATE 515 . Experimental Technique in Materials
MATE 535 . Numerical Engineering Methods
MATE 610 . Mechanical Behavior of Solids
MATE 661 . Biomedical Materials I
GDA-15858 . Any additional related courses if approved by the graduate advisor.
GDA-15859 . Graduate Technical Electives †† 18.0
GDA-15860 . Thesis or Alternatives 9.0
MATE 898 . (MS thesis) or 9.0 credits of Technical Electives (TE).
GDA-15862 . Total Credits 228.5
GDA-15864 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-15870 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5).
MEM 492 . [WI] , MEM 493 [WI] with 8.0 credits from 400+ level MEM courses.
GDA-15879 . † Students may choose to do a concentration in either Aerospace or Energy. Concentrations consist of 15.0 concentration credits, and do not add
GDA-15880 . additional credits to the program.
GDA-15882 . †† Of the 18.0 technical elective credits, which may include up to 6.0 credits of MATE 897, at least 9.0 credits must be taken as Materials Science
GDA-15883 . and Engineering (MATE) courses, while the rest may be taken within the College of Engineering, College of Arts and Sciences, or at other
GDA-15884 . colleges if consistent with the student's plan of study (and given advance written approval by their advisor). At least 9.0 of these 18.0 technical
GDA-15885 . elective credits must be exclusive of independent study courses or research credits.
GDA-15887 . Any graduate-level course in a STEM field (Engineering, Physical Sciences, or Computing/Data), as approved by the MSE Graduate Advisor,
MATE 536 . (Materials Seminar), MATE 503 (Introduction to Materials Engineering) and MATE 504 (Art of Being a Scientist).
GDA-15892 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-15894 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-15897 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CHEM 102 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 CIVC 101 or COOP
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
UNIV E101 . 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-15910 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-15915 . (UG) General Education
GDA-15917 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-15922 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
MEM 310 . 4.0 MEM 255 4.0 (GR) Graduate MATE
GDA-15925 . Technical Elective***
GDA-15928 . (UG) General Education
GDA-15932 . Technical Elective***
GDA-15933 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate MATE
GDA-15936 . (GR) Graduate SC Core
GDA-15941 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
MEM 345 . 4.0 MEM 361 3.0 (GR) Graduate Tech
GDA-15945 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate Tech
MEM 435 . 4.0 (UG) MEM Fundamental
GDA-15952 . (GR) Graduate MATE
GDA-15957 . (GR) Graduate SC Core
GDA-15959 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate SC Core
GDA-15964 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CIVE 240 . 3.0 MEM 492 3.0 HIST 285 4.0
GDA-15968 . 212 Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics BSME / MS
MEM 491 . 2.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-15972 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) Math/Science
GDA-15974 . 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-15982 . (UG) MEM Fundamental
GDA-15984 . 3.0 (UG) MEM Fundamental
GDA-15994 . (GR) Graduate SC Core
GDA-16000 . Total Credits 228.5
GDA-16002 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-16008 . ** General Education Electives (p. 5)
GDA-16010 . *** Of the 18.0 technical elective credits, which may include up to 6.0 credits of MATE 897, at least 9.0 credits must be taken as Materials Science
GDA-16011 . and Engineering (MATE) courses, while the rest may be taken within the College of Engineering, College of Arts and Sciences, or at other
GDA-16012 . colleges if consistent with the student's plan of study (and given advance written approval by their advisor). At least 9.0 of these 18.0 technical
GDA-16013 . elective credits must be exclusive of independent study courses or research credits.
GDA-16015 . Any graduate-level course in a STEM field (Engineering, Physical Sciences, or Computing/Data), as approved by the MSE Graduate Advisor,
MATE 536 . (Materials Seminar), MATE 503 (Introduction to Materials Engineering) and MATE 504 (Art of Being a Scientist).
GDA-16020 . Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics BSME / MS
GDA-16022 . Major: Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics
GDA-16023 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) & Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME)
GDA-16024 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-16025 . Total Credit Hours: 225.5
GDA-16026 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-16027 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1901
GDA-16028 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2141
GDA-16032 . The BSME/MSME program allows students to develop technical depth and breadth in their professional and related area which enhances their
GDA-16033 . professional productivity, whether in industry or as they proceed to the PhD. Their undergraduate courses provide the necessary technical prerequisite
GDA-16034 . understanding and skills for the graduate studies—a natural progression. Because the technical concepts of engineering are common, the MS in a
GDA-16035 . related discipline is readily achieved.
GDA-16037 . Admission Requirements
GDA-16039 . Students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.3 and have taken coursework sufficient to demonstrate a readiness to take graduate coursework.
GDA-16040 . Specifically, students must have earned a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA in the following seven courses (or their equivalent): Introduction to
GDA-16041 . Thermodynamics (ENGR 210), Fundamentals of Materials (ENGR 220), Linear Algebra (MATH 201), Differential Equations (MATH 210), Foundations of
GDA-16042 . Computer Aided Design (MEM 201), Statics (MEM 202), and Dynamics (MEM 238).
GDA-16044 . Degree Requirements
GDA-16046 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
HIST 285 . Technology in Historical Perspective 4.0
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-16061 . General Education Requirements ** 12.0
GDA-16062 . Mathematics Requirements
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 210 . Differential Equations 4.0
GDA-16068 . Physics Requirements
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-16072 . Chemistry/Biology Requirements
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
GDA-16076 . Engineering Design Requirements
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
GDA-16081 . Engineering Requirements
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
GDA-16083 . Engineering Economics Requirements
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
GDA-16085 . Materials Requirements
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
GDA-16087 . Mechanical Requirements
MEM 201 . Foundations of Computer Aided Design 3.0
MEM 220 . Fluid Mechanics I 4.0
MEM 230 . Mechanics of Materials I 4.0
MEM 255 . Introduction to Controls 4.0
MEM 310 . Thermodynamic Analysis I 4.0
MEM 311 . Thermal Fluid Science Laboratory 2.0
MEM 331 . Experimental Mechanics I 2.0
MEM 333 . Mechanical Behavior of Materials 3.0
MEM 351 . Dynamic Systems Laboratory I 2.0
MEM 355 . Performance Enhancement of Dynamic Systems 4.0
MEM 361 . Engineering Reliability 3.0
MEM 391 . Introduction to Engineering Design Methods 1.0
MEM 435 . Introduction to Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing 4.0
MEM 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I *** 2.0
MEM 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II *** 3.0
MEM 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III *** 3.0
GDA-16107 . MEM Fundamental Courses. Select four of the following: 12.0
MEM 330 . Mechanics of Materials II
MEM 410 . Thermodynamic Analysis II
MEM 417 . Introduction to Microfabrication
MEM 423 . Mechanics of Vibration
MEM 437 . Manufacturing Process I
MEM 440 . Thermal Systems Design
MEM 458 . Micro-Based Control Systems I
MEM 459 . Control Applications of DSP Microprocessors
rses 300 . level or higher.) 6.0
Any 2 . College of Engineering courses, including MEM courses, 300 level or higher.)
GDA-16120 . Two Graduate Electives count as 6.0 credits of COE Electives as shared coursework
GDA-16121 . Math/Science Electives (300+ level MATH, PHYS, BIO, CHEM, CHEC, and ENVS.) 3.0
GDA-16124 . 214 Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics BSME / MS
GDA-16125 . Graduate Elective counts as 3.0 credits of Math/Science Electives as shared coursework
GDA-16126 . Free Electives 6.0
GDA-16127 . Electives or Optional Concentration †
GDA-16128 . Aerospace Concentration
GDA-16129 . Select five courses from the list below:
MEM 330 . Mechanics of Materials II
MEM 373 . Space Systems Engineering I
MEM 374 . Space Systems Engineering II
MEM 403 . Gas Turbines & Jet Propulsion
MEM 405 . Principles of Combustion I
MEM 406 . Principles of Combustion II
MEM 423 . Mechanics of Vibration
MEM 425 . Aircraft Design & Performance
MEM 426 . Aerospace Structures
MEM 427 . Finite Element Methods
MEM 428 . Introduction to Composites I
MEM 429 . Introduction to Composites II
MEM 453 . Aircraft Flight Dynamics & Control I
MEM 454 . Aircarft Flight Dynamics & Control II
MEM 455 . Introduction to Robotics
MEM 459 . Control Applications of DSP Microprocessors
GDA-16149 . Energy Concentration
GDA-16150 . Select five courses from the list below:
AE 430 . Control Systems for HVAC
CHE 431 . Fundamentals of Solar Cells
ECEP 354 . Energy Management Principles
ECEP 371 . Introduction to Nuclear Engineering
ECEP 380 . Introduction to Renewable Energy
ECEP 402 . Theory of Nuclear Reactors
ECEP 403 . Nuclear Power Plant Design & Operation
ECEP 406 . Introduction to Radiation Health Principles
ECEP 422 . Power Distribution Automation and Control
ECEP 480 . Solar Energy Engineering
MEM 330 . Mechanics of Materials II
MEM 371 . Introduction to Nuclear Engineering I
MEM 400 . Internal Combustion Engines
MEM 403 . Gas Turbines & Jet Propulsion
GDA-16170 . Principles of Combustion I
GDA-16171 . and Principles of Combustion II
MEM 410 . Thermodynamic Analysis II
GDA-16176 . and HVAC Equipment
MEM 445 . Solar Energy Fundamentals
GDA-16181 . Fundamentals of Plasmas I
GDA-16182 . and Fundamentals of Plasmas II
MEM 448 . Applications of Thermal Plasmas
MEM 449 . Applications of Non-Thermal Plasmas
GDA-16185 . Master's Degree Requirements
GDA-16186 . Graduate Core Courses 12.0
lect 2 . courses in each of 2 Core Areas:
GDA-16188 . Core Area: Mechanics
GDA-16189 . Subject Area: Solid Mechanics
MEM 660 . Theory of Elasticity I
GDA-16192 . Subject Area: Advanced Dynamics
MEM 667 . Advanced Dynamics II
GDA-16198 . Core Area: Thermal & Fluid Sciences
GDA-16199 . Subject Area: Advanced Thermodynamics ††
MEM 601 . Statistical Thermodynamics I
MEM 602 . Statistical Thermodynamics II
GDA-16202 . Subject Area: Heat Transfer
MEM 611 . Conduction Heat Transfer
MEM 612 . Convection Heat Transfer
MEM 613 . Radiation Heat Transfer
GDA-16206 . Subject Area: Fluid Mechanics ††
MEM 621 . Foundations of Fluid Mechanics
MEM 622 . Boundry Layers-Laminar & Turbulent
GDA-16209 . Core Area: Systems & Control
GDA-16210 . Subject Area: Robust Control Systems
MEM 633 . Robust Control Systems I
MEM 634 . Robust Control Systems II
GDA-16213 . Subject Area: Non-linear Control Theory
MEM 636 . Theory of Nonlinear Control I
MEM 637 . Theory of Nonlinear Control II
GDA-16216 . Subject Area: Real-Time Microcomputer Control
MEM 639 . Real Time Microcomputer Control I
MEM 640 . Real Time Microcomputer Control II
GDA-16219 . Graduate Math Courses
MEM 591 . Applied Engr Analy Methods I 3.0
MEM 592 . Applied Engr Analy Methods II 3.0
MEM 593 . Applied Engr Analy Methods III 3.0
GDA-16223 . Graduate Electives ‡ 24.0
GDA-16224 . Total Credits 225.5
GDA-16226 . * Upon matriculation, students are assigned one of two co-op cycles: fall/winter or spring/summer. All ME/ME BS/MS students will be switched to
GDA-16227 . the spring/summer co-op when they are admitted to the BS/MS program, if not already on that cycle.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-16232 . ** General Education Electives (p. 5)
MEM 492 . [WI] , MEM 493 [WI] with 8.0 credits from 400+ level MEM courses.
GDA-16237 . † Students may choose to do a concentration in either Aerospace or Energy. Concentrations consist of 15.0 concentration credits and do not add
GDA-16238 . additional credits to the program.
GDA-16240 . †† Consult the Thermal and Fluid Sciences area advisor for other options.
GDA-16242 . ‡ Graduate Electives
all 8 . electives from MEM graduate courses.
GDA-16246 . • Any MEM graduate course is eligible to serve as electives. This includes those core courses that you do not use as core courses but use as elective courses.
MEM I699 . Independent Study and Research, and MEM 898 Master’s Thesis.
all 8 . elective technical courses from MEM, they may take a maximum of 4 non-MEM courses.
GDA-16255 . • Each non-MEM course to be used as technical elective needs be approved by listing it on the Plan of Study (GR-1 form) and the Graduate Advisor signing the
GDA-16256 . form to approve it.
GDA-16259 . • To ensure you will receive the MSME degree, please consult with the Graduate Advisor before taking non-MEM graduate courses.
GDA-16262 . • Graduate courses at the 60- level from these four College of Engineering Departments (CAE, CBE, ECE and MSE) are automatically approved to serve as non-
GDA-16263 . MEM technical elective courses.
MEM I699 . Independent Study and Research (3.0 credits per term) to serve as electives, up to 9.0 credits.
MEM 898 . Master’s Thesis for 3 terms, and they count as 3 elective courses.
GDA-16277 . 216 Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics BSME / MS
GDA-16278 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-16280 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-16283 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CHEM 102 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 COOP 101 or CIVC
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
UNIV 101 . 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-16296 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-16301 . (UG) General Education
GDA-16303 . 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-16308 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-16312 . (UG) General Education
GDA-16315 . (GR) Graduate Core
GDA-16317 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate Core
GDA-16320 . (GR) Graduate Elective
GDA-16323 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate Elective
GDA-16329 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
MEM 435 . 4.0 (UG) MEM Fundamental
GDA-16336 . (GR) Graduate Core
GDA-16338 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate Core
GDA-16341 . (GR) Graduate Elective† 3.0 (GR) Graduate Elective 3.0
GDA-16344 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CIVE 240 . 3.0 MEM 492*** 3.0 HIST 285 4.0
GDA-16346 . MEM 491*** 2.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0 MEM 493*** 3.0
GDA-16347 . (UG) Free Elective 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-16354 . 3.0 (UG) MEM Fundamental
GDA-16357 . (UG) MEM Fundamental
GDA-16361 . 3.0 (GR) Graduate Elective† 3.0
MEM 591 . 3.0 MEM 592 3.0 (GR) Graduate Elective
GDA-16363 . (counts as UG Math/
GDA-16366 . (GR) Graduate Elective† 3.0 (GR) Graduate Elective† 3.0
GDA-16368 . Total Credits 225.5
GDA-16372 . * Upon matriculation, students are assigned one of two co-op cycles: fall/winter or spring/summer. All ME/ME BS/MS students will be switched to
GDA-16373 . the spring/summer co-op when they are admitted to the BS/MS program, if not already on that cycle.
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-16378 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
GDA-16380 . *** If a student chooses to pursue a graduate thesis in place of senior design, they will need to replace the eight (8.0) undergraduate credits from
MEM 491 . [WI] , MEM 492 [WI] , MEM 493 [WI] with eight (8.0) credits from 400+ level MEM courses.
GDA-16383 . † Graduate Electives:
all 8 . electives from MEM graduate courses.
GDA-16388 . • Any MEM graduate course is eligible to serve as electives. This includes those core courses that you do not use as core courses but use as elective courses.
MEM I699 . Independent Study and Research, and MEM 898 Master’s Thesis.
all 8 . elective technical courses from MEM, they may take a maximum of 4 non-MEM courses.
GDA-16397 . • Each non-MEM course to be used as technical elective needs be approved by listing it on the Plan of Study (GR-1 form) and the Graduate Advisor signing the
GDA-16398 . form to approve it.
GDA-16401 . • To ensure you will receive the MSME degree, please consult with the Graduate Advisor before taking non-MEM graduate courses.
GDA-16404 . • Graduate courses at the 600-level from these four College of Engineering Departments (CAE, CBE, ECE and MSE) are automatically approved to serve as non-
GDA-16405 . MEM technical elective courses.
MEM I699 . Independent Study and Research (3.0 credits per term) to serve as electives, up to 9.0 credits.
MEM 898 . Master’s Thesis for 3 terms, and they count as 3 elective courses.
GDA-16418 . Mechanical Engineering BSME / Peace Engineering MS
GDA-16420 . Major: Mechanical Engineering and Peace Engineering
GDA-16421 . Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) and Master of Science in Peace Engineering (MS)
GDA-16422 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-16423 . Total Credit Hours: 231.5
GDA-16424 . Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
GDA-16425 . Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.1901
GDA-16426 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2141
GDA-16430 . This program integrates peacebuilding into standard engineering curricula, expanding the role that engineers may play in addressing complex technical
GDA-16431 . and sociopolitical challenges. It allows Mechanical Engineering undergraduate students to incorporate conflict sensitivity into their curriculum and gain
GDA-16432 . skills and contextual knowledge necessary to consider the systems-level effects of mechanical engineering projects and designs on peace, social
GDA-16433 . justice, and equity.
GDA-16435 . Admission Requirements
GDA-16437 . Students must demonstrate a readiness for graduate work, both in terms of academic performance and relevant preparatory undergraduate courses.
GDA-16438 . Required are a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and a completion of 90.0 credits.
GDA-16440 . Degree Requirements
GDA-16442 . General Education/Liberal Studies Requirements
CIVC 101 . Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 . Career Management and Professional Development * 1.0
ENGL 101 . Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 111 . English Composition I
ENGL 102 . Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing 3.0
ENGL 112 . English Composition II
ENGL 103 . Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGL 113 . English Composition III
HIST 285 . Technology in Historical Perspective 4.0
PHIL 315 . Engineering Ethics 3.0
UNIV E101 . The Drexel Experience 1.0
GDA-16454 . General Education Requirements ** 12.0
GDA-16455 . Mathematics Requirements
MATH 200 . Multivariate Calculus 4.0
GDA-16462 . 218 Mechanical Engineering BSME / Peace Engineering MS
MATH 210 . Differential Equations 4.0
GDA-16464 . Physics Requirements
PHYS 101 . Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 . Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
PHYS 201 . Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
GDA-16468 . Chemistry/Biology Requirements
BIO 141 . Essential Biology 4.5
CHEM 101 . General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 . General Chemistry II 4.5
GDA-16472 . Engineering Design Requirements
ENGR 111 . Introduction to Engineering Design & Data Analysis 3.0
ENGR 113 . First-Year Engineering Design 3.0
ENGR 131 . Introductory Programming for Engineers 3.0
ENGR 132 . Programming for Engineers
GDA-16477 . Engineering Requirements
ENGR 210 . Introduction to Thermodynamics 3.0
GDA-16479 . Engineering Economics Requirements
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
GDA-16481 . Materials Requirements
ENGR 220 . Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
GDA-16483 . Mechanical Requirements
MEM 391 . Introduction to Engineering Design Methods 1.0
MEM 201 . Foundations of Computer Aided Design 3.0
MEM 220 . Fluid Mechanics I 4.0
MEM 230 . Mechanics of Materials I 4.0
MEM 255 . Introduction to Controls 4.0
MEM 310 . Thermodynamic Analysis I 4.0
MEM 311 . Thermal Fluid Science Laboratory 2.0
MEM 331 . Experimental Mechanics I 2.0
MEM 333 . Mechanical Behavior of Materials 3.0
MEM 351 . Dynamic Systems Laboratory I 2.0
MEM 355 . Performance Enhancement of Dynamic Systems 4.0
MEM 361 . Engineering Reliability 3.0
MEM 435 . Introduction to Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing 4.0
MEM 491 . [WI] Senior Design Project I *** 2.0
MEM 492 . [WI] Senior Design Project II *** 3.0
MEM 493 . [WI] Senior Design Project III *** 3.0
GDA-16503 . MEM Fundamental Courses. Select four of the following: 12.0
MEM 330 . Mechanics of Materials II
MEM 410 . Thermodynamic Analysis II
MEM 417 . Introduction to Microfabrication
MEM 423 . Mechanics of Vibration
MEM 437 . Manufacturing Process I
MEM 440 . Thermal Systems Design
MEM 458 . Micro-Based Control Systems I
MEM 459 . Control Applications of DSP Microprocessors
rses 300 . level or higher.) 6.0
Any 2 . College of Engineering courses, including MEM courses, 300 level or higher)
ENVE 750 . and SYSE 540 count as 6.0 credits of COE Electives as shared coursework
GDA-16517 . Math/Science Electives (300+ level MATH, PHYS, BIO, CHEM, CHEC, and ENVS.) 6.0
GDA-16518 . Free Electives 6.0
GDA-16519 . Electives or Optional Concentration †
GDA-16520 . Aerospace Concentration
GDA-16521 . Select five courses from the list below:
MEM 330 . Mechanics of Materials II
MEM 373 . Space Systems Engineering I
MEM 374 . Space Systems Engineering II
MEM 403 . Gas Turbines & Jet Propulsion
MEM 405 . Principles of Combustion I
MEM 406 . Principles of Combustion II
MEM 423 . Mechanics of Vibration
MEM 425 . Aircraft Design & Performance
MEM 426 . Aerospace Structures
MEM 427 . Finite Element Methods
MEM 428 . Introduction to Composites I
MEM 429 . Introduction to Composites II
MEM 453 . Aircraft Flight Dynamics & Control I
MEM 454 . Aircarft Flight Dynamics & Control II
MEM 455 . Introduction to Robotics
MEM 459 . Control Applications of DSP Microprocessors
GDA-16544 . Energy Concentration
GDA-16545 . Select five courses from the list below:
AE 430 . Control Systems for HVAC
CHE 431 . Fundamentals of Solar Cells
ECEP 354 . Energy Management Principles
ECEP 371 . Introduction to Nuclear Engineering
ECEP 380 . Introduction to Renewable Energy
ECEP 402 . Theory of Nuclear Reactors
ECEP 403 . Nuclear Power Plant Design & Operation
ECEP 406 . Introduction to Radiation Health Principles
ECEP 422 . Power Distribution Automation and Control
ECEP 480 . Solar Energy Engineering
MEM 330 . Mechanics of Materials II
MEM 371 . Introduction to Nuclear Engineering I
MEM 400 . Internal Combustion Engines
MEM 403 . Gas Turbines & Jet Propulsion
GDA-16565 . Principles of Combustion I
GDA-16566 . and Principles of Combustion II
MEM 410 . Thermodynamic Analysis II
GDA-16571 . and HVAC Equipment
MEM 445 . Solar Energy Fundamentals
GDA-16576 . Fundamentals of Plasmas I
GDA-16577 . and Fundamentals of Plasmas II
MEM 448 . Applications of Thermal Plasmas
MEM 449 . Applications of Non-Thermal Plasmas
GDA-16580 . Master's Degree Requirements
GDA-16581 . Core Peacebuilding Requirements 12.0
PENG 501 . Peace Engineering Seminar - Fall
PENG 502 . Peace Engineering Seminar - Winter
PENG 503 . Peace Engineering Seminar - Spring
PENG 545 . Introduction to Peacebuilding for Engineers
PENG 550 . Conflict Management for Engineers
PENG 560 . Peacebuilding Skills
GDA-16588 . Core Engineering Requirements 9.0
PROJ 501 . Introduction to Project Management
SYSE 540 . Systems Engineering for Peacebuilding
GDA-16592 . Research Methods 9.0
CAEE 501 . Community-Based Design
ENVE 750 . Data-based Engineering Modeling
GDA-16598 . 220 Mechanical Engineering BSME / Peace Engineering MS
GDA-16599 . Experiential Learning 6.0
PENG 600 . Peace Engineering Experiential Learning
GDA-16601 . Social Dimensions of Conflict Electives †† 6.0
GDA-16602 . Technical Focus Sequences ‡ 6.0
GDA-16603 . Total Credits 231.5
GDA-16605 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-16611 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
MEM 492 . [WI] , MEM 493 [WI] with 8.0 credits from 400+ level MEM courses.
GDA-16616 . † Students may choose to do a concentration in either Aerospace or Energy. Concentrations consist of 15.0 concentration credits and do not add
GDA-16617 . additional credits to the program.
GDA-16619 . †† Social Dimensions of Conflict Electives
GDA-16621 . Students must complete a minimum of 6.0 credits, at the graduate level, from the following approved courses.
GDA-16636 . ‡ Technical Focus Sequences
east 2 . courses (6.0 credits) from the following approved sequences.
GDA-16683 . Sample Plan of Study
GDA-16685 . 5 year, 3 coop Co-Terminal
GDA-16688 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
CHEM 101 . 3.5 CHEM 102 4.5 BIO 141 4.5 VACATION
ENGL 101 . or 111 3.0 COOP 101 or CIVC
ENGR 111 . 3.0 ENGL 102 or 112 3.0 ENGL 103 or 113 3.0
MATH 121 . 4.0 ENGR 131 or 132 3.0 ENGR 113 3.0
UNIV 101 . 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
GDA-16701 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-16706 . (UG) General Education
GDA-16708 . 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-16712 . (UG) General Education
GDA-16717 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
GDA-16719 . (GR) Social Dimensions
GDA-16725 . (GR) Social Dimensions
GDA-16730 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
PENG 600 . 3.0 PENG 600 3.0 MEM 345 4.0 MEM 361 3.0
MEM 435 . 4.0 (UG) MEM Fundamental
PROJ 501 . 3.0 (GR) Technical Focus
GDA-16745 . Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
CIVE 240 . 3.0 MEM 492*** 3.0 MEM 493*** 3.0
GDA-16747 . MEM 491*** 2.0 (UG) Math/Science
GDA-16749 . 3.0 (UG) Free Elective 3.0
GDA-16750 . (UG) General Education
GDA-16752 . 3.0 (UG) MEM Elective 3.0 (UG) General Education
GDA-16757 . 3.0 (UG) MEM Fundamental
GDA-16759 . 3.0 (UG) MEM Elective 3.0
GDA-16760 . (UG) MEM Fundamental
PENG 501 . 1.0 SCTS 502 3.0 PENG 560 3.0
GDA-16768 . Total Credits 231.5
GDA-16770 . * Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter, spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
COOP 101 . registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to
COOP 001 . in place of COOP 101.
GDA-16776 . ** General Education Requirements (p. 5)
MEM 492 . [WI] , MEM 493 [WI] with 8.0 credits from 400+ level MEM courses.
GDA-16781 . † Social Dimensions of Conflict Electives
GDA-16783 . Students must complete a minimum of 6.0 credits, at the graduate level, from the following approved courses.
GDA-16799 . 222 Mechanical Engineering BSME / Peace Engineering MS
GDA-16800 . †† Technical Focus Sequences
east 2 . courses (6.0 credits) from the following approved sequences.
GDA-16849 . Minor in Architectural Engineering
GDA-16853 . The minor in architectural engineering, designed to broaden the professional capabilities of students, offers the building systems portion of the
GDA-16854 . architectural engineering curriculum with enough attention to structural components for completeness. Pursuing a minor in architectural engineering can
GDA-16855 . be of interest to mechanical engineering students who wish to learn the application of HVAC systems within the building context; to civil engineering
GDA-16856 . students who require knowledge of large-scale infrastructure systems; and to chemical engineering students who wish to understand the energy and
GDA-16857 . distribution aspects of process plant design.
GDA-16859 . The minor consists of a minimum of 25.5 credits total, with five required core courses. Students take a minimum of eight additional credits taken from a
GDA-16860 . list of optional courses.
GDA-16862 . While this minor is primarily designed to provide technical knowledge and skills to other engineers with the appropriate prerequisites, students from other
GDA-16863 . disciplines—such as architecture—can also complete this minor.
GDA-16867 . The common engineering core curriculum prerequisites are required of all students in the College of Engineering. Students from other colleges will need
GDA-16868 . the appropriate background prerequisite courses in physics, mathematics and thermodynamics.
GDA-16870 . Program Requirements
AE 220 . Introduction to HVAC 3.5
AE 340 . Architectural Illumination and Electrical Systems * 3.0
AE 390 . Architectural Engineering Design I 4.0
CAEE 202 . Introduction to Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering 3.0
CIVE 302 . Structural Analysis I 4.0
GDA-16878 . Select two of the following: 8.0
AE 391 . Architectural Engineering Design II
ARCH 181 . Architecture Studio 1A
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis
CIVE 250 . Construction Materials
CIVE 303 . Structural Design I
MEM 310 . Thermodynamic Analysis I
GDA-16887 . Total Credits 25.5
ARCH 293 . Building Systems III (1.5 credits) AND ARCH 396 Building Systems IV (1.5 credits) in place of ARCH 340.
GDA-16893 . Minor in Chemical Engineering
GDA-16897 . Engineering students can obtain a minor in Chemical Engineering by taking 27.0 credits from the courses listed below.
GDA-16899 . Admission Requirements
GDA-16901 . Pre-requisites for the 200-level minor core.
GDA-16903 . Program Requirements
GDA-16905 . Required Core Courses
CHE 211 . Material and Energy Balances I 4.0
CHE 212 . Material and Energy Balances II 4.0
CHE 220 . Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering I 3.0
CHE 362 . Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design 4.0
GDA-16911 . Complete one of the following * 4.0
CHE 230 . Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I
CHE 330 . Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
GDA-16915 . Complete one of the following courses ** 4.0
GDA-16918 . 224 Minor in Computer Engineering
GDA-16923 . Choose from other CHE core courses, elective courses or research 4.0
GDA-16924 . Total Credits 27.0
ENGR 210 . towards the thermodynamics requirement
GDA-16928 . ** Students who take an equivalent transport course as part of their core curriculum must take a different transport course (e.g., MEM cannot count
CHE 341 . towards the transport requirement)
GDA-16933 . Minor in Computer Engineering
GDA-16937 . The Computer Engineering minor provides students from other majors with the foundation needed to understand both the hardware and software
GDA-16938 . aspects of computers. Our engineers contribute to industry and research areas such as electronic circuits and systems, computer architecture, computer
GDA-16939 . networking, embedded systems, high-performance computing, software engineering, robotics and machine intelligence, computer security, medical
GDA-16940 . devices, and many more.
GDA-16944 . The minor assumes that students will have a background in programming which would include ECE 105, ECE 203, or CS 171. Courses taken to meet
GDA-16945 . these requirements will not count toward the minor.
GDA-16947 . Program Requirements
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 350 . Introduction to Computer Organization 3.0
ECEC 201 . Advanced Programming for Engineers 3.0
ECEC 204 . Design with Microcontrollers 3.0
ECEC 357 . Introduction to Computer Networks 3.0
GDA-16956 . Total Credits 25.0
onal 9 . credits from 300- and/or 400-level Computer Engineering (ECEC) courses as well as ECE 302. All
GDA-16959 . prerequisites must be satisfied.
GDA-16963 . Additional Information
GDA-16965 . More information about this minor is available on the ECE Department website (
GDA-16967 . For advising questions, please contact the ECE advisor (
GDA-16968 . resources/current-undergrad/).
GDA-16969 . Minor in Construction Management
GDA-16973 . Students in civil engineering, architectural engineering, architecture, and business may select to pursue Construction Management as a minor area of
GDA-16974 . study. Because construction is inherently related to design in these disciplines, the Construction Management minor can be a natural extension of each
GDA-16977 . The requirements for the minor include:
GDA-16979 . • Completion of a minimum of 24.0 credits
GDA-16982 . • Courses used to fulfill general education requirements may not be counted toward an academic minor.
GDA-16985 . • Up to 9.0 credits earned within the student's major may be counted toward the minor with minor department approval.
GDA-16988 . • Prerequisite courses may be counted toward the minor if recommended by the minor department.
GDA-16995 . Program Requirements
CMGT 161 . Building Materials and Construction Methods I 3.0
CMGT 162 . Building Materials and Construction Methods II 3.0
CMGT 361 . Contracts And Specifications I 3.0
CMGT 362 . Contracts and Specifications II 3.0
CMGT 467 . Techniques of Project Control 4.0
GDA-17004 . Select two of the following: * 6.0
CMGT 261 . Construction Safety
CMGT 263 . Understanding Construction Drawings
CMGT 355 . Introduction to Sustainability in Construction
CMGT 385 . [WI] Selling and Negotiation Techniques in Construction
CMGT 450 . Management of Field Operations
CMGT 451 . Heavy Construction Principles & Practices
CMGT 461 . Construction Project & Company Management
GDA-17016 . Total Credits 25.0
GDA-17018 . * Choice of electives must be approved by the department based on the student's major field and prior experience.
GDA-17022 . Certain courses within the student's major may also be used to meet the minor requirements. These include:
ARCH 221 . Materials & Methods I 1.5
ARCH 222 . Materials & Methods II 1.5
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
ARCH 221 . and ARCH 222 can be substituted for CMGT 161 for Architects. An elective may be substituted for CMGT 162.
GDA-17033 . Minor in Electrical Engineering
GDA-17037 . The minor provides students with the foundation needed to understand the diverse areas covered by the electrical engineering major. Our engineers
GDA-17038 . contribute to industry and research in areas that include electronic circuits and systems, lasers and photonics, semiconductor devices, computer and
GDA-17039 . communication networks, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, robotics, automation and control, and power and energy systems.
GDA-17043 . The minor assumes that students will have a background in mathematics and physics equivalent to that covered in the first two years of the engineering
MATH 121 . - MATH 122 and MATH 200), linear algebra, and differential equations. The physics
PHYS 101 . and PHYS 102. Courses taken to meet these requirements will not count toward the minor.
GDA-17047 . Program Requirements
ECE 200 . Digital Logic Design 4.0
ECE 201 . Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ECES 301 . Signals and Systems I 4.0
GDA-17054 . Total Credits 24.0
GDA-17056 . * Students should choose 12.0 credits from the 300- and/or 400-level ECE courses.
GDA-17058 . Non-ECE Majors can select from ECEC, ECEE, ECEP, ECES plus ECE 301, ECE 303, ECE 361, ECE 370, ECE 371, and ECE 380.
GDA-17065 . 226 Minor in Engineering Leadership
GDA-17066 . Additional information
GDA-17068 . More information about this minor is available on the ECE Department website (
GDA-17070 . For advising questions, please contact the ECE advisor. (
GDA-17071 . resources/current-undergrad/)
GDA-17072 . Minor in Engineering Leadership
GDA-17076 . By completing a minor in Engineering Leadership, students will gain practice in self-reflection, mentorship, management, and communication. Students
GDA-17077 . will customize their minor by choosing from one of four available tracks: entrepreneurship, leadership, management, and technology. A culminating
GDA-17078 . project focused on solving engineering problems in the local community will connect students’ technical knowledge with service to others.
GDA-17080 . Admission Requirements
GDA-17082 . This program is currently open to students in engineering disciplines, which include programs from the College of Engineering, College of Computing
GDA-17083 . and Informatics, School of Biomedical Engineering, and students in the Business & Engineering program in the LeBow College of Business.
GDA-17085 . Program Requirements
EGMT 404 . [WI] Introduction to Engineering Management Communications 3.0
EGMT 462 . Introduction to Engineering Management 3.0
EGMT 470 . Engineering Leadership Capstone 2.0
ORGB 320 . Leadership: Theory and Practice 4.0
GDA-17092 . Elective Tracks: Students must choose one of the following elective tracks. Substitutions may be made in any of these tracks with prior approval from the
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis
EGMT 465 . Introduction to Systems Engineering
PROJ 401 . Introduction to Project Management
GDA-17100 . Entrepreneurship Track
ENTP 210 . [WI] Leading Start-Ups *
ENTP 215 . Building Entrepreneurial Teams *
ENTP 329 . Entrepreneurship & New Technologies *
ENTP 370 . Global Entrepreneurship *
ENTP 385 . Innovation in Established Companies *
ORGB 300 . [WI] Organizational Behavior
ORGB 400 . Team Development and Leadership
ORGB 420 . Negotiations and Conflict Resolution
PROJ 403 . Essentials of Project Leadership and Teamwork
MGMT 201 . Introduction to Technology Innovation Management
MGMT 301 . Designing Innovative Organizations
MGMT 302 . Competing in Technology Industries
MGMT 364 . Technology Management
SYSE 488 . Systems Engineering Analysis
GDA-17117 . Optional (these courses may be substituted for any of the above elective options)
EGMT 295 . Survey of Mentorship
EGMT 296 . Survey of Leadership
GDA-17120 . Total Credits 24.0
ENTP 101 . is a prerequisite for all ENTP courses, but it will not count towards the Minor in Engineering Leadership.
GDA-17128 . Minor in Engineering Management
GDA-17132 . This minor focuses on the management of technical organizations. The required courses enhance an engineer's resume to show understanding of
GDA-17133 . management and leadership behaviors, economics, and systems engineering and thinking.
GDA-17135 . While this minor is primarily designed to provide engineering management knowledge and skills to other engineers, students from other majors
GDA-17136 . (biomedical engineering science, for example) with the equivalent science background can also complete this minor.
GDA-17140 . The common engineering core curriculum prerequisites are required of all students in the College of Engineering. Students from other colleges will need
GDA-17141 . the appropriate background prerequisite courses.
GDA-17143 . Program Requirements
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
PROJ 401 . Introduction to Project Management 3.0
EGMT 404 . [WI] Introduction to Engineering Management Communications 3.0
EGMT 462 . Introduction to Engineering Management 3.0
MEM 462 . Introduction to Engineering Management
EGMT 465 . Introduction to Systems Engineering 3.0
lete 2 . classes from the list below 7.0
ECON 201 . Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 202 . Principles of Macroeconomics
ENTP 329 . Entrepreneurship & New Technologies
GDA-17157 . Other courses accepted with Director approval
GDA-17158 . Total Credits 26.0
GDA-17160 . Additional Information
GDA-17162 . More information is available on the Engineering Management Minor (
GDA-17163 . management-systems-engineering/academic-programs/graduate/engineering-management/) web page.
GDA-17165 . Minor in Engineering Policy Analysis
GDA-17169 . An increasingly complex, interrelated, and technological society has come to rely on quantitative models of engineering systems to make decisions.
GDA-17170 . While these models are used to make decisions in domains as varied as telecommunications, energy, and environmental quality, a common set of tools
GDA-17171 . for the use of such models in decision making has been developed and forms the basis of an emerging discipline in engineering policy analysis. The
GDA-17172 . practitioners of this discipline need training in mathematical and social science analytic approaches, as well as an understanding of the human factors
GDA-17173 . that inevitably influence real-world policy choices. The minor in Engineering Policy Analysis is designed to introduce students to these topics.
GDA-17175 . This minor broadens the exposure of engineering students to societal issues and provides an initial introduction to analytic skills which they may use
GDA-17176 . both in engineering practice and as managers (given that many engineers become managers both in the private and public sector). Graduates will have
GDA-17177 . additional training and credentials relevant not only to engineering careers, but also to other fields, including urban planning, management consulting,
GDA-17178 . and public administration.
GDA-17180 . The minor provides a basis for students to evaluate their interest and aptitude for graduate studies in fields such as business administration, public
GDA-17181 . administration, and public policy. For pre-law students, the minor introduces them to analytic methods that inform the establishment and interpretation of
GDA-17182 . laws as a mechanism of public policy implementation.
GDA-17184 . Program Requirements
GDA-17186 . Applied Quantitative Methods (6.0 credits minimum)
GDA-17187 . Students select one sequence in probability and statistics consisting of one introductory course and one advanced course. Any introductory course may be combined with
GDA-17188 . an advanced course provided that the prerequisites of the advanced course are met.
GDA-17189 . Introductory Course Options
GDA-17190 . Select one of the following: 3.0-4.0
CHE 350 . Statistics and Design of Experiments
ENGR 361 . Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems
GDA-17195 . 228 Minor in Engineering Product Development
MATH 311 . Probability and Statistics I
MEM 361 . Engineering Reliability
STAT 205 . Statistical Inference I
GDA-17199 . Advanced Course Options
GDA-17200 . Select one of the following: 3.0-4.0
MATH 312 . Probability and Statistics II
STAT 206 . Statistical Inference II
ENVE 750 . Data-based Engineering Modeling
GDA-17204 . Additional Quantitative Method Electives
MATH 300 . Numerical Analysis I
MATH 305 . Introduction to Optimization Theory
MATH 318 . [WI] Mathematical Applications of Statistical Software
OPR 320 . Linear Models for Decision Making
OPR 330 . Advanced Decision Making and Simulation
GDA-17210 . Policy Analytic Methods
GDA-17211 . Students are required to take at least 11.0 credits, including a course on capital investment decision making and a two-course sequence in economics.
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
ECON 201 . Principles of Microeconomics 4.0
ECON 202 . Principles of Macroeconomics 4.0
GDA-17215 . Additional Policy Analytic Methods Electives
ECON 250 . Game Theory and Applications
ECON 330 . Managerial Economics
ECON 351 . Resource and Environmental Economics
GDA-17223 . Select two of the following: 6.0
PSCI 110 . American Government
PSCI 220 . Constitutional Law I
PSCI 372 . City in United States Political Development
GDA-17230 . One additional credit of coursework is required for the minor. This credit may come from any of the three areas above. It is permissible to count 3.0 of the credits from a 4.0
GDA-17231 . credit class towards fulfilling one of the other areas, thereby using the 4th credit to meet the elective credit requirement.
GDA-17232 . Total Credits 24.0-26.0
GDA-17234 . Minor in Engineering Product Development
GDA-17238 . Effective June 15, 2021, new students are no longer being accepted into this minor, however similar options are available. Contact Gerry
GDA-17239 . Willis at or 215-895-6253 for additional information.
GDA-17241 . One of the final steps in creating a marketable product is the manufacturing of components. Throughout the design process, engineers must fully
GDA-17242 . understand a variety of processes in which parts can be produced and assembled. Selecting a manufacturing method and ensuring the parts are
GDA-17243 . capable of production is a difficult but critical part of the product design process.
GDA-17245 . The Minor in Engineering Product Development (EPD) will allow students to apply the theory of design for manufacturing (DFM) and design for assembly
GDA-17246 . (DFA) to the overall design process. Topics include practical techniques for selection of materials and processes, design considerations for production,
GDA-17247 . manual assembly and automated assembly, and Boothroyd and Dewhurst methods. Students review case studies and analyze production assemblies.
GDA-17249 . Program Requirements
EET 208 . Introduction to Programming for Embedded Systems 3.0
MET 100 . Graphical Communication 3.0
MET 101 . Engineering Materials 3.0
MET 201 . Introduction to Manufacturing Processes 3.0
MET 316 . Computer Numerical Control 3.0
MET 321 . Changing World of 3D Printing and Rapid Prototyping 3.0
MET 322 . Design for Manufacturing and Assembly 3.0
PROD 101 . History and Analysis of Product Design 3.0
PROD 210 . Introduction to Product Design 3.0
GDA-17263 . Total Credits 27.0
GDA-17265 . Additional Information
GDA-17267 . For more information on the Engineering Product Development minor, please contact Gerry Willis at or 215-895-6253.
GDA-17269 . Minor in Entertainment Engineering
GDA-17273 . Note: The Entertainment Engineering minor is not accepting new students until further notice. Please contact one of our advisors for
GDA-17274 . additional information.
GDA-17276 . Digital technologies have revolutionized the world of entertainment and created a new field combining the foundations of electrical engineering with
GDA-17277 . entertainment media. This minor is designed for students with the technical literacy to effectively use, as well as develop, new tools for digital content
GDA-17278 . creation and manipulation for entertainment applications.
GDA-17280 . The entertainment engineering minor consists of a minimum of six (6) required courses and an additional two (2) elective courses.
GDA-17282 . Entertainment Engineering Option for Non-Engineering Majors
GDA-17284 . The minor assumes students have a background in mathematics (equivalent to Calculus II). Courses taken to meet these prerequisite requirements will
GDA-17285 . not count toward the minor.
GDA-17287 . Program Requirements
DIGM 105 . Overview of Digital Media 3.0
ECE 101 . Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Real World 1.0
ECE 121 . Introduction to Entertainment Engineering 3.0
ECES 201 . Introduction to Audio-Visual Signals 4.0
ECES 352 . Introduction to Digital Signal Process 4.0
PSY 101 . General Psychology I 3.0
GDA-17297 . Select one of the following: 3.0
PSY 213 . Sensation and Perception
INFO 310 . Human-Centered Design Process & Methods
GDA-17300 . Select one of the following: 3.0
FMVD 110 . Basic Shooting and Lighting
MIP 133 . Digital Audio Workstations I
GDA-17305 . Total Credits 24.0
GDA-17307 . Additional Information
GDA-17309 . Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering majors must substitute ECES 301: Systems and Signals I for ECES 201.
GDA-17311 . More information about this minor is available on the ECE Department website (
GDA-17314 . For advising questions, please contact the ECE advisor (
GDA-17315 . resources/current-undergrad/).
GDA-17317 . Minor in Environmental Engineering
GDA-17321 . The Environmental Engineering minor focuses on pollution control and is primarily designed to broaden the professional capabilities of engineering
GDA-17322 . students. For example, chemical and mechanical engineers working in process and manufacturing plants will be provided with a better understanding of
GDA-17323 . the natural context of their facilities, better equipped to perform fate and risk analyses, and better able to apply the appropriate technology to control air
GDA-17324 . and water discharges.
GDA-17327 . 230 Minor in Global Engineering
GDA-17328 . While this minor is designed to provide technical knowledge and skills to other engineers, with the appropriate prerequisites students from disciplines
GDA-17329 . other than engineering can also complete this minor.
GDA-17331 . The minor consists of five required core courses and three additional courses taken from a list of options.
GDA-17335 . The common engineering core curriculum prerequisites are required of all students in the College of Engineering. Students from other colleges will need
GDA-17336 . the appropriate background in physics, mathematics, and thermodynamics.
GDA-17338 . Program Requirements
CAEE 203 . System Balances and Design in CAEE 3.0
ENVE 300 . Introduction to Environmental Engineering 3.0
ENVE 302 . Environmental Transport and Kinetics 3.0
ENVS 401 . Chemistry of the Environment 3.0
GDA-17346 . Select three of the following: 8.0
ENVE 410 . Solid and Hazardous Waste
ENVE 460 . Fundamentals of Air Pollution Control
ENVE 486 . Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory I
ENVE 487 . Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory II
GDA-17352 . Total Credits 24.0
GDA-17354 . Minor in Global Engineering
GDA-17358 . Engineering is a critical component of our increasingly connected and complex global economy. Whether developing sanitation systems in Nigeria for
GDA-17359 . Engineers Without Borders, or managing engineering projects for a multinational company, understanding how to get things done in an international
GDA-17360 . context is critical for today's engineers.
GDA-17362 . The Minor in Global Engineering is designed for engineers who plan to use their technical expertise in an international context. The coursework prepares
GDA-17363 . students to become global citizens who are skilled and adaptive in meeting the challenges of a global work environment. The minor develops students'
GDA-17364 . historical, political, and cultural awareness at a global level. It also provides students with the necessary knowledge of international business in order to
GDA-17365 . succeed in the global economy.
GDA-17367 . In addition to the required coursework, students must successfully complete an experience abroad prior to graduation. Experiences other than approved
GDA-17368 . Study Abroad ( or Co-op Abroad programs must receive prior approval from the College of Engineering Associate
GDA-17369 . Dean for Undergraduate Affairs.
GDA-17373 . Foreign language is not required for the Minor in Global Engineering, but it may be required as a prerequisite to a student's experience abroad. In
GDA-17374 . addition, a student can choose to apply as many as eight (8.0) credits of 200-level or higher foreign language toward the credit requirements for the
GDA-17379 . Currently, only students enrolled in the College of Engineering or the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems can enroll in this
GDA-17382 . Program Requirements
ENGR 280 . Introduction to Global Engineering 2.0
EGMT 350 . Conflict Management for Engineers 3.0
EGMT 465 . Introduction to Systems Engineering 3.0
PROJ 401 . Introduction to Project Management 3.0
PROJ 435 . Essentials of International Project Management 3.0
GDA-17390 . Select three of the following (a minimum of one course from each of the three categories): 10.0
GDA-17391 . International Business
BLAW 340 . International Business Law
ECON 342 . Economic Development *
EGMT T380 . Special Topics in EGMT
INTB 200 . International Business
INTB 332 . Multinational Corporations *
INTB 334 . International Trade *
INTB 336 . International Money and Finance *
GDA-17402 . Political Science/History
HIST 259 . History of Europe in the 20th Century
PSCI 140 . Comparative Politics I
PSCI 150 . International Politics
PSCI 351 . The United Nations in World Politics
PSCI 352 . Ethics and International Relations
PSCI 353 . International Human Rights
PSCI 357 . The European Union in World Politics
GDA-17410 . Culture and Communications
COM 360 . Strategic International Communication
SOC 330 . Development and Underdevelopment in the Global South
PHIL 335 . Global Ethical Issues **
WGST 240 . Women and Society in a Global Context
GDA-17415 . Total Credits 24.0
ECON 201 . and ECON 202 as pre-requisites.
GDA-17423 . Note: Students may petition the Engineering Management Department Head for permission to apply other courses they believe relevant to the Minor in
GDA-17424 . Global Engineering toward their credit requirements. Such requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
GDA-17426 . Minor in Green Energy and Sustainability
GDA-17430 . This minor program aims to familiarize students with recent technological developments in renewable energy technologies and sustainability, as well as
GDA-17431 . to conduct experimental work in these areas.
GDA-17433 . Students will explore the principles, characteristics, and operation of various renewable energy sources, storage devices, and energy conversion
GDA-17434 . systems. In addition, this minor is designed to encourage students to enhance their knowledge of the fields of sustainability and green energy
GDA-17435 . technologies so they may be able to expand their skills and career opportunities.
GDA-17437 . The Minor in Green Energy and Sustainability has a broad audience, created to give students both breadth and depth in this field with focus on
GDA-17438 . technologies and their societal, economic, and environmental impact with emphasis on the manufacturing industry.
GDA-17440 . Program Requirements
ECEP 480 . Solar Energy Engineering 3.0
EET 201 . Circuit Analysis I 4.0
EET 202 . Circuit Analysis II 4.0
EET 320 . Renewable Energy Systems 3.0
EET 322 . Energy Conversion 4.0
INDE 240 . Technology Economics 3.0
INDE 420 . Industrial Energy Systems 3.0
GDA-17449 . Total Credits 24.0
GDA-17451 . Additional Information
GDA-17453 . For more information on the Green Energy and Sustainability minor, please contact Gerry Willis at or 215-895-6253.
GDA-17455 . Minor in Materials Science and Engineering
GDA-17459 . In addition to the core engineering curriculum and the courses required for majors in chemical, civil, architectural and environmental, electrical, or
GDA-17460 . mechanical engineering, engineering students from other majors can obtain a minor in Materials Science and Engineering by completing 25.0 credits
GDA-17461 . from the courses listed below.
GDA-17464 . 232 Minor in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
GDA-17465 . Program Requirements
MATE 230 . Fundamentals of Materials II 4.0
GDA-17469 . Select six (at least 21.0 credits) of the following: 21.0
MATE 214 . Introduction to Polymers *
MATE 240 . Thermodynamics of Materials
MATE 245 . Kinetics of Materials
MATE 280 . Advanced Materials Laboratory
MATE 351 . Electronic and Photonic Properties of Materials
MATE 355 . Structure and Characterization of Crystalline Materials
MATE 370 . Mechanical Behavior of Solids **
MATE 455 . Biomedical Materials
GDA-17479 . Total Credits 25.0
MATE 214 . requires CHEM 241 as a pre-requisite. If MATE 214 is elected, the credits for CHEM 241 can count toward the 21 credits.
MATE 370 . requires MATH 201 as a pre-requisite. If MATE 370 is elected, the credits for MATH 201 can count toward the 21 credits.
MATH 201 . or CHEM 241) can count toward the required 25.0 credits. In other words, both MATE 214 and
MATE 370 . can be used to fulfill the requirements for the minor, but only the prerequisite for one of those courses will be counted toward the 25.0 credits
MATH 201 . nor CHEM 241 can be counted alone as fulfilling the requirements for this minor. The credits for
MATH 201 . or CHEM 241 will only count toward the minor when the course(s) is/are taken as a prerequisite for MATE 214 or MATE 370, respectively.
GDA-17491 . Substitution for these courses by equivalent courses offered by other departments and/or institutions may be made with the approval of the Department
GDA-17492 . of Materials Science and Engineering on a case-by-case basis.
GDA-17494 . At least two-thirds of the content of a substitute course must be the same as that of the course in the list above. It is imperative that students check each
GDA-17495 . course carefully with respect to prerequisites since some may be included in the list above and some may be from other departments. Courses taken
GDA-17496 . outside of the MSE department as prerequisites do not count towards the 25.0 credits required for the minor. They may, however, be used as technical
GDA-17497 . or free electives in students’ home departments. Students pursuing the minor in Materials Science and Engineering are also encouraged to select a
GDA-17498 . senior design topic that relates to the field of materials.
GDA-17500 . Minor in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
GDA-17504 . Any undergraduate student in good standing who has completed more than 30.0 credits at Drexel may apply for the minor in Mechanical Engineering.
GDA-17506 . Program Requirements
GDA-17508 . The minor must contain a minimum of 24.0 MEM credits according to the following distribution: (a) 16.0 credits from any four of the 4-credit required
GDA-17509 . course options; (b) at least eight credits from additional required courses or from the laboratory components and recommended electives.
GDA-17511 . Required Course Options
GDA-17512 . Select four of the following: 16.0
MEM 230 . Mechanics of Materials I
MEM 255 . Introduction to Controls
MEM 310 . Thermodynamic Analysis I
MEM 355 . Performance Enhancement of Dynamic Systems
MEM 361 . Engineering Reliability
MEM 435 . Introduction to Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
GDA-17522 . Select three of the following: 8.0
MEM 311 . Thermal Fluid Science Laboratory
MEM 331 . Experimental Mechanics I
MEM 351 . Dynamic Systems Laboratory I
GDA-17527 . Recommended Electives
MEM 330 . Mechanics of Materials II
MEM 361 . Engineering Reliability
MEM 410 . Thermodynamic Analysis II
MEM 423 . Mechanics of Vibration
MEM 425 . Aircraft Design & Performance
MEM 430 . Advanced Stress Analysis
MEM 437 . Manufacturing Process I
MEM 438 . Manufacturing Process II
MEM 440 . Thermal Systems Design
MEM 453 . Aircraft Flight Dynamics & Control I
MEM 455 . Introduction to Robotics
MEM 458 . Micro-Based Control Systems I
MEM 459 . Control Applications of DSP Microprocessors
MEM 462 . [WI] Introduction to Engineering Management
GDA-17547 . Total Credits 24.0
GDA-17549 . Minor in Nuclear Engineering
GDA-17553 . Note: The Nuclear Engineering minor is not accepting new students until further notice. Please contact one of our advisors for additional
GDA-17556 . The field of nuclear engineering covers topics from fundamental particle physics to nuclear power. Example commercial applications where nuclear
GDA-17557 . engineers are utilized are power, medicine, oil exploration, and testing of materials. The nuclear engineering minor familiarizes students with
GDA-17558 . terminology, mathematical applications, theory, and ethics corresponding to common nuclear engineering topics. This minor is open to all engineering,
GDA-17559 . physics, and chemistry majors.
GDA-17561 . The minor assumes that students will have a background in mathematics and physics equivalent to that covered in the first two years of the engineering
MATH 121 . - MATH 122) and dynamic engineering systems (ENGR 232). The physics
PHYS 102 . and PHYS 201. In addition, CHEM 101, ENGR 220, and ENGR 231 are needed. Courses taken to meet these
GDA-17564 . requirements will not count toward the minor.
GDA-17566 . Program Requirements
ECEP 371 . Introduction to Nuclear Engineering 2.0
MEM 371 . Introduction to Nuclear Engineering I
ECEP 372 . Radiation Detection and Measurement 3.0
ECEP 402 . Theory of Nuclear Reactors 4.0
ECEP 406 . Introduction to Radiation Health Principles 3.0
PHYS 330 . Introduction to Nuclear Physics 2.0
GDA-17575 . Select 12.0 credits from any of the
GDA-17576 . following principal areas
GDA-17578 . Electrical Engineering Courses
ECEP 352 . Electric Motor Control Principles
ECEP 354 . Energy Management Principles
ECEP 403 . Nuclear Power Plant Design & Operation
GDA-17584 . Mechanical Engineering Courses
MEM 446 . Fundamentals of Plasmas I
MEM 447 . Fundamentals of Plasmas II
MEM 448 . Applications of Thermal Plasmas
MEM 449 . Applications of Non-Thermal Plasmas
GDA-17592 . Materials Science Courses
MATE 230 . Fundamentals of Materials II
MATE 355 . Structure and Characterization of Crystalline Materials
MATE 370 . Mechanical Behavior of Solids
MATE 450 . The Nuclear Fuel Cycle & Materials
GDA-17600 . 234 Minor in Robotics and Automation
GDA-17601 . Chemical Engineering Courses
GDA-17605 . Civil Engineering Courses
CIVE 320 . Introduction to Fluid Flow
PHYS 105 . Computational Physics I
PHYS 305 . Computational Physics II
GDA-17610 . Total Credits 26.0
GDA-17612 . Additional Information
GDA-17614 . More information about this minor is available on the ECE Department website ( (http://
GDA-17615 .
GDA-17617 . For advising questions, please contact the ECE advisor (
GDA-17618 . resources/current-undergrad/).
GDA-17620 . Minor in Robotics and Automation
GDA-17624 . Robotics and Automation Engineering has evolved around several engineering and technology fields such as electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical,
GDA-17625 . as well as electronics engineering. It merges the fundamental principles of electrical hardware and sensor usage with pneumatics,
GDA-17626 . hydraulics, computer programming and instrumentation science, and related applications.
GDA-17628 . The Minor in Robotics and Automation (ROBT) introduces students to mechatronics engineering and prepares them for automation-related careers in
GDA-17629 . process control, manufacturing, computerized hardware/software integration, and sustainable automated systems. It allows students to engage in reallife,
GDA-17630 . industrial processes related to automation in an industrial robotics laboratory setting.
GDA-17632 . Program Requirements
EET 201 . Circuit Analysis I 4.0
EET 205 . Digital Electronics 4.0
EET 319 . PLC Fundamentals 4.0
INDE 350 . Industrial Engineering Simulation 3.0
MET 205 . Robotics and Mechatronics 3.0
MET 310 . Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics 3.0
GDA-17641 . Total Credits 25.0
GDA-17643 . Additional Information
GDA-17645 . For more information on the Robotics and Automation minor, please contact Gerry Willis at or 215-895-6253.
GDA-17647 . Minor in Systems Engineering
GDA-17651 . Systems engineering is a set of processes and tools used to guide the engineering of large scale systems. Unlike traditional engineering which may
GDA-17652 . focus on very specific technical components, systems engineers focus on the entirety of a system to ensure it is run efficiently and effectively. The minor
GDA-17653 . will prepare undergraduate students for the current demands of industry and provide them with the opportunity to achieve a formal education in systems
GDA-17656 . The Minor in Systems Engineering is designed for students in the College of Engineering and School of Biomedical Engineering who are interested
GDA-17657 . in the management of large, complex systems. It leads to careers in a wide range of industries, such as aerospace, communications, healthcare,
GDA-17658 . manufacturing, and transportation.
GDA-17660 . The opportunity to pursue a minor in systems engineering will be offered to students who meet the following conditions:
GDA-17662 . • Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
GDA-17665 . • Upper level students (sophomores, juniors, pre-juniors, and seniors)
GDA-17668 . • Student in the College of Engineering or the School of Biomedical Engineering
CIVE 240 . [WI] Engineering Economic Analysis 3.0
EGMT 462 . Introduction to Engineering Management 3.0
MEM 462 . Introduction to Engineering Management
EGMT 465 . Introduction to Systems Engineering 3.0
INDE 362 . Operations Research for Engineering I 3.0
SYSE 488 . Systems Engineering Analysis 3.0
lete 9 . credits of courses from the following list 9.0
ECES 444 . Systems and Control I
INDE 350 . Industrial Engineering Simulation
INDE 365 . Systems Analysis Methods I
INDE 366 . Systems Analysis Methods II
MEM 355 . Performance Enhancement of Dynamic Systems
SYSE 530 . Systems Engineering Design
SYSE 531 . Systems Architecture Development
SYSE 532 . Software Systems Engineering
SYSE 533 . Systems Integration and Test
GDA-17693 . Total Credits 24.0
GDA-17695 . Minor in Technology
GDA-17699 . Effective June 15, 2021, new students are no longer being accepted into this minor, however similar options are available. Contact Gerry
GDA-17700 . Willis at or 215-895-6253 for additional information.
GDA-17702 . This minor provides both the breadth and the depth of knowledge in emerging technologies. It consists of a sampling of Engineering Technology courses
GDA-17703 . that would provide students with a greater knowledge and appreciation of emerging technologies. The courses span the range of levels from first year
GDA-17704 . to advanced undergraduate courses. The minor also covers emerging technology fields such as nanotechnology and renewable energy, and emerging
as 3D . printing and Computer Numerical Control (CNC).
GDA-17707 . The minor will serve students interested in an advance knowledge in emerging technologies or will be working in the technology field but whose majors
GDA-17708 . are not necessarily engineering or engineering technology. These students will gain solid understanding of technology to stay competitive with their
GDA-17711 . Program Requirements
EET 204 . Introduction to Nanotechnology 3.0
EET 320 . Renewable Energy Systems 3.0
EET 333 . [WI] Non-Destructive Evaluation of Materials 4.0
INDE 240 . Technology Economics 3.0
MET 100 . Graphical Communication 3.0
MET 205 . Robotics and Mechatronics 3.0
MET 316 . Computer Numerical Control 3.0
MET 321 . Changing World of 3D Printing and Rapid Prototyping 3.0
GDA-17721 . Total Credits 25.0
GDA-17723 . Additional Information
GDA-17725 . For more information on the Technology minor, please contact Gerry Willis at or 215-895-6253.
GDA-17728 . 236 Certificate in Construction Management Concepts
GDA-17729 . Certificate in Construction Management Concepts
GDA-17731 . Certificate Level: Undergraduate
GDA-17732 . Admission Requirements: Fundamentals of Construction Management & Construction Science certificates
GDA-17733 . Certificate Type: Certificate
GDA-17734 . Number of Credits to Completion: 19.0
GDA-17735 . Instructional Delivery: Face-to-Face
GDA-17736 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-17737 . Expected Time to Completion: 1 year
GDA-17738 . Financial Aid Eligibility: Aid eligible
GDA-17739 . Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code: 52.2001
GDA-17740 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code: 11-9021
GDA-17744 . If you are looking for a way to move your construction, architecture, or engineering career forward or are considering an undergraduate or graduate
GDA-17745 . degree but are unable to make the full commitment at this time, consider a certificate program from Drexel’s Construction Management program.
GDA-17747 . Developed at the request of two contractors' associations—the General Building Contractors Association and the Contractors Association of Eastern
GDA-17748 . Pennsylvania—this certificate is suitable for those who have undergraduate degrees in other fields but wish to work in the construction industry, along
GDA-17749 . with those who are already employed in the industry but seek career advancement or updated training.
GDA-17751 . The Construction Management Concepts certificate focuses on construction contracts, specifications, and practices with regard to business law and
GDA-17752 . liability. The certificate also covers value engineering and construction planning, scheduling, and network systems, as well as the communications
GDA-17753 . required for project control and claims prevention.
GDA-17755 . Admission Requirements
GDA-17757 . Successful completion of the Fundamentals of Construction Management certificate (p. 237) and the Construction Science certificate (p. 236).
GDA-17759 . Program Requirements
CMGT 361 . Contracts And Specifications I 3.0
CMGT 362 . Contracts and Specifications II 3.0
CMGT 385 . [WI] Selling and Negotiation Techniques in Construction 3.0
CMGT 461 . Construction Project & Company Management 3.0
CMGT 463 . Value Engineering 3.0
CMGT 467 . Techniques of Project Control 4.0
GDA-17768 . Total Credits 19.0
GDA-17770 . Sample Plan of Study
Term 1 . Credits Term 2 Credits Term 3 Credits
CMGT 361 . 3.0 CMGT 362 3.0 CMGT 461 3.0
CMGT 467 . 4.0 CMGT 385 3.0 CMGT 463 3.0
GDA-17778 . Certificate in Construction Science
GDA-17780 . Certificate Level: Undergraduate
GDA-17781 . Admission Requirements: Fundamentals of Construction Management certificate
GDA-17782 . Certificate Type: Certificate
GDA-17783 . Number of Credits to Completion: 18.0
GDA-17784 . Instructional Delivery: Face-to-Face
GDA-17785 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-17786 . Expected Time to Completion: 1 year
GDA-17787 . Financial Aid Eligibility: Aid eligible
GDA-17788 . Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code: 52.2001
GDA-17789 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code: 11-9021
GDA-17795 . If you are looking for a way to move your construction, architecture, or engineering career forward or are considering an undergraduate or graduate
GDA-17796 . degree but are unable to make the full commitment at this time, consider a certificate program from Drexel’s Construction Management program.
GDA-17798 . Developed at the request of two contractors' associations—the General Building Contractors Association and the Contractors Association of Eastern
GDA-17799 . Pennsylvania—this certificate is suitable for those who have undergraduate degrees in other fields but wish to work in the construction industry, along
GDA-17800 . with those who are already employed in the industry but seek career advancement or updated training.
GDA-17802 . Admission Requirements
GDA-17804 . Successful completion of the Fundamentals of Construction Management certificate (p. 237).
GDA-17806 . Program Requirements
CMGT 266 . Building Systems I 3.0
CMGT 267 . Building Systems II 3.0
GDA-17813 . Select two of the following: 6.0
CMGT 265 . Information Technologies in Construction
CMGT 450 . Management of Field Operations
GDA-17817 . Total Credits 18.0
GDA-17819 . Fundamentals of Construction Management
GDA-17821 . Certificate Level: Undergraduate
GDA-17822 . Admission Requirements: High school diploma or GED
GDA-17823 . Certificate Type: Certificate
GDA-17824 . Number of Credits to Completion: 18.0
GDA-17825 . Instructional Delivery: Face-to-Face
GDA-17826 . Calendar Type: Quarter
GDA-17827 . Expected Time to Completion: 1 year
GDA-17828 . Financial Aid Eligibility: Aid eligible
GDA-17829 . Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code: 52.2001
GDA-17830 . Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code: 11-9021
GDA-17834 . If you are looking for a way to move your construction, architecture, or engineering career forward or are considering an undergraduate or graduate
GDA-17835 . degree but are unable to make the full commitment at this time, consider a certificate program from Drexel’s Construction Management program.
GDA-17837 . The undergraduate certificate in the Fundamentals of Construction Management is designed to fill the training needs of industry leaders.
GDA-17839 . Developed at the request of two contractors' associations—the General Building Contractors Association and the Contractors Association of Eastern
GDA-17840 . Pennsylvania—this certificate is suitable for those who have undergraduate degrees in other fields but wish to work in the construction industry along
GDA-17841 . with those who are already employed in the industry but seek career advancement or updated training.
GDA-17843 . Admission Requirements
GDA-17845 . High school diploma or GED
GDA-17847 . Program Requirements
CMGT 101 . Introduction to Construction Management 3.0
CMGT 161 . Building Materials and Construction Methods I 3.0
CMGT 162 . Building Materials and Construction Methods II 3.0
CMGT 163 . Building Materials and Construction Methods III 3.0
CMGT 261 . Construction Safety 3.0
CMGT 263 . Understanding Construction Drawings 3.0
GDA-17856 . Total Credits 18.0
GDA-17859 . 238 NAE Grand Challenge Scholars Program
GDA-17860 . Sample Plan of Study
Term 1 . Credits Term 2 Credits Term 3 Credits
CMGT 101 . 3.0 CMGT 162 3.0 CMGT 163 3.0
CMGT 161 . 3.0 CMGT 261 3.0 CMGT 263 3.0
GDA-17868 . NAE Grand Challenge Scholars Program
GDA-17872 . The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenge Scholars Program is a combined curricular and extracurricular program with five
GDA-17873 . components that are designed to prepare students to be the generation that solves the grand challenges facing society in this century. Students will
GDA-17874 . work with a mentor on research related to a NAE Grand Challenge, engage in an interdisciplinary curriculum, entrepreneurship, global perspective, and
GDA-17875 . service learning. Upon completing the program the student will receive a certificate of completion signed by both the NAE and the responsible Drexel
GDA-17876 . University official.
GDA-17878 . Admission Requirements
GDA-17880 . Students have the opportunity to join the program anytime in the third quarter of their freshman year but not later than the end of their third year.
GDA-17881 . Candidates must have a GPA of at least 3.25. The application includes a statement on why the student wishes to be a part of the program and vision
GDA-17882 . statement for completion of the program requirements, including the research and civic engagement requirements. Students will complete a proposed
GDA-17883 . plan of study that satisfies the requirements of the GCSP and must identify a mentor who they will work with in meeting the GCSP objectives.
GDA-17885 . Program Requirements
GDA-17887 . Project or research activity
GDA-17888 . Each Scholar will engage in some research that can be identified with one of the very broadly identified NAE Grand Challenges with a research mentor.
GDA-17890 . Civic Engagement activity
GDA-17891 . Each student will complete service with one community organization. The Scholar will be required to submit a written report on their activity and
GDA-17894 . Please note: In each of the coursework areas below, a student has the option of choosing an alternate course, provided it is approved by the program
GDA-17895 . director and satisfies NAE requirements.
GDA-17897 . Program Requirements
GDA-17898 . Entrepreneurship and Innovation experience. Select two courses from the following: 6.0-8.0
ENTP 210 . [WI] Leading Start-Ups
ENTP 440 . Launch It!: Early Stage
MGMT 260 . Introduction to Entrepreneurship
MGMT 365 . Business Plan for Entrepreneurs
GDA-17903 . Global and cross-cultural perspectives. Select one course from the following: 2.0-3.0
ENTP 370 . Global Entrepreneurship
ENGR 280 . Introduction to Global Engineering
GDA-17906 . International Business. Select one course from the following: 4.0
INTB 200 . International Business
GDA-17909 . Political Science/History. Select one course from the following: 4.0
PSCI 140 . Comparative Politics I
PSCI 352 . Ethics and International Relations
PSCI 357 . The European Union in World Politics
GDA-17913 . Culture and Communications. Select one course from the following: 3.0
COM 360 . Strategic International Communication
WGST 240 . Women and Society in a Global Context
GDA-17917 . Total Credits 19.0-22.0
GDA-17921 . Additional Information
GDA-17923 . For more information and program contacts, please visit the NAE Grand Challenges Scholars Program (
GDA-17924 . leadership-research-programs/nae-grand-challenges-scholars-program/) webpage.