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Drexel Courses Analysis

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. . .
Sustainability LEED Global Warming Climate Change Environment
Ventilation Carbon Footprint Green Power Green Grid Renewable Energy
Recycle Wind Farm Solar Panels Carbon Sequester Ecology Regeneration
Ecology Pollution Public Health Climatology Environmental Justice
Other Techologies Impacts

Drexel Programs Show Search Show Simple Rules Show Complex Rules
. . .
GR Quarter GR Semester UG Quarter UG Semester GR Engineering
UG Engineering

Facility Ventilation Show Search Show Simple Rules Show Complex Rules
. . .
ventilation airborne contagions Germicidal

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1. GDA-122 Anatomy .

2. GDA-123 Anatomy .

3. GDA-208 Anesthesiology .

4. GDA-276 Biochemistry .

5. GDA-415 Cancer Biology .

6. CBIO 501S Infection, Inflammation and Cancer 2.0 Credits This course will be an advanced-level comprehensive survey of infectious agents and inflammatory signals that have been linked to the development of various cancers. The molecular mechanisms that underlie viral, bacterial, and parasite associated human cancers as well as inflammation-mediated cell transformation mechanisms will be the focus of lectures and discussions. Sessions will consist of lectures and discussions of assigned reading. .

7. GDA-464 Cardiothoracic Surgery .

8. GDA-500 Clinical Research .

9. GDA-512 Clinical Research .

10. GDA-602 Clinical Research .

11. GDA-694 Clinical Research Health Prof .

12. GDA-975 Critical Care .

13. GDA-983 Dermatology .

14. GDA-1033 Drexel Pathway to Medicine .

15. GDA-1067 Emergency Medicine .

16. GDA-1159 Family Medicine .

17. GDA-1268 Forensic Criminalistic Analysis .

18. GDA-1280 Forensic Science .

19. GDA-1313 Forensic Science .

20. GDA-1419 Forensic Science .

21. GDA-1527 Histotechnology .

22. GDA-1571 Histotechnology .

23. GDA-1597 Human & Molecular Genetics .

24. GDA-1607 IMS Prog. Interdepartmental Sciences .

25. GDA-1622 IMS Prog. Interdepartmental Sciences .

26. GDA-1678 Interdepartmental .

27. GDA-1718 Interdepartmental .

28. GDA-1855 Interdiscplinary Health Science .

29. GDA-1864 Interdiscplinary Health Science .

30. GDA-1971 Law .

31. GDA-2646 Legal Studies .

32. GDA-2659 Legal Studies .

33. GDA-2741 Master of Lab Animal Science .

34. GDA-2782 Master of Lab Animal Science .

35. GDA-2832 The course of instruction, presented by one of the nations leading architectural and engineering firms, encompasses general design considerations, working with architects and engineers, reading and producing drawings, proximity considerations, control systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, etc. The goal is to give the student a unique background, not only in facility design and engineering, but also in understanding why things are the way they are. Students are expected to develop and present a floor plan. .

36. GDA-2855 Master of Lab Animal Science .

37. GDA-2937 Medical and Healthcare Simulation .

38. GDA-2947 Medical Science Preparatory .

39. GDA-2992 Medicine .

40. GDA-3503 Microbiology and Immunology .

41. MIIM 512S Molecular Pathogenesis I (Viral Pathogenesis) 2.0 Credits This course introduces fundamental concepts in molecular virology through presentation and discussion of viruses that cause disease in humans. Students learn about important aspects of virus infection, including virus structure, replication, molecular pathogenesis, antiviral immune responses, the development of antiviral drug therapies, and the use of viruses in gene therapy. Students also learn to read, understand, and critically evaluate virology-related papers published in the primary literature. .

42. MIIM 516S Concepts in Biomedicine II 2.0 Credits Introduces basic aspects of fundamental eukaryotic cellular processes that control cell growth and function, with emphasis on biochemical pathways and regulatory mechanisms, cell cycle, intracellular trafficking networks, and cellular communication mechanisms. Will provide a foundation to normal cellular processes that are dysregulated in disease states such as cancer and infections. .

43. GDA-3563 Introduces the fundamental aspects of normal eukaryotic cell structure, function, and the processes that control cell growth and communication. Emphasis is on cellular macromolecules (i.e., proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides and membranes) and how normal cellular processes and regulatory mechanisms can be dysregulated in disease states, such as cancer and infections. Will provide the scientific foundations that can be applied to biomedical innovation and discoveries. .

44. MIIM 540S Viruses and Viral Infections 2.0 Credits Introduces fundamental concepts in molecular virology through presentation and discussion of viruses that cause disease in humans. Students learn about important aspects of virus infection, including virus structure, replication, molecular pathogenesis, antiviral immune responses, the development of antiviral drug therapies, and the use of viruses in gene therapy. Students also learn to read and critically evaluate virology-related papers published in the primary literature. .

45. MIIM 541S Bacteria and Bacterial Infections 2.0 Credits Introduces fundamental concepts in bacteria and the infections they cause, including microorganism structure and replication, pathogenesis and treatment. .

46. MIIM 542S Mycology and Fungal Infections 2.0 Credits .

47. GDA-3651 Introduces basic aspects of the biology of fungi and fungal infections, such as fungal cell structure, function, replication, pathogenesis, and their impact on humans. Antifungal agents; mode of action and molecular mechanism of resistance are also discussed. .

48. MIIM 543S Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases 2.0 Credits Introduces basic aspects of the biology of parasites and parasitic infections, including microorganism structure, replication and pathogenesis, as well as public health and economic impact of parasitic infections. Antiparasitic drug and vaccine development are also discussed. Primary literature is also read and discussed. .

49. MIIM 512S Molecular Pathogenesis I or MIIM 540S Viruses and Viral Infections. .

50. MIIM 653S Clinical Correlations in Infectious Disease 3.0 Credits This course will serve as an advanced learning experience to correlate the basic aspects of infection with the clinical aspects of diagnosis and treatment. The course will introduce concepts that relate to understanding how the clinical aspects of infectious diseases can be translated into basic research. .

51. GDA-3760 MMS Prog. - Masters in Med. Science .

52. GDA-3787 Science .

53. GDA-3837 Molecular & Cellular Bio & Genetics .

54. GDA-3887 Neurology .

55. GDA-3900 Neurology .

56. GDA-4036 Neuroscience .

57. GDA-4052 Neuroscience .

58. GDA-4146 Neurosurgery .

59. GDA-4171 Obstetrics & Gynecology .

60. GDA-4196 Obstetrics & Gynecology .

61. GDA-4343 Office of Medical Education .

62. GDA-4365 Office of Medical Education .

63. GDA-4492 Orthopedics .

64. GDA-4500 Orthopedics .

65. GDA-4582 Otolaryngology .

66. GDA-4626 Otolaryngology .

67. GDA-4721 Otolaryngology .

68. GDA-4749 Otolaryngology .

69. GDA-4787 Pathologists Assistant .

70. GDA-4854 Pathology .

71. GDA-4896 Pathology .

72. GDA-5040 Pediatrics .

73. GDA-5354 Pharmacology .

74. GDA-5358 Pharmacology .

75. GDA-5448 Physical Med & Rehabilitation .

76. GDA-5492 Physical Med & Rehabilitation .

77. GDA-5506 Physiology .

78. GDA-5524 Pre - Medical .

79. GDA-5530 Program in Integrated Learning .

80. GDA-5596 Program in Integrated Learning .

81. GDA-5697 Psychiatry .

82. GDA-5769 Public Health .

83. GDA-5832 Public Health .

84. GDA-5862 Radiation Oncology .

85. GDA-5902 Radiation Sciences .

86. GDA-5904 Radiologic Sciences .

87. GDA-6019 Surgery .

88. GDA-6068 Surgery .

89. GDA-6240 Surgery .

90. GDA-6347 Women's Health Ed. Program .

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Number Sort
15 Public Health 9 public health 6 environmental 3 PUBLIC HEALTH 2 pollution 2 Environmental
1 ventilation 1 Public health 1 climate change 1 sustainability 1 Sustainability 1 renewable energy

Alpha Sort
2 pollution 1 ventilation 2 Environmental 6 environmental 3 PUBLIC HEALTH 15 Public Health
1 Public health 9 public health 1 renewable energy 1 climate change 1 Sustainability 1 sustainability

Accessed Patterns Not Found

sustainable LEED Global Warming Carbon Footprint Green Power Green Grid
Recycle Wind Farm wind\s Solar Panels? Solar Carbon Sequester\w*
Ecology Regeneration \secology climatology environmental justice climate justice social justice
Nuclear Power Ocean Power alternative energy electric vehicles flood drought
crop failure migration \bwar\b peace covid^Accounting\r$ ^Adult Education\r$
^Animation\r$ ^Applied Behavior Analysis\r$ ^Architectural Engineering\r$ ^Architecture\r$ ^Art History\r$ ^Arts Administration\r$
^Arts Administration and Museum Leadership\r$ ^Behavioral & Addictions Counseling\r$ ^Biomedical Engineering & Science\r$ ^Bioscience & Biotechnology\r$ ^Biostatistics\r$ ^Business Statistics\r$
^Career Integrated Education\r$ ^Chemical Engineering\r$ ^Chemistry\r$ ^Civil Engineering\r$ ^Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering\r$ ^Communication\r$
^Communication, Culture and Media\r$ ^Community Health and Prevention\r$ ^Complement & Integrative Therapy\r$ ^Computer Science\r$ ^Computing Technology\r$ ^Construction Management\r$
^Cooperative Management\r$ ^Couple & Family Therapy\r$ ^Creative Arts in Therapy\r$ ^Creative Arts Therapies\r$ ^Creative Therapies & Counseling\r$ ^Creative Writing\r$
^Creativity Studies\r$ ^Data Science\r$ ^Design Research\r$ ^Digital Media\r$ ^E-Learning\r$ ^Economics\r$
^Education Human Resource Development\r$ ^Education Improvement & Transformation\r$ ^Education Learning Technology\r$ ^Education Lesson Study\r$ ^Education Practitioner\r$ ^Education Thesis\r$
^Educational Administration\r$ ^Educational Lifelong Literacy\r$ ^Educational Policy\r$ ^Electrical & Computer Engineering\r$ ^Electrical & Computer Engineering - Computers\r$ ^Electrical & Computer Engineering - Electroph\r$
^Electrical & Computer Engineering - Power Engineering\r$ ^Electrical & Computer Engineering - Systems\r$ ^Engineering Geology\r$ ^Engineering Management\r$ ^Engineering Technology\r$ ^Engineering, General\r$
^Entrepreneurship and Innovation\r$ ^Environmental & Occupational Health\r$ ^Environmental Engineering\r$ ^Environmental Policy\r$ ^Environmental Science\r$ ^Epidemiology\r$
^Fashion Design\r$ ^Finance\r$ ^Food\r$ ^Food Science\r$ ^Game Art and Production\r$ ^General Business\r$
^Geoscience\r$ ^Global & International Education\r$ ^Health Management and Policy\r$ ^Health Services Administration\r$ ^Higher Education\r$ ^History\r$
^Hotel & Restaurant Management\r$ ^Human Resource Management\r$ ^Information Science & Systems\r$ ^Inter Professional Studies\r$ ^Interdisciplinary STEM\r$ ^Interior Design\r$
^International Business\r$ ^Legal Studies\r$ ^Linguistics\r$ ^Management\r$ ^Management of Information Systems\r$ ^Marketing\r$
^Materials Engineering\r$ ^Mathematics\r$ ^Mathematics Education\r$ ^Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics\r$ ^Medical Family Therapy\r$ ^Museum Leadership\r$
^Neuroscience\r$ ^Nonprofit Management\r$ ^Nursing\r$ ^Nursing and Health Professions\r$ ^Nutrition & Food Science\r$ ^Operations Management\r$
^Operations Research\r$ ^Organizational Behavior\r$ ^Peace Engineering\r$ ^Physical Therapy Rehab Science\r$ ^Physician Assistant\r$ ^Physics\r$
^Political Science\r$ ^Production Operations Management\r$ ^Professional Studies\r$ ^Project Management\r$ ^Property Management\r$ ^Psychology\r$
^Public Health\r$ ^Public Policy\r$ ^Publishing\r$ ^Real Estate\r$ ^Rehabilitation Sciences\r$ ^Research\r$
^Retail & Merchandising\r$ ^School Psychology\r$ ^Science, Technology and Society\r$ ^Screenwriting & Playwriting\r$ ^Software Engineering\r$ ^Special Education\r$
^Sport Coaching Leadership\r$ ^Sport Management\r$ ^Systems Engineering\r$ ^Taxation\r$ ^Teacher Education\r$ ^Telecommunications\r$
^Television Management\r$ ^Transdisciplinary Science, Computing, and Engineering Design\r$ ^Urban Strategy\r$ ^Visual Studies\r$ ^Westphal Studies\r$ ^Anatomy\r$
^Anesthesiology\r$ ^Biochemistry\r$ ^Cancer Biology\r$ ^Cardiothoracic Surgery\r$ ^Clinical Research\r$ ^Clinical Research Health Prof\r$
^Communication & Preventative Medicine (noncredit)\r$ ^Communication & Preventitive Medicine (credit)\r$ ^Critical Care\r$ ^Dermatology\r$ ^Drexel Pathway to Medicine\r$ ^Emergency Medicine\r$
^Family Medicine\r$ ^Forensic Criminalistic Analysis\r$ ^Forensic Science\r$ ^Histotechnology\r$ ^Histotechnology\r$ ^Human & Molecular Genetics\r$
^IMS Prog. Interdepartmental Sciences\r$ ^Interdepartmental\r$ ^Interdiscplinary Health Science\r$ ^Interdiscplinary Health Science\r$ ^Law\r$ ^Legal Studies\r$
^Master of Lab Animal Science\r$ ^Master of Lab Animal Science\r$ ^Medical and Healthcare Simulation\r$ ^Medical Science Preparatory\r$ ^Medicine\r$ ^Microbiology and Immunology\r$
^MMS Prog. - Masters in Med. Science\r$ ^Science\r$ ^Molecular & Cellular Bio & Genetics\r$ ^Neurology\r$ ^Neurology\r$ ^Neuroscience\r$
^Neurosurgery\r$ ^Obstetrics & Gynecology\r$ ^Obstetrics & Gynecology\r$ ^Office of Medical Education\r$ ^Office of Medical Education\r$ ^Orthopedics\r$
^Otolaryngology\r$ ^Otolaryngology\r$ ^Pathologists Assistant\r$ ^Pathology\r$ ^Pediatrics\r$ ^Pharmacology\r$
^Physical Med & Rehabilitation\r$ ^Physiology\r$ ^Pre - Medical\r$ ^Program in Integrated Learning\r$ ^Psychiatry\r$ ^Public Health\r$
^Radiation Oncology\r$ ^Radiation Sciences\r$ ^Radiologic Sciences\r$ ^Surgery\r$ ^Women.s Health Ed. Program\r$ ^Accounting\r$
^Advertising Design\r$ ^Africana Studies\r$ ^Anatomy\r$ ^Animation\r$ ^Anthropology\r$ ^Arabic\r$
^Architectural Engineering\r$ ^Architecture\r$ ^Art History\r$ ^Arts \r$ Sciences-Interdisp Stud\r$ ^Behavioral \r$ Addictions Couns\r$ ^Biomedical Engineering \r$ Sci\r$
^Biomedical Engineering Tech\r$ ^Bioscience \r$ Biotechnology\r$ ^Business Analytics\r$ ^Business Statistics\r$ ^Chemical Engineering\r$ ^Chemical Engineering Chemistry\r$
^Chemistry\r$ ^Chinese\r$ ^Civic Engagement\r$ ^Civil \r$ Arch Engineering\r$ ^Civil Engineering\r$ ^Civil, Arch \r$ Envr Engr\r$
^Common Exams\r$ ^Communication\r$ ^Complementary and Integrative Therapies\r$ ^Computer Science\r$ ^Computing and Informatics\r$ ^Computing Technology\r$
^Construction Management\r$ ^Cooperative Education\r$ ^Creativity Studies\r$ ^Criminology \r$ Justice Studies\r$ ^Culinary Arts\r$ ^Custom-Designed Major\r$
^Dance\r$ ^Data Science\r$ ^Design \r$ Merchandising\r$ ^Digital Media\r$ ^Economics\r$ ^Education Human Resource Development\r$
^Education Learning Techniques\r$ ^Electrical \r$ Computer Engineering\r$ ^Electrical \r$ Computer Engineering - Power Engineering\r$ ^Electrical \r$ Computer Engineering - Computers\r$ ^Electrical \r$ Computer Engineering - Electroph\r$ ^Electrical \r$ Computer Engineering - Systems\r$
^Electrical Engineering Lab\r$ ^Electrical Engineering Technology\r$ ^Emergency Management\r$ ^Emergency Medical Services\r$ ^Engineering Management\r$ ^Engineering, General\r$
^English\r$ ^English as a Second Language\r$ ^Entertainment \r$ Arts Management\r$ ^Entrepreneurship and Innovation\r$ ^Environmental Engineering\r$ ^Environmental Graphic Design\r$
^Environmental Science\r$ ^Environmental Studies \r$ Sustainability\r$ ^Fashion Design\r$ ^Film \r$ TV Production\r$ ^Film \r$ Video\r$ ^Film Studies\r$
^Finance\r$ ^First-Year Exploratory Studies\r$ ^Food Science\r$ ^French\r$ ^Game Art \r$ Production\r$ ^General Business\r$
^General Design Arts\r$ ^Geography Education\r$ ^German\r$ ^Global Studies\r$ ^Graphic Design\r$ ^Greek\r$
^Health \r$ Society\r$ ^Health Sciences\r$ ^Health Services Administration\r$ ^Hebrew\r$ ^History\r$ ^Homeland Security Management\r$
^Honors Program\r$ ^Hotel \r$ Restaurant Management\r$ ^Human Resource Management\r$ ^Humanities, General\r$ ^Industrial Engineering\r$ ^Information Science \r$ Systems\r$
^Interactive Digital Media\r$ ^Interior Design\r$ ^International Business\r$ ^International Studies\r$ ^International Studies Abroad\r$ ^Italian\r$
^Japanese\r$ ^Jewish Studies\r$ ^Korean\r$ ^Language\r$ ^Law\r$ ^Legal Studies\r$
^Linguistics\r$ ^Management\r$ ^Management Information Systems\r$ ^Manufacturing Engineering Technology\r$ ^Marketing\r$ ^Materials Engineering\r$
^Mathematics\r$ ^Mathematics Education\r$ ^Mechanical Engineering \r$ Mechanics\r$ ^Mechanical Engineering Technology\r$ ^Medical Billing \r$ Coding\r$ ^Middle East and North Africa Studies\r$
^Military Science\r$ ^Music\r$ ^Music Industry Program\r$ ^Naval Science\r$ ^Neuroscience\r$ ^Nutrition \r$ Food Science\r$
^Operations Management\r$ ^Operations Research\r$ ^Organizational Behavior\r$ ^Peace Engineering\r$ ^Performing Arts\r$ ^Philosophy\r$
^Philosophy, Politics and Economics\r$ ^Photography\r$ ^Physics\r$ ^Physics - Environmental Science\r$ ^Physiology\r$ ^Portuguese\r$
^Printing Technology Management\r$ ^Professional Studies\r$ ^Project Management\r$ ^Property Management\r$ ^Public Health\r$ ^Radiologic Sciences\r$
^Real Estate Management \r$ Development\r$ ^Religious Studies\r$ ^Retail Leadership\r$ ^Russian\r$ ^Science, Technology and Society\r$ ^Screenwriting \r$ Playwriting\r$
^Sociology\r$ ^Software Engineering\r$ ^Spanish\r$ ^Special Education\r$ ^Sport Coaching Leadership\r$ ^Sport Management\r$
^Statistics\r$ ^STEM Teacher Education\r$ ^Study Abroad - Performing Arts\r$ ^Systems Engineering\r$ ^Taxation\r$ ^Teacher Education\r$
^Theatre\r$ ^TV Industry \r$ Enterprise\r$ ^TV Information \r$ Technology\r$ ^TV Production\r$ ^TV Studies\r$ ^University - Wide Courses\r$
^University - Wide Courses\r$ ^University - Wide Courses\r$ ^University - Wide Courses\r$ ^University - Wide Courses\r$ ^University - Wide Courses\r$ ^University - Wide Courses\r$
^University - Wide Courses\r$ ^University - Wide Courses\r$ ^Visual Studies\r$ ^VR and Immersive Media Design\r$ ^Web \r$ Motion Graphic Design\r$ ^WEST Studies\r$
^Women.s and Gender Studies\r$ ^Women.s Studies$ ^Course Descriptions\r$ ^Semester\r$ ^Undergraduate\r$ ^Biochemistry\r$
^Emergency Medicine\r$ ^Family Medicine\r$ ^Medical Science Preparatory\r$ ^Medicine\r$ ^Neurology\r$ ^Obstetrics \r$ Gynecology\r$
^Office of Medical Education\r$ ^Orthopedics\r$ ^Otolaryngology\r$ ^Pathology\r$ ^Pediatrics\r$ ^Pre-Medical\r$
^Psychiatry\r$ ^Surgery\r$ ^Index\r$ Major:.* ^Architectural Engineering\r$ ^Chemical Engineering\r$
^Civil Engineering\r$ ^Computer Engineering\r$ ^Construction Management\r$ ^Cybersecurity\r$ ^Electrical Engineering\r$ ^Electrical Engineering.Telecommunications Engineering\r$
^Master of Engineering\r$ ^Engineering Management\r$ ^Engineering Technology\r$ ^Environmental Engineering\r$ ^Machine Learning Engineering\r$ ^Materials Science and Engineering\r$
^Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics\r$ ^Nanomaterials\r$ ^Peace Engineering\r$ ^Robotics and Autonomy\r$ ^Vince and Judy Vidas Program in Systems Engineering\r$ ^Graduate Minor in Computational Engineering\r$
^Certificate in Construction Management\r$ ^Certificate in Engineering Management\r$ ^Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Hardware Systems Engineering\r$ ^Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Naval Engineering\r$ ^Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Peace Engineering\r$ ^Certificate in Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Manufacturing\r$
^Certificate in Real Estate\r$ ^Certificate in Sustainability and Green Construction\r$ ^Certificate in Systems Design and Development\r$ ^Certificate in Systems Engineering\r$ ^Certificate in Systems Engineering Analysis\r$ ^Certificate in Systems Engineering Integrated Logistics\r$
^Certificate in Systems Reliability Engineering\r$ Major:.* ^Special Programs\r$ ^Architectural Engineering\r$ ^Chemical Engineering\r$ ^Civil Engineering\r$
^Computer Engineering\r$ ^Construction Management\r$ ^Electrical Engineering\r$ ^Engineering\r$ ^Engineering Technology\r$ ^Environmental Engineering\r$
^Materials Science and Engineering\r$ ^Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics\r$ ^Engineering Undeclared\r$ ^Architectural Engineering, Building Systems Concentration BS . Architectural Engineering MS\r$ ^Architectural Engineering, Structural Concentration BSAE . Civil Engineering, Structural Track MS\r$ ^Chemical Engineering BSCHE . Chemical Engineering MSCHE\r$
^Civil Engineering BSCIV . Civil Engineering MSCE\r$ ^Civil Engineering BSCIV . Environmental Engineering MSENE\r$ ^Computer Engineering BSCE . Computer Engineering MSCE\r$ ^Computer Engineering BSCE . Cybersecurity MS\r$ ^Computer Engineering BSCE . Electrical Engineering MSEE\r$ ^Computer Engineering BSCE . Machine Learning Engineering MSMLE\r$
^Computer Engineering BS . Project Management MS\r$ ^Computer Engineering BSCE . Robotics & Autonomy MSRA\r$ ^Computer Engineering BSCE . Telecommunications Engineering MSEET\r$ ^Electrical Engineering BSEE . Computer Engineering MSCPE\r$ ^Electrical Engineering BSEE . Cybersecurity MS\r$ ^Electrical Engineering BS . Electrical Engineering MS\r$
^Electrical Engineering BSEE . Machine Learning Engineering MSMLE\r$ ^Electrical Engineering BSEE . Robotics & Autonomy MSRA\r$ ^Electrical Engineering BSEE . Telecommunications Engineering MSEET\r$ ^Environmental Engineering BS.MS\r$ ^Environmental Engineering BSENE . Peace Engineering MS\r$ ^Materials Science & Engineering BS . Materials Science & Engineering MS\r$
^Mechanical Engineering BSME . Materials Science & Engineering MSMSE\r$ ^Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics BSME . MS\r$ ^Mechanical Engineering BSME . Peace Engineering MS\r$ ^Minor in Architectural Engineering\r$ ^Minor in Computer Engineering\r$ ^Minor in Computer Engineering\r$
^Minor in Construction Management\r$ ^Minor in Electrical Engineering\r$ ^Minor in Engineering Leadership\r$ ^Minor in Engineering Management\r$ ^Minor in Engineering Policy Analysis\r$ ^Minor in Engineering Product Development\r$
^Minor in Entertainment Engineering\r$ ^Minor in Environmental Engineering\r$ ^Minor in Global Engineering\r$ ^Minor in Green Energy and Sustainability\r$ ^Minor in Materials Science and Engineering\r$ ^Minor in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics\r$
^Minor in Nuclear Engineering\r$ ^Minor in Robotics and Automation\r$ ^Minor in Systems Engineering\r$ ^Minor in Technology\r$ ^Certificate in Construction Management Concepts\r$ ^Certificate in Construction Science\r$
^Fundamentals of Construction Management\r$ ^NAE Grand Challenge Scholars Program\r$ventilation natural ventilation mechanical ventilation UV ventilation airborne contagions
airborne virus airborne infection Germicidal

Metrics Hide

Save Metrics with analysis run Drexel-University_GR_Semester-Courses_2021-2022.pdf.txt 01/03/024 11:46:11 Appended Metrics File

Total Lines: 6784
Blank Lines: 232
Non Blank Lines: 6552
Imperatives: 2085
Shalls: 2
Wills: 384

Message: These metrics are what allow you to compare different documents and different analysis runs. Consider moving the numbers into a spreadsheet for visualization. Counts of Shalls, Wills, IsReq, and Imperatives are hardcoded into the tool. You have the ability to enter a Norm value, which can be surfaced after multiple analysis sessions.

Item Risk Count Children % lines % imperative % shall % will % isreq % Norm
Carbon Footprint s4s

Carbon Sequester s4s

Climate Change s4s

Climatology s4s

Ecology s4s

Ecology Regeneration s4s

Environment s4s

Environmental Justice s4s

GR Engineering s5s

GR Quarter s5s

GR Semester s5s





Germicidal s6s

Global Warming s4s

Green Grid s4s

Green Power s4s

Impacts s4s

LEED s4s

Other Techologies s4s

Pollution s4s

Public Health s4s

Recycle s4s

Renewable Energy s4s

Solar Panels s4s

Sustainability s4s

UG Engineering s5s

UG Quarter s5s

UG Semester s5s

Ventilation s4s

Wind Farm s4s

airborne contagions s6s





ventilation s6s






z Mined Objects





Rules Total 32
Rules Triggered 4
Rules Not Triggered 28
Percent of Rules Triggered 12%

Reading Level Hide

Document Shape Hide

Services and Triggered Rule Comments Hide

Topics of Interest: Think of this as your highlighter pen or a really advanced search engine option.

. . . 1. Carbon Footprint No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Carbon Footprint Color: FUCSHIA Access Object: Carbon Footprint Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 2. Carbon Sequester No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Carbon Sequester Color: PURPLE Access Object: Carbon Sequester\w* Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 3. Climate Change No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Climate Change Color: PURPLE Access Object: Climate Change Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 4. Climatology No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Climatology Color: BROWN Access Object: climatology

. . . 5. Ecology No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Ecology Color: BROWN Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: \secology Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 6. Ecology Regeneration No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Ecology Regeneration Color: NAVY Access Object: Ecology Regeneration Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 7. Environment No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Environment Color: NAVY Access Object: Environmental Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 8. Environmental Justice No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Environmental Justice Color: ORANGE Access Object: environmental justice|climate justice|social justice

. . . 9. Global Warming No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Global Warming Color: BLUE Access Object: Global Warming Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 10. Green Grid No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Green Grid Color: BROWN Access Object: Green Grid Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 11. Green Power No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Green Power Color: OLIVE Access Object: Green Power Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 12. Impacts No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Impacts Color: GREEN Access Object: flood|drought|crop failure|migration|\bwar\b|peace|covid

. . . 13. LEED No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: LEED Color: GREEN Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: LEED Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 14. Other Techologies No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Other Techologies Color: RED Access Object: Nuclear Power|Ocean Power|alternative energy|electric vehicles

. . . 15. Pollution No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Pollution Color: FUCSHIA Access Object: Pollution Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 16. Public Health No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Public Health Color: OLIVE Access Object: Public Health Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 17. Recycle No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Recycle Color: RED Access Object: Recycle Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 18. Renewable Energy No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Renewable Energy Color: ORANGE Access Object: Renewable Energy Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 19. Solar Panels No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Solar Panels Color: BLUE Access Object: Solar Panels?|Solar Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 20. Sustainability No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Sustainability Color: RED Access Object: sustainability|sustainable Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 21. Ventilation No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Ventilation Color: MAROON Access Object: Ventilation Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 22. Wind Farm No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Wind Farm Color: GREEN Access Object: Wind Farm|wind\s Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

Drexel Programs:

. . . 1. GR Engineering No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: GR Engineering Color: NAVY Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: Major:.*|^Architectural Engineering\r$|^Chemical Engineering\r$|^Civil Engineering\r$|^Computer Engineering\r$|^Construction Management\r$|^Cybersecurity\r$|^Electrical Engineering\r$|^Electrical Engineering.Telecommunications Engineering\r$|^Master of Engineering\r$|^Engineering Management\r$|^Engineering Technology\r$|^Environmental Engineering\r$|^Machine Learning Engineering\r$|^Materials Science and Engineering\r$|^Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics\r$|^Nanomaterials\r$|^Peace Engineering\r$|^Robotics and Autonomy\r$|^Vince and Judy Vidas Program in Systems Engineering\r$|^Graduate Minor in Computational Engineering\r$|^Certificate in Construction Management\r$|^Certificate in Engineering Management\r$|^Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Hardware Systems Engineering\r$|^Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Naval Engineering\r$|^Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Peace Engineering\r$|^Certificate in Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Manufacturing\r$|^Certificate in Real Estate\r$|^Certificate in Sustainability and Green Construction\r$|^Certificate in Systems Design and Development\r$|^Certificate in Systems Engineering\r$|^Certificate in Systems Engineering Analysis\r$|^Certificate in Systems Engineering Integrated Logistics\r$|^Certificate in Systems Reliability Engineering\r$

. . . 2. GR Quarter No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: GR Quarter Color: RED Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: ^Accounting\r$|^Adult Education\r$|^Animation\r$|^Applied Behavior Analysis\r$|^Architectural Engineering\r$|^Architecture\r$|^Art History\r$|^Arts Administration\r$|^Arts Administration and Museum Leadership\r$|^Behavioral & Addictions Counseling\r$|^Biomedical Engineering & Science\r$|^Bioscience & Biotechnology\r$|^Biostatistics\r$|^Business Statistics\r$|^Career Integrated Education\r$|^Chemical Engineering\r$|^Chemistry\r$|^Civil Engineering\r$|^Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering\r$|^Communication\r$|^Communication, Culture and Media\r$|^Community Health and Prevention\r$|^Complement & Integrative Therapy\r$|^Computer Science\r$|^Computing Technology\r$|^Construction Management\r$|^Cooperative Management\r$|^Couple & Family Therapy\r$|^Creative Arts in Therapy\r$|^Creative Arts Therapies\r$|^Creative Therapies & Counseling\r$|^Creative Writing\r$|^Creativity Studies\r$|^Data Science\r$|^Design Research\r$|^Digital Media\r$|^E-Learning\r$|^Economics\r$|^Education Human Resource Development\r$|^Education Improvement & Transformation\r$|^Education Learning Technology\r$|^Education Lesson Study\r$|^Education Practitioner\r$|^Education Thesis\r$|^Educational Administration\r$|^Educational Lifelong Literacy\r$|^Educational Policy\r$|^Electrical & Computer Engineering\r$|^Electrical & Computer Engineering - Computers\r$|^Electrical & Computer Engineering - Electroph\r$|^Electrical & Computer Engineering - Power Engineering\r$|^Electrical & Computer Engineering - Systems\r$|^Engineering Geology\r$|^Engineering Management\r$|^Engineering Technology\r$|^Engineering, General\r$|^Entrepreneurship and Innovation\r$|^Environmental & Occupational Health\r$|^Environmental Engineering\r$|^Environmental Policy\r$|^Environmental Science\r$|^Epidemiology\r$|^Fashion Design\r$|^Finance\r$|^Food\r$|^Food Science\r$|^Game Art and Production\r$|^General Business\r$|^Geoscience\r$|^Global & International Education\r$|^Health Management and Policy\r$|^Health Services Administration\r$|^Higher Education\r$|^History\r$|^Hotel & Restaurant Management\r$|^Human Resource Management\r$|^Information Science & Systems\r$|^Inter Professional Studies\r$|^Interdisciplinary STEM\r$|^Interior Design\r$|^International Business\r$|^Legal Studies\r$|^Linguistics\r$|^Management\r$|^Management of Information Systems\r$|^Marketing\r$|^Materials Engineering\r$|^Mathematics\r$|^Mathematics Education\r$|^Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics\r$|^Medical Family Therapy\r$|^Museum Leadership\r$|^Neuroscience\r$|^Nonprofit Management\r$|^Nursing\r$|^Nursing and Health Professions\r$|^Nutrition & Food Science\r$|^Operations Management\r$|^Operations Research\r$|^Organizational Behavior\r$|^Peace Engineering\r$|^Physical Therapy Rehab Science\r$|^Physician Assistant\r$|^Physics\r$|^Political Science\r$|^Production Operations Management\r$|^Professional Studies\r$|^Project Management\r$|^Property Management\r$|^Psychology\r$|^Public Health\r$|^Public Policy\r$|^Publishing\r$|^Real Estate\r$|^Rehabilitation Sciences\r$|^Research\r$|^Retail & Merchandising\r$|^School Psychology\r$|^Science, Technology and Society\r$|^Screenwriting & Playwriting\r$|^Software Engineering\r$|^Special Education\r$|^Sport Coaching Leadership\r$|^Sport Management\r$|^Systems Engineering\r$|^Taxation\r$|^Teacher Education\r$|^Telecommunications\r$|^Television Management\r$|^Transdisciplinary Science, Computing, and Engineering Design\r$|^Urban Strategy\r$|^Visual Studies\r$|^Westphal Studies\r$

. . . 3. GR Semester No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: GR Semester Color: GREEN Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: ^Anatomy\r$|^Anesthesiology\r$|^Biochemistry\r$|^Cancer Biology\r$|^Cardiothoracic Surgery\r$|^Clinical Research\r$|^Clinical Research Health Prof\r$|^Communication & Preventative Medicine (noncredit)\r$|^Communication & Preventitive Medicine (credit)\r$|^Critical Care\r$|^Dermatology\r$|^Drexel Pathway to Medicine\r$|^Emergency Medicine\r$|^Family Medicine\r$|^Forensic Criminalistic Analysis\r$|^Forensic Science\r$|^Histotechnology\r$|^Histotechnology\r$|^Human & Molecular Genetics\r$|^IMS Prog. Interdepartmental Sciences\r$|^Interdepartmental\r$|^Interdiscplinary Health Science\r$|^Interdiscplinary Health Science\r$|^Law\r$|^Legal Studies\r$|^Master of Lab Animal Science\r$|^Master of Lab Animal Science\r$|^Medical and Healthcare Simulation\r$|^Medical Science Preparatory\r$|^Medicine\r$|^Microbiology and Immunology\r$|^MMS Prog. - Masters in Med. Science\r$|^Science\r$|^Molecular & Cellular Bio & Genetics\r$|^Neurology\r$|^Neurology\r$|^Neuroscience\r$|^Neurosurgery\r$|^Obstetrics & Gynecology\r$|^Obstetrics & Gynecology\r$|^Office of Medical Education\r$|^Office of Medical Education\r$|^Orthopedics\r$|^Otolaryngology\r$|^Otolaryngology\r$|^Pathologists Assistant\r$|^Pathology\r$|^Pediatrics\r$|^Pharmacology\r$|^Physical Med & Rehabilitation\r$|^Physiology\r$|^Pre - Medical\r$|^Program in Integrated Learning\r$|^Psychiatry\r$|^Public Health\r$|^Radiation Oncology\r$|^Radiation Sciences\r$|^Radiologic Sciences\r$|^Surgery\r$|^Women.s Health Ed. Program\r$

. . . 4. UG Engineering No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: UG Engineering Color: MAROON Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: Major:.*|^Special Programs\r$|^Architectural Engineering\r$|^Chemical Engineering\r$|^Civil Engineering\r$|^Computer Engineering\r$|^Construction Management\r$|^Electrical Engineering\r$|^Engineering\r$|^Engineering Technology\r$|^Environmental Engineering\r$|^Materials Science and Engineering\r$|^Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics\r$|^Engineering Undeclared\r$|^Architectural Engineering, Building Systems Concentration BS . Architectural Engineering MS\r$|^Architectural Engineering, Structural Concentration BSAE . Civil Engineering, Structural Track MS\r$|^Chemical Engineering BSCHE . Chemical Engineering MSCHE\r$|^Civil Engineering BSCIV . Civil Engineering MSCE\r$|^Civil Engineering BSCIV . Environmental Engineering MSENE\r$|^Computer Engineering BSCE . Computer Engineering MSCE\r$|^Computer Engineering BSCE . Cybersecurity MS\r$|^Computer Engineering BSCE . Electrical Engineering MSEE\r$|^Computer Engineering BSCE . Machine Learning Engineering MSMLE\r$|^Computer Engineering BS . Project Management MS\r$|^Computer Engineering BSCE . Robotics & Autonomy MSRA\r$|^Computer Engineering BSCE . Telecommunications Engineering MSEET\r$|^Electrical Engineering BSEE . Computer Engineering MSCPE\r$|^Electrical Engineering BSEE . Cybersecurity MS\r$|^Electrical Engineering BS . Electrical Engineering MS\r$|^Electrical Engineering BSEE . Machine Learning Engineering MSMLE\r$|^Electrical Engineering BSEE . Robotics & Autonomy MSRA\r$|^Electrical Engineering BSEE . Telecommunications Engineering MSEET\r$|^Environmental Engineering BS.MS\r$|^Environmental Engineering BSENE . Peace Engineering MS\r$|^Materials Science & Engineering BS . Materials Science & Engineering MS\r$|^Mechanical Engineering BSME . Materials Science & Engineering MSMSE\r$|^Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics BSME . MS\r$|^Mechanical Engineering BSME . Peace Engineering MS\r$|^Minor in Architectural Engineering\r$|^Minor in Computer Engineering\r$|^Minor in Computer Engineering\r$|^Minor in Construction Management\r$|^Minor in Electrical Engineering\r$|^Minor in Engineering Leadership\r$|^Minor in Engineering Management\r$|^Minor in Engineering Policy Analysis\r$|^Minor in Engineering Product Development\r$|^Minor in Entertainment Engineering\r$|^Minor in Environmental Engineering\r$|^Minor in Global Engineering\r$|^Minor in Green Energy and Sustainability\r$|^Minor in Materials Science and Engineering\r$|^Minor in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics\r$|^Minor in Nuclear Engineering\r$|^Minor in Robotics and Automation\r$|^Minor in Systems Engineering\r$|^Minor in Technology\r$|^Certificate in Construction Management Concepts\r$|^Certificate in Construction Science\r$|^Fundamentals of Construction Management\r$|^NAE Grand Challenge Scholars Program\r$

. . . 5. UG Quarter No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: UG Quarter Color: BLUE Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: ^Accounting\r$|^Advertising Design\r$|^Africana Studies\r$|^Anatomy\r$|^Animation\r$|^Anthropology\r$|^Arabic\r$|^Architectural Engineering\r$|^Architecture\r$|^Art History\r$|^Arts \r$ Sciences-Interdisp Stud\r$|^Behavioral \r$ Addictions Couns\r$|^Biomedical Engineering \r$ Sci\r$|^Biomedical Engineering Tech\r$|^Bioscience \r$ Biotechnology\r$|^Business Analytics\r$|^Business Statistics\r$|^Chemical Engineering\r$|^Chemical Engineering Chemistry\r$|^Chemistry\r$|^Chinese\r$|^Civic Engagement\r$|^Civil \r$ Arch Engineering\r$|^Civil Engineering\r$|^Civil, Arch \r$ Envr Engr\r$|^Common Exams\r$|^Communication\r$|^Complementary and Integrative Therapies\r$|^Computer Science\r$|^Computing and Informatics\r$|^Computing Technology\r$|^Construction Management\r$|^Cooperative Education\r$|^Creativity Studies\r$|^Criminology \r$ Justice Studies\r$|^Culinary Arts\r$|^Custom-Designed Major\r$|^Dance\r$|^Data Science\r$|^Design \r$ Merchandising\r$|^Digital Media\r$|^Economics\r$|^Education Human Resource Development\r$|^Education Learning Techniques\r$|^Electrical \r$ Computer Engineering\r$|^Electrical \r$ Computer Engineering - Power Engineering\r$|^Electrical \r$ Computer Engineering - Computers\r$|^Electrical \r$ Computer Engineering - Electroph\r$|^Electrical \r$ Computer Engineering - Systems\r$|^Electrical Engineering Lab\r$|^Electrical Engineering Technology\r$|^Emergency Management\r$|^Emergency Medical Services\r$|^Engineering Management\r$|^Engineering, General\r$|^English\r$|^English as a Second Language\r$|^Entertainment \r$ Arts Management\r$|^Entrepreneurship and Innovation\r$|^Environmental Engineering\r$|^Environmental Graphic Design\r$|^Environmental Science\r$|^Environmental Studies \r$ Sustainability\r$|^Fashion Design\r$|^Film \r$ TV Production\r$|^Film \r$ Video\r$|^Film Studies\r$|^Finance\r$|^First-Year Exploratory Studies\r$|^Food Science\r$|^French\r$|^Game Art \r$ Production\r$|^General Business\r$|^General Design Arts\r$|^Geography Education\r$|^German\r$|^Global Studies\r$|^Graphic Design\r$|^Greek\r$|^Health \r$ Society\r$|^Health Sciences\r$|^Health Services Administration\r$|^Hebrew\r$|^History\r$|^Homeland Security Management\r$|^Honors Program\r$|^Hotel \r$ Restaurant Management\r$|^Human Resource Management\r$|^Humanities, General\r$|^Industrial Engineering\r$|^Information Science \r$ Systems\r$|^Interactive Digital Media\r$|^Interior Design\r$|^International Business\r$|^International Studies\r$|^International Studies Abroad\r$|^Italian\r$|^Japanese\r$|^Jewish Studies\r$|^Korean\r$|^Language\r$|^Law\r$|^Legal Studies\r$|^Linguistics\r$|^Management\r$|^Management Information Systems\r$|^Manufacturing Engineering Technology\r$|^Marketing\r$|^Materials Engineering\r$|^Mathematics\r$|^Mathematics Education\r$|^Mechanical Engineering \r$ Mechanics\r$|^Mechanical Engineering Technology\r$|^Medical Billing \r$ Coding\r$|^Middle East and North Africa Studies\r$|^Military Science\r$|^Music\r$|^Music Industry Program\r$|^Naval Science\r$|^Neuroscience\r$|^Nutrition \r$ Food Science\r$|^Operations Management\r$|^Operations Research\r$|^Organizational Behavior\r$|^Peace Engineering\r$|^Performing Arts\r$|^Philosophy\r$|^Philosophy, Politics and Economics\r$|^Photography\r$|^Physics\r$|^Physics - Environmental Science\r$|^Physiology\r$|^Portuguese\r$|^Printing Technology Management\r$|^Professional Studies\r$|^Project Management\r$|^Property Management\r$|^Public Health\r$|^Radiologic Sciences\r$|^Real Estate Management \r$ Development\r$|^Religious Studies\r$|^Retail Leadership\r$|^Russian\r$|^Science, Technology and Society\r$|^Screenwriting \r$ Playwriting\r$|^Sociology\r$|^Software Engineering\r$|^Spanish\r$|^Special Education\r$|^Sport Coaching Leadership\r$|^Sport Management\r$|^Statistics\r$|^STEM Teacher Education\r$|^Study Abroad - Performing Arts\r$|^Systems Engineering\r$|^Taxation\r$|^Teacher Education\r$|^Theatre\r$|^TV Industry \r$ Enterprise\r$|^TV Information \r$ Technology\r$|^TV Production\r$|^TV Studies\r$|^University - Wide Courses\r$|^University - Wide Courses\r$|^University - Wide Courses\r$|^University - Wide Courses\r$|^University - Wide Courses\r$|^University - Wide Courses\r$|^University - Wide Courses\r$|^University - Wide Courses\r$|^University - Wide Courses\r$|^Visual Studies\r$|^VR and Immersive Media Design\r$|^Web \r$ Motion Graphic Design\r$|^WEST Studies\r$|^Women.s and Gender Studies\r$|^Women.s Studies$

. . . 6. UG Semester No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: UG Semester Color: Purple Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: ^Course Descriptions\r$|^Semester\r$|^Undergraduate\r$|^Biochemistry\r$|^Emergency Medicine\r$|^Family Medicine\r$|^Medical Science Preparatory\r$|^Medicine\r$|^Neurology\r$|^Obstetrics \r$ Gynecology\r$|^Office of Medical Education\r$|^Orthopedics\r$|^Otolaryngology\r$|^Pathology\r$|^Pediatrics\r$|^Pre-Medical\r$|^Psychiatry\r$|^Surgery\r$|^Index\r$

Facility Ventilation:

. . . 1. Germicidal No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Germicidal Color: BLUE Access Object: Germicidal

. . . 2. airborne contagions No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: airborne contagions Color: GREEN Access Object: airborne contagions|airborne virus|airborne|infection

. . . 3. ventilation No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: ventilation Color: RED Access Object: ventilation|natural ventilation|mechanical ventilation|UV ventilation

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