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Use the Air Changes Calculation to Determine Room CFM

Engineering room airflow may present a real challenge when balancing an HVAC system. Most calculations only use the heat loss or gain of a room to decide on required airflow and often don’t take into consideration required room ventilation needs. Let’s take a look at how an air change calculation may simplify this step in your air balancing.

What is an Air Change?

An air change is how many times the air enters and exits a room from the HVAC system in one hour. Or, how many times a room would fill up with the air from the supply registers in sixty minutes.  

You can then compare the number of room air changes to the Required Air Changes Table below. If it’s in the range, you can proceed to design or balance the airflow and have an additional assurance that you’re doing the right thing. If it’s way out of range, you’d better take another look.

The Air Changes Formula

To calculate room air changes, measure the supply airflow into a room, multiply the CFM times 60 minutes per hour. Then divide by the volume of the room in cubic feet:

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In plain English, we’re changing CFM into Cubic Feet per Hour (CFH). Then we calculate the volume of the room by multiplying the room height times the width times the length. Then we simply divide the CFH by the volume of the room.

Here’s an example of how a full formula works:
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Now, compare 7.5 air changes per hour to the required air changes for that type of room on the Air Changes per Hour Table below. If it’s a lunch or break room that requires 7-8 air changes per hour, you’re right on target. If it’s a bar that needs 15-20 air changes per hour, it’s time to reconsider.


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Room CFM Formula

Let’s look at this engineering formula differently. For example, what if the airflow is unknown and you need to calculate the required CFM for a room? Here is a four-step process on how to calculate the room CFM:

Step One – Use the above Air Changes per Hour Table to identify the required air changes needed for the use of the room. Let’s say it’s a conference room requiring 10 air changes per hour.

Step Two - Calculate the volume of the room (L’xW’xH’).

Step Three - Multiply the volume of the room by the required room air changes.

Step Four Divide the answer by 60 minutes per Hour to find the required room CFM:

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Here’s an example of how to work the formula:

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When designing or balancing a system requiring additional airflow for ventilation purposes, remember this room will normally demand constant fan operation when occupied. This may present a problem for other rooms on the same zone, so take that into consideration.

Many of these rooms may require a significant amount of outdoor air. The BTU content of this air has to be included in the heat gain or heat loss of the building when determining the size of the heating and cooling equipment.

Practice these calculations several times in the shop or office. Then do the calculations in the field several times over the next week to check airflow in rooms with uncommon ventilation requirements. Study the Air Changes per Hour Table to become familiar with the rooms that need more ventilation than the heating or cooling load requires.

Rob “Doc” Falke serves the industry as president of National Comfort Institute, an HVAC-based training company and membership organization. If you're an HVAC contractor or technician interested in a free Air Changes Calculation Procedure, contact Doc at or call him at 800-633-7058. Go to NCI’s website at for free information, articles, and downloads.

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Posted by sguttmann
May 27th, 2021 12:38pm
I am concerned that this article fundamentally misses the mark when it comes to determining how much air should be delivered to any space. There are typically three criteria that need to be met when determining air quantities:
(1) providing adequate heating and cooling to meet interior and exterior loads in a space;
(2) providing Code minimum (or more) fresh air ventilation to a space for breathing (i.e. preventing a build-up of CO2 or other indoor pollutants, and using ASHRAE 62.1 or other applicable Codes/Standards); and
(3) providing adequate dilution of hazardous indoor pollutants (usually a concern only in "process" spaces such as laboratories, and in theory the goal of ASHRAE 62.1 as well).
Only one of these three criteria (#3) is air change driven, and systems serving these types of spaces typically use 100% outside air. Criteria #1 and #2 are not air change driven, and rules of thumb (while appropriate for initial capacity projections) should never be used for a final design. The most fundamental omission in this article is that without knowing the percentage of outdoor air being brought in through the air handling system, air changes per hour can never properly estimate whether Code minimum ventilation is being satisfied. I suggest to the readers of this article that applying these rules of thumb would be a negligent act.
Posted by rio.tiampong
Oct 12th, 2020 7:51am
Is improper airchange and operation of FAHU can cause moisture and condensation inside the building ??? Please say something..
Posted by simon_ejom
Aug 27th, 2020 1:26am
We experience problem of pressure balancing (DP) and temperature we are using AHUS for cooling. any advise on how to handle this problem thanks
Posted by hail46
Apr 7th, 2018 8:18am
I think someone tried to stealyour article...
Posted by khalidalpheniqllc
Feb 26th, 2017 1:55pm
Dear Mr. Rob ,

First of all i would like to thanks for your kind information . I have a query related to Heat load calculation , like when we are doing heat load calculation for kitchen is it necessary to consider ACH for kitchen . If yes then , what would be the ACH for the residential kitchen .

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