Sheet Last Modified: 04-29-2021    
School:  Motivation High School KIPP Turner West Middle School 
Vendor: Capital
Vendor: Devine Devine Part 2
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Classroom ID / Area ID Number Classroom / Area Type supplied  Actual Mechanical System Outside Air CFM (OA) Mechanical System Occupancy (OA CFM / 15) Active Pure Unit Installed Classroom / Area Square Footage Square Footage Occupancy (SqFt / 44) Maximum Occupancy per Room Type of Unit
A-PreK Corridor Corridor 314 20 600 13 13 Univent
A-PreK North Entrance-A Corridor 490 32 243 5 5 Univent
A-PreK North Entrance-B Corridor 548 36 480 10 10 Univent
A-PreK South Corridor Corridor 324 21 550 12 12 Univent
A-Wing Head Start Mech. Rm Head Start PreK A169 & A170 349 23 1440 32 23 Air Handling Unit
A-Wing-Café Mech. Rm 2nd & 3rd Flr. Staff Seminar Rms 1734 115 0 0 Air Handling Unit
A-Wing-Café Mech. Rm 3rd Flr 0 50 1 0 Air Handling Unit
A-Wing-Café Mech. Rm 2nd Flr 0 50 1 0 Air Handling Unit
A-Wing-Café Mech. Rm Ground Flr. Administration 351 23 0 0 Air Handling Unit
A130 Gym 410 27 2552 58 27 Heating Ventilation Unit
A108 Locker Rm A108 0 0 0 0 Heating Ventilation Unit
A152 Locker Rm A152 1340 89 690 15 15 Heating Ventilation Unit
A162 Storage A154 Corrective Gym 306 20 5192 118 20 Heating Ventilation Unit
A165 Storage 0 0 5,192 118 0 Heating Ventilation Unit
B-157 B-155 Fitness Rm 1593 106 1,150 26 26 Univent
MER Rm B146 B-Wing 555 37 1,012 23 23 Air Handling Unit
B-Wing B137 B-139 A, B, C, D 2003 133 4,134 93 93 Air Handling Unit
B101 Cafeteria B-Wing Roof 320 21 9,405 213 21 Air Handling Unit
House Coord North 3rd & 2nd Flr B-Wing Roof 67 4 0 0 Air Handling Unit
B318 B-Wing Roof 0 800 18 0 Air Handling Unit
B218 B-Wing Roof 0 800 18 0 Air Handling Unit
House Coord South 3rd & 2nd Flr B-Wing Roof 126 8 0 0 Air Handling Unit
B306 B-Wing Roof 0 800 18 0 Air Handling Unit
B206 B-Wing Roof 0 800 18 0 Air Handling Unit
B325 IMC Library B-Wing Roof 7 0 851 19 0 Air Handling Unit
139A Classroom 0 880 20 0
139B Classroom 0 987 22 0
139C Classroom 0 884 20 0
139D Classroom 0 1,035 23 0
151 Classroom 0 Yes 1824 41 41
152 Classroom 0 Yes 1,170 26 26
B196 Classroom 376 25 567 12 12 Univent
B197 Classroom 755 50 962 21 21 Univent
B198 Classroom 739 49 792 18 18 Univent
B200 Classroom 1468 97 1,564 35 35 Univent
B201 Classroom 673 44 850 19 19 Univent
B202 Classroom 172 11 748 17 11 Univent
B203 Classroom 673 44 748 17 17 Univent
B204 Classroom 143 9 759 17 9 Univent
B205 Classroom 555 37 720 16 16 Univent
B207 Classroom 629 41 748 17 17 Univent
B208 Classroom 640 42 759 17 17 Univent
B209 Classroom 108 7 816 18 7 Univent
B210 Classroom 630 42 720 16 16 Univent
B211 Classroom 350 23 720 16 16 Univent
B212 Classroom 538 35 1,326 30 30 Univent
B213 Classroom 244 16 759 17 16 Univent
B214 Classroom 0 0 759 17 0 Univent
B215 Classroom 341 22 748 17 17 Univent
B216 Classroom 339 22 748 17 17 Univent
B217 Classroom 273 18 624 14 14 Univent
B219 Classroom 378 25 748 17 17 Univent
B220 Classroom 242 16 759 17 16 Univent
B221 Classroom 456 30 816 18 18 Univent
B222 Classroom 633 42 598 13 13 Univent
B223 Classroom 642 42 690 15 15 Univent
B301 Classroom 200 13 850 19 13 Univent
B302 Classroom 129 8 748 17 8 Univent
B304 Classroom 630 42 1,564 35 35 Univent
B305 Classroom 150 10 720 16 10 Univent
306 Classroom 0 Yes 900 20 20
B307 Classroom 193 12 748 17 12 Univent
B308 Classroom 110 7 759 17 7 Univent
B309 Classroom 186 12 816 18 12 Univent
B310 Classroom 196 13 720 16 13 Univent
B311 Classroom 222 14 720 16 14 Univent
B312 Classroom 691 46 1,326 30 30 Univent
B313 Classroom 264 17 759 17 17 Univent
B314 Classroom 436 29 759 17 17 Univent
B315 Classroom 198 13 748 17 13 Univent
B316 Classroom 160 10 748 17 10 Univent
B317 Classroom 198 13 624 14 13 Univent
318 Classroom 0 Yes 900 20 20
B319 Classroom 304 20 748 17 17 Univent
B320 Classroom 144 9 759 17 9 Univent
B321 Classroom 290 19 816 18 18 Univent
B322 Classroom 213 14 598 13 13 Univent
B323 Classroom 156 10 690 15 10 Univent
B324 Classroom 577 38 1435 32 32 Univent
Main Office Main Office 0 Yes 950 21 21
Teachers Lounge Lounge 0 Yes 728 16 16
Nurse Office 0 Yes 910 20 20
C-Wing Auditorium
 Music Rm
346 23 Yes 1476 33 33 Air Handling Unit
C-Wing Auditorium Comm. Rm. 1811 120 7,392 168 120 Air Handling Unit
C-Wing Auditorium/ Auditorium Stage 3862 257 1,890 42 42 Air Handling Unit
Head Start
 Mech Rm.
B110 Learning Lab & B104 Student Store 457 30 81 1 1 Air Handling Unit