PMC lighting powered by vital vio

White Light Antimicrobial Technology

We all know the importance of eliminating bacteria, mold and fungi. Hospitals, sports arenas, day cares and airports spend thousands of dollars trying to keep germs, and the infections they cause, at bay.

With the cost of treating illnesses caused by bacterial infections on the rise, reducing the growth of germs that cause them has become a top priority. It’s clear that our current procedures, including the intermittent use of chemical sprays and wipes, aren’t enough.  We need additional tools.  And that’s where the continuous antimicrobial power of Vital Vio™ can be put to work.

Vital Vio’s Antimicrobial White Light emits a true white light, that dramatically reduces contamination and infection risk with the flip of switch.

The Science of Vital Vio’s White Light Antimicrobial Technology

vital vio germ kiling technology

Vital Vio’s antimicrobial technology emits a spectrum of light that damages multiple cell structures within microorganisms. This results in the death of the bacterial cell, without causing any harm to the people, pets and plants in the room.

This light touches the surfaces of a room – the same ones we do, — providing us with illumination, while working to dramatically reduce illness causing bacteria.

Unlike UV light, Vital Vio’s Antimicrobial White Light harnesses light in the 400-405nm range which is approved for continuous use for multi-cellular organisms.

The International Electrotechnical Commission – the international standards organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies – has certified, as administered by Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL), that products Powered by Vital Vio are for continuous and restricted use around people, pets and plants.

And because it’s as easy as flipping a switch, using Vital Vio’s Antimicrobial White Light doesn’t interrupt the daily activities of a space. No longer do hospitals have to wait for routine cleaning times, or restaurants have to wait for patrons to leave, to begin disinfecting the space. The continuous nature of these lights also removes the human error in cleaning, ensuring effective antimicrobial action around the clock.

PMC Lighting Powered by Vital Vio

The natural and powerful fit of PMC Lighting’s Build-2-Spec Philosophy and Vital Vio’s Antimicrobial White Light meets PMC’s commitment to delivering on 3 Basic Principles:
Innovation, Integration, and Inspiration.

Innovation: Working With You To Create a Build-2-Spec luminaire that will be attractive while also saving energy and delivering  the disinfecting power of Vital Vio.

Integration: Modifying Standard Products to meet the requirements of the specific Vital Vio application or aesthetic preferences.

Inspiration: A preferred color scheme or consistent branding in a particular space can be achieved in businesses wishing to utilize Vital Vio.

PMC’s Build-2-Spec focus means that you will receive a precisely engineered luminaire that meets your space needs. In an existing structure, this means a space where a standard fixture will not fit can have the protection and benefit of infection control. It will allow customization of space.

In a new structure or renovated building, you will not sacrifice design and style for the utility of infection reduction by Vital Vio.

This Build-2-Spec ability to customize by PMC Lighting proves a natural fit for those looking to combine form and function.

Download our printable pūr-led brochure

pūr-led™ Powered By Vital Vio

pūr-led™ luminaries will join clean, modern, and stylish looks with Vital Vio’s Antimicrobial White Light Technology. Whether you have a unique space that needs a Build-2-Spec fixture, or you have a more standard space that one of our ready-to-install fixture options will work in, you will achieve the perfect blend of design form and antimicrobial function for any room or structure.

pur led powered by vital vio

A Leader in the Industry

Vital Vio is the leader in clinical research for antimicrobial white light. Want proof? Click below to view detailed case studies and results from internal and independent research on the Efficacy of 405 Light.
prevention infection with Vital Vio
preventing infection with Vital Vio technology

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this technology safe?

While using light to reduce germs is not a new practice, using Vital Vio’s antimicrobial light technology is. The most commonly recognized way is Ultra Violet (UV) light. Unfortunately, the UV wavelength of 250 nm damages DNA, and is harmful to human skin and eyes.

Vital Vio’s Antimicbrobial White Light emits light at a 400-405 nm wavelength that kills single cell organisms (like bacteria) but causes no harm to multicellular ones (like humans).

Do these lights also kill naturally occurring, healthy bacteria on humans?

A majority of good bacteria lives inside your gut – which is unaffected by outside light. Any good bacteria on your skin usually lives one or two layers down, and is often covered by clothing.

Any good bacteria on your skin killed by disinfecting light is minimal, and those that are would naturally repopulate over time.

What bacteria can light fixtures powered by Vital Vio kill?

Vital Vio’s lighting technology has been proven effective in killing gram negative and gram positive bacteria, bacterial endospores, yeast, mold and fungi. Please inquire with PMC for a full list and specific research and case studies testing the germs of most concern to you.

What areas can be disinfected by lights powered by Vital Vio?

Vital Vio’s Antimicrobial White Light works by dramatically reducing bacteria on any surface it touches. Any place your eyes can see illuminated is being affected by Vital Vio technology.

What about when the lights are off?

The longer Vital Vio’s Antimicrobial White Light is on, the better it works. When a room is not in use, lights powered by Vital Vio have the option to be turned to “Enhanced Antimicrobial Mode” which kills with 2X the antimicrobial dosage.

Will these lights fit within my current structure, or design plan?

With PMC Lighting’s Build-2-Spec ability to customize lighting, we can create a fixture that will fit any existing space or design style. Now you can take advantage of Vital Vio’s Antimicrobial White Light Technology, without sacrificing design or space.

Learn More about PMC Lighting Powered by Vital vio

Have more questions about Vital Vio’s Antimicrobial White Light Technology or about PMC Lighting’s Build-2-Spec Lighting? Click the button below to find your local lighting agent who would be more than happy to get you all the information you need.