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COVID-19 Research From
A Systems Perspective

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This systems engineering research and analysis is complete. Our work has transitioned to address the serious infrastructure ventilation problems that this research surfaced. For information on our current activities see Sustainable and Healthy Facility Ventilation in the 21st Century and Ventilation Quality Improvement Indicators and Data Collection (QIDC). For access to our COVID-19 research from a systems perspective we have released Part 1 in a book COVID-19 A Systems Perspective. For access to our Part 2 and Part 3 research, contact us and we will provide you with our research.  Contact Us

Systems Work

Systems Practices

Systems Design

Systems Perspective



System Architecture

Systems Software

This research is being performed using the memex. The memex was first conceived in 1945 in a paper called As We May Think. Since 1945 generations of engineers and scientists have worked tirelessly to make the memex a reality and you know it as the Internet. Its original purpose was to Educate and perform Research. E-commerce and social media came much later and many that used the Internet for Research and Education have died. The memex is being used by healthcare providers around the world to deal with the COVID-19 disaster in real time. Please forward the information on this page to everyone everywhere.

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