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Download DVA

  1. select download now - put it someplace where you can find it (e.g. C:/z-shareware/cassbeth)
  2. when download completes find installdva.exe and double click it
  3. follow install instructions
  4. start DVA by going to your Start Menu, look for CassBeth DVA and select Start DVA
  5. when browser starts up, wait till DVA default page with lots of links is displayed
  6. press submit
  7. enter the activation keys: Demo Keys for full function keys Buy Now
  8. respond to the license and wait till DVA default page with lots of links is displayed
  9. this completes the install of DVA

Win95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, ME using Netscape or IE or other browsers
let us know if it works on your APPLE
Various UNIX platforms avaliable upon request

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