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Download NMT

Select this link to Download Current Version or Other Versions including zip (Compressed) then follow the steps below

Installer Instructions - we have transitioned to .zip files for many reasons go to the Compressed Instructions

1. select download now - put it someplace where you can find it (e.g. C:/z-shareware/cassbeth)
2. when download completes, Right click on the zip file, select properties, and uncheck Blocked, or the software will not run properly
3. find installnmt.exe and double click it, follow install instructions
4. start NMT by going to your Start Menu, look for CassBeth NMT and select Start NMT
5. when browser starts up, wait till NMT default page with lots of links is displayed
6. press submit
7. enter the activation keys: Demo Keys
for full function keys Buy Now
8. respond to the license and wait till NMT default page with lots of links is displayed
9. this completes the install of NMT

Compressed Instructions Use this if you are prevented from using the Installer or if you are prevented from downloading .zip files

1. For the zip version download the .zip or  .freedom version
2. If you downloaded .freedom rename it to .zip
3. Right click on the zip file, select properties, and uncheck Blocked, or the software will not run properly
4. unzip (uncompress) the file (make sure it is Unblocked)
5. place it on your C drive as C:\z-cassbeth
6. go to C:\z-cassbeth\NMT
7. look for startNMT.exe, create a shortcut, and select Start NMT
8. follow steps 6 - 9 in the Installer Instructions

This is the way programs were installed in the past. It provides full visibility into where the program resides and executes on your computer.

Will not work with Chrome (goolge browser). They are blocking all programs that run on your platform that use Internet technologies like Apache.

Win95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, ME, 7 and beyond using Firefox or IE or other browsers
let us know if it works on your APPLE using a PC emulator
Online on our servers
Various UNIX platforms avaliable upon request


NMT returns information about a network under analysis. It begins with selecting a host destination and directing the engine to perform analysis based on user defined settings.

Release History

Release 0.4.5 November 21, 2006

Intial release based on GDA

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