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Download SAT

Select one of these links to Download Current Version or Other Versions including zip (Compressed) then follow the steps below

Installer Instructions

1. select download now - put it someplace where you can find it (e.g. C:/z-shareware/cassbeth)
2. when download completes, Right click on the file, select properties, and uncheck Blocked, or the software will not run properly
3. find installSAT.exe and double click it, follow install instructions
4. start SAT by going to your Start Menu, look for CassBeth SAT and select Start SAT
5. when browser starts up, wait till SAT default page with lots of links is displayed
6. press submit
7. enter the activation keys: Demo Keys
for full function keys Buy Now
8. respond to the license and wait till SAT default page with lots of links is displayed
9. this completes the install of SAT

NOTE: This will not work with Chrome (google) browser, see below.

Compressed Instructions Use this if you are prevented from using the Installer

1. For the zip version download the .zip or  .freedom version
2. If you downloaded .freedom rename it to .zip
3. Right click on the zip file, select properties, and uncheck Blocked, or the software will not run properly
4. unzip (uncompress) the file (make sure it is Unblocked)
5. place it on your C drive as C:\z-cassbeth
6. go to C:\z-cassbeth\SAT
7. look for startSAT.exe, create a shortcut, and select Start SAT
8. follow steps 6 - 9 in the Installer Instructions

NOTE: This will not work with Chrome (google) browser, see below.

Note: This is the way programs were installed in the past. It provides full visibility into where the program goes and executes on your computer.

Will not work with Chrome (goolge browser). They are blocking all programs that run on your platform that use Internet technologies like Apache.

Win95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, ME, 7 and beyond using Netscape or IE or other browsers
let us know if it works on your APPLE
Various UNIX platforms avaliable upon request


The need for clear consistent testable specifications has been apparent for over 2 decades. The approaches have been to to create formal specification methods or to manage informal written words, requirement statements, which represent requirements. The latter has become the primary method of creating specifications for most organizations. The System Requirements Database (SRDB) has been introduced to help manage requirement statements, however the SRDB, though effective at showing parent child relationships and managing attributes does not address the fundamental problem of creating a clear consistent testable requirement object. Different organizations have unique ad hoc solutions to this dilemma. What has surfaced is the potential need for a method and tool to analyze a specification and provide guidance in corrective actions. The current approaches are to attempt to encode the rules within a tool, hidden from the user. However empirical data suggests that organizations have different rules for what they consider valid requirement statements and so what is needed is a method and tool that will allow each organization to encode their own specification analysis rules.

The Specification and Analysis Tool (SAT) is a method and tool that allows each organization to codify their own 'working' specification analysis rules. Embedded within SAT are certain fundamental principals such as services and layering of services from simple to complex. This principal allows the tool to immediately provide results to the organization as the rules mature and SAT mining techniques are refined.

Release History

Release 1.6 April 17, 2016


- updated to run on Win7 and beyond
- updated for install to use compressed download so everyone can install no matter what


Release 1.5 February 16, 2013



- updated demo keys and added demo keys link
- added other two book image
- updated installed company info to be CassBeth
- updated Apache to include FMT in conf file

Release 1.4 March 10, 2009



- Corrected problem associated with new parameter added in 1.3

Release 1.3 February 22, 2009

- New parameter added allowing rule set to mine objects bound by various categories. In this case there was a GDA need to find dollar appropriations based on different power generation approaches in President Obamas' American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

- updated APACHE to show full file name in template, history, and document areas


Release 1.2 October 18, 2008

- Offered free version that displays book and link


- Updaded key management system

Release 1.1 Decmber 02, 2007

- added .{25,} to noise words pattern

- updated keys
- updated help files
- updated default keys

- fixed spelling errors
- removed service PUI artifact

Release 1.0 October 09, 2007

- Removed third party license mechanism
- Added library descriptions
- Removed Demo version analysis restrictions all data is now provided

- Provided stop now for large documents
- Improved GUI
- Moved help and libraries to top of page
- Reduced size

- Changed exit to make sure Apache child process fully shuts down on all installations
- Removed outdated power point presentations

Release 0.4.5 November 21, 2006

- Added search check boxes to Analysis Results to perform on the spot searches while reviewing objects
- Changed search radio buttons to check boxes to perform multi-searches in Accessed Words and Patterns
- Added Show Search check box for fast rule changes and ad hoc searches

- Provided exit feature to shut down apache server
- Added check boxes to quickly hide unwanted report areas
- Added PUI link to Analysis Report search returns

- Changed startup to delete previously uploaded files

Release 0.4.4 August 28, 2006

- added Plain Language template to support Plain Language Analysis
- added Plan Language Guidelines
- added Risk Attribute to Rules
- added Risk Filter to Analysis Results
- added Risk to Metrics

- modified Show Processed Upload option to show Analysis Results in full context (full document with findings)
- modified Analysis Results to show Triggered Objects only once rather than for each service
- updated noise filter with 3 patterns

- converted tick mark in Rule Comment attribute so it is not confused with user HTML tag links
- added Plain Language Analysis branding to core engine
- removed compiled perl execution time remnants in application layer

Release 0.4.3 June 04, 2006

- updated parse text service to include user defined rules and OLE processing
- added Excel file SRDB export
- added Excel file metrics export
- added HTML navigation to audio power point training presentations (CD version)

- updated help
- provided ability to modify service name
- added access and reject filters
- auto set Strip HTML Tags

- filtered metrics summary features for non SAT engine applications
- updated product key processing
- fixed full context HTML report access to 1st object
- fixed duplicate show rules settings
- fixed accessed patterns alpha sort search

Release 0.4.2 Feb 27, 2006

- added ability for user to accept or reject each finding
- added norm metric rule attribute

- added ability for user to accept or reject each finding
- fixed weak words link

- fixed no rules check boxes
- moved to generic status for release to other domains
- filtered hidden unused HTML settings
- fixed RTA metrics flag
- updated license

Release 0.4.1 Feb 17, 2006

- added display filters to show findings with full comments or summary findings with links to details
- added hyper linked full context report to analysis results
- audio power point training presentations (CD version)

- created super set of requirement text analysis rules for users with limited specification history
- added help use cases

- fixed search for duplicates service metrics

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