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Facility Ventilation Reporting - FVR System

The FVR System lets you access a public database showing facility ventilation performance levels.

Visiting a facility - check out the ventilation levels.
No data - make fast observations & get ventilation level results.
Facility staff - enter your data & get ventilation level results.
Companies - enter your data & get ventilation level results.
Government - enter your test results & get ventilation level results.
Others - make observations or enter your data & get ventilation level results.

F V S E - Facility Ventilation Search Engine
Request Entry of One or More Facilities or enter below.

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 Visiting a facility, view ventilation status

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Site Surveyors

 & Experienced Users

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 Search or Enter ACH Data

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Ventilation Basics

A building ventilation system is a life support system.

If the ventilation is not working properly people will be infected by airborne contagions.

Ventilation performance is key to ensure that the risk of infection is minimized or eliminated in a room.

Ventilation is measured in terms of Air Changes per Hour (ACH) or Equivalent (eACH) for UV based systems.

If the ACH is zero people will be infected by an airborne contagion.

As the ACH level increases the risk of infection drops.

For hospital rooms with airborne contagions the CDC recommends a minimum of 12 ACH.

The Heating Ventilation and Cooling (HVAC) systems and UV systems are the primary approaches used to ventilate buildings.

Many  buildings have poor maintenance with closed off vents, failed fans, or poor operations where the system is turned off when people are present.

Many  buildings have systems that are too small.

The Facility Ventilation Reporting service allows people to take control of their environments and examine the ventilation rates of the buildings that they visit.

Anyone can add buildings to the database if there is no data.

The CAB data is a summary of a facility.

The ACH data (including eACH) has multiple rooms found in a facility.

The data currently is based on visitor observations and site surveys some of which is Certified by Government authorities.

In the future, there will be real time data providing the latest ventilation status.

embedded video

How to start: Just start pressing the buttons above.

Why should facility occupants participate:

  1. Occupants are alerted to ventilation problems just like smoke detectors alert occupants to fire hazards.
  2. Social media and crowdsourcing ventilation data will significantly help to deal with airborne contagion risk.

Why should facilities disclose their ventilation data in the public database:

  1. All things being equal, people and companies will avoid facilities that will not disclose their ventilation data.
  2. Occupants want to know and they have a right to know the ventilation levels in the facilities they visit.

Why should facilities install the new Ventilation Alarms System:

  1. Sensors are right at the interface vent rather than down stream giving accurate real time ventilation data for each room to ensure the building is properly balanced and not wasting energy.
  2. Sensors today are for a zone and a zone typically serves multiple rooms, someone may have closed the vents in a room, with no indication of the serious problem.
  3. Sensors today do not alert occupants to ventilation problems, they only alert maintenance staff.
  4. Accurate data is available for labs that must prove via documented evidence the ventilation levels needed for certification in a room.
  5. Costly site surveys with poor and old data results are no longer needed.
  6. Employers have real data that they properly responded to the ventilation problems that the COVID-19 disaster surfaced.
  7. Building owners can use this as a fact based value discriminator to increase occupancy rates and bring people back into empty offices.
  8. All things being equal, early adopters will attract greater revenues when companies and people decide which facilities they will pick.
  9. Self insured employers will have reduced health care costs.
  10. Over 1 million people died and the country was shut down for almost 2 years. It is clear that we must not allow our facilities to cause another airborne infection disaster ever again.
  11. There is much more that we uncovered to justify investment in this system.

Still hesitant...

Learn More: Building Ventilation

Deep Learning: Clean Air Buildings

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