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General Document Analysis

The General Document Analysis tool is a new revolutionary analysis tool to help users analyze documents. This includes everyone, everywhere, including you. GDA comes loaded with sample templates for getting started in analysis. These templates can be exchanged between friends, associates, and anyone else when published on the Internet. Here are some examples if how GDA can help you with your documents:

Constitutional Analysis for historians, think tanks, non profits, teachers, high school students, university students, professors, researchers

Generic Document Analysis for anyone anywhere that has used a highlighter pen to figure out what is inside a document

Legislation Analysis for legislators, policy makers, staff, lawyers, citizens, think tanks, non profits, companies, government, teachers, high school students, university students, professors, researchers

Plain Language Analysis for writers, editors, linguists, executives, managers, staff, citizens, policy makers, lawyers, legislators, think tanks, non profits, companies, government, teachers, high school students, university students, professors, researchers

Policy Document Analysis for executives, managers, staff, citizens, policy makers, lawyers, legislators, think tanks, non profits, companies, government, teachers, high school students, university students, professors, researchers

Screen Plays Analysis for writers, editors, actors, directors, producers, television, film, sound, lighting, set designers

Rhetorical Document Analysis for anyone looking for signs of obfuscation

College essay Analysis for students engaged in all forms of writing, term papers, thesis, college, graduate, law, and medical school acceptance applications

GDA is simple to use:

You upload your document and press submit.

Your results are listed with color, status, and descriptive text of the finding.

Too much information, no problem, enable and disable the reports as you need to accomplish your analysis and study.

Need to modify or create a rule, just check show rules and author what you need.

Rules are grouped into services so that you can perform very different analysis within a single template.

Rules are independent of your uploaded file format. Your file can be an HTML, spreadsheet, or a text version of your document.

In the end metrics are gathered so that you can make quantitative comparisons.

The beauty of GDA is its ability for you to define your own rules. It comes preloaded with a set of rules that allow you to immediately start your studies while at the same time providing you with real world examples to help you synthesize your special rules for your world.


FAA History Mining

Policy Document Analysis
Stern Review Global Warming
U.S. Climate Change Technology Program Strategic Plan
Mandate For Leadership The Conservative Promise Project 2025 PRESIDENTIAL TRANSITION PROJECT

FAA History Mining

In 2017 a need surfaced to mine the history of the FAA. A template was developed and a document housing several thousand history events was developed as part of a special release of GDA. It is available from the download page. Just select other versions. This will take you to a directory housing and other gda-faa install file methods. Follow the Compressed Instructions on the download page to install. Once installed select the browse button, load the all-history.txt document select a rule such as NAFEC and press submit. The journey through the FAA history while mining this document is fascinating and critical for all who engage in policy affecting the FAA.

Startup Shutdown

FAA Privatization Information

Eno Center For Transportation Report
Eno Center For Transportation Aviation Working Group

American Federation of Government Employees click on links to access key PDF files
National Federation of Federal Employees click on links to access key PDF files
Creating an ATC Corporation Raises Concerns, Pentagon Say

A Systems Engineering Perspective



Other Tools

Search and Mining

Fuzzy Mining Tool

General Document Analysis

Medical Transcript Analysis

Specification Analysis Tool

Plain Language Analysis Tool

Legislative Analysis Tool

Constitutional Analysis Tool

Legal Document Analysis


Template Suggestions


Engine Suggestions

Alternative Application Requests

A Systems Engineering Perspective

Policy Document Analysis

Stern Review Global Warming
U.S. Climate Change Technology Program Strategic Plan
Mandate For Leadership The Conservative Promise Project 2025 PRESIDENTIAL TRANSITION PROJECT

Stern Review Global Warming

In late 2006 we used the Plan Language Analysis (PLA) Tool to analyze a Global Warming document from the European union: "GREEN PAPER A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy". Our findings are published on our PLA web portal.

From that experience an effort was initiated to try to understand how individuals, organizations, governments and international entities accomplish things. The following new services for a Policy Document Analysis surfaced: Broad Approaches, Institutions, Organizational Tool, and Nation State Tools.

Early in 2007 we were introduced to the Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change. We subjected the Stern Review to our Generic Document Analysis (GDA) tool. This effort tool approximately 3 days to complete, including the writing of this report and updating the web portals. The findings are captured in a final analysis report  (pdf) and the individual GDA pervious analysis templates.

Analysis Results (pdf)

Broad Approaches . Institutions . Societal Approaches

Organizational Tools . Nation State Tools . International Tools . Social Warnings

National Roles . International Roles . Special Interests

Emotions.html . Overall Reaction

U.S. Climate Change Technology Program Strategic Plan

In December of 2006 the United States released the U.S. Climate Change Technology Program STRATEGIC PLAN from the Executive Office of the President, U.S. Climate Change Technology Program, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585, . We analyzed this plan and the results are as follows:

Global Warming Compare (pdf)

Broad Approaches . Institutions . Societal Approaches

Organizational Tools . Nation State Tools . International Tools . Social Warnings

National Roles . International Roles . Special Interests

Emotions.html . Overall Reaction

Kindle Books
System Engineering for the Planet
Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering

Project 2025

Mandate For Leadership The Conservative Promise, Project 2025 PRESIDENTIAL TRANSITION PROJECT

by The Heritage Foundation.

From Project 2025: The 2025 Presidential Transition Project is the conservative movement’s unified effort to be ready for the next conservative Administration to govern at 12:00 noon, January 20, 2025.

On April 21, 2023 the Heritage Foundation released: Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise ISBN 978-0-89195-174-2. There are PDF files available on the Internet. A PDF version was downloaded from

We analyzed this policy document and the results are as follows. Scroll through the reports to find the relevant findings. The GDA related links will not work unless GDA is installed on the computer. The analysis related links will work so that the reader can jump between sections of the document. To download and install GDA see: Download but you do not need to install GDA to see our analysis reports below.

Reading Level


For the remaining reports, when the links next to the mined object are selected the full document is opened and the reader is taken to the text object. The reader can then scroll up and down to get the full context of the mined object. The reports also show the section number prior to the mined object so that the reader has addition context. The reports are as is, the mined text is from the actual policy document. The analysts reviewing these reports must perform their own fact checking and make their own observations and conclusions.

With each report there are some findings provided as a small sampling. Analysts must go into the reports to see the full depth and breadth of the minded results.


Project-2025_MFL-17-Retirees.html#analysisresults - a small sampling

Government Changes

In hindsight each of these should have been standalone services so that the word counts were consistent with the actual topic of interest.

Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-18-1-Government-Changes-Eliminate-Repeal.html#analysisresults - a small sampling

Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-18-2-3-Government-Changes-Civil-Service-Privatize.html#analysisresults - a small sampling

Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-18-4-Government-Changes-President.html#analysisresults - a small sampling

Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-18-5-8-Government-Changes-Communist-Marxist-NAZI-Fascist-Socialist.html#analysisresults - See report


Part of the rejection of the climate change policies from the previous adminstration is attributed to costs and the potential negative impacts to the U.S. economy. This is suggesed by the following, also found in Project 2025. This was not mined from the document. It was found as a mininig artifact GDA-13485 without context and located when the mining link was selected.

Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-18-11-14-Government-Changes-Russia-Ukraine-NATO-China.html#analysisresults - See report

Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-18-15-Government-Changes-Woke-Labeling.html#analysisresults - See report

Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-18-16-Government-Changes-Unions.html#analysisresults - See report

Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-18-17-Government-Changes-Revolution.html#analysisresults - See report

Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-18-All-Government-Changes.html#analysisresults - See report

Corporations Deregulation

Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-19-Corporations-Deregulation.html#analysisresults - See report


Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-20-Health.html#analysisresults - See report

Taxpayer Needs

Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-21-Taxpayer-Needs.html#analysisresults - See report


Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-22-Classism.html#analysisresults - See report

Imperatives Needs

Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-23-Imperatives-Needs.html#analysisresults - See report


Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-25-Immigration.html#analysisresults - See report

All Imperatives

Project-2025/Project-2025_MFL-All-Imperatives.html#analysisresults - See report

Others are welcome to download GDA and perform an analysis of this policy document. If you install GDA, load any of the online reports, save the Project-2025_MFL_FULL-SpecialCharFix.txt document from the report link, press submit, and you will be able to rerun any of these analysis reports and make changes to perform your unique analysis. GDA does have a help link to get you started.

GDA Theory

GDA is based on SAT technologies, an engineering tool.

It is a process and method instantiated with Internet technologies to analyze documents. It is not unlike an Internet search engine, however instead of returning web pages, GDA returns lines of text from a document under analysis. It begins with uploading a document or pointing to a directory of data, subjecting the data to an engine, and directing the engine to process the data based on user defined rules similar to Internet search engines. The user fills in search criteria, checks some boxes, and provides unique text descriptions related to a rule.

Our products share a common characteristic; the potential need for someone to process documents based on rules. The GDA rules deal with any topic that you need to address. Most of our initial products are based on the need to process and understand precisely written statements, but not all the products, including GDA, must slice and dice precise text. For example, it is trivial to add a rule to find all acronyms in a document. It is also possible to create rules to verify compliance to an outline. It is also simple to use GDA as a collection of highlighter pens (yellow, pink, orange, etc) on your document.

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