cgi 88 6294
General Document Analysis
The General Document Analysis tool is a new revolutionary analysis tool to
help users analyze documents. This includes everyone, everywhere, including
you. GDA comes loaded with sample templates for getting started in analysis.
These templates can be exchanged between friends, associates, and anyone
else when published on the Internet. Here are some examples if how GDA can
help you with your documents:
Constitutional Analysis for historians, think tanks, non profits,
teachers, high school students, university students, professors, researchers
Generic Document Analysis for anyone anywhere that has used
a highlighter pen to figure out what is inside a document
Legislation Analysis for legislators, policy makers, staff,
lawyers, citizens, think tanks, non profits, companies, government, teachers,
high school students, university students, professors, researchers
Plain Language Analysis for writers, editors, linguists,
executives, managers, staff, citizens, policy makers, lawyers, legislators,
think tanks, non profits, companies, government, teachers, high school students,
university students, professors, researchers
Policy Document Analysis for executives, managers, staff, citizens,
policy makers, lawyers, legislators, think tanks, non profits, companies,
government, teachers, high school students, university students, professors,
Screen Plays Analysis for writers, editors, actors, directors,
producers, television, film, sound, lighting, set designers
Rhetorical Document Analysis for anyone looking for signs of
College essay Analysis for students engaged in all forms of
writing, term papers, thesis, college, graduate, law, and medical
school acceptance applications
GDA is simple to use:
You upload your document
and press submit.
Your results are listed with
color, status, and descriptive text of the finding.
Too much information, no
problem, enable and disable the reports as you need to accomplish your analysis
and study.
Need to modify or create
a rule, just check show rules and author what you need.
Rules are grouped into services
so that you can perform very different analysis within a single template.
Rules are independent of
your uploaded file format. Your file can be an HTML, spreadsheet, or a text
version of your document.
In the end metrics are gathered
so that you can make quantitative comparisons.
The beauty of GDA is its ability for you to define your own rules. It comes
preloaded with a set of rules that allow you to immediately start your studies
while at the same time providing you with real world examples to help you
synthesize your special rules for your world.
FAA History Mining
Policy Document Analysis
Stern Review Global Warming
U.S. Climate Change Technology Program Strategic Plan
Mandate For Leadership The Conservative Promise Project
FAA History Mining
In 2017 a need surfaced to mine the history of the FAA. A template was developed
and a document housing several thousand history events was developed as part
of a special release of GDA. It is available from the
download page. Just select other versions.
This will take you to a directory housing and other gda-faa
install file methods. Follow the Compressed Instructions on the download
page to install. Once installed select the browse button, load the
all-history.txt document select a rule such as NAFEC and press submit. The
journey through the FAA history while mining this document is fascinating
and critical for all who engage in policy affecting the FAA.
Startup Shutdown
FAA Privatization Information
Center For Transportation Report
Center For Transportation Aviation Working Group
Federation of Government Employees click on links to access key PDF
Federation of Federal Employees click on links to access key PDF files
an ATC Corporation Raises Concerns, Pentagon Say
Systems Engineering Perspective |
Other Tools
Search and Mining
Fuzzy Mining Tool
General Document Analysis
Medical Transcript Analysis
Specification Analysis Tool
Plain Language Analysis Tool
Legislative Analysis Tool
Constitutional Analysis Tool
Legal Document Analysis
Application Requests
A Systems Engineering Perspective
Policy Document Analysis
Stern Review Global Warming
U.S. Climate Change Technology Program Strategic Plan
Mandate For Leadership The Conservative Promise Project
Stern Review Global Warming
In late 2006 we used the Plan Language Analysis (PLA) Tool to analyze a Global
Warming document from the European union: "GREEN PAPER A European Strategy
for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy". Our findings are published
on our PLA web portal.
From that experience an effort was initiated to try to understand how
individuals, organizations, governments and international entities accomplish
things. The following new services for a Policy Document Analysis surfaced:
Broad Approaches, Institutions, Organizational Tool, and Nation State Tools.
Early in 2007 we were introduced to the Stern Review: The Economics of
Climate Change. We subjected the Stern Review to our Generic Document
Analysis (GDA) tool. This effort tool approximately 3 days to complete, including
the writing of this report and updating the web portals. The findings are
captured in a final analysis report (pdf) and the individual GDA pervious
analysis templates.
Analysis Results
Approaches .
Tools .
State Tools .
Tools .
Roles .
Roles .
U.S. Climate Change Technology Program
Strategic Plan
In December of 2006 the United States released the U.S. Climate Change
Technology Program STRATEGIC PLAN from the Executive Office of the President,
U.S. Climate Change Technology Program, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington,
DC 20585,
. We analyzed this plan and the results are as follows:
Warming Compare (pdf)
Broad Approaches .
Societal Approaches
Organizational Tools .
Nation State Tools .
International Tools .
Social Warnings
National Roles .
International Roles .
Special Interests
Overall Reaction
Kindle Books
System Engineering for the Planet
Sustainable Development Possible with Creative
System Engineering
Mandate For Leadership The Conservative Promise, Project
by The Heritage Foundation.
From Project 2025: The 2025 Presidential Transition Project is the
conservative movement’s unified effort to be ready for the next conservative
Administration to govern at 12:00 noon, January 20, 2025.
On April 21, 2023 the Heritage Foundation released: Mandate for Leadership:
The Conservative Promise ISBN 978-0-89195-174-2. There are PDF files available
on the Internet. A PDF version was downloaded from
We analyzed this policy document and the results are as follows. Scroll through
the reports to find the relevant findings. The GDA related links will not
work unless GDA is installed on the computer. The analysis related links
will work so that the reader can jump between sections of the document. To
download and install GDA see: Download
but you do not need to install GDA to see our analysis reports below.
Reading Level
The reading level is at the 8th grade level. This is appropriate. Typically
reading levels range from the 5th grade level for the general population
to the 10th grade level for more technical documents.
For the remaining reports, when the links next to the mined object are selected
the full document is opened and the reader is taken to the text object. The
reader can then scroll up and down to get the full context of the mined object.
The reports also show the section number prior to the mined object so that
the reader has addition context. The reports are as is, the mined text is
from the actual policy document. The analysts reviewing these reports must
perform their own fact checking and make their own observations and conclusions.
With each report there are some findings provided as a small sampling. Analysts
must go into the reports to see the full depth and breadth of the minded
- a small sampling
GDA-5327 HHS is
home to Medicare and Medicaid, the principal
drivers of our $31 trillion national debt.
GDA-5330 The first
year that Medicare spending was visible
on the books was 1967.
GDA-5331 From
that point on through 2020 --- according to the American Main Street Initiative's
analysis of official federal tallies ---
Medicare and Medicaid combined cost $17.8
trillion, while our combined federal deficits over that same span were $17.9
GDA-5332 In essence,
our deficit problem is a Medicare and Medicaid
GDA-8366 Make
Medicare Advantage the default enrollment
GDA-12376 In
addition, intermediate tax reform should repeal all tax increases that were
passed as part of the Inflation Reduction Act,19 including the book minimum
tax, the stock buyback excise tax, the coal excise tax, the reinstated Superfund
tax, and excise taxes on drug manufacturers to compel them to comply with
Medicare price controls.
Government Changes
In hindsight each of these should have been standalone services so that the
word counts were consistent with the actual topic of interest.
- a small sampling
8. GDA-1214
In organizing (by means of Presidential Directive31) an NSC staff that is
more responsive and aligned with the President's goals and empowered to implement
them, the NSA should immediately evaluate and
eliminate directorates that are not aligned
with the President's agenda and replace them with new directorates as appropriate
that can drive implementation of the President's signature national security
9. GDA-1370
The President should issue an executive order establishing a Senior Advisor
to coordinate the policy development and implementation of relevant energy
and environment policy by officials across the EOP (for example, the policy
staff of the NSC, NEC, DPC, CEQ, and OSTP) and
abolishing the existing Office of Domestic
Climate Policy.
GDA-1374 The President
should eliminate the Interagency Working
Group on the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC), which is cochaired by the OSTP,
OMB, and CEA, and by executive order should end the use of SCC analysis.
GDA-5610 The USDA
should work with Congress to repeal the federal
labeling law, while maintaining federal preemption, and stress that voluntary
labeling is allowed.
GDA-5991 Burke
MISSION Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal
Department of Education should be
GDA-6719 The next
Administration should work with Congress to
eliminate all DOE applied energy programs
including OE (except perhaps those related to basic science for new energy
GDA-6726 The next
Administration should work with Congress to
eliminate nonessential funding of commercial
technology and deployment.
GDA-6752 The next
Administration should work with Congress to
eliminate all of DOE's applied energy programs,
including those in FECM (with the possible exception of those that are related
to basic science for new energy technology).
GDA-6774 The next
Administration should work with Congress to
eliminate all of DOE's applied energy programs,
including those in EERE (with the possible exception of those that are related
to basic science for new energy technology).
GDA-6785 l
Eliminate energy efficiency standards for
OF HEAD START (OHS) l Eliminate the Head
Start program.
Repeal climate change initiatives and spending
in the department's budget request.
GDA-10915 Congress
should enact the Davis-Bacon Repeal Act and
allow markets to determine market wages.
GDA-11816 Even
more ambitiously, Winfree suggests that the next Administration should think
about proposing legislation that would "effectively
abolish" the
Federal Reserve
and replace it with "free banking," whereby "neither interest rates
nor the supply of money" would be "controlled by government."
GDA-11829 Office
of Patents, Trademarks, and Standards, with all non-mission-critical research
functions eliminated or moved to other, more
focused, federal agencies; and l The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) should be dismantled and many of its functions
eliminated, sent to other agencies, privatized,
or placed under the control of states and territories.
- a small sampling
GDA-1818 That
progressive system has broken down in our time, and the only real solution
is for the national government to do less: to decentralize and
privatize as much as possible and then ensure
that the remaining bureaucracy is managed effectively along the lines of
the enduring principles set out in detail here.
GDA-2684 l The
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) be
GDA-3088 Until
it is privatized, TSA should be treated
as a national security provider, and its workforce should be deunionized
GDA-3089 TSA could
privatize the screening function by expanding
the current Screening Partnership Program (SPP) to all airports.
GDA-11829 Office
of Patents, Trademarks, and Standards, with all non-mission-critical research
functions eliminated or moved to other, more focused, federal agencies; and
l The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) should
be dismantled and many of its functions eliminated, sent to other agencies,
privatized, or placed under the control
of states and territories.
- a small sampling
87. GDA-708
In order to carry out the President's
desires, political appointees must be given the tools, knowledge, and support
to overcome the federal government's obstructionist Human Resources departments.
127. GDA-814
When a new President takes office, he
will need to decide expeditiously how to handle any major ongoing litigation
or other pending legal matters that might present a challenge to his agenda.
128. GDA-815
To offer guidance, the White House Counsel must get up to speed as quickly
as possible on all significant ongoing legal challenges across the executive
branch that might affect the new Administration's policy agenda and must
be prepared at the outset of the Administration to present recommendations
to the President, including recommendations
for reconsidering or reversing positions of the previous Administration in
any significant litigation.
131. GDA-823
Instead of choosing a specialist, the
President should hire a counsel with extensive
experience with a wide range of complex legal subjects. .
132. GDA-824
Moreover, while a candidate with elite credentials might seem ideal, the
best one will be above all loyal to the
President and the Constitution.
GDA-1090 Sadly,
however, a President today assumes office
to find a sprawling federal bureaucracy that all too often is carrying out
its own policy plans and preferences --- or, worse yet, the policy plans
and preferences of a radical, supposedly "woke" faction of the country.
GDA-1161 It is
vital that the Director and his political staff, not the careerists, drive
these offices in pursuit of the
President's actual priorities and not
let them set their own agenda based on the wishes of the sprawling "good
government" management community in and outside of government.
GDA-1162 Many
Directors do not properly prioritize the management portfolio, leaving it
to the Deputy for Management, but such neglect creates purposeless bureaucracy
that impedes a President's agenda ---
an "M Train to Nowhere." OFPP.
GDA-1171 The Director
should instruct OPPM to establish annual performance goals and review processes
for agencies that reflect the
President's agenda.
should also be part of the President's
strategy to set and enforce sensible policies and practices for the federal
GDA-1225 The
accountable senior officials should be empowered to identify, recruit, clear,
and hire staff who are aligned with and willing to shepherd the
President's national security priorities.
GDA-1230 Both
should also conduct reviews of operational war plans and global force planning
and allocations with the Secretary of Defense to align them with
presidential priorities and review all
key policy and guidance intended for implementation by the heads of the
Department of Defense, the Department of State, and the Intelligence Community
before they are authorized for distribution.
GDA-1234 For instance,
the NSA should return all nonessential detailees to their home agencies on
their first day in office so that the new Administration can proceed efficiently
without the personnel land mines left by the previous stewards and as soon
as possible should replace all essential detailees with staff aligned to
the new President's priorities.
GDA-1236 In the
end, change requires intervention, and the NSC staff should be appropriately
recruited, manned, and empowered to achieve the
President's national security and foreign
policy objectives and maintain robust policy analysis and discussion while
minimizing resistance from those who have an agenda or who jealously guard
their resources and autonomy at the expense of national security and sound
policy development.
GDA-1238 Additionally,
the White House Chief of Staff and NSA must ensure that the NSC is functioning
in tandem with the rest of the White House staff to benefit from the best
strategic thinking of the President's
top advisers.
GDA-1239 History
shows that an unsupervised NSC staff can stray from its statutory role and
adversely affect a President and his policies.
GDA-1344 Under
President Trump, IOTF priorities were
artificial intelligence (AI), quantum information science (QIS), advanced
communications/5G, advanced manufacturing, and biotechnology.
GDA-1345 Under
President Biden, this list has been expanded
to include advanced materials, robotics, battery technology, cybersecurity,
green products and clean technology, plant genetics and agricultural
technologies, nanotechnology, and semiconductor and microelectronics
- See report
9. GDA-1231
The NSC should rigorously review all general and flag officer promotions
to prioritize the core roles and responsibilities of the military over social
engineering and non-defense matters, including
climate change, critical race theory,
manufactured extremism, and other polarizing policies that weaken our armed
forces and discourage our nation's finest men and women from enlisting to
serve in defense of our liberty.
GDA-1374 The President
should eliminate the Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of
Carbon (SCC), which is cochaired by the
OSTP, OMB, and CEA, and by executive order should end the use of SCC analysis.
GDA-6633 4. Office
of Fossil Energy (Assistant Secretary, with
Carbon Management deleted from its title
and purpose. .
should stop using taxpayer dollars to force the purchase of more expensive
and less reliable energy resources in the name of combating
climate change. .
GDA-6767 Needed
Reforms l End the focus on climate change
and green subsidies.
GDA-12304 And
then there are rising challenges, like climate
change, which, left unchecked, will undermine every aspect of
our economy from supply chains to the financial system.3 Treasury's mission
drift into a "woke" agenda, is exemplified in a comparison of Domestic
Finance's changed responsibilities from 2015 to 2023: [2015] Domestic Finance
works to preserve confidence in the U.S.
GDA-12580 The
next Administration should eliminate the Climate Hub Office and withdraw
from climate change agreements that are
inimical to the prosperity of the United States.
GDA-13485 Over
time, that research results in some breakthrough technologies, but when it
is time to put these breakthroughs into practice by manufacturing goods and
services, much of the necessary productive capacity is
offshore.63 For many technologies, the
American economy lacks the capacity to "scale up" innovations that
might not be immediately profitable.
Part of the rejection of the climate change policies from the previous
adminstration is attributed to costs and the potential negative impacts to
the U.S. economy. This is suggesed by the following, also found in Project
2025. This was not mined from the document. It was found as a mininig artifact
GDA-13485 without context and located when the mining link was selected.
GDA-13478 . Domestic Manufacturing and Small Business.
GDA-13479 . Small businesses in the manufacturing sector face shortfalls
in access to capital.61 As manufacturing employment, domestic business
investment, and non-information technology output have declined,62 expectations
for market returns and the capital available to small manufacturing enterprises
have diminished.
GDA-13480 . This is especially true for capital-intensive sectors
like transportation and energy that require large up-front investments and
relatively lower-margin sectors like plastics, textiles, furniture, and
GDA-13481 . Yet these industries and others like them traditionally
have been the backbone of American manufacturing employment.
GDA-13482 . They also are sources of self-sufficiency and resilience
at a time when global supply chains are increasingly uncertain.
GDA-13483 . The public policy problems that are caused by declining
small manufacturing are especially acute when it comes to the production
of advanced technologies.
GDA-13484 . Other agencies and programs invest immense taxpayer resources
in basic science and research.
GDA-13485 . Over time, that research results in some breakthrough
technologies, but when it is time to put these breakthroughs into practice
by manufacturing goods and services, much of the necessary productive capacity
is offshore.63 For many technologies, the American economy lacks the capacity
to "scale up"e innovations that might not be immediately profitable.
GDA-13486 . Instead, those technologies are put into practice abroad.
GDA-13487 . In this way, foreign companies and foreign productive
sites buy and implement taxpayer-funded American technologies.
GDA-13488 . The SBA's existing programs should be reformed to expand
the private market for capital in small-manufacturer expansion.
GDA-13489 . The next Administration should: l Ask Congress to make
available a category of Section 7(a) loans with a larger available principal
that is used to finance manufacturing facility construction and equipment
GDA-13490 . The proposed SBA Reauthorization and Improvement Act
of 2019, for example, would have increased the maximum loan principal to
$50 million for advanced manufacturing construction and upgrading.64 The
Section 7(a) loan program operates through private lenders and guarantees
a portion of private-sector loans made to qualifying small businesses.
GDA-13491 . The maximum principal available is $5 million, but small
businesses in capital-intensive sectors require significantly larger amounts
of capital to finance up-front capital costs.
GDA-13492 . l Reform the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC)
program to refocus its support on small businesses rather than technology
startups only.
GDA-13493 . The SBIC program operates through private venture capital
and private equity funds by providing eligible funds with guaranteed debt
financing to support investments in small businesses.
GDA-13494 . However, the program largely duplicates private-sector
venture capital to the extent that the sector receiving much of its support
is software and information technology, which already receive the lion's
share of venture capital investment.65 In addition, Congress should reform
the SBIC program to make its financing more favorable to capital-intense
investments and small manufacturers.
GDA-13495 . The Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection,
and Schools (HEALS) Act, introduced in 2020,66 and American Innovation and
Manufacturing Act, introduced in 2021,67 would allow SBIC to offer longer-term
financing to manufacturers and make the program more fiscally sustainable.
- See report
- See report
- See report
- See report
- See report
Corporations Deregulation
- See report
- See report
Taxpayer Needs
- See report
- See report
Imperatives Needs
- See report
- See report
All Imperatives
- See report
Others are welcome to download GDA and perform an analysis of this policy
document. If you install GDA, load any of the online reports, save the
Project-2025_MFL_FULL-SpecialCharFix.txt document from the report link, press
submit, and you will be able to rerun any of these analysis reports and make
changes to perform your unique analysis. GDA does have a help link to get
you started.
GDA is based on SAT technologies, an engineering
It is a process
and method instantiated with Internet technologies to analyze documents.
It is not unlike an Internet search engine, however instead of returning
web pages, GDA returns lines of text from a document under analysis. It begins
with uploading a document or pointing to a directory of data, subjecting
the data to an engine, and directing the engine to process the data based
on user defined rules similar to Internet search engines. The user fills
in search criteria, checks some boxes, and provides unique text descriptions
related to a rule.
Our products share a common characteristic; the potential need for someone
to process documents based on rules. The GDA rules deal with any topic that
you need to address. Most of our initial products are based on the need to
process and understand precisely written statements, but not all the products,
including GDA, must slice and dice precise text. For example, it is trivial
to add a rule to find all acronyms in a document. It is also possible to
create rules to verify compliance to an outline. It is also simple to use
GDA as a collection of highlighter pens (yellow, pink, orange, etc) on your
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