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1. GDA-367 Conservatives should be confident that we can rescue our kids, reclaim our culture, revive our economy, and defeat the anti-American Left --- at home and abroad. .


3. GDA-422 Today the Left is threatening the tax-exempt status of churches and charities that reject woke progressivism. .

4. GDA-424 The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. .


6. GDA-487 l A combination of elected and unelected bureaucrats at the Environmental Protection Agency quietly strangles domestic energy production through difficult-to-understand rulemaking processes; l Bureaucrats at the Department of Homeland Security, following the lead of a feckless Administration, order border and immigration enforcement agencies to help migrants criminally enter our country with impunity; l Bureaucrats at the Department of Education inject racist, anti-American, ahistorical propaganda into America's classrooms; l Bureaucrats at the Department of Justice force school districts to undermine girls' sports and parents' rights to satisfy transgender extremists; l Woke bureaucrats at the Pentagon force troops to attend "training" seminars about "white privilege"; and l Bureaucrats at the State Department infuse U.S. .

7. GDA-488 foreign aid programs with woke extremism about "intersectionality" and abortion.3 Unaccountable federal spending is the secret lifeblood of the Great Awokening. .

8. GDA-501 As monolithic as the Left's institutional power appears to be, it originates with appropriations from Congress and is made complete by a feckless President. .

9. GDA-504 But in the meantime, there are many executive tools a courageous conservative President can use to handcuff the bureaucracy, push Congress to return to its constitutional responsibility, restore power over Washington to the American people, bring the Administrative State to heel, and in the process defang and defund the woke culture warriors who have infiltrated every last institution in America. .

10. GDA-505 The Conservative Promise lays out how to use many of these tools including: how to fire supposedly "un-fireable" federal bureaucrats; how to shutter wasteful and corrupt bureaus and offices; how to muzzle woke propaganda at every level of government; how to restore the American people's constitutional authority over the Administrative State; and how to save untold taxpayer dollars in the process. .

11. GDA-508 The next conservative President must end the Left's social experimentation with the military, restore warfighting as its sole mission, and set defeating the threat of the Chinese Communist Party as its highest priority. .


13. GDA-521 and other centers of Leftist power like the media and the academy, this statement of basic civics is branded hate speech. .

14. GDA-527 Those who run our so-called American corporations have bent to the will of the woke agenda and care more for their foreign investors and organizations than their American workers and customers. .

15. GDA-541 Like the progressive Woodrow Wilson a century ago, the woke Left today seeks a world, bound by global treaties they write, in which they exercise dictatorial powers over all nations without being subject to democratic accountability. .

16. GDA-546 "Cheap grace" aptly describes the Left's love affair with environmental extremism. .

17. GDA-564 And all along, the corporations profiting failed to export our values of human rights and freedom; rather, they imported China's anti-American values into their C-suites. .

18. GDA-606 PROMISE #4 SECURE OUR GOD-GIVEN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT TO ENJOY "THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY." The Declaration of Independence famously asserted the belief of America's Founders that "all men are created equal" and endowed with God-given rights to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." It's the last --- "the pursuit of Happiness" --- that is central to America's heroic experiment in self-government. .

19. GDA-620 Left to our own devices, the American people rejected European monarchy and colonialism just as we rejected slavery, second-class citizenship for women, mercantilism, socialism, Wilsonian globalism, Fascism, Communism, and (today) wokeism. .

20. GDA-621 To the Left, these assertions of patriotic self-assurance are just so many signs of our moral depravity and intellectual inferiority --- proof that, in fact, we need a ruling elite making decisions for us. .

21. GDA-653 It should promote educational opportunities outside the woke-dominated system of public schools and universities, including trade schools, apprenticeship programs, and student-loan alternatives that fund students' dreams instead of Marxist academics. .

22. GDA-665 This book, this agenda, the entire Project 2025 is a plan to unite the conservative movement and the American people against elite rule and woke culture warriors. .

23. GDA-683 3. Simon Hankinson, "'Woke' Public Diplomacy Undermines the State Department's Core Mission and Weakens U.S. .

24. GDA-686 org/global-politics/report/woke-public-diplomacy-undermines-the-state-departments-core-mission-and. .

25. GDA-689 Section One TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT A merica's Bicentennial, which culminated on July 4, 1976, was a spirited and unifying celebration of our country, its Founding, and its ideals. .

26. GDA-690 As we approach our nation's 250th anniversary, which will take place during the next presidency, America is now divided between two opposing forces: woke revolutionaries and those who believe in the ideals of the American revolution. .

27. GDA-696 This is evident today: Whether it be mask and vaccine mandates, school and business closures, efforts to keep Americans from driving gas cars or using gas stoves, or efforts to defund the police, indoctrinate schoolchildren, alter beloved books, abridge free speech, undermine the colorblind ideal, or deny the biological reality that there are only two sexes, the Left's steady stream of insanity appears to be never-ending. .

28. GDA-994 While other chapters will cover specific policy goals for each department or agency, incoming policy councils will need to move rapidly to lead policy processes around cross-cutting agency topics, including countering China, enforcing immigration laws, reversing regulatory policies in order to promote energy production, combating the Left's aggressive attacks on life and religious liberty, and confronting "wokeism" throughout the federal government. .

29. GDA-1090 Sadly, however, a President today assumes office to find a sprawling federal bureaucracy that all too often is carrying out its own policy plans and preferences --- or, worse yet, the policy plans and preferences of a radical, supposedly "woke" faction of the country. .

30. GDA-1166 This office should be engaged early and often in OMB's effort to drive policy, including by obtaining transparency about entities that are awarded federal contracts and grants and by using government contracts to push back against woke policies in corporate America. .

31. GDA-1362 As with other federal departments and agencies, the Biden Administration's leveraging of the federal government's resources to further the woke agenda should be reversed and scrubbed from all policy manuals, guidance documents, and agendas, and scientific excellence and innovation should be restored as the OSTP's top priority. .

32. GDA-1388 While it makes sense to transfer these programs eventually to the Department of Justice and Department of Health and Human Services, respectively, it is vital that the ONDCP Director ensure in the immediate term that these grant programs are funding the President's drug control priorities and not woke nonprofits with leftist policy agendas. .

33. GDA-1391 Abolishing the Gender Policy Council would eliminate central promotion of abortion ("health services"); comprehensive sexuality education ("education"); and the new woke gender ideology, which has as a principal tenet "gender affirming care" and "sex-change" surgeries on minors. .

34. GDA-1768 Democratic Administrations, however, are typically more successful because they require the cooperation of careerists, who generally lean heavily to the Left. .

35. GDA-1904 Section Two THE COMMON DEFENSE W hile the lives of Americans are affected in noteworthy ways, for better or worse, by each part of the executive branch, the inherent importance of national defense and foreign affairs makes the Departments of Defense and State first among equals. .

36. GDA-1931 Agency for Global Media Mora Namdar writes in Chapter 8 that we need to have people working for USAGM who actually believe in America, rather than allowing the agencies to function as anti-American, taxpayer- funded entities that parrot our adversaries' propaganda and talking points. .

37. GDA-2165 Of the IC's 17 elements, eight are within DOD,17 two are independent,18 and seven belong to various other departments and agencies.19 Overall, "[t]he DoD provides 86 percent of the personnel who conduct intelligence activities, both military and civilian."20 The Defense Intelligence Enterprise must deliver accurate, unbiased, and timely insights consistently and with clarity, objectivity, and independence. .

38. GDA-2170 1. Establish unbiased intelligence reporting from DIE/IC senior leaders. .

39. GDA-2696 DHS has also suffered from the Left's wokeness and weaponization against Americans whom the Left perceives as its political opponents. .

40. GDA-3020 At the time of this writing, release of the Twitter Files has demonstrated that CISA has devolved into an unconstitutional censoring and election engineering apparatus of the political Left. .

41. GDA-3048 The Administration should stop the messaging on wokeness and diversity and focus instead on attracting the best talent for USCG. .

42. GDA-3585 Yet Central and South America are moving rapidly into the sphere of anti-American, external state actors, including the PRC, Iran, and Russia. .

43. GDA-3976 Finally, future IC leadership must address the widely promoted "woke" culture that has spread throughout the federal government with identity politics and "social justice" advocacy replacing such traditional American values as patriotism, colorblindness, and even workplace competence. .

44. GDA-4034 The President requires a CIA that provides unbiased and apolitical foreign intelligence information and, when necessary, can act capably and effectively on any covert action findings. .

45. GDA-4310 By law, and to secure unbiased execution across all of the IC's 18 elements, the same individual may not serve as ICCIO and ODNI CIO. .

46. GDA-4504 audience --- particularly with regard to flagrantly political content, as has been the practice with recent and current VOA content directors and managers.5 The network once had a generally well-received brand value, but it has deteriorated under decades of poor leadership and a loss of its once-prized unbiased reporting. .

47. GDA-4535 Often, the "firewall" is touted when journalists are either promoting anti-American propaganda that parrots adversarial regime talking points or promoting politically biased viewpoints in opposition to the VOA charter.20 Such weak oversight, alien to any other large media network or news organization --- particularly one derivative of U.S. .

48. GDA-4643 These include industry groups, nonprofits, trade associations, foundations, and activist organizations, for example, America First Legal Foundation,43 USAGM Watch,44 BBG-USAGM Watch,45 and Whistleblower Protection Project.46 CONCLUSION The USAGM is a story of a lost opportunity both to help restore the world's confidence in the promise and ideals of America and to set a high mark for journalistic integrity and unbiased reporting. .

49. GDA-4679 NPR, Pacifica, and the other radio ventures have zero claim on an educational function (the original purpose for which they were created by President Johnson), and the percentage of on-air programming that PBS devotes to educational endeavors such as "Sesame Street" (programs that are themselves biased to the Left) is small. .

50. GDA-4821 foreign aid has been transformed into a massive and open- ended global entitlement program captured by --- and enriching --- the progressive Left. .

51. GDA-4968 Shifting from giant U.S.-based implementers has proved difficult to achieve, however, given intense internal bureaucratic resistance; opposition from the aid industrial complex; and foot-dragging from progressives, who view local NGOs --- especially faith-based NGOs prominent in Africa and Latin America --- as obstacles to promoting abortion, gender radicalism, climate extremism, and other woke ideas. .

52. GDA-5167 foreign aid since 2010, yet it remains intensely anti-American and corrupt, has backed the Taliban continuously since 2001, jump-started North Korea's nuclear bomb program, brutalizes its religious minorities, and is a willing client of China while taking on unrepayable loans from the U.S. .

53. GDA-5241 Left-wing authoritarian kleptocracies in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela deny their people basic freedoms, violently and ruthlessly suppress any dissent, repress communities of faith, and generate such misery that hundreds of thousands of their citizens have attempted to cross our southern border over the past two years. .

54. GDA-5325 Section Three THE GENERAL WELFARE When our Founders wrote in the Constitution that the federal government would "promote the general Welfare," they could not have fathomed a massive bureaucracy that would someday spend $3 trillion in a single year --- roughly the sum, combined, spent by the departments covered in this section in 2022. .

55. GDA-5340 The NIH monopoly on directing research should be broken." What's more, NIH has long "been at the forefront in pushing junk gender science." The next HHS secretary should immediately put an end to the department's foray into woke transgender activism. .

56. GDA-5351 The department is a convenient one-stop shop for the woke education cartel, which --- as the COVID era showed --- is not particularly concerned with children's education. .

57. GDA-5403 According to the USDA: The stated goal of the Food Systems Summit was to transform the way the world produces, consumes and thinks about foods within the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to meet the challenges of poverty, food security, malnutrition, population growth, climate change, and natural resource degradation.13 Not unlike those who oppose reliable and affordable energy production, there is a disdain, especially by some on the Left, for American agriculture and the food system.14 The Biden Administration's vision of a federal government developing a plan that "fixes" agriculture and focuses on issues secondary to food production is very disturbing. .

58. GDA-6011 Rather than continuing to buttress a higher education establishment captured by woke "diversicrats" and a de facto monopoly enforced by the federal accreditation cartel, federal postsecondary education policy should prepare students for jobs in the dynamic economy, nurture institutional diversity, and expose schools to greater market forces.1 OVERVIEW For most of our history, the federal government played a minor role in education. .

59. GDA-6870 EIA needs to be committed to providing unbiased forecasting and data so that policymakers, industry, and the public can have a clear understanding of our energy resources and energy economy. .

60. GDA-8328 Woke Policies. .

61. GDA-8943 Moffit, "Reducing Patient Access to New Medications Is the Left's Latest Medicare Price-Fixing Scheme," Heritage Foundation Commentary, July 22, 2022, https://www.heritage.org/medicare/commentary/ reducing-patient-access-new-medications-the-lefts-latest-medicare-price-fixing, and Badger, "How Congress Can Make Real Progress on Drug Prices." 31. .

62. GDA-9310 28. At a minimum, these efforts duplicate what the federal government already collects and assesses; at worst, they institute arbitrary procedures in real estate appraisal practices that undermine integrity and perversely introduce arbitrary biases into what should be an unbiased system for determining financial value. .

63. GDA-10029 This holds true particularly for jurisdictions that refuse to enforce the law against criminals based on the Left's favored defining characteristics of the would-be offender (race, so-called gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.) or other political considerations (e.g., immigration status). .

64. GDA-10132 Entities across the private and public sectors in the United States have been besieged in recent years by an unholy alliance of special interests, radicals in government, and the far Left. .

65. GDA-10271 The NIJ should fund high-quality, unbiased research on the topics of greatest interest to everyday Americans and policymakers rather than agenda- driven research desired by advocates or academics. .

66. GDA-10636 Owing to the combination of regulatory pressure and eager human resources offices in the private sector, much of American labor and employment policy has become institutionally oriented toward "woke" goals. .

67. GDA-10638 We must replace "woke" nonsense with a healthy vision of the role of labor policy in our society, starting with the American family. .

68. GDA-10952 And while individual investors may prefer to invest in "green" companies, "woke" companies, or companies with greater board diversity, and may even be willing to sacrifice some financial gains to do so, the question relevant to DOL is whether, and under what conditions, fiduciaries should be permitted to follow this path as well. .

69. GDA-11603 Neither aligns with service-connected conditions that would warrant VA's providing this type of clinical care, and both follow the Left's pernicious trend of abusing the role of government to further its own agenda. .

70. GDA-11764 Section Four THE ECONOMY The next Administration must prioritize the economic prosperity of ordinary Americans. .

71. GDA-12028 The NWS should be a candidate to become a Performance-Based Organization to better enforce organizational focus on core functions such as efficient delivery of accurate, timely, and unbiased data to the public and to the private sector.3 Review the Work of the National Hurricane Center and the National Environmental Satellite Service. .

72. GDA-12134 Government data should be unbiased and trusted --- and an incoming conservative Administration should ensure that is the case. .

73. GDA-12304 And then there are rising challenges, like climate change, which, left unchecked, will undermine every aspect of our economy from supply chains to the financial system.3 Treasury's mission drift into a "woke" agenda, is exemplified in a comparison of Domestic Finance's changed responsibilities from 2015 to 2023: [2015] Domestic Finance works to preserve confidence in the U.S. .

74. GDA-14743 Section Five INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGENCIES In addition to the executive departments and agencies discussed previously, a number of independent commissions exist that are loosely affiliated with the executive branch. .

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Number Sort
892 President 381 China 118 workers 108 Communist 91 eliminate 77 Russia
66 president 53 eliminated 50 Eliminate 45 climate change 44 Union 39 union
31 worker 30 civil service 29 repeal 25 woke 25 Ukraine 24 Taiwan
23 unions 23 carbon 18 Russian 17 Repeal 15 offshore 14 NATO
14 abolished 14 sustainable 13 biased 12 repealed 12 solar 11 unbiased
10 Carbon 9 Left' 9 wind and solar 8 socialist 8 PRESIDENT 8 Worker
7 sustainability 7 revolution 7 anti-American 7 Workers 7 Climate Change 7 Civil Service
7 socialism 7 abolish 6 eliminates 6 Communism 6 repealing 6 Revolution
5 privatized 5 china 5 Abolish 5 Marxist 4 CHINA 4 Left.
4 unionized 3 unsustainable 3 Marxism 3 privatize 3 unionization 3 Woke
3 Offshore 3 abolishing 3 Unions 2 Repealing 2 WORKER 2 RussiaGate
2 wokeism 2 wind energy 2 unionize 2 ABOLISHED 2 Left, 2 Sustainable
2 feckless 2 Fascism 2 wokeness 1 Section Two THE COMMON DEFENSE 1 Ukrainian 1 PROMISE #1
1 Ukrainians 1 communist 1 Privatize 1 Unionizing 1 Abolishing 1 WORKERS
1 revolutionaries 1 Left) 1 deunionized 1 Left- 1 COMMUNIST 1 revolutionize
1 unsustainably 1 Section Three THE GENERAL WELFARE 1 PROMISE #2 1 solar and wind 1 Section One TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT 1 Eliminated
1 sustainably 1 PROMISE #3 1 politically biased 1 russian 1 PROMISE #4 1 CARBON
1 Section Five INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGENCIES 1 wind turbines 1 Lefti 1 Section Four THE ECONOMY 1 Revolutionary

Alpha Sort
1 Section One TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT 1 Section Three THE GENERAL WELFARE 1 Section Two THE COMMON DEFENSE 14 NATO 1 Privatize 3 privatize
5 privatized 2 Sustainable 7 sustainability 14 sustainable 1 sustainably 3 unsustainable
1 unsustainably 2 Fascism 7 Civil Service 25 Ukraine 1 Ukrainian 1 Ukrainians
30 civil service 3 Marxism 5 Marxist 44 Union 1 Unionizing 3 Unions
2 WORKER 1 WORKERS 8 Worker 7 Workers 1 deunionized 39 union
3 unionization 2 unionize 4 unionized 23 unions 31 worker 118 workers
1 COMMUNIST 6 Communism 108 Communist 9 Left' 1 Left) 2 Left,
1 Left- 4 Left. 1 Lefti 3 Woke 7 anti-American 13 biased
1 communist 2 feckless 1 politically biased 11 unbiased 25 woke 2 wokeism
2 wokeness 7 socialism 8 socialist 1 CARBON 10 Carbon 7 Climate Change
3 Offshore 6 Revolution 1 Revolutionary 23 carbon 45 climate change 15 offshore
7 revolution 1 revolutionaries 1 revolutionize 1 solar and wind 12 solar 9 wind and solar
2 wind energy 1 wind turbines 4 CHINA 381 China 8 PRESIDENT 892 President
24 Taiwan 5 china 66 president 2 ABOLISHED 5 Abolish 1 Abolishing
50 Eliminate 1 Eliminated 17 Repeal 2 Repealing 77 Russia 2 RussiaGate
18 Russian 7 abolish 14 abolished 3 abolishing 91 eliminate 53 eliminated
6 eliminates 29 repeal 12 repealed 6 repealing 1 russian

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Global Warming

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Total Lines: 15842
Blank Lines:
Non Blank Lines: 15842
Imperatives: 2799
Shalls: 31
Wills: 519

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Item Risk Count Children % lines % imperative % shall % will % isreq % Norm
China s18s

Civil Service s18s

Climate Change s18s

Communist s18s

Eliminate Repeal s18s

Marxist s18s

NATO s18s

NAZI Fascist s18s

President s18s

Privatize s18s

Promise s24s






Revolution s18s

Russia s18s

Section Titles s24s






Socialist s18s

Sustainability s18s

Ukraine s18s

Unions s18s

Woke Labeling s18s





z Mined Objects





Rules Total 20
Rules Triggered 4
Rules Not Triggered 16
Percent of Rules Triggered 20%

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Government Changes:

. . . 1. China No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: China Color: PURPLE Access Object: China|Taiwan Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 2. Civil Service No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Civil Service Color: GREEN Access Object: Civil Service Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 3. Climate Change No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Climate Change Color: ORANGE Access Object: Climate Change|Carbon|Solar|Global Warming|wind and solar|solar and wind|wind energy|wind turbines|offshore Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 4. Communist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Communist Color: NAVY Access Object: Communis\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 5. Eliminate Repeal No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Eliminate Repeal Color: RED Access Object: Eliminate\w*|Repeal\w*|abolish\w* Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 6. Marxist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Marxist Color: MAROON Access Object: Marx\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 7. NATO No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: NATO Color: BLUE Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: NATO Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 8. NAZI Fascist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: NAZI Fascist Color: FUCHSIA Access Object: Fascis\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 9. President No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: President Color: PURPLE Access Object: President Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 10. Privatize No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Privatize Color: BLUE Access Object: Privatize\w* Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 11. Revolution No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Revolution Color: ORANGE Access Object: Revolution\w* Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 12. Russia No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Russia Color: RED Access Object: Russi\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 13. Socialist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Socialist Color: OLIVE Access Object: Socialist|Socialism Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 14. Sustainability No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Sustainability Color: BROWN Access Object: Sustainab\w+|unsustainab\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 15. Ukraine No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Ukraine Color: GREEN Access Object: Ukrain\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 16. Unions No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Unions Color: MAROON Access Object: deunionize\w*|union\w*|worker\w* Reject Object: soviet|european|\.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 17. Woke Labeling No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Woke Labeling Color: NAVY Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: \b[wW]oke\w*\b|Left[^\s]|[fF]eckless\w*|[Aa]nti.[aA]merican|[Bb]iased|[Pp]olitically [Bb]iased|unbiased Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED


. . . 1. Promise Must use parse option to capture the sections. A different search rule is needed for non-parse option.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Promise Color: BLACK Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: PROMISE \#\d+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 2. Section Titles Must use parse option to capture the sections. A different search rule is needed for non-parse option.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Section Titles Color: BLACK Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: Section \w+ TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT|Section \w+ THE COMMON DEFENSE|Section \w+ THE GENERAL WELFARE|Section \w+ THE ECONOMY|Section \w+ INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGENCIES Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

original processing URL http://localhost:4444/~gda/satpro.cgi v 1.7 p

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23 Seconds

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