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. . .
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11. Russia 12. Ukraine 13. NATO 14. China 15. Woke Labeling
16. Unions 17. Revolution

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. . .
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1. GDA-171 He was President Ronald Reagan's first-term Office of Personnel Management Director when The Washington Post labeled him "Reagan's Terrible Swift Sword of the Civil Service" for cutting bureaucracy and reducing spending by billions of dollars. .




5. GDA-606 PROMISE #4 SECURE OUR GOD-GIVEN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT TO ENJOY "THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY." The Declaration of Independence famously asserted the belief of America's Founders that "all men are created equal" and endowed with God-given rights to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." It's the last --- "the pursuit of Happiness" --- that is central to America's heroic experiment in self-government. .

6. GDA-689 Section One TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT A merica's Bicentennial, which culminated on July 4, 1976, was a spirited and unifying celebration of our country, its Founding, and its ideals. .

7. GDA-901 In addition, whatever one's view of the constitutionality of various civil service rules (for example, the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 19986) might be, it is necessary to ensure that departments and agencies have robust cadres of political staff just below senior levels in the event of unexpected vacancies. .

8. GDA-1588 Code charges the OPM with executing, administering, and enforcing the rules, regulations, and laws governing the civil service.2 It grants the OPM direct responsibility for activities like retirement, pay, health, training, federal unionization, suitability, and classification functions not specifically granted to other agencies by statute. .

9. GDA-1589 The agency's Director is charged with aiding the President, as the President may request, in preparing such civil service rules as the President prescribes and otherwise advising the President on actions that may be taken to promote an efficient civil service and a systematic application of the merit system principles, including recommending policies relating to the selection, promotion, transfer, performance, pay, conditions of service, tenure, and separation of employees. .

10. GDA-1596 While not a personnel agency per se, the General Services Administration (GSA) is charged with general supervision of contracting.9 Today, there are many more contractors in government than there are civil service employees. .

11. GDA-1599 At the very pinnacle of the modern progressive program to make government competent stands the ideal of professionalized, career civil service. .

12. GDA-1603 Yet, as public frustration with the civil service has grown, generating calls to "drain the swamp," it has become clear that their project has had serious unintended consequences. .

13. GDA-1604 The civil service was devised to replace the amateurism and presumed corruption of the old spoils system, wherein government jobs rewarded loyal partisans who might or might not have professional backgrounds. .

14. GDA-1613 Civil Service Commission and then as Director of the OPM and helped him devise and pass the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (CSRA)11 to reset the basic structure of today's bureaucracy. .

15. GDA-1624 civil service has been unable to distinguish consistently between strong and unqualified applicants for employment. .

16. GDA-1626 Department of Justice and top lawyers at the OPM contrived with plaintiffs to end civil service IQ examinations because of concern about their possible impact on minorities. .

17. GDA-1694 Making Civil Service Benefits Economically and Administratively Rational. .

18. GDA-1720 Under OPM pressure, Reagan and Congress ultimately ended the old Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) entirely for new employees, which (counting disbursements for the unfunded liability) accounted for 51.3 percent of the federal government's total payroll. .

19. GDA-1733 Fortunately, this did not take place in that form, but it would make sense for GSA and OPM leadership and staff to hold regular meetings to work through matters of common interest such as moderating PTA personnel restrictions and the relationships between contract and civil service employees. .

20. GDA-1735 Reducing the number of federal employees seems an obvious way to reduce the overall expense of the civil service, and many prior Administrations have attempted to do just this. .

21. GDA-1764 The creation of the Senior Executive Service was the top career change introduced by the 1978 Carter-Campbell Civil Service Reform Act. .

22. GDA-1767 The desire to infiltrate political appointees improperly into the high career civil service has been widespread in every Administration, whether Democrat or Republican. .

23. GDA-1777 It ordered the Director of OPM and agency heads to set procedures to prepare lists of such confidential, policy-determining, policymaking, or policy-advocating positions and prepare procedures to create exceptions from civil service rules when careerists hold such positions, from which they can relocate back to the regular civil service after such service. .

24. GDA-1778 The order was subsequently reversed by President Biden25 at the demand of the civil service associations and unions. .

25. GDA-1797 Without this political leadership, the career civil service becomes empowered to lead the executive branch without democratic legitimacy. .

26. GDA-1810 A REFORMED BUREAUCRACY Today, the federal government's bureaucracy cannot even meet its own civil service ideals. .

27. GDA-1818 That progressive system has broken down in our time, and the only real solution is for the national government to do less: to decentralize and privatize as much as possible and then ensure that the remaining bureaucracy is managed effectively along the lines of the enduring principles set out in detail here. .

28. GDA-1847 2640, Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, Public Law No. .

29. GDA-1904 Section Two THE COMMON DEFENSE W hile the lives of Americans are affected in noteworthy ways, for better or worse, by each part of the executive branch, the inherent importance of national defense and foreign affairs makes the Departments of Defense and State first among equals. .

30. GDA-2684 l The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) be privatized. .

31. GDA-3088 Until it is privatized, TSA should be treated as a national security provider, and its workforce should be deunionized immediately. .

32. GDA-3089 TSA could privatize the screening function by expanding the current Screening Partnership Program (SPP) to all airports. .

33. GDA-3342 The first Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson, oversaw a small staff, diplomatic posts in London and Paris, and 10 consular posts.1 Today, the Department of State has almost 80,000 total employees (including 13,517 foreign service employees and 11,683 civil service employees) in 275 embassies, consulates, and other posts around the world.2 In theory, the State Department is the principal agency responsible for carrying out the President's foreign policy and representing the United States in other nations and international organizations. .

34. GDA-3354 POLITICAL LEADERSHIP AND BUREAUCRATIC LEADERSHIP AND SUPPORT Focusing the State Department on the needs and goals of the next President will require the President's handpicked political leadership --- as well as foreign service and civil service personnel who share the President's vision and policy agendas --- to run the department. .

35. GDA-3365 These recommendations do not imply that foreign service and civil service officials should be excluded from key roles: It is hard to imagine a scenario in which they are not immediately relevant to the transition of power. .

36. GDA-3373 Career foreign service and civil service personnel can and must be leveraged for their expertise and commitment to the President's mission. .

37. GDA-3382 The priority should be to put in place new ambassadors who support the President's agenda among political appointees, foreign service officers, and civil service personnel, with no predetermined percentage among these categories. .

38. GDA-5122 The White House Office of Presidential Personnel should allow the USAID Administrator to explore with counterparts at the Office of Personnel Management whether the agency could hire personnel under both the Administratively Determined authority and Schedule C of the Excepted Service of the Federal Civil Service. .

39. GDA-5325 Section Three THE GENERAL WELFARE When our Founders wrote in the Constitution that the federal government would "promote the general Welfare," they could not have fathomed a massive bureaucracy that would someday spend $3 trillion in a single year --- roughly the sum, combined, spent by the departments covered in this section in 2022. .

40. GDA-6892 There are some who think that EIA should be privatized. .

41. GDA-7837 l Eliminate the use of Title 42 hiring authority that allows ORD to spend millions in taxpayer dollars for salaries of certain employees above the civil service scale. .

42. GDA-9165 HUD REFORM PILLARS Ideally, Congress would redelegate authorities that have been diverted to HUD's administrative bureaucracy and safeguard taxpayers against the mission creep that inevitably occurs when Congress delegates power to an empowered and unelected bureaucracy that is insulated by civil service protections. .

43. GDA-10781 Executive Order 13932, Modernizing and Reforming the Assessment and Hiring of Federal Job Candidates,13 directed the Office of Personnel Management to reduce degree-based practices in the federal civil service. .

44. GDA-10783 Today, federal civil service job descriptions must "be based on the specific skills and competencies required to perform those jobs," and may prescribe a "minimum educational requirement" only if it is otherwise legally required. .

45. GDA-10784 The same policies do not extend beyond the civil service. .

46. GDA-10787 l Adopt the civil service's skills-based hiring standards for federal contractors. .

47. GDA-10788 The President should direct the Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy to adopt the civil service's skills-based hiring standards for federal contractors and issue waivers from degree-based staffing requirements in existing contracts. .

48. GDA-11721 1. Ensure that any agenda that includes labor/civil service reform in the VA has a clear direction from the Secretarial level, support from the General Counsel, alignment with the Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Administration, and a unified and strong political will to carry it out. .

49. GDA-11726 Trump Administration executive orders on civil service reform (official time, government-furnished office space) were issued too late, and departments and agencies were not prepared to execute them. .

50. GDA-11764 Section Four THE ECONOMY The next Administration must prioritize the economic prosperity of ordinary Americans. .

51. GDA-11829 Office of Patents, Trademarks, and Standards, with all non-mission-critical research functions eliminated or moved to other, more focused, federal agencies; and l The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) should be dismantled and many of its functions eliminated, sent to other agencies, privatized, or placed under the control of states and territories. .

52. GDA-12210 Beyond this, an incoming Administration should: l Privatize the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership. .

53. GDA-12215 The next Administration should propose legislation to zero out this $150 million program and fully privatize existing MEP centers. .

54. GDA-12554 l The Common Securitization Platform57 should be privatized and broadly available. .

55. GDA-14743 Section Five INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGENCIES In addition to the executive departments and agencies discussed previously, a number of independent commissions exist that are loosely affiliated with the executive branch. .

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Number Sort
892 President 381 China 118 workers 108 Communist 91 eliminate 77 Russia
66 president 53 eliminated 50 Eliminate 45 climate change 44 Union 39 union
31 worker 30 civil service 29 repeal 25 woke 25 Ukraine 24 Taiwan
23 unions 23 carbon 18 Russian 17 Repeal 15 offshore 14 NATO
14 abolished 14 sustainable 13 biased 12 repealed 12 solar 11 unbiased
10 Carbon 9 Left' 9 wind and solar 8 socialist 8 PRESIDENT 8 Worker
7 sustainability 7 revolution 7 anti-American 7 Workers 7 Climate Change 7 Civil Service
7 socialism 7 abolish 6 eliminates 6 Communism 6 repealing 6 Revolution
5 privatized 5 china 5 Abolish 5 Marxist 4 CHINA 4 Left.
4 unionized 3 unsustainable 3 Marxism 3 privatize 3 unionization 3 Woke
3 Offshore 3 abolishing 3 Unions 2 Repealing 2 WORKER 2 RussiaGate
2 wokeism 2 wind energy 2 unionize 2 ABOLISHED 2 Left, 2 Sustainable
2 feckless 2 Fascism 2 wokeness 1 Section Two THE COMMON DEFENSE 1 Ukrainian 1 PROMISE #1
1 Ukrainians 1 communist 1 Privatize 1 Unionizing 1 Abolishing 1 WORKERS
1 revolutionaries 1 Left) 1 deunionized 1 Left- 1 COMMUNIST 1 revolutionize
1 unsustainably 1 Section Three THE GENERAL WELFARE 1 PROMISE #2 1 solar and wind 1 Section One TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT 1 Eliminated
1 sustainably 1 PROMISE #3 1 politically biased 1 russian 1 PROMISE #4 1 CARBON
1 Section Five INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGENCIES 1 wind turbines 1 Lefti 1 Section Four THE ECONOMY 1 Revolutionary

Alpha Sort
1 Section One TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT 1 Section Three THE GENERAL WELFARE 1 Section Two THE COMMON DEFENSE 14 NATO 1 Privatize 3 privatize
5 privatized 2 Sustainable 7 sustainability 14 sustainable 1 sustainably 3 unsustainable
1 unsustainably 2 Fascism 7 Civil Service 25 Ukraine 1 Ukrainian 1 Ukrainians
30 civil service 3 Marxism 5 Marxist 44 Union 1 Unionizing 3 Unions
2 WORKER 1 WORKERS 8 Worker 7 Workers 1 deunionized 39 union
3 unionization 2 unionize 4 unionized 23 unions 31 worker 118 workers
1 COMMUNIST 6 Communism 108 Communist 9 Left' 1 Left) 2 Left,
1 Left- 4 Left. 1 Lefti 3 Woke 7 anti-American 13 biased
1 communist 2 feckless 1 politically biased 11 unbiased 25 woke 2 wokeism
2 wokeness 7 socialism 8 socialist 1 CARBON 10 Carbon 7 Climate Change
3 Offshore 6 Revolution 1 Revolutionary 23 carbon 45 climate change 15 offshore
7 revolution 1 revolutionaries 1 revolutionize 1 solar and wind 12 solar 9 wind and solar
2 wind energy 1 wind turbines 4 CHINA 381 China 8 PRESIDENT 892 President
24 Taiwan 5 china 66 president 2 ABOLISHED 5 Abolish 1 Abolishing
50 Eliminate 1 Eliminated 17 Repeal 2 Repealing 77 Russia 2 RussiaGate
18 Russian 7 abolish 14 abolished 3 abolishing 91 eliminate 53 eliminated
6 eliminates 29 repeal 12 repealed 6 repealing 1 russian

Accessed Patterns Not Found
(or counted via checkbox setting)

Global Warming

Metrics Hide

Save Metrics with analysis run Project-2025_MFL_FULL-SpecialCharFix.txt 07/14/024 11:48:34 Appended Metrics File

Total Lines: 15842
Blank Lines:
Non Blank Lines: 15842
Imperatives: 2799
Shalls: 31
Wills: 519

Message: These metrics are what allow you to compare different documents and different analysis runs. Consider moving the numbers into a spreadsheet for visualization. Counts of Shalls, Wills, IsReq, and Imperatives are hardcoded into the tool. You have the ability to enter a Norm value, which can be surfaced after multiple analysis sessions.

Item Risk Count Children % lines % imperative % shall % will % isreq % Norm
China s18s

Civil Service s18s





Climate Change s18s

Communist s18s

Eliminate Repeal s18s

Marxist s18s

NATO s18s

NAZI Fascist s18s

President s18s

Privatize s18s






Promise s24s






Revolution s18s

Russia s18s

Section Titles s24s






Socialist s18s

Sustainability s18s

Ukraine s18s

Unions s18s

Woke Labeling s18s

z Mined Objects





Rules Total 20
Rules Triggered 5
Rules Not Triggered 15
Percent of Rules Triggered 25%

Reading Level Hide

Disabling the noise filter may reduce the reading level. Re-run the report to capture metrics for both instances.

Accessed Unique Words:
Accessed Unique Syllables:
Words with 3+ Syllables:
Polysyllabic Count: 0
Reading Level: No reading level is available. Select any rule option and check: Count Accessed Words or use a Reading Level Service which has checked: Count Accessed Words.

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The number of children at a particular level translate to a document shape. There are diffrent document shapes and each have implications. The document shapes are: random, rectangle, pyramid, inverted pyramid, trapazoid and diamond.

There are no child counts. Try disabling all services except for the service that has checked: Count Accessed Words.

Services and Triggered Rule Comments Hide

Government Changes:

. . . 1. China No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: China Color: PURPLE Access Object: China|Taiwan Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 2. Civil Service No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Civil Service Color: GREEN Access Object: Civil Service Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 3. Climate Change No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Climate Change Color: ORANGE Access Object: Climate Change|Carbon|Solar|Global Warming|wind and solar|solar and wind|wind energy|wind turbines|offshore Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 4. Communist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Communist Color: NAVY Access Object: Communis\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 5. Eliminate Repeal No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Eliminate Repeal Color: RED Access Object: Eliminate\w*|Repeal\w*|abolish\w* Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 6. Marxist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Marxist Color: MAROON Access Object: Marx\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 7. NATO No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: NATO Color: BLUE Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: NATO Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 8. NAZI Fascist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: NAZI Fascist Color: FUCHSIA Access Object: Fascis\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 9. President No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: President Color: PURPLE Access Object: President Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 10. Privatize No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Privatize Color: BLUE Access Object: Privatize\w* Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 11. Revolution No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Revolution Color: ORANGE Access Object: Revolution\w* Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 12. Russia No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Russia Color: RED Access Object: Russi\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 13. Socialist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Socialist Color: OLIVE Access Object: Socialist|Socialism Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 14. Sustainability No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Sustainability Color: BROWN Access Object: Sustainab\w+|unsustainab\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 15. Ukraine No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Ukraine Color: GREEN Access Object: Ukrain\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 16. Unions No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Unions Color: MAROON Access Object: deunionize\w*|union\w*|worker\w* Reject Object: soviet|european|\.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 17. Woke Labeling No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Woke Labeling Color: NAVY Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: \b[wW]oke\w*\b|Left[^\s]|[fF]eckless\w*|[Aa]nti.[aA]merican|[Bb]iased|[Pp]olitically [Bb]iased|unbiased Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED


. . . 1. Promise Must use parse option to capture the sections. A different search rule is needed for non-parse option.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Promise Color: BLACK Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: PROMISE \#\d+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 2. Section Titles Must use parse option to capture the sections. A different search rule is needed for non-parse option.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Section Titles Color: BLACK Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: Section \w+ TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT|Section \w+ THE COMMON DEFENSE|Section \w+ THE GENERAL WELFARE|Section \w+ THE ECONOMY|Section \w+ INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGENCIES Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

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21 Seconds

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