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1. GDA-79 The long march of cultural Marxism through our institutions has come to pass. .

2. GDA-353 Overseas, a totalitarian Communist dictatorship in Beijing is engaged in a strategic, cultural, and economic Cold War against America's interests, values, and people --- all while globalist elites in Washington awaken only slowly to that growing threat. .

3. GDA-390 In 1979, the threats we faced were the Soviet Union, the socialism of 1970s liberals, and the predatory deviancy of cultural elites. .



6. GDA-508 The next conservative President must end the Left's social experimentation with the military, restore warfighting as its sole mission, and set defeating the threat of the Chinese Communist Party as its highest priority. .


8. GDA-529 university president or Wall Street hedge fund manager has more in common with a socialist, European head of state than with the parents at a high school football game in Waco, Texas. .

9. GDA-555 For 30 years, America's political, economic, and cultural leaders embraced and enriched Communist China and its genocidal Communist Party while hollowing out America's industrial base. .

10. GDA-569 The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dictated terms, only to break them whenever it suited them. .

11. GDA-606 PROMISE #4 SECURE OUR GOD-GIVEN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT TO ENJOY "THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY." The Declaration of Independence famously asserted the belief of America's Founders that "all men are created equal" and endowed with God-given rights to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." It's the last --- "the pursuit of Happiness" --- that is central to America's heroic experiment in self-government. .

12. GDA-620 Left to our own devices, the American people rejected European monarchy and colonialism just as we rejected slavery, second-class citizenship for women, mercantilism, socialism, Wilsonian globalism, Fascism, Communism, and (today) wokeism. .

13. GDA-623 After all, the countries where Marxist elites have won political and economic power are all weaker, poorer, and less free for it. .

14. GDA-626 And the next conservative President should champion the dynamic genius of free enterprise against the grim miseries of elite-directed socialism. .

15. GDA-627 The promise of socialism --- Communism, Marxism, progressivism, Fascism, whatever name it chooses --- is simple: Government control of the economy can ensure equal outcomes for all people. .

16. GDA-630 This is not a failing of one nation or socialist party, but inherent in human nature. .

17. GDA-632 By contrast, Communist North Korea is almost completely dark, except for the small dot of the capital city, Pyongyang, where a psychotic dictator and his cronies live. .

18. GDA-637 For socialists, who are almost always well-to-do, socialism is not a means of equalizing outcomes, but a means of accumulating power. .

19. GDA-642 Venezuela was once the richest nation in South America; today, a decade after a Marxist dictator took over, 94 percent of Venezuelans live in poverty.4 Even socialist Senator Bernie Sanders' home state of Vermont was forced to repeal the state's single-payer health care system just three years after creating it. .

20. GDA-643 In every case, socialist elites promised that if only they could direct the economy, everything would be better. .

21. GDA-645 In socialist nation after socialist nation, the only way the government could keep its disgruntled people in line was to surveil and terrorize them. .

22. GDA-653 It should promote educational opportunities outside the woke-dominated system of public schools and universities, including trade schools, apprenticeship programs, and student-loan alternatives that fund students' dreams instead of Marxist academics. .

23. GDA-689 Section One TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT A merica's Bicentennial, which culminated on July 4, 1976, was a spirited and unifying celebration of our country, its Founding, and its ideals. .

24. GDA-1904 Section Two THE COMMON DEFENSE W hile the lives of Americans are affected in noteworthy ways, for better or worse, by each part of the executive branch, the inherent importance of national defense and foreign affairs makes the Departments of Defense and State first among equals. .

25. GDA-1912 "By far the most significant danger" to America from abroad, Miller writes, "is China." That communist regime "is undertaking a historic military buildup," which "could result in a nuclear force that matches or exceeds America's own nuclear arsenal." Resisting Chinese expansionist aims "requires a denial defense" whereby we make "the subordination of Taiwan or other U.S. .

26. GDA-2147 4. Eliminate Marxist indoctrination and divisive critical race theory programs and abolish newly established diversity, equity, and inclusion offices and staff. .

27. GDA-2149 6. Audit the course offerings at military academies to remove Marxist indoctrination, eliminate tenure for academic professionals, and apply the same rules to instructors that are applied to other DOD contracting personnel. .

28. GDA-3425 The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been "at war" with the U.S. .

29. GDA-3483 The People's Republic of China The designs of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Chinese Communist Party, which runs the PRC, are serious and dangerous.9 This tyrannical country with a population of more than 1 billion people has the vision, resources, and patience to achieve its objectives. .

30. GDA-3500 In addition, some knowingly or not parrot the Communist line: Global leaders including President Joe Biden, have tried to normalize or even laud Chinese behavior. .

31. GDA-3504 As with all global struggles with Communist and other tyrannical regimes, the issue should never be with the Chinese people but with the Communist dictatorship that oppresses them and threatens the well-being of nations across the globe.12 That said, the nature of Chinese power today is the product of history, ideology, and the institutions that have governed China during the course of five millennia, inherited by the present Chinese leaders from the preceding generations of the CCP.13 In short, the PRC challenge is rooted in China's strategic culture and not just the Marxism-Leninism of the CCP, meaning that internal culture and civil society will never deliver a more normative nation. .

32. GDA-3519 ally, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Venezuela) has all but collapsed under the Communist regimes of the late Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. .

33. GDA-3522 Its Communist leadership has also drawn closer to some of the United States' greatest international foes, including the PRC and Iran, which have long sought a foothold in the Americas. .

34. GDA-3524 To contain Venezuela's Communism and aid international partners, the next Administration must take important steps to put Venezuela's Communist abusers on notice while making strides to help the Venezuelan people. .

35. GDA-3544 interests; be fiscally responsible; and protect American freedom, liberty, and sovereignty, all while recognizing Communist China as the greatest threat to U.S. .

36. GDA-3550 The next conservative President has a generational opportunity to bring resolution to the foreign policy tensions within the movement and chart a new path forward that recognizes Communist China as the defining threat to U.S. .

37. GDA-3562 Nonetheless, the region now has an overwhelming number of socialist or progressive regimes, which are at odds with the freedom and growth-oriented policies of the U.S. .

38. GDA-3821 Since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the subsequent collapse of Soviet and Eastern Bloc Communism, factors including the false appeal of a so-called peace dividend triggered a slide in the U.S. .

39. GDA-4139 CHINA-FOCUSED CHANGES, REFORMS, AND RESOURCES The term "whole of government" is all too frequently overused, but in responding to the generational threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party, that is exactly the approach that our national security apparatus should adopt. .

40. GDA-4507 These programs present news and information about Cuba's oppressive government from the outside world that would otherwise be heavily restricted.6 The OCB remains a critical avenue of truth to the Cuban people but has been threatened with crippling budget and operational constraints, including empathetic attitudes toward Communist Cuban leadership coupled with organizational hostility toward the OCB by certain elements of USAGM leadership. .

41. GDA-4805 At the height of the Cold War with the Soviet Union, it sought to halt the spread of Communism by assisting peoples in the developing world in their efforts to advance economically, socially, and politically. .

42. GDA-4806 The agency helped to transition Central and Eastern Europe from socialism to free market-based democracies. .

43. GDA-4860 The Biden Administration discontinued these programs and allowed USAID's counter-China architecture to waste away, subordinating our national security interests to progressive climate politics in which Communist China is viewed as a global partner. .

44. GDA-5155 Asia is the most populous continent and ground zero in the battle against Communist China's efforts to exploit the development needs of poor countries for geopolitical gain. .

45. GDA-5240 These regimes are hostile to American interests and private enterprise, breed corruption, implement radical policies that will further impoverish their people and threaten their democracies, and are more open to striking partnerships with Communist China. .

46. GDA-5252 l Challenge the socialist ideas that have captured too many of the region's governments and their nations' youth. .

47. GDA-5272 It can build on a strong baseline of conservative reforms undertaken by the Trump Administration to counter Communist China's strategy of world domination. .

48. GDA-5325 Section Three THE GENERAL WELFARE When our Founders wrote in the Constitution that the federal government would "promote the general Welfare," they could not have fathomed a massive bureaucracy that would someday spend $3 trillion in a single year --- roughly the sum, combined, spent by the departments covered in this section in 2022. .

49. GDA-6444 Confronting the Chinese Communist Party's Influence on Higher Education According to media reports, more than 100 universities in the U.S. .

50. GDA-6446 Much of this money derives from the Chinese Communist Party and its proxies. .

51. GDA-10051 Mexico --- which is arguably functioning as a failed state run by drug cartels --- is the main point of transit for illegal drugs produced in Central and South America, fentanyl precursors from the Chinese Communist Party-led People's Republic of China,49 weapons, human smuggling and trafficking, and other contraband. .

52. GDA-11764 Section Four THE ECONOMY The next Administration must prioritize the economic prosperity of ordinary Americans. .

53. GDA-11781 China's goal, Navarro says, is "to shift the world's manufacturing and supply chains" to its soil, thereby strengthening its "defense industrial base and associated warfighting capabilities." He writes, "Every year, more than 300,000 Communist Chinese nationals attend U.S. .

54. GDA-11821 It possesses key tools to address decades of poor decision-making in Washington and is central to any plan to reverse the precipitous economic decline sparked by the Biden Administration and to counter Communist China. .

55. GDA-12194 Conservative leadership at MBDA should focus the organization on: l Conducting policy analysis on the benefit of free markets, the evils of socialism and Communism, and the destructive effect of taxes and regulations on minority businesses; l Ensuring MBDA business centers operate efficiently with strict oversight of funding, clear metrics for success, and consequences for poor performance; l Creating policy-level operational priorities geared toward private sector action over government action with public-private partnerships serving as a necessary middle ground; l Establishing MBDA as a data and research clearinghouse for minority business enterprises and policymakers; l Coordinating amongst Cabinet agencies, state and local government, and trade associations to best leverage resources and encourage growth and innovation; and l Evaluating the harmful effects of unfair trade practices on minority-owned businesses and their employees. .

56. GDA-12518 businesses in order to expand the global presence of the Chinese Communist Party. .

57. GDA-12521 Firms fully owned by China's Communist regime are increasingly buying land, building factories, and taking advantage of state and local tax breaks on American soil. .

58. GDA-13755 The second challenge is part of the broader existential threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in its quest for global dominance. .

59. GDA-13757 However, Communist China's economic aggression also extends to an intricate set of industrial policies and technology transfer-forcing policies that have dramatically skewed the international trading arena. .

60. GDA-13758 Both the unfair, unbalanced, and nonreciprocal trade institutionalized by the WTO and Communist China's economic aggression are weakening America's manufacturing and defense industrial base even as the fragility of globally dispersed supply chains has been brought into sharp relief by the COVID-19 pandemic with its associated lockdowns and other disruptions and by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. .

61. GDA-13765 Note that the trade deficit in goods with Communist China is by far the largest: It accounts for fully one-third of that deficit and is more than twice the size of the deficit with the EU. .

62. GDA-13773 TABLE 1America's Trade Defi cit in Goods and Services with Major Trading PartnersFY 2022 FIGURES FOR SELECTED AREAS, IN BILLIONS OF DOLLARSA heritage.orgCountryDefi citCommunist China - European Union - Mexico - Vietnam - Canada - Japan - Ireland - Taiwan - CountryDefi citSouth Korea- Thailand - India - Malaysia - Switzerland - Indonesia - Total- has a quality of its own." In World War II in particular, it was not just the brave soldiers, sailors, and pilots who beat the Nazis and Imperial Japan. .

63. GDA-13776 At the height of the pandemic, the rising geopolitical risk associated with globalized supply chains was underscored when Communist China, which controls much of the world's pharmaceutical production and supply chains, threatened to plunge America "into a mighty sea of coronavirus" through pharmaceutical export controls6 if American politicians dared to investigate what happened at the Wuhan lab. .

64. GDA-13786 In contrast, the EU charges 10 percent, Communist China 15 percent, and Brazil 35 percent. .

65. GDA-13810 Separately, Communist China levies higher tariffs on 10 products for every one Chinese product that is subject to a U.S.-applied higher tariff.11 India's ratio is even higher at 13 to one. .

66. GDA-13811 Further, both Communist China and India also feature significant nontariff barriers. .

67. GDA-13812 Collectively, these higher nonreciprocal tariffs in Communist China and India block American exporters from selling goods at competitive prices to more than one-third of the world's population. .

68. GDA-13861 Figure 1 shows that the USRTA priority list would include the countries in red --- Communist China and India --- along with trading partners in the yellow zone. .

69. GDA-13870 Columns 2 and 4 in Table 4, when the USRTA is applied first to Communist China and then to the EU, show the largest absolute dollar reductions in bilateral trade deficits. .

70. GDA-13872 In Scenario Two, the impacts for Communist China and the EU are substantially larger: $70.6 billion and $25.3 billion, respectively. .

71. GDA-13877 raised its tariffs to mirror India's levels, the result would be a far more dramatic 88 percent SCENARIO ONE PARTNER COUNTRIES MATCH US TARIFF RATESCENARIO TWO US MATCHES PARTNER TARIFF RATESCountryProjected Change in Bilateral Trade Balance( Billions) Bilateral Defi cit Reduction as Share of  Bilateral Defi citProjected Change in Bilateral Trade Balance( Billions) Bilateral Defi cit Reduction as Share of  Bilateral Defi citIndia Taiwan Vietnam Thailand Communist China European Union Total SOURCE: White House O ce of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, The United States Reciprocal Trade Act: Estimated Job & Trade Defi cit E ects, May 2029, p. .

72. GDA-13880 TABLE 4Trade Defi cit Reductions for Target CountriesA heritage.org Chinas Acts Policies and Practices of Economic AggressionProtect Chinas Home Market from Competition and ImportsExpand China's Share of Global MarketsSecure and Control Core Natural Resources GloballyDominate Traditional Manufacturing IndustriesAcquire Key Technologies and IP from Other Countries and the US Capture Emerging High-Tech Industries that Drive Future Growth and Advancements in Defense IndustryAdverse Administrative Approvals and Licensing Processes%%% Anti-monopoly Law Extortion%%%% Bid-Rig Foreign Government Procurement Contracts%%% "Brand Forcing" --- Forced Use of Chinese Brands% Burdensome and Intrusive Testing%%% Chinese Communist Party Co- opts Corporate Governance%%% Chinese Nationals as Non-Traditional Information Collectors%%%% TABLE 5Communist China's Categories of Economic Aggression (Page 1 of 8) Chinas Acts Policies and Practices of Economic AggressionProtect Chinas Home Market from Competition and ImportsExpand China's Share of Global MarketsSecure and Control Core Natural Resources GloballyDominate Traditional Manufacturing IndustriesAcquire Key Technologies and IP from Other Countries and the US Capture Emerging High-Tech Industries that Drive Future Growth and Advancements in Defense IndustryClaim Sovereign Immunity on US Soil to Prevent Litigation% Consolidate State- Owned Enterprises into National Champions%%%%%% Counterfeiting and Piracy Steals Intellectual Property%%% Currency Manipulation and Undervaluation%%% Cyber-Enabled Espionage and Theft%%%% Data Localization Mandates%%% "Debt-Trap" Financing to Developing Countries%% TABLE 5Communist China's Categories of Economic Aggression (Page 2 of 8) Chinas Acts Policies and Practices of Economic AggressionProtect Chinas Home Market from Competition and ImportsExpand China's Share of Global MarketsSecure and Control Core Natural Resources GloballyDominate Traditional Manufacturing IndustriesAcquire Key Technologies and IP from Other Countries and the US Capture Emerging High-Tech Industries that Drive Future Growth and Advancements in Defense IndustryDelays in Regulatory Approvals%%% Discriminatory Catalogues and Lists%%% Discriminatory Patent and Other IP Rights Restrictions%%%% Dumping Below Cost Into Foreign Markets%%% Evasion of US Export Control Laws%% Expert Review Panels Force Disclosure of Proprietary Information%%% Export Restraints Restrict Access to Raw Materials%%%%% TABLE 5Communist China's Categories of Economic Aggression (Page 3 of 8) Chinas Acts Policies and Practices of Economic AggressionProtect Chinas Home Market from Competition and ImportsExpand China's Share of Global MarketsSecure and Control Core Natural Resources GloballyDominate Traditional Manufacturing IndustriesAcquire Key Technologies and IP from Other Countries and the US Capture Emerging High-Tech Industries that Drive Future Growth and Advancements in Defense IndustryFinancial Support to Boost Exports and Promote Import Substitution%%%% Forced Research and Development ("R&D Localization") %% Foreign Ownership Restrictions Force Technology and IP Transfer%%% Government Procurement Restrictions% Indigenous Technology Standards%%% "Junk Patent" Lawsuits% Lack of Transparency% TABLE 5Communist China's Categories of Economic Aggression (Page 4 of 8) Chinas Acts Policies and Practices of Economic AggressionProtect Chinas Home Market from Competition and ImportsExpand China's Share of Global MarketsSecure and Control Core Natural Resources GloballyDominate Traditional Manufacturing IndustriesAcquire Key Technologies and IP from Other Countries and the US Capture Emerging High-Tech Industries that Drive Future Growth and Advancements in Defense IndustryLax and Inconsistent Labor Laws%%% Monopsony Purchasing Power%% Move the Regulatory Goalposts%%% Open Source Collection of Science and Technology Information%% Overcapacity Drives Out Foreign Rivals%%% Physical Theft of Technologies and IP Through Economic Espionage%%%% Placement of Chinese Employees with Foreign Joint Ventures% Price Controls to Restrict Imports% TABLE 5Communist China's Categories of Economic Aggression (Page 5 of 8) Chinas Acts Policies and Practices of Economic AggressionProtect Chinas Home Market from Competition and ImportsExpand China's Share of Global MarketsSecure and Control Core Natural Resources GloballyDominate Traditional Manufacturing IndustriesAcquire Key Technologies and IP from Other Countries and the US Capture Emerging High-Tech Industries that Drive Future Growth and Advancements in Defense Industry"Product Hop" and "Country Hop" to Evade Antidumping and Countervailing Duties%% Promise Cooperation on Regional Security Issues as Bargaining Chip%%% Quotas and Tari -Rate Quotas% Recruitment of Science Technology Business and Finance Talent%%% Retaliation and Retaliatory Threats%%%% Reverse Engineering%% TABLE 5Communist China's Categories of Economic Aggression (Page 6 of 8) Chinas Acts Policies and Practices of Economic AggressionProtect Chinas Home Market from Competition and ImportsExpand China's Share of Global MarketsSecure and Control Core Natural Resources GloballyDominate Traditional Manufacturing IndustriesAcquire Key Technologies and IP from Other Countries and the US Capture Emerging High-Tech Industries that Drive Future Growth and Advancements in Defense IndustrySanitary and Phytosanitary Standards Raise Non- Tari Barriers%%% Secure and Controllable Technology Standards%%% Security Reviews Force Technology and IP Transfer%% Structuring Transactions to Avoid CFIUS Review of Chinese Investment in the US %% Subsidized Factor Inputs --- Capital Energy Utilities and Land%% Tari s% TABLE 5Communist China's Categories of Economic Aggression (Page 7 of 8) Chinas Acts Policies and Practices of Economic AggressionProtect Chinas Home Market from Competition and ImportsExpand China's Share of Global MarketsSecure and Control Core Natural Resources GloballyDominate Traditional Manufacturing IndustriesAcquire Key Technologies and IP from Other Countries and the US Capture Emerging High-Tech Industries that Drive Future Growth and Advancements in Defense IndustryTechnology-Seeking State-Directed Foreign Direct Investment%%% Traditional Spycraft%%% Transship to Evade Antidumping and Countervailing Duties% Value-Added Tax Adjustments and Rebates Subsidize Chinese Exports%% Weak and Laxly Enforced Environmental Laws%% TABLE 5Communist China's Categories of Economic Aggression (Page 8 of 8) SOURCE: White House O ce of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, How China's Economic Aggression Threatens the Technologies and Intellectual Property of the United States and the World, June 2018, https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/wp-content/ uploads/2018/06/FINAL-China-Technology-Report-6.18.18-PDF.pdf (accessed March 21, 2023).A heritage.org reduction in the U.S. .

73. GDA-13905 CHALLENGE #2: COMMUNIST CHINA'S ECONOMIC AGGRESSION AND QUEST FOR WORLD DOMINATION18 Among all of its bilateral trade relationships, America's relationship with Communist China is the most fraught with difficulty. .

74. GDA-13907 Communist China's economic aggression in the traditional trade policy space is further facilitated by equally aggressive industrial policies and technology transfer-forcing policies that are designed to shift the world's manufacturing and supply chains to Communist Chinese soil. .

75. GDA-13908 The Chinese Communist Party's policy goal is to propel the Chinese economy, but its broader goal is to strengthen Communist China's defense industrial base and associated warfighting capabilities. .

76. GDA-13910 Rather, it is a prominent feature of Communist Chinese dictator Xi Jinping's rhetoric. .

77. GDA-13911 Xi has promised that the deed will be done by 2049, the 100-year anniversary of the Communist takeover of the Mainland.19 In light of Communist China's broader geopolitical and military agenda, the American President who takes office in January 2025 must view the U.S.-China trade relationship and associated policy reforms within the context of the broader existential threat posed by Communist China. .

78. GDA-13912 The question is whether that next President should seek to decouple economically and financially from Communist China as America's first best response to China's unrelenting aggression or continue efforts to negotiate with an authoritarian country and brutal dictatorship with a well-established reputation for failing to abide by any agreements it enters. .

79. GDA-13915 Viewed as whole, the extent of Communist China's aggression is breathtaking. .

80. GDA-13916 At the trade policy level, Communist China relies heavily on a wide range of mercantilist and protectionist tools to protect its own markets and unfairly exploit foreign markets. .

81. GDA-13917 These instruments of Communist Chinese trade aggression include high tariffs and nontariff barriers, currency manipulation, a heavy reliance on sweatshop labor and pollution havens, the dumping of unfairly subsidized exports, and widespread counterfeiting and piracy: Communist China is the world's largest source of counterfeit and pirated products. .

82. GDA-13918 In addition, Communist Chinese enterprises benefit from preferential policies that have burdened world markets with subsidized overcapacity. .

83. GDA-13919 The resultant glut of Communist Chinese exports in turn depresses world prices and pushes foreign rivals out of the global market --- steel is a major example.20 Industrial policy tools that further reinforce Communist China's mercantilist and protectionist trade policies include numerous direct and indirect subsidies to boost exports and the consolidation of heavily subsidized state-owned enterprises into "national champions" that can compete with foreign companies in both domestic and global markets. .

84. GDA-13920 Communist China also uses a predatory "debt trap" model of economic development aid that proffers substantial financing to developing countries in exchange for their willingness to mortgage their natural resources and allow Communist China access to their markets. .

85. GDA-13921 The practical effect of this debt trap model is to give Communist China a competitive edge internationally that stems from its preferential access to relatively lower-cost commodities needed in the manufacturing process. .

86. GDA-13923 As a complement to this debt trap gambit and to exploit its commanding share of a wide range of critical raw materials that are essential to the global supply chain and production of high-technology and high-value-added products, Communist China strategically uses protectionist export restraints, including export quotas and export duties. .

87. GDA-13925 The result is to drive up world prices and thereby put pressure on American and other foreign downstream producers to move their operations, technologies, and jobs to Communist China. .

88. GDA-13926 American industries that have been affected by Communist China's export restraints range from steel, chemicals, and electric cars to wind turbines, lasers, semiconductors, and refrigerants. .

89. GDA-13928 Table 6, extracted from the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy's report on Communist China's economic aggression,21 provides a summary of the various policies the Chinese Communist Party uses to force the transfer of the West's technologies to Communist Chinese soil. .

90. GDA-13929 Formally, Communist Chinese industrial policy seeks to promote the "digestion, absorption, and re-innovation" of technologies and intellectual property (IP) from around the world.22 As noted in Table 6, this policy is carried out, for example, through state-sponsored IP theft --- coercive and intrusive regulatory gambits to force technology transfer, typically in exchange for limited access to the Chinese market. .

91. GDA-13930 Communist China's looting of American technology is further enhanced by "information harvesting" conducted by Communist Chinese nationals who infiltrate U.S. .

92. GDA-13932 Strategic sectors targeted by Communist Chinese economic espionage have included electronics, telecommunications, robotics, data services, pharmaceuticals, mobile phone services, satellite communications and imagery, and business application software. .

93. GDA-13934 "between $180 billion and $540 billion" annually.23 Closely related to Communist China's espionage campaigns are its state-backed efforts to evade U.S. .

94. GDA-13938 When acquired by a strategic economic and military competitor like Communist China, however, such commercial items can quickly wind up propelling the aircraft of the People's Liberation Army. .

95. GDA-13939 As an example of Communist China's coercive and intrusive regulatory gambits to force the transfer of foreign technologies and IP to Chinese competitors, foreign companies often must enter into joint ventures or partnerships with minority stakes in exchange for access to the Chinese market. .

96. GDA-13942 Similarly, a relentlessly coercive Communist China has forced American patent and technology holders to accept below-market royalty rates in licensing and other forms of below-market compensation for their technologies --- and the American government has done little or nothing about it. .

97. GDA-13944 Every year, more than 300,000 Communist Chinese nationals attend U.S. .

98. GDA-13947 To put this in perspective, according to the Chinese Ministry of Education, only 20,000 American nationals were studying abroad at Chinese universities on the mainland in 2018.25 These Chinese nationals --- often members (or the sons and daughters of members) of the Chinese Communist Party --- now account for approximately one-third of foreign university and college students in the United States and about 25 percent of graduate students specializing in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM).26 As a Defense Innovation Unit Experimental (DIUx) report has warned: Academia is an opportune environment for learning about science and technology since the cultural values of U.S. .

99. GDA-13952 For example, Huawei, well-known within the American intelligence community as an instrument of Chinese military espionage, has partnered with the University of California-Berkeley on research that focuses on artificial intelligence and related areas such as deep learning, reinforcement learning, machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision, all of which have important future military applications.28 In this way, UC-Berkeley, whether unwittingly or wittingly, helps to boost Communist China's capabilities and quest for military dominance. .

100. GDA-13953 Communist Chinese state actors are also strategically building research centers in innovation centers and hubs like Silicon Valley and Boston. .

101. GDA-13954 Such American research has accelerated Communist China's development of hypersonic glide vehicles, which travel at speeds in excess of Mach 5 and are aimed at evading modern ballistic missile defense systems while they deliver their nuclear weapons. .

102. GDA-13956 If American entrepreneurs build it, Communist Chinese investors will come. .

103. GDA-13959 companies and assets by Chinese companies, to obtain cutting-edge technologies and intellectual property and generate large-scale technology transfer in industries deemed important by state industrial plans.29 Communist Chinese buyers have included most prominently state-owned enterprises, private Chinese companies with interlocking ties to the Communist Chinese state, and state-backed sovereign wealth funds. .

104. GDA-13960 These agents of the Communist Chinese government push their foreign direct investment through vehicles that include mergers and acquisitions, seed and venture capital financing, and greenfield investing, particularly in strategically targeted high-technology industries. .

105. GDA-13961 Since 2012, CB Insights has catalogued more than 600 high-technology investments in the United States worth close to $20 billion --- with artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, and robotics receiving a particular focus --- by Communist China-based investors.30 All of these behaviors raise the question of whether Communist Chinese nationals should be granted visas to penetrate our universities, think tanks, and research institutions and whether Communist Chinese capital should be allowed to invest in America's cutting-edge technology firms. .

106. GDA-13962 Policy Responses to Communist Chinese Aggression. .

107. GDA-13963 It should be clear from this review that Communist China's economic aggression is both widespread and systemic. .

108. GDA-13966 The question: How should the next American President address this aggression? Policy responses range from further attempts to negotiate with the CCP to strategically decoupling economically and financially from Communist China. .

109. GDA-13968 If the past is prologue, and as we learned during the Trump Administration, any further negotiations with Communist China are likely to be both fruitless and dangerous: fruitless because the CCP now has a very well-established reputation for bargaining in bad faith and dangerous because as long as the CCP's aggression continues, it will further weaken America's manufacturing and defense industrial base and global supply chains. .

110. GDA-13969 The record regarding Communist China's bad-faith negotiating is clear. .

111. GDA-13970 In September 2015, President Barack Obama stood with Xi Jinping in the White House Rose Garden where Xi solemnly promised not to militarize the South China Sea and agreed that Communist China would not conduct knowingly cyber-enabled theft of intellectual property.31 Within a year, the first promise would be broken.32 As for Communist China's cyberattacks on American businesses, they have never stopped. .

112. GDA-13975 These tariffs would lead Communist China's lead negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He, to agree tentatively in April of 2019 to what would have been the most comprehensive trade deal in global history.34 On May 3, 2019, however, Liu would renege on that 150-page deal and seek its drastic re-trading.35 Finally, on January 15, 2020, the U.S. .

113. GDA-13976 and Communist China signed a "Phase One" deal that was a pale shadow of the original deal.36 This so-called Skinny Deal (as it was derisively and rightly called) combined proposed modest Communist Chinese reforms on issues related to forced technology transfer and intellectual property theft with promises of large-scale purchases of agricultural, manufacturing, and energy products. .

114. GDA-13977 To date, this deal has been a predictable bust: Communist China has failed to consummate a significant fraction of its promised purchases and has made little or no progress on reforming its mercantilist, protectionist, and technology transfer-forcing policies. .

115. GDA-13978 The clear lesson learned in both the Obama and Trump Administrations is that Communist China will never bargain in good faith with the U.S. .

116. GDA-13980 An equally clear lesson learned by President Trump, which he was ready to implement in a second term, was that the better policy option was to decouple both economically and financially from Communist China as further negotiations would indeed be both fruitless and dangerous. .

117. GDA-13983 TABLE 6Vectors of Communist China's Economic Aggression in the Technology and IP SpaceA heritage.org  Physical Theft and Cyber-Enabled Theft of Technologies and IP " Physical Theft of Technologies and IP Through Economic Espionage " Cyber-Enabled Espionage and Theft " Evasion of US Export Control Laws " Counterfeiting and Piracy " Reverse Engineering  Coercive and Intrusive Regulatory Gambits " Foreign Ownership Restrictions " Adverse Administrative Approvals and Licensing Requirements " Discriminatory Patent and Other IP Rights Restrictions " Security Reviews Force Technology and IP Transfers " Secure and Controllable Technology Standards " Data Localization Mandates " Burdensome and Intrusive Testing " Discriminatory Catalogues and Lists " Government Procurement Restrictions " Indigenous Technology Standards that Deviate from International Norms " Forced Research and Development " Antimonopoly Law Extortion " Expert Review Panels Force Disclosure of Proprietary Information " Chinese Communist Party Co-opts Corporate Governance " Placement of Chinese Employees with Foreign Joint Ventures  Economic Coercion " Export Restraints Restrict Access to Raw Materials " Monopsony Purchasing Power  Information Harvesting " Open-Source Collection of Science and Technology Information " Chinese Nationals in US as Non-Traditional Information Collectors " Recruitment of Science Technology Business and Finance Talent  State-Sponsored Technology-Seeking Investment " Chinese State Actors Involved in Technology-Seeking FDI " Chinese Investment Vehicles Used to Acquire and Transfer US Technologies and IP - Mergers and Acquisitions - Greenfi eld Investments - Seed and Venture Funding The following policy options were on the drawing board or in discussion as preparations for a potential Trump second term were being made. .

118. GDA-13984 These options span the spectrum from purely trade-related like increasing tariffs to cutting off Communist China's access to American financial markets, research institutions, and consumers. .

119. GDA-13987 l Provide significant financial and tax incentives to American companies that are seeking to onshore production from Communist China to U.S. .

120. GDA-13989 l Stop Communist China's abuse of the so-called de minimis exemption, which allows it to evade the tariffs for products valued at less than $800. .

121. GDA-13990 l Prohibit Communist Chinese state-owned enterprises from bidding on U.S. .

122. GDA-13992 l Prohibit the use of Communist Chinese-made drones in American airspace. .

123. GDA-13994 l Prohibit all Communist Chinese investment in high-technology industries. .

124. GDA-13996 pension funds from investing in Communist Chinese stocks. .

125. GDA-13997 l Delist any Communist Chinese stocks that do not meet Public Company Accounting Oversight Board standards or, alternatively, close off the Chinese "A shares" stock market to U.S. .

126. GDA-13998 investment and deregister U.S.- sanctioned Communist Chinese companies. .

127. GDA-14003 dependence on Communist Chinese supply chains that may be used to threaten national security such as medicines, silicon chips, rare earth minerals, computer motherboards, flatscreen displays, and military components. .

128. GDA-14004 l Sanction any companies, including American companies like Apple, that facilitate Communist China's use of its Great Firewall surveillance and censorship capabilities. .

129. GDA-14012 President wishes to defend this country against the serious existential threat posed by Communist China, that President will adopt all of these proposals through the requisite presidential executive orders or memoranda. .

130. GDA-14020 Instead, America trades in a world where the WTO's MFN rules are stacked against us, scofflaws like Communist China run roughshod over what meager WTO rules there are, and the United States among all of the world's developed nations is the biggest victim of the free trade Ricardian orthodoxy. .

131. GDA-14047 companies offshore their production to chase cheap labor or manufacture in a "pollution haven" country like Communist China or India with lax environmental regulations, the result is reduced nonresidential fixed investment --- and a GDP growth rate that is lower than it would be otherwise. .

132. GDA-14062 dollars is a rapidly militarizing strategic rival like Communist China that is intent on world hegemony. .

133. GDA-14063 By buying up America's companies, technologies, farmland, food producers, and key elements of the domestic supply chain, Communist China can thereby gain more and more control of the U.S. .

134. GDA-14069 During the Trump Administration, President Trump's key policy advisers and Cabinet officials clashed on the issues of international trade and combating Communist China's economic aggression. .

135. GDA-14070 As much as President Trump did on the trade front that was bold and innovative and as much as he achieved by challenging Communist China, too much of his trade policy was disrupted or derailed by key personnel who did not share the President's vision of fair, balanced, and reciprocal trade. .

136. GDA-14088 CONCLUSION A Harvard professor once told me during my doctoral thesis days that "if I tell you how it is, I've told you why it can't change." Despite the obvious exploitation of American farmers, ranchers, manufacturers, and workers by the international trading system and Communist Chinese aggression, powerful political forces nonetheless exist that profit from the status quo. .

137. GDA-14089 The stark lesson of this chapter is that America gets fleeced every day in the global marketplace both by a predatory Communist China and by an institutionally unfair and nonreciprocal WTO. .

138. GDA-14401 Anyone who thinks Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Xi Jinping and the government in Beijing are bad actors now --- which they are --- should consider what would happen if the Chinese convinced liberal countries like the United States to decouple from them, leaving them free to pursue whatever policies they wish without the significant counterweight that America can provide. .

139. GDA-14743 Section Five INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGENCIES In addition to the executive departments and agencies discussed previously, a number of independent commissions exist that are loosely affiliated with the executive branch. .

140. GDA-14748 Under a new chairman, he writes, "[t]he FCC needs to change course and bring new urgency to achieving four main goals: [r]eining in Big Tech; [p]romoting national security; [u]nleashing economic prosperity; and [e]nsuring FCC accountability and good governance." "The FCC," writes Carr, "has an important role to play in addressing the threats to individual liberty posed by corporations that are abusing dominant positions in the market." Nowhere is that clearer "than when it comes to Big Tech and its attempts to drive diverse political viewpoints from the digital town square." Carr writes that the FCC should require more transparency from Big Tech, which today "offers a black box." And it should issue "an order that interprets Section 230" --- which provides protection from legal liability to online computer services that moderate content in good faith --- "in a way that eliminates the expansive, non-textual immunities that courts have read into the statute." In addition to taking unilateral action, Carr says, the FCC should work with Congress on legislative changes to ensure that "Internet companies no longer have carte blanche to censor protected speech while maintaining their Section 230 protections." Carr writes that during the Trump Administration, the FCC took an "appropriately strong approach to the national security threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party." The FCC put Huawei on its Covered List of entities --- its list of those posing "an unacceptable risk" to U.S. .

141. GDA-15142 During the Trump Administration, the FCC ushered in a new and appropriately strong approach to the national security threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). .

Processed Entire File

Accessed Words Hide

Filter Noise Words

No results to report.

Accessed Patterns Found Hide

Number Sort
892 President 381 China 118 workers 108 Communist 91 eliminate 77 Russia
66 president 53 eliminated 50 Eliminate 45 climate change 44 Union 39 union
31 worker 30 civil service 29 repeal 25 woke 25 Ukraine 24 Taiwan
23 unions 23 carbon 18 Russian 17 Repeal 15 offshore 14 NATO
14 abolished 14 sustainable 13 biased 12 repealed 12 solar 11 unbiased
10 Carbon 9 Left' 9 wind and solar 8 socialist 8 PRESIDENT 8 Worker
7 sustainability 7 revolution 7 anti-American 7 Workers 7 Climate Change 7 Civil Service
7 socialism 7 abolish 6 eliminates 6 Communism 6 repealing 6 Revolution
5 privatized 5 china 5 Abolish 5 Marxist 4 CHINA 4 Left.
4 unionized 3 unsustainable 3 Marxism 3 privatize 3 unionization 3 Woke
3 Offshore 3 abolishing 3 Unions 2 Repealing 2 WORKER 2 RussiaGate
2 wokeism 2 wind energy 2 unionize 2 ABOLISHED 2 Left, 2 Sustainable
2 feckless 2 Fascism 2 wokeness 1 Section Two THE COMMON DEFENSE 1 Ukrainian 1 PROMISE #1
1 Ukrainians 1 communist 1 Privatize 1 Unionizing 1 Abolishing 1 WORKERS
1 revolutionaries 1 Left) 1 deunionized 1 Left- 1 COMMUNIST 1 revolutionize
1 unsustainably 1 Section Three THE GENERAL WELFARE 1 PROMISE #2 1 solar and wind 1 Section One TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT 1 Eliminated
1 sustainably 1 PROMISE #3 1 politically biased 1 russian 1 PROMISE #4 1 CARBON
1 Section Five INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGENCIES 1 wind turbines 1 Lefti 1 Section Four THE ECONOMY 1 Revolutionary

Alpha Sort
1 Section One TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT 1 Section Three THE GENERAL WELFARE 1 Section Two THE COMMON DEFENSE 14 NATO 1 Privatize 3 privatize
5 privatized 2 Sustainable 7 sustainability 14 sustainable 1 sustainably 3 unsustainable
1 unsustainably 2 Fascism 7 Civil Service 25 Ukraine 1 Ukrainian 1 Ukrainians
30 civil service 3 Marxism 5 Marxist 44 Union 1 Unionizing 3 Unions
2 WORKER 1 WORKERS 8 Worker 7 Workers 1 deunionized 39 union
3 unionization 2 unionize 4 unionized 23 unions 31 worker 118 workers
1 COMMUNIST 6 Communism 108 Communist 9 Left' 1 Left) 2 Left,
1 Left- 4 Left. 1 Lefti 3 Woke 7 anti-American 13 biased
1 communist 2 feckless 1 politically biased 11 unbiased 25 woke 2 wokeism
2 wokeness 7 socialism 8 socialist 1 CARBON 10 Carbon 7 Climate Change
3 Offshore 6 Revolution 1 Revolutionary 23 carbon 45 climate change 15 offshore
7 revolution 1 revolutionaries 1 revolutionize 1 solar and wind 12 solar 9 wind and solar
2 wind energy 1 wind turbines 4 CHINA 381 China 8 PRESIDENT 892 President
24 Taiwan 5 china 66 president 2 ABOLISHED 5 Abolish 1 Abolishing
50 Eliminate 1 Eliminated 17 Repeal 2 Repealing 77 Russia 2 RussiaGate
18 Russian 7 abolish 14 abolished 3 abolishing 91 eliminate 53 eliminated
6 eliminates 29 repeal 12 repealed 6 repealing 1 russian

Accessed Patterns Not Found
(or counted via checkbox setting)

Global Warming

Metrics Hide

Save Metrics with analysis run Project-2025_MFL_FULL-SpecialCharFix.txt 07/14/024 11:50:32 Appended Metrics File

Total Lines: 15842
Blank Lines:
Non Blank Lines: 15842
Imperatives: 2799
Shalls: 31
Wills: 519

Message: These metrics are what allow you to compare different documents and different analysis runs. Consider moving the numbers into a spreadsheet for visualization. Counts of Shalls, Wills, IsReq, and Imperatives are hardcoded into the tool. You have the ability to enter a Norm value, which can be surfaced after multiple analysis sessions.

Item Risk Count Children % lines % imperative % shall % will % isreq % Norm
China s18s

Civil Service s18s

Climate Change s18s

Communist s18s





Eliminate Repeal s18s

Marxist s18s






NATO s18s

NAZI Fascist s18s






President s18s

Privatize s18s

Promise s24s






Revolution s18s

Russia s18s

Section Titles s24s






Socialist s18s






Sustainability s18s

Ukraine s18s

Unions s18s

Woke Labeling s18s

z Mined Objects





Rules Total 20
Rules Triggered 7
Rules Not Triggered 13
Percent of Rules Triggered 35%

Reading Level Hide

Disabling the noise filter may reduce the reading level. Re-run the report to capture metrics for both instances.

Accessed Unique Words:
Accessed Unique Syllables:
Words with 3+ Syllables:
Polysyllabic Count: 0
Reading Level: No reading level is available. Select any rule option and check: Count Accessed Words or use a Reading Level Service which has checked: Count Accessed Words.

Document Shape Hide

The number of children at a particular level translate to a document shape. There are diffrent document shapes and each have implications. The document shapes are: random, rectangle, pyramid, inverted pyramid, trapazoid and diamond.

There are no child counts. Try disabling all services except for the service that has checked: Count Accessed Words.

Services and Triggered Rule Comments Hide

Government Changes:

. . . 1. China No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: China Color: PURPLE Access Object: China|Taiwan Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 2. Civil Service No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Civil Service Color: GREEN Access Object: Civil Service Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 3. Climate Change No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Climate Change Color: ORANGE Access Object: Climate Change|Carbon|Solar|Global Warming|wind and solar|solar and wind|wind energy|wind turbines|offshore Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 4. Communist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Communist Color: NAVY Access Object: Communis\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 5. Eliminate Repeal No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Eliminate Repeal Color: RED Access Object: Eliminate\w*|Repeal\w*|abolish\w* Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 6. Marxist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Marxist Color: MAROON Access Object: Marx\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 7. NATO No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: NATO Color: BLUE Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: NATO Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 8. NAZI Fascist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: NAZI Fascist Color: FUCHSIA Access Object: Fascis\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 9. President No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: President Color: PURPLE Access Object: President Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 10. Privatize No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Privatize Color: BLUE Access Object: Privatize\w* Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 11. Revolution No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Revolution Color: ORANGE Access Object: Revolution\w* Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 12. Russia No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Russia Color: RED Access Object: Russi\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 13. Socialist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Socialist Color: OLIVE Access Object: Socialist|Socialism Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 14. Sustainability No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Sustainability Color: BROWN Access Object: Sustainab\w+|unsustainab\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 15. Ukraine No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Ukraine Color: GREEN Access Object: Ukrain\w+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 16. Unions No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Unions Color: MAROON Access Object: deunionize\w*|union\w*|worker\w* Reject Object: soviet|european|\.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 17. Woke Labeling No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Woke Labeling Color: NAVY Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: \b[wW]oke\w*\b|Left[^\s]|[fF]eckless\w*|[Aa]nti.[aA]merican|[Bb]iased|[Pp]olitically [Bb]iased|unbiased Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED


. . . 1. Promise Must use parse option to capture the sections. A different search rule is needed for non-parse option.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Promise Color: BLACK Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: PROMISE \#\d+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 2. Section Titles Must use parse option to capture the sections. A different search rule is needed for non-parse option.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Section Titles Color: BLACK Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: Section \w+ TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT|Section \w+ THE COMMON DEFENSE|Section \w+ THE GENERAL WELFARE|Section \w+ THE ECONOMY|Section \w+ INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGENCIES Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

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