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4. GDA-539 That's why they are eager for America to sign international treaties on everything from pharmaceutical patents to climate change to "the rights of the child" --- and why those treaties invariably endorse policies that could never pass through the U.S. .

5. GDA-606 PROMISE #4 SECURE OUR GOD-GIVEN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT TO ENJOY "THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY." The Declaration of Independence famously asserted the belief of America's Founders that "all men are created equal" and endowed with God-given rights to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." It's the last --- "the pursuit of Happiness" --- that is central to America's heroic experiment in self-government. .

6. GDA-635 We see the same corruption expressed on an individual level whenever billionaire climate activists, who want to outlaw carbon-fueled transportation, fly to A-list conferences on their private jets. .

7. GDA-689 Section One TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT A merica's Bicentennial, which culminated on July 4, 1976, was a spirited and unifying celebration of our country, its Founding, and its ideals. .

8. GDA-1095 The overall situation is constitutionally dire, unsustainably expensive, and in urgent need of repair. .

9. GDA-1231 The NSC should rigorously review all general and flag officer promotions to prioritize the core roles and responsibilities of the military over social engineering and non-defense matters, including climate change, critical race theory, manufactured extremism, and other polarizing policies that weaken our armed forces and discourage our nation's finest men and women from enlisting to serve in defense of our liberty. .

10. GDA-1317 These include the long-term sustainability of space activities in light of increasing orbital debris; creation of space situational awareness services for civil and commercial uses; management of mega-constellations; licensing of new commercial remote sensing capabilities; keeping up with licensing demands due to high launch rates; transitioning International Space Station operations to multiple, privately owned space platforms; and (most important) accelerating the acquisition and fielding of national security space capabilities in response to an increasingly aggressive China. .

11. GDA-1350 Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) and related climate change research programs. .

12. GDA-1358 These components should include but not necessarily be limited to the OSTP; the NSTC's Committee on Environment; the USGCRP's Interagency Groups (for example, the Carbon Cycle Interagency Working Group); and the Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology. .

13. GDA-1374 The President should eliminate the Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC), which is cochaired by the OSTP, OMB, and CEA, and by executive order should end the use of SCC analysis. .

14. GDA-1904 Section Two THE COMMON DEFENSE W hile the lives of Americans are affected in noteworthy ways, for better or worse, by each part of the executive branch, the inherent importance of national defense and foreign affairs makes the Departments of Defense and State first among equals. .

15. GDA-1911 That is why Russ Vought argues in Chapter 2 that the National Security Council "should rigorously review all general and flag officer promotions to prioritize the core roles and responsibilities of the military over social engineering and non-defense related matters, including climate change, critical race theory, manufactured extremism, and other polarizing policies that weaken our armed forces and discourage our nation's finest men and women from enlisting." Ensuring that many of America's best and brightest continue to choose military service is essential. .

16. GDA-2024 1. Sustain the military forces needed to deter, prevent, and combat terrorism, but at a sustainable cost in concert with other elements of national power and partner efforts. .

17. GDA-2212 The status quo is further marked by a pervasive politically driven top-down focus on progressive social policies that emphasize matters like so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion and climate change, often to the detriment of the Army's core warfighting mission. .

18. GDA-3036 The current shipbuilding plan is insufficient based on USCG analysis, and the necessary numbers of planned Offshore Patrol Cutters and National Security Cutters are not supported by congressional budgets. .

19. GDA-3502 On the other hand, others acknowledge the dangers posed by the PRC, but believe in a moderating approach to accommodate its rise, a policy of "compete where we must, but cooperate where we can," including on issues like climate change. .

20. GDA-3711 Economic freedom spurs prosperity, innovation, respect for the rule of law, jobs, and sustainability. .

21. GDA-4865 Climate Change. .

22. GDA-4874 The aid industry claims that climate change causes poverty, which is false. .

23. GDA-5007 It is time for these programs to become part of an integrated, strong, and sustainable network of health care and public health in developing countries. .

24. GDA-5084 Private capital investment in these markets is the greatest enabler of job creation and sustainable economic growth throughout the developing world. .

25. GDA-5147 The Bureau is the policy and financial nexus at USAID for most of the Biden Administration's radical priorities in foreign assistance, including gender, climate change, and the promotion of identity-based politics. .

26. GDA-5265 The Administration should appoint a Senior Accountable Official (SAO) to report on the agency's adherence to Administration policy priorities, including on Protecting Life in Foreign Assistance, critical race theory, climate change, gender, and diversity and inclusion. .

27. GDA-5325 Section Three THE GENERAL WELFARE When our Founders wrote in the Constitution that the federal government would "promote the general Welfare," they could not have fathomed a massive bureaucracy that would someday spend $3 trillion in a single year --- roughly the sum, combined, spent by the departments covered in this section in 2022. .

28. GDA-5376 However, the language bringing in equity and climate change is new to the Biden Administration and part of the USDA's express effort to transform agricultural production.2 The USDA's new vision statement illuminates the focus of this effort: An equitable and climate smart food and agriculture economy that protects and improves the health, nutrition and quality of life of all Americans, yields healthy land, forests and clean water, helps rural America thrive, and feeds the world.3 This effort is one of a federal central plan to put climate change and environmental issues ahead of the most important requirements of agriculture --- to efficiently produce safe food. .

29. GDA-5400 The Biden Administration's centrally planned transformational effort minimizes the importance of efficient agricultural production and instead places issues such as climate change and equity front and center. .

30. GDA-5401 The USDA's Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2022-2026 identifies six strategic goals, the first three of which focus on issues such as climate change, renewable energy, and systemic racism. .

31. GDA-5403 According to the USDA: The stated goal of the Food Systems Summit was to transform the way the world produces, consumes and thinks about foods within the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to meet the challenges of poverty, food security, malnutrition, population growth, climate change, and natural resource degradation.13 Not unlike those who oppose reliable and affordable energy production, there is a disdain, especially by some on the Left, for American agriculture and the food system.14 The Biden Administration's vision of a federal government developing a plan that "fixes" agriculture and focuses on issues secondary to food production is very disturbing. .

32. GDA-5413 From the outset, the next Administration should: Denounce efforts to place ancillary issues like climate change ahead of food productivity and affordability when it comes to agriculture. .

33. GDA-5416 and other efforts to push sustainable-development schemes connected to food production. .

34. GDA-5626 In the 2015 Dietary Guidelines process, the influential Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee veered off mission and attempted to persuade the USDA and HHS to adopt nutritional advice that focused not just on human health, but the health of the planet.127 Issues such as climate change and sustainability infiltrated the process. .

35. GDA-5695 Department of Agriculture, "UN Food Systems Summit," https://www.usda.gov/oce/sustainability/un- summit (accessed December 14, 2022). .

36. GDA-6569 Under the rubrics of "combating climate change" and "ESG" (environmental, social, and governance), the Biden Administration, Congress, and various states, as well as Wall Street investors, international corporations, and progressive special- interest groups, are changing America's energy landscape. .

37. GDA-6571 In the name of combating climate change, policies have been used to create an artificial energy scarcity that will require trillions of dollars in new investment, supported with taxpayer subsidies, to address a "problem" that government and special interests themselves created. .

38. GDA-6579 Yet the current Administration's first concern is plowing taxpayer dollars into intermittent wind and solar projects and ending the use of reliable fossil fuels. .

39. GDA-6601 In addition, the National Labs have been too focused on climate change and renewable technologies. .

40. GDA-6613 More recently, DOE has focused its work and taxpayers' money on renewable energy and climate change.6 It is one thing for government to engage in fundamental scientific research that the private sector would not perform, particularly because advancements in science promote national security through technological prowess. .

41. GDA-6630 CESER would work with the existing or reconstituted versions (as described in more detail below) of the Office of Electricity (OE); Office of Nuclear Energy (NE); Office of Fossil Energy (FE), currently the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM); Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE); and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to identify and address threats to energy infrastructure.7 Instead of trying to decarbonize the American economy and allocating taxpayer dollars for commercialization of energy technologies, these offices would focus on energy security by identifying threats to energy supplies and infrastructure, developing strategies to address those threats, and funding fundamental science and technology where appropriate. .

42. GDA-6633 4. Office of Fossil Energy (Assistant Secretary, with Carbon Management deleted from its title and purpose. .

43. GDA-6643 FEMP should stop using taxpayer dollars to force the purchase of more expensive and less reliable energy resources in the name of combating climate change. .

44. GDA-6706 Though CESER is properly focused on the threat to the grid from inverter-based resources like wind and solar, it needs to focus on the entire energy system, including the interdependence between natural gas and electric generation and cybersecurity. .

45. GDA-6724 3. Work with FERC and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) to ensure that there is sufficient dispatchable on-demand generation available to generate the electricity the grid needs when intermittent generation like wind and solar is not available. .

46. GDA-6745 OFFICE OF FOSSIL ENERGY AND CARBON MANAGEMENT (FECM) Mission/Overview DOE is authorized by law to increase the conversion efficiency of all forms of fossil energy, reduce costs, improve environmental performance, and increase the energy security of the United States.33 In recent years, the Office of Fossil Energy (FE) has been transformed from its statutory role of improving fossil energy production to one that is focused primarily on reducing the carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel extraction, transport, and combustion. .

47. GDA-6746 This change is reflected in the office's new name, the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM), effective as of July 2021, and FECM's mission: "to minimize the environmental impacts of fossil fuels while working towards net-zero emissions."34 Needed Reforms l Eliminate carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) programs. .

48. GDA-6747 Despite the recent expansion of the 45Q tax credit for carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) to $87 per ton, most carbon capture technology remains economically unviable, although private-sector innovations are on the horizon. .

49. GDA-6766 OFFICE OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY (EERE) Mission/Overview The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy traces its roots to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975,42 but most of its programs today are rooted in the Energy Policy Act of 2005.43 Under the Biden Administration, EERE's mission is "to accelerate the research, development, demonstration, and deployment of technologies and solutions to equitably transition America to net- zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions economy-wide by no later than 2050" and "ensure [that] the clean energy economy benefits all Americans."44 The office is made up of three "pillars": energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable transportation. .

50. GDA-6767 Needed Reforms l End the focus on climate change and green subsidies. .

51. GDA-6768 Under the Biden Administration, EERE is a conduit for taxpayer dollars to fund progressive policies, including decarbonization of the economy and renewable resources. .

52. GDA-6769 EERE has focused on reducing carbon dioxide emissions to the exclusion of other statutorily defined requirements such as energy security and cost. .

53. GDA-6770 For example, EERE's five programmatic priorities during the Biden Administration are all focused on decarbonization of the electricity sector, the industrial sector, transportation, buildings, and the agricultural sector.45 l Eliminate energy efficiency standards for appliances. .

54. GDA-6778 EERE's budget was around $1.5 billion a year when the advances were made that led to dramatic cost decreases in wind, solar, and battery technology. .

55. GDA-6784 Moreover, under the Biden Administration, EERE is too focused on decarbonization and not at all on the cost of energy. .

56. GDA-6793 Pursuant to the IIJA, GDO administers funds appropriated by Congress to support transmission expansion and low/zero carbon resources. .

57. GDA-6796 Instead of focusing on grid expansion for the benefit of renewable resources or supporting low/carbon generation, GDO should be incorporated into the reformed Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response, which would work to enhance the grid's reliability and resilience. .

58. GDA-6801 It appears that GDO's current purpose is to promote the integration of low/zero carbon resources onto the grid by supporting subsidies for such resources and building new transmission facilities at a cost that poses a barrier to renewable generation expansion. .

59. GDA-6810 Its mission is "[to] deliver clean energy demonstration projects at scale in partnership with the private sector to accelerate deployment, market adoption, and the equitable transition to a decarbonized energy system."51 Needed Reforms l End market distortions and stop shifting technology and development risks to taxpayers. .

60. GDA-6812 The IIJA provided more than $20 billion in government subsidies to help the private sector deploy and market clean energy and decarbonizing resources. .

61. GDA-6822 l Carbon Capture Large-Scale Pilot Projects ($937 million). .

62. GDA-6823 l Carbon Capture Demonstration Projects Program ($2.5 billion). .

63. GDA-6864 CLEAN ENERGY CORPS Mission/Overview Under the IIJA, "the Clean Energy Corps is charged with investing more than $62 billion to deliver a more equitable clean energy future for the American people[.]" 67 The Corps says that it will "focus on deploying next generation clean energy technology" to "help America meet its goals of a carbon-free power sector in 2035 and a decarbonized economy in 2050."68 Needed Reforms The Clean Energy Corps is a taxpayer-funded program to create new government jobs for employees "who will work together to research, develop, demonstrate, and deploy solutions to climate change." DOE anticipates recruiting "an additional 1,000 employees using a special hiring authority included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law."69 Taxpayers should not have to fund a cadre of federal employees to promote a partisan political agenda. .

64. GDA-6874 Moreover, in the case of intermittent resources such as wind and solar, LCOE does not include the cost for backup or firming power from dispatchable resources. .

65. GDA-6876 The cost of backup power for when wind and solar resources are not available should be included when comparing the technologies and reported as a separate component in the modeling documents. .

66. GDA-6880 With the increasing number of intermittent, nondispatchable resources like wind and solar, peak load and reserve margins need to be reevaluated. .

67. GDA-6920 It "serves as the principal advisor to the Under Secretary on all domestic Arctic issues, including energy, science, and national security."77 Needed Reforms In October 2022, the Biden Administration released its National Strategy for the Arctic Region.78 Although recognizing national security threats in the Artic, it also focuses heavily on climate change, sustainability, and international cooperation. .

68. GDA-6945 Under the Biden DOE, OP appears to be focused on preparing reports on climate change and renewables.80 Needed Reforms l Help to develop policy. .

69. GDA-7065 Needed Reforms There is a growing problem with the electric grid's reliability because of the increasing growth of subsidized intermittent renewable generation (like wind and solar) and a lack of dispatchable generation (for example, power plants powered by natural gas, nuclear, and coal), especially during hot and cold weather.109 FERC and NERC have been studying the potential for generation shortages across the nation in the summer110 and winter.111 Cyber and physical attacks also threaten the grid. .

70. GDA-7071 Generally, reserve margins represent the amount of generation available (power plants) to meet peak electric demand (the time of day and year when people are using the most electricity) plus a percentage of additional generation for backup.113 However, given the increasing number of intermittent resources (like solar, which may be available during the heat of the day but disappears as the sun sets), other dispatchable generation needs to be available to meet customers' electricity requirements. .

71. GDA-7078 Pressure to use 100 percent renewables or non- carbon emitting resources threatens the electric grid's reliability. .

72. GDA-7104 Furthermore, government preferences and subsidies for resources like wind and solar distort price formation for electricity that is undermining the reliability of the grid. .

73. GDA-7107 As subsidized renewables (like wind and solar receiving tax credits) and state renewable portfolio standards (RPS) programs have disrupted market functions, price distortions have driven out reliable, dispatchable resources like coal, natural gas, and nuclear generation in various RTOs. .

74. GDA-7142 l Prevent socializing costs for customers who do not benefit from the projects or justifying such cost shifts as advancing vague "societal benefits" such as climate change. .

75. GDA-7172 New Policies Since Congress through the NGA has already determined that LNG exports to countries with free trade agreements are in the public interest,129 and because LNG exports help to ensure America's ability to support our friends and allies around the world while also supporting domestic natural gas production, FERC: l Should not use environmental issues like climate change as a reason to stop LNG projects. .

76. GDA-7286 Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, "About Us: Mission," https:// www.energy.gov/fecm/mission (accessed February 13, 2023). .

77. GDA-7288 Government Accountability Office, Carbon Capture and Storage: Actions Needed to Improve DOE Management of Demonstration Projects, GAO-22-105111, December2021, https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-22- 105111.pdf (accessed February 13, 2023). .

78. GDA-7551 As discussed in the section on the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, infra, these automatic approvals should be extended to allies of the United States, not just to those with free trade agreements. .

79. GDA-7596 environmental story is very positive, there has been a return to fear-based rhetoric within the agency, especially as it pertains to the perceived threat of climate change. .

80. GDA-7597 Mischaracterizing the state of our environment generally and the actual harms reasonably attributable to climate change specifically is a favored tool that the Left uses to scare the American public into accepting their ineffective, liberty-crushing regulations, diminished private property rights, and exorbitant costs. .

81. GDA-7654 Revise guidance documents that control regulations such as the social cost of carbon; discount rates; timing of regulatory review (before options are selected); causality of health effects; low-dose risk estimation (linear no-threshold analysis); and employment loss analysis. .

82. GDA-7690 Climate Change l Remove the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) for any source category that is not currently being regulated. .

83. GDA-7695 Regulating Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Under the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act22 l Repeal Biden Administration implementing regulations for the AIM Act that are unnecessarily stringent and costly. .

84. GDA-7831 l Eliminate the use of unauthorized regulatory inputs like the social cost of carbon, black box and proprietary models, and unrealistic climate scenarios, including those based on Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5. .

85. GDA-7960 Gabriella Hoffman, "Fact Check: Is Net Zero an Effective Policy for Stopping Climate Change?" Independent Women's Forum, October 31, 2022, https://www.iwf.org/2022/10/31/fact-check-is-net-zero-an-effective- policy-for-stopping-climate-change/ (accessed January 25, 2023). .

86. GDA-8344 l Ensure sustainability and value for beneficiaries and taxpayers. .

87. GDA-8436 This reform would include adding Section 111535 waiver requirements in some cases (such as imposing work requirements for able-bodied adults) while rescinding requirements in others (such as non-health care benefits and services related to climate change). .

88. GDA-9175 Repeal climate change initiatives and spending in the department's budget request.29 3. .

89. GDA-9398 Manages access to renewable and conventional energy resources of the Outer Continental Shelf, including more than 6,400 fluid mineral leases on approximately 35 million OCS acres; issues leases for 24 percent of domestic crude oil and 8 percent of domestic natural gas supply; oversees lease and grant issuance for offshore renewable energy projects. .

90. GDA-9402 Regulates offshore oil and gas facilities on 1.7 billion acres of the Outer Continental Shelf; oversees oil spill response; supports research on technology for oil spill response. .

91. GDA-9412 Conducts scientific research in ecosystems, climate, and land-use change, mineral assessments, environmental health, and water resources; produces information about natural hazards (earthquakes, volcanoes, and landslides); leads climate change research for the department. .

92. GDA-9413 RESTORING AMERICAN ENERGY DOMINANCE Given the dire adverse national impact of Biden's war on fossil fuels, no other initiative is as important for the DOI under a conservative President than the restoration of the department's historic role managing the nation's vast storehouse of hydrocarbons, much of which is yet to be discovered. .

93. GDA-9417 The federal government owns 61 percent of the onshore and offshore mineral estate of the U.S., but only 22 percent of the nation's oil and 12 percent of U.S. .

94. GDA-9419 Additionally, 42 percent of coal production takes place on federal lands in 11 states.12 DOI manages a subsurface mineral estate of 700 million acres onshore and 1.76 billion acres offshore, for a total of 2.46 billion acres. .

95. GDA-9422 Private and state lands, at 1.563 billion acres, make up only 39 percent of the total onshore and offshore subsurface area of the United States. .

96. GDA-9427 To this end, DOI unilaterally overhauled resource management plans, lease sales, fees, rents, royalty rates, bonding requirements, and permitting processes to prevent new production of coal, oil, and natural gas on federal lands and waters; to dramatically increase production of solar and wind energy; and to accomplish its "30 by 30," "America the Beautiful" agenda to remove federal lands from "multiple" --- that is, productive --- use. .

97. GDA-9432 A new Administration must immediately roll back Biden's orders, reinstate the Trump-era Energy Dominance Agenda, rescind Secretarial Order (SO) 3398, and review all regulations, orders, guidance documents, policies, and similar agency actions made in compliance with that order.18 Meanwhile, the new Administration must immediately reinstate the following Trump DOI secretarial orders: l SO 3348: Concerning the Federal Coal Moratorium;19 l SO 3349: American Energy Independence;20 l SO 3350: America-First Offshore Energy Strategy;21 l SO 3351: Strengthening the Department of the Interior's Energy Portfolio;22 l SO 3352: National Petroleum Reserve --- Alaska;23 l SO 3354: Supporting and Improving the Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Program and Federal Solid Mineral Leasing Program;24 l SO 3355: Streamlining National Environmental Policy Reviews and Implementation of Executive Order 13807, "Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process for Infrastructure Projects";25 l SO 3358: Executive Committee for Expedited Permitting;26 l SO 3360: Rescinding Authorities Inconsistent with Secretary's Order 3349, "American Energy Independence;"27 l SO 3380: Public Notice of the Costs Associated with Developing Department of the Interior Publications and Similar Documents;28 l SO 3385: Enforcement Priorities;29 and l SO 3389: Coordinating and Clarifying National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 Reviews.30 Actions. .

98. GDA-9434 l Conduct offshore oil and natural gas lease sales to the maximum extent permitted under the 2023-2028 lease program,34 with the possibility to move forward under a previously studied but unselected plan alternative.35 l Develop immediately and finalize a new five-year plan, while working with Congress to reform the OCSLA by eliminating five-year plans in favor of rolling or quarterly lease sales. .

99. GDA-9674 16. "You know what there's not is a shall for? 'I shall manage the land to stop climate change,' or something similar to that," Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt testified. .

100. GDA-9675 "You guys come up with the shalls." Chris D'Angelo, "Interior Secretary Blames Congress for His Inaction on Climate Change," High Country News, May 9, 2019. .

101. GDA-9689 3350: America First Offshore Energy Strategy," May 1, 2017, https://www.doi.gov/sites/doi.gov/files/press-release/secretarial-order-3350-offshore-508.pdf (accessed March 16, 2023). .

102. GDA-9769 Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, "Report to Congress: An Analysis of Achieving a Sustainable Horse and Burro Program," Fact sheet, May 8, 2020, https://www.blm.gov/sites/blm.gov/files/ Final%20Fact%20Sheet%20WHB%20Report%20To%20Congress.pdf (accessed March 17, 2023). .

103. GDA-10948 Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) investing is a relatively recent strategy promoted by large asset managers that focuses not only on a company's bottom line, but also on the company's compliance with liberal political views on climate change, racial quotas, abortion, and other issues. .

104. GDA-11039 Those who share this view argue that any plan to phase out the program should weigh the program's current costs (relatively low) and the program's current benefits (makes American farming more profitable and sustainable while keeping down food costs). .

105. GDA-11280 l Moreover, and contrary to Congress's design, the Biden EPA has been given preeminence in the regulation of fuel economy through the setting of carbon dioxide emissions limits for new motor vehicles under the Clean Air Act. .

106. GDA-11281 Because carbon dioxide emissions levels correspond to mileage in automobiles powered by fossil fuels, these EPA rules are de facto fuel economy requirements that apply independently of NHTSA's standards. .

107. GDA-11302 Any EPA limits on carbon dioxide emissions, even if authorized under the Clean Air Act, must support and work in harmony with DOT standards and must not override them or usurp DOT's regulatory role under EPCA. .

108. GDA-11305 California has no valid basis under the Clean Air Act to claim an extraordinary or unique air quality impact from carbon dioxide emissions, and EPCA is clear that under no circumstances may a state agency regulate fuel economy in place of DOT. .

109. GDA-11314 These policies include a focus on "equity," a nebulous concept that in practice means awarding grants to favored identity groups, as well as imposing obligations on states concerning carbon dioxide emissions from highway traffic --- areas not encompassed within FHWA's statutory authorities. .

110. GDA-11764 Section Four THE ECONOMY The next Administration must prioritize the economic prosperity of ordinary Americans. .

111. GDA-11770 He maintains that aggressive trade policies involve an increased government role that future leftist Administrations will utilize to push "climate change" and "equity"-based activism. .

112. GDA-11801 Under the leadership of Secretary Janet Yellen, Treasury has placed "equity" and "climate change" among its top five priorities. .

113. GDA-12014 Together, these form a colossal operation that has become one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry and, as such, is harmful to future U.S. .

114. GDA-12048 The 30x30 Executive Order and the American the Beautiful Initiative are being used to advance an agenda to close vast areas of the ocean to commercial activities, including fishing, while rapidly advancing offshore wind energy development to the detriment of fisheries and other existing ocean-based industries. .

115. GDA-12300 The average family has seen real annual earnings fall about $6,000 during the Biden Administration.1 In 2022, the average American's 401(k) plan dropped in value from $130,700 to $103,900 --- more than 20 percent.2 Why has the Biden Administration failed to achieve virtually all components of its mission? Under the leadership of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the department has made "equity" and "climate change" among its top five priorities. .

116. GDA-12304 And then there are rising challenges, like climate change, which, left unchecked, will undermine every aspect of our economy from supply chains to the financial system.3 Treasury's mission drift into a "woke" agenda, is exemplified in a comparison of Domestic Finance's changed responsibilities from 2015 to 2023: [2015] Domestic Finance works to preserve confidence in the U.S. .

117. GDA-12305 Treasury securities market, effectively manage federal fiscal operations, strengthen financial institutions and markets, promote access to credit, and improve financial access and education in service of America's long-term economic strength and stability.4 [2023] Domestic Finance works to support equitable and sustainable economic growth and financial stability through policies to increase the resilience of financial institutions and markets and financial wellbeing of consumers, and to increase access to credit for small businesses and low-to- moderate income communities.5 TREASURY DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION The Treasury Department is one of the few executive agencies recognized in the U.S. .

118. GDA-12551 This would restore a sustainable housing finance market with a robust private mortgage market that does not rely on explicit or implicit taxpayer guarantees. .

119. GDA-12579 CLIMATE-RELATED FINANCIAL RISK Treasury has created a new departmental office, "Climate Hub," and has made "combating climate change" one of the Biden Treasury Department's top five principal goals. .

120. GDA-12580 The next Administration should eliminate the Climate Hub Office and withdraw from climate change agreements that are inimical to the prosperity of the United States. .

121. GDA-12581 The Climate Hub office "coordinates Treasury's work to inform, guide, incentivize, and mobilize financial flows for climate mitigation and climate adaptation and supports the broader alignment of the financial system with a path to net- zero emissions by mid-century."71 According to the Biden Administration's Fiscal Year 2022-2026 Strategic Plan for Treasury, the fourth of five Treasury strategic goals reads: Combat Climate Change The United States and the world face a climate crisis and a narrowing window of action to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. .

122. GDA-12582 At the same time, the transition to a low carbon economy represents a historic economic opportunity for the U.S. .

123. GDA-12585 federal government must work alongside our domestic and international partners to respond ambitiously to tackle the challenges of climate change, adapt to an already changing climate, mitigate the risks, and position the global economy for clean and sustainable growth.72 Yet history shows that economic growth and technological/scientific advance through human ingenuity are by far the best ways to prevent and mitigate extreme weather events. .

124. GDA-12592 Framework Convention on Climate Change74 and the Paris Agreement. .

125. GDA-12609 businesses to export opportunities by funding project planning activities, pilot projects, and reverse-trade missions while creating sustainable infrastructure and economic growth in partner countries. .

126. GDA-12829 74. United Nations, "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change," GE.5-62220, 1992, https://unfccc. .

127. GDA-13485 Over time, that research results in some breakthrough technologies, but when it is time to put these breakthroughs into practice by manufacturing goods and services, much of the necessary productive capacity is offshore.63 For many technologies, the American economy lacks the capacity to "scale up" innovations that might not be immediately profitable. .

128. GDA-13495 The Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection, and Schools (HEALS) Act, introduced in 2020,66 and American Innovation and Manufacturing Act, introduced in 2021,67 would allow SBIC to offer longer-term financing to manufacturers and make the program more fiscally sustainable. .

129. GDA-13745 That will necessarily require the onshoring of a significant portion of production currently offshored by American multinational corporations. .

130. GDA-13766 These trade deficit statistics implicitly measure the large amounts of America's manufacturing and defense industrial base and supply chains that have been offshored to foreign lands. .

131. GDA-13926 American industries that have been affected by Communist China's export restraints range from steel, chemicals, and electric cars to wind turbines, lasers, semiconductors, and refrigerants. .

132. GDA-14025 Rather, it is over whether our borders should be open or secure and whether it is prudent to offshore our manufacturing and defense industrial base and associated supply chains. .

133. GDA-14047 companies offshore their production to chase cheap labor or manufacture in a "pollution haven" country like Communist China or India with lax environmental regulations, the result is reduced nonresidential fixed investment --- and a GDP growth rate that is lower than it would be otherwise. .

134. GDA-14048 Moreover, if such offshored production results in more foreign exports to the U.S. .

135. GDA-14055 Over time, however, running large and persistent trade deficits leads to a massive transfer of American wealth offshore into foreign hands. .

136. GDA-14057 The American investor Warren Buffett has referred to such wealth transfers offshore as "conquest by purchase." To Buffett, the big danger is that foreigners will eventually own so many U.S. .

137. GDA-14470 More recently, the Biden Administration has expanded EXIM's mission to advance progressive policy goals, including limits on financing for projects that involve fossil fuels or contribute to climate change, preferential treatment for renewable energy projects, and quotas for projects that benefit women-owned and minority-owned businesses. .

138. GDA-14491 At the same time, recent revelations about China's official statistics overstating its GDP by 30 percent track well with other problems that were already known.77 These include one of the world's worst demographic aging curves thanks to China's one-child policy; a population that may already be declining; an unsustainable debt load that is already causing problems; countless failed boondoggles, from empty cities to its underwhelming Belt-and-Road Initiative, that are wasting significant resources; Xi Jinping's authoritarian turn; increasing state control of the economy; and a zero-COVID policy that has sabotaged the economy and driven away foreign investment.78 America has its problems, but it is in better shape than China on nearly every measure, especially in the long run. .

139. GDA-14743 Section Five INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGENCIES In addition to the executive departments and agencies discussed previously, a number of independent commissions exist that are loosely affiliated with the executive branch. .

140. GDA-14760 Burton writes that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) "should be reducing impediments to capital formation, not radically increasing them" by pushing a costly "climate change" agenda, as it is doing under the Biden Administration. .

141. GDA-14765 For example, the current SEC has proposed a climate change reporting rule that would quadruple the costs of being a public company.3 This would have a substantial adverse impact on existing companies. .

142. GDA-14782 The proposed SEC climate change rule, which would quadruple the costs of being a public company, is particularly problematic.21 l Repeal the Dodd-Frank mandated disclosures relating to conflict minerals, mine safety, resource extraction, and CEO pay ratios.22 l Oppose efforts to redefine the purpose of business in the name of social justice; corporate social responsibility (CSR); stakeholder theory; environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria; socially responsible investing (SRI); sustainability; diversity; business ethics; or common- good capitalism. .

143. GDA-15135 On top of that, the FCC's current funding mechanism has been on an unsustainable path.21 By requiring traditional telephone customers to contribute to a fund that is being used increasingly to support broadband networks, the FCC's current approach is the regulatory equivalent of taxing horseshoes to pay for highways. .

144. GDA-15336 1 ("[T]he current USF mechanism is unsustainable and will fail to meet the needs of its target consumer base within the next five years."), https://www.econone.com/ wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Digital-Divide-HSinger-TTatos-2.pdf (accessed January 23, 2023). .

Processed Entire File

Accessed Words Hide

Filter Noise Words

No results to report.

Accessed Patterns Found Hide

Number Sort
892 President 381 China 118 workers 108 Communist 91 eliminate 77 Russia
66 president 53 eliminated 50 Eliminate 45 climate change 44 Union 39 union
31 worker 30 civil service 29 repeal 25 woke 25 Ukraine 24 Taiwan
23 unions 23 carbon 18 Russian 17 Repeal 15 offshore 14 NATO
14 abolished 14 sustainable 13 biased 12 repealed 12 solar 11 unbiased
10 Carbon 9 Left' 9 wind and solar 8 socialist 8 PRESIDENT 8 Worker
7 sustainability 7 revolution 7 anti-American 7 Workers 7 Climate Change 7 Civil Service
7 socialism 7 abolish 6 eliminates 6 Communism 6 repealing 6 Revolution
5 privatized 5 china 5 Abolish 5 Marxist 4 CHINA 4 Left.
4 unionized 3 unsustainable 3 Marxism 3 privatize 3 unionization 3 Woke
3 Offshore 3 abolishing 3 Unions 2 Repealing 2 WORKER 2 RussiaGate
2 wokeism 2 wind energy 2 unionize 2 ABOLISHED 2 Left, 2 Sustainable
2 feckless 2 Fascism 2 wokeness 1 Section Two THE COMMON DEFENSE 1 Ukrainian 1 PROMISE #1
1 Ukrainians 1 communist 1 Privatize 1 Unionizing 1 Abolishing 1 WORKERS
1 revolutionaries 1 Left) 1 deunionized 1 Left- 1 COMMUNIST 1 revolutionize
1 unsustainably 1 Section Three THE GENERAL WELFARE 1 PROMISE #2 1 solar and wind 1 Section One TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT 1 Eliminated
1 sustainably 1 PROMISE #3 1 politically biased 1 russian 1 PROMISE #4 1 CARBON
1 Section Five INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGENCIES 1 wind turbines 1 Lefti 1 Section Four THE ECONOMY 1 Revolutionary

Alpha Sort
1 Section One TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT 1 Section Three THE GENERAL WELFARE 1 Section Two THE COMMON DEFENSE 14 NATO 1 Privatize 3 privatize
5 privatized 2 Sustainable 7 sustainability 14 sustainable 1 sustainably 3 unsustainable
1 unsustainably 2 Fascism 7 Civil Service 25 Ukraine 1 Ukrainian 1 Ukrainians
30 civil service 3 Marxism 5 Marxist 44 Union 1 Unionizing 3 Unions
2 WORKER 1 WORKERS 8 Worker 7 Workers 1 deunionized 39 union
3 unionization 2 unionize 4 unionized 23 unions 31 worker 118 workers
1 COMMUNIST 6 Communism 108 Communist 9 Left' 1 Left) 2 Left,
1 Left- 4 Left. 1 Lefti 3 Woke 7 anti-American 13 biased
1 communist 2 feckless 1 politically biased 11 unbiased 25 woke 2 wokeism
2 wokeness 7 socialism 8 socialist 1 CARBON 10 Carbon 7 Climate Change
3 Offshore 6 Revolution 1 Revolutionary 23 carbon 45 climate change 15 offshore
7 revolution 1 revolutionaries 1 revolutionize 1 solar and wind 12 solar 9 wind and solar
2 wind energy 1 wind turbines 4 CHINA 381 China 8 PRESIDENT 892 President
24 Taiwan 5 china 66 president 2 ABOLISHED 5 Abolish 1 Abolishing
50 Eliminate 1 Eliminated 17 Repeal 2 Repealing 77 Russia 2 RussiaGate
18 Russian 7 abolish 14 abolished 3 abolishing 91 eliminate 53 eliminated
6 eliminates 29 repeal 12 repealed 6 repealing 1 russian

Accessed Patterns Not Found
(or counted via checkbox setting)

Global Warming

Metrics Hide

Save Metrics with analysis run Project-2025_MFL_FULL-SpecialCharFix.txt 07/14/024 11:17:27 Appended Metrics File

Total Lines: 15842
Blank Lines:
Non Blank Lines: 15842
Imperatives: 539
Shalls: 31
Wills: 519

Message: These metrics are what allow you to compare different documents and different analysis runs. Consider moving the numbers into a spreadsheet for visualization. Counts of Shalls, Wills, IsReq, and Imperatives are hardcoded into the tool. You have the ability to enter a Norm value, which can be surfaced after multiple analysis sessions.

Item Risk Count Children % lines % imperative % shall % will % isreq % Norm
China s18s

Civil Service s18s

Climate Change s18s





Communist s18s

Eliminate Repeal s18s

Marxist s18s

NATO s18s

NAZI Fascist s18s

President s18s

Privatize s18s

Promise s24s






Revolution s18s

Russia s18s

Section Titles s24s






Socialist s18s

Sustainability s18s






Ukraine s18s

Unions s18s

Woke Labeling s18s

z Mined Objects





Rules Total 20
Rules Triggered 5
Rules Not Triggered 15
Percent of Rules Triggered 25%

Reading Level Hide

Disabling the noise filter may reduce the reading level. Re-run the report to capture metrics for both instances.

Accessed Unique Words:
Accessed Unique Syllables:
Words with 3+ Syllables:
Polysyllabic Count: 0
Reading Level: No reading level is available. Select any rule option and check: Count Accessed Words or use a Reading Level Service which has checked: Count Accessed Words.

Document Shape Hide

The number of children at a particular level translate to a document shape. There are diffrent document shapes and each have implications. The document shapes are: random, rectangle, pyramid, inverted pyramid, trapazoid and diamond.

There are no child counts. Try disabling all services except for the service that has checked: Count Accessed Words.

Services and Triggered Rule Comments Hide

Government Changes:

. . . 1. China No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: China Color: PURPLE Access Object: China|Taiwan Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 2. Civil Service No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Civil Service Color: GREEN Access Object: Civil Service Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 3. Climate Change No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Climate Change Color: ORANGE Access Object: Climate Change|Carbon|Solar|Global Warming|wind and solar|solar and wind|wind energy|wind turbines|offshore Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 4. Communist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Communist Color: NAVY Access Object: Communis\w+ Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 5. Eliminate Repeal No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Eliminate Repeal Color: RED Access Object: Eliminate\w*|Repeal\w*|abolish\w* Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 6. Marxist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Marxist Color: MAROON Access Object: Marx\w+ Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 7. NATO No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: NATO Color: BLUE Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: NATO Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 8. NAZI Fascist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: NAZI Fascist Color: FUCHSIA Access Object: Fascis\w+ Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 9. President No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: President Color: PURPLE Access Object: President Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 10. Privatize No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Privatize Color: BLUE Access Object: Privatize\w* Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 11. Revolution No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Revolution Color: ORANGE Access Object: Revolution\w* Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 12. Russia No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Russia Color: RED Access Object: Russi\w+ Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 13. Socialist No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Socialist Color: OLIVE Access Object: Socialist|Socialism Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 14. Sustainability No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Sustainability Color: BROWN Access Object: Sustainab\w+|unsustainab\w+ Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 15. Ukraine No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Ukraine Color: GREEN Access Object: Ukrain\w+ Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 16. Unions No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Unions Color: MAROON Access Object: deunionize\w*|union\w*|worker\w* Reject Object: soviet|european Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 17. Woke Labeling No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Woke Labeling Color: NAVY Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: \b[wW]oke\w*\b|Left[^\s]|[fF]eckless\w*|[Aa]nti.[aA]merican|[Bb]iased|[Pp]olitically [Bb]iased|unbiased Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED


. . . 1. Promise Must use parse option to capture the sections. A different search rule is needed for non-parse option.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Promise Color: BLACK Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: PROMISE \#\d+ Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 2. Section Titles Must use parse option to capture the sections. A different search rule is needed for non-parse option.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Section Titles Color: BLACK Case Sensitive : CHECKED Access Object: Section \w+ TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT|Section \w+ THE COMMON DEFENSE|Section \w+ THE GENERAL WELFARE|Section \w+ THE ECONOMY|Section \w+ INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGENCIES Reject Object: \.\.\. Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

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