Compressed Instructions: Use this if you are prevented from using the Installer 1. For the zip version download the .freedom version 2. rename it to .zip 3. unzip (uncompress) the file 4. place it on your C drive as C:\z-cassbeth 5. go to C:\z-cassbeth\sat or gda or lat or lda or (etc.) 6. look for startsat.exe, create a shortcut, and select Start SAT 7. follow steps 6 - 9 in the Installer Instructions Installer Instructions: 6. press submit 7. enter the activation keys: Demo Keys for full function keys Buy Now 8. respond to the license and wait till SAT or GDA or LDA or LAT or (etc.) default page with lots of links is displayed 9. this completes the install Note: This is the way programs were installed in the past. It provides full visibility into where the program goes and executes on your computer.