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General Document Analysis

Policy Document Analysis

There are many ways to approach problems. This service identifies the emphasis of various approaches. It is based on the fundamental process of state the problem, identify current approaches, state what is wrong with the current approaches, identify alternatives, tradeoff the alternatives, and pick the most effective alternative. This is all under the framework of seeking truth. Consider using other templates: Constitutional, Legislation, Plain Language, and even Screen Plays.

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Also check the rules and modify them as desired.

1. select browse, go to z-cassbeth/gda/documents
2. pick any.txt document
3. select a service, press submit, review results
4. go thru each service one at a time
5. select browse, pick another document
6. compare the results
7. update and create new rules and templates
. . . These template instructions are user defined.
Previously Uploaded File: C:\z-cassbeth\gda\documents\stern-report\stern-report-all.txt

Analysis Settings Hide

PUI Mask
Process Only Imperatives

Parse Text Show Rules
Strip HTML Tags
Strip Blank Lines
Show Processed Upload

Report Areas

Analysis Results
Accessed Words
Accessed Patterns
Doc Shape
Reading Level


Demo Reports
Previous Analysis


Regular Expressions
Presentations StartHere

Services and Rules

Template Comments Policy Document Analysis

Search rta
Find Duplicate Objects rptdup
Reading Level s3s
Word Themes s4s
Broad Approaches s5s
Institutions s6s
Societal Approaches s7s
Organizational Tools s8s
Nation State Tools s9s
International Tools s10s Show Search Show Simple Rules Show Complex Rules
. . .
Policy Resources Proactive

Social Warnings s11s
National Roles s12s
International Roles s13s

Add New Service Name Remove Last Service: International Roles

Analysis Results Hide

Processing previously uploaded file in C:\z-cassbeth\gda\documents\stern-report\stern-report-all.txt

Parsed the text during analysis. You may need to upload the file again to match the PUIs.

Parsed the text in uploaded FILE into complete thoughts using the period punctuation. Stripped extra spaces and line feeds.

Processed Entire File

Accessed Words Hide

Filter Noise Words

Accessed Patterns Found Hide

Number Sort
123 International Collective 43 international co 38 international co-operation 33 International Energy 29 tackle 28 United Nations
27 international community 27 shared understanding 25 international collective 20 tackling 14 UN 13 international framework
12 international trade 12 International co 11 international frameworks 8 international support 8 international action 7 international emissions
7 inform 6 international level 6 international response 6 treaties 5 equitable distribution 5 international technology
5 international response 5 International Rice 5 International Climate 5 International Federation 5 international and 5 International Financial
4 International Conference 4 International Economics 4 international flows 4 international programme 4 International collective 4 international funding
4 international relations 4 international climate 4 International support 4 international programmes 4 international markets 4 international agreements
4 international institutions 4 International Development 4 international co-ordination 4 International Institute 4 International Forestry 3 International Affairs
3 mutual understanding 3 international negotiations 3 International Agricultural 3 international coordination 3 international effort 3 international understanding
3 international mechanisms 3 international aviation 3 international competition 3 International trade 3 international trading 3 International Civil
3 international collaboration 3 international partnerships 3 International Environmental 3 international commitments 3 international coordination 2 persuade
2 international legal 2 international perspective 2 international economic 2 international transaction 2 international debate 2 treaty
2 international arrangements 2 International assistance 2 International Emissions 2 international public 2 international resources 2 International sectoral
2 international cooperation 2 international assistance 2 international assessments 2 international law 2 international policies 2 international development
2 international capital 2 international market 2 international management 2 international treaties 2 International Commission 2 international air
2 international goals 2 international environmental 2 international treaty 2 international research 2 international private 2 international resources
2 international dimension 2 international issues 2 educate 2 International Monetary 2 international agreement 1 international prices
1 international pilot 1 International Finance 1 international approach 1 international political 1 international priorities 1 international shipping
1 International Food 1 international exchange 1 international compliance32 1 international coverage 1 International arrangements 1 international transfers
1 International START 1 international organisations 1 International patent 1 international model 1 international malaria 1 international borders
1 international publicprivate 1 International Perspective 1 International R 1 International Labour 1 international offset 1 motivate
1 international debates 1 international lending 1 international harmonisation 1 International Journal 1 International Workshop 1 Tackling
1 International University 1 International efforts 1 Treaty 1 international behaviour 1 international financial 1 International financial
1 International funding 1 International review 1 international credits 1 international initiatives 1 International frameworks 1 international norms
1 International law 1 International Organisation 1 international recognition 1 international carbon 1 international tourism 1 International Year
1 international reach 1 International co-ordination 1 international negotiation 1 international cereal 1 international process 1 International policy
1 International energy 1 International mechanisms 1 international momentum 1 international spillovers 1 international investment 1 International cooperation
1 international cooperation 1 international Energy 1 International monitoring 1 International discussion 1 International Soil 1 international objective
1 International coordination 1 international marine 1 international drug 1 international energy 1 International companies 1 international regimes
1 International 21 1 international flow 1 international agreements7 1 international nature 1 International co-operation 1 international insurance
1 International Maritime 1 international scale 1 International risk 1 international services 1 international blueprint 1 international location
1 international river 1 international efficiency 1 International finance 1 International development 1 international economy 1 International Financing
1 international companies 1 International Network 1 international collaborative 1 International technology 1 International stakeholder 1 international workshop
1 international modelling 1 International agreements 1 International and 1 international emission 1 international leadership 1 international taxes
1 international fora 1 international comparison 1 international discussion 1 International Comparison 1 International aspects 1 international policy
1 International Research 1 International Partnership 1 international framework17 1 International Co-operation 1 International ad 1 international stabilisation
1 international game 1 international context 1 International coordination 1 international exposure 1 International action 1 International networks
1 International Studies 1 international level4 1 Mutual understanding

Alpha Sort
1 Mutual understanding 1 Tackling 3 mutual understanding 27 shared understanding 20 tackling 6 international response
29 tackle 1 Treaty 6 treaties 2 treaty 5 equitable distribution 2 international resources
1 International Co-operation 1 International co-operation 1 International co-ordination 14 UN 2 educate 7 inform
38 international co-operation 4 international co-ordination 1 international cooperation 1 motivate 2 persuade 1 International 21
3 International Affairs 3 International Agricultural 3 International Civil 5 International Climate 123 International Collective 2 International Commission
1 International Comparison 4 International Conference 4 International Development 4 International Economics 2 International Emissions 33 International Energy
3 International Environmental 5 International Federation 1 International Finance 5 International Financial 1 International Financing 1 International Food
4 International Forestry 4 International Institute 1 International Journal 1 International Labour 1 International Maritime 2 International Monetary
1 International Network 1 International Organisation 1 International Partnership 1 International Perspective 1 International R 1 International Research
5 International Rice 1 International START 1 International Soil 1 International Studies 1 International University 1 International Workshop
1 International Year 1 International action 1 International ad 1 International agreements 1 International and 1 International arrangements
1 International aspects 2 International assistance 12 International co 4 International collective 1 International companies 1 International cooperation
1 International coordination 1 International coordination 1 International development 1 International discussion 1 International efforts 1 International energy
1 International finance 1 International financial 1 International frameworks 1 International funding 1 International law 1 International mechanisms
1 International monitoring 1 International networks 1 International patent 1 International policy 1 International review 1 International risk
2 International sectoral 1 International stakeholder 4 International support 1 International technology 3 International trade 28 United Nations
1 international Energy 8 international action 2 international agreement 1 international agreements7 4 international agreements 2 international air
5 international and 1 international approach 2 international arrangements 2 international assessments 2 international assistance 3 international aviation
1 international behaviour 1 international blueprint 1 international borders 2 international capital 1 international carbon 1 international cereal
4 international climate 43 international co 3 international collaboration 1 international collaborative 25 international collective 3 international commitments
27 international community 1 international companies 1 international comparison 3 international competition 1 international compliance32 1 international context
2 international cooperation 3 international coordination 3 international coordination 1 international coverage 1 international credits 2 international debate
1 international debates 2 international development 2 international dimension 1 international discussion 1 international drug 2 international economic
1 international economy 1 international efficiency 3 international effort 1 international emission 7 international emissions 1 international energy
2 international environmental 1 international exchange 1 international exposure 1 international financial 1 international flow 4 international flows
1 international fora 1 international framework17 13 international framework 11 international frameworks 4 international funding 1 international game
2 international goals 1 international harmonisation 1 international initiatives 4 international institutions 1 international insurance 1 international investment
2 international issues 2 international law 1 international leadership 2 international legal 1 international lending 1 international level4
6 international level 1 international location 1 international malaria 2 international management 1 international marine 2 international market
4 international markets 3 international mechanisms 1 international model 1 international modelling 1 international momentum 1 international nature
1 international negotiation 3 international negotiations 1 international norms 1 international objective 1 international offset 1 international organisations
3 international partnerships 2 international perspective 1 international pilot 2 international policies 1 international policy 1 international political
1 international prices 1 international priorities 2 international private 1 international process 4 international programme 4 international programmes
2 international public 1 international publicprivate 1 international reach 1 international recognition 1 international regimes 4 international relations
2 international research 2 international resources 5 international response 1 international river 1 international scale 1 international services
1 international shipping 1 international spillovers 1 international stabilisation 8 international support 1 international taxes 5 international technology
1 international tourism 12 international trade 3 international trading 2 international transaction 1 international transfers 2 international treaties
2 international treaty 3 international understanding 1 international workshop

Accessed Patterns Not Found

Peace keeping International persuasion international responsibility

Metrics Hide

Save Metrics with analysis run C:\z-cassbeth\gda\documents\stern-report\stern-report-all.txt 01/07/07 03:21:30 Appended Metrics File

Total Lines: 13269
Blank Lines:
Non Blank Lines: 13269
Imperatives: 120
Shalls: 10
Wills: 1397

Message: These metrics are what allow you to compare different documents and different analysis runs. Consider moving the numbers into a spreadsheet for visualization. Counts of Shalls, Wills, IsReq, and Imperatives are hardcoded into the tool. You have the ability to enter a Norm value, which can be surfaced after multiple analysis sessions.

Item Risk Count Children % lines % imperative % shall % will % isreq % Norm
Policy s10s




Proactive s10s





Resources s10s





Rules Total 3
Rules Triggered 3
Rules Not Triggered
Percent of Rules Triggered 100%

Reading Level Hide

Disabling the noise filter may reduce the reading level. Re-run the report to capture metrics for both instances.

Accessed Unique Words: 4613
Accessed Unique Syllables: 10687
Words with 3+ Syllables: 1913
Polysyllabic Count: 4
Reading Level: 5

Document Shape Hide

Services and Triggered Rule Comments Hide

International Tools:

. . . 1. Policy No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Policy Color: RED Access Object: International \w+|Peace keeping|united nations| UN | International cooperation | International co-operation |International coordination | International co-ordination|International persuasion| persuade | motivate | educate | inform Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED Count Accessed Words: CHECKED

. . . 2. Proactive No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Proactive Color: BLUE Access Object: Tackle | tackling |international responsibility|international response| mutual understanding| shared understanding Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED Count Accessed Words: CHECKED

. . . 3. Resources No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Resources Color: GREEN Access Object: international Resources?|equitable distribution| treaty | treaties Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED Count Accessed Words: CHECKED

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03:22:34 End Time
64 Seconds

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