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Total Lines: 13269
Blank Lines:
Non Blank Lines: 13269
Imperatives: 120
Shalls: 10
Wills: 1397
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Rules Total 10
Rules Triggered 10
Rules Not Triggered
Percent of Rules Triggered 100%
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Accessed Unique Words: 19221
Accessed Unique Syllables: 40453
Words with 3+ Syllables: 7053
Polysyllabic Count: 15
Reading Level: 7
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Services and Triggered Rule Comments Hide
National Roles: The concept of roles is relatively new. It comes coincident with the explosion of the computer and various theories to help create computer automation but is actually used in operations management. The computer scientists and system engineers gave birth to functions, objects, capabilities, and threads, etc. Those engaged in management and process description have created the term role to define an entity in a process flow. This concept has been bought forward to try to provide some insight into constitutional analysis. What is the role of typical elements in a society within the framework of a constitutional document. Can new insights be surfaced by identifying and characterizing these roles in a reductionism and holistic fashion? The fact there is even a role in a constitutional document is revealing. The percentage of the national resources of a role embodied in national makeup as evidenced by the constitution is an important metric.
. . . 1. Agriculture Food is core to the survival of any people. What is the role of agriculture in the nation state and is it characterized in the constitution or other government charter documents.
. . . . . . Rule Summary
Name: Agriculture Color: MAROON Access Object: agriculture|farms?|food|hunger Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED Count Accessed Words: CHECKED
. . . 2. Defense When a group of people join together to form a nation state one of the primary unifying forces is a common defense. The role and level of defense in the constitution is an important measure of the level of security and insecurity of the framers of the constitution.
. . . . . . Rule Summary
Name: Defense Color: GREEN Access Object: defense| war |army|navy|air\s*force|soldier Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED Count Accessed Words: CHECKED
. . . 3. Education Is education a privilege or a right and what role should government play in education. Some would argue that education is a right that must be protected, unlike non-humans, which are born with instinct.
. . . . . . Rule Summary
Name: Education Color: NAVY Access Object: education|children|child|teacher Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED Count Accessed Words: CHECKED
. . . 4. Health Health is core to the survival of any people. What is the role of agriculture in the nation state and is it characterized in the constitution or other government charter documents.
. . . . . . Rule Summary
Name: Health Color: FUCSHIA Access Object: health|doctors?|nurse| clinic |hospital|medicine|disease Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED Count Accessed Words: CHECKED
. . . 5. Labor No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary
Name: Labor Color: ORANGE Access Object: labor|labour Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED Count Accessed Words: CHECKED
. . . 6. Money Where does the national currency come from, who controls its are some of the questions in this role. What is method of funding the government and who bears the burden are yet other interesting insights.
. . . . . . Rule Summary
Name: Money Color: BLUE Access Object: currency|money| mint | cash | tax |burden Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED Count Accessed Words: CHECKED
. . . 7. People What is the role of the people in the government. What are their responsibilities to check the government. What rights did they relinquish to the government.
. . . . . . Rule Summary
Name: People Color: BROWN Access Object: reponsibility|burden|people|citizens? Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED Count Accessed Words: CHECKED
. . . 8. Religion The presence or absence of references to religion in the constitution is very significant. Those fearing religious persecution have strongly rejected the merging of religion and state. Those not fearing religious persecution may reference the joining of church and state. In many ways this simple relationship characterizes the nation state and allows a unique human to determine if they can live within that nation state.
. . . . . . Rule Summary
Name: Religion Color: RED Access Object: church|mosque|temple|worship|religion|god|creator|divine|divinity Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED Count Accessed Words: CHECKED
. . . 9. State What is the relationship of different governments to this government and its constitution. Should there be a relationship. What powers are granted and relinquished by the interlocking government entities.
. . . . . . Rule Summary
Name: State Color: OLIVE Access Object: state |province|region|county| city |town|village Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED Count Accessed Words: CHECKED
. . . 10. Wealth Personal property, personal wealth, and who owns what and under what conditions are fundamental to inalienable rights. The right to own what you produce and not have it confiscated, stolen, compromised, or maneuvered out of your control is fundamental to freedom.
. . . . . . Rule Summary
Name: Wealth Color: PURPLE Access Object: business|property|ownership| land |patent| owner |proprietor Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED Count Accessed Words: CHECKED
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