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Drexel Goes Dark


Drexel Goes Dark

Welcome to our crowd sourced Drexel Goes Dark place.

Every time you open a room, close a room, or visit a room take this quick survey. This allows us to maintain a high quality room experience that minimizes carbon footprint lighting. The facilities staff reviews this data and feeds it into our carbon footprint database so that we can minimize our lighting carbon footprint.  Date File . Report

Time to complete this survey is less than 1 minute.

* Required

Building *

Room Space Floor Number and or Name *

Email *

Survey Questions

The survey is always looking for a Yes response if things are okay. If things are NOT okay then the survey asks for a No response. All responses are then counted and tagged in the report.

1. Upon the first occupant entry into a room, space, or floor the lights were NOT On?

            Yes No (excess carbon)

2. Upon the last occupant leaving the room, space, or floor the lights were turned Off?

            Yes No (excess carbon) Unable

3. What is the day?

4. Comments like date and time of observation if entry delayed:

After you save you can browse back and add another room.

. Data File . Report

Number Sort

1 	Main Building (Admissions Visit Center)
2 	Randell Hall
3 	Curtis Hall
4 	Alumni Engineering Labs
5 	Stratton Hall
6 	Korman Center
7 	Bossone Research Enterprise Center School of Biomedical Engineering, Science, and Health Systems
8 	James Creese Student Center
9C 	Handschumacher Dining Center
9A 	Mandell Theater
9B 	MacAlister Hall College of Arts and Sciences
12 	Disque Hall
13 	Nesbitt Hall Dornsife School of Public Health
14 	Daskalakis Athletic Center
14A 	Drexel Recreation Center
15 	W.W. Hagerty Library
16 	Parking Garage
16 	General Services Building
19A 	Northside Dining Terrace
23A 	Urban Eatery
23 	The Summit
25 	Vidas Athletic Complex
27A 	Center for Automation Technology
27 	LeBow Engineering Center College of Engineering
28 	Armory, Arlen Specter US Squash Center, Army ROTC
29A 	Library Learning Terrace
40 	Drexel Smart House
41 	208 N. 35th Street
47 	PSA Building
48 	Language and Communication Center
50 	Tennis Courts
52 	Raymond G. Perelman Center for Jewish Life
53 	Pearlstein Business Learning Center Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship
55 	Academic Building
55A 	Design Arts Annex
55C 	Drexel Police Station
55B 	3210 Cherry Street
56 	400 N. 31st Street
57 	Drexel Park
58 	Constantine N. Papadakis Integrated Sciences Building
59 	Administrative Services Building
60 	Paul Peck Alumni Center
61 	Gerri C. LeBow Hall Bennett S. LeBow College of Business Goodwin College of Professional Studies
62 & 62A 	Chestnut Square
71 	URBN Center Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design
72 	URBN Center Annex
81A 	Lindy Center for Civic Engagement
81 	3201 Arch Street
85 	Buckley Recreational Field
86 	Buckley Green
87A 	Gateway Garden
88 	Bulletin Building (One Drexel Plaza)
88A 	3101 Market Street
89 	University Crossings
90 	Kline Law Building and Library Thomas R. Kline School of Law
91 	Drexel Square
98 	Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships
99 	3608 Powelton Avenue
101 	The Study at University City (Hotel)
170 	3401 Market Street School of Education
176 	Lincoln Plaza (3020 Market Street)
178 	3675 Market Street College of Computing & Informatics
180 	Health Sciences Building

Residence Halls
10 	Rush Building
17 	Van Rensselaer Hall
18 	Ross Commons
19 	Kelly Hall
20 	Bentley Hall Pennoni Honors College
21 	Myers Hall
22 	Towers Hall
24 	North Hall
26 	Caneris Hall
29 	Race Street Residences
31 	Millennium Hall

Fraternity Houses
30 	Alpha Chi Rho
30 	Alpha Epsilon Pi
32 	Tau Kappa Epsilon
34 	Pi Kappa Phi
35 	Lambda Chi Alpha
36 	Sigma Phi Epsilon
37 	Alpha Pi Lambda
38 	Theta Chi
39 	Pi Kappa Alpha
45 	Delta Sigma Phi
501 	Sigma Alpha Mu

Sorority Houses
33 	Phi Sigma Sigma
36 	Delta Zeta
39 	Alpha Sigma Alpha
46 	Delta Phi Epsilon

Name Sort

55 	Academic Building
59 	Administrative Services Building
4 	Alumni Engineering Labs
28 	Armory, Arlen Specter US Squash Center, Army ROTC
7 	Bossone Research Enterprise Center School of Biomedical Engineering, Science, and Health Systems
86 	Buckley Green
85 	Buckley Recreational Field
88 	Bulletin Building (One Drexel Plaza)
27A 	Center for Automation Technology
62 & 62A 	Chestnut Square
58 	Constantine N. Papadakis Integrated Sciences Building
3 	Curtis Hall
14 	Daskalakis Athletic Center
55A 	Design Arts Annex
12 	Disque Hall
98 	Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships
57 	Drexel Park
55C 	Drexel Police Station
14A 	Drexel Recreation Center
40 	Drexel Smart House
91 	Drexel Square

87A 	Gateway Garden
16 	General Services Building
61 	Gerri C. LeBow Hall Bennett S. LeBow College of Business Goodwin College of Professional Studies
9C 	Handschumacher Dining Center
180 	Health Sciences Building
8 	James Creese Student Center
90 	Kline Law Building and Library Thomas R. Kline School of Law
6 	Korman Center
48 	Language and Communication Center
27 	LeBow Engineering Center College of Engineering
29A 	Library Learning Terrace
176 	Lincoln Plaza (3020 Market Street)
81A 	Lindy Center for Civic Engagement
9B 	MacAlister Hall College of Arts and Sciences
1 	Main Building (Admissions Visit Center)
9A 	Mandell Theater
13 	Nesbitt Hall Dornsife School of Public Health
19A 	Northside Dining Terrace
16 	Parking Garage
60 	Paul Peck Alumni Center
53 	Pearlstein Business Learning Center Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship
47 	PSA Building
2 	Randell Hall
52 	Raymond G. Perelman Center for Jewish Life

5 	Stratton Hall
50 	Tennis Courts
101 	The Study at University City (Hotel)
23 	The Summit
89 	University Crossings
23A 	Urban Eatery
71 	URBN Center Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design
72 	URBN Center Annex
25 	Vidas Athletic Complex
15 	W.W. Hagerty Library
41 	208 N. 35th Street
56 	400 N. 31st Street
88A 	3101 Market Street
81 	3201 Arch Street
55B 	3210 Cherry Street
170 	3401 Market Street School of Education
99 	3608 Powelton Avenue
178 	3675 Market Street College of Computing & Informatics

Residence Halls
20 	Bentley Hall Pennoni Honors College
26 	Caneris Hall
19 	Kelly Hall
31 	Millennium Hall
21 	Myers Hall
24 	North Hall
29 	Race Street Residences
22 	Towers Hall
17 	Van Rensselaer Hall
18 	Ross Commons
10 	Rush Building

Fraternity Houses
30 	Alpha Chi Rho
30 	Alpha Epsilon Pi
37 	Alpha Pi Lambda
45 	Delta Sigma Phi
35 	Lambda Chi Alpha
39 	Pi Kappa Alpha
34 	Pi Kappa Phi
501 	Sigma Alpha Mu
36 	Sigma Phi Epsilon
32 	Tau Kappa Epsilon
38 	Theta Chi

Sorority Houses
39 	Alpha Sigma Alpha
46 	Delta Phi Epsilon
36 	Delta Zeta
33 	Phi Sigma Sigma