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Plain Language Analysis Tool

Plain Language Analysis - Approaches

This template allows you to transform your documents into clear concise enjoyable works of written communications using rules from the Pain Language Movement Guidance. It has been augmented with a new problem solving service. There are many ways to approach problems. This service identifies the emphasis of various approaches.

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. . . These template instructions are user defined.

Previously Uploaded File: C:\z-cassbeth\pla\documents\green-paper.txt

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Process Only Imperatives

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Reading Level


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Template Comments Plain Language Analysis - Approaches

Worst Jargon Archaic Words Expressions rta
Find Duplicate Objects rptdup
Jargon Words s3s
Jargon Phrases s4s
General Searches s5s
Simple Style Analysis s6s
Complex Style Analysis s7s
Positive Characteristics s8s
Reading Level s9s
Headings & Doc Shape s10s
Word Themes s11s
Approach s12s Show Simple Rules Show Complex Rules
. . .
Markets Technology Education Science Government
People International Engineering Systems & Analysis

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Processing previously uploaded file in C:\z-cassbeth\pla\documents\green-paper.txt

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7. PLA-23 To achieve this aim, interconnections should be developed, effective legislative and regulatory frameworks must be in place and be fully applied in practice, and Community competition rules need to be rigorously enforced.
. . . Markets Approach Item: competition Instance: 1

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

17. PLA-56 Which measures need to be taken at Community level to prevent energy supply crises developing, and to manage them if they do occur? 4.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

18. PLA-58 How can a common European energy strategy best address climate change, balancing the objectives of environmental protection, competitiveness and security of supply? What further action is required at Community level to achieve existing targets? Are further targets appropriate? How should we provide a longer term secure and predictable investment framework for the further development of clean and renewable energy sources in the EU? 5.
. . . Markets Approach Item: competitiveness Instance: 1

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

19. PLA-59 Innovation and technology: What action should be taken at both Community and national level to ensure that Europe remains a world leader in energy technologies? What instruments can best achieve this? 6.
. . . Technology Approach Item: technology Instance: 2

. . . Government Approach Item: national Instance: 1

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

20. PLA-61 Should there be a common external policy on energy, to enable the EU to speak with a common voice? How can the Community and Member States promote diversity of supply, especially for gas? Should the EU develop new partnerships with its neighbours, including Russia, and with the other main producer and consumer nations of the world? Developing a European energy policy will be a long term challenge.
. . . Government Approach Item: nations Instance: 1

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

34. PLA-91 There can be no truly competitive and single European market without additional physical capacity: this is particularly vital for countries such as Ireland and Malta or for the Baltic States, which remain an “energy island”, largely cut off from the rest of the Community.
. . . Markets Approach Item: competitive Instance: 2

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

37. PLA-100 Further actions at Community level will also be identified, such as more effective use of the Trans European Network instruments.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

41. PLA-109 If progress to a level playing field does not result, further measures at Community level should be considered.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

57. PLA-133 Any stronger Community action in this area should therefore be compatible with this global mechanism.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

58. PLA-134 This might still point to a more coordinated Community response in the event of an IEA decision to release stocks.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

59. PLA-135 In particular, this would be helped by a new Commission legislative proposal ensuring the publication on a more regular and transparent basis the state of Community oil stocks, to contribute improving transparency on oil markets.
. . . Markets Approach Item: markets Instance: 1

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

62. PLA-142 However, choices made by one Member State inevitably have an impact on the energy security of its neighbours and of the Community as a whole, as well as on competitiveness and the environment.
. . . Markets Approach Item: competitiveness Instance: 1

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

72. PLA-173 Market-based instruments, including the Community energy tax framework, can be a very efficient tool in this respect.
. . . Markets Approach Item: Market Instance: 1

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

82. PLA-207 Any such targets could be complemented by extended operational targets on electricity, fuels and possibly heating; – a new Community Directive on heating and cooling, complementing the Community energy saving framework; – a detailed short, medium and long term plan to stabilise and gradually reduce the EU’s dependence on imported oil.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 2

. . . Systems & Analysis Approach Item: operational Instance: 1

97. PLA-237 The EU needs to consider ways to finance a more strategic approach to energy research, taking further steps towards integrating and coordinating Community and national research and innovation programmes and budgets.
. . . Government Approach Item: national Instance: 1

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

99. PLA-239 EN 14 EN Where appropriate, particularly to develop “leading markets” for innovation, Europe should act through large-scale integrated actions with the necessary critical mass, mobilising private business, Member States and the European Commission in public/private Partnerships or through the integration of National and Community Energy Research Programmes.
. . . Markets Approach Item: markets Instance: 1

. . . Government Approach Item: National Instance: 1

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

109. PLA-252 The first step is to agree at Community level on the aims of an External Energy Policy and on the actions needed at both Community and national level to achieve it.
. . . Government Approach Item: national Instance: 1

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 2

111. PLA-256 Follow-up should take the form of regular formal political level discussions at Community level, involving Member States and the Commission in a manner to be developed.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

112. PLA-257 It would offer a single reference point, with an appropriate institutional format, for all actors in European energy at both Community and national level.
. . . Government Approach Item: national Instance: 1

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

117. PLA-272 The development of a common external energy policy should mark a step change in this energy partnership at both Community and national level.
. . . Government Approach Item: national Instance: 1

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

119. PLA-279 EN 16 EN (b) Developing a pan-European Energy Community In line with the European Neighbourhood Policy and its Action Plans (and in addition to the current work undertaken through Partnership and Cooperation Agreements and Association Agreements), the EU has for some time been engaged in widening its energy market to include its neighbours and to bring them progressively closer to the EU’s internal market.
. . . Markets Approach Item: market Instance: 2

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

122. PLA-282 Existing political dialogues, trade relations and Community financing instruments can be further developed and, for other partners, there is potential for new agreements or other types of initiative.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

123. PLA-283 For example, by building on the Energy Community Treaty with partners in South-East Europe, as well as the development of the EU-Maghreb electricity market and the EUMashrek gas market, a pan-European energy Community could be created both through a new Treaty, and through bilateral agreements.
. . . Markets Approach Item: market Instance: 2

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 2

124. PLA-284 Certain essential strategic partners, including Turkey and Ukraine, could be encouraged to join the South East European Energy Community Treaty.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

125. PLA-287 In addition, as one of the EU’s most important strategic energy partner, attention should be given to facilitating Norway’s efforts to develop resources in the high north of Europe in a sustainable manner as well as facilitating its entry into the South East Europe Energy Community.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

126. PLA-288 This framework would also offer a clearer framework to promote best long-term use of Community investment through Trans-European Energy Networks and their extensions to third country partners and to maximise the impact on energy security of EU resources devoted to the energy sector in third countries.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

127. PLA-292 Recent experiences with respect to both oil and gas have shown the need for the Community to be able to react quickly and in a fully co-ordinated manner to such events.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

143. PLA-331 Concrete measures should include: – A review of the existing Community legislation on oil and gas stocks, to focus them on today’s challenges.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

144. PLA-336 3. The Community needs a real Community-wide debate on the different energy sources, including costs and contributions to climate change, to enable us to be sure that, overall, the EU’s energy mix pursues the objectives of security of supply, competitiveness and sustainable development.
. . . Markets Approach Item: competitiveness Instance: 1

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 2

146. PLA-345 – A new Community Directive on heating and cooling.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

149. PLA-351 In order to react to the challenges of high and volatile energy prices, increasing import dependency, strongly growing global energy EN 20 EN demand and global warming, the EU needs to have a clearly defined external energy policy and to pursue it, at the same time at both national and Community level, with a single voice.
. . . Government Approach Item: national Instance: 1

. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

150. PLA-353 – Developing a pan-European Energy Community Treaty.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

151. PLA-355 – A new Community mechanism to enable rapid and co-ordinated reaction to emergency external energy supply situations impacting EU supplies.
. . . People Approach Item: Community Instance: 1

Processed Entire File

Accessed Words

Filter Noise Words

No results to report.

Accessed Patterns Found

Number Sort Search None

34 market 33 Community 22 markets 17 competitive 16 national 13 competitiveness
11 technologies 10 competition 10 technology 9 international 6 system 4 technological
3 Competitiveness 2 National 2 Government 2 operational 2 Market 2 analyse
1 Competitive 1 systems 1 Competing 1 internationally 1 COMPETITIVENESS 1 governmental
1 people 1 nations 1 technical 1 compete 1 International 1 Technology
1 analysis

Alpha Sort Search None

2 analyse 1 analysis 2 operational 6 system 1 systems 33 Community
1 people 1 Technology 1 technical 4 technological 11 technologies 10 technology
1 International 9 international 1 internationally 2 National 16 national 1 nations
2 Government 1 governmental 1 COMPETITIVENESS 1 Competing 1 Competitive 3 Competitiveness
2 Market 1 compete 10 competition 17 competitive 13 competitiveness 34 market
22 markets

Accessed Patterns Not Found

educa\w+ scien\w+ engineer\w*


Save Metrics with analysis run C:\z-cassbeth\pla\documents\green-paper.txt 08/20/06 13:35:18 Appended Metrics File

Total Lines: 358
Blank Lines:
Non Blank Lines: 358
Imperatives: 11
Wills: 34

Message: These metrics are what allow you to compare different documents and different analysis runs. Consider moving the numbers into a spreadsheet for visualization. Counts of Shalls, Wills, IsReq, and Imperatives are hardcoded into the tool. You have the ability to enter a Norm value, which can be surfaced after multiple analysis sessions.

Item Count Children % lines % imperative % shall % will % isreq % Norm
Education s12s

Engineering s12s

Government s12s




International s12s





Markets s12s



People s12s




Science s12s

Systems & Analysis s12s




Technology s12s




z Mined Objects



Rules Total 10
Rules Triggered 7
Rules Not Triggered 3
Percent of Rules Triggered 70%

Reading Level

Disabling the noise filter may reduce the reading level. Re-run the report to capture metrics for both instances.

Accessed Unique Words:
Accessed Unique Syllables:
Words with 3+ Syllables:
Polysyllabic Count: 0
Reading Level: No reading level is available. Select any rule option and check: Count Accessed Words or use a Reading Level Service which has checked: Count Accessed Words.

Document Shape

The number of children at a particular level translate to a document shape. There are diffrent document shapes and each have implications. The document shapes are: random, rectangle, pyramid, inverted pyramid, trapazoid and diamond.

There are no child counts. Try disabling all services except for the service that has checked: Count Accessed Words.

Services and Triggered Rule Comments

Approach: There are many ways to approach problems. This service identifies the emphasis of various approaches.

. . . 1. Education No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Education Color: BLUE Access Object: educa\w+ Hide Accessed Objects: CHECKED Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 2. Engineering No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Engineering Color: OLIVE Access Object: engineer\w* Hide Accessed Objects: CHECKED Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 3. Government No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Government Color: NAVY Access Object: gov\w+| nation\w* Hide Accessed Objects: CHECKED Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 4. International No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: International Color: MAROON Access Object: internat\w+ Hide Accessed Objects: CHECKED Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 5. Markets No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Markets Color: RED Access Object: compet\w+|market\w* Hide Accessed Objects: CHECKED Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 6. People No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: People Color: FUCSHIA Access Object: communit\w+|people Hide Accessed Objects: CHECKED Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 7. Science No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Science Color: PURPLE Access Object: scien\w+ Hide Accessed Objects: CHECKED Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 8. Systems & Analysis No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Systems & Analysis Color: BROWN Access Object: system\w*| operation\w*| analy\w+ Hide Accessed Objects: CHECKED Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

. . . 9. Technology No Comment Text in this rule.
. . . . . . Rule Summary Name: Technology Color: GREEN Access Object: tech\w+ Hide Accessed Objects: CHECKED Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED

original processing URL http://localhost:4444/~pla/satpro.cgi v 0.4.4

13:35:18 Start Time
13:35:20 End Time
2 Seconds