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Demo or Purchase QIDC

Thank you for your interest in the QIDC (Quality Improvement Indicator Data Collection) system. The QIDC comes with electronic Quality Improvement Indicators (QII) that are available via download when an account setup purchase is made. This also comes with a 30 day access to the QIDC tool that allows users to enter data using an Internet browser. You do not need to use an Internet account, you can use the forms supplied with the electronic documents. If you find data entry easier with the QIDC tool then you can purchase additional account access in 6 month increments.

Initial Cost per building includes account setup for the document downloads and a 30 day access to the QIDC tool to enter data.

QIDC is a 6 month access to the QIDC for electronic data entry using the internet account established with the Initial Cost.

Costs are per building. Quantity discounts are available based on a maximum cost for each Product ID.

These are the steps to get started.

  1. Step A. Request a demo account. This is a 10 day trial run with an example facility that has a limited number of generic rooms and limited document access.
  2. Step B. Pay to convert your demo account to a live account. This is a 30 day access to download all the documents and provides the ability to add your unique facility rooms starting with a default set of rooms for your facility type. You can provide a list of rooms and we will add them to your account.
  3. Step C. Pay to have Internet access in 6 month increments. This allows you to continue to execute the Quality Improvement inspections to ensure that the facility ventilation system continues to operate at its optimal performance levels.

There are 2 payment options: (1) pay by check or (2) pay online.

By purchasing or requesting a demo account you agree that you have read and accepted the License Agreement.

Product ID Product Description

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Pay By Check


QIDC-M Municipalities includes: public schools, libraries, city hall, recreation facilities, police station, court, public clinic, public hospital, public housing shelter

Demo Request

Check Payment


QIDC-AA Animal Applications like veterinary offices, animal hospitals, kennels, and animal labs. *

Demo Request

Check Payment


QIDC-H Hospitals. *

Demo Request

Check Payment


QIDC-MDECO Medical Offices including dental and eye care. *

Demo Request

Check Payment


QIDC-ALRFNH Assisted Living Rehabilitation Facilities Nursing Homes. *

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QIDC-OBRCM Office Buildings Retail Complexes and Malls.

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QIDC-LV Large venues like: Restaurants, Bars, Casinios, Theaters, Concert Halls, Houses of Worship.

Demo Request

Check Payment


QIDC-MWD Manufacturing Warehouses and Distribution centers.

Demo Request

Check Payment


QIDC-EF Engineering Firms including construction, HVAC, environmental companies, and companies like Ceiling Level UV-C, FAR UV, Room Sanitizers, PCO systems.

Demo Request

Check Payment


QIDC-BOFCRM Building Owners Facility Operators Real Estate Management companies.

Demo Request

Check Payment


QIDC-SCU Schools, Colleges, and Universities. *

Demo Request

Check Payment


QIDC-HOA Home Owners Associations.

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QIDC-SV Small venues like, restaurants, bars, retail shops, clubhouses, home inspectors with less than 10 rooms revenue less than $500K.

Demo Request

Check Payment


QIDC-HOME This is for personal home residences. This Home QII is for everyone to use in their homes. The goal is to introduce people to ventilation and the QII approach to maximize the performance of a ventilation system. With this background it is hoped that people will take this knowledge to their work, school, and other facilities. *

Demo Request

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QIDC-Software You can purchase our software to place on your computers or servers. Contact Software Request




* Sample reports currently available online.

We will provide price and payment instructions when you submit the request.

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