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The following survey will help the user understand how SAT fits into an existing architecture development tool.
Questions | Response |
1 Support Quality System Design |
SAT is an automation aid to help organizations write clean useful
specifications that contain clear, complete, consistent, and testable requirement
SAT augments existing Computer Automated Software Engineering (CASE) and Requirement Management Tools to fill the important need to help organizations create requirement text. It does not matter if you use Structured System Analysis (SSA), Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA and OOD), IDEF0 through IDEF14, Unified Modeling Language (UML), Object-Modeling Technique (OMT), Use Cases or other formal methods, in the end you will still need to create text based requirements. SAT replaces check lists, classroom instruction, on the job training, and personal research at the company library with a tool that helps the professional and the young technologist to write good specifications by codifying and using the organizations own rules. SAT services range from simple: looking for bad requirement text, to complex: looking for missing capabilities and key requirements. Very quickly identifies potential specification problems, makes recommendations, profiles document, and gathers metrics all in one HTML report. www.cassbeth.com/sat |
1.7 Allow the user to define/use their own heuristics
and rules? |
The rules are grouped into services. The user can create new services and create multiple rules within a service. The authoring is performed via an HTML page. Saving the web page using the standard browser (Netscape, IE, etc) file save mechanisms saves the rules. The tool has an internal directory to store all templates than contain associated services and rules. |
1.11 Assist in developing the operational concept
("Ballpark" or "Blue Sky" perspective)? |
SAT is a mining tool and as such documents from previous systems or similar systems can be dropped into SAT for multidimensional key word and or key phrase analysis and visualization. This analysis of previous systems can be used as input into developing new operational concepts. |
3 Methodology Independent |
SAT does not prevent the use of any methodology other than requirement text be generated. |
3.1 Is your product of general structure allowing definition
of tool functions, conventions, and methods? |
SAT includes user authoring of services and rules. It also includes display filters and enable disable feature selection boxes. |
3.2 Enable tailoring to specific standards and requirements,
SAT is applicable when requirement text is developed. It is an early life cycle tool for assessing requirements that are specified in natural language. |
4 User Interface |
The SAT GUI is HTML and uses the computer default browser (Netscape, IE, etc). The interface look and feel is that of an Internet application rather than Windows. The interface combines the tool settings and user output all in one HTML report. The user starts SAT by clicking on a shortcut from the Start menu or the desktop. When SAT starts it opens to the default template. The user can then access a previous analysis run, another template, or start working with the default template. |
5 Communication with Other Tools |
SATmust work closely with other tools that house requirements. The interface is via an export from those other tools in either text format or spreadsheet format. The nature of SAT rule processing is such that the user can filter on any exported attributes regardless of how a user names the attribute, such as "IsReq", "Allocation", "Test", "PUI preface", etc. SAT will accept .txt, .csv, .doc file formats. Because of the mining nature of SAT, the .doc file import does not filter control characters, it treats the input as ASIC and shows everything. |
6 Documentation Production |
The purpose of SAT is to help organizations write clean useful specifications that contain clear, complete, consistent, and testable requirements. However on its journey to that basic mission SAT has taken on other abilities. These abilities allow SAT to process any document and ask, "what if questions". For example analysis documents can be submitted in the hunt for key requirements. |
7 Computer Environment |
SAT is currently a single user application that runs on Windows (95, NT, 98, XP, 2000). Server multi platform (UNIX) versions will be available in the future. This is a marketing decision. SAT has been tested on a platform as small as Win95 266Mhz. |
8 Resource Requirements |
SAT is currently a single user application that runs on Windows (95, NT, 98, XP, 2000). Server multi platform (UNIX) versions will be available in the future. This is a marketing decision. SAT has been tested on a platform as small as Win95 266Mhz. |
9 User Interfaces |
The SAT GUI is HTML and uses the computer default browser (Netscape, IE, etc). All other applications can continue to operate. The user can move between applications as needed. At anytime the browser can be minimized. The interface look and feel is that of an Internet application rather than Windows. The interface combines the tool settings and user output all in one HTML report. The user starts SAT by clicking on a shortcut from the Start menu or the desktop. When SAT starts it opens to the default template. The user can then access a previous analysis run, another template, or start working with the default template. Multiple SAT browsers or tabs can be open and operating. SAT templates containing rules and services can be saved and re-executed on the same data or new data. |
10 Support and Maintenance |
There is no warranty. Please see license for details. Basically no liability is assumed. Demo versions are available upon request. There is no network License. SAT is sold with an annual license that must be renewed. Minor releases will be made available without cost, major releases will require a fee. It is expected that the basic SAT services can be learned via OJT in 1-2 days. More complex services will require more time. SAT includes HTML based help that has typical use cases. There is also an embedded power point presentation on the theory of SAT. An audio version of the SAT theory presentation is packaged separately. We do have a web site and the SAT page is at www.cassbeth.com/sat. |