Prior to uploading your file, set your report options. Also check the rules and modify them as desired.
1. select browse - pick spec .txt document 2. select requirement text analysis - press submit - review results 3. go thru each service one at a time 4. select browse - pick non spec .txt document 5. select key requirements analysis service 6. make sure all key reqs in non spec are in spec . . . These template instructions are user defined.
Services and Rules
Template Comments Default Template
Requirement Text Analysis rta Find Duplicate Objects rptdup Generic Structure Analysis gsa Domain Structure Analysis dsa Generic Capabilities Analysis gca Domain Capabilities Analysis dca Key Reqs Analysis kra Show Search Show Simple Rules Show Complex Rules
Add New Service Name Remove Last Service: Key Reqs Analysis
Analysis Results Hide
Removed old doc file: 0 Removed old tmp file: 0 Removed old html file: 0 You have uploaded a .txt file. There should be one complete sentense per line in the text file. If your sentences have multiple forced line breaks select, the parse text option and upload the file again. Alternatively clean up your text file using an editor by removing spaces and extra line breaks.
Parsed the text in uploaded FILE into complete thoughts using the period punctuation. Stripped extra spaces and line feeds.
Processed Entire File
Filter Noise Words
Accessed Patterns Found Hide
Metrics Hide
Save Metrics with analysis run eusec2006.txt 02/23/07 11:01:40 Appended Metrics File
Rules Total 21 Rules Triggered 6 Rules Not Triggered 15 Percent of Rules Triggered 28%
Reading Level Hide
Document Shape Hide
Services and Triggered Rule Comments Hide
Key Reqs Analysis: Key reqs should be methodically sought by asking each stakeholer what they feel are their key reqs. These reqs are cost and or schedule drivers. They can be found by asking:
1. have we done this before 2. has someone else done this before 3. is a new technology, process, or method needed 4. is a new product needed...
This service looks for and counts all word or phrase instances set in the access field. Selecting a word from the list and submitting the report will provide the related text. Since the user defines these words there is no reason to enable noise word filters. This is a very high level service that relies on human ability to recognize their key req from a single word or phrase.
. . . 1. 1. Functional No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 1. Functional Color: RED Access Object: function|capability|capable Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 2. 10. Facilities No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 10. Facilities Color: PURPLE Access Object: facility|faclities|room Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 3. 11. Training No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 11. Training Color: NAVY Access Object: training| train Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 4. 12. Maintenance No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 12. Maintenance Color: ORANGE Access Object: maintenance|maintainability Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 5. 13. Support No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 13. Support Color: RED Access Object: support |logistics| ils Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 6. 14. RMA No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 14. RMA Color: GREEN Access Object: reliability|maintainability|availability Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 7. 15. EMI No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 15. EMI Color: BLUE Access Object: EMI|EMC|TEMPEST| UL Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 8. 16. Ergonomics No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 16. Ergonomics Color: PURPLE Access Object: Ergonomics|HMI|MMI|Machine Interface Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 9. 17. ATC RDP No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 17. ATC RDP Color: NAVY Access Object: ATCRBS|Beacon|Primary|Secondary|Mode-S|track|velocity vector|history|mosaic Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 10. 18. ATC FDP No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 18. ATC FDP Color: ORANGE Access Object: flight plan| fix |posting Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 11. 19. ATC Automation No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 19. ATC Automation Color: RED Access Object: conflict alert|MSAW|minimum safe altitude warning|flight plan probe|clearance delivery Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 12. 2. Performance No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 2. Performance Color: GREEN Access Object: performance|response time Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 13. 20. Security No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 20. Security Color: GREEN Access Object: security|secure|log\s*on|log\s*off|log\sin|log\s*out Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 14. 21. Air Defense No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 21. Air Defense Color: BLUE Access Object: restricted area|track pairing|ADIZ|plot|maps?|range scale|off\s*set Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 15. 3. Systems No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 3. Systems Color: BLUE Access Object: systems? Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 16. 4. Architecture No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 4. Architecture Color: PURPLE Access Object: architecture|distributed|central|hybrid|flexible|growth|flexibility Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 17. 5. Safety No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 5. Safety Color: NAVY Access Object: safety|safe|fail\s*safe|fail\s*over|recovery? Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 18. 6. Software No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 6. Software Color: ORANGE Access Object: software|data Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 19. 7. Hardware No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 7. Hardware Color: RED Access Object: hardware|electrical Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 20. 8. Environmental No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 8. Environmental Color: GREEN Access Object: environment|power|temperature|humidity|salt fog|shock|vibration Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
. . . 21. 9. Mechanical No Comment Text in this rule. . . . . . . Rule Summary Name: 9. Mechanical Color: BLUE Access Object: mechanical|enclosure Count Accessed Patterns: CHECKED
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