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The Making Of Modern Ukraine

This template performs detailed analysis of the YaleCourses, Timmothy Snyder, The Making of Modern Ukraine - 2021, Yale University, Sep 3, 2022. Timothy Snyder is the Richard C. Levin Professor of History at Yale University and a permanent fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. He speaks five and reads ten European languages. Yale course on YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh9mgdi4rNewfxO7LhBoz_1Mx1MaO6sw_ . It is located in the directory structure of this tool at C:\z-cassbeth\gda\documents. Enjoy...

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. . . These template instructions are user defined.

Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering buy from amazon.com
Book Information
Previously Uploaded File: Making-Of-Modern-Ukraine.txt

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Template Comments The Making Of Modern Ukraine

General Search
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Profile Document
Topics of Interest Show Search Show Simple Rules Show Complex Rules
. . .
Vikings Greeks Tartars Jews Khazars
Slavs Slaves Peasants Nobles Monarchs
Warlords Women Ukranians Russians Soviet
Marx Nazi mein kampf Poland Belarus
German Lithuania Empire Habsburgs Serfs
World War

Centuries Show Search Show Simple Rules Show Complex Rules
. . .
Years 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s
1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s
1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s

Empires Show Search Show Simple Rules Show Complex Rules
. . .
Ukraine Start - Kievan Rus Mongol Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth Ukraine - Cossacks Hapsburgs
Muscovites Russian Empire Prussia Ottoman Empire German Empire
Khazars Byzantines Slavs Lithuanians Poles
Pagans Christians Jews Byzantium

Overall Reaction Show Search Show Simple Rules Show Complex Rules
. . .
Positive Negative

Approach Show Search Show Simple Rules Show Complex Rules
. . .
Markets Technology Education Science Government
People International Engineering Systems & Analysis

Freedom Fight Show Search Show Simple Rules Show Complex Rules
. . .
Democracy Free Person Republic Nobleman Elections
Colonialism Imperialism Slave Satellite Communist
Siberia Dictator Capitalism Socialism Oligarchs
Soviet Union Siberia Concentration Camp Prison Torture

Citys Regions Rulers Show Search Show Simple Rules Show Complex Rules
. . .
Kiev Crimea City Region Moscow
Wolodymyr Yaroslav Batu Khan Stalin Hitler Lenin Molotov and Ribbentrop
Khrushchev Brezhnev Yeltsin Putin Zelensky

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Processing previously uploaded file in Making-Of-Modern-Ukraine.txt

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Save Metrics with analysis run Making-Of-Modern-Ukraine.txt 05/02/023 08:04:28 Appended Metrics File

Total Lines: 7799
Blank Lines: 3911
Non Blank Lines: 3888
Imperatives: 25
Shalls: 6
Wills: 216

Message: These metrics are what allow you to compare different documents and different analysis runs. Consider moving the numbers into a spreadsheet for visualization. Counts of Shalls, Wills, IsReq, and Imperatives are hardcoded into the tool. You have the ability to enter a Norm value, which can be surfaced after multiple analysis sessions.

Item Risk Count Children % lines % imperative % shall % will % isreq % Norm
1900s s5s

1910s s5s

1920s s5s

1930s s5s

1940s s5s

1950s s5s

1960s s5s

1970s s5s

1980s s5s

1990s s5s

2000s s5s

2010s s5s

2020s s5s

Batu Khan s10s

Belarus s4s

Byzantines s6s

Byzantium s6s

Capitalism s9s

Christians s6s

City s10s

Colonialism s9s

Communist s9s

Concentration Camp s9s

Crimea s10s

Democracy s9s

Dictator s9s

Education s8s

Elections s9s

Empire s4s

Engineering s8s

Free Person s9s

German s4s

German Empire s6s

Government s8s

Greeks s4s

Habsburgs s4s

Hapsburgs s6s

Imperialism s9s

International s8s

Jews s6s

Jews s4s

Khazars s4s

Khazars s6s

Khrushchev Brezhnev Yeltsin s10s

Kiev s10s

Lithuania s4s

Lithuanians s6s

Markets s8s

Marx s4s

Molotov and Ribbentrop s10s

Monarchs s4s

Mongol s6s

Moscow s10s

Muscovites s6s

Nazi s4s

Negative s7s

Nobleman s9s

Nobles s4s

Oligarchs s9s

Ottoman Empire s6s

Pagans s6s

Peasants s4s

People s8s

Poland s4s

Poles s6s

Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth s6s

Positive s7s

Prison s9s

Prussia s6s

Putin s10s

Region s10s

Republic s9s

Russian Empire s6s

Russians s4s

Satellite s9s

Science s8s

Serfs s4s

Siberia s9s

Siberia s9s

Slave s9s

Slaves s4s

Slavs s6s

Slavs s4s

Socialism s9s

Soviet s4s

Soviet Union s9s

Stalin Hitler Lenin s10s

Systems & Analysis s8s

Tartars s4s

Technology s8s

Torture s9s

Ukraine - Cossacks s6s

Ukraine Start - Kievan Rus s6s

Ukranians s4s

Vikings s4s

Warlords s4s

Wolodymyr s10s

Women s4s

World War s4s

Yaroslav s10s

Years s5s

Zelensky s10s

mein kampf s4s

Rules Total 103
Rules Triggered 0
Rules Not Triggered 103
Percent of Rules Triggered 0%

Reading Level Hide

Disabling the noise filter may reduce the reading level. Re-run the report to capture metrics for both instances.

Accessed Unique Words:
Accessed Unique Syllables:
Words with 3+ Syllables:
Polysyllabic Count: 0
Reading Level: No reading level is available. Select any rule option and check: Count Accessed Words or use a Reading Level Service which has checked: Count Accessed Words.

Document Shape Hide

Services and Triggered Rule Comments Hide

original processing URL http://localhost:4444/~gda/satpro.cgi v 1.6 p

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19 Seconds

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