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 How To Order



Customer Service

Placing Orders

Like your home town we are organized by shops. We will not let you wander thru a mindless warehouse. At CassBeth we want to make shopping and ordering as enjoyable and easy as possible for you. Just follow the simple steps below.

Browse or Search for Products

Visit our shops or use our Search tool to locate the items you are interested in. We recommend that you visit several shops prior to placing your order, not unlike when you get in your car and go for a leisurely visit to your town center.

To Order Using Automated Forms or E-Mail

Use E-mail or our automated order forms. Each shop contains an entry into a unique order form. Fill out the required information and wait for a confirmation of your order. You will receive confirmation on your web browser and via E-mail.

If you have a question before ordering, use any of our E-mail links at the bottom of each page. If you wish to use E-mail to place your order, that is ok with us. Just tell us in simple english what you are interested in ordering and one of representatives will gladly work with you.

Completing Automated Order Form

The order forms will allow you to enter the item to be purchased, shipping address, billing address, and payment methods. The payment methods include check, money order, COD, or FAX with a Voided Check depending on the particular vendor offering the product.

NOTE: CassBeth currently is not accepting charge cards, but may in the future. Our retailers may accept credit cards, as noted in their respective virtual shops. This transaction is usually completed with a phone call to the particular shop.

Submitting Your Automated Order

Finally, when you have verified that the shipping address, shipping method, and quantities are correct, click on the Submit buttons to place your order. Please note that once an order is submitted no additions or changes may be made to it, however, if you send us an E-Mail within 1 hour we will be able to cancel the order.

Confirmation & Status

After placing an order, you should see a confirmation that your order was submitted. In addition, you should also receive an email confirming that the order was successfully submitted.

We will also email you a second time to confirm that your order has shipped or is on backorder if stock is not immediately available. As always, we will contact you immediately if there is a problem processing your order.

Online Order Status

For your convenience, you can check the status of your order at any time by simply sending us an email located on any CassBeth web page.

Shipping Note: We ship all in-stock items the same day if the order is received before 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time, weekdays, and if there are no processing problems. We do not ship or deliver orders on weekends or major holidays. Due to the electronic nature of our business, we do not accept orders by phone or fax.

Tax Note: Sales tax is applicable to all orders shipped to states in which the CassBeth, or it's agents, have operational facilities. If sales tax is applicable on your order, it will appear on your shipping  confirmation.

We hope that you enjoy your visit to our quaint cyber town square.

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