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Privatization is the shifting of government functions into the private sector. Privatization is also the transfer of public assets into private corporations. This started in 1980.

Today there is evidence suggesting that privatization has led to systemic government shutdowns and other negative unintended consequences including serious damage to the industrial base, colleges, universities, air transportation, the FAA, and the citizens of the United States.

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CassBeth is an online shopping mall. We have developed a number of software applications to manage our online business. We have organized these software tools and made them available to you, the small business owner. Now you can get some real help in managing your online business using the same tools that we use to manage our business.

CassBeth and your web site is different from other online sites Most internet sites fall into two distinct categories:

small personal sites or
very large complex sites with large investors

However, we think there is a third category of internet site:

The small mom and pop business internet site

This business might currently exist outside the internet in the form of a retail establishment, or it might be a startup where one of the individuals is familiar with the internet  and able to create a web site using HTML.

However, to manage the site and generate revenue requires software. Examples of the software include tracking your visitors, determining the search engine performance, and processing orders. We are sure you heard these words before, but we  have identified the real features required to effectively support each of these areas. For example, when we track our visitors, we know the exact search words that individuals used to arrive at our site and which search engines were the most effective. When we process orders, that includes generating invoices, labels, and order processing status reports. These and other applications are used in our business every day.

Our software is scaled to the size of our business This means our software is scaled to the size of your business. Our software makes managing our business as simple as possible. For example, we do not use shopping carts. Our experience has shown that populating shopping carts with large numbers of items is very time consuming. Most people order only one item per visit negating any advantage to you or the consumer of this approach to order taking. We also know that mail order catalogs have been available for years and consumers are very comfortable filling out order forms.

Our software is used for very specific and important analysis This does not mean that we generate volumes of useless data that no one will ever read. Our software has shown us that banner ads don't work, even on our own site. If someone arrives in a doll shop they will visit a bear shop, but not the electronics shop. This means that we know that we must generate our own traffic via search engines. We know that companies such as know this internet characteristic and that is why they have an associate program. If we want to draw traffic, we have to generate that traffic ourselves using the tools of the internet. Our software helped us to understand these internet facts of life. Today these same tools provide us with continued insights in a simple efficient manner.

Alternatives we considered were not attractive These included joining a large shopping mall, hiring staff and or relatives to build our site software, and using third party shopping cart services. For this type of operation, a small business, shopping carts with monthly fees and other costs make no financial sense. Joining expensive malls are high risk and will most likely lead to disappointment based on what we have learned. It also makes no financial sense to hire professional staff (or relatives) to build a nice place in cyber space.

The CassBeth approach should probably be your approach So here you are, you have the ability to create a web site. Processing orders are a problem, or if the orders came, they would be a problem. You are not sure how people arrive at your site and what they are looking for that you think they would purchase. We think the best alternative is to consider our software applications which have been under development and refinement for almost 2 years. Our site is like your site. We think we have a viable alternative.

Technical and other Requirements To Run Our Software

  1. All our applications are PERL4/5 and run on UNIX. Our web site uses the Apache server.

  2. You must have your own cgi-bin directory. Please note that good web hosting services have this capability and do not charge an extra fee.

  3. To run some of the scripts you must have server side includes enabled. Please note that good web hosting services have this capability and do not charge an extra fee.

  4. If you have difficulty installing your scripts, we will give it a shot for a flat fee of $50. This will require that you give us your user name and password. Once we install your scripts we will require that you change your password within 24 hours. We do not assume any liability for any thing that may occur as a result of our attempting to install your scripts.

  5. We do not, can not, and will not assume any liability for these scripts under any conditions.

  6. We will not make software available to anyone who passes it to a web site administrator for installation into a non-user cgi-bin directory. We view this as a license issue. The software is licensed to you and you are responsible for its proper handling. There are many unscrupulous web site vendors that will pirate our software.

  7. If you are unable to get our software running on your site, we are able to host our applications for your business on our site. Some of the features associated with tracking visitors may not be available.

Site Visitor Logging

Visitor Logging. Release yourself from your web site administrator. If they are kind enough to provide this service for free, we are almost sure you do not have all the data you need to determine your site visitor patterns. Unlike other visitor logs, this log tool uses server side includes to capture all the parameters possible from your server. Our user logs can be read by HITLIST from or buy our custom Visitor Interest Analysis Reporting tools.

example log file
log.cgi perl script

Cost: FREE just save the script and install.

There are 3 different standard formats depending on your server and server setup. This is a simple script that tracks user visitors using the WinNT II server format, which provides more information than the NCSA format. Some of the fields are fixed and not available from an SSI call, but those fields of our no value to our operations.

Search Engine Site Manager. You have a site, but does it have an internal search engine to help your customers find products on your site? You should consider a search engine. We found that our search engine is an invaluable aid to our own operation. When orders arrive it is often necessary to verify product price and part numbers. Try finding a cryptic order from an individual that sends you an e-mail message. Our search engine also has a few very important features that you will not find on other search engines. You can try each of these features using our search engine available at the top of this page.

The first feature is our ability to print out our description and keywords meta tags which are on all of our pages. This is critical to managing your search engine presence. Just type cellular once you arrive at the search engine.

Our second feature allows you to catalog all your web pages associated with a particular area on your site. This is critical if you what to get a print out of your entire site without having someone load each individual page and select the print button on your browser.  We have done this in the past and it can take upwards of 24 hours to complete the task. Our site has over 350 pages. The hardcopy printout is over 1,000 pages. The point is this feature allows you to quickly transfer the contents of your real online site to a printer. Just select the PrintCatalog option and type cellular. You will get a single page that containing all the web pages in our cellular shop. Once loaded, just select print, go have a donut and coffee. Once you come back there will be over 75 pages of the cellular shop printed for your review.

The third feature allows you track down bad part numbers that may be present in the associate program weekly status report. has one of the best reporting mechanisms available. That mechanism also shows bad links on your site. Our search engine finds the pages on your site with the bad part numbers and allows you to either access those pages or test the potentially bad part number. If you are an associate of, this search engine feature is a must. Just select PartNum option and enter B00000DM9Y. This is a valid part number from, but imagine your problem if the part number suddenly changes, you have an error, or the product is discontinued.

SESM, Search Engine Site Manager, Cost: $179.95



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Old Navy - Target - Nordstrom - Lands' End - Gap - etc

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Visitor Interest Analysis Reporting

Visitor Analysis Report. We speculated for months why visitors might arrive and how they might arrive. Then when we installed our visitor logging tool we spent months using Excel spreadsheets and web analysis tool trying to understand how our visitors arrive and why they arrive. In the end we needed to develop our own tool. The proof is in the live analysis of our current site visitors. The tool runs real time using the newest data from the latest site visitor.

example searchlog.cgi live visitor analysis

VAR, Visitor Analysis Report, Cost: $179.95


Search Engine Analysis Report. Search engines are the life blood of the internet. If they go away or become selective in their placements, the internet will be unable to continue its existence. We have the data to back that statement up. That means you need to determine how you are doing with your search engine presence. You need to understand your site and make you presence known to the important search engines. There are only a few important search engines as you have seen in our Visitor Analysis Report. This report identifies how each link on your site is performing in terms of the individual search engines. The tool runs real time using the newest data from the latest site visitor.

example seanalysis.cgi live search engine analysis

SEAR, Search Engine Analysis Report, Cost: $279.95
includes Visitor Analysis Report


Happy Visitors. There you are in your real business. You see the customers come and go. You see what they browse. All this happens when you are at your business. That is why it is important for you to be there, with out you the whole business will fail. There is some truth to that feeling. You get a feel for your operation and customers when you are hands on with your business. We had the same problem with the internet and our business. How can you get a feel for your operations and customers on a daily basis. We created the happy visitors report for our operations. It shows customers arriving at the business and what they are browsing in real time. If you have a retail operation, put your computer on your counter, turn this report on, and get a feel for your internet shop and your real shop all at the same time. This report updates your display automatically, without any outside intervention. The tool runs real time using the newest data from the latest site visitor.

example seanalysis.cgi live happy visitors

HV, Happy Visitors, Cost: $379.95
includes Visitor Analysis Report and Search Engine Analysis report


Order Processing

Info Form Processing. This system takes user form entries and generates e-mail messages and a database record of the request. The e-mail message includes an automated reply to the requestor and an e-mail to your operation of the requested information. This is a great item to add to your site. It will allow you to remove your e-mail links from your web pages. This will stop those pesky e-mail siphons from accessing your e-mail address from your web pages, reducing your exposure to useless spam messages.

IFP, Info Form Processing, Cost: $59
includes Order Form Processing and Info Form Processing


Order Form Processing. Same as the Info processing System, except individual items with product numbers and descriptions are captured. The e-mail to your site includes a free form invoice.

OFP, Order Form Processing, Cost: $199
includes Info Form Processing


Online Order Tracking and Processing. Prior to this system, our business used microsoft Word and Excel to track our sales, generate our invoices and print our labels, after extracting the information from e-mail form submissions. This is a very labor intensive process. The simple act of transferring information across  various office applications is time consuming and a source of significant error. This application is online and uses your internet browser to automate this process. You have the ability to instantly determine orders awaiting payment, orders that are paid but awaiting shipment, backorders, cancelations, completed sales, and more. Various reports and color coding of the actual orders make life significantly easier as you process your sales.

Example:  login sample screens from the application

OOTP, Happy Visitors, Cost: $299
includes Order Form Processing and Info Form Processing


Advertising and Associate Programs

If you are contemplating creating your own E-Commerce site, we have an e-commerce and marketing report that you must read. The report describes our findings for our operation over a 12 month period. The report is critical to you and your staff if you intend to market on the Internet. This is a lessons learned report that everyone should own. We describe what it takes to establish a site like CassBeth.

CECF, CassBeth E-Commerce Findings, Cost: $199.95
includes Order Form Processing and Info Form Processing


Local Site Banner. This is a server side include that places a random advertisement on your page. You define the image and the link of the image for the advertisement. The following is an example:

local ssi banner

Each time you reload this page a new advertisement is presented and a log file is updated. adds.dat

LB, Local Site Banner, Cost: $39.95
includes Info Form Processing


Remote Site Banner. This is similar to the rotating banner, except that it can be placed in a remote sight. It is called by using an image tag rather than a server side include. The following is an example of our remote banner:

remote image banner

Each time you reload this page a new advertisement is presented and a log file is updated. csa.dat

RSB, Remote Site Banner, Cost: $49.95 includes Local Site Banner


Rotating JAVA Sign. This is a JAVA script that accesses the images on your page and rotates the images in another location on the same page. This is a great method to show other items available on a large page. We use it as our main page on CassBeth.

example once the page loads the upper left image will change ever 2 seconds
rotsign.txt the script

Cost: FREE just save the script and install.

Site Ad Management.This tool and a certain site management concept is the key to our advertising strategy which addresses a very narrow need. We already know that the banners above are relatively useless. We also know that it can take a few months before search engines capture a new shop that we develop. Our approach is to introduce new shops as advertisements that blend in the text with the existing shop pages. We have designated areas at the top and bottom of each page. We also have over 350 pages on our site. This tool automates the installation of an advertisement of a new shop or a shop that we wish to feature on our site into designated areas. With the click of 3-5 buttons this application performs the automated installation of a new advertisement across hundreds of pages on our site. What previously required hour the days to accomplish can be performed in 5 minutes today.

SAM, Site Ad Manager, Cost: $299


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