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We are not hiring at this time. However if you wish to submit a resume we
will keep it on file for possible future consideration:
careers AT
Technical Position Qualifications
Undergraduate degree in engineering, mathematics, science, education
Strong interest in technical area as evidenced by professional associations
and or home projects
Early related activities in your area prior to entering the university is
extremely important
Driven by the need to do the right thing regardless of external pressures
or if in the past you found your views to be in error
Desire to solve problems others would avoid because of possible failure or
career damage
Try to make your job obsolete so that you can move on to more exciting challenges
Management Position Qualifications
Undergraduate degree in management, engineering, mathematics, science, education
Find a way to make every employee productive and engaged irrespective of
their past level of performance
Always try to find a win win situation in difficult settings
Mentor and develop your staff and develop your replacement
Maintain the highest level of ethical standards
Ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect
Promote from within by ensuring existing staff receive proper education,
training, visibility, and progressively more complex responsibilities
Marketing Position Qualifications
Undergraduate degree in marketing, engineering, mathematics, science, education
Find where the money is going and target high tech technology opportunities
in these areas using a 1, 3, 5, and 10 year time horizon
Work with engineering and management to identify internal research and
development activities
Work with existing internal government projects to find and develop industrial
and commercial applications
Develop relationships with venture capitalists
Develop new relationships outside your current network especially in new
emerging areas
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