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Systems engineer, adjunct professor, textbook author with experience in government, defense, aerospace, and non-profits for very large complex systems. Applications include air traffic control, air defense, and secure communications systems. Helped Drexel University start a systems engineering program, developed and teach systems engineering courses, advised undergraduate University of Pennsylvania systems engineering students. Author of four systems engineering books, two are textbooks. Current interests are applying systems engineering to COVID-19, privatization, sustainability and other areas.

Non-Management details:
  • Systems Engineering Analysis
  • Architecture, Tradeoffs
  • Requirements, Specifications
  • Test, Verification, Validation, Evaluation
  • Engineering Management
  • Technical Direction, Mentoring
  • Research and Development
  • Product Development
  • International Marketing Travel
  • Marketing, Proposals, Pricing
  • Technical Writing, Consulting, Mentoring
  • Website Development, Maintenance
  • Project Champion, Facilitator
  • Process Development
  • Tool and Vendor Evaluations
  • New Process Establishment
  • Software Engineering
  • Manuals, Training Packages

EDUCATION - Drexel University BS - Electrical Engineering (BSEE) 1979



Advanced Sciences and Technologies (AS&T), Moorestown, New Jersey 11/2014 to 10/2020

Wyle - Aerospace Group, Mount Laurel, New Jersey - Systems Engineer 2012 - 2014

L-3 Communications-East, Camden, New Jersey 1995 - 1999, 2000 - 2012
(Formerly Lockheed Martin, Martin Marietta, GE Aerospace and RCA) Lead Member Engineering Staff

MITRE, Atlantic City, New Jersey - Member of the Technical Staff 1999 - 2000

Nielsen Media Research, Dunedin, Florida - Consultant 1994 - 1995

Contraves USA, Tampa, Florida - Product Development Engineer 1991 - 1994
(Now L-3 Communications Pittsburg, PA)

E-Systems (Now Raytheon), St. Petersburg, Florida - Senior Principle Engineer 1987 - 1991

Hughes Aircraft Company (Now Raytheon), Fullerton, California - Senior Systems Engineer Level 5 1981 - 1987

FAA Technical Center, Atlantic City, New Jersey - Electronics Engineer 1977, 1979 - 1981

OTHER EXPERIENCE, New Jersey 1997 - Present

Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Adjunct Professor 2011 - Present

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Student Advisor 2008 - 2011


Published Books

Technical Papers, Patents and Other Activities



1. Sobkiw, W. "Systems Practices for Sustainability." The 21st Annual INCOSE International Symposium, Jun 2011. Peer-Reviewed (Published).

2. Sobkiw, W. "Automated Specification Analysis." The International Council on Systems Engineering Region V Spring 09 Conference, April 2009. Peer-Reviewed (Published).

3. Sobkiw, W; Chen, TL. "Design For Fault Tolerance And Performance In A DOD-STD-2167 Ada Project." Proceedings of The Sixth National Conference On Ada Technology March 14-18, 1988. (Mar 1998). Peer-Reviewed (Published).

4. Sobkiw, W. "Approaches To Air Traffic Control/Air Defense Workstation Simulation And Training." Thirteenth Interservice / Industry Training Systems Conference (ITSC) Fall 1991. Peer-Reviewed (Published).

5. Sobkiw, W. "Prototyping Air Surveillance Displays (Three Prototyping Display Activities)." 36th Annual Air Traffic Control Association Conference Proceedings Sepetmber 29 - October 3, 1991. Peer-Reviewed (Published).

6. Sobkiw, W. "The Potential Use Of Over-The-Horizon (OTH) Sensors For Oceanic Air Traffic Control." 35th Annual Air Traffic Control Association Conference Proceedings Sepetmber 16-20, 1990. Peer-Reviewed (Published).

7. Sobkiw,W; Payne,P,R. "Integration Of Air Ground Data Links." 40th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference May 6-9, 1990. Peer-Reviewed (Published).

8. Sobkiw, W; Chen, T,L. "Binding As A Mechanism To Support Reusability In A Distributed Ada Communications System." Proceedings of the Sixth Washington Ada Symposium June 26 - 29, 1989. Peer-Reviewed (Published).

9. Sobkiw, W; Chen, T,L. "Reusable Subsystems From A High Performance Ada Communication System." Proceedings of The Seventh Annual National Conference On Ada Technology March 13 -16 1989. Peer-Reviewed (Published).

10. Sobkiw,W; Payne,P,R. "Integration Of Air Ground Data Links." 34th Annual Air Traffic Control Association Conference Proceedings ATCA October 30 - November 2, 1989. Peer-Reviewed (Published).

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