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Vehicle Windscreen Pillar Blind Spot Display And Alert System

Manufacturing and Distribution License



The Vehicle Windscreen Pillar Blind Spot Removal Display and Alert System eliminates the front window blind spots caused by the vehicle roof support pillars. Using cameras and displays the vehicle roof pillars become partially or fully transparent allowing the driver to see traffic at road intersections while visually scanning across the front and side windows in the same field of view and not lose situational awareness because of the pillar blind spots. The system also provides visual and audio alerts to reinforce the blind spot situational awareness. The system includes cameras to capture the blind spots, displays that make the pillars show the image of the blind spots, and a control unit that captures vehicle status to determine when to enable and disable the pillar displays, provide visual and audio alerts, and to allow an operator to modify system and display settings.

Vehicle Pillars Blind Spots
Existing Situation

Transparent Vehicle Pillars
Blind Spots Eliminated in Same Field of View
Patent Pending

As modern cars have become increasingly robust to meet stricter safety guidelines, front windscreen pillars have become stronger and wider to accommodate the extra weight. This is good news for drivers, with a steep decline in fatalities over the last 20 years. However, the new windscreen pillar designs have been blamed in documented reports for road traffic accidents. Expanding windscreen pillars have created an extremely dangerous blind spot, making it harder for drivers to see other road users at pedestrian crossings, T-junctions and roundabouts.

The problem is not just associated with large vehicles but it also affects small vehicles where the windscreen pillars are almost twice the width they were 20 years ago. A recent government study found that separate accidents involving small vehicles could all be attributed to blind spots caused by the larger pillars.

The system can be added to new (66 million 2021) or existing (1.4 billion) vehicles.

Unmet Need

As vehicle front windscreen pillars have become stronger and wider to accommodate the extra weight a new and dangerous blind spot has surfaced that is now causing accidents. There is an need to eliminate the front windscreen pillar blind spots.


The vehicle roof pillars become partially or fully transparent allowing the driver to see traffic at road intersections while visually scanning across the front and side windows in the same field of view and not lose situational awareness because of the pillar blind spots.

Value Proposition

The windscreen pillar designs have been blamed in documented reports for road traffic accidents. Expanding windscreen pillars have created an extremely dangerous blind spot making it harder for drivers to see other road users at pedestrian crossings, T-junctions, and roundabouts.

Technology Overview

Using cameras and displays the vehicle roof pillars become partially or fully transparent allowing the driver to see traffic at road intersections. The system also provides visual and audio alerts to reinforce the blind spot situational awareness. The system includes cameras to capture the blind spots, displays that make the pillars show the image of the blind spots, and a control unit that captures vehicle status to determine when to enable and disable the pillar displays, provide visual and audio alerts, and to allow an operator to modify system and display settings.

Looking for Licensees

To develop and commercialize the technology.

Stage of Development

Conceptual with specification and drawings to allow for the development of the system.

Data Availability

Full patent description with text and drawings, draft license agreement, and market analysis.

Patent Information




Application No.

File Date

Foreign Filing License Grant

Patent Status

Vehicle Windscreen Pillar Blind Spot Display And Alert System


United States





Contact Information

Cassbeth has a standard package available with market assessment, draft license agreement, and detailed patent description.

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