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Sustainable Development
Possible with Creative System Engineering

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Local Author Talks About His New Book 1
Local Author Talks About His New Book 2
Local Author Talks About His New Book 3
University of Pennsylvania Senior Design Projects

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Book Back Cover

Our Science, Innovation, Technology, and Engineering are breaking down just when we need it to ramp up. Few realize that sustainable development has always been part of human development and that it was these elements and how effectively they worked which allowed for our life on earth. If we fall down in these areas our only alternatives are war, revolution, and genocide as famine and want grip a naturally increasing human population.

This little book is a call back to the fundamentals of Science and Art to solve our most complex of problems. Today, our organizations are sick and not capable of the challenges that must be addressed in our rapidly approaching future. It raises some difficult questions and proposes a surprising solution from our recent past.

This book is for everyone everywhere as we all engage in trying to build everything - from software to cities.

Imagine a place where you could create things and make decisions where there are no hidden agendas and all stakeholders are treated equally. How would potential approaches surface, how would they be narrowed and selected, how would decisions be made. What tools and techniques would be used if they were not the greatest moneyed interests, the most politically powerful, or the most dangerous?

Press Releases

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Some Press Releases (See All Interent Press Releases for all current and old releases)

Grass Roots Pre Release 6/01/08

Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering
by Walter Sobkiw

Book Release "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering"

Cherry Hill, NJ -- 06/11/08 -- Could it be that a reasonable approach to deal with Global Warming is offered in a new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering"?

INCOSE links to a new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering"

Cherry Hill, NJ -- 06/15/08 -- The 18th Annual INCOSE International Symposium on System Engineering for the Planet links to a new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering".

Philadelphia Art Museum and Water Works is cover for new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering"

Cherry Hill, NJ -- 06/15/08 -- The new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering" makes some bold claims and proposes a rather simple solution to tackle our problems in the next 100 years. It uses the image of the Philadelphia Art Museum and Water Works on top of a Las Vegas Nevada sky to challenge us and show us a possible way to our future.

What do Howard Hughes, the movie Flashdance and the Beatles have to do with Global Warming and Sustainable Development?

Cherry Hill, NJ -- 06/24/08 -- Howard Hughes, the movie Flashdance and the Beatles are all part of the discussion in a new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering". It makes some bold claims and proposes a rather simple solution to tackle our problems in the next 100 years while casually referencing some movies, music, theater, and books from 431 BC to today.

Las Vegas Nevada sky on cover of new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering"

Cherry Hill, NJ -- 06/26/08 -- The new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering" makes some bold claims and proposes a rather simple solution to tackle our problems in this century. It uses the image of the Las Vegas Nevada sky behind the Philadelphia Art Museum and Water Works to challenge us and show us a possible way to our future. It ends with the question of what the beautiful Las Vegas Nevada sky and this new city will look like in 100 years.

Lehman Brothers employees, have any of you read this book? We need you and your talent now!

Cherry Hill, NJ -- 09/17/08 -- Don't despair. Buy this book, read it, and help implement the proposals in this book. We need you and your talent now! Those are the words from the author of a new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering".

Community Guide to Creative System Engineering is a top priority for the author of a new book on Sustainable Development

Cherry Hill, NJ -- 09/17/08 -- I decided I needed to start one of the many projects that should flow from my book Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering. That project is a Community Guide to Creative System Engineering. It is a simple guide for all communities to follow when considering their energy, environment, development, and all other community projects.

The author of Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering attended the 2008 Collingswood Book Festival

Cherry Hill, NJ -- 10/10/08 -- The author of Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering met with many people at the Collingswood Book Festival and signed his book. Mr. Sobkiw commented "The kids in college and fresh out of college were very interested in the book. To my surprise a large number of older people in retirement also showed the same level of excitement about the book. A person from the financial sector who was in the middle of the current mortgage crisis was even interested in the general theme of the book and got his own copy."

Free Document Analysis Software Contains Link to New Book Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering

Cherry Hill, NJ, 10/27/08 -- In a significant commitment to Sustainable Development CassBeth has made all its document analysis software available for free as part of a move to spread the word about a new book Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering. In the free version of the software the user is presented with a small book image and link to buy the book without disrupting normal tool operations. It is just in the peripheral field of view. The users are still able to purchase the software and can chose to use a different key to suppress the small image and link of the book.

The free General Document Analysis (GDA) tool analyzes president-elect Barack Obama's and Senator John McCain.s nomination, victory, and concession speeches

Cherry Hill, NJ Hill --11/08/08 -- President-elect Barack Obama and Senator John McCain's nomination, victory, and concessions speeches were submitted to the free General Document Analysis (GDA) tool. The tool was set to rate the emotions, overall feelings (positive or negative), and general policy approaches. The findings were fascinating and are summarized as follows starting with the victory and concession speeches

The new movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and the new book on "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering" have balls

Cherry Hill, NJ Hill --12/12/08 -- The new movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and the new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering" have balls as their primary images of earth and life. After seeing the movie, the author stated "They took my ball concept I used for the front cover of my book. I guess it does not matter because after the audience sees the movie they should run out and buy my book. After they see the movie they will know why".

Cassbeth Sends Author of Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering to SPIN Event and Comments on President-Elect Obama Energy-Climate Team

Cherry Hill, NJ Hill --12/20/08 -- Cassbeth sends author of Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering to SPIN event and comments on President-Elect Obama Energy-Climate Team. The team consists of Carol Browner, Energy czar; Steve Chu, Energy secretary; Lisa Jackson, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator; Nancy Sutley, White House Council on Environmental Quality chief. A copy of the book was given away as a door prize and the author signed the book after the guest speaker concluded the presentation.

All Other Press Releases

Notes from the Author
Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering

By Walter Sobkiw
Copyright 2008
Feel free to post on any forum and use in any media but credit the author with this content

"There is no secret alien space technology, there is only us, and we have to make the best of what we have or we will fight for what little is available. Science, Innovation, Technology, Engineering [and Art] are what have allowed the human population to increase in our 5000 plus years of civilization. If we fall down in these areas our only alternatives are war, revolution, and genocide as famine and want grip a naturally increasing human population."

That is how I open my book. I am not sure if those words will capture the hearts and minds of my readers, but they seemed appropriate. They were the first words I wrote when I started this project. I may not have the all answers in this book but I certainly want people to realize we all should start looking for answers.

I originally left out the Art reference as I tried to create an Acronym for my main point. I thought I would be clever and use SITE (science, innovation, technology and engineering) through out the text. The acronym did not flow into the book. It was essentially a false start that I decided to leave in as a statement that it is ok to change as you learn from your mistakes. It is called growth and I have a chapter in the book about that subject. The chapter is called Failure is Important. In this case my failure was to not immediately acknowledge Art and it became painfully obvious when I noticed I spent much of the time writing about non-technical issues.

The Introduction is a bit more mellow. It is wrapped around science and engineering with words of art. I wrote this book with the full intent of including everyone especially the non-technical stakeholders. That flavor starts to surface as you delve further into the book. My references to film, television, and music are genuine and I hope they provide some insights into my thoughts when I discuss topics in chapters like Spiritual Maturity or Love. I state in several places the non-technical stakeholders are key to our future survival and I try to make that point with my references to Dr Who, a British Science Fiction television series where normal everyday Humans working with the Doctor save the universe all the time.

Ok time for more extracts from the Introduction.

"So this little book is a wakeup call. It makes the statement that our Science and Art are breaking down just when we need it to ramp up. The best way to describe it is we are all now aware of sustainable development, but few realize that sustainable development has always been part of human development and that it was these elements and how effectively they worked which allowed for sustainable development of previous generations. From crop rotation farming to automobile junkyards to what needs to happen in the next 100 years.

So what is this book about: sustainable development or creative system engineering. The answer is both. We humans are facing the greatest challenge in our 5000 plus years of civilization. That challenge is to figure out how to make it through the next 100 years and reject the temptation of killing off billions of humans so that there is enough left over for the few survivors.

I claim that the only way we can do this is through the application of Creative System Engineering. There are no governments, institutions, companies, management techniques, political dogma, ideologies or other engineering scientific or technical approaches that will get us through the next 100 years of peaceful sustainable development.

I also claim that Creative System Engineering is not new and was practiced extensively after WWII and yielded our modern world of water, sewage, electricity, telephones, radios, televisions, airplanes, cars, dishwashers, highways. The problem is we forgot how to do Creative System Engineering. We did not name it we just did it.

What is Creative System Engineering? Imagine a place where you create things and make decisions where there are no hidden agendas and all stakeholders are treated equally. How would potential approaches surface, how would they be narrowed and selected, how would decisions be made. What tools and techniques would be used if they were not the greatest moneyed interests, the most politically powerful, or the most dangerous?"

Someone recently asked me which is better Return on Investment (ROI) or Return on Customer (ROC). My response was you could build a thing and structure a company based on: lowest cost, greatest profits, greatest ROI, best ROC. I replied that you can optimize 1 maybe 2 of these items but it's hard to do all 4.

In my book I raise another possibility from our past: the most effective. For the past 25+ years we have relied on the markets for all our solutions which use lowest cost, greatest profits, greatest return on investment, or any combination. Sometimes that works and yields the most effective solution, but not always. I claim that those who engage in system engineering strive for the most effective system.

So back to the original question, what tools and techniques would be used if they were not the greatest moneyed interests, the most politically powerful, or the most dangerous?

"How about the scientific method using reasonable techniques understood by reasonable people in a process that is fully transparent and visible to everyone. Everyone has a view of all the alternatives. Everyone has a view of all the decision paths. Everyone has an opportunity to impact the alternatives and decision paths. Do not fall for the rhetoric that this is mob rule or design by committee. These are reasonable people using 5000 plus years of tools, techniques, processes, and methods to make informed decisions. There are no hidden agendas with vested interests or people who just give up and go silent or worse compromise. Everyone is comfortable with the decision because it is intuitively obvious to all. Everyone obviously has responsibility in such an endeavor. No one can blow off that responsibility.

That in a nutshell is Creative System Engineering. This book hopefully will provide the framework for us to start practicing this "dying" art.

Creative System Engineering is not new. Education, Science, and Engineering were the pillars that were used to create a spectacular world after WWII. These pillars literally allowed us to go to the Moon. The great system engineering projects were all implemented with massive internal education, massive new science, and massive new engineering. This resulted in creative system solutions that changed our world forever. The genie was let out of the bottle and the world has never been the same. This simple book just applied the word Creative to System Engineering to represent the previous century technique used on system engineering programs that changed our world for the better in ways we can not imagine. All we can do is look back in amazement."

The book is organized into four chapters, an appendix, and a closing. The first chapter is called Bachelor of Science, the second is called Bachelor of Arts, the third is called Doctorate, and the fourth is called The Sustainable Development Project.

The appendix is a paper written in response to a request from President Roosevelt as that generation was pondering what to do after World War II. I wanted to include this paper from our past because it was so fundamental to laying the seeds of my parents' work and my future. It was difficult for me to follow this incredible paper but I found a nice approach where I close with a brief discussion of the book cover and a bibliography. In the bibliography I reference movies, music, television, books and even an ancient text on management.

I knew the book needed to emphasize both art and science and in fact in many ways I wanted to stress more art than science. I used the titles Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts to frame those elements. I added an advanced section, Doctorate, with some darkness and reality so that people could start breaking new ground without deceiving themselves about the challenges. The Sustainable Development Project chapter is a proposal for moving forward.

This is not a textbook even though the title and chapter names may suggest otherwise to some readers. Although I think every university and college curriculum would benefit from its content. I wanted it to be an easy and fast read. So it is short but the topics are very complex and thought provoking. In many ways this is a text that introduces a library of books to come as we follow the basic blue print in this book. There is some darkness and bitterness with what I consider to be a realistic tone however I do end on a positive note as I offer a reasonable proposal for our future that is anchored in our successful previous challenges.

Local Author Talks About His New Book
Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering

By Walter Sobkiw
Copyright 2008
Feel free to post on any forum and use in any media but credit the author with this content

I did not know while looking out the windows of Cherry Hill West High School some 35 years ago I would be writing this article about a book I wrote. I couldn't spell or form a complete sentence back then and I still can't spell or form a complete sentence but I wrote a book. After West I went to Drexel University and graduated as an Electrical Engineer. Shortly after graduation I began my career in the high tech industries of the day, eventually leaving New Jersey, going to California, then Florida, then back home to Cherry Hill NJ.

It was 1981 in southern California that I was introduced to System Thinking and System Engineering. I had the opportunity to think about future air traffic control, distributed computing, software, architectures, process, and system engineering. The company had a publications department and since it was in southern California, every so often we would get writers from Hollywood to help us form complete thoughts in our high tech documents. They were great and I really miss them and their brilliant work with us engineer's mathematicians, and scientists. Many publication departments disappeared with the introduction of the computer. I talk about this in my book and its negative impact on the entire high tech corporate culture as we lost touch with the liberal arts side of life.

How did you come to write this book is always the first question asked when I meet people. I suppose it is a natural question and helps to break the ice, but the response is long.

Several years ago I developed software to analyze engineering specifications. People quickly started to comment that this software could be applied to almost any document. So I eventually created a generic document analysis version of the software. During this time the movie an "Inconvenient Truth" was released and the poplar media was a buzz with topics on global warming. Out of curiosity I subjected 3 climate change documents to the software to see what would surface. The documents were The Green Paper from the European Union, The Stern Review, and The US Strategic Plan on Climate Change. Much to my surprise and the others who were playing with this software, the documents had real content unlike what was coming from the popular media. Reading the documents confirmed this output from the document analysis tool.

This got me interested in the topic of our future: global warming, alternative energy, sustainable development, infrastructure, etc. I wondered how people could on the one hand try to address our problems and on the other hand fall into rhetoric devoid of any content. I started interacting with a fellow system engineer. He started pursuing this topic years ago. One day while we were exchanging notes I blurted out in frustration that the only way to start to deal with these problems is through system engineering. He had been on that path long before I had that revelation. To make a long story short the theme of this year's conference by the International Council on Systems Engineering ( was "Systems Engineering for the Planet" and I wrote my book.

What is system engineering? Some people try to answer that question by tracing the roots of system engineering. They point to the Bell Telephone Company and say that it was practiced while establishing the massive infrastructure of the telephone system at the start of the last century. Some people will point to the Aerospace companies that gave us modern air travel, satellites, and many other things. I ran into one system engineer who claimed that the founders of the United States were system engineers and he pointed to our system of government and its checks and balances. You can get a degree in system engineering but most system engineers come from other areas including philosophy. My book is about system engineering. I define it and I try to show how to practice it. There is one common element that applies to all system-engineering efforts:

Imagine a place where you create things and make decisions where there are no hidden agendas and all stakeholders are treated equally. How would potential approaches surface, how would they be narrowed and selected, how would decisions be made. What tools and techniques would be used if they were not the greatest moneyed interests, the most politically powerful, or the most dangerous?"

The book is organized into four chapters, an appendix, and a closing. The first chapter is called Bachelor of Science, the second is called Bachelor of Arts, the third is called Doctorate, and the fourth is called The Sustainable Development Project.

The appendix is a paper written in response to a request from President Roosevelt as that generation was pondering what to do after World War II. I wanted to include this paper from our past because it was so fundamental to laying the seeds of my parents' work and my future. It was difficult for me to follow this incredible paper but I found a nice approach where I close with a brief discussion of the book cover and a bibliography. In the bibliography I reference movies, music, television, books and even an ancient text on management.

I knew the book needed to emphasize both art and science and in fact in many ways I wanted to stress more art than science. I used the titles Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts to frame those elements. I added an advanced section, Doctorate, with some darkness and reality so that people could start breaking new ground without deceiving themselves about the challenges. The Sustainable Development Project chapter is a proposal for moving forward.

This is not a textbook even though the title and chapter names may suggest otherwise to some readers. Although I think every university and college curriculum would benefit from its content. I wanted it to be an easy and fast read. So it is short but the topics are very complex and thought provoking. In many ways this is a text that introduces a library of books to come as we follow the basic blue print in this book. There is some darkness and bitterness with what I consider to be a realistic tone however I do end on a positive note as I offer a reasonable proposal for our future that is anchored in our successful previous challenges.

Available at

About The Author

Walt has held various engineering high technology positions in the past 30 years. He has published and presented at several technical conferences. Starting from New Jersey, going to California, then Florida and returning back to New Jersey. Walt has a very broad and deep understanding of the state of engineering and technology in the United States. He has taken this experience and digested it into his new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering" in hopes of providing an effective road map for people engaged in building everything in the next 100 years.

Local Author
Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering

By Walter Sobkiw
Copyright 2008
Feel free to post on any forum and use in any media but credit the author with this content

Walt has held various engineering high technology positions in the past 30 years. He has published and presented at several technical conferences. Starting from New Jersey, going to California, then Florida and returning back to New Jersey. Walt has a very broad and deep understanding of the state of engineering and technology in the United States. He has taken this experience and digested it into his new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering" in hopes of providing an effective road map for people engaged in building everything in the next 100 years.

I wrote this book because I believe it can help us deal with the climate and energy crisis. Even though engineering is in the title the book is for artists, teachers, managers, engineers, teenagers, politicians, waitresses, doctors, lawyers, scientists, moms, dads, everyone. Please take a look at this really important book and pass the word to everyone you know.

Thanks Walt

Sustainable Development "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" Brundtland Commission. Humans always did Sustainable Development from step farming to safe water and sewage!

What is system engineering? Some people try to answer that question by tracing the roots of system engineering. They point to the Telephone Company and say that it was practiced while establishing the massive infrastructure of the telephone system at the start of the last century. Some people will point to the Aerospace companies that gave us modern air travel, satellites, and many other things. I ran into one system engineer who claimed that the founders of the United States were system engineers and he pointed to our system of government and its checks and balances. You can get a degree in system engineering but most system engineers come from other areas including philosophy. My book is about system engineering. I define it and I try to show how to practice it. There is one common element that applies to all system-engineering efforts:

Imagine a place where you create things and make decisions where there are no hidden agendas and all stakeholders are treated equally. How would potential approaches surface, how would they be narrowed and selected, how would decisions be made. What tools and techniques would be used if they were not the greatest moneyed interests, the most politically powerful, or the most dangerous?

There is more to life than magic bullet technologies, incentives, markets, regulation, deregulation, self-interest, grass roots, denial. Buy this book and find out how the good parts of our modern world were created and what we must do in this new century before it is too late.

Local Author Talks About His New Book
Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering

By Walter Sobkiw

Copyright 2008
Feel free to post on any forum and use in any media but credit the author with this content

I did not know while looking out the windows of Cherry Hill West High School some 35 years ago I would be writing this article about a book I wrote. I couldn't spell or form a complete sentence back then and I still can't spell or form a complete sentence but I wrote a book. After West I went to Drexel University and graduated as an Electrical Engineer. Shortly after graduation I began my career in the high tech industries of the day, eventually leaving New Jersey, going to California, then Florida, then back home to Cherry Hill NJ.

It was 1981 in southern California that I was introduced to System Thinking and System Engineering. I had the opportunity to think about future air traffic control, distributed computing, software, architectures, process, and system engineering. The company had a publications department and since it was in southern California, every so often we would get writers from Hollywood to help us form complete thoughts in our high tech documents. They were great and I really miss them and their brilliant work with us engineer's mathematicians, and scientists. Many publication departments disappeared with the introduction of the computer. I talk about this in my book and its negative impact on the entire high tech corporate culture as we lost touch with the liberal arts side of life.

How did you come to write this book is always the first question asked when I meet people. I suppose it is a natural question and helps to break the ice, but the response is long.

Several years ago I developed software to analyze engineering specifications. People quickly started to comment that this software could be applied to almost any document. So I eventually created a generic document analysis version of the software. During this time the movie an "Inconvenient Truth" was released and the poplar media was a buzz with topics on global warming. Out of curiosity I subjected 3 climate change documents to the software to see what would surface. The documents were The Green Paper from the European Union, The Stern Review, and The US Strategic Plan on Climate Change. Much to my surprise and the others who were playing with this software, the documents had real content unlike what was coming from the popular media. Reading the documents confirmed this output from the document analysis tool.

This got me interested in the topic of our future: global warming, alternative energy, sustainable development, infrastructure, etc. I wondered how people could on the one hand try to address our problems and on the other hand fall into rhetoric devoid of any content. I started interacting with a fellow system engineer. He started pursuing this topic years ago. One day while we were exchanging notes I blurted out in frustration that the only way to start to deal with these problems is through system engineering. He had been on that path long before I had that revelation. To make a long story short the theme of this year's conference by the International Council on Systems Engineering ( was "Systems Engineering for the Planet" and I wrote my book.

What is system engineering? Some people try to answer that question by tracing the roots of system engineering. They point to the Bell Telephone Company and say that it was practiced while establishing the massive infrastructure of the telephone system at the start of the last century. Some people will point to the Aerospace companies that gave us modern air travel, satellites, and many other things. I ran into one system engineer who claimed that the founders of the United States were system engineers and he pointed to our system of government and its checks and balances. You can get a degree in system engineering but most system engineers come from other areas including philosophy. My book is about system engineering. I define it and I try to show how to practice it. There is one common element that applies to all system-engineering efforts:

Imagine a place where you create things and make decisions where there are no hidden agendas and all stakeholders are treated equally. How would potential approaches surface, how would they be narrowed and selected, how would decisions be made. What tools and techniques would be used if they were not the greatest moneyed interests, the most politically powerful, or the most dangerous?"

The book is organized into four chapters, an appendix, and a closing. The first chapter is called Bachelor of Science, the second is called Bachelor of Arts, the third is called Doctorate, and the fourth is called The Sustainable Development Project.

The appendix is a paper written in response to a request from President Roosevelt as that generation was pondering what to do after World War II. I wanted to include this paper from our past because it was so fundamental to laying the seeds of my parents' work and my future. It was difficult for me to follow this incredible paper but I found a nice approach where I close with a brief discussion of the book cover and a bibliography. In the bibliography I reference movies, music, television, books and even an ancient text on management.

I knew the book needed to emphasize both art and science and in fact in many ways I wanted to stress more art than science. I used the titles Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts to frame those elements. I added an advanced section, Doctorate, with some darkness and reality so that people could start breaking new ground without deceiving themselves about the challenges. The Sustainable Development Project chapter is a proposal for moving forward.

This is not a textbook even though the title and chapter names may suggest otherwise to some readers. Although I think every university and college curriculum would benefit from its content. I wanted it to be an easy and fast read. So it is short but the topics are very complex and thought provoking. In many ways this is a text that introduces a library of books to come as we follow the basic blue print in this book. There is some darkness and bitterness with what I consider to be a realistic tone however I do end on a positive note as I offer a reasonable proposal for our future that is anchored in our successful previous challenges.

Available at
Other links:

About The Author

Walt has held various engineering high technology positions in the past 30 years. He has published and presented at several technical conferences. Starting from New Jersey, going to California, then Florida and returning back to New Jersey. Walt has a very broad and deep understanding of the state of engineering and technology in the United States. He has taken this experience and digested it into his new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering" in hopes of providing an effective road map for people engaged in building everything in the next 100 years.

University of Pennsylvania Senior Design Projects
Advisor role 2008 to 2009

A colleague and I presented 4 sustainable development projects based on system engineering to the University of Pennsylvania senior student class of 2009. They selected 2 projects and spent their senior year working these projects. I met with the students' weekly, answered questions, and provided guidance. It was a great experience and I am happy I had the opportunity to pass on some of my ideas in the book to the next generation.

This project won a prize: - a rethink of power generation for the USA.

the other project was: - a sustainable village.