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About Us | CassBeth Publishing |
Most of us do not write for a living. Writing is easy if you do it for a living because you can focus and complete most of your inspirational thoughts in one siting. That is the key, the ability to complete your thoughts in one siting. If you have a life outside of writing like work and or family then you need an approach to manage this simple truth.
The approach I used was to keep a pen and small sticky notes in my pocket to capture my thoughts whenever and where ever they came. I would then write using these notes either early in the morning or late at night. It is not possible to remember all your ideas once you are ready to sit at the computer and start typing. However, when you pull out the yellow stickies with a few words and bullet items everything comes back and you can write out the wazo. The problem is you will have too much to write.
Thematic Organization of Publications - STOP (when prompted enter "systems"
and "systems-01")
How to Achieve Coherence in Proposals and Reports JR Tracey, DE Rugh, WS
Starkey 1965
Other STOP Info
Beginnings of STOP
You can try to find an agent, you can spend a few thousand dollars and do vanity press, or you can use publish on demand using LULU or CreateSpace. In all cases you will be stuck with the marketing because you are not famous. So if you are stuck with the marketing why not just do POD?
The advantage of using LULU is the up front cost is $0 and you can get an ISBN with world wide distribution. Yes you will need to do your cover, and layout your content, and find someone to fix the grammar and spelling BUT you will need to work hard even if you hire other people to do it for you. The reality is they will only press the buttons on the computer. If you can write a book then you should be able to learn to press the buttons on a computer.
Publish on Demand Companies
CreateSpace (now and amazon property
- use for paperbacks but distribution is limited )
LightningSource (everything
eventually feeds into this company)
There are other PODS. LULU does free distribution and offers fee based services for the entire process - layout, editing, cover design, marketing, etc. Other PODS have other business models.
Important Numbers
Library of Congress
(must have in order to sell your book this is
Bowker (this is the US ISBN
Bowkerlink (to manage your titles,
with lulu distribution this is not
Bowker - myidentifiers (more
detailed title management, with lulu distribution this is not needed)
Amazon Kindle
Publish on Demand Technology
bookmachine (the technology that makes POD possible)
This is my example. Buy my book and write a review...
![]() Book Version
Lulu.com (has book
preview) |
![]() Electronic Version |
This will complete the Non-Business part of the process.
Final Words
When I started people asked me what I expected from the adventure. My comment was to pay for the cost of publishing, then perhaps make enough to got to dinner, then perhaps buy a used car. Here is what happened. I paid for the up front cost (you buy a proof copy at your cost) after the first week when I sold 2 books, then we were able to go to dinner. Then a funny thing happened. I am able to continue working after age 57 specifically because I wrote a book. I was hired after being canned at age 57 by an outfit that specifically said I stood out because I was hired. Needless to say we bought multiple cars because of this good unintended consequence. I was also invited to support universities because of my first book. This does not generate much cash but it allows me to maintain my dignity in ways I could not imagine, especially today.
Just do it!
My Bumpf
Plan of Attack
Grass Roots | Friends, Associates, Alumni, Local Library |
Advertising | Very limited |
Amazon.com | Content and Kindle Link Search Inside |
Press Releases | pr.com |
Web Sites | You decide |
Famous People | Oprah.com, John Stewart, The View, Ellen, Jay Leno |
Direct Emails | NY Media, Congress Senate, National and New York NBC News Affiliates, Television Networks, Media Syndicates, Comprehensive U.S. Media Reporters (TV/Newspapers), United States Newspapers , New York Media (TV - Radio - Newspapers NYC & State), University Journalism Departments, US Radio Networks, NY Radio Stations, Canadian Papers & Television |
Social Networks | linkedin.com, facebook.com, myspace.com |
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http://www.allbookreviews.com They charge for their reviews.
http://thebestreviews.com Romances, but also reviews childrens books, non-fiction, speculative fiction, biographies, and young adult books and ebooks. Reviews tend to be positive, they just wont write reviews for books they dont like and prefer to focus on the ones they do. Has an online query form to use to request reviews.
http://www.bestsellersworld.com decent review site that covers mainstream and small press books. Reviews tend to be summaries that briefly highlight good and bad points. Most of the reviews on the site tend to be positive but balanced overall, they just dont post reviews for books the reviewers dont like. Though it has a reader forum and a large catalog of reviews, the site doesnt seem to have a lot of activity. Offers an express service is you need a review in a hurry.
http://www.bibliofemme.com Variety of mainstream and literary fiction and non-fiction works. Reviews are performed by existing members. Mailing address is in Ireland, so query before mailing overseas for a review. This is a book club site, and therefore reviews seem to be more detailed.
http://www.thebarners.co.uk Focus is mostly mainstream fiction, with iterary fiction and non-fiction. An official website for a discussion group based in the UK, so query if you are outside the U.K. Reviewers are definitely writing for readers benefit, not authors, as they have some pretty brutal (and often funny) bad reviews posted. They have a Whats Hot and Whats Not section for reviews.
http://www.bookpleasures.com/Lore2 The site focuses on mainstream, genre, literary fiction, non-fiction, and travel books. Reviews are only performed by staff. Reviews are detailed and extensive, touching on good and bad qualities of the book. Review more on criticism than summaries. Reviews may also be posted at Amazon and other review sites, extending their reach.
http://www.bookreview.com Need to pay.
http://www.buildingrainbows.com Dedicated to childrens books and young adult titles. Anyone can post a review, and it seems like just about anyone does.
http://www.thecelebritycafe.com/books Mainstream fiction, non-fiction, self-help, childrens literature, biography, etc. Products submitted for review are donated to charities - send signed copies. Summary of the plot and touching on a few pros and cons, but embed Google ads into the reviews. This technology embeds a Google link into web text by targeting specific words. When you mouse over the word while reading, and ad pops up.
http://www.clubreading.com Has an online submission form to request a review. Reviews tend to be detailed and thoughtful. Reviews mass market books and indie presses and self-publishers.
http://www.comstockreview.org/poetryreviews.html This is a bi-annual publication poet, which means if you are in a hurry for a review, you arent going to get one.
http://www.complete-review.com/main/main.html Focused on mainstream and literary works. Though they are not actively soliciting books for review. Reviews are written by staff. Reviews are detailed and balanced, providing both literary criticism and general commentary of the book. They link other reviews available online to their own reviews, providing a one-stop shop for reviews on a book. Also includes author/publisher links and links to other related information.
http://www.compulsivereader.com/html Mainstream and genre fiction, as well as mainstream non-fiction. Accepts reviews by non-staff. Reviews sometimes read like book reports, and are rather lengthy and detailed. POD friendly, so long as the book possesses an ISBN and is widely available (Amazon, etc).
http://www.curledup.com/index.htm Fiction, speculative lit, non-fiction, audiobooks, childrens literature, and graphic novels. Reviews done by staff, but sometimes accept reviews from visitors. Reviews are roughly 4-6 paragraphs, and provide a good summary with commentary. Conducts author interviews and does book giveaways. Also has a monthly newsletter.
http://www.creativityforlife.com Review books that focus on the creative process: from self-help books to business management. To query regarding a request for a book review, send an e-mail.
http://www.destroyersonline.com/usndd/bookreviews Discussion of these ships. They review both fiction titles that feature destroyers, as well as historical books and non-fiction.
http://flamingnet.com/bookreviews/authorservices.cfm This site is designed by and run by teens.
http://fourstarrating.zxq.net/index.html Specializes in romance and erotica. Ebook/independent publisher friendly.
www.frontstreetreviews.com Focus on small press and POD. Subject list runs the gamut from literary fiction to science fiction to poetry. Reviews are written by staff or volunteers, and they welcome POD and self-published titles.
http://gamingreport.com One of the go to sites for the gaming community. Be warned, if they dont like a product, you will definitely get a bad review.
http://www.gottawritenetwork.com Romance and erotica, mystery, speculative fiction, childrens literature, contemporary fiction.
http://www.greenmanreview.com Literary fiction, non-fiction, with a focus of works with a mythical bent. Traditionally frowns upon reviewing POD titles. Professionally written, honest, lengthy, critical reviews. Often include links to related articles and books, and author pages.
http://www.theharrow.com/journal Monthly ezine focused on speculative fiction, which a primary interest in horror. The ezine is archived with a host of libraries.
http://www.heartlandreviews.com/Index.html Mainstream, genre, and literary fiction, childrens books, non-fiction. No longer offers free reviews.
http://www.horrorwatch.com Reviews are written by forum members, however member needs a certain number of posts before they can post reviews.
http://www.lookingglassreview.com Childrens literature and young adult titles. The site will only post reviews for books that they enjoy in order to highlight titles for parents.
By Lulu publishers for Lulu publishers. This is not an official part of lulu.com, but run independently by authors that use Lulu for cross-promotion. Encourages PDF submissions over print books. A peculiar point: after filing out the pick me form online, the site may either request a PDF or just go buy it from Lulu to help support self-publishers.
http://www.midwestbookreview.com Mainstream, genre, and literary fiction, and non-fiction. POD and self-publisher friendly, openly encourages submissions of such books. Reviews are conducted by staff only.
http://ModernEnglishTanka.com Academic ezine dedicated to English Tanka and similar poetic forms. They will consider reviews of PDFs as well.
http://mostlyfiction.com Fiction, both mainstream and literary. Reviews conducted by staff. Reviews are lengthy and detailed, pointed out pros and cons of the book. Instead of using their own rating scale, each review includes the Amazon rating of the book. At the end of the reviews are often links to additional books and information on the author and/or topic. Books must be available for sale on Amazon.
www.myshelf.com Mainstream and genre fiction. Reviews self-published books, but on a limited basis.
http://www.themysteryreader.com Mystery books. Reviews provide solid plot summaries and touch on both good and bad aspects of the work.
http://www.northeastbookreviews.com Childrens fiction, mysteries, other genre fiction literary fiction, current events non fiction, biographies. Says that they give priority consideration to small presses.
http://www.novelcritic.com Blog dedicated to reviewing POD and self-published titles.
http://www.paperdragonink.com Free monthly PDF publication that focuses on the roleplaying game industry. Very friendly toward indie presses, and they will consider PDF products for review.
http://www.poetryreviews.ca Poetry by Canadian Poets. Only Canadian authors should submit queries.
http://www.rambles.net Folklore, speculative fiction, and folk art. Reviews sometimes wax philosophically, with the reviewer providing insight into how a particular book impacted his life.