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Tool Vendor Challenge

In 2007 we used the Specification Analysis Tool (SAT) Tool to analyze the Problem Statement of the Tool Vendor Challenge from the European Systems Engineering Conference 2006, 18-20 September 2006, Edinburgh, UK. We performed the analysis in February 2007, after the conference session. There was no dialog with the participants.

Tool Vendor Challenge (pdf)

Requirement Text Analysis

Domain Structure Analysis

Generic Capabilities Analysis

Generic Structure Analysis

Key Reqs Analysis

Text Subjected to The Analysis - we understand that this is not the System Specification

Computerised Central Control System for Electric Home Appliances.

1.0 General Background.

Cosy Widgets is planning the development of a Computerised Central Control (CCC) system. This system will enable control of all electric appliances in the average home; for example, kitchen appliances (ovens, microwave cookers, and refrigerators), air conditioners, central heating, clocks, entertainment devices (TV, radio and DVD players/recorders), and alarm systems. The project includes the development of software intended to run on the home computer, and hardware (using micro-controllers) and software appropriate to the different appliances. The system will be supplied in three versions, controlling 25, 50 or 100 physical appliances.

2.0 Functional modes.

The basic CCC system will have the following working modes as a minimum:

* Fully computerised control – appliance control from the computer only, no manual control permitted.

* Full dual control – computerised or manual controls independently enabled.

* Half dual control – computerised control of certain appliances will be terminated if the appliance is used manually.

* Full manual control – appliance is controlled manually; the computer will only display the working mode of each appliance.

Manual control is performed using the manufacturer-supplied controls or remote controls for a given appliance.

3.0 User interface.

In all functional modes, the CCC system will monitor the appliances and make available, information on the working mode of each appliance. In addition, the system will be capable of applying a self-diagnostic test of the computer, micro-controllers, appliance electrical supply and other critical devices. The appliance activity will be able to be pre-programmed at least one year in advance. The system must be simple and include an easy to learn human-machine interface.

4.0 Planning constraints.

The CCC system should be modular, so its control may be expanded to a larger number of appliances (i.e. those who purchase a 25 or 50 appliance version, should be able to upgrade). The system will also allow the installation of additional appliances, not initially connected, but limited by the maximum supported by the software.

5.0 Vendors are asked to provide the following information.

The pilot version, developed by Cosy Widgets, controls the operation of air conditioning and an alarm only.

Text Not Subjected To The Analysis

The system will also allow the installation of additional appliances, not initially connected, but limited by the maximum supported by the software.

5. Vendors are asked to provide the following information:

The pilot version, developed by Cosy Widgets, controls the operation of air conditioning and an alarm only. For this version:

  1. Compose the system specification
  2. Demonstrate requirements handling
  3. Define the system in its environment
  4. Define logical sub-systems, flows from sub-systems to the environment and flows between sub-systems
  5. Define sub-system activities
  6. Describe the functional modes of the system and transfers between them
  7. Identify the main dynamic procedures in the different functional modes, and describe the control of two of the identified procedures

6. Questions to the Customer

Clarification questions may be submitted to the ‘customer’ in writing and posted on the designated Toolvendor Challenge notice board at the conference. The first answers will be given, also in writing, beginning Monday morning. Questions may be submitted throughout Monday until 17:30. Questions should state the organisation asking the question. All challenge participants and all conference attendees will be able to see all the questions and the answers.

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