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We are a technology company offering systems engineering products and services
originating from our Internet E-Commerce experiments that started in 1997
and over 35 years experience in air defense, air traffic control, secure
communications and education. Our Specification Analysis Tool is used to
evaluate requirement specifications and help specification writers to develop
quality specifications. We offer systems engineering services including:
design review and document findings analysis; leadership or participation
in systems engineering, test engineering, and research and development; and
various training associated with systems engineering including special topics
such as technology assessment, achieving traceability to the line of code,
and sustainability.
Existing Products
Specification Analysis Tool used to evaluate requirement specifications
and help specification writers to develop quality specifications.
Systems Engineering Services
Our services are associated with all aspects of systems engineering where
computers, software, displays, communications and sensors are involved and
Design Reviews: Attend critical design reviews and provide findings
Document Reviews: Review analysis documents, trade studies,
specifications, project plans, system engineering management plans, software
plans, design documents, test plans, test procedures, test reports.
Systems Engineering: Lead or participate on a team engaged in any
aspect of systems engineering including concept development, analysis,
architecture, requirements, specification, design, test, verification,
validation, and evaluation.
Test Engineering: Lead or participate in a hardware, software, or
system test, verification, validation, evaluation activity.
Research and Development: Lead or participate on a team engaged in
research and development to establish a new capability, product, or system.
Systems Training Services
Systems Engineering Training: Provide a complete systems engineering
course based on the founders textbook: Systems Practices as Common Sense.
This is based on DOD, NASA, FAA, INCOSE and other systems engineering handbooks
and related standards.
Tradeoff Analysis Training: Provide training associated with performing
an architecture tradeoff analysis. This is a subset of the Systems Engineering
Training course.
Technology Assessment Training: Provide training associated with
performing technology assessment analysis as part of a system engineering
activity. This is a subset of the Systems Engineering Training course.
Requirements Training: Provide training associated with finding the
system requirements, properly writing the requirements, and tracing the
requirements all the way through to test. This is a subset of the Systems
Engineering Training course.
Sustainability Training: Provide training associated with sustainability
in a system engineering activity. This is a subset of the Systems Engineering
Training course.
Traceability to the Line of Code Training: Provide a training session
that will show practitioners how to achieve traceability to the line of code
and the issues associated with implementing such a process.
Business Startup Support
Independently question, comment, and improve your business strategy, technology,
and financing approahes, market, marketing sales strategy, competition, risks,
etc acting as a trusted advisor and sounding board. Support business plans
and venture capital presentations. Develop web based concept prototypes.
Cassbeth Inc. Copyright © 1997 - 2008 All Rights