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Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering

Our Science, Innovation, Technology, and Engineering are breaking down just when we need it to ramp up. Few realize that sustainable development has always been part of human development and that it was these elements and how effectively they worked which allowed for our life on earth. If we fall down in these areas our only alternatives are war, revolution, and genocide as famine and want grip a naturally increasing human population. This little book is a call back to the fundamentals of Science and Art to solve our most complex problems. Today, our organizations are sick and not capable of the challenges that must be addressed in our rapidly approaching future. It raises some difficult questions and proposes a surprising solution from our recent past. This book is for everyone everywhere as we all engage in trying to build everything - from software to cities.

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Systems Practices As Common Sense (textbook)

On July 16, 1945 the first nuclear bomb was detonated at White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico. The Trinity nuclear test forever changed the world. There were massive developments that arose from this huge event like Interstate Freeways and the Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE). Additionally Systems Engineering emerged. It was matured and honed to such a level that many in the field started to view it as common sense. Unfortunately what might be considered common sense or just training from one perspective might be viewed as significant knowledge and education from another perspective. This knowledge was captured in the complex collection of for profit companies, non-profit companies, think tanks, and national labs. Now we are faced with the dilemma that many of these institutions have disappeared and many of the practitioners have died. This book is an attempt to capture some of this knowledge and pass it to the next generation. Second Edition.

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Systems Engineering Design Renaissance (textbook)

There is systems thinking, process, analysis and management, but how does one actually perform systems design? This text introduces the reader to the design of sustainable complex systems. Specific topics include needs analysis, conceptual physical and implementation architectures, technology, quality, fundamentals of great system designs, selecting system designs, system and design requirements, system element designs, system design verification and validation, sustainability design, and more.

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Privatization A Systems Perspective (textbook)

Privatization of the US Government began in 1987 when President Reagan signed Executive Order 12607. This resulted in the report, Privatization Toward More Effective Government. This set the tone and policy in the US that still exists today.

Previously the tone and policy of the US was set when President Roosevelt requested a report from the Office of Scientific Research and Development on what can be done after the war. This resulted in the report Science the Endless Frontier.

There is now evidence suggesting that privatization has led to systemic government shutdowns and other negative unintended consequences including serious damage to the industrial base, colleges, universities, and the citizens of the United States.

This book provides history, examines the industrial base, higher education, air transportation, the FAA, and other areas. It offers a systems perspective, compares pre and post privatization times, and makes recommendations for moving forward in this new century.

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COVID-19 A Systems Perspective

The COVID-19 pandemic is a massive disaster. Returning to normal life will not be a trivial exercise. A systems perspective will be used to understand the COVID-19 disaster and the Return to Life systems that will be developed. In a systems engineering effort for a problem of this magnitude all technologies and products are examined that may be able to address the need and provide a viable solution. This requires massive resources and in the past the US Federal Government and a handful of systems engineering companies performed this type of systems engineering. This is called large complex systems engineering. Examples of large complex systems engineering from the previous century are the Telephone system, Radio and Television, US Space Program, Air Defense, Air Traffic Control, etc. Systems engineering is the mechanism that allows specialists to quickly and effectively communicate their analysis to completely different areas and significantly shift the overall results in a positive direction. This book is in that spirit of an effective systems engineering activity. As time moves on this book will capture the history of the COVID-19 disaster and the struggle to stop it and all other future health disasters in its wake.

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