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Facility Ventilation Reporting (FVR) products

We have a broad range of Facility Ventilation Reporting (FVR) products. They all are a result of our research of COVID-19 from a systems perspective. This research showed that we have a problem with the ventilation in our buildings that must be corrected in this new 21st century. This is a long term problem and it will not go away. These products are for everyone:

Product Summaries

All the software is available as an online account or via client servers. All the software uses a web browser. All documents and permission to use the products are provided as part of a license.

SVARS. Sustainable Ventilation Assessment & Rating System rates ventilation quality and carbon footprint sustainability performance levels for any facility and helps facilities to operate optimum levels. This can be used by anyone or incorporated into other certification systems and standards bodies.

FVSE. The Facility Ventilation Search Engine uses CAB and ACH data to provide reports at the facility and room level. There is a free public FVSE for those that want to disclose their ventilation data and a licensed private FVSE for those that want to keep their data private.

CAB. Clean Air Buildings allows users to quickly enter facility ventilation information and subject it to different rating scales. Provide a course grain report at the facility level. This is accessible from the FVSE.

ACH. Air Changes Per Hour allows users to quickly enter room ventilation information and subject it to different rating scales. This is an extremely tedious activity that is automated and streamlined to quickly go through an entire facility in minimal time; Visualize entering data for 10-300+ rooms. The ACH also allows uses to enter ventilation design or measured power levels to determine ventilation carbon footprint. Provides a fine grain report at the room level that is totaled to also provide a course grain report at the building level. This is accessible from the FVSE.

QIDC. The Ventilation Quality Improvement Indicators (QII) allow facilities is to assess the quality of the ventilation system so that it operates at an optimum performance level. This includes effective operations and maintenance. Contrary to what most assume COVID-19 research from a systems perspective suggests that this is a serious challenge mostly because we take our ventilation systems for granted. It was only because of COVID-19 that we started to think about our ventilation systems and the role they play in reducing the risk of infection from airborne contagions.

OCP. The Occupant Observations tool is a crowd sourced system that allows room users to enter ventilation observations. It is for facilities that have decided to capture their ventilation operations, maintenance, and transparency. It is for room users. The entries are date and time stamped so that data can be collected during the day and capture any ventilation off events. A ventilation quality team periodically reviews the data to correct problems and to determine if a more comprehensive ventilation quality improvement indicator like the QIDCis needed.

FVC. The Facility Ventilation Scorecard allows individuals to quickly assess their facility ventilation performance levels and determine if they need to establish a Ventilation Quality Improvement program like the QIDC. It is based on questions that when answered will provide documented evidence of the facility ventilation challenges. This is a free public access product.

BCMC. The Building Contagion Mitigation Certification is a dashboard that allows building owner operators to assess Virus Mitigation Levels in their buildings and provides information to increase the Virus Mitigation Levels, if needed. The BCMC easily performs before and after analysis when upgrades are being considered so that choices can be made based on data not speculation.

Airborne Contagion Mitigation Ventilation Standard. CassBeth-STD-101 is a ventilation standard that is a result of CassBeth research on COVID-19 from a systems perspective. It is offered as a supplement to all ventilation standards and ventilation standards associated with the control of airborne infections. Regulatory bodies, engineering firms, and anyone engaged in ventilation development, maintenance, and operations is encouraged to use this standard. This standard addresses the issues and closes the holes in other standards.

K-12 Ventilation Lesson Plans. The K-12 Ventilation Lesson Plans has lessons and activities that can be applied in classroom settings and as part of STEM activities associated with ventilation. Each lesson includes Goals, Expected Outcomes, Recommended grade levels, and Content that can be used and or adapted. This is a result of our COVID-19 research from a systems perspective. It was developed to reintroduce this generation to the importance of ventilation and its ability to reduce sickness from airborne contagions.

Facility Ventilation Quick Start Guide. This 1 page double sided guide shows users what they can do now to check their ventilation systems and ensure that they are properly operated and it also shows how to quickly and easily measure room ventilation rates.

Real Time Ventilation Alarm System. The Airborne Contagion Assessment Ventilation Alarms System will alert occupants to possible ventilation issues in the same way that carbon monoxide and smoke detectors alert occupants to carbon monoxide and fire hazards. We are looking for licensees and partners to manufacture and distribute this system. This includes the hardware, software, database, and services.

LOFF. Lights Out For The Planet is a crowd sourced database to encourage people to turn off lights when they exit a room. It is a system that anyone can implement to encourage students, staff, and building occupants to turn room lights off by collecting data and then offering the data to everyone so that they can see their impact on the planet. This allows staff to maintain a high quality room experience that minimizes carbon footprint lighting. This is precious carbon footprint that is needed for healthy ventilation. The facilities staff reviews this data and feeds it into the carbon footprint database so that they can minimize the lighting carbon footprint. Organizations can offer monthly competitions and prizes to see who is doing a better job of helping the planet by minimizing the lighting carbon footprints. But first the data is needed. This is an outgrowth of SVARS.

Resellers & Agents. This is a resellers license where the reseller is able to distribute any and or all of our products.

Import Services. Rather than you use the FVSE , QIDC, SVARS tools, we will import your balance reports / site surveys into our tools and generate reports that will be sent to you. The reports will include room and building certificates. Communications is via email. This is on a case by case basis.

Source Code. Source Code Project Some government customers require source code. Source code at the project level is available for purchase. There are significant restrictions. Contact

Source Code Enterprise. Some government customers require source code. Source code at the Enterprise level is available for purchase. There are significant restrictions. Contact

Source Code Resale. Source code is available for resale in your products. There are significant restrictions.

Flyers & Brochures

Protocol Flyer . Protocol Brochure . QII Flyer 1 . QII Flyer 2 . FVSE Flyer


Contact Us . Distributors . Sales Agents . Franchising . Licensing

Product Details




Sustainable Ventilation Assessment & Rating System (SVARS) (available now)


The Sustainable Ventilation Assessment and Rating System (SVARS) is a transparent self-reporting system to rate ventilation quality and carbon footprint sustainability performance levels for any facility and helps facilities to operate optimum levels. This can be used by anyone or incorporated into other certification standards bodies and standards. The goals are to:

  • Provide evidence for Climate Action Plan claims associated with ventilation levels and ventilation carbon footprints.
  • Provide a system for understanding sustainable ventilation in all facilities.
  • Allow for meaningful ventilation and carbon footprint comparisons using a common set of terms and measurements.
  • Facilitate sustainable ventilation practices and performance information sharing.
  • Build more sustainable and healthy facilities.
  • Allow for more effective Climate Action Plans that ensure both healthy facilities and minimum carbon footprints.

SVARS Partners Partnership license with other certification authorities. Contact
SVARS License Annual or perpetual license to use this process and system for all facilities. It is intended for organizations that will perform assessments of either their own facilities or client facilities. Contact
SVARS Software Annual or perpetual software license. Contact
SVARS on FVSE Your data placed on FVSE for 1 year. Contact

Airborne Contagion Mitigation Ventilation Standard (available now)

Ventilation Standard

Ventilation Standard

CassBeth-STD-101 is a result of CassBeth research on COVID-19 from a systems perspective. It is offered as a supplement to all ventilation standards and ventilation standards associated with the control of airborne infections. Regulatory bodies, engineering firms, and anyone engaged in ventilation development, maintenance, and operations is encouraged to use this standard. This standard addresses the issues and closes the holes in other standards.


Education (available now)

K-12 Ventilation Lesson Plans

The K-12 Ventilation Lesson Plans has lessons and activities that can be applied in classroom settings and as part of STEM activities associated with ventilation. Each lesson includes Goals, Expected Outcomes, Recommended grade levels, and Content that can be used and or adapted. This is a result of our COVID-19 research from a systems perspective. It was developed to reintroduce this generation to the importance of ventilation and its ability to reduce sickness from airborne contagions. K-12 Ventilation Lesson Plans

Facility Ventilation Quick Start Guide This 1 page double sided guide shows users what they can do now to check their ventilation systems and ensure that they are properly operated and it also shows how to quickly and easily measure room ventilation rates. FVQSG Free

Ventilation Occupant Observations Check Procedure (OCP)


The Occupant Observations (OCP) tool is for facilities that have decided to capture their ventilation operations, maintenance, and transparency. It is for room users. The entries are date and time stamped so that data can be collected during the day and capture any ventilation off events. This application is installed on the organizations or our servers and staff are requested to add their room observations. A ventilation quality team periodically reviews the data to correct problems and to determine if a more comprehensive Ventilation Quality Improvement Indicator is needed.  

OCP License Annual or perpetual license to use this process and system for all facilities. It is intended for organizations that will perform assessments of either their own facilities or client facilities. Contact
OCP Software Annual or perpetual software license. Contact

Facility Ventilation Scorecard



The purpose of this Facility Ventilation Scorecard (FVS) is to allow individuals to quickly assess their facility ventilation performance levels and determine if they need to establish a Ventilation Quality Improvement program. It is based on questions that when answered will provide documented evidence of the facility ventilation challenges.


Ventilation Quality Improvement Indicators (available now)


The Ventilation Quality Improvement Indicators (QII) allow facilities is to assess the quality of the ventilation system and ensure that it operates at an optimum performance level. This includes effective operations and maintenance. Contrary to what most assume COVID-19 research from a systems perspective suggests that this is a serious challenge mostly because we take our ventilation systems for granted. It was only because of COVID-19 that we started to think about our ventilation systems and the role they play in reducing the risk of infection from airborne contagions.

QIDC License Annual or perpetual license to use this process and system for all facilities. It is intended for organizations that will perform assessments of either their own facilities or client facilities. Contact
QIDC Software Annual or perpetual software license. Contact

Building Ventilation Measurement Protocol (available now)

Ventilation Protocol . Protocol Brochure . Protocol Flyer . Download

The protocol was developed so that anyone can determine facility ventilation rates in terms of Air Changes Per Hour (ACH) and capture the operational and maintenance performance of their systems. The protocol includes electronic documents with forms and a spreadsheet. The protocol, when executed, provides documented evidence of the ventilation rates for applications that must meet certification requirements. Data can be optionally provided to the Facility Ventilation Search Engine (FVSE) database

BVMP License

Annual or perpetual license to use this process and system for all facilities. It is intended for organizations that will perform assessments of either their own facilities or client facilities.

BVMP Software

Annual or perpetual software license.


Your data placed on FVSE for 1 year.


Real Time Reporting System (future we are looking for manufacturers for our IP)

Alarms Brochure . Alarms Flyer

Embedded Vent Alarms HVAC vents and grills with embedded ventilation alarms with Internet connectivity. Contact
External Vent Alarms

External ventilation alarms with Internet connectivity that attach to existing HVAC vents and grills.

Room Ventilation Alarm Status Panels Room panel showing ACH level and providing an alarm if the ACH level drops. Contact
Building Ventilation Alarm Status Panels

Facility panel showing overall building ACH level and providing an alarm if the ACH levels drops.

Ventilation Alarm Management System

System management workstation used by facility staff to monitor the ACH levels in their facility. Includes hardware and software.


Facility Ventilation Search Engine and Databases (available now)


The Facility Ventilation Search Engine (FVSE) database contains information on the ventilation performance of actual facilities. It is closely integrated with the ACH Calculations Tool (ACT) which allows users to quickly enter data to calculate the ventilation performance levels in the rooms in a facility and save it in the Air Changes Per Hour (ACH) database. So there are 2 databases, the CAB which summarizes the ventilation of a building and the ACH which has all the room details.

FVSE - Public

Facility Ventilation Search Engine. Allows users to search thousands of facilities that have disclosed their ventilation performance data in terms of ACH levels. Allows users to enter room level and whole building data.

Organizes the world’s facility ventilation information and makes it universally accessible and useful. Allows site visitors to enter observations when they visit facilities, enter site survey data from facility managers, enter Government certified data from sources like schools and test labs, and we do our own research to find facility ventilation data already on the web.


Smartphone App

The FVSE is currently available on all smartphone devices as a website.


FVSE - Private

This is a private version of the Facility Ventilation Search Engine software that includes the ability to add room and building ventilation data. This is for users that do not want their data on the public FVSE.

Database - For Research

The FVSE ventilation database is provided to research institutions. The database includes user observations, site survey data, and Government certified data.


Building Contagion Mitigation Certification (available now)


The Building Contagion Mitigation Certification (BCMC) Tool is a dashboard that allows building owner operators to assess Virus Mitigation Levels in their buildings and provides information to increase the Virus Mitigation Levels, if needed. The BCMC easily performs before and after analysis when upgrades are being considered so that choices can be made based on data not speculation. The BCMC Tool is particularly useful for organizations with limited budgets and resources like schools, restaurants, bars, community clubhouses because it can be used by anyone. There are no special skills that are needed other than the ability to read and the desire to do the work. Yet the BCMC Tool easily scales up to massive projects involving hundreds of buildings and thousands of rooms.

BCMC License Annual or perpetual license to use the BCMC process and system for all facilities. It is intended for organizations that will perform assessments of either their own facilities or client facilities. Contact
BCMC Software Annual or perpetual software license for the BCMC. Contact
BCMC on FVSE Your data placed on FVSE for 1 year. Contact

Other (available now)

IP Licensing & Partnerships We are looking for licensees and partners to manufacture and distribute this system. This includes the hardware, software, database, and services. For more information see our IP Description and contact us. Contact
Resellers & Agents This is a resellers license where the reseller is able to distribute any and or all of our products.


Import (services) Rather than you use the FVSE , QIDC, SVARS tools, we will import your balance reports / site surveys into our tools and generate reports that will be sent to you. The reports will include room and building certificates. Communications is via email. This is on a case by case basis.


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Source Code Project Some government customers require source code. Source code at the project level is available for purchase. There are significant restrictions. Contact
Source Code Enterprise Some government customers require source code. Source code at the Enterprise level is available for purchase. There are significant restrictions. Contact
Source Code Resale Source code is available for resale in your products. There are significant restrictions. Contact

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