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Sustainable Ventilation Assessment & Rating System (SVARS)

The Sustainable Ventilation Assessment and Rating System (SVARS) is a transparent self-reporting system to measure ventilation quality and carbon footprint sustainability performance levels for any facility and helps facilities operate at optimum levels. This includes effective operations and maintenance. The goals are to:

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The following table shows the SVARS questions, categories, maturity levels, scores, and the reasons for each question.

SVARS Questions, Categories, Maturity Levels and Scores

Assessment Items (a)




Reason for Question - Rationale

1. Does the organizations Climate Action Plan explicitly state that the ventilation requirements follow the 2023 CDC guideline to aim for 5+ ACH in all public spaces?




A CAP needs to include carbon footprint impacts on ventilation performance levels to establish not only a low carbon footprint but also a healthy ventilation future. CAP can no longer reference LEED or the ASHRAE non hospital standard for ventilation because CDC guidance is to aim for 5+ ACH in all rooms. This will stop movement towards unsafe ventilation levels when blindly reducing ventilation carbon footprints with no consideration to infection risk from low ventilation levels.

CDC May 11, 2023 . CDC May 12, 2023 . Climate Action Plans Review

Short term impacts are the Carbon footprints will increase in cases were rooms are less than 5 ACH. However, research suggests there are rooms with excessive ACH that can offset the low ventilation spaces / rooms. The Long Term Impacts are that new technologies will be investigated and part of ventilation upgrades.

For suggested CAP text see note (b).

2. Is there a course grain ventilation carbon footprint model identifying the ACH level and carbon footprint for each building?




Typically there is significant building carbon footprint data but there is no related ventilation performance levels data and ventilation carbon footprint data. The ventilation performance level data in terms of ACH is needed with the associated carbon footprint.

This is the easiest model to develop because there are simple assumptions that can be used to quickly calculate ventilation levels and ventilation power with associated carbon footprints. Will allow for what-if analysis of upgrades.

Course Grain Model (live FVSE data): Example Schools . Example Recreation Center (with carbon footprint)

Ventilation Carbon Footprint Measurement and Modeling

Short term impacts are a complete system level understanding of both carbon footprints and ventilation levels. Long term impacts are lower carbon footprint with less risk of respiratory infections.

3. Is there a fine grain ventilation carbon footprint model identifying the ACH level and carbon footprint for each space / room?




This model is more difficult to develop because it is down to the room level using the ventilation site survey. Aggregate the data to the building level and compare it with design data. Incorporate it into future Greenhouse Gas Reports. Will allow for what-if analysis of upgrades.

Fine Grain Model (live FVSE data): Example School ACH Database

Ventilation Carbon Footprint Measurement and Modeling

Short term impacts are a complete system level understanding of both carbon footprints and ventilation levels. Long term impacts are lower carbon footprint with less risk of respiratory infections.

4. Using design data has the ACH level been calculated for each space / room?




This is a quick way to get to the ACH data for each room / space. The ACH data will be used to respond to the new CAP goal of reducing carbon footprint while also ensuring minimum ACH levels are maintained.

Design Data (live FVSE data): Example Animal Hospital

Short term impacts are a full independent assessment of the ventilation systems. Long term impacts are lower carbon footprint with less risk of respiratory infections.

5. Using measured data has the ACH level been measured for each space / room?




There is design and then there is reality. The reality is what matters and is affected by real world operations, maintenance, and unintended consequences. In order to get a reasonable handle on the ventilation performance levels in the various buildings, a site survey needs to be performed to document the ventilation ACH levels in buildings. The ACH data will be used to respond to the new CAP goal of reducing carbon footprint while also ensuring minimum ACH levels are maintained.

Measured Data (live FVSE data): Example HOA Clubhouse

ACH Level Measurement Guidance

Short term impacts are a full independent assessment of the ventilation systems. Long term impacts are lower carbon footprint with less risk of respiratory infections.

6. Do the public spaces have 5+ ACH?




See #1.
7. Is there a Ventilation Quality Improvement program that uses a formal Ventilation Quality Improvement Indicator (QII)?




A ventilation QII will surface operations and maintenance issues. These issues exist and fall into 2 categories: (1) wasted energy or (2) poor ventilation causing respiratory infections.

Ventilation Quality Improvement Indicators

Short term impacts are a full independent assessment of the ventilation systems. Long term impacts are lower carbon footprint with less risk of respiratory infections.

8. Are there BAS / BMS / EMS systems in the public spaces / rooms?




These systems tend to be found in higher end facilities.
9. Do the BAS / BMS / EMS systems in the public spaces report the actual ACH levels and ventilation power usage kWh?




These systems tend to be found in special facilities like hospital intensive care units.
10. Has the Green House Report separately reported Metered Ventilation Carbon footprint?




This is a new line item in most existing Green House Reports.
11. Has the Green House Report separately reported Modeled Ventilation Carbon footprint?




See #10.
12. Has the Green House Report Identified the Average, Maximum, and Minimum ACH levels in all facilities?




See #10.
13. Is there an occupant satisfaction survey that meets or exceeds the minimum criteria specified in this SVARS?




See #7.
14. If the room ventilation is controlled by the occupants, is there a sign stating to turn the ventilation On upon room entry and Off upon room exist?




Many facilities have on-demand HVAC systems where the fans only run while maintaining temperature. These same facilities have room thermostats with a fan switch that allows room occupants to turn on the fan and ventilate the room regardless of temperature. Few room attendants know that they must turn on the fan upon entry into the room.
15. Is there a ventilation carbon footprint training session and or guidelines provided to all employees and room leaders using the room for an event?




See #14.

There is a general lack of ventilation knowledge:

There needs to be new formal education courses:

16. Does each room have a ventilation certificate showing the room name, room size (area and height), room CFM, room ACH, date, and inspection authority?




Disclosure is rated as a very high maturity level because it indicates that all the underlying data has been collected and it is relatively easy to then respond to the other SVARS questions. It is just a matter of organizing and providing the responses to the other SVARS questions. So it is possible that there is a high maturity level but low SVARS score.
17. Are the ACH levels of the rooms posted on the public Internet for public viewing?




See #16.
18. Does each facility have a ventilation certificate showing the building name, min ACH, avg ACH, max ACH, date, and inspection authority?




See #16.
19. Are the ACH levels of the facility posted on the public Internet for public viewing?




See #16.


(a) Definitions and Acronyms

  1. ACH: Air changes per hour is the number of air changes that happens in a room. For example 1 ACH will change the room air once per hour. The ACH is related to the time it takes to change the room air. For example ACH = 1 takes 60 minutes to change the air. For example changing the air every 3 minutes is equal to 20 ACH; ACH = 60/3. As per the CDC 2024 guidelines, this a combination of fresh air supply, filtration, and air treatment.
  2. BAS: A Building Automation System is a computer based system that is used in the building to automate functions. This system is intended to automate controls such as ventilation, protection, lighting, and power. This is useful for emergency procedures because it allows for improved reaction to incidents such as fire alarms, security breaches, air conditioning issues, etc. An example of an automatic fire safety system may be to make the elevators turn off safely at the ground floor, so that no one can access them in the event of a building fire. It also can be programmed for versatility and power for rooms.
  3. BMS: A Building Management System is synonymous with the Building Automation System (BAS).
  4. CFM: Cubic feet per minute is the amount of air coming from a vent in 1 minute.
  5. EMS: Energy Management Systems are computer based systems that measure energy consumption and look for spaces where energy efficiency could be improved. Among other items, energy management systems can be used to track device level equipment such as HVAC units and lighting systems centrally across various locations. EMS offers an overall image of energy usage and when an issue occurs there is the ability to zoom in to data at the system level. Energy management systems may have the ability to calculate, send and track functions that allow managers of facilities and buildings to obtain data and information that enables them to make more informed decisions about energy activities across their sites.

(b) Suggested CAP text: There is a direct relationship between ventilation levels, risk of airborne infections, and carbon footprint. This CAP meets the CDC guidelines for ventilation to aim to deliver 5 or more Air Changes Per Hour (ACH) of clean air to all rooms / spaces in our building(s). A combination of air supply, filtration, and air treatment are used to reach this target of 5+ ACH. To implement these guidelines the following key systems elements have been adopted:

  1. Periodic ventilation site surveys that capture all rooms / spaces ACH levels
  2. Model to understand the carbon footprint attributed to ventilation
  3. Annual Greenhouse Gas Inventory report that identifies ventilation carbon footprint and ACH levels
  4. Internal program to assess and upgrade ventilation systems
  5. Ventilation Quality Improvement program with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly assessments
  6. Ventilation levels pubic disclosure
  7. Internet crowd sourced Facility Ventilation Occupant Observations

Example Search

Example Report

Many will be overwhelmed by the SVARS questions and that is to be expected. This is a new challenge and to address the challenge will require significant change in the mindsets of everyone. It is similar to the sustainability challenges that existed in 2006. Climate change and facility ventilation share the same characteristics of being distant, invisible, and seeming to not directly affect the individual. Climate change has massive evidence presented in the public media that something is happening. It is easy for people to see and process the images of the negative effects of climate change. Facility ventilation has massive scientific and empirical evidence but it is not in the public media. The only aspect that is in the public media is the COVID-19 disaster. Ventilation to minimize the risk of airborne contagions is not in the mass mind or in the people charged with designing, operating, and maintaining facilities. Ventilation is viewed only from the comfort level perspective of temperature and humidity.


In 2006 Cassbeth began to investigate Global Warming and it was soon determined that the context diagram was too small and the system boundary was expanded to Sustainability, but the core of the sustainability work was always driven by the elephant in the room - Global Warming. Today the phrase is Climate Change and it suggests that the challenge is not only to reduce global warming but also to deal with the reality that the climate is changing and that change will cause system instability that must be addressed. In 2020 Cassbeth began to investigate building ventilation because of the COVID-19 disaster. In 2024 Cassbeth observed a connection between the challenges associated with Climate Change and facility ventilation.

To deal with Climate Change many are developing Climate Action Plans (CAP). This is a document for measuring, tracking, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adopting climate adaptation measures. The document is used to guide policy makers in addressing the impact of climate change in their communities. It includes targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and detailed steps for meeting and tracking the targets. The plans focus on implementing actions that will achieve emissions reductions in the most cost effective way possible. Building ventilation has a carbon footprint and we know from the COVID-19 disaster that poor building ventilation leads to respiratory infections that will kill or lead to lost health. This is a serious systems tradeoff challenge: Ventilation Carbon Footprint Vs. Health or Ventilation Carbon Footprint Vs. Climate Disasters. While supporting a CAP activity Cassbeth observed this connection between Ventilation Carbon Footprint vs Ventilation Levels vs Risk of Infection from Airborne Contagions. The SVARS is offered to deal with this serious connection. It is about Building Ventilation Levels and Minimal Carbon Footprint.

Cassbeth has a database of a few thousand buildings and has developed and offers a Facility Ventilation Search Engine (FVSE - 2022) to search and update this database. The FVSE reports ventilation data and a modeled ventilation carbon footprint for various facilities. The FVSE was inspired by the Building Contagion Mitigation Certification tool (BCMC - 2021) developed during the COVID-19 disaster. The BCMC allows users to capture their ventilation data, perform what-if analysis, provide a rating, and print certificates. While the BCMC captures a large amount of data it has been overcome by the FVSE which captures less data but is more manageable from a users perspective.

While FVSE captures both ventilation and modeled carbon footprint data that can be used for a sustainable ventilation assessment and rating system, it only provides a ventilation level rating and does not include a rating that is part of the reduced carbon footprint challenges found in Climate Action Plans. The SVARS focuses exclusively on asking key ventilation and climate change plan questions that are part of key categories and applies a Maturity Level and Score. It is also structured so that it can be incorporated into other climate change rating systems.

Contrary to what most assume, COVID-19 research from a systems perspective suggests that healthy ventilation is a serious challenge mostly because we take our ventilation systems for granted. It was only because of COVID-19 that we started to think about our ventilation systems and the role they play in reducing the risk of infection from airborne contagions.

The importance and relevance of SVARS is significant. The COVID-19 disaster resulted in over 1 million people dying in the United States alone and it shutdown the country for 2 years. It has been 100 years since the country experienced such an epidemic and a key question is why. Some research suggests that because we have been reducing facility ventilation rates since the first energy crisis in the 1970's and mismanaging our ventilation systems, we reached a tipping point where airborne respiratory infections could take root and lead to a massive epidemic. This will be studied for decades.

Today we need to start to ensure that our ventilation systems are effective at reducing the risk of airborne respiratory infection and preventing future epidemics all as part of the additional need to minimize ventilation carbon footprints. This is a serious systems tradeoff challenge: Ventilation Carbon Footprint Vs. Health or Ventilation Carbon Footprint Vs. Climate Disasters. From a systems perspective, the goal is to reduce carbon footprint but not at the cost of lost health or epidemics. The current generation cannot ignore this connection.


Related Information

Authored Books currently used in University Level systems engineering courses:

  1. COVID-19 A Systems Perspective, Walter Sobkiw, 2020. 648 pgs.
  2. Privatization A Systems Perspective, Walter Sobkiw, 2019. 612 pgs.
  3. Systems Engineering Design Renaissance, Walter Sobkiw, 2014. 604 pgs.
  4. Systems Practices as Common Sense, Walter Sobkiw, 2011, 2020. 738 pgs.
  5. Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering, Walter Sobkiw, 2008. 152 pgs.

This research is being performed using the memex. The memex was first conceived in 1945 in a paper called As We May Think. Since 1945 generations of engineers and scientists have worked tirelessly to make the memex a reality and you know it as the Internet. Its original purpose was to Educate and perform Research. E-commerce and social media came much later and many that used the Internet for Research and Education have died. The memex was used by engineers, scientists, and healthcare professionals from around the world to deal with the COVID-19 disaster in real time. Please forward the information on this page to everyone everywhere.

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