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US Government Privatization Unintended Consequences


The effort to privatize United States Government assets and functions was initiated with Executive Order 12607 President's Commission on Privatization. It resulted in the 1988 report, Privatization: Toward More Effective Government. In 1992 Executive Order 12803 Infrastructure Privatization provided additional guidance on privatizing US Government assets and functions. This is in contrast to the policy that existed from 1945 to 1987 which was set in many ways by a key report called Science the Endless Frontier. There is now sufficient empirical data to compare what happened between 1945 to 1987 and 1987 to 2018. The data suggests that privatization has led to systemic government shutdowns and other negative unintended consequences. This report provides some history, offers a systems view of the situation, identifies unintended consequences, makes comparisons between the two time frames, and offers recommendations for moving forward in this new century.

US Government Privatization Unintended Consequences
US Government Privatization Unintended Consequences This is the ebook version and it is offered as part of the historical record

There is related analysis as follows:

In 2017 there was significant pressure to fully privatize the FAA.  The question of full privatization was analyzed from a Systems Engineering Perspective and a report was prepared for consideration and provided to multiple stakeholders in and out of government. FAA Privatization.

In 2018-2019 the United States Government went into another shutdown due to budget issues directly related to the role of government. A Systems Engineering Perspective was used to perform the analysis and it became clear that a key stakeholder was left out of the entire shutdown and recovery activities, the new privatized workforce. The question is - what are the impacts of the shutdown on the existing privatized workforce. This issue has been fully ignored by all parties. A report was prepared for consideration. Privatization Effects during Government Shutdowns.

The current state of US Air Travel is not good. Everyone knows this yet nothing is happening to correct the situation. The decline in US Air Travel has taken decades but now we have reached a point where the system is in serious trouble. This analysis takes a systems perspective and reports on the condition of the US Air Travel Transportation System, how we may have arrived at this point and then offers potential suggestions for moving forward in a positive direction. The Current State of US Air Travel in 2019.

Privatization Links

Privatization Source
Privatization Toward More Effective Government (President Reagan PDF)

This content was expanded and moved into this book.

Copyright 2019. This content may be freely distributed and referenced as long as the author is clearly identified. When using this paper for critical review or significant meetings the author requests that he be contacted and made aware of the events.