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EarthlingsUnited welcomes you to web site development tutorial. This is the most comprehensive e-commerce site development tutorial you will find anywhere at any price. This one is free. |
Day 1: Web Development Tools |
Class Goals
Transferring your web site to a web server for access by anyone on the Internet is referred to as publishing. Once you have developed a small web site on your local PC you are ready to publish it on a web server. If you have an ISP, you probably have access to 8-10 MB of web storage for a small web site. There are also a number free communities geocities that allow you to publish your web site.
The following steps apply to publishing your web pages on your own UNIX server.
Some ISPs make you go through
an entire process to enable FTP and telnet operations. Read their local
procedures and if you must, do not be shy about calling their help lines.
To connect, type in www.yourisp.com in the <profile > text field. Select
<HOST Type> UNIX then enter your user <name> and
<password>. Everything is case sensitive. Select <advanced> and
verify that <retry> is 0, <timeout> is 165, and <port>
is 21. Everything else should be unchecked and blank.
Disregard this step if you
are working for the first time at home with your ISP. Once you are happy
with your first "index.html" page, telnet into your server. Verify that you
can log in. If so create a "public_html" directory.
Do this by entering <mkdir public_html>
Verify that you have created the directory by entering <ls -al>
While examining the directory contents note the file permissions
Log off
Use your FTP tool to FTP
into your server. Select the ASCII option on the FTP tool and transfer your
web pages to the "public_html" directory. Use the FTP tool to create your
public_html directory if it is not currently visible. If you have subdirectories,
use the FTP tool to create subdirectories and place the files in the proper
areas. If you have images that need transferring, select the BINARY option
on the FTP tool and transfer the images.
Warning, transferring HTML
in binary will insert nasty control M (^M) characters which is ok for HTML,
but very bad for scripts that you will later develop. Get in the habit of
transferring everything in ASCII except for images, executables, and .doc
.xls .zip and other files, which must be transferred in binary. Some FTP
programs have an automatic feature. Be careful, these automatic features
examine the extension to determine how the file should be transferred. Make
sure the automatic feature is properly configured.
Web Servers
The most popular web server on the Internet is the Apache Server which runs on UNIX and its different flavors such as Solaris, and Linux. The web server assembles your HTML page and makes it available to the client. This assembly can include simple HTML pages, dynamically composed pages, or pages that use server side includes.
There are other servers including WindowNT. The bottomline is that they don't work well. Most of the scripts / software that make the Internet go use UNIX and the CGI services that are closely coupled with Apache. Also, if you depart from PERL you are on your own. The amount of shareware associated with PERL is huge. It is also closely coupled to the CGI. If you attempt to go with an ISP that does not use UNIX / Apache, you are on your own.
WorldWideWeb In October 1994, Tim Berners-Lee,
inventor of the Web, founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
CommonGatewayInterface The
Common Gateway Interface, or CGI, is a standard for external gateway programs
to interface with information servers such as HTTP servers.
Apache Configuration
including the .htaccess file
Example .htaccess File
<Files .htaccess> Order allow,deny Deny from all </Files> AddType text/x-server-parsed-html .shtml AddType text/x-server-parsed-html .html AddType application/x-httpd-cgi .cgi AddType application/x-httpd-cgi .pl AddType application/octet-stream .exe AddType application/octet-stream exe AddType application/octet-stream doc AddType application/msword doc AddType application/octet-stream xls AddType application/excel xls AddType application/octet-stream .bmp # domain name redirect RedirectPermanent /~cassbeth http://www.cassbeth.com # Site directory changes RedirectPermanent /books/dvd-videos http://www.cassbeth.com/dvd-videos RedirectPermanent /books/music-cd http://www.cassbeth.com/music-cd # Error Redirects ErrorDocument 400 http://www.cassbeth.com ErrorDocument 401 http://www.cassbeth.com ErrorDocument 403 http://www.cassbeth.com ErrorDocument 404 http://www.cassbeth.com # ErrorDocument 500 http://www.cassbeth.com #Successful Client Requests # 200 OK # 201 Created # 202 Accepted # 203 Non-Authorative Information # 204 No Content # 205 Reset Content # 206 Partial Content # Client Request Errors # 400 Bad Request # 401 Authorization Required # 402 Payment Required (not used yet) # 403 Forbidden # 404 Not Found # 405 Method Not Allowed # 406 Not Acceptable (encoding) # 407 Proxy Authentication Required # 408 Request Timed Out # 409 Conflicting Request # 410 Gone # 411 Content Length Required # 412 Precondition Failed # 413 Request Entity Too Long # 414 Request URI Too Long # 415 Unsupported Media Type # Server Errors # 500 Internal Server Error # 501 Not Implemented # 502 Bad Gateway # 503 Service Unavailable # 504 Gateway Timeout # 505 HTTP Version Not Supported
An Apache Web Server For Your PC
If you haven't done so yet, download and install IndigoPerl.
Unzip and install the download
Exit all browsers including this one - copy this stuff to note pad
From your start menu select => IndigoPerl => Start Apache
This will open a DOS window
The DOS session should stay open either as a window or as an icon
From your start menu select =>IndigoPerl => Perl Console
Once the Perl Console is started your default browser opens
At this point you can open browsers to also access the Internet
For whatever reason, you must fire up the Perl Console before you open any other browser or IndigoPerl will not work properly
Once http://localhost:4444/html/ opens up, go to http://localhost:4444/ and run the Perl scripts. If they work then all is well. If you have a problem go to C:/Perl/Logs and check out your error-log file. Some versions of Win95 need to be updated to WinSocks 2. This download is available from Billys site www.microsoft.com.
Netscape Server
Do not confuse this with Apache. Its close, but not the same.
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