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Data Visualization Analysis (DVA)

DVA allows you to visualize and analyze any data. It does not matter if the data is in rows and columns or if the data is a report with no structure other than labels and their entries. From web server logs to 1000 page free form reports output from legacy systems, DVA will provide you will insights you can not imagine.

Your data can be coming from Excel, Access, Oracle, Crystal Reports, web server logs, engineering tools, or any other thing where you have data that you need to visualize and analyze be it in relational database management (RDBMS) formats or just globs of unstructured data.

Point to your file / document location and press submit.

As you mine your data you can use words or powerful regular expressions.

If structured data, select your parse options: comma, tab, pipe, etc. If you don't have column names, DVA numbers them for you.

If unstructured data, enter your form / report titles containing the data and your start of record like ID: or NAME: or etc. This is a good example of using regular expressions. You don't want to type 50 titles when one simple regular expression will do the job. We give you examples to get you going.

Too much information, no problem, enable and disable the fields you need to accomplish your analysis and study.

Need to count, enter patterns you want to count. This is another good example of using regular expressions. We give you examples to get you going.

Need to count things in a column, select the column and pick either count phrases or words in the column.

Use the access and reject text fields to look at only the data you are interested in reviewing. This will probably be words rather than regular expressions.

Use the color setting to set the font and background color of items containing search words to identify.

Best of all you can save your settings as a template and re-run the analysis on new data. You can build up whole libraries of different analysis visualization sessions and re-run them whenever you decide (daily, weekly, monthly, etc).

The beauty of DVA is its ability for you to define your own visualization rules. It comes preloaded with a set of rules that allow you to immediately start your studies while at the same time providing you with real world examples to help you synthesize your special rules for your world.

Sample Report 1 now press link 23 in the All Words report area 

Sample Report 2 so you check boxes, click links, use colors and fly.

Remember if you put titles in your structured reports all those check boxes will be named with your titles. In the Unstructured reports your titles come from your free form report.

Note none of the links are live in the sample reports.

DVA Theory

DVA is based on SAT technologies, an engineering tool.

It is a process and method instantiated with Internet technologies to analyze stuff. It is not unlike an Internet search engine, however instead of returning web pages, DVA returns lines of text from a something under analysis. It begins with pointing to a data file, subjecting the data to an engine, and directing the engine to process the data based on user defined rules similar to Internet search engines. The user fills in search criteria and checks some boxes. Our products share a common characteristic; the potential need for someone to process documents and data based on rules.



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